Git is a locally stored platform which has a versioning system
To initialise git
git init
git add filename
To commit ( Consider why, how, effects, limitations while writing the meaningful message)
git commit -m "meaning ful message"
Things to take care:
Dont do double
git init
dont move any sub folder out of the folder unless not required further
Developing area: In the system, where the file is developed (pwd)
.git ( is a local repository where all the updates are saved)
staging area
Remote repository (back up space eg: Github)
git config --list
git config --global "Nafia"
git config --global
git status ( to see the status of files {to be staged,to be committed, untracked})
to be staged: You have committed it before, made changes later and git recognise the new changes are not yet add
not commit
to be committed: You have committed it before, made changes later and git recognise the new changes as add
not commit
untracked: Is a complete new file has never add
not commit
Just writing few lines to commit without a message
git log
git status : check in what conceptual area my file/folder is
git log: show the history of commits/ show all that you have saved in yoiur local repository/ shows you in the terminal what ugit shows in an interface
-git log -n N
-git log --abrevv-commit
-git log --help
git show: shows the commits that you asked for comparison
-git show id1 id2
git diff: show the difference between, line by line with commit ids
-git diff id1 id2
README.txt or : where I should describe my project, code, main goals, usage etc.. A good idea to add links and directions for data that should be related
.gitignorev : A text file with no extension that should always in non-caps
HTTPS: only for visualisation
SSH: has all the authorisationffffssss