Implementing a custom DNS resolver in Go to learn about DNS protocol and networking in Go.
Coding challenge:
sharranm@2184-X1 ~/p/p/l/p/dns-resolve> ./dns-resolve main-?
2024/05/18 18:01:43 DNS message (hex): 00160100000100000000000003646e7306676f6f676c6503636f6d0000010001
2024/05/18 18:01:43 Dialing Google's public DNS server at
2024/05/18 18:01:43 > Sending message to Google's public DNS server
2024/05/18 18:01:43 > Sent 32 bytes
2024/05/18 18:01:43 < Reading response from Google's public DNS server
2024/05/18 18:01:44 < Read 64 bytes
2024/05/18 18:01:44 Response: 00168180000100020000000003646e7306676f6f676c6503636f6d0000010001c00c000100010000002a000408080404c00c000100010000002a000408080808