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Narrowspark Automatic Configurators

Narrowspark Automatic Configurations allow the automation of Composer packages configuration via the Narrowspark Automatic Composer plugin.


Configurators define the different tasks executed when installing a dependency, such as running commands, copying files or adding new environment variables.

The package contains the tasks needed to install and configure the dependency, because Narrowspark Automatic Configurators are smart enough to reverse those tasks when uninstalling and unconfiguring the dependencies.

Narrowspark Automatic comes with several types of tasks, which are called configurators: copy, env, composer-scripts, composer-auto-scripts, gitignore and a special configurator post-messages.

Copy Configurator copy

Copies files or directories from the Composer package contents to your app. It’s defined as an associative array where the key is the original file or directory and the value is the target file or directory.

This example copies the bin/check.php script of the package into the binary directory of the app:

    "configurators": {
        "copy": {
            "bin/check.php": "%BIN_DIR%/check.php"

The %BIN_DIR% string is a special value that it’s turned into the absolute path of the binaries directory. You can access any variable defined in the extra section of your root composer.json file:

    "...": "...",
    "extra": {
        "bin-dir": "bin",
        "my-special-dir": "..."

Now you can use %MY_SPECIAL_DIR% in your configurator.

Env Configurator env

Adds the given list of environment variables to the .env and .env.dist files stored in the root of your app project:

    "configurators": {
        "env": {
            "APP_ENV": "dev"

This package configuration is converted into the following content appended to the .env and .env.dist files:

###> your-package-name-here ###
###< your-package-name-here ###

The ###> your-package-name-here ### section separators are needed by Narrowspark Automatic to detect the contents added by this dependency in case you uninstall it later.

!!! Don’t remove or modify these separators.

Composer Auto Scripts Configurator composer-auto-scripts

Registers auto-scripts in the composer-scripts section of the root composer.json file to execute them automatically when running composer install and composer update. The value is an associative array where the key is the script to execute (including all its arguments and options) and the value is the type of script (php-script for PHP scripts, script for any shell script):

    "configurators": {
        "composer-auto-scripts": {
            "echo \"hallo\";": "php-script",
            "bash -c \"echo hallo\"": "script"

Composer Scripts Configurator composer-scripts

Registers composer scripts in the composer-scripts section of the root composer.json file. The composer command, installer and package events are supported, you will get a warning if other events a used.

    "configurators": {
        "composer-auto-scripts": {
            "post-autoload-dump" : [

You can create your own script executor, create a new executor class in your Automatic folder, inside your Package. The class needs to extend Narrowspark\Automatic\Common\ScriptExtender\AbstractScriptExtender. You have an example below:


use Narrowspark\Automatic\Common\ScriptExtender\AbstractScriptExtender;

final class ScriptExtender extends AbstractScriptExtender
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public static function getType(): string
        return 'your type';

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function expand(string $cmd): string
        return 'your modified cmd input';

Gitignore Configurator gitignore

Adds patterns to the .gitignore file in your project. Define those patterns as an array of strings (a \n character is added after each line):

    "configurators": {
        "gitignore": [

Similar to other configurators, the contents are copied into the .gitignore file and wrapped with section separators (###> your-package-name-here ###) that must not be removed or modified.

The package messages post-messages

Displays contents in the command console after the package has been installed. Avoid outputting meaningless information and use it when you need to show help messages or the next step actions.

  • The contents must be defined in the automatic section of your package composer.json or the automatic.json file (a \n character is added after each line). Symfony Console styles and colors are supported too:
    "post-messages": [
        "<bg=blue;fg=white>              </>",
        "<bg=blue;fg=white> What's next? </>",
        "<bg=blue;fg=white>              </>"

This output will be shown on the composer install and composer update command.

How to create Configurators

You can choose between 2 ways, how to create configurators.

Creating Configurators Repository

This is a good way to reuse your configurators on other projects.

Narrowspark Automatic Configurators must be stored on their own repositories, outside of your Composer package repository.

Narrowspark Automatic checks all packages for the automatic-configurator package type and register it to Automatic.

After the registration, it will search for all classes found in your composer.json autoload section. The classes are added to the configurators section in your automatic.lock file.

The following example shows you, how your composer.json can look:

    "name": "narrowspark/configurators",
    "type": "automatic-configurator",
    "license": "MIT",
    "require": {
        "php": "^7.2",
        "ext-mbstring": "*"
    "require-dev": {
        "narrowspark/automatic-common": "^0.4.0"
    "autoload": {
        "psr-4": {
            "Narrowspark\\Automatic\\Configurator\\": "src/"
        "exclude-from-classmap": [
    "minimum-stability": "dev",
    "prefer-stable": true

Creating Package Configurators

Narrowspark Automatic Configurators must be created inside your Composer Package in a Automatic folder.

Add a new key custom-configurators to the automatic.json file or to extra automatic section in your composer.json file to register new Package Configurator(s).

This example shows you, how to add a new Package Configurator in your composer.json file:

    "require-dev": {
        "narrowspark/automatic-common": "^0.4.0"
    "automatic": {
        "custom-configurators" : [

narrowspark/automatic-common is required for creating a Configurator, please add it to the dev-require section in your composer.json file.

After you choose a way, you can create your Configurator(s).

Note You can’t overwrite registered configurators.

To create a configurator you need to extend the Narrowspark\Automatic\Common\Configurator\AbstractConfigurator class.

The example below shows you, how your configurator class must look after the Narrowspark\Automatic\Common\Configurator\AbstractConfigurator was extend:


use Narrowspark\Automatic\Common\Configurator\AbstractConfigurator;
use Narrowspark\Automatic\Common\Contract\Package as PackageContract;

final class YourConfigurator extends AbstractConfigurator
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public static function getName(): string
        return 'the configurator name';

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function configure(PackageContract $package): void
        // your code

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function unconfigure(PackageContract $package): void
        // your code