name: Integration of TCRs, CPM, and Ocean tokens with Solidity
type: development
status: initial draft
editor: Fang Gong <[email protected]>
collaborator: Aitor Argomaniz <[email protected]>
date: 08/06/2018
In this project, we put following modules together:
- TCRs: users create challenges and resolve them through voting to maintain registries;
- Ocean Tokens: the intrinsic tokens circulated inside Ocean network, which is used in the voting of TCRs;
- Curated Proofs Market: the core marketplace where people can transact with each other and curate assets through staking with Ocean tokens.
The project exposes the following public interfaces:
//Allows a user to start an application. Takes tokens from user and sets apply stage end time.
function apply(bytes32 _listingHash, uint _amount, string _data);
// Allows the owner of a listingHash to increase their unstaked deposit.
function deposit(bytes32 _listingHash, uint _amount);
//Allows the owner of a listingHash to decrease their unstaked deposit.
function withdraw(bytes32 _listingHash, uint _amount);
// Allows the owner of a listingHash to remove the listingHash from the whitelist
function exit(bytes32 _listingHash);
// Starts a poll for a listingHash which is either in the apply stage or already in the whitelist.
function challenge(bytes32 _listingHash, string _data);
// Updates a listingHash’s status from ‘application’ to ‘listing’ or resolves a challenge if one exists.
function updateStatus(bytes32 _listingHash);
// Called by a voter to claim their reward for each completed vote.
function claimReward(uint _challengeID, uint _salt);
// Calculates the provided voter’s token reward for the given poll.
function voterReward(address _voter, uint _challengeID, uint _salt);
// Determines whether the given listingHash be whitelisted.
function canBeWhitelisted(bytes32 _listingHash);
// Returns true if the provided listingHash is whitelisted
function isWhitelisted(bytes32 _listingHash);
// Determines the number of tokens awarded to the winning party in a challenge.
function determineReward(uint _challengeID);
// Register data assets
function register(bytes32 assetId, uint256 price) public returns (bool success);
// consumer can make payment
function sendPayment(bytes32 _paymentId, address _receiver, uint256 _amount, uint256 _expire) public returns (bool);
// release fund to provider - must be called by OceanAuth contract
function releasePayment(bytes32 _paymentId) public isLocked(_paymentId) returns (bool);
// refund payment - must be called by OceanAuth contract
function refundPayment(bytes32 _paymentId) public isLocked(_paymentId) returns (bool);
// verify the payment is received
function verifyPaymentReceived(bytes32 _paymentId) public view returns (bool);
// Generate Unique Id for asset using input string parameter
function generateStr2Id(string contents) public pure returns (bytes32);
// Generate Unique Id for asset using input bytes parameter
function generateBytes2Id(bytes contents) public pure returns (bytes32);
// Market checks the TCR voting results
function checkListingStatus(bytes32 listing) public view returns(bool);
// Market changes the status of TCR according to voting result
function changeListingStatus(bytes32 listing, bytes32 assetId) public returns(bool);
// consumer request access to resource
function initiateAccessRequest(bytes32 resourceId, address provider, string pubKey, uint256 timeout) public returns (bool);
// provider commit the access request
function commitAccessRequest(bytes32 id, bool isAvailable, uint256 expirationDate, string discovery, string permissions, string accessAgreementRef, string accessAgreementType) public onlyProvider(id) isAccessRequested(id) returns (bool);
// consumer can cancel the access request
function cancelAccessRequest(bytes32 id) public isAccessCommitted(id) onlyConsumer(id);
// provider deliver the access token
function deliverAccessToken(bytes32 id, bytes encryptedAccessToken) public onlyProvider(id) isAccessCommitted(id) returns (bool);
// provider verify the delivery of JWT access token
function verifyAccessTokenDelivery(bytes32 id, address _addr, bytes32 msgHash, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) public
onlyProvider(id) isAccessComitted(id) returns (bool);
// provider query the temp public key
function getTempPubKey(bytes32 id) public view onlyProvider(id) isAccessCommitted(id) returns (string);
// consumer query the encrypted access token
function getEncryptedAccessToken(bytes32 id) public view onlyConsumer(id) isAccessCommitted(id) returns (bytes);
// provider uses this function to verify the signature comes from the consumer
function isSigned(address _addr, bytes32 msgHash, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) public pure returns (bool);
// verify the status of access request
function verifyCommitted(bytes32 id, uint256 status) public view returns (bool);
// Return true or false if an Asset is active given the assetId
function checkAsset(bytes32 assetId) public view returns (bool);
// Retrieve the price of asset
function getAssetPrice(bytes32 assetId) public view returns (uint256);
// OceanMarket Events
event AssetRegistered(bytes32 indexed _assetId, address indexed _owner);
event PaymentReceived(bytes32 indexed _paymentId, address indexed _receiver, uint256 _amount, uint256 _expire);
event PaymentReleased(bytes32 indexed _paymentId, address indexed _receiver);
event PaymentRefunded(bytes32 indexed _paymentId, address indexed _sender);
// OceanAuth Events
event AccessConsentRequested(bytes32 _id, address _consumer, address _provider, bytes32 _resourceId, uint _timeout, string _pubKey);
event AccessRequestCommitted(bytes32 _id, uint256 _expirationDate, string _discovery, string _permissions, string _accessAgreementRef);
event AccessRequestRejected(address _consumer, address _provider, bytes32 _id);
event AccessRequestRevoked(address _consumer, address _provider, bytes32 _id);
event EncryptedTokenPublished(bytes32 _id, bytes _encryptedAccessToken);
event AccessRequestDelivered(address _consumer, address _provider, bytes32 _id);
There are several folders and each includes solidity source files for each module:
- auth: OceanAuth contract for authorization;
- plcrvoting: Partial Lock Commit Reveal Voting System;
- tcr: the TCRs related files;
- token: Ocean tokens based on ERC20 standard;
- zeppelin: the library files from OpenZeppelin;
- Oceanmarket.sol: curated proofs market (on-going work);
- Migrations.sol: default contract for migration.