- Added characteristics for precip 1 hour, precip today, wind direction, wind speed, air pressure, visibility, uv-index and station
- Added condition category for sunny weather
- Renamed condition values to condition categories
- Changed condition category values
- Changed service to temperature-sensor so that the device is recognized by apple home app
- Added optional parameter "interval"
- Added debug library
- Added forecast for today
- Added forecast for next three days
- Added configuration for forecast
- Added observation time
- Added chance for rain
- Added wind speed max
- Changed plugin type to platform
- Changed names of accessories
- Fixed config example in readme
- Added screenshot to description
- Added condition solar radiation
- Added log output of API response to identify function
- Added forecast temperature minimum
- Fixed negative temperatures shown as 0°C
- Fixed handling of sometimes flawed weather underground responses
- Added history in eve app for temperature, relative humidity and air pressure
- Added persistence for history to handle homebridge restarts
- Fixed history has gaps with interval greater than 10 minutes
- Fixed mix-up between air pressure and relative humidity
- Fixed a crash on startup
- Renamed from homebridge-weather-station-extended to homebridge-weather-plus
- Added support for multiple apis
- Added support for dark-sky api
- Added condition ozone (dark-sky only)
- Added condition cloud cover (dark-sky only)
- Added condition dew point (dark-sky only)
- Added forecast for 7 days instead of 4 (dark-sky only)
- Added forecast for air pressure (dark-sky only)
- Added forecast for cloud cover (dark-sky only)
- Added forecast for dew point (dark-sky only)
- Added forecast for ozone (dark-sky only)
- Added forecast for uv-index (dark-sky only)
- Added forecast for visibility (dark-sky only)
- Added language for day and weather description (dark-sky only)
- Changed configuration to support multiple apis
- Changed configuration to set exact forecast days
- Changed readme
- Changed readme
- Added support for the OpenWeatherMap api
- Added support for different units
- Added displayName parameter
- Added support for the Yahoo api
- Added option to show Current Conditions as Eve Weather emulation
- Added option to pass parameters to fakegato
- Added option to rename forecastAccessory
- Added plugin version to Accessory Info
- Updated debug dependency
- Added option to set serial number
- Changed history timer to make use of advantages in newer fakegato version
- Fixed precipitation calculation in dark sky api
- Added support for multiple weather stations
- Fixed crash of homebridge when using expired weather underground api
- Updated openweathermap dependency to v4.0.0
- Removed old weather underground api (pre March 2019)
- Added new weather underground api (post January 2019)
- Fixed crash in openweathermap api that occured since v2.8.0
- Fixed crash in weatherunderground on malformed/missing server response
Added compatiblity mode for Apple Home app
Added boolean sensors for currently raining / snowing
Added boolean sensors for rain / snow in the forecast
Added option to hide observation and forecast values
Added option to have more detailed condition categories
Added option to show humidity as an extra accessory
Added option to disable the Now accessory
Changed readme to improve comprehensibility
Changed naming of some parameters (all backwards compatible, no need to update your config)
Fixed unsupported forecast day would throw an error in the darksky api
Fixed incorrect condition category for mostly cloudy days in the darksky api (was 0, is now 1)
Removed serial parameter (automatically assigned now)
Warning: Weather history graphs will be cleared and start from scratch with this update
- Updated readme
- Updated readme
- Added rounding for non metric values in Apple Home app
- Improved rounding
- Fixed wind sensor trigger for non metric units
- Added support for config-ui-x
- Added custom thresholds for apple home sensors
- Added unit sitorr for air pressure in mmhg
- Added one more day to Dark Sky forecast
- Improved error logging for Weather Underground
- Updated the readme to point out Dark Sky discontinuation
- Updated dependencies
- Fixed undefined this.log when converting unkown weather categories
- Fixed RainBool threshold too strict in DarkSky service
- Changed minimum required node js version to v10
- Fixed crash in OpenWeatherMap API
- Added cloud cover to OpenWeatherMap
- Added dew point to OpenWeatherMap
- Added rain last hour to OpenWeatherMap
- Added rain all day to OpenWeatherMap
- Added apparent temperature to OpenWeatherMap
- Added uv index to OpenWeatherMap
- Added sunrise and sunset to OpenWeatherMap
- Added 3 more forecast days to OpenWeatherMap (today + 7)
- Added apparent temperature to DarkSky
- Added sunrise and sunset to DarkSky
- Improved integration into config-ui-x
- Changed precision of dew point, min temperature and max temperature from 0.1 degree to 1 degree
- Changed precision of rain last hour from 1 mm to 0.1 mm
- Fixed city name with optional country code will not be found in OpenWeatherMap
- Fixed some missing weather categories for OpenWeatherMap
- Improved error handling when the service parameter is missing in config
- Fixed spelling of threshold parameter (old variant is still working)
- Fixed crash in WeatherUnderground API when an error occurs
- Added compatibility sensor for total precipitation
- Changed precision of WeatherUnderground API to decimal
- Fixed crash when OpenWeatherMap API returns no data
- Fixed apparent temperature and dew point not responding if lower than 0°C
- Fixed temperature not responding if lower than 0°C since v3.2.3
- Fixed apparent temperature and dew point not responding in compatibility mode home if lower than 0°C
- Fixed apparent temperature and dew point are not converted to F in compatibility mode eve
- Fixed startup error when using compatibility mode eve2 (eve with grouping) and forecasts
- Fixed datatype errors since homebridge 1.3.0
- Fixed observation time issue in weatherunderground since homebridge 1.3.0
- Fixed error in history service since homebridge 1.3.0
- Fixed wrong tempeature in Fahrenheit for dew point and apparent temperature
- Added donation links for homebridge-ui-x
- Added error log if no location is provided
- Fixed missing rain value in forecasts from dark sky API when a day is skipped in config
- Added WeeWX API
- Added rain chance to OpenWeatherMap API
- Updated OpenWeatherMap API to v3.0
- Fixed uv index range
- Added backwards compatibility for old OpenWeatherMap API 2.5
- Fixed getting geo coordinates with API 3.0
- Removed possibility to get location from id. Please use city name or geo coordinates!
- Fixed rain last hour and observation time in OpenWeatherMap API 3.0
- Fixed forecast in OpenWeatherMap API 3.0
- Fixed logging
- Fixed crash when weather report is empty
- Add support for WeatherFlow's Tempest weather station, that reports real time weather data over local network.
- Fixed JSON parse issue for rain events in Tempest API
- Fixed serial number to allow it to be unique so History events don't get merged with other weather stations
- Removed DarkSky API as it's no longer available
- Fixed crash when an error occurs in OpenWeatherMap report
- Fixed undefined rain boolean sensor value
- Fixed several Tempest weather station issues
- Improved usage of converter
- Fix Tempest weather station breakage introduced in 3.3.2
- Fix Rain accumulation
- Add support to detect failing sensors on Tempest weather station and report failure HomeKit
- Fix tile naming for Home app so it contains name and value
- Add support for Sunrise and Sunset for current conditions and forecast with OpenWeather v2.5 (Legacy/Free) API
- Add support for Sunrise and Sunset for current conditions with OpenWeather v3.0 OneCall API
- Fix configuration UI to save the threshold values
- Add support for Forecasts with Tempest weather station.
- Add extra error logging when OpenWeatherMap URL load fails
- Add support for light level history
- Add error handling to WeatherUnderground to indicate if PWS is offline
- Increase max UV Index value as UV Index values in Australia's outback goes higher than 12
- Add Rain sensor support to WeatherUnderground
- Fix units in WeatherUnderground so that values are not converted multiple times
- Fix issue where compatibility (occupancy) sensors are not showing in Apple's Home app
- The fix in 3.3.4 for tile naming in Home app was not supported with HomeBridge. Add setting of Name property back for HomeBridge compatibility.
- Fix issue with threshold triggers and WeatherUnderground. In 3.3.4, WeatherUnderground API call was modified and incorrectly return values in km, and km/h.
- Fix punycode deprication warning and util._extend warning.
- Move off depricated request package and moved to axios package for all URL loading.