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Backend/UtxoCoin: support nativeSegwit+coldStorage
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This fixes the following crash when trying to broadcast a signed
transaction from your cold-storage device:

unknown origin account
   at GWallet.Backend.UtxoCoin.Account.GetSignedTransactionDetails[T](String rawTransaction, Currency currency) in
/Users/knocte/Documents/Code/geewalletMASTERclean/src/GWallet.Backend/UtxoCoin/UtxoCoinAccount.fs:line 728
   at GWallet.Backend.Account.GetSignedTransactionDetails[T](SignedTransaction`1 signedTransaction) in /Users/knocte/Documents/Code/geewalletMASTERclean/src/GWallet.Backend/Account.fs:line 793
   at Program.BroadcastPayment() in /Users/knocte/Documents/Code/geewalletMASTERclean/src/GWallet.Frontend.Console/Program.fs:line 82
   at Program.PerformOperation(UInt32 numActiveAccounts, UInt32 numHotAccounts) in /Users/knocte/Documents/Code/geewalletMASTERclean/src/GWallet.Frontend.Console/Program.fs:line 398
   at Program.ProgramMainLoop[a]() in /Users/knocte/Documents/Code/geewalletMASTERclean/src/GWallet.Frontend.Console/Program.fs:line 481
   at Program.NormalStartWithNoParameters() in /Users/knocte/Documents/Code/geewalletMASTERclean/src/GWallet.Frontend.Console/Program.fs:line 493

This change also reduces a bit of primitive obsession (i.e.
string vs BitcoinAddress) to make the code less "stringly-typed"

This should have been done in [1] but was an oversight on my
part when reviewing.

[1] #211
  • Loading branch information
knocte committed Feb 17, 2024
1 parent 279ff02 commit fdef5ce
Showing 1 changed file with 40 additions and 29 deletions.
69 changes: 40 additions & 29 deletions src/GWallet.Backend/UtxoCoin/UtxoCoinAccount.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -72,27 +72,28 @@ module Account =
// TODO: measure how long does it take to get the script hash and if it's too long, cache it at app startup?
BitcoinAddress.Create(publicAddress, GetNetwork currency) |> GetElectrumScriptHashFromAddress

let internal GetSegwitP2shPublicAddressFromPublicKey currency (publicKey: PubKey) =
let internal GetNestedSegwitPublicAddressFromPublicKey currency (publicKey: PubKey): BitcoinAddress =
.GetDestinationAddress(GetNetwork currency)

let internal GetNativeSegwitPublicAddressFromPublicKey currency (publicKey: PubKey) =
let internal GetNativeSegwitPublicAddressFromPublicKey currency (publicKey: PubKey): BitcoinAddress =
.GetDestinationAddress(GetNetwork currency)

let internal GetPublicAddressFromPublicKey =
let private GetUtxoPublicAddressFromPublicKey =
if Config.UseNativeSegwit then

let internal GetPublicAddressFromPublicKey currency pubKey =
(GetUtxoPublicAddressFromPublicKey currency pubKey).ToString()

let internal GetPublicAddressFromNormalAccountFile (currency: Currency) (accountFile: FileRepresentation): string =
let pubKey = PubKey(accountFile.Name)
GetPublicAddressFromPublicKey currency pubKey
(GetUtxoPublicAddressFromPublicKey currency pubKey).ToString()

let internal GetPublicKeyFromNormalAccountFile (accountFile: FileRepresentation): PubKey =
PubKey accountFile.Name
Expand All @@ -102,7 +103,7 @@ module Account =

let internal GetPublicAddressFromUnencryptedPrivateKey (currency: Currency) (privateKey: string) =
let privateKey = Key.Parse(privateKey, GetNetwork currency)
GetPublicAddressFromPublicKey currency privateKey.PubKey
(GetUtxoPublicAddressFromPublicKey currency privateKey.PubKey).ToString()

let internal GetAccountFromFile (accountFile: FileRepresentation) (currency: Currency) kind: IAccount =
if not (currency.IsUtxo()) then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -152,9 +153,9 @@ module Account =
: Async<BlockchainScriptHashGetBalanceInnerResult> =
let scriptHashesHex =
GetNativeSegwitPublicAddressFromPublicKey account.Currency account.PublicKey
(GetNativeSegwitPublicAddressFromPublicKey account.Currency account.PublicKey).ToString()
|> GetElectrumScriptHashFromPublicAddress account.Currency
GetSegwitP2shPublicAddressFromPublicKey account.Currency account.PublicKey
(GetNestedSegwitPublicAddressFromPublicKey account.Currency account.PublicKey).ToString()
|> GetElectrumScriptHashFromPublicAddress account.Currency

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -200,9 +201,9 @@ module Account =
let sourceAddress = scriptPubKey.GetDestinationAddress(GetNetwork account.Currency).ToString()
let coin =
Coin(txHash, uint32 inputOutpointInfo.OutputIndex, Money(inputOutpointInfo.ValueInSatoshis), scriptPubKey)
if sourceAddress = GetSegwitP2shPublicAddressFromPublicKey account.Currency account.PublicKey then
if sourceAddress = (GetNestedSegwitPublicAddressFromPublicKey account.Currency account.PublicKey).ToString() then
coin.ToScriptCoin(account.PublicKey.WitHash.ScriptPubKey) :> ICoin
elif sourceAddress = GetNativeSegwitPublicAddressFromPublicKey account.Currency account.PublicKey then
elif sourceAddress = (GetNativeSegwitPublicAddressFromPublicKey account.Currency account.PublicKey).ToString() then
coin :> ICoin
//We filter utxos based on scriptPubKey when retrieving from electrum
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -325,9 +326,9 @@ module Account =

let currency = account.Currency

let getUtxos (publicAddress: string) =
let getUtxos (publicAddress: BitcoinAddress) =
async {
let job = GetElectrumScriptHashFromPublicAddress currency publicAddress
let job = GetElectrumScriptHashFromPublicAddress currency (publicAddress.ToString())
|> ElectrumClient.GetUnspentTransactionOutputs

return! Server.Query currency (QuerySettings.Default ServerSelectionMode.Fast) job None
Expand All @@ -340,7 +341,7 @@ module Account =
|> getUtxos

let! legacySegwitUtxos =
GetSegwitP2shPublicAddressFromPublicKey currency account.PublicKey
GetNestedSegwitPublicAddressFromPublicKey currency account.PublicKey
|> getUtxos

return Seq.concat [ nativeSegwitUtxos; legacySegwitUtxos ]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -707,11 +708,23 @@ module Account =
failwith "transaction has multiple different inputs"

let matchOriginToAccount(account: ReadOnlyUtxoAccount): bool =
let accountAddress = (account :> IAccount).PublicAddress
let bitcoinAddress = BitcoinAddress.Create(accountAddress, network)
let destination = bitcoinAddress.ScriptPubKey.GetDestination()
(destination :> IDestination) = origin
let anyAccountAddressesMatch (originOrDestination: IDestination) (account: IUtxoAccount) (throwIfNot: bool): bool =
let nativeSegWitAddress =
GetNativeSegwitPublicAddressFromPublicKey account.Currency account.PublicKey
:> IDestination
let nestedSegWitAddress =
GetNestedSegwitPublicAddressFromPublicKey account.Currency account.PublicKey
:> IDestination
let network = GetNetwork account.Currency
let originOrDestinationAddress = originOrDestination.ScriptPubKey.GetDestinationAddress network :> IDestination
let anyMatch =
nativeSegWitAddress = originOrDestinationAddress || nestedSegWitAddress = originOrDestinationAddress
if not anyMatch then
if throwIfNot then
<| SPrintF3 "ReadOnly account's addresses (%s and %s) don't match with the source adress of the signed transaction (%s)"
(nativeSegWitAddress.ToString()) (nestedSegWitAddress.ToString()) (originOrDestinationAddress.ToString())

let account =
let accountOpt =
Expand All @@ -721,22 +734,20 @@ module Account =
GetAccountFromFile accountFile currency AccountKind.ReadOnly
:?> ReadOnlyUtxoAccount
|> Seq.filter matchOriginToAccount
|> Seq.tryExactlyOne
match accountOpt with
| Some account -> account
| None -> failwith "unknown origin account"
let originAddress =
let accountAddress = (account :> IAccount).PublicAddress
let bitcoinAddress = BitcoinAddress.Create(accountAddress, network)
| None -> failwith "Cannot broadcast transactions from a wallet instance that doesn't have read-only accounts"
| Some account ->
let utxoAccount = account :> IUtxoAccount
anyAccountAddressesMatch origin utxoAccount true |> ignore<bool>

let destinationAddress, value =
let filterChangeTxOuts(txOut: TxOut): Option<BitcoinAddress * Money> =
let scriptPubKey = txOut.ScriptPubKey
let destinationAddress = scriptPubKey.GetDestinationAddress network
let destination = destinationAddress.ScriptPubKey.GetDestination()
if (destination :> IDestination) = origin then
if anyAccountAddressesMatch destination account false then
Some (destinationAddress, txOut.Value)
Expand All @@ -748,7 +759,7 @@ module Account =
failwith "expected a single destination address"

OriginAddress = originAddress.ToString()
OriginAddress = (account :> IAccount).PublicAddress
DestinationAddress = destinationAddress.ToString()
Amount = value.ToDecimal MoneyUnit.BTC
Currency = currency
Expand Down

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