A small, basic tool to replay requests from a HTTP Archive (HAR) file for testing purposes.
based on this repo with some improvements.
git clone https://github.com/kkovacs/har-replay
cd har-replay
npm update
./main.js -f <filename.har>
Usage: main.js [options]
-h, --help output usage information
-s, --site <site> only fire requests that are for this domain (ignore everything else)
-f, --file <file> HAR file to replay
-r, --repeat <times> times to repeat
-g, --regex <regex> filter requests by regex
-i, --ignore-https-errors ignore https errors
-H, --override-headers-file <file> override headers (in json file)
./main.js -f ~/somedomain.com_perftest.har -r 100 -g 'somedomain.com\/api'
- repeat 100 times each request and only execute requests which contain somedomain.com/api
in url.