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Play snake with your friends!

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License: GPLv3 (see file)


  • ...


This is a monorepo with three components:

  • Game server


    • Python ^3.11 or Docker CLI
  • Game client


    • Python ^3.11
    • POSIX OS (terminal with curses support)
  • Web frontend


    • A modern browser supported by Vue.js

The game server and client are packaged together as a Python module. Uvicorn (with FastAPI integration) is the web server, providing a WebSockets endpoint for game client communications and a RESTful API for the web frontend.

Starting the server (local)

It is customary to utilize Python's virtualization facilities to avoid dependency conflicts.

  1. To create and enter a virtual Python environment, run

    $ cd src/server
    $ python3 -m venv .venv
    $ source .venv/bin/activate
  2. To install all dependencies in the virtual environment, run

    $ pip install -r requirements.txt

    From here, you are able to run the Snake-M client or server.

  3. To exit the virtual environment, run

    $ deactivate

To start the server from the Python virtual environment, run

$ uvicorn --host --port 9000 --log-level debug --reload

Starting the server (container)

To build and run the server in a Docker container, run

$ cd src/server
$ sudo docker build -t snakem:latest .
$ sudo docker run --rm -it -p 9000:9000/tcp --name snakem snakem:latest

To get the container IP address and port, run

$ sudo docker inspect -f '{{range.NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' snakem

Starting the client

First ensure SERVER_HOST in src/server/snakem/config/ has the right server IP address and port.

To start the client, run

$ cd src/server
$ python3 -m

Starting the web app

First ensure __SERVER_URL__ in src/web/vite.config.js has the right server IP address.

$ cd src/web
$ npm run dev

Debugging (VS Code)

  1. Install the recommended extensions (see .vscode/extensions.json).

  2. Open the Command Palette and execute python.setInterpreter. Select the interpreter installed in the virtual environment location (src/server/.venv/bin/python).

  3. In the Run and Debug view, launch either

    • snakem server (local)
    • snakem client (local)

Deploy your own (DigitalOcean)

This repository provides a configuration template for DigitalOcean's App Platform. You can launch your own Snake-M server in the cloud in a couple of clicks with the button below.

Deploy to DO


The snake favicon (src/web/public/favicon/favicon.ico and accompanying files) and other emojis are used under the CC-BY 4.0 license from the twemoji project.

Contributors 2