- Explain the symptoms and consequences of stereotype threat
- Create strategies for combating stereotype threat
Create a new HTML file in your [USERNAME].github.io website. Name it week6_cultural_blog.html
. Copy the Code from your blog_template
Claude M. Steele has spent his life researching minority underachievement and developed a theory called "Stereotype Threat." Conduct your own research about stereotype threat. Identify times when you felt it. How did it affect your achievement? What questions did you ask yourself? Did you feel it physically?
- Whistling Vivaldi (book) - If you have quite a bit of time
- Identity and Stereotype Threat (video) - Start at 7:30
- What is Stereotype Threat?
- The Stereotype Threat to Workplace Diversity
- Thin Ice: Stereotype Threat and Black College Students
In your post, describe your experiences with stereotype threat and how it affected you. Then identify what you plan to do when you feel stereotype threat or suspect someone else is feeling it. How will you create meaningful feedback or ask for feedback? How will you work to change the environment you're in to make it more welcoming? How will you address it in public?
Go into as much depth feels comfortable for you.
Link to your blog on the index of your site and push your changes.
Make sure the index of your site is maintained, nice, and professional. This is your face in the online community, so make it nice!
Share your blog on the google+ community under "Blog Posts!" Read others and see if you agree or disagree. Start a discussion on this topic. Consider sharing your blog post on Reddit as well.