diff --git a/NOnion/NOnion.fsproj b/NOnion/NOnion.fsproj
index b7a72d39..72255b43 100644
--- a/NOnion/NOnion.fsproj
+++ b/NOnion/NOnion.fsproj
@@ -86,6 +86,7 @@
@@ -97,6 +98,10 @@
diff --git a/NOnion/Network/TorGuard.fs b/NOnion/Network/TorGuard.fs
index d32e9584..5c1109cc 100644
--- a/NOnion/Network/TorGuard.fs
+++ b/NOnion/Network/TorGuard.fs
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ open System.Security.Authentication
open System.Security.Cryptography
open System.Threading
+open Fsdk
open NOnion
open NOnion.Cells
open NOnion.Utility
diff --git a/NOnion/Services/TorServiceHost.fs b/NOnion/Services/TorServiceHost.fs
index 5d31649e..a36cba24 100644
--- a/NOnion/Services/TorServiceHost.fs
+++ b/NOnion/Services/TorServiceHost.fs
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ open Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Parameters
open Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Generators
open Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Signers
open Org.BouncyCastle.Security
+open Fsdk
open NOnion
open NOnion.Cells.Relay
diff --git a/NOnion/Utility/FSharpUtil.fs b/NOnion/Utility/FSharpUtil.fs
index 24aeb741..b5002f00 100644
--- a/NOnion/Utility/FSharpUtil.fs
+++ b/NOnion/Utility/FSharpUtil.fs
@@ -4,93 +4,41 @@ open System
open System.Runtime.ExceptionServices
open FSharpx.Collections
+open Fsdk
open NOnion
module FSharpUtil =
- //Implementation copied from https://github.com/nblockchain/geewallet/blob/master/src/GWallet.Backend/FSharpUtil.fs
- let ReRaise(ex: Exception) : Exception =
- (ExceptionDispatchInfo.Capture ex).Throw()
- failwith "Should be unreachable"
- ex
- let rec public FindException<'T when 'T :> Exception>
- (ex: Exception)
- : Option<'T> =
- let rec findExInSeq(sq: seq) =
- match Seq.tryHeadTail sq with
- | Some(head, tail) ->
- match FindException head with
- | Some ex -> Some ex
- | None -> findExInSeq <| tail
- | None -> None
- if isNull ex then
- None
- else
- match ex with
- | :? 'T as specificEx -> Some specificEx
- | :? AggregateException as aggEx ->
- findExInSeq aggEx.InnerExceptions
- | _ -> FindException<'T> ex.InnerException
- type private Either<'Val, 'Err when 'Err :> Exception> =
- | FailureResult of 'Err
- | SuccessfulValue of 'Val
let WithTimeout (timeSpan: TimeSpan) (job: Async<'R>) : Async<'R> =
async {
- let read =
- async {
- let! value = job
- return value |> SuccessfulValue |> Some
- }
- let delay =
- async {
- let total = int timeSpan.TotalMilliseconds
- do! Async.Sleep total
- return FailureResult <| TimeoutException() |> Some
- }
- let! dummyOption = Async.Choice([ read; delay ])
+ let! result = FSharpUtil.WithTimeout timeSpan job
- match dummyOption with
- | Some theResult ->
- match theResult with
- | SuccessfulValue r -> return r
- | FailureResult _ -> return raise <| TimeoutErrorException()
- | None ->
- // none of the jobs passed to Async.Choice returns None
- return failwith "unreachable"
+ match result with
+ | Some value -> return value
+ | None -> return raise <| TimeoutErrorException()
let Retry<'TEx when 'TEx :> Exception>
(jobToRetry: Async)
(maxRetryCount: int)
- let rec retryLoop(tryNumber: int) =
- async {
- try
- do! jobToRetry
- with
- | :? 'TEx as ex ->
- if tryNumber < maxRetryCount then
- return! retryLoop(tryNumber + 1)
- else
- sprintf
- "Maximum retry count reached, ex = %s"
- (ex.ToString())
- |> TorLogger.Log
- return raise <| ReRaise ex
- | ex ->
- sprintf
- "Unexpected exception happened in the retry loop, ex = %s"
- (ex.ToString())
- |> TorLogger.Log
- return raise <| ReRaise ex
- }
- retryLoop 0
+ async {
+ try
+ do!
+ FSharpUtil.Retry<_, 'TEx>
+ (fun () -> jobToRetry)
+ maxRetryCount
+ with
+ | :? 'TEx as ex ->
+ sprintf "Maximum retry count reached, ex = %s" (ex.ToString())
+ |> TorLogger.Log
+ return raise <| FSharpUtil.ReRaise ex
+ | ex ->
+ sprintf
+ "Unexpected exception happened in the retry loop, ex = %s"
+ (ex.ToString())
+ |> TorLogger.Log
+ return raise <| FSharpUtil.ReRaise ex
+ }
diff --git a/NOnion/Utility/MailboxUtil.fs b/NOnion/Utility/MailboxUtil.fs
index 6024f954..515fbb4a 100644
--- a/NOnion/Utility/MailboxUtil.fs
+++ b/NOnion/Utility/MailboxUtil.fs
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
open System.Net.Sockets
+open Fsdk
open NOnion
module internal MailboxResultUtil =
diff --git a/NOnion/Utility/ResultUtil.fs b/NOnion/Utility/ResultUtil.fs
index e997ec7c..28dcfe7b 100644
--- a/NOnion/Utility/ResultUtil.fs
+++ b/NOnion/Utility/ResultUtil.fs
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
namespace NOnion.Utility
+open Fsdk
//FIXME: for some reason FSharpUtil is in NOnion namespace instead of NOnion.Utility
open NOnion