A Socket client implement by QT 5.15
- Ubuntu 18.04
- build-essential
- cmake
- mesa-common-dev
- libglu1-mesa-dev
- qt515base
- qt515quickcontrols2
sudo apt install build-essential cmake mesa-common-dev libglu1-mesa-dev
Because Ubuntu 18.04 QT version is too old, you have to add this ppa to your apt mananger.
# add ppa
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:beineri/opt-qt-5.15.2-bionic
sudo apt update
sudo apt install qt515base qt515quickcontrols2
And add to your PATH
# add to PATH
sudo vim /etc/profile
# add this line in the files
export $PATH="/opt/qt515/bin:$PATH"
# source the profile or relogin to take effect
source /etc/profile
- Arch linux
- base-devel
- cmake
- qt5-base
- qt5-quickcontrols2
- clone this repository
- make a directory and enter
mkdir -p build && cd biuld
- generate cmake configuration
cmake ..
- build
cmake --build .