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Week 6 Home

U2.W6: Create a BoggleBoard Class

Learning Competencies

  • Create, access, and traverse nested data structures
  • Implement a basic Ruby class and identify when to use instance variables


Create a class BoggleBoard that includes the functionality of your methods from the Boggle Board challenge you completed last week.

To do this, take a look at the methods you've created. How can they be integrated into your BoggleBoard class? What needs to change?

Release 0: Create a new board

Transform your Driver Test Code so that it creates a new board object. You'll need to pass the original 2D array as an argument. (Let's call that dice_grid because boggle_board is going to be its own object now!) This is already in your solution file. How does the boggle_board object hold the dice_grid?

Release 1: Implement your methods

One method at a time, create a test to access your new boggle_board object. The first method should be #create_word. (Don't get thrown off with the #method_name syntax, using # before a method name is a ruby convention.) Write out a test with it's expectation in a comment, and then create the method in the BoggleBoard class. Try these coordinates: (1,2), (1,1), (2,1), (3,2).

Then, write methods for #get_row and #get_col. Can you interact with the boggle_board object and get the values you expect? Now print out all the rows and columns of the board as strings. You should end up with 8 four letter words. Are there any real words shown? Add your total output as a comment in your gist.

Release 2: Access the coordinates

Now write some driver code to access an individual coordinate in your boggle_board object. Make this as simple as possible. Can you access the "k" character at row 3 column 2?

Release 3: Refactor

Release 4: Reflect

You just made a transition from procedural programming to object-oriented programming! How is the implementation different? What are the benefits to using the Object Oriented approach (even if it is a bit more code?) Make sure to include your reflection in your gist.

Release 5: Push your solution to Github

Release 6: Review

Write feedback for at least two other solutions!

Optimize your Learning (Optional)

###Create a #get_diagonal method Just like the #get_col or #get_row method, the #get_diagonal method should return an array of values, but it will need 2 coordinates entered to define the diagonal. Error checking to make sure the coordinates are actually a diagonal would probably be a good idea.