This document describes prerequisites, installation, configuration, startup and post-install sanity checking for Zonemaster::Backend. The final section wraps up with a few pointer to interfaces for Zonemaster::Backend. For an overview of the Zonemaster product, please see the main Zonemaster Repository.
Before installing Zonemaster::Backend, you should install Zonemaster::Engine.
Note: Zonemaster::Engine and Zonemaster::LDNS are dependencies of Zonemaster::Backend. Zonemaster::LDNS has a special installation requirement, and Zonemaster::Engine has a list of dependencies that you may prefer to install from your operating system distribution (rather than CPAN). We recommend following the Zonemaster::Engine installation instruction.
For details on supported versions of Perl, database engine and operating system for Zonemaster::Backend, see the declaration of prerequisites.
Note: In addition to the normal dependencies, the post-installation sanity check instruction assumes that you have curl installed.
This instruction covers the following operating systems:
Note: Zonemaster::LDNS and Zonemaster::Engine are not listed here as they are dealt with in the prerequisites section.
Install dependencies available from binary packages:
sudo yum install perl-Module-Install perl-IO-CaptureOutput perl-String-ShellQuote
Install dependencies not available from binary packages:
sudo cpan -i Config::IniFiles Daemon::Control JSON::RPC::Dispatch Parallel::ForkManager Plack::Builder Plack::Middleware::Debug Router::Simple::Declare Starman
Install Zonemaster::Backend:
sudo cpan -i Zonemaster::Backend
The command above might try to install "DBD::Pg" and "DBD::mysql". You can ignore if it fails. The relevant libraries are installed further down in these instructions.
Add Zonemaster user:
sudo useradd -r -c "Zonemaster daemon user" zonemaster
Check the declaration of prerequisites to make sure your preferred combination of operating system version and database engine version is supported.
Install files to their proper locations:
cd `perl -MFile::ShareDir -le 'print File::ShareDir::dist_dir("Zonemaster-Backend")'`
sudo install -d /etc/zonemaster
sudo install --mode=755 ./backend_config.ini /etc/zonemaster/
sudo install --mode=755 ./ /etc/init.d/
mkdir "$HOME/logs"
Configure Zonemaster::Backend to use the correct database engine:
sudo sed -i '/\bengine\b/ s/=.*/=MySQL/' /etc/zonemaster/backend_config.ini
Install, configure and start database engine (and Perl bindings):
sudo rpm -ivh
sudo yum install mysql-server perl-DBD-mysql
sudo systemctl start mysqld
Verify that MySQL has started:
service mysqld status
Initialize the database:
mysql --user=root --password < ./initial-mysql.sql
Note: This creates a database called
, as well as a user called "zonemaster" with the password "zonemaster" (as stated in the config file). This user has just enough permissions to run the backend software.Only run this command during an initial installation of the Zonemaster backend. If you do this on an existing system, you will wipe out the data in your database.
Install files to their proper locations:
cd `perl -MFile::ShareDir -le 'print File::ShareDir::dist_dir("Zonemaster-Backend")'`
sudo install -d /etc/zonemaster
sudo install --mode=755 ./backend_config.ini /etc/zonemaster/
sudo install --mode=755 ./ /etc/init.d/
mkdir "$HOME/logs"
Configure Zonemaster::Backend to use the correct database engine:
sudo sed -i '/\bengine\b/ s/=.*/=PostgreSQL/' /etc/zonemaster/backend_config.ini
Add PostgreSQL package repository needed to get the appropriate PostgreSQL binary package
sudo rpm -iUvh
Install the PostgreSQL packages:
sudo yum -y install postgresql93 postgresql93-server postgresql93-contrib postgresql93-libs postgresql93-devel perl-DBD-Pg
To enable PostgreSQL from boot:
sudo systemctl enable postgresql-9.3
Initialise PostgreSQL:
sudo /usr/pgsql-9.3/bin/postgresql93-setup initdb
# In the below file modify all instances of "ident" to "md5"
sudoedit /var/lib/pgsql/9.3/data/pg_hba.conf
Start PostgreSQL:
sudo systemctl start postgresql-9.3
Verify PostgreSQL has started:
sudo systemctl status postgresql-9.3
Initialize Zonemaster database:
sudo -u postgres psql -f ./initial-postgres.sql
Note: This creates a database called
, as well as a user called "zonemaster" with the password "zonemaster" (as stated in the config file). This user has just enough permissions to run the backend software.
At this time there is no instruction for using SQLite on CentOS.
Start the service:
sudo /etc/init.d/ start
Check that the service has started:
sudo /etc/init.d/ status
If you followed this instructions to the letter, you should be able to use the API on localhost port 5000, like this:
curl -s -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"version_info","id":"1"}' http://localhost:5000/ && echo
The command is expected to give an immediate JSON response similiar to :
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "result": { "zonemaster_backend": "1.0.7", "zonemaster_engine": "v1.0.14" } }
Note: Zonemaster::LDNS and Zonemaster::Engine are not listed here as they are dealt with in the prerequisites section.
Install dependencies available from binary packages:
sudo apt-get install libclass-method-modifiers-perl libconfig-inifiles-perl libdaemon-control-perl libdata-dump-perl libdbd-sqlite3-perl libdbi-perl libfile-sharedir-perl libfile-slurp-perl libhtml-parser-perl libintl-perl libio-captureoutput-perl libjson-pp-perl libmoose-perl libplack-perl librouter-simple-perl libstring-shellquote-perl libtest-requires-perl libtest-warn-perl libtext-microtemplate-perl libtie-simple-perl starman
Install dependencies not available from binary packages:
sudo cpan -i JSON::RPC Plack::Middleware::Debug Parallel::ForkManager Net::IP::XS
Install Zonemaster::Backend:
sudo cpan -i Zonemaster::Backend
The command above might try to install "DBD::Pg" and "DBD::mysql". You can ignore if it fails. The relevant libraries are installed further down in these instructions.
Check the declaration of prerequisites to make sure your preferred combination of operating system version and database engine version is supported.
Install files to their proper locations:
cd `perl -MFile::ShareDir -le 'print File::ShareDir::dist_dir("Zonemaster-Backend")'`
sudo install -d /etc/zonemaster
sudo install --mode=755 ./backend_config.ini /etc/zonemaster/
sudo install --mode=755 ./ /etc/init.d/
mkdir "$HOME/logs"
Configure Zonemaster::Backend to use the correct database engine:
sudo sed -i '/\bengine\b/ s/=.*/=MySQL/' /etc/zonemaster/backend_config.ini
Install the database engine and its dependencies:
sudo apt-get install mysql-server libdbd-mysql-perl
Initialize the database:
mysql --user=root --password < ./initial-mysql.sql
Note: This creates a database called
, as well as a user called "zonemaster" with the password "zonemaster" (as stated in the config file). This user has just enough permissions to run the backend software.Only run this command during an initial installation of the Zonemaster backend. If you do this on an existing system, you will wipe out the data in your database.
Install files to their proper locations:
cd `perl -MFile::ShareDir -le 'print File::ShareDir::dist_dir("Zonemaster-Backend")'`
sudo install -d /etc/zonemaster
sudo install --mode=755 ./backend_config.ini /etc/zonemaster/
sudo install --mode=755 ./ /etc/init.d/
mkdir "$HOME/logs"
Configure Zonemaster::Backend to use the correct database engine:
sudo sed -i '/\bengine\b/ s/=.*/=PostgreSQL/' /etc/zonemaster/backend_config.ini
The following block of commands is for Debian 7 only. For all others, go to the step of installing database engine. First create or edit Debian 7 sources list file. Then fetch and import the repository signing key. And finally update the package lists.
echo -e "\ndeb wheezy-pgdg main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list
wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get update
For all versions of Debian and Ubuntu, install, configure and start database engine (and Perl bindings):
sudo apt-get install libdbd-pg-perl postgresql
Check that you have a PostgreSQL installation 9.2 or later. The version should also match the supported database engine version depending on OS found in Zonemaster/README.
psql --version
Initialize the database:
sudo -u postgres psql -f ./initial-postgres.sql
Note: This creates a database called
, as well as a user called "zonemaster" with the password "zonemaster" (as stated in the config file). This user has just enough permissions to run the backend software.
At this time there is no instruction for configuring/creating a database in SQLite
to start up script:
sudo update-rc.d defaults
Start the service:
sudo service start
Check that the service has started:
sudo service status
If you followed this instructions to the letter, you should be able to use the API on localhost port 5000, like this:
curl -s -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"version_info","id":"1"}' http://localhost:5000/ && echo
The command is expected to give an immediate JSON response similiar to:
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "result": { "zonemaster_backend": "1.0.7", "zonemaster_engine": "v1.0.14" } }
For all commands below, acquire privileges, i.e. become root:
su -l
Note: Zonemaster::LDNS and Zonemaster::Engine are not listed here as they are dealt with in the prerequisites section.
Install dependencies available from binary packages:
pkg install p5-Config-IniFiles p5-Daemon-Control p5-DBI p5-File-ShareDir p5-File-Slurp p5-HTML-Parser p5-IO-CaptureOutput p5-JSON-PP p5-JSON-RPC p5-Locale-libintl p5-Moose p5-Parallel-ForkManager p5-Plack p5-Plack-Middleware-Debug p5-Router-Simple p5-Starman p5-String-ShellQuote
Install dependencies not available from binary packages:
cpan -i Net::IP::XS
Install Zonemaster::Backend:
cpan -i Zonemaster::Backend
The command above might try to install "DBD::Pg" and "DBD::mysql". You can ignore if it fails. The relevant libraries are installed further down in these instructions.
Check the declaration of prerequisites to make sure your preferred combination of operating system version and database engine version is supported.
Install files to their proper locations:
cd `perl -MFile::ShareDir -le 'print File::ShareDir::dist_dir("Zonemaster-Backend")'`
install -d /etc/zonemaster
install -m 644 ./backend_config.ini /etc/zonemaster/
mkdir "$HOME/logs"
Configure Zonemaster::Backend to use the correct database engine:
sed -i '/\bengine\b/ s/=.*/=MySQL/' /usr/local/etc/zonemaster/backend_config.ini
Install, configure and start database engine (and Perl bindings):
pkg install mysql56-server p5-DBD-mysql
echo 'mysql_enable="YES"' | tee -a /etc/rc.conf
service mysql-server start
Initialize the database:
mysql < ./initial-mysql.sql
Note: This creates a database called
, as well as a user called "zonemaster" with the password "zonemaster" (as stated in the config file). This user has just enough permissions to run the backend software.Only run this command during an initial installation of the Zonemaster backend. If you do this on an existing system, you will wipe out the data in your database.
Install files to their proper locations:
cd `perl -MFile::ShareDir -le 'print File::ShareDir::dist_dir("Zonemaster-Backend")'`
install -d /etc/zonemaster
install -m 644 ./backend_config.ini /etc/zonemaster/
mkdir "$HOME/logs"
Configure Zonemaster::Backend to use the correct database engine:
sed -i '/\bengine\b/ s/=.*/=PostgreSQL/' /usr/local/etc/zonemaster/backend_config.ini
Install, configure and start database engine (and Perl bindings):
pkg install postgresql95-server p5-DBD-Pg
echo 'postgresql_enable="YES"' | tee -a /etc/rc.conf
service postgresql initdb
service postgresql start
ToDo: Add instruction about the
Initialize the database:
psql -U pgsql -f ./initial-postgres.sql template1
At this time there is no instruction for configuring and creating a database in SQLite.
At this time there is no instruction for automatically running Zonemaster Web backends nor Workers as services on FreeBSD.
starman --error-log="$HOME/logs/error.log" --pid-file="$HOME/logs/" --listen= --daemonize /usr/local/bin/zonemaster_backend_rpcapi.psgi
zonemaster_backend_testagent start
If you followed this instructions to the letter, you should be able to use the API on localhost port 5000, like this:
curl -s -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"version_info","id":"1"}' http://localhost:5000/ && echo
The command is expected to give an immediate JSON response similiar to :
{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 1, "result": { "zonemaster_backend": "1.0.7", "zonemaster_engine": "v1.0.14" } }
Use the procedure for installation on Debian.
- For a web interface, follow the Zonemaster::GUI installation instructions.
- For a command line interface, follow the Zonemaster::CLI installation instruction.
- For a JSON-RPC API, see the Zonemaster::Backend JSON-RPC API documentation.
If, at some point, you want to delete all traces of Zonemaster in the database,
you can run the file cleanup-mysql.sql
or file cleanup-postgres.sql
as a database administrator. Commands
for locating and running the file are below. It removes the user and drops the
database (obviously taking all data with it).
cd `perl -MFile::ShareDir -le 'print File::ShareDir::dist_dir("Zonemaster-Backend")'`
mysql --user=root --password < ./cleanup-mysql.sql
cd `perl -MFile::ShareDir -le 'print File::ShareDir::dist_dir("Zonemaster-Backend")'`
sudo -u postgres psql -f ./cleanup-postgres.sql # MUST BE VERIFIED!
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Copyright (c) 2013 - 2017, AFNIC
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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