+ .addClass("tooltip-arrow")
+ .addClass(feedback.vertical)
+ .addClass(feedback.horizontal)
+ .appendTo(this);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ _getDateBasedOnLeftPositionInQuickAgendaView: function(iLeftPos)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var iDVTableColumnWidth = $(to.elem).find(".cqavTableColumns").width(),
+ iArrDVDaysLength = to.tv.fADVDayLftPos.length,
+ iTempIndex = 0, iThisIndex = 0;
+ for(var iTempIndex1 = 0; iTempIndex1 < iArrDVDaysLength; iTempIndex1++)
+ {
+ var iHoriStartPos = to.tv.fADVDayLftPos[iTempIndex1] - 5,
+ iHoriEndPos = iHoriStartPos + iDVTableColumnWidth - 5;
+ if(iTempIndex1 === (iArrDVDaysLength - 1))
+ iHoriEndPos += 5;
+ if(iLeftPos >= iHoriStartPos && iLeftPos <= iHoriEndPos)
+ {
+ iThisIndex = iTempIndex1 + 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ for(var iTempIndex2 = 0; iTempIndex2 < to.tv.dAVDt.length; iTempIndex2++)
+ {
+ var dThisDate = to.tv.dAVDt[iTempIndex2];
+ if(to.__isDateInCurrentView(dThisDate))
+ {
+ iTempIndex++;
+ if(iTempIndex === iThisIndex)
+ return dThisDate;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _getDayNumberFromDateInQuickAgendaView: function(dThisDate)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ for(var iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < to.tv.dAVDt.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ if(to.compareDates(dThisDate, to.tv.dAVDt[iTempIndex]) === 0)
+ return iTempIndex;
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+/*! ---------------------------------- CalenStyle Quick Agenda View End --------------------------------- */
diff --git a/src/calenstyle-taskplannerview.js b/src/calenstyle-taskplannerview.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f4b99e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/calenstyle-taskplannerview.js
@@ -0,0 +1,998 @@
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CalenStyle - Responsive Event Calendar
+ Version 2.0.0
+ Copyright (c)2016 Curious Solutions LLP
+ https://curioussolutions.in/libraries/calenstyle/content/license.htm
+ See License Information in LICENSE file.
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*! ---------------------------------- CalenStyle Task Planner View Start --------------------------------- */
+//"use strict";
+CalenStyle.prototype = $.extend(CalenStyle.prototype, {
+ __updateTaskPlannerView: function(bLoadAllData)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var sTemplate = "",
+ iDateIndex, sDVDaysClass,
+ sColumnClass = (to.tv.iNoVDayDis === 1) ? " ctpvSingleColumn" : " ctpvMultiColumn",
+ sTempId;
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ sTemplate += "
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ sTemplate += "
+ $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableMain").html(sTemplate);
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ to._updateDaySummaryView();
+ to._setDateStringsInHeaderOfTaskPlannerView();
+ to._makeEventContDroppableInTaskPlannerView();
+ to._takeActionOnDayClickInTaskPlannerView();
+ },
+ _setDateStringsInHeaderOfTaskPlannerView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ for(var iDateIndex = 0; iDateIndex < to.tv.iNoVDayDis; iDateIndex++)
+ {
+ var dTempDate = to.tv.dAVDt[iDateIndex];
+ var bFullDateMatched = to.compareDates(dTempDate, $.CalenStyle.extra.dToday),
+ /* -------------------------- Table Row 1 Start ------------------------------- */
+ iDayOfWeek = dTempDate.getDay(),
+ sRow1Id = ".ctpvTableRow1 .ctpvDayColumn"+iDateIndex,
+ $oRow1 = $(to.elem).find(sRow1Id),
+ iDay = dTempDate.getDate(),
+ bWeekDayUnavailable = to.tv.bABsDays[iDayOfWeek] ? false : true,
+ // Set Style For All-Day Restricted Section
+ dArrTempResSec = to._getRestrictedSectionForCurrentView(dTempDate),
+ iTempIndex, sBgColor = "", sResSecClass = "";
+ for(iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < dArrTempResSec.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ var dArrResSec = dArrTempResSec[iTempIndex],
+ dTempResSecStart = new Date(dArrResSec.start),
+ bCompStart = to.compareDates(dTempDate, dTempResSecStart) === 0,
+ dTempResSecEnd = new Date(dArrResSec.end),
+ bCompEnd = to.compareDates(dTempDate, dTempResSecEnd) === 0,
+ iNumOfHours;
+ if(!bCompStart)
+ dTempResSecStart = to._normalizeDateTime(dTempDate, "START", "T");
+ if(!bCompEnd)
+ dTempResSecEnd = to._normalizeDateTime(dTempDate, "END", "T");
+ iNumOfHours = Math.round((dTempResSecEnd.getTime() - dTempResSecStart.getTime()) / $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.h);
+ if(iNumOfHours > 23 || dArrResSec.isAllDay)
+ {
+ if($.cf.isValid(dArrResSec.backgroundColor))
+ sBgColor = $.cf.addHashToHexcode(dArrResSec.backgroundColor);
+ if($.cf.isValid(dArrResSec.class))
+ sResSecClass = dArrResSec.class;
+ }
+ }
+ if(bWeekDayUnavailable && bFullDateMatched === 0)
+ $oRow1.addClass("cRestrictedTodayBg cTodayHighlightTextColor");
+ else
+ {
+ if(bWeekDayUnavailable)
+ $oRow1.addClass("cNonBusinessHoursBg");
+ if(bFullDateMatched === 0)
+ $oRow1.addClass("cTodayHighlightTextColor");
+ // Set Style For All-Day Restricted Section
+ if($.cf.isValid(sBgColor))
+ $oRow1.css({"background": sBgColor});
+ if($.cf.isValid(sResSecClass))
+ $oRow1.addClass(sResSecClass);
+ }
+ if(bFullDateMatched === 0)
+ $(to.elem).find(sRow1Id).html("
+ /* -------------------------- Table Row 1 End ------------------------------- */
+ /* -------------------------- Table Row 2 Start ---------------------------- */
+ var sRow2Id = ".ctpvTableRow2 #ctpvDayColumn"+iDateIndex,
+ $oRow2 = $(to.elem).find(sRow2Id);
+ if(bWeekDayUnavailable && bFullDateMatched === 0)
+ $oRow2.addClass("cRestrictedTodayBg cTodayHighlightTextColor");
+ else
+ {
+ if(bWeekDayUnavailable)
+ $oRow2.addClass("cNonBusinessHoursBg");
+ if(bFullDateMatched === 0)
+ $oRow2.addClass("cTodayHighlightTextColor");
+ // Set Style For All-Day Restricted Section
+ if($.cf.isValid(sBgColor))
+ $oRow2.css({"background": sBgColor});
+ if($.cf.isValid(sResSecClass))
+ $oRow2.addClass(sResSecClass);
+ }
+ /* -------------------------- Table Row 2 End ------------------------------- */
+ }
+ var oDVStart = to.getDateInFormat({"date": to.tv.dVSDt}, "object", false, true),
+ oDVEnd = to.getDateInFormat({"date": to.tv.dVEDt}, "object", false, true);
+ var sHeaderViewLabel;
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.TaskPlannerViewDuration, "CustomDays") && to.setting.daysInTaskPlannerView === 1)
+ sHeaderViewLabel = "
" + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oDVEnd.y, 0, true);
+ else
+ {
+ if(oDVStart.y === oDVEnd.y)
+ {
+ if(oDVStart.M === oDVEnd.M)
+ sHeaderViewLabel = "
" + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oDVEnd.y, 0, true);
+ else
+ sHeaderViewLabel = "
" + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oDVEnd.y, 0, true);
+ }
+ else
+ sHeaderViewLabel = "
" + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oDVEnd.y, 0, true);
+ }
+ if(to.setting.modifyHeaderViewLabels)
+ to.setting.modifyHeaderViewLabels.call(to, to.tv.dVSDt, to.tv.dVEDt, to.setting.selectedDate, sHeaderViewLabel, to.setting.visibleView);
+ $(to.elem).find(".cContHeaderLabel").html(sHeaderViewLabel);
+ },
+ _takeActionOnDayClickInTaskPlannerView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableRow2 .ctpvTableColumns").on($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandler, function(e)
+ {
+ var pClickedAt = {};
+ pClickedAt.x = e.pageX || e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX || e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageX;
+ pClickedAt.y = e.pageY || e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY || e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageY;
+ var iDayIndex = parseInt($(this).attr("id").replace("ctpvDayColumn", "")),
+ dSelectedDateTime = to.tv.dAVDt[iDayIndex];
+ if(to.setting.cellClicked)
+ to.setting.cellClicked.call(to, to.setting.visibleView, dSelectedDateTime, true, pClickedAt);
+ });
+ },
+ __goToPrevTaskPlannerView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ if(to.setting.showTransition)
+ {
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ var $ocCTPVTableMain = $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableMain"),
+ ictpvTableWidth = $ocCTPVTableMain.width(),
+ ictpvTableLeft = $ocCTPVTableMain.position().left,
+ ictpvTableTop = 0;
+ if($(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").length > 0)
+ ictpvTableTop = $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").position().top + $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").outerHeight() - 1;
+ else
+ ictpvTableTop = $(to.elem).position().top;
+ var oNewElem = $ocCTPVTableMain.clone();
+ $(oNewElem).removeClass("ctpvTableMain").addClass("ctpvTableTemp");
+ $(oNewElem).css({"position": "absolute", "top": ictpvTableTop, "left": ictpvTableLeft});
+ $ocCTPVTableMain.parent().append(oNewElem);
+ ictpvTableLeft = ictpvTableLeft + ictpvTableWidth;
+ $(oNewElem).animate({"left": ictpvTableLeft}, to.setting.transitionSpeed);
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableTemp").remove();
+ }, to.setting.transitionSpeed);
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ }
+ var iCurrentDateMS = to.tv.dVSDt.getTime();
+ if(to.setting.daysInTaskPlannerView === 7)
+ iCurrentDateMS -= (to.tv.iNoVDay * $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.d);
+ else
+ iCurrentDateMS -= $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.d;
+ to.setting.selectedDate = to.setDateInFormat({"date": new Date(iCurrentDateMS)}, "START");
+ to.tv.dLoadDt = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.setting.selectedDate}, "START");
+ to.tv.sLoadType = "Prev";
+ to.__reloadCurrentView(false, true);
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ to.__reloadDatePickerContentOnNavigation();
+ }, 10);
+ },
+ __goToNextTaskPlannerView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ if(to.setting.showTransition)
+ {
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ var $ocCTPVTableMain = $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableMain"),
+ ictpvTableWidth = $ocCTPVTableMain.width(),
+ ictpvTableLeft = $ocCTPVTableMain.position().left,
+ ictpvTableTop = 0;
+ if($(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").length > 0)
+ ictpvTableTop = $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").position().top + $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").outerHeight() - 1;
+ else
+ ictpvTableTop = $(to.elem).position().top;
+ var oNewElem = $ocCTPVTableMain.clone();
+ $(oNewElem).removeClass("ctpvTableMain").addClass("ctpvTableTemp");
+ $(oNewElem).css({"position": "absolute", "top": ictpvTableTop, "left": ictpvTableLeft});
+ $ocCTPVTableMain.parent().append(oNewElem);
+ ictpvTableLeft = ictpvTableLeft - ictpvTableWidth;
+ $(oNewElem).animate({"left": ictpvTableLeft}, to.setting.transitionSpeed);
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableTemp").remove();
+ }, to.setting.transitionSpeed);
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ }
+ var iCurrentDateMS = to.tv.dVEDt.getTime();
+ iCurrentDateMS += $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.d;
+ to.setting.selectedDate = to.setDateInFormat({"date": new Date(iCurrentDateMS)}, "START");
+ to.tv.dLoadDt = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.setting.selectedDate}, "START");
+ to.tv.sLoadType = "Next";
+ to.__reloadCurrentView(false, true);
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ to.__reloadDatePickerContentOnNavigation();
+ }, 10);
+ },
+ __adjustTaskPlannerView: function(bIsResized)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var ictpvCalendarContMaxHeight = $(to.elem).find(".ctpvCalendarCont").css("max-height");
+ ictpvCalendarContMaxHeight = parseInt(ictpvCalendarContMaxHeight.replace("px", "")) || 0;
+ var ictpvCalendarContMinHeight = $(to.elem).find(".ctpvCalendarCont").css("min-height");
+ ictpvCalendarContMinHeight = parseInt(ictpvCalendarContMinHeight.replace("px", "")) || 0;
+ if(ictpvCalendarContMaxHeight > 0 && $(to.elem).height() > ictpvCalendarContMaxHeight)
+ $(to.elem).css({"height": ictpvCalendarContMaxHeight});
+ else if(ictpvCalendarContMinHeight > 0 && $(to.elem).height() < ictpvCalendarContMinHeight)
+ $(to.elem).css({"height": ictpvCalendarContMinHeight});
+ if(to.tv.iCalHeight !== 0)
+ $(to.elem).css({"height": to.tv.iCalHeight});
+ var bIsValidView = ($(to.elem).find(".ctpvCalendarCont").length > 0) ? true : false;
+ if(bIsValidView && !to.tv.bDVDrgEv && !to.tv.bDVResEv)
+ {
+ var iCalendarContWidth = $(to.elem).find(".calendarCont").parent().outerWidth(),
+ iCalendarContHeight = $(to.elem).find(".calendarCont").outerHeight();
+ if(to.tv.bDisFBar)
+ {
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Left") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Right"))
+ iCalendarContWidth -= to.setting.filterBarWidth;
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Top") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Bottom"))
+ {
+ var iTempFilterBarWidth = iCalendarContWidth;
+ $(to.elem).find(".cFilterBar").css({"width": iTempFilterBarWidth});
+ iCalendarContHeight -= $(to.elem).find(".cFilterBar").height();
+ }
+ }
+ $(to.elem).find(".calendarContInner").css({"width": iCalendarContWidth, "height": iCalendarContHeight});
+ to.__adjustHeader();
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Right"))
+ $(to.elem).find(".cFilterBar").css({"left": iCalendarContWidth});
+ var ictpvContRow2Width = iCalendarContWidth,
+ icContHeaderWidth = iCalendarContWidth;
+ if($(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").length > 0)
+ $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").css({"width": icContHeaderWidth});
+ var ictpvTableWidth = iCalendarContWidth,
+ icContHeaderHeight = ($(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").length > 0) ? $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").outerHeight() : 0;
+ if(to.tv.bDisABar)
+ iCalendarContHeight -= $(to.elem).find(".cActionBar").height();
+ var ictpvTableHeight = iCalendarContHeight - icContHeaderHeight;
+ if(!to.tv.bDisABar || !(to.tv.bDisFBar && $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Bottom")))
+ ictpvTableHeight += $.CalenStyle.extra.iBorderOverhead;
+ else
+ ictpvTableHeight -= $.CalenStyle.extra.iBorderOverhead;
+ if(to.setting.fixedHeightOfTaskPlannerView)
+ {
+ $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableMain").css({"height": ictpvTableHeight, "width": ictpvTableWidth});
+ var ictpvTableBodyHeight = ictpvTableHeight - $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableRow1").height();
+ $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableMain tbody").css({"height": ictpvTableBodyHeight, "width": ictpvTableWidth});
+ var ictpvTableRow2Height = ictpvTableBodyHeight - $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableRowSummary").height();
+ $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableRow2").css({"height": (ictpvTableRow2Height - 1)});
+ var ictpvTableRow1Width = $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableMain tbody").width() - 2;
+ $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableMain thead").css({"width": ictpvTableRow1Width});
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ictpvTableHeight = $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableRow1").height() + $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableRow2").height() + $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableRowSummary").height();
+ $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableMain").css({"height": ictpvTableHeight, "width": ictpvTableWidth});
+ iCalendarContHeight = ictpvTableHeight;
+ iCalendarContHeight += $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").height();
+ if(to.tv.bDisABar)
+ iCalendarContHeight += $(to.elem).find(".cActionBar").height();
+ $(to.elem).find(".calendarContInner").css({"height": iCalendarContHeight});
+ if(to.tv.bDisFBar && ($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Top") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Bottom")))
+ iCalendarContHeight += $(to.elem).find(".cFilterBar").height();
+ $(to.elem).css({"height": iCalendarContHeight});
+ }
+ var iBorderOverheadAllDays = to.tv.iNoVDay * $.CalenStyle.extra.iBorderOverhead;
+ var ictpvTableColumnsWidth = (ictpvContRow2Width - iBorderOverheadAllDays) / (to.tv.iNoVDayDis);
+ $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableColumns").css({"width": ictpvTableColumnsWidth});
+ to.tv.fADVDayLftPos = [];
+ for(var iWeekDayIndex = 0; iWeekDayIndex < to.tv.iNoVDayDis; iWeekDayIndex++)
+ {
+ var fLeftPos = $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableRow2 #ctpvDayColumn"+iWeekDayIndex).position().left;
+ to.tv.fADVDayLftPos.push(fLeftPos);
+ }
+ }
+ if(to.setting.isDragNDropInTaskPlannerView && $.cf.isValid(bIsResized) && bIsResized)
+ {
+ if($(to.elem).find(".ctpvEvent").hasClass("ui-draggable"))
+ $(to.elem).find(".ctpvEvent").draggable("destroy");
+ $(to.elem).find(".ctpvEvent").removeClass("ui-draggable-dragging");
+ to._makeEventDraggableInTaskPlannerView(".EventDraggable");
+ }
+ },
+ __addEventsInTaskPlannerView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ if($(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableRow2"))
+ $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableRow2 td").html("");
+ var oArrTempEvents = to.getArrayOfEventsForView(to.tv.dVSDt, to.tv.dVEDt),
+ bHideEventIcon = $.cf.isValid(to.setting.hideEventIcon[to.setting.visibleView]) ? to.setting.hideEventIcon[to.setting.visibleView] : $.cf.isValid(to.setting.hideEventIcon.Default) ? to.setting.hideEventIcon.Default : false,
+ bHideEventTime = $.cf.isValid(to.setting.hideEventTime[to.setting.visibleView]) ? to.setting.hideEventTime[to.setting.visibleView] : $.cf.isValid(to.setting.hideEventTime.Default) ? to.setting.hideEventTime.Default : false;
+ to.tv.bAWkRw = [];
+ if(oArrTempEvents.length > 0)
+ {
+ for(var iEventIndex = 0; iEventIndex < oArrTempEvents.length; iEventIndex++)
+ {
+ var oEvent = oArrTempEvents[iEventIndex],
+ dStartDateTime = null, dEndDateTime = null, bIsAllDay = 0,
+ sTitle = "", sDesc = "", sType = "", sURL = "", bDragNDrop = false, bIsMarked = false,
+ sDroppableId = "",
+ sId = "Event-" + oEvent.calEventId;
+ if(oEvent.start !== null)
+ dStartDateTime = oEvent.start;
+ if(oEvent.end !== null)
+ dEndDateTime = oEvent.end;
+ if(oEvent.isAllDay !== null)
+ bIsAllDay = oEvent.isAllDay;
+ if(oEvent.title !== null)
+ sTitle = oEvent.title;
+ if(oEvent.desc !== null)
+ sDesc = oEvent.desc;
+ if(oEvent.type !== null)
+ sType = oEvent.type;
+ if(oEvent.url !== null)
+ sURL = oEvent.url;
+ if(oEvent.droppableId !== null)
+ sDroppableId = oEvent.droppableId;
+ if(oEvent.isDragNDropInTaskPlannerView !== null)
+ bDragNDrop = oEvent.isDragNDropInTaskPlannerView;
+ if(oEvent.isMarked !== null)
+ bIsMarked = oEvent.isMarked;
+ if(bIsMarked)
+ bIsAllDay = true;
+ var iArrTempNum = to.getNumberOfDaysOfEvent(bIsAllDay, dStartDateTime, dEndDateTime, true, true, true),
+ iNumOfEventElements = iArrTempNum[0],
+ iNumberOfHours = iArrTempNum[1];
+ if(iNumOfEventElements > 0)
+ {
+ var sDayId = "", iColumn;
+ var iNumOfSegs = iNumOfEventElements, iNumOfHours, iNumOfDays,
+ sDataDroppableId, sDateTimeString,
+ dTempStartDateTime = new Date(dStartDateTime),
+ dTempEndDateTime = new Date(dEndDateTime);
+ if(to.compareDates(dStartDateTime, to.tv.dVSDt) < 0 && Math.abs(to.__getDifference("m", to.tv.dVSDt, dStartDateTime)) > 1)
+ dTempStartDateTime = new Date(to.tv.dVSDt);
+ if(to.compareDates(to.tv.dVEDt, dEndDateTime) < 0 && Math.abs(to.__getDifference("m", to.tv.dVEDt, dEndDateTime)) > 1)
+ dTempEndDateTime = new Date(to.tv.dVEDt);
+ var dTempSDT = new Date(dTempStartDateTime),
+ bActualStartDate = true;
+ while(!to.__findWhetherDateIsVisibleInCurrentView(dTempSDT, (bIsAllDay || iNumberOfHours > 23), dTempStartDateTime, dTempEndDateTime))
+ {
+ dTempSDT.setDate(dTempSDT.getDate() + 1);
+ bActualStartDate = false;
+ if(to.compareDates(dTempSDT, dTempEndDateTime) > 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ dTempStartDateTime = new Date(dTempSDT);
+ iNumOfDays = to.getNumberOfDaysOfEvent(bIsAllDay, dTempStartDateTime, dTempEndDateTime, true, true, bActualStartDate);
+ iNumOfSegs = iNumOfDays[0];
+ iNumOfHours = iNumOfDays[1];
+ if(iNumOfHours > 0)
+ {
+ var sEventClass = "ctpvEvent ";
+ var sEventColor = oEvent.backgroundColor;
+ sEventColor = ($.cf.compareStrings(sEventColor, "") || $.cf.compareStrings(sEventColor, "transparent")) ? "transparent" : sEventColor;
+ var sEventBorderColor = oEvent.borderColor || $.cf.addHashToHexcode(to.setting.borderColor);
+ sEventBorderColor = ($.cf.compareStrings(sEventBorderColor, "") || $.cf.compareStrings(sEventBorderColor, "transparent")) ? "transparent" : sEventBorderColor;
+ var sEventTextColor = oEvent.textColor || $.cf.addHashToHexcode(to.setting.textColor);
+ sEventTextColor = ($.cf.compareStrings(sEventTextColor, "") || $.cf.compareStrings(sEventTextColor, "transparent")) ? $.cf.addHashToHexcode(to.setting.textColor) : sEventTextColor;
+ var sNonAllDayEventTextColor = $.cf.isValid(oEvent.nonAllDayEventsTextColor) ? oEvent.nonAllDayEventsTextColor : oEvent.backgroundColor;
+ sNonAllDayEventTextColor = (!$.cf.isValid(sNonAllDayEventTextColor) || $.cf.compareStrings(sNonAllDayEventTextColor, "transparent")) ? oEvent.backgroundColor : sNonAllDayEventTextColor;
+ var sColorStyle = "", sEventIconStyle = "",
+ sIcon = "";
+ if(bIsMarked)
+ {
+ if(oEvent.fromSingleColor)
+ {
+ sColorStyle += "border-color: " + sEventTextColor + "; ";
+ sEventIconStyle = "background: " + sEventTextColor + "; color: #FFFFFF";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sColorStyle += "border-color: " + sEventColor + "; ";
+ sEventIconStyle = "background: " + sEventColor + "; color: " + sEventTextColor;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sColorStyle += "border-color: " + sEventTextColor + "; ";
+ sEventIconStyle = "color: " + sEventTextColor + "; ";
+ }
+ if(bIsMarked)
+ sIcon = ($.cf.isValid(oEvent.icon) && oEvent.icon !== "Dot") ? oEvent.icon : "cs-icon-Mark";
+ else
+ sIcon = $.cf.isValid(oEvent.icon) ? oEvent.icon : to.setting.eventIcon;
+ if(to.compareDates(dEndDateTime, to.tv.dAVDt[0]) < 0)
+ sEventClass += ("cBlurredEvent ");
+ if(bDragNDrop)
+ sEventClass += ("EventDraggable cDragNDrop ");
+ if(to.setting.isTooltipInTaskPlannerView)
+ sEventClass += ("cEventTooltip ");
+ sEventClass += sId;
+ if(bIsMarked)
+ sEventClass += " cMarkedDayEvent";
+ iColumn = to._getDayNumberFromDateInTaskPlannerView(dTempStartDateTime);
+ var dTemp = new Date(dTempStartDateTime);
+ for(var iEventSegIndex = 1; iEventSegIndex <= iNumOfSegs; iEventSegIndex++)
+ {
+ sDateTimeString = to.getEventDateTimeDataForTaskPlannerView(dStartDateTime, dEndDateTime, bIsAllDay, dTemp);
+ sDayId = "#ctpvDayColumn"+iColumn;
+ var sEventSegId = sId + "-" + iEventSegIndex;
+ //--------------------------- Add Event Start -----------------------------
+ sDataDroppableId = $.cf.isValid(sDroppableId) ? " data-droppableid='" + sDroppableId + "'" : "";
+ var sTemplate = "
+ $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableRow2 " + sDayId).append(sTemplate);
+ var sIdElem = "#"+sEventSegId,
+ $oSeg = $(to.elem).find(sIdElem),
+ $oSegContent = $oSeg.find(".cEventLink");
+ var oEventTooltip, sDateTime;
+ oEventTooltip = {};
+ sDateTime = to.getEventDateTimeString(dStartDateTime, dEndDateTime, bIsAllDay, "&&");
+ var sArrDateTime = sDateTime.split("&&");
+ oEventTooltip.title = sTitle;
+ oEventTooltip.startDateTime = sArrDateTime[0];
+ oEventTooltip.endDateTime = sArrDateTime[1];
+ $oSeg.data("tooltipcontent", oEventTooltip);
+ if(to.setting.eventRendered)
+ to.setting.eventRendered.call(to, oEvent, $oSeg, $oSegContent, to.setting.visibleView, false);
+ if($.cf.isValid(sURL) || to.setting.eventClicked)
+ {
+ $oSegContent.on($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandler, {"url": sURL, "eventId": oEvent.calEventId, "eventElemSelector": sIdElem, "view": "TaskPlannerView", "pluginId": to.tv.pluginId}, to.__bindClick);
+ }
+ //--------------------------- Add Event End -----------------------------
+ iColumn++;
+ dTemp = new Date(dTemp.getTime() + $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.d);
+ if(iEventSegIndex === 1)
+ dTemp = to._normalizeDateTime(dTemp, "START", "T");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(to.setting.isTooltipInTaskPlannerView)
+ to._addTooltipInTaskPlannerView(".cEventTooltip");
+ if(to.setting.isDragNDropInTaskPlannerView)
+ to._makeEventDraggableInTaskPlannerView(".EventDraggable");
+ if(to.setting.eventsAddedInView)
+ to.setting.eventsAddedInView.call(to, to.setting.visibleView, ".ctpvEvent");
+ }
+ else
+ console.log("to._addEventsInMonthView - No Events");
+ to._updateDaySummaryView();
+ to.addRemoveViewLoader(false, "cEventLoaderBg");
+ to.addRemoveLoaderIndicators(false, "cEventLoaderIndicator");
+ },
+ _makeEventContDroppableInTaskPlannerView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var $oElemDragged, sDroppableId,
+ sEventId, sId, oDraggedEvent, sEventClass,
+ dStartDateTime = null, dEndDateTime = null, bIsAllDay = 0,
+ iArrNumOfDays, iNumOfDays, iNumOfHours, dNextDate, iDroppedDayIndex,
+ bEventEntered = false, dStartDateAfterDrop = null, dEndDateAfterDrop = null,
+ iElemIndex, iNextDay,
+ sDroppedCellId;
+ $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableRow2 .ctpvTableColumns").droppable(
+ {
+ scope: "Events",
+ over: function(event, ui)
+ {
+ $oElemDragged = $(ui.draggable);
+ sEventId = $oElemDragged.attr("id");
+ sId = $oElemDragged.attr("data-id");
+ oDraggedEvent = to.getEventWithId(sId);
+ sEventClass = ".Event-" + sId;
+ dStartDateTime = null; dEndDateTime = null; bIsAllDay = false;
+ sDroppedCellId = $(this).attr("id");
+ if(oDraggedEvent.start !== null)
+ dStartDateTime = oDraggedEvent.start;
+ if(oDraggedEvent.end !== null)
+ dEndDateTime = oDraggedEvent.end;
+ if(oDraggedEvent.isAllDay !== null)
+ bIsAllDay = oDraggedEvent.isAllDay;
+ iArrNumOfDays = to.getNumberOfDaysOfEvent(bIsAllDay, dStartDateTime, dEndDateTime, true, false, true);
+ iNumOfDays = iArrNumOfDays[0];
+ iNumOfHours = iArrNumOfDays[1];
+ iDroppedDayIndex = parseInt(sDroppedCellId.replace("ctpvDayColumn", ""));
+ dNextDate = to.tv.dAVDt[iDroppedDayIndex];
+ dStartDateAfterDrop = to.setDateInFormat({"iDate": {d: dNextDate.getDate(), M: dNextDate.getMonth(), y: dNextDate.getFullYear(), H: dStartDateTime.getHours(), m: dStartDateTime.getMinutes(), s: dStartDateTime.getSeconds()}}, "");
+ dEndDateAfterDrop = new Date(dStartDateAfterDrop.getTime() + (dEndDateTime.getTime() - dStartDateTime.getTime()));
+ if(to.tv.bChkDroppable)
+ {
+ $oElemDragged = $(to.elem).find("#" + sEventId + ".ui-draggable-dragging");
+ sDroppableId = $oElemDragged.attr("data-droppableid");
+ bEventEntered = to._findWhetherEventEnteredNonDroppableZone(dStartDateAfterDrop, dEndDateAfterDrop, bIsAllDay, iNumOfDays, sDroppableId);
+ if(bEventEntered)
+ {
+ $oElemDragged.addClass("cCursorNotAllowed");
+ $oElemDragged.find(".cEventLink").addClass("cCursorNotAllowed");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $oElemDragged.removeClass("cCursorNotAllowed");
+ $oElemDragged.find(".cEventLink").removeClass("cCursorNotAllowed");
+ }
+ }
+ $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableColumns").removeClass("cActivatedCell");
+ for(iElemIndex = 0; iElemIndex < iNumOfDays; iElemIndex++)
+ {
+ iNextDay = iDroppedDayIndex + iElemIndex;
+ if(iNextDay <= (to.tv.dAVDt.length - 1))
+ {
+ $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableRow2 #ctpvDayColumn"+iNextDay).addClass("cActivatedCell");
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ drop: function(event, ui)
+ {
+ $oElemDragged = $(ui.draggable);
+ sEventId = $oElemDragged.attr("id");
+ sId = $oElemDragged.attr("data-id");
+ oDraggedEvent = to.getEventWithId(sId);
+ sEventClass = ".Event-" + sId;
+ dStartDateTime = null; dEndDateTime = null; bIsAllDay = false;
+ sDroppedCellId = $(this).attr("id");
+ if(sDroppedCellId === to.tv.draggableParent)
+ {
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ $(sEventClass+".cEventBeingDragged").remove();
+ $(sEventClass).removeClass("ui-draggable-dragging cEditingEvent cEditingEventUI");
+ }, 300);
+ to.tv.iTSEndEditing = $.cf.getTimestamp();
+ return true;
+ }
+ if(oDraggedEvent.start !== null)
+ dStartDateTime = oDraggedEvent.start;
+ if(oDraggedEvent.end !== null)
+ dEndDateTime = oDraggedEvent.end;
+ if(oDraggedEvent.isAllDay !== null)
+ bIsAllDay = oDraggedEvent.isAllDay;
+ iArrNumOfDays = to.getNumberOfDaysOfEvent(bIsAllDay, dStartDateTime, dEndDateTime, true, false, true);
+ iNumOfDays = iArrNumOfDays[0];
+ iNumOfHours = iArrNumOfDays[1];
+ iDroppedDayIndex = parseInt(sDroppedCellId.replace("ctpvDayColumn", ""));
+ var dDroppedDate = new Date(to.tv.dAVDt[iDroppedDayIndex]);
+ dStartDateAfterDrop = to.setDateInFormat({"iDate": {d: dDroppedDate.getDate(), M: dDroppedDate.getMonth(), y: dDroppedDate.getFullYear(), H: dStartDateTime.getHours(), m: dStartDateTime.getMinutes(), s: dStartDateTime.getSeconds()}}, "");
+ dEndDateAfterDrop = new Date(dStartDateAfterDrop.getTime() + (dEndDateTime.getTime() - dStartDateTime.getTime()));
+ if(to.tv.bChkDroppable)
+ {
+ $oElemDragged = $(to.elem).find("#" + sEventId + ".ui-draggable-dragging");
+ sDroppableId = $oElemDragged.attr("data-droppableid");
+ bEventEntered = to._findWhetherEventEnteredNonDroppableZone(dStartDateAfterDrop, dEndDateAfterDrop, bIsAllDay, iNumOfDays, sDroppableId);
+ $oElemDragged.removeClass("cCursorNotAllowed");
+ $oElemDragged.find(".cEventLink").removeClass("cCursorNotAllowed");
+ }
+ if(bEventEntered)
+ {
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ if(to.tv.bChkDroppable)
+ $oElemDragged.removeClass("cEditingEvent cEventBeingDragged ui-draggable-dragging");
+ to.tv.iTSEndEditing = $.cf.getTimestamp();
+ return false;
+ }, 300);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ var iComp = to.compareDates(dEndDateTime, $.CalenStyle.extra.dToday);
+ if(iComp > 0)
+ $(to.elem).find(sEventClass).css({"opacity": 1});
+ else if(iComp < 0)
+ $(to.elem).find(sEventClass).css({"opacity": 0.7});
+ if(to.__updateEventWithId(sId, dStartDateAfterDrop, dEndDateAfterDrop))
+ {
+ to.__addEventsInTaskPlannerView();
+ if(to.setting.addDaySummaryInTaskPlannerView)
+ to.__adjustTaskPlannerView();
+ }
+ $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableColumns").removeClass("cActivatedCell");
+ }
+ if(to.setting.saveChangesOnEventDrop)
+ to.setting.saveChangesOnEventDrop.call(to, oDraggedEvent, dStartDateTime, dEndDateTime, dStartDateAfterDrop, dEndDateAfterDrop);
+ to.tv.iTSEndEditing = $.cf.getTimestamp();
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ _makeEventDraggableInTaskPlannerView: function(sClass)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var iEventHeight = $(to.elem).find(".ctpvEvent").height(),
+ iEventWidth = $(to.elem).find("#ctpvDayColumn0").width(),
+ iTimeSlotWidth = iEventWidth + 1,
+ iCalendarLeft = $(to.elem).position().left,
+ iCalendarMarginLeft = $(to.elem).css("margin-left");
+ iCalendarMarginLeft = parseInt(iCalendarMarginLeft.replace("px", ""));
+ var iLeft = iCalendarLeft + iCalendarMarginLeft + $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableMain").position().left,
+ iX1 = iLeft,
+ iX2 = iX1 + $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableMain").width() - iEventWidth,
+ iCalendarTop = $(to.elem).position().top,
+ iCalendarMarginTop = $(to.elem).css("margin-top");
+ iCalendarMarginTop = parseInt(iCalendarMarginTop.replace("px", ""));
+ var iY1 = iCalendarTop + iCalendarMarginTop + $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableMain").position().top;
+ if(to.tv.bDisFBar && $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Top"))
+ iY1 += to.setting.filterBarHeight;
+ var iY2 = iY1 + $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableMain").height() - iEventHeight;
+ iEventWidth = iEventWidth - 10;
+ $(to.elem).find(sClass).draggable(
+ {
+ zIndex: 100,
+ scope: "Events",
+ grid: [iTimeSlotWidth, 1],
+ containment: [iX1, iY1, iX2, iY2],
+ scroll: false,
+ cursor: "move",
+ delay: 300,
+ revertDuration: 300,
+ start: function()
+ {
+ var $oElemDragged = $(this);
+ to.tv.draggableParent = $oElemDragged.closest(".ctpvDayColumns").attr("id");
+ if(!$oElemDragged.hasClass("cEventOnlyText"))
+ $oElemDragged.addClass("cEditingEvent cEditingEventUI");
+ else
+ $oElemDragged.addClass("cEditingEvent");
+ iEventWidth = $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableColumns").width() - 10;
+ $oElemDragged.css({"width": iEventWidth});
+ },
+ revert: function()
+ {
+ $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableColumns").removeClass("cActivatedCell");
+ return true;
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ _addTooltipInTaskPlannerView: function(sClass)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ $(to.elem).find(sClass).tooltip(
+ {
+ content: function()
+ {
+ var sTooltipText = "";
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.eventTooltipContent, "Default"))
+ {
+ var oTooltipContent = $(this).data("tooltipcontent");
+ if(oTooltipContent.title !== undefined)
+ sTooltipText += "
+ if(oTooltipContent.startDateTime !== undefined || oTooltipContent.endDateTime === undefined)
+ {
+ sTooltipText += "
+ if(oTooltipContent.startDateTime !== undefined)
+ sTooltipText += oTooltipContent.startDateTime;
+ if(oTooltipContent.endDateTime !== undefined)
+ sTooltipText += (" " + oTooltipContent.endDateTime);
+ sTooltipText += "
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ var oEventRecord = to.getEventWithId($(this).attr("data-id"));
+ sTooltipText = to.setting.eventTooltipContent.call(to, oEventRecord);
+ }
+ return sTooltipText;
+ },
+ position:
+ {
+ my: "center bottom-15",
+ at: "center top",
+ using: function(position, feedback)
+ {
+ $(this).css(position);
+ $("
+ .addClass("tooltip-arrow")
+ .addClass(feedback.vertical)
+ .addClass(feedback.horizontal)
+ .appendTo(this);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ _getDayNumberFromDateInTaskPlannerView: function(dThisDate)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ for(var iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < to.tv.dAVDt.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ if(to.compareDates(dThisDate, to.tv.dAVDt[iTempIndex]) === 0)
+ return iTempIndex;
+ }
+ return -1;
+ },
+ getEventDateTimeDataForTaskPlannerView: function(dEvStartDate, dEvEndDate, bIsAllDay, dThisDate)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var sDateTimeString = "", sSeparator = "";
+ if(bIsAllDay)
+ {
+ if(to.compareDates(dEvStartDate, dEvEndDate) === 0)
+ sDateTimeString = "
"+to.setting.miscStrings.allDay+" ";
+ else
+ sDateTimeString = "
"+to.setting.miscStrings.allDay+" " + sSeparator + "
"+ ($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.duration, "Default") ? to.__getDurationBetweenDates(dThisDate, dEvEndDate, "d", false, false) : to.setting.duration.call(to, dThisDate, dEvEndDate, "d")) +" ";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(to.compareDates(dEvStartDate, dEvEndDate) === 0)
+ sDateTimeString = "
" + to.getDateInFormat({"date": dEvStartDate}, "hh:mm", to.setting.is24Hour, true) + " " + sSeparator + "
" + ($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.duration, "Default") ? to.__getDurationBetweenDates(dEvStartDate, dEvEndDate, "dhm", false, false) : to.setting.duration.call(to, dEvStartDate, dEvEndDate, "dhm")) + " ";
+ else
+ {
+ if(to.compareDates(dEvStartDate, dThisDate) === 0)
+ sDateTimeString = "
" + to.getDateInFormat({"date": dEvStartDate}, "hh:mm", to.setting.is24Hour, true) + " " + sSeparator + "
" + ($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.duration, "Default") ? to.__getDurationBetweenDates(dEvStartDate, dEvEndDate, "dhm", false, false) : to.setting.duration.call(to, dEvStartDate, dEvEndDate, "dhm")) + " ";
+ else if(to.compareDates(dEvEndDate, dThisDate) === 0)
+ sDateTimeString = "
"+to.setting.miscStrings.ends+" " + sSeparator + "
" + to.getDateInFormat({"date": dEvEndDate}, "hh:mm", to.setting.is24Hour, true) + " ";
+ else
+ sDateTimeString = "
"+to.setting.miscStrings.allDay+" " + sSeparator + "
"+ ($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.duration, "Default") ? to.__getDurationBetweenDates(dThisDate, dEvEndDate, "dhm", false, false) : to.setting.duration.call(to, dThisDate, dEvEndDate, "dhm"))+" ";
+ }
+ }
+ return sDateTimeString;
+ },
+ _updateDaySummaryView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ if(to.setting.addDaySummaryInTaskPlannerView)
+ {
+ for(var iDateIndex = 0; iDateIndex < to.tv.iNoVDayDis; iDateIndex++)
+ {
+ to.setting.addDaySummaryInTaskPlannerView.call(to, to.tv.dAVDt[iDateIndex], $(to.elem).find("#ctpvSummaryColumn" + iDateIndex));
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ updateDaySummaryViewForDate: function(dThisDate)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ if(to.setting.addDaySummaryInTaskPlannerView)
+ {
+ var iDateIndex = to._getDayNumberFromDateInTaskPlannerView(dThisDate);
+ if(iDateIndex !== -1)
+ {
+ to.setting.addDaySummaryInTaskPlannerView.call(to, dThisDate, $(to.elem).find("#ctpvSummaryColumn" + iDateIndex));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ console.log("Please write a definition for addDaySummaryInTaskPlannerView callback function to update view for date");
+ }
+/*! ---------------------------------- CalenStyle Task Planner View End --------------------------------- */
diff --git a/src/calenstyle-weekplannerview.js b/src/calenstyle-weekplannerview.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d92199c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/calenstyle-weekplannerview.js
@@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CalenStyle - Responsive Event Calendar
+ Version 2.0.0
+ Copyright (c)2016 Curious Solutions LLP
+ https://curioussolutions.in/libraries/calenstyle/content/license.htm
+ See License Information in LICENSE file.
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*! ---------------------------------- CalenStyle Week Planner View Start --------------------------------- */
+//"use strict";
+CalenStyle.prototype = $.extend(CalenStyle.prototype, {
+ // Public Method
+ updateWeekPlannerView: function(bLoadAllData)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var iTempIndex, iEventIndex, sTemplate = "",
+ sArrViewDates = [], sFullDate = "",
+ dTempViewDate, dTempViewStartDate, dTempViewEndDate, oAEventsForView,
+ bHideEventIcon = $.cf.isValid(to.setting.hideEventIcon[to.setting.visibleView]) ? to.setting.hideEventIcon[to.setting.visibleView] : $.cf.isValid(to.setting.hideEventIcon.Default) ? to.setting.hideEventIcon.Default : false,
+ bHideEventTime = $.cf.isValid(to.setting.hideEventTime[to.setting.visibleView]) ? to.setting.hideEventTime[to.setting.visibleView] : $.cf.isValid(to.setting.hideEventTime.Default) ? to.setting.hideEventTime.Default : false;
+ to.__getCurrentViewDates();
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.tv.sLoadType, "Prev"))
+ to.tv.dLoadDt = to.tv.dAVDt[0];
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.tv.sLoadType, "Next"))
+ to.tv.dLoadDt = to.tv.dAVDt[(to.tv.dAVDt.length - 1)];
+ to._setDateStringsInHeaderOfWeekPlannerView();
+ for(iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < to.tv.dAVDt.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ sFullDate = to.getDateInFormat({"date": to.tv.dAVDt[iTempIndex]}, "dd-MM-yyyy", false, true);
+ sArrViewDates.push("cwpvDate-"+sFullDate);
+ }
+ sTemplate += "
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ sTemplate += "
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ sTemplate += "
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ sTemplate += "
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ $(to.elem).find(".cwpvTableMain").html(sTemplate);
+ to.adjustWeekPlannerView();
+ to.__parseData(bLoadAllData, function()
+ {
+ var iEventId = 0,
+ sFullDate = "", sDateId = "", sTemplate = "", bIsToday = false, sDateClass = "", sDayClass = "",
+ oEvent = null, dStartDateTime = null, dEndDateTime = null,
+ bIsAllDay = 0, sTitle = "", sURL = "", sDesc = "", bIsMarked = false,
+ sArrEventDateTime = null, sEventDateTime = null,
+ sEventColor = "", sEventBorderColor = "", sEventTextColor = "",
+ sStyle = "", sStyleColorHeight = "", sIcon = "", sEventDetailsStyle = "", sEventIconStyle = "",
+ sId = "", sIdElem = "", sClass = "",
+ $oDateCell = null;
+ for(iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < to.tv.dAVDt.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ dTempViewDate = to.tv.dAVDt[iTempIndex];
+ dTempViewStartDate = to.setDateInFormat({"date": dTempViewDate}, "START");
+ dTempViewEndDate = to.setDateInFormat({"date": dTempViewDate}, "END");
+ oAEventsForView = to.getArrayOfEventsForView(dTempViewStartDate, dTempViewEndDate);
+ sFullDate = to.getDateInFormat({"date": dTempViewStartDate}, "dd-MM-yyyy", false, true);
+ bIsToday = (to.compareDates(dTempViewDate, $.CalenStyle.extra.dToday) === 0);
+ sDateId = "cwpvDate-" + sFullDate;
+ $oDateCell = $(to.elem).find("#"+sDateId);
+ if(iTempIndex === (to.tv.dAVDt.length - 1))
+ {
+ sDateClass = bIsToday ? "cwpvDate cwpvDateToday" : "cwpvDate";
+ sDayClass = bIsToday ? "cwpvDay cwpvDateToday" : "cwpvDay";
+ sTemplate += "
" + to.getDateInFormat({"date": dTempViewDate}, "d", false, true);
+ sTemplate += "
" + to.getDateInFormat({"date": dTempViewDate}, "DDD", false, true) + "
+ sTemplate += "
+ $oDateCell.append(sTemplate);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sDateClass = bIsToday ? "cwpvDate cwpvDateToday" : "cwpvDate";
+ $oDateCell.append("
" + to.getDateInFormat({"date": dTempViewStartDate}, "DDD, MMM dd", false, true) + "
+ }
+ if(oAEventsForView.length > 0)
+ {
+ $oDateCell.append("
+ for(iEventIndex = 0; iEventIndex < oAEventsForView.length; iEventIndex++)
+ {
+ oEvent = oAEventsForView[iEventIndex];
+ dStartDateTime = null; dEndDateTime = null;
+ bIsAllDay = 0; sTitle = ""; sURL = ""; sEventColor = ""; sDesc = ""; bIsMarked = false;
+ sId = ""; sIdElem = "";
+ sEventColor = ""; sEventBorderColor = ""; sEventTextColor = "";
+ sStyle = ""; sStyleColorHeight = ""; sIcon = ""; sEventDetailsStyle = ""; sEventIconStyle = "";
+ bIsMarked = false;
+ if(oEvent.start !== null)
+ dStartDateTime = oEvent.start;
+ if(oEvent.end !== null)
+ dEndDateTime = oEvent.end;
+ if(oEvent.isAllDay !== null)
+ bIsAllDay = oEvent.isAllDay;
+ if(oEvent.title !== null)
+ sTitle = oEvent.title;
+ if(oEvent.desc !== null)
+ sDesc = oEvent.desc;
+ if(oEvent.url !== null)
+ sURL = oEvent.url;
+ if(oEvent.isMarked !== null)
+ bIsMarked = oEvent.isMarked;
+ if(bIsMarked)
+ bIsAllDay = true;
+ sArrEventDateTime = to.getEventDateTimeDataForWeekPlannerView(dStartDateTime, dEndDateTime, bIsAllDay, dTempViewStartDate);
+ sEventDateTime = sArrEventDateTime;
+ if(sEventDateTime === "")
+ sEventDateTime = to.setting.miscStrings.allDay;
+ sEventColor = oEvent.backgroundColor;
+ sEventColor = ($.cf.compareStrings(sEventColor, "") || $.cf.compareStrings(sEventColor, "transparent")) ? "transparent" : sEventColor;
+ sEventBorderColor = oEvent.borderColor || $.cf.addHashToHexcode(to.setting.borderColor);
+ sEventBorderColor = ($.cf.compareStrings(sEventBorderColor, "") || $.cf.compareStrings(sEventBorderColor, "transparent")) ? "transparent" : sEventBorderColor;
+ sEventTextColor = oEvent.textColor || $.cf.addHashToHexcode(to.setting.textColor);
+ sEventTextColor = ($.cf.compareStrings(sEventTextColor, "") || $.cf.compareStrings(sEventTextColor, "transparent")) ? $.cf.addHashToHexcode(to.setting.textColor) : sEventTextColor;
+ sId = "Event-" + (++iEventId);
+ sStyleColorHeight = sArrEventDateTime[1];
+ sStyle = "";
+ sClass = "cwpvEvent";
+ if(bIsMarked)
+ {
+ sClass += " cMarkedDayEvent";
+ sIcon = ($.cf.isValid(oEvent.icon) && oEvent.icon !== "Dot") ? oEvent.icon : "cs-icon-Mark";
+ if(oEvent.fromSingleColor)
+ {
+ sStyle += "background: " + sEventColor + "; ";
+ sEventIconStyle = "color: " + sEventTextColor + ";";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sStyle += "background: " + $.cf.getRGBAString(sEventColor, 0.1) + "; ";
+ sEventIconStyle = "color: " + sEventColor + ";";
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sIcon = $.cf.isValid(oEvent.icon) ? oEvent.icon : to.setting.eventIcon;
+ }
+ sTemplate = "";
+ sTemplate += "
+ if(bIsMarked)
+ {
+ sTemplate += "
+ sTemplate += "
" + sTitle + "
+ sTemplate += "
+ sTemplate += "
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(!bHideEventIcon)
+ {
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(sIcon, "Dot"))
+ {
+ sEventIconStyle = "background: " + sEventTextColor + "; ";
+ sTemplate += "
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sEventIconStyle = "color: " + sEventTextColor + "; ";
+ sTemplate += "
+ }
+ }
+ sTemplate += "
+ sTemplate += "
" + sTitle + "
+ if(!bHideEventTime)
+ sTemplate += "
" + sEventDateTime + "
+ sTemplate += "
+ }
+ sTemplate += "
+ $oDateCell.find(".cwpvEventCont").append(sTemplate);
+ if(bIsMarked)
+ {
+ var $oDateElem = $oDateCell.find(".cwpvDate");
+ if($oDateElem.find(".cMarkedDayIndicator").length === 0)
+ $oDateElem.append("
+ }
+ sTemplate = "";
+ sIdElem = "#"+sId;
+ if($.cf.isValid(sURL) || to.setting.eventClicked)
+ {
+ $oDateCell.find(sIdElem).on($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandler, {"url": sURL, "eventId": oEvent.calEventId, "eventElemSelector": sIdElem, "view": "AgendaView", "pluginId": to.tv.pluginId}, to.__bindClick);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $oDateCell.append("
No Events
+ }
+ }
+ to.addRemoveViewLoader(false, "cEventLoaderBg");
+ to.addRemoveLoaderIndicators(false, "cEventLoaderIndicator");
+ to.adjustWeekPlannerView();
+ to.__modifyFilterBarCallback();
+ });
+ },
+ _setDateStringsInHeaderOfWeekPlannerView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var sHeaderViewLabel = "";
+ var oAGVStart = to.getDateInFormat({"date": to.tv.dVSDt}, "object", false, true),
+ oAGVEnd = to.getDateInFormat({"date": to.tv.dVEDt}, "object", false, true);
+ if(oAGVStart.y === oAGVEnd.y)
+ sHeaderViewLabel = to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oAGVStart}, "MMM", false, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oAGVStart.d, 0, true) + " - " + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oAGVEnd}, "MMM", false, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oAGVEnd.d, 0, true) + ", " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oAGVEnd.y, 0, true);
+ else
+ sHeaderViewLabel = to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oAGVStart}, "MMM", false, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oAGVStart.d, 0, true) + ", " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oAGVStart.y, 0, true) + " - " + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oAGVEnd}, "MMM", false, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oAGVEnd.d, 0, true) + ", " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oAGVEnd.y, 0, true);
+ if(to.setting.modifyHeaderViewLabels)
+ to.setting.modifyHeaderViewLabels.call(to, to.tv.dVSDt, to.tv.dVEDt, to.setting.selectedDate, sHeaderViewLabel, to.setting.visibleView);
+ $(to.elem).find(".cContHeaderLabel").html(sHeaderViewLabel);
+ },
+ // Public Method
+ getEventDateTimeDataForWeekPlannerView: function(dEvStartDate, dEvEndDate, bIsAllDay, dThisDate)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var sDateTimeString = "", sSeparator = "";
+ if(bIsAllDay)
+ {
+ if(to.compareDates(dEvStartDate, dEvEndDate) === 0)
+ sDateTimeString = "
"+to.setting.miscStrings.allDay+" ";
+ else
+ sDateTimeString = "
"+to.setting.miscStrings.allDay+" " + sSeparator + "
"+ ($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.duration, "Default") ? to.__getDurationBetweenDates(dThisDate, dEvEndDate, "d", false, false) : to.setting.duration.call(to, dThisDate, dEvEndDate, "d")) +" ";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(to.compareDates(dEvStartDate, dEvEndDate) === 0)
+ sDateTimeString = "
" + to.getDateInFormat({"date": dEvStartDate}, "hh:mm", to.setting.is24Hour, true) + " " + sSeparator + "
" + ($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.duration, "Default") ? to.__getDurationBetweenDates(dEvStartDate, dEvEndDate, "dhm", false, false) : to.setting.duration.call(to, dEvStartDate, dEvEndDate, "dhm")) + " ";
+ else
+ {
+ if(to.compareDates(dEvStartDate, dThisDate) === 0)
+ sDateTimeString = "
" + to.getDateInFormat({"date": dEvStartDate}, "hh:mm", to.setting.is24Hour, true) + " " + sSeparator + "
" + ($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.duration, "Default") ? to.__getDurationBetweenDates(dEvStartDate, dEvEndDate, "dhm", false, false) : to.setting.duration.call(to, dEvStartDate, dEvEndDate, "dhm")) + " ";
+ else if(to.compareDates(dEvEndDate, dThisDate) === 0)
+ sDateTimeString = "
"+to.setting.miscStrings.ends+" " + sSeparator + "
" + to.getDateInFormat({"date": dEvEndDate}, "hh:mm", to.setting.is24Hour, true) + " ";
+ else
+ sDateTimeString = "
"+to.setting.miscStrings.allDay+" " + sSeparator + "
"+ ($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.duration, "Default") ? to.__getDurationBetweenDates(dThisDate, dEvEndDate, "dhm", false, false) : to.setting.duration.call(to, dThisDate, dEvEndDate, "dhm"))+" ";
+ }
+ }
+ return sDateTimeString;
+ },
+ __goToPrevWeekPlannerView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var iCurrentDateMS = to.tv.dVSDt.getTime();
+ iCurrentDateMS -= (to.tv.iNoVDay * $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.d);
+ to.setting.selectedDate = to.setDateInFormat({"date": new Date(iCurrentDateMS)}, "START");
+ to.tv.dLoadDt = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.setting.selectedDate}, "START");
+ to.tv.sLoadType = "Prev";
+ to.__reloadCurrentView(false, true);
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ to.__reloadDatePickerContentOnNavigation();
+ }, 10);
+ },
+ __goToNextWeekPlannerView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var iCurrentDateMS = to.tv.dVEDt.getTime();
+ iCurrentDateMS += $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.d;
+ to.setting.selectedDate = to.setDateInFormat({"date": new Date(iCurrentDateMS)}, "START");
+ to.tv.dLoadDt = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.setting.selectedDate}, "START");
+ to.tv.sLoadType = "Next";
+ to.__reloadCurrentView(false, true);
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ to.__reloadDatePickerContentOnNavigation();
+ }, 10);
+ },
+ // Public Method
+ adjustWeekPlannerView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var icwpvCalendarContMaxHeight = $(to.elem).find(".cwpvCalendarCont").css("max-height");
+ icwpvCalendarContMaxHeight = parseInt(icwpvCalendarContMaxHeight.replace("px", "")) || 0;
+ var icwpvCalendarContMinHeight = $(to.elem).find(".cwpvCalendarCont").css("min-height");
+ icwpvCalendarContMinHeight = parseInt(icwpvCalendarContMinHeight.replace("px", "")) || 0;
+ if(icwpvCalendarContMaxHeight > 0 && $(to.elem).height() > icwpvCalendarContMaxHeight)
+ $(to.elem).css({"height": icwpvCalendarContMaxHeight});
+ else if(icwpvCalendarContMinHeight > 0 && $(to.elem).height() < icwpvCalendarContMinHeight)
+ $(to.elem).css({"height": icwpvCalendarContMinHeight});
+ if(to.tv.iCalHeight !== 0)
+ $(to.elem).css({"height": to.tv.iCalHeight});
+ var iCalendarContWidth = $(to.elem).find(".calendarCont").parent().outerWidth(),
+ iCalendarContHeight = $(to.elem).find(".calendarCont").outerHeight();
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Left") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Right"))
+ iCalendarContWidth -= to.setting.filterBarWidth;
+ if(to.tv.bDisFBar && ($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Top") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Bottom")))
+ {
+ $(to.elem).find(".cFilterBar").css({"width": iCalendarContWidth});
+ iCalendarContHeight -= $(to.elem).find(".cFilterBar").height();
+ }
+ $(to.elem).find(".calendarContInner").css({"width": iCalendarContWidth, "height": iCalendarContHeight});
+ if(!to.setting.fixedHeightOfWeekPlannerViewCells)
+ $(to.elem).find(".cwpvTableOuterCont").css({"width": iCalendarContWidth});
+ iCalendarContWidth = iCalendarContWidth - 1;
+ if(!to.setting.fixedHeightOfWeekPlannerViewCells)
+ $(to.elem).find(".cwpvTableMain").css({"width": iCalendarContWidth});
+ else
+ $(to.elem).find(".cwpvTableMain").css({"width": iCalendarContWidth});
+ $(to.elem).find(".cwpvRowTwoColumn .cwpvColumn").css({"width": (iCalendarContWidth / 2)});
+ to.__adjustHeader();
+ if(to.tv.bDisFBar && $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Right"))
+ $(to.elem).find(".cFilterBar").css({"left": iCalendarContWidth});
+ iCalendarContHeight -= (($(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").length > 0) ? $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").outerHeight() : 0);
+ if(to.tv.bDisABar)
+ iCalendarContHeight -= $(to.elem).find(".cActionBar").outerHeight();
+ if(to.setting.fixedHeightOfWeekPlannerViewCells)
+ $(to.elem).find(".cwpvTableMain").css({"height": iCalendarContHeight});
+ else
+ $(to.elem).find(".cwpvTableOuterCont").css({"height": iCalendarContHeight});
+ var iTwoColumnWidth = $(to.elem).find(".cwpvRowTwoColumn .cwpvColumn").width(),
+ iOneColumnWidth = $(to.elem).find(".cwpvRowOneColumn .cwpvColumn").width(),
+ iOneColumnDateWidth = $(to.elem).find(".cwpvRowOneColumn .cwpvDate").width();
+ $(to.elem).find(".cwpvRowTwoColumn .cwpvEventContent").css({"width": (iTwoColumnWidth - 35)});
+ $(to.elem).find(".cwpvRowOneColumn .cwpvEventContent").css({"width": (iOneColumnWidth - (iOneColumnDateWidth + 50))});
+ $(to.elem).find(".cwpvRowOneColumn .cwpvEventCont").css({"width": (iOneColumnWidth - (iOneColumnDateWidth + 17))});
+ if(to.setting.fixedHeightOfWeekPlannerViewCells)
+ {
+ var iTwoColumnCellsAvHeight = 0.8 * iCalendarContHeight,
+ iTwoColumnCellsHeight = iTwoColumnCellsAvHeight/3,
+ iOneColumnCellsHeight = 0.2 * iCalendarContHeight,
+ $oTwoColumn = $(to.elem).find(".cwpvRowTwoColumn"),
+ $oOneColumn = $(to.elem).find(".cwpvRowOneColumn"),
+ iTwoColumnDateHeight = $oOneColumn.find(".cwpvDate").height(),
+ iTwoColumnEventContHeight = iTwoColumnCellsHeight - iTwoColumnDateHeight;
+ $oTwoColumn.css({"height": iTwoColumnCellsHeight});
+ $oOneColumn.css({"height": iOneColumnCellsHeight});
+ $oTwoColumn.find(".cwpvEventCont").css({"height": iTwoColumnEventContHeight});
+ $oOneColumn.find(".cwpvEventCont").css({"height": (iOneColumnCellsHeight - 25)});
+ }
+ }
+/*! ---------------------------------- CalenStyle Week Planner View End --------------------------------- */
diff --git a/src/calenstyle.css b/src/calenstyle.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de61914
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/calenstyle.css
@@ -0,0 +1,3690 @@
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CalenStyle - Responsive Event Calendar
+ Version 2.0.0
+ Copyright (c)2016 Curious Solutions LLP
+ https://curioussolutions.in/libraries/calenstyle/content/license.htm
+ See License Information in LICENSE file.
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ width: 100% !important;
+ height: 100% !important;
+.calendarCont, .calendarCont *
+ -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
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+ max-height: 500px;
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+ font-size: 80%;
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+ display: inline-block;
+ height: 100%;
+ width: 0;
+ border: 1px solid #000000;
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+ float: right;
+.cmvCalendarCont .cPartialEventRight
+ border-width: 1px;
+ opacity: 0.5;
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+ opacity: 1 !important;
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+ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 5px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
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+.cdvCalendarCont, .cqavCalendarCont, .ctpvCalendarCont
+ width: 100%;
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+ width: auto !important;
+ float: none;
+.br-chrome .calendarCont table,
+.br-safari .calendarCont table,
+.br-opera .calendarCont table,
+.br-other .calendarCont table
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+.calendarCont table, .calendarCont th, .calendarCont td, .calendarCont tr
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+.br-safari .cdvCalendarCont table,
+.br-opera .cdvCalendarCont table,
+.br-other .cdvCalendarCont table,
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+.br-safari .cqavCalendarCont table,
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+.br-other .cqavCalendarCont table,
+.br-chrome .ctpvCalendarCont table,
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+.br-opera .ctpvCalendarCont table,
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+.cdvCalendarCont .cdvLastColumn
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+.cdvDetailTableMain .cdvDetailTableColumnTime
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+.cdvDetailTableMain .cDayEventDetailView td
+ border-bottom-color: transparent !important;
+.cdvTimeSlotTable tr:nth-child(even)
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+.cavCalendarCont .cavTable td
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+.cavTableRow1 td
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+.cavCalendarCont .cavTable .cavLastColumn
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+.cavCalendarCont td
+ vertical-align: top;
+.cmvCalendarContWithBorders td
+ border: 1px solid #DDDDDD;
+.cmvCalendarContWithBorders .cmvFirstColumn
+ border-left: none;
+ cursor: pointer;
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* ---------------------* Common View Start *--------------------- */
+/* -------------------------------* Header View Start *-----------------------------------*/
+ height: 45px;
+ position: relative;
+ top: 0;
+ left: 0;
+ z-index: 12;
+ border-bottom: 1px solid #CCCCCC;
+ color: #757575;
+ background: #F5F5F5;
+ padding: 0 10px;
+ cursor: pointer;
+.calendarContWeb .cContHeaderButton:not(.cContHeaderToday):hover
+ color: #96281B;
+.calendarContWeb .cContHeaderToday:hover
+ color: #FFFFFF;
+ background: #96281B;
+ color: #96281B;
+.calendarContMobile .cContHeader
+ font-size: 130%;
+ height: 45px;
+ line-height: 45px;
+ text-align: center;
+ vertical-align: top;
+ display: inline-block;
+ float: left;
+ z-index: 14;
+ margin: 0 auto;
+ z-index: 13;
+ display: inline-block;
+ float: right;
+ z-index: 14;
+.cContHeaderSections *
+ display: inline-block;
+ vertical-align: top;
+ width: 38px;
+ height: 37px;
+ border-radius: 2px;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+ line-height: 28px;
+ background: #FF3B30;
+ color: #FFFFFF;
+ border: 6px solid #F5F5F5;
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+ z-index: 13;
+ cursor: pointer;
+ border-style: solid;
+ border-width: 4px;
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+ border-bottom-color: #111111;
+ border-right-color: #111111;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+ margin-bottom: -10px;
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+ border-right-color: #96281B;
+ width: 40px;
+ font-size: 150%;
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+ padding: 0 0 0 3px;
+ display: inline;
+ border-bottom: 1px dotted #757575;
+ color: #111111;
+ color: #96281B;
+.cContHeaderLabelMonth.clickableLink:hover .cContHeaderLabelUnderline,
+.cContHeaderLabelYear.clickableLink:hover .cContHeaderLabelUnderline
+ border-color: #96281B;
+ color: #96281B !important;
+ margin: 0 2px 0 2px;
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: 30px;
+ height: 45px;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ font-size: 160%;
+ margin: 0 2px 0 2px;
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: 30px;
+ height: 45px;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ font-size: 110%;
+ width: 30px;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ font-size: 160%;
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+.cContHeaderMenuSegmentedTab .cContHeaderMenuSections li
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+ padding: 0 10px;
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+ text-align: center;
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+ text-overflow: ellipsis;
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+.cContHeaderMenuSegmentedTab .cContHeaderMenuSections li.cSelectedMenu
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+ color: #FFFFFF;
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+ z-index: 13;
+ position: absolute;
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+.cContHeaderMenuDropdown .cContHeaderMenuSections
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+ box-shadow: 0 3px 10px rgba(20, 20, 20, 0.9);
+@media(max-width: 400px)
+ .cContHeaderMenuDropdown .cContHeaderMenuSections
+ {
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+ }
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+.cContHeaderMenuDropdown .cContHeaderMenuSections li:first-child#cContHeaderMenuDatePicker
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+.cContHeaderMenuDropdown .cContHeaderMenuSections li:last-child#cContHeaderMenuDatePicker
+ border-top: 1px solid #DDDDDD;
+.calendarContWeb .cContHeaderMenuDropdown .cContHeaderMenuSections li:hover:not(.cSelectedMenu)
+ background: #F8F8F8;
+ color: #96281B;
+.cContHeaderMenuDropdown .cContHeaderMenuSections li.cSelectedMenu
+ color: #96281B;
+/* -------------------------------* Header View End *-----------------------------------*/
+/* ---------------------* Common View End *--------------------- */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* ---------------------* Week Planner View Start *--------------------- */
+ overflow-y: auto;
+.cwpvTable td
+ vertical-align: top;
+ border-top: 1px dotted #DDDDDD;
+ border-bottom: 1px dotted #DDDDDD;
+ border-right: 1px solid #DDDDDD;
+.cwpvRowTwoColumn .cwpvDate
+ margin: 4px 6px;
+ padding-left: 4px;
+ font-size: 100%;
+ color: #111111;
+ line-height: 25px;
+.cwpvRowOneColumn .cwpvDate
+ float: left;
+ display: inline-block;
+ max-width: 85px;
+ margin: 8px 6px;
+ padding-left: 4px;
+ font-size: 100%;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ color: #111111;
+.cwpvRowOneColumn .cwpvDay
+ font-size: 70%;
+ text-transform: uppercase;
+.cwpvRowTwoColumn .cwpvDateToday,
+.cwpvRowOneColumn .cwpvDateToday
+ color: #1E8BC3;
+ overflow-y: auto;
+.cwpvRowOneColumn .cwpvEventCont
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin-top: 8px;
+.cwpvRowTwoColumn .cwpvEvent
+ padding: 2px 4px;
+ margin: 0 2px 2px 2px;
+ cursor: pointer;
+.cwpvRowOneColumn .cwpvEvent
+ padding: 2px 4px;
+ margin: 0 2px 2px 2px;
+ cursor: pointer;
+ float: left;
+ width: 20px;
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: 7px;
+ height: 7px;
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+ display: inline-block;
+ width: 14px;
+ height: 12px;
+ line-height: 12px !important;
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+ font-size: 70%;
+ color: #ABB7B7;
+ float: right;
+ color: #ABB7B7;
+ line-height: 25px;
+ font-size: 70%;
+ padding-left: 25px;
+.cwpvRowOneColumn .cwpvNoEvents
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: 1px !important;
+/* ---------------------* Week Planner View End *--------------------- */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* ---------------------* Agenda View (Timeline1) Start *--------------------- */
+.cagvTimeline1 .cListOuterCont
+ background: #EEEEEE;
+.cagvTimeline1 .cagvTable
+ margin-top: 8px;
+ table-layout: auto !important;
+.cagvTimeline1 .cagvTable *
+ vertical-align: top;
+.cagvTimeline1 .cagvDate
+ margin: 4px 6px;
+ padding-left: 4px;
+ font-size: 95%;
+ color: #444444;
+ line-height: 40px;
+.cagvTimeline1 .cagvDateToday
+ color: #1E8BC3;
+.cagvTimeline1 .cagvEvent
+ height: 40px;
+ cursor: pointer;
+.cagvTimeline1 .cagvEventCard
+ position: relative;
+ margin: 10px 10px 10px 6px;
+ padding-top: 5px;
+ padding-bottom: 5px;
+ border-radius: 2px;
+ background: #FFFFFF;
+ border: 1px solid #CCCCCC;
+.cagvTimeline1 .cagvEventCardBefore
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 50%;
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(-50%);
+ -moz-transform: translateY(-50%);
+ -o-transform: translateY(-50%);
+ -ms-transform: translateY(-50%);
+ transform: translateY(-50%);
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+ border-right: 12px solid #CCCCCC;
+ border-left: 0 solid #CCCCCC;
+ border-bottom: 12px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ content: " ";
+.cagvTimeline1 .cagvEventCard:after
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 50%;
+ -webkit-transform: translateY(-50%);
+ -moz-transform: translateY(-50%);
+ -o-transform: translateY(-50%);
+ -ms-transform: translateY(-50%);
+ transform: translateY(-50%);
+ left: -10px;
+ display: inline-block;
+ border-top: 11px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ border-right: 11px solid #FFFFFF;
+ border-left: 0 solid #FFFFFF;
+ border-bottom: 11px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ content: " ";
+.cagvTimeline1 .cagvEventTime
+ margin-left: 5px;
+ padding: 0 4px;
+ display: inline-block;
+ height: 100%;
+ width: 50px;
+.cagvTimeline1 .cagvEventTime span
+ display: inline-block;
+ font-size: 75%;
+.cagvTimeline1 .cagvEventTimeTop
+ margin-top: 2px;
+ color: #000000;
+.cagvTimeline1 .cagvEventTimeBottom
+ margin-top: 5px;
+ color: #ABB7B7 !important;
+.cagvTimeline1 .cagvEventIcon
+ position: relative;
+ padding: 0 4px;
+ width: 40px;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+ text-align: center;
+.cagvTimeline1 .cagvEventIconLine
+ position: absolute;
+ left: 50%;
+ margin-left: -1px;
+ top: 0;
+ width: 2px;
+ height: 100%;
+ background: #FFFFFF;
+ content: " ";
+ z-index: -1;
+.cagvTimeline1 .cagvEventIconFont
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: 27px;
+ height: 27px;
+ line-height: 22px !important;
+ font-size: 15px;
+ text-align: center;
+ background: #D1D1D1;
+ color: #FFFFFF;
+ border-radius: 25px;
+ border: 2px solid #FFFFFF;
+.cagvTimeline1 .cagvEventIconDot
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: 12px;
+ height: 12px;
+ border-radius: 50%;
+ border: 2px solid #FFFFFF;
+.cagvTimeline1 .cagvEventContent
+ padding: 0 4px;
+ display: inline-block;
+ height: 100%;
+.cagvTimeline1 .cagvEventTitle
+ font-size: 100%;
+ color: #000000;
+ max-height: 50px;
+ overflow: hidden;
+.cagvTimeline1 .cagvEventDesc
+ font-size: 85%;
+ color: #ABB7B7;
+ max-height: 80px;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ margin-top: 5px;
+.cagvTimeline1 .cagvNoEvent
+ color: #ABB7B7;
+ line-height: 25px;
+ font-size: 70%;
+ padding-left: 25px;
+/* ---------------------* Agenda View (Timeline1) End *--------------------- */
+/* ---------------------* Agenda View (Timeline2) Start *--------------------- */
+.cagvTimeline2 .cagvTable
+ margin-top: 8px;
+.cagvTimeline2 .cagvTable *
+ vertical-align: top;
+.cagvTimeline2 .cagvDaySeparator
+ height: 40px;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+.cagvTimeline2 .cagvDaySeparator hr
+ border-color: #FAFAFA;
+ border-style: solid;
+.cagvTimeline2 .cagvContDate
+ vertical-align: top;
+ width: 50px;
+.cagvTimeline2 .cagvDate
+ margin: 8px 4px 2px 10px;
+ font-size: 140%;
+ color: #000000;
+.cagvTimeline2 .cagvDay
+ margin: 2px 4px 2px 10px;
+ font-size: 80%;
+ color: #000000;
+ text-transform: uppercase;
+.cagvTimeline2 .cagvDateToday
+ color: #004AD9;
+.cagvTimeline2 .cagvEvent
+ cursor: pointer;
+.cagvTimeline2 .cagvContDetails
+ margin: 4px 4px;
+ padding: 8px 10px;
+ border-radius: 2px;
+ background: #ECEFF1;
+ border-width: 1px;
+ border-style: solid;
+.cagvTimeline2 .cagvEventIcon
+ float: right;
+ clear: right;
+ margin-left: 5px;
+.cagvTimeline2 .cagvEventIconFont
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: 12px;
+ height: 12px;
+ line-height: 12px !important;
+ font-size: 12px;
+ text-align: center;
+.cagvTimeline2 .cagvEventIconDot
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: 6px;
+ height: 6px;
+ border-radius: 50%;
+.cagvTimeline2 .cagvEventTitle
+ font-size: 100%;
+ max-height: 50px;
+ margin-right: 2px;
+.cagvTimeline2 .cagvContTime
+ margin-top: 14px;
+.cagvTimeline2 .cagvEventTime
+ min-width: 80px;
+.cagvTimeline2 .cagvEventTime span
+ display: inline-block;
+ font-size: 75%;
+.cagvTimeline2 .cagvEventTimeBottom
+ float: right;
+.cagvTimeline2 .cagvEventTimeDuration
+ margin-right: 2px;
+.cagvTimeline2 .cagvEventTimeLabel
+ color: #FFFFFF !important;
+ padding: 3px 5px;
+ font-size: 70% !important;
+ border-radius: 5px;
+ text-transform: uppercase;
+.cagvTimeline2 .cagvNoEvent
+ padding-top: 10px;
+ padding-left: 25px;
+ color: #E1E1E1;
+ font-size: 70%;
+/* ---------------------* Agenda View (Timeline2) End *--------------------- */
+/* ---------------------* Agenda View (Timeline3) Start *--------------------- */
+.cagvTimeline3 .cagvTable
+ margin-top: 8px;
+ table-layout: auto !important;
+.cagvTimeline3 .cagvTable *
+ vertical-align: top;
+.cagvTimeline3 .cagvDate
+ padding-left: 4px;
+ font-size: 90%;
+ line-height: 40px;
+ color: #9E9E9E;
+ background: #F5F5F5;
+ border: 1px solid #E0E0E0;
+.cagvTimeline3 .cagvDateToday
+ color: #1E8BC3;
+.cagvTimeline3 .cagvTable .cagvEvent td
+ padding-top: 10px;
+ padding-bottom: 10px;
+ max-height: 50px;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+.cagvTimeline3 .cagvEventContent
+ padding-left: 5px;
+.cagvTimeline3 .cagvEvent
+ height: 40px;
+ cursor: pointer;
+.cagvTimeline3 .cagvEventSeparator hr
+ border-color: #FAFAFA;
+ border-style: solid;
+.cagvTimeline3 .cagvEventColor
+ width: 16px;
+ min-width: 16px;
+.cagvTimeline3 .cagvEventColor span
+ display: inline-block;
+ height: 100%;
+ width: 4px;
+ margin: 0 6px;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+.cagvTimeline3 .cagvEventTime
+ padding: 0 4px;
+.cagvTimeline3 .cagvEventTime span
+ display: inline-block;
+ font-size: 85%;
+ color: #000000;
+.cagvTimeline3 .cagvEventTime .cagvEventTimeAllDay
+ font-size: 75%;
+.cagvTimeline3 .cagvEventTimeDuration
+ color: #ABB7B7 !important;
+.cagvTimeline3 .cagvEventTimeLabel
+ color: #000000 !important;
+.cagvTimeline3 .cagvEventTimeBottom
+ margin-top: 5px;
+ color: #ABB7B7 !important;
+.cagvTimeline3 .cagvEventIcon
+ padding: 0 4px;
+ min-width: 35px;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+ text-align: center;
+.cagvTimeline3 .cagvEventIconFont
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: 25px;
+ height: 25px;
+ line-height: 25px !important;
+ font-size: 15px;
+ background: #D1D1D1;
+ color: #FFFFFF;
+ border-radius: 25px;
+ text-align: center;
+.cagvTimeline3 .cagvEventIconDot
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: 10px;
+ height: 10px;
+ border-radius: 50%;
+.cagvTimeline3 .cagvEventTitle
+ font-size: 100%;
+ color: #000000;
+ max-height: 50px;
+ overflow: hidden;
+.cagvTimeline3 .cagvEventDesc
+ font-size: 85%;
+ color: #ABB7B7;
+ max-height: 80px;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ margin-top: 5px;
+@media(max-width: 400px)
+ .cagvTimeline3 .cagvEventTime
+ {
+ min-width: 60px;
+ }
+.cagvTimeline3 .cagvNoEvent
+ color: #ABB7B7;
+ line-height: 25px;
+ font-size: 70%;
+ padding-left: 25px;
+/* ---------------------* Agenda View (Timeline3) End *--------------------- */
+/* ---------------------* DayList View Start *--------------------- */
+ position: relative;
+ top: 0;
+ left: 0;
+ background: #FFFFFF;
+ border-collapse: separate;
+ font-size: 100%;
+.cdlvDaysTable td
+ border-top: 1px solid transparent !important;
+ border-bottom: 1px solid transparent !important;
+ border-right: 1px solid transparent !important;
+ background: #FFFFFF;
+ vertical-align: top;
+ height: 60px;
+ text-align: center;
+ color: #444444;
+ height: 25px;
+ line-height: 25px;
+ font-size: 80%;
+ text-align: center;
+ color: #444444;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ height: 25px;
+ line-height: 25px;
+ text-align: center;
+ color: #444444;
+ font-weight: bold;
+.cdlvDaysTableRowDates span
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: 25px;
+ height: 25px;
+ border-radius: 50%;
+ color: #96281B !important;
+.cdlvDaysTableRowDatesHover .cdlvTodayHighlightCircle,
+.cdlvDaysTableRowDatesHover .cdlvCurrentHighlightCircle
+ background: #96281B;
+ color: #FFFFFF;
+ color: #000000;
+ text-transform: uppercase;
+ background: #000000;
+ color: #FFFFFF;
+ color: #FF3B30;
+ text-transform: uppercase;
+ background: #FF3B30;
+ color: #FFFFFF;
+ margin: 5px 5px 0 5px;
+ height: 3px;
+ font-size: 0;
+ line-height: 1px;
+.cdlvDaysTableRowIndicator span
+ display: inline-block;
+ height: 100%;
+ background: #242424;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ margin-top: 4px;
+ line-height: 1;
+ padding: 4px 0 6px 0;
+.cdlvTableRowStatusGroup > span
+ margin-right: 2px;
+ margin-top: 3px;
+ margin-bottom: 2px;
+ display: inline-block;
+ position: relative;
+ font-size: 9px;
+ text-align: center;
+ color: #FFFFFF;
+ height: 16px;
+ line-height: 16px;
+ padding-left: 5px;
+ padding-right: 5px;
+/* ---------------------* DayList View End *--------------------- */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* ---------------------* Appointment View Start *--------------------- */
+ position: relative;
+ top: 0;
+ left: 0;
+ background: #FFFFFF;
+ border: 1px solid #DDDDDD;
+ width: 10px;
+ position: relative;
+ top: 0;
+ height: 50px;
+ text-align: center;
+ color: #444444;
+ padding: 8px 0 !important;
+ font-size: 90%;
+ color: #1E8BC3;
+ background: #F1F1F1;
+ text-align: center;
+ position: relative;
+ top: 0;
+ height: 25px;
+ line-height: 25px;
+ text-align: center;
+ color: #444444;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ position: relative;
+ top: 0;
+ height: 25px;
+ line-height: 25px;
+ font-size: 100%;
+ text-align: center;
+ color: #444444;
+ font-weight: bold;
+.cavTableRowDates span
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: 25px;
+ height: 25px;
+ border-radius: 50%;
+ width: 33%;
+ display: inline-block;
+ float: left;
+ height: 20px;
+ line-height: 20px;
+ margin: 2% 2%;
+ text-align: center;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ border: none !important;
+.cavSlotTable td
+ padding: 10px 0;
+ color: #444444;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ cursor: pointer;
+ color: #999999;
+ text-decoration: line-through;
+ overflow: auto;
+ width:100%;
+ position: absolute;
+ left: 0;
+ overflow-x: hidden;
+ overflow-y: auto;
+ -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
+ -webkit-transform: translateZ(0);
+ -moz-transform: translateZ(0);
+ -ms-transform: translateZ(0);
+ -o-transform: translateZ(0);
+ transform: translateZ(0);
+ font-size: 90%;
+ font-size: 100%;
+ color: #000000;
+/* ---------------------* Appointment View End *--------------------- */
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* -------------------------* Detail View Start *----------------------- */
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 100%;
+ position: relative;
+ top: 0;
+ left: 0;
+ background: #FFFFFF;
+ height: 30px;
+ line-height: 30px;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ color: #444444;
+.cdvDetailTableRow1 .cdvTableColumns:not(.cTodayHighlightTextColor) .cdvCellDayLeft
+ color: #049372;
+ text-align: center;
+.cdvSingleColumn .cdvCellDayLeft
+ margin-right: 6px;
+.cdvMultiColumn .cdvCellDayLeft
+ float: left;
+ margin-left: 6px;
+.cdvMultiColumn .cdvCellDayRight
+ float: right;
+ margin-right: 6px;
+@media screen and (max-width: 400px)
+ .cdvMultiColumn .cdvCellDayLeft, .cdvMultiColumn .cdvCellDayRight
+ {
+ display: block;
+ width: 100%;
+ text-align: center;
+ margin: 0;
+ float: none;
+ }
+ font-size: 95%;
+ line-height: 15px;
+ color: #96281B;
+ color: #444444;
+ font-size: 75%;
+ line-height: 15px;
+ width: 60px;
+ color: #666666;
+ font-size: 80%;
+ text-align: center;
+.cdvDetailTableColumnTime span
+ padding-left: 4px;
+ width: 10px;
+ border-right: none !important;
+ position: relative;
+ height: 30px;
+ width: 100%;
+ min-height: 20px;
+ position: absolute;
+ left: 0;
+ display: table;
+ width: 60px;
+ height: 30px;
+ color: #666666;
+ font-size: 80%;
+ text-align: center;
+.cdvCellHeaderAllDay span
+ display: table-cell;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+ width: 100%;
+ position: absolute;
+ left: 0;
+ overflow-x: hidden;
+ overflow-y: auto;
+ -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
+ -webkit-transform: translateZ(0);
+ -moz-transform: translateZ(0);
+ -ms-transform: translateZ(0);
+ -o-transform: translateZ(0);
+ transform: translateZ(0);
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 100%;
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ z-index: 2;
+ z-index: 3;
+ z-index: 3;
+/* ---------------------* Detail View End *--------------------- */
+/* ---------------------* Detail View Events Start *--------------------- */
+ position: absolute;
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin: 2px 2px;
+ text-align: center;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ border-width: 1px;
+ border-style: solid;
+ border-color: transparent;
+ position: absolute;
+ display: inline-block;
+ margin: 2px 2px;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ border-width: 1px;
+ border-style: solid;
+ border-color: transparent;
+ display: inline-block;
+ height: 12px;
+ width: 12px;
+ line-height: 12px;
+ font-size: 12px;
+ text-align: center;
+ display: inline-block;
+ height: 6px;
+ width: 6px;
+ border-radius: 50%;
+.cdvEvent .cdvEventIcon
+ float: right;
+ margin: 1px 4px 0 1px;
+.cdvEvent .cdvEventStatus
+ float: left;
+ margin: 5px 4px 0 4px;
+ border-width: 2px;
+ border-style: solid;
+.cdvEventAllDay .cdvEventIcon
+ float: left;
+ margin: 2px 0 0 4px;
+.cdvEventAllDay .cdvEventStatus
+ float: left;
+ margin: 6px 0 0 4px;
+ border-width: 2px;
+ border-style: solid;
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 100%;
+ cursor: pointer;
+ display: block;
+ text-align: left;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ font-size: 65%;
+ float: left;
+ margin-left: 2px;
+ font-size: 65%;
+ float: right;
+ margin-right: 2px;
+ font-size: 65%;
+.cdvEvent .cdvEventTime
+ margin: 1px 0 0 4px;
+.cdvEventAllDay .cdvEventTimeLeft
+ margin-right: 4px;
+ margin: 0 2px 0 4px;
+ min-height: 10px;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ word-wrap: break-word;
+ word-break: break-all;
+ font-size: 90%;
+ text-align: left;
+.cdvEventAllDay .cdvEventTitle
+ float: left;
+ display: inline-block;
+/* ---------------------* Detail View Events End *--------------------- */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* -------------------------* Quick Agenda View Start *----------------------- */
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 100%;
+ position: relative;
+ top: 0;
+ left: 0;
+ background: #FFFFFF;
+ height: 30px;
+ line-height: 30px;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ color: #444444;
+ font-size: 85%;
+.cqavTableRow1 .cqavTableColumns:not(.cTodayHighlightTextColor) .cqavDayColumnLeft
+ color: #06998A;
+ text-align: center;
+.cqavSingleColumn .cqavDayColumnLeft
+ margin-right: 6px;
+.cqavMultiColumn .cqavDayColumnLeft
+ float: left;
+ margin-left: 6px;
+.cqavMultiColumn .cqavDayColumnRight
+ float: right;
+ margin-right: 6px;
+@media screen and (max-width: 400px)
+ .cqavMultiColumn .cqavDayColumnLeft, .cqavMultiColumn .cqavDayColumnRight
+ {
+ display: block;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 25px;
+ line-height: 25px;
+ text-align: center;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ margin: 0;
+ float: none;
+ }
+ .cqavMultiColumn .cqavDayColumnRight
+ {
+ font-size: 120%;
+ }
+ width: 100%;
+ position: absolute;
+ left: 0;
+ overflow-x: hidden;
+ overflow-y: auto;
+ -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
+ -webkit-transform: translateZ(0);
+ -moz-transform: translateZ(0);
+ -ms-transform: translateZ(0);
+ -o-transform: translateZ(0);
+ transform: translateZ(0);
+ z-index: 2;
+ z-index: 3;
+ position: absolute;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ border-style: solid;
+ border-width: 1px;
+ margin: 0 4px 0 2px;
+ float: left;
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: auto;
+ height: 100%;
+ font-size: 90%;
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ display: inline-block;
+ height: 12px;
+ width: 12px;
+ font-size: 12px;
+ text-align: center;
+ float: left;
+ margin: 2px 0 0 2px;
+.cqavEventIcon .cEventLink
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 100%;
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ left: 0;
+ cursor: pointer;
+ float: left;
+ margin: 0 4px 0 3px;
+ font-size: 80%;
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ float: right;
+ margin-right: 3px;
+ font-size: 80%;
+/* ---------------------* Quick Agenda View End *--------------------- */
+/* -------------------------* Task Planner View Start *----------------------- */
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 100%;
+ position: relative;
+ top: 0;
+ left: 0;
+ background: #FFFFFF;
+ height: 30px;
+ line-height: 30px;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ color: #444444;
+ font-size: 85%;
+.ctpvTableRow1 .ctpvTableColumns:not(.cTodayHighlightTextColor) .ctpvDayColumnLeft
+ color: #06998A;
+ text-align: center;
+.ctpvSingleColumn .ctpvDayColumnLeft
+ margin-right: 6px;
+.ctpvMultiColumn .ctpvDayColumnLeft
+ float: left;
+ margin-left: 6px;
+.ctpvMultiColumn .ctpvDayColumnRight
+ float: right;
+ margin-right: 6px;
+@media screen and (max-width: 400px)
+ .ctpvMultiColumn .ctpvDayColumnLeft, .ctpvMultiColumn .ctpvDayColumnRight
+ {
+ display: block;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 25px;
+ line-height: 25px;
+ text-align: center;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ margin: 0;
+ float: none;
+ }
+ .ctpvMultiColumn .ctpvDayColumnRight
+ {
+ font-size: 120%;
+ }
+.ctpvTableMain thead,
+.ctpvTableMain tbody
+ overflow-y: auto;
+ float: left;
+.ctpvTableRow2 .ctpvTableColumns
+ vertical-align: top;
+ padding-top: 5px;
+ padding-bottom: 5px;
+ width: 100%;
+ position: absolute;
+ left: 0;
+ overflow-x: hidden;
+ overflow-y: auto;
+ -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
+ -webkit-transform: translateZ(0);
+ -moz-transform: translateZ(0);
+ -ms-transform: translateZ(0);
+ -o-transform: translateZ(0);
+ transform: translateZ(0);
+ z-index: 2;
+ z-index: 3;
+ border-left-width: 3px;
+ border-left-style: solid;
+ background: #FFFFFF;
+ margin: 5px 4px 4px 4px;
+ box-shadow: 1px 2px 2px #AEADAD, -1px -1px 1px #EAEAEA;
+ padding: 4px;
+ margin: 0 4px 6px 2px;
+ font-size: 90%;
+ word-wrap: break-word;
+ color: #444444;
+ padding-right: 2px;
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: 4px;
+ height: 4px;
+ margin: 2px;
+ display: inline-block;
+ height: 16px;
+ width: 16px;
+ line-height: 16px !important;
+ font-size: 12px;
+ text-align: center;
+ float: right;
+ margin: 0 4px 0 3px;
+ font-size: 70%;
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ color: #000000;
+ color: #777777;
+ color: #ABB7B7;
+.ctpvTableRowSummary td
+ padding: 5px 2px;
+/* ---------------------* Task Planner View End *--------------------- */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* ---------------------* Month View Start *--------------------- */
+ position: relative;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 100%;
+ position: relative;
+ top: 0;
+ left: 0;
+ background: #FFFFFF;
+ overflow: auto;
+ -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
+ -webkit-transform: translateZ(0);
+ -moz-transform: translateZ(0);
+ -ms-transform: translateZ(0);
+ -o-transform: translateZ(0);
+ transform: translateZ(0);
+ text-align: center;
+ color: #444444;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ font-size: 70%;
+ text-transform: uppercase;
+ vertical-align: top;
+ min-height: 60px;
+ height: 30px;
+ line-height: 30px;
+ text-align: left;
+ position: relative;
+@media screen and (max-width: 500px)
+ .cmvDay
+ {
+ text-align: center;
+ }
+ margin-left: 2px;
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: 25px;
+ height: 25px;
+ line-height: 25px;
+ text-align: center;
+ border-radius: 50%;
+.cFontLarge .cmvDayNumber
+ width: 25px;
+ height: 25px;
+ line-height: 25px;
+.cFontMedium .cmvDayNumber, .cFontSmall .cmvDayNumber
+ width: 15px;
+ height: 15px;
+ line-height: 15px;
+ width: 30px;
+ color: #444444;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+.cmvWeekNumber span
+ margin-left: 2px;
+ border-top-color: transparent !important;
+ border-bottom-color: transparent !important;
+ border-left-color: transparent !important;
+ color: #242424;
+ background: #FFFFFF;
+ color: #AAAAAA;
+ background: #EFEFEF;
+ border-top: 1px solid #DDDDDD;
+ border-right: 1px solid #DDDDDD;
+ border-bottom: 1px solid #DDDDDD;
+ border-left: 1px solid #DDDDDD;
+ border: 1px solid #DDDDDD;
+/* ------------------------* Month View End *------------------------- */
+/* ---------------------* CalendarInnerCont Start *----------------------------- */
+ position: absolute;
+ background: #FFFFFF;
+/* ---------------------* CalendarInnerCont End *----------------------------- */
+/* ---------------------* Filter Bar Start *--------------------- */
+ position: absolute;
+ background: #FFFFFF;
+ z-index: 8;
+/* ----------------------* Filter Bar End *---------------------- */
+/* ---------------------* Action Bar Start *--------------------- */
+ position: relative;
+ top: 0;
+ left: 0;
+ background: #F6EEEF;
+ z-index: 8;
+/* ----------------------* Action Bar End *---------------------- */
+/* ---------------------* Detailed Month View Start *--------------------- */
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 100%;
+ position: absolute;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ position: absolute;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ border-style: solid;
+ border-width: 1px;
+ margin: 0 4px 0 2px;
+ float: left;
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: auto;
+ height: 100%;
+ font-size: 90%;
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ display: inline-block;
+ height: 12px;
+ width: 12px;
+ line-height: 12px;
+ font-size: 12px;
+ text-align: center;
+ float: left;
+ margin: 2px 1px 0 2px;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+ display: inline-block;
+ height: 6px;
+ width: 6px;
+ border-radius: 50%;
+.cdmvEventIcon .cEventLink
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 100%;
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 0;
+ left: 0;
+ cursor: pointer;
+ float: left;
+ margin: 0 4px 0 3px;
+ font-size: 80%;
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ float: right;
+ margin-right: 3px;
+ font-size: 80%;
+/* ---------------------* Detailed Month View End *--------------------- */
+/* ---------------------* Month Events Start *--------------------- */
+ position: relative;
+ top: 60%;
+ left: 0;
+ width: 100%;
+ text-align: center;
+ height: 25px;
+ max-height: 25px;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ line-height: 0;
+ position: relative;
+ height: 25px;
+ max-height: 25px;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ display: inline-block;
+ z-index: 2;
+ width: 8px;
+ height: 8px;
+ margin: 2px 2px;
+ display: block;
+ height: 4px;
+ position: absolute;
+ width: 80%;
+ margin: 0 0 0 20%;
+ width: 80%;
+ margin: 0;
+ width: 100%;
+ margin: 0;
+ width: 80%;
+ margin: 0 10% 0 10%;
+ float: right;
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: 25px;
+ font-weight: normal !important;
+ cursor: pointer;
+ text-align: left;
+.cFontLarge .cmvDisplayAllEvents
+ line-height: 25px;
+.cFontMedium .cmvDisplayAllEvents, .cFontSmall .cmvDisplayAllEvents
+ line-height: 17px;
+ position: absolute;
+ left: 0;
+ top: 0;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 100%;
+ background: transparent;
+ z-index: 11;
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 100px;
+ left: 0;
+.cmvDialogTooltip, .cmvDialogTooltip:after
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: 0;
+ height: 0;
+ position: absolute;
+ border-width: 11px;
+ border-style: solid;
+ z-index: 1;
+ content: " ";
+ border-width: 10px;
+ border-color: transparent transparent #34495E transparent;
+ top: -8px;
+ left: -10px;
+ border-color: transparent transparent #FFFFFF transparent;
+ border-color: #34495E transparent transparent transparent;
+ top: -12px;
+ left: -10px;
+ border-color: #FFFFFF transparent transparent transparent;
+.br-ios .cmvDialogInnerCont
+ overflow-y: scroll !important;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 10px; /* required for scrolling in iOS. */
+ border: 1px solid #34495E;
+ background: #FFFFFF;
+ padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px;
+ overflow-x: hidden;
+ overflow-y: auto;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 2px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7);
+ -moz-box-shadow: 0 2px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7);
+ box-shadow: 0 2px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7);
+ -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
+ -webkit-transform: translateZ(0);
+ -moz-transform: translateZ(0);
+ -ms-transform: translateZ(0);
+ -o-transform: translateZ(0);
+ transform: translateZ(0);
+ width: 100%;
+.cmvDialogTable td
+ border-color: transparent;
+ padding: 2px 4px;
+ color: #444444;
+ font-weight: normal;
+ font-size: 75%;
+ margin-top: 5px;
+ padding: 1px 4px;
+ border-radius: 2px;
+ background: #ABB7B7;
+ color: #FFFFFF;
+ margin-left: 5px;
+ color: #ABB7B7;
+ width: 20px;
+ display: inline-block;
+ height: 16px;
+ width: 16px;
+ line-height: 16px;
+ margin: 0;
+ color: #FFFFFF;
+ float: right;
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: 7px;
+ height: 7px;
+ border-radius: 50%;
+.cmvDialogEventSeparator td
+ padding: 1px;
+.cmvDialogEventSeparator hr
+ border-color: #FAFAFA;
+ border-style: solid;
+ margin: 5px 3px 0 3px;
+ height: 3px;
+ line-height: 1px;
+ font-size: 0;
+ text-align: center;
+.cmvMonthTableRowIndicator span
+ display: inline-block;
+ height: 100%;
+ background: #242424;
+ position: absolute;
+ bottom: 0;
+ width: 100%;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ position: absolute;
+ color: #34495E;
+ font-size: 75%;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ padding-left: 10px;
+ position: absolute;
+ background: #FFFFFF;
+ border: 1px solid #34495E;
+ padding: 5px 10px;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 2px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7);
+ -moz-box-shadow: 0 2px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7);
+ box-shadow: 0 2px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7);
+ padding: 5px 2px;
+ color: #242424;
+ font-size: 85%;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ color: #FF3B30;
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: 15px;
+ height: 15px;
+ float: right;
+ margin-top: -2px;
+ margin-right: -2px;
+ cursor: pointer;
+ font-size: 12px;
+ line-height: 17px;
+ text-align: center;
+ color: #242424;
+ border-radius: 50%;
+/* ---------------------* Month Events End *--------------------- */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* ---------------------* Month List View Start *--------------------- */
+ position: absolute;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 100%;
+ background: transparent;
+ z-index: 12;
+.cmlvPopup .cmlvCont
+ position: absolute;
+ background: #FFFFFF;
+ width: 200px;
+ height: 200px;
+ margin: 0 auto;
+.cmlvFull .cmlvCont
+ position: absolute;
+ background: #FFFFFF;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 100%;
+.cmlvContTooltip, .cmlvContTooltip:after
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: 0;
+ height: 0;
+ position: absolute;
+ border-width: 11px;
+ border-style: solid;
+ content: " ";
+ border-width: 10px;
+ top: -22px;
+ left: 10px;
+ border-color: transparent transparent #DDDDDD transparent;
+ top: -8px;
+ left: -10px;
+ border-color: transparent transparent #FFFFFF transparent;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 100%;
+ min-height: 40px;
+ width: 20%;
+ height: 30%;
+ border-color: transparent !important;
+ padding: 2%;
+ text-align: center;
+ color: #96281B;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ color: #111111;
+ color: #96281B !important;
+/* ---------------------* Month List View End *--------------------- */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* ---------------------* Year List View Start *--------------------- */
+ position: absolute;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 100%;
+ background: transparent;
+ z-index: 12;
+.cylvPopup .cylvCont
+ position: absolute;
+ background: #FFFFFF;
+ width: 200px;
+ height: 200px;
+ margin: 0 auto;
+.cylvFull .cylvCont
+ position: absolute;
+ background: #FFFFFF;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 100%;
+.cylvContTooltip, .cylvContTooltip:after
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: 0;
+ height: 0;
+ position: absolute;
+ border-width: 11px;
+ border-style: solid;
+ content: " ";
+ border-width: 10px;
+ top: -22px;
+ left: 10px;
+ border-color: transparent transparent #DDDDDD transparent;
+ top: -8px;
+ left: -10px;
+ border-color: transparent transparent #FFFFFF transparent;
+ position: absolute;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 100%;
+ overflow: hidden;
+.cylvTableContRow td
+ border: none !important;
+ min-height: 40px;
+ width: 30%;
+ height: 20%;
+ border-color: transparent !important;
+ padding: 2%;
+ text-align: center;
+ color: #757575;
+ color: #96281B !important;
+ color: #96281B;
+ font-size: 110%;
+ color: #000000;
+ color: #96281B !important;
+.cylvPrevYears, .cylvNextYears
+ font-size: 200%;
+ line-height: 25px;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 100%;
+ background: #FFFFFF;
+ min-height: 40px;
+ width: 20%;
+ height: 20%;
+ border-color: transparent !important;
+ padding: 2%;
+ text-align: center;
+ color: #96281B;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ color: #111111;
+ color: #96281B !important;
+/* ---------------------* Year List View End *--------------------- */
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*--------------------------------* Droppable Start *---------------------------- */
+ background: #F9FFE5 !important;
+/*--------------------------------* Droppable End *---------------------------- */
+.calendarContWeb ::-webkit-scrollbar
+ width: 5px;
+ height: 0;
+.calendarContMobile ::-webkit-scrollbar
+ width: 2px;
+ height: 10px;
+.calendarCont ::-webkit-scrollbar-button:start:decrement,
+.calendarCont ::-webkit-scrollbar-button:end:increment
+ height: 0;
+ display: block;
+ background-color: transparent;
+.calendarCont ::-webkit-scrollbar-track-piece
+ background-color: #FFFFFF;
+.calendarCont ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:vertical
+ height: 50px;
+ background-color: #AAAAAA;
+ border: 1px solid #AAAAAA;
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/*--------------------------------* DatePicker Start *---------------------------- */
+ position: absolute;
+ display: none;
+ z-index: 12;
+ background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
+ position: absolute;
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 3px 10px rgba(20, 20, 20, 0.9);
+ -moz-box-shadow: 0 3px 10px rgba(20, 20, 20, 0.9);
+ box-shadow: 0 3px 10px rgba(20, 20, 20, 0.9);
+ width: 320px;
+ height: 320px;
+@media screen and (max-width: 480px)
+ .cElemDatePicker
+ {
+ width: 300px;
+ height: 320px;
+ }
+.cElemDatePickerTooltip, .cElemDatePickerTooltip:after
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: 0;
+ height: 0;
+ position: absolute;
+ border-width: 11px;
+ border-style: solid;
+ z-index: 6;
+ content: " ";
+ border-width: 10px;
+ top: -22px;
+ left: 10px;
+ border-color: transparent transparent #DDDDDD transparent;
+ top: -8px;
+ left: -10px;
+ border-color: transparent transparent #F8F8F8 transparent;
+.cElemDatePickerBg .cmvDay
+ text-align: center;
+.cElemDatePickerBg .cmvDayNumber
+ width: 25px;
+ height: 25px;
+ line-height: 25px;
+ margin-top: 5px;
+ cursor: pointer;
+.cElemDatePicker .cmvDayNumber:hover
+ color: #96281B;
+.cElemDatePicker .cmvDayNumber.cTodayHighlightCircle:hover
+ color: #FFFFFF;
+ background: #96281B;
+ position: absolute;
+ bottom: 0;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 10px;
+ line-height: 5px;
+ overflow: hidden;
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: 5px;
+ height: 5px;
+ background-color: #242424;
+ border-radius: 5px;
+/*--------------------------------* DatePicker End *------------------------------ */
+ position: absolute;
+ z-index: 100;
+ color: #FF3B30;
+ text-align: center;
+ -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=30)";
+ filter: alpha(opacity=30);
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+ opacity: 0.3;
+ min-width: 24px;
+ min-height: 24px;
+ content: 'Loading…';
+ position: absolute;
+ top: 50%;
+ left: 50%;
+ width: 16px;
+ height: 16px;
+ margin-top: -10px;
+ margin-left: -10px;
+ content: '';
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+ border: 1px solid #F6F;
+ border-top-color: #0E0;
+ border-right-color: #0DD;
+ border-bottom-color: #F90;
+ -webkit-animation: spinner .6s linear infinite;
+ -moz-animation: spinner .6s linear infinite;
+ -o-animation: spinner .6s linear infinite;
+ animation: spinner .6s linear infinite;
+@keyframes spinner
+ to {transform: rotate(360deg);}
+@-webkit-keyframes spinner
+ to {-webkit-transform: rotate(360deg);}
+@-moz-keyframes spinner
+ to {-moz-transform: rotate(360deg);}
+@-o-keyframes spinner
+ to {-o-transform: rotate(360deg);}
+ position: absolute;
+ z-index: 100;
+ -ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=70)";
+ filter: alpha(opacity=70);
+ -moz-opacity: 0.7;
+ -khtml-opacity: 0.7;
+ opacity: 0.7;
+ background: #FFFFFF;
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+ filter: alpha(opacity=30);
+ -moz-opacity: 0.3;
+ -khtml-opacity: 0.3;
+ opacity: 0.3;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ font-size: 85%;
+/*------------------------* Color Differentiators Start *------------------------------ */
+ background: #FFFFFF;
+ color: #FF3B30 !important;
+ background: #444444;
+ color: #FFFFFF;
+ background: #FF3B30;
+ color: #FFFFFF;
+ background: #FFFFFF;
+ color: #282828;
+ background: #F6FAFF;
+ background: #ECF0F1;
+ background: #FFFFFF;
+ color: #96281B !important;
+ position: absolute;
+ left: 0;
+ width: 60px;
+ height: 1px;
+ background: #FF0000;
+ z-index: 1;
+ position: absolute;
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 1px;
+ background: #FF0000;
+ z-index: 1;
+/*------------------------* Color Differentiators End *------------------------------ */
+/*--------------------------------* Marked Day Start *------------------------------ */
+.cmvDay .cMarkedDayIndicator
+ float: right;
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: 20px;
+ height: 20px;
+ text-align: center;
+ font-size: 12px;
+ margin-top: 2px;
+.cMarkedDayEvent .cdmvEventIcon
+ display: inline-block;
+ height: 16px;
+ width: 16px;
+ line-height: 16px;
+ margin: 0;
+ float: right;
+ color: #FFFFFF;
+.cmvDialogTable .cMarkedDayEvent td
+ padding: 4px 4px;
+.cMarkedDayEvent .cmvDialogTitle
+ float: left;
+.cMarkedDayEvent .cdvEventIcon
+ display: inline-block;
+ height: 16px;
+ width: 16px;
+ line-height: 16px;
+ margin: 0;
+ float: right;
+ color: #FFFFFF;
+.cMarkedDayEvent .cqavEventIcon
+ display: inline-block;
+ height: 16px;
+ width: 16px;
+ line-height: 16px;
+ margin: 0;
+ float: right;
+ color: #FFFFFF;
+.cagvDate .cMarkedDayIndicator
+ float: right;
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: 20px;
+ height: 20px;
+ text-align: center;
+ font-size: 12px;
+ margin-top: 12px;
+.cagvTimeline2 .cMarkedDayEvent .cagvContDetails
+ padding: 8px 3px 8px 10px;
+.cagvTimeline2 .cMarkedDayEvent .cagvEventIcon
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: 25px;
+ height: 25px;
+ line-height: 25px !important;
+ border-radius: 25px;
+ font-size: 12px;
+ text-align: center;
+ color: #FFFFFF;
+ margin-top: -4px;
+.cagvTimeline3 .cMarkedDayEvent .cagvEventIcon
+ color: #FFFFFF;
+.cagvTimeline3 .cMarkedDayEvent .cagvEventIconFont
+ border-radius: 0;
+.cMarkedDayLineIndicator span
+ background: #D91E18;
+.cwpvDate .cMarkedDayIndicator
+ float: right;
+ display: inline-block;
+ width: 20px;
+ height: 20px;
+ text-align: center;
+ font-size: 12px;
+ margin-top: 6px;
+/*--------------------------------* Marked Day End *------------------------------ */
diff --git a/src/calenstyle.js b/src/calenstyle.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09d9cec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/calenstyle.js
@@ -0,0 +1,17849 @@
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CalenStyle - Responsive Event Calendar
+ Version 2.0.0
+ Copyright (c)2016 Curious Solutions LLP
+ https://curioussolutions.in/libraries/calenstyle/content/license.htm
+ See License Information in LICENSE file.
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+(function () {
+ "use strict";
+//"use strict";
+function CalEvent(ceId, ceAllDay, ceStartDate, ceEndDate, ceType, ceTitle, ceDesc, ceUrl)
+ this.id = ceId;
+ this.isAllDay = ceAllDay;
+ this.start = ceStartDate;
+ this.end = ceEndDate;
+ this.type = ceType;
+ this.title = ceTitle;
+ this.desc = ceDesc;
+ this.url = ceUrl;
+function CalEventSeg(ceSegDayNo, ceEventId, ceEventDisplayId, ceSegId, ceSegStartDate, ceSegEndDate, ceSegLeftColumn, ceSegColumns)
+ this.dayNo = ceSegDayNo;
+ this.eventId = ceEventId;
+ this.eventDisplayId = ceEventDisplayId;
+ this.eventSegId = ceSegId;
+ this.eventSegStart = ceSegStartDate;
+ this.eventSegEnd = ceSegEndDate;
+ this.segLeftColumn = ceSegLeftColumn;
+ this.segColumns = ceSegColumns;
+// --------------------------------- Global Variables Start --------------------------------------
+$.CalenStyle = $.CalenStyle ||
+ name: "CalenStyle",
+ version: "1.0.0",
+ i18n: {}, // Internationalization Objects
+ defaults: //Plugin Defaults
+ {
+ sectionsList: ["Header", "Calendar"],
+ language: "",
+ veryShortDayNames: ["Su", "Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa"],
+ shortDayNames: ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"],
+ fullDayNames: ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"],
+ shortMonthNames: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"],
+ fullMonthNames: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"],
+ numbers: ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"],
+ eventTooltipContent: "Default",
+ formatDates: {},
+ slotTooltipContent: function(oSlotAvailability)
+ {
+ if(oSlotAvailability.status === "Busy")
+ return "";
+ else if(oSlotAvailability.status === "Free")
+ {
+ if(oSlotAvailability.count === undefined || oSlotAvailability.count === null)
+ return "
Book Now
+ else
+ return "
" + oSlotAvailability.count + " slots available
Book Now
+ }
+ },
+ miscStrings:
+ {
+ today: "Today",
+ week: "Week",
+ allDay: "All Day",
+ ends: "Ends",
+ emptyEventTitle: "(No Title)",
+ emptyGoogleCalendarEventTitle: "Busy"
+ },
+ duration: "Default",
+ durationStrings:
+ {
+ y: ["year ", "years "],
+ M: ["month ", "months "],
+ w: ["w ", "w "],
+ d: ["d ", "d "],
+ h: ["h ", "h "],
+ m: ["m ", "m "],
+ s: ["s ", "s "]
+ },
+ viewsToDisplay: [
+ {
+ viewName: "DetailedMonthView",
+ viewDisplayName: "Month"
+ },
+ {
+ viewName: "WeekView",
+ viewDisplayName: "Week"
+ },
+ {
+ viewName: "DayView",
+ viewDisplayName: "Day"
+ },
+ {
+ viewName: "AgendaView",
+ viewDisplayName: "Agenda"
+ }
+ ],
+ visibleView: "DetailedMonthView",
+ selectedDate: new Date(),
+ headerComponents:
+ {
+ DatePickerIcon: "",
+ FullscreenButton: function(bIsFullscreen)
+ {
+ var sIconClass = (bIsFullscreen) ? "cs-icon-Contract" : "cs-icon-Expand";
+ return "";
+ },
+ PreviousButton: "",
+ NextButton: "",
+ TodayButton: "",
+ HeaderLabel: "",
+ HeaderLabelWithDropdownMenuArrow: "",
+ MenuSegmentedTab: "",
+ MenuDropdownIcon: ""
+ },
+ headerSectionsList:
+ {
+ left: ["DatePickerIcon", "PreviousButton", "NextButton"],
+ center: ["HeaderLabel"],
+ right: ["MenuSegmentedTab"]
+ },
+ dropdownMenuElements: ["ViewsToDisplay"], // ["ViewsToDisplay", "DatePicker"]
+ parentObject: null,
+ datePickerObject: null,
+ formatSeparatorDateTime: " ",
+ formatSeparatorDate: "-",
+ formatSeparatorTime: ":",
+ is24Hour: false,
+ inputDateTimeFormat: "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss",
+ eventDuration: 30, // In minutes
+ allDayEventDuration: 1, // In days
+ timeIndicatorUpdationInterval: 15,
+ unitTimeInterval: 30, // [5, 10, 15, 20, 30]
+ timeLabels: "Hour", // ["Hour", "All"]
+ inputTZOffset: "+05:30",
+ tz: "Asia/Calcutta", // For Google Calendar
+ outputTZOffset: "+05:30", // +05:30
+ weekStartDay: 1,
+ weekNumCalculation: "US", // ["US", "Europe/ISO"]
+ daysInCustomView: 4,
+ daysInDayListView: 7,
+ daysInAppointmentView: 4,
+ agendaViewDuration: "Month", // ["Month", "Week", "CustomDays"]
+ daysInAgendaView: 15,
+ agendaViewTheme: "Timeline2", // ["Timeline1", "Timeline2", "Timeline3"]
+ showDaysWithNoEventsInAgendaView: false,
+ fixedHeightOfWeekPlannerViewCells: true,
+ quickAgendaViewDuration: "Week", // ["Week", "CustomDays"]
+ daysInQuickAgendaView: 5,
+ taskPlannerViewDuration: "Week", // ["Week", "CustomDays"]
+ daysInTaskPlannerView: 5,
+ fixedHeightOfTaskPlannerView: true,
+ transitionSpeed: 600,
+ showTransition: false,
+ fixedNumOfWeeksInMonthView: false,
+ displayWeekNumInMonthView: false,
+ actionOnDayClickInMonthView: "ModifyEventList", // ["ModifyEventList", "ChangeDate", "DisplayEventListDialog"]
+ eventIndicatorInMonthView: "Events", // ["DayHighlight", "Events", "Custom"]
+ eventIndicatorInDatePicker: "DayNumberBold", // ["DayNumberBold", "Dot"]
+ eventIndicatorInDayListView: "DayHighlight", // ["DayHighlight", "Custom"]
+ averageEventsPerDayForDayHighlightView: 5,
+ hideExtraEvents: true,
+ hiddenEventsIndicatorLabel: "+(count) more",
+ hiddenEventsIndicatorAction: "ShowEventDialog",
+ addEventsInMonthView: true,
+ displayEventsInMonthView: true,
+ isDragNDropInMonthView: true,
+ isTooltipInMonthView: false,
+ isDragNDropInDetailView: true,
+ isResizeInDetailView: true,
+ isTooltipInDetailView: false,
+ isDragNDropInQuickAgendaView: true,
+ isTooltipInQuickAgendaView: false,
+ isDragNDropInTaskPlannerView: true,
+ isTooltipInTaskPlannerView: false,
+ isTooltipInAppointmentView: true,
+ actionBarHeight: 30,
+ filterBarPosition: "Top", // ["Top", "Bottom", "Left", "Right"]
+ filterBarHeight: 200,
+ filterBarWidth: 200,
+ eventFilterCriteria: [],
+ noneSelectedFilterAction: "SelectNone", //["SelectNone", "SelectAll"]
+ calendarBorderColor: "FFFFFF",
+ changeCalendarBorderColorInJS: false,
+ // Events-specific properties
+ extraMonthsForDataLoading: 1,
+ deleteOldDataWhileNavigating: true,
+ datasetModificationRule: "Default", //["Default", "ReplaceAll", "ReplaceSpecified"]
+ changeColorBasedOn: "EventCalendar", // ["Event", "EventCalendar", "EventSource"]
+ borderColor: "",
+ textColor: "FFFFFF",
+ onlyTextForNonAllDayEvents: true,
+ eventColorsArray: ["C0392B", "D2527F", "674172", "4183D7", "336E7B", "36D7B7", "68C3A3", "E87E04", "6C7A89", "F9690E"],
+ eventIcon: "Dot", // ["Dot", "cs-icon-Event"]
+ hideEventIcon: {
+ Default: false,
+ DetailedMonthView: false,
+ MonthView: false,
+ WeekView: false,
+ DayView: false,
+ CustomView: false,
+ QuickAgendaView: false,
+ TaskPlannerView: false,
+ DayEventDetailView: false,
+ AgendaView: false,
+ WeekPlannerView: false
+ },
+ hideEventTime: {
+ Default: false,
+ DetailedMonthView: false,
+ MonthView: false,
+ WeekView: false,
+ DayView: false,
+ CustomView: false,
+ QuickAgendaView: false,
+ TaskPlannerView: false,
+ DayEventDetailView: false,
+ AgendaView: false,
+ WeekPlannerView: false
+ },
+ businessHoursSource: [
+ {
+ day: 1,
+ times: [{startTime: "10:00", endTime: "17:00"}]
+ },
+ {
+ day: 2,
+ times: [
+ {startTime: "09:00", endTime: "13:00"},
+ {startTime: "14:00", endTime: "18:00"}
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ day: 3,
+ times: [{startTime: "10:00", endTime: "17:00"}]
+ },
+ {
+ day: 4,
+ times: [
+ {startTime: "09:00", endTime: "13:00"},
+ {startTime: "14:00", endTime: "18:00"}
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ day: 5,
+ times: [{startTime: "10:00", endTime: "17:00"}]
+ },
+ {
+ day: 6,
+ times: [
+ {startTime: "09:00", endTime: "13:00"},
+ {startTime: "14:00", endTime: "18:00"}
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ excludeNonBusinessHours: false,
+ isNonBusinessHoursDroppable: true,
+ isRestrictedSectionDroppable: true,
+ eventOrTaskStatusIndicators: [
+ {
+ name: "Overdue",
+ color: "E74C3C"
+ },
+ {
+ name: "Completed",
+ color: "27AE60"
+ },
+ {
+ name: "InProgress",
+ color: "F1C40F"
+ }
+ ],
+ calDataSource: [],
+ datePickerCalDataSource: [
+ {
+ config:
+ {
+ sourceCountType: "Event"
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ adjustViewOnWindowResize: true,
+ useHammerjsAsGestureLibrary: false,
+ //------------------ Callback Functions Start --------------------------
+ initialize: null,
+ // Custom HeaderView Callbacks
+ modifyHeaderViewLabels: null,
+ addEventHandlersInHeader: null,
+ // Data Loading Callbacks
+ dataLoadingStart: null,
+ dataLoadingEnd: null,
+ // Calendar Navigation Callbacks
+ cellClicked: null,
+ viewLoaded: null,
+ previousButtonClicked: null,
+ nextButtonClicked: null,
+ todayButtonClicked: null,
+ visibleViewChanged: null,
+ modifyCustomView: null,
+ // Event List related Callbacks
+ displayEventsForPeriodInList: null,
+ displayEventsForPeriodInListInAgendaView: null,
+ eventListAppended: null,
+ // Event Dialog related Callbacks
+ displayEventListDialog: null,
+ eventInADialogClicked: null,
+ // Events and Appointment Time Slots related Callbacks
+ eventRendered: null,
+ eventsAddedInView: null,
+ timeSlotsAddedInView: null,
+ eventClicked: null,
+ timeSlotClicked: null,
+ saveChangesOnEventDrop: null,
+ saveChangesOnEventResize: null,
+ modifyFilterBarView: null,
+ modifyActionBarView: null,
+ addDaySummaryInTaskPlannerView: null
+ //------------------ Callback Functions End --------------------------
+ },
+ tempDefaults: // Temporary Variables For Calculation Specific to CalenStyle Instance
+ {
+ sLoadType: "Load",
+ iLoadCnt: 0, // iLoadCounter
+ dLoadDt: new Date(), // LoadDate
+ bViewLoaded: false, // bViewLoaded
+ dHighlightDPV: [], // dArrDatesToHighlightInDatePickerView
+ bDisFBar: false, // bDisplayFilterBar
+ bDisMenu: false, // bDisplayViewSelectionMenu
+ iMaxEvId: 0, // iMaxEventId
+ iMxEvRw: 0, // iMaxEventsInRow
+ oAEvents: [], // oArrEvents
+ oASmEvSeg: [], // oArrSmallEventSegments
+ oAADEvSeg: [], // oArrAllDayEventSegments
+ oASrcCnt: [], // oArrSourceCount
+ oAResSec: [], // oArrRestrictedSection
+ oASltAvail: [], // oArrSlotAvailability
+ oAECalendar: [], // oArrEventCalendar
+ oAEvTaskStatus: [],
+ bEvTskStatus: false,
+ oSURLParams: [],
+ iDocHtPrev: 0, // iDocumentHeightPrevious
+ iUTmMS: 0, // iUnitTimeMS
+ iUTmSlt: 0, // iUnitTimeSlots
+ dVSDt: new Date(), // dViewStartDate
+ dVEDt: new Date(), // dViewEndDate
+ dVDSDt: new Date(), // dViewToDisplayStartDate
+ dVDEDt: new Date(), // dViewToDisplayEndDate
+ dCMDt: new Date(), // dCurrentMonthDate
+ dPMDt: new Date(), // dPreviousMonthDate
+ dNMDt: new Date(), // dNextMonthDate
+ dPLSDt: new Date(), // dPrevLoadStartDate
+ dPLEDt: new Date(), // dPrevLoadEndDate
+ dNLSDt: new Date(), // dNextLoadStartDate
+ dNLEDt: new Date(), // dNextLoadEndDate
+ dDrgSDt: null, // dViewStartDate
+ dDrgEDt: null, // dViewEndDate
+ dAVDt: [], // dArrViewDates
+ dAVDDt: [], // dArrViewDisplayDates
+ iNoVDay: 0, // iNumberOfViewDays
+ iNoVDayDis: 0, // iNumberOfViewDaysToDisplay
+ iSelDay: 0,
+ bAWkRw: [], // bArrWeekRow
+ bADVCur: [], // bArrDVCurrent
+ sADVInfo: [], // bArrDVInfo
+ iBsDays: 0, // iBusinessDaysForWeek
+ bABsDays: [], // bArrBusinessDaysForWeek
+ oBsHours: {"start": "", "end": ""}, // oBusinessHours
+ bChkDroppable: false,
+ iWkInMonth: 6, // iNumberOfWeeksInMonth
+ bDVResEv: false, // bDVResizingEvent
+ bDVDrgEv: false, // bDVDraggingEvent
+ bEvLgPresd: false, // bEventLongPressed
+ bUrlClk: false, // bUrlClicked
+ oEvEdt: null, // oEventBeingEdited
+ oDVEdtgEv: null, // oDVEditingEvent
+ bDVScrlg: false, // bDVScrolling
+ fDVDayWth: 0, // bDVDaysWidth
+ fADVDayLftPos: [], // fArrDVDaysLeftPos
+ fAHrTpPos: [], // fArrHourTopPos
+ bCMVDisEvLst: false, // bCMVDisplayEventList
+ bDisABar: false, // bDisplayActionBar
+ oAEvFltrCnt: [], // oArrEventFilterCount
+ iCalHeight: 0, // iCalendarHeight
+ bDyClDLV: false // bDayClickedInDayListView
+ },
+ extra: // Common Temporary Variables
+ {
+ iCalenStyleObjCount: 0,
+ iBorderOverhead: 1,
+ iEventHeightOverhead: 4,
+ iScrollbarWidth: 0,
+ dToday: new Date(),
+ iMS: { m: 6E4, h: 36E5, d: 864E5, w: 6048E5 },
+ sArrInputDateTimeFormats: ["DateObject", "UnixTimestamp", "ISO8601", "ISO8601Compact", "dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm:ss AA", "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss", "MM-dd-yyyy hh:mm:ss AA", "MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss", "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss AA", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"],
+ sArrViewsTypes: ["DetailedMonthView", "MonthView", "WeekView", "DayView", "AgendaView", "WeekPlannerView", "QuickAgendaView", "TaskPlannerView", "CustomView", "DayEventListView", "DayEventDetailView", "AppointmentView", "DatePicker"],
+ bTouchDevice: ("ontouchstart" in document.documentElement ? true : false),
+ sClickHandler: ("ontouchstart" in document.documentElement ? "click" : "click"),
+ sClickHandlerButtons: ("ontouchstart" in document.documentElement ? "touchstart" : "click"),
+ oArrCalenStyle: [],
+ iEventHeights:
+ {
+ DetailedMonthView: 18,
+ WeekView: 18,
+ DayView: 18,
+ CustomView: 18,
+ DayEventDetailView: 18,
+ QuickAgendaView: 18
+ },
+ oEventClass:
+ {
+ DetailedMonthView: "cdmvEvent",
+ WeekView: "cdvEventAllDay",
+ DayView: "cdvEventAllDay",
+ CustomView: "cdvEventAllDay",
+ DayEventDetailView: "cdvEventAllDay",
+ QuickAgendaView: "cqavEvent"
+ }
+ }
+$.cf = {
+ isValid: function(sValue)
+ {
+ return (sValue !== undefined && sValue !== null && sValue !== "");
+ },
+ compareStrings: function(sString1, sString2)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ if(sString1 !== null && sString1 !== undefined && sString2 !== null && sString2 !== undefined)
+ {
+ if(typeof sString1 === "string" && typeof sString2 === "string")
+ {
+ if(sString1.toLocaleLowerCase() === sString2.toLocaleLowerCase())
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if((sString1 === null && sString2 === null) || (sString1 === undefined && sString2 === undefined))
+ return true;
+ else
+ return false;
+ }
+ },
+ getTimestamp: function()
+ {
+ return (new Date()).getTime();
+ },
+ getRGBAString: function(sHexcode, fAlpha)
+ {
+ var iRed = 0, iGreen = 0, iBlue = 0,
+ sArrRGBA = sHexcode.match(/rgba\((\d{1,3}),\s*(\d{1,3}),\s*(\d{1,3}),\s*(\d*(?:\.\d+)?)/i),
+ sArrRGB = sHexcode.match(/rgb\((\d{1,3}),\s*(\d{1,3}),\s*(\d{1,3})/i);
+ if($.cf.isValid(sArrRGBA) && sArrRGBA.length > 0)
+ {
+ iRed = sArrRGBA[0];
+ iGreen = sArrRGBA[1];
+ iBlue = sArrRGBA[2];
+ }
+ else if($.cf.isValid(sArrRGB) && sArrRGB.length > 0)
+ {
+ iRed = sArrRGB[0];
+ iGreen = sArrRGB[1];
+ iBlue = sArrRGB[2];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sHexcode = (sHexcode.charAt(0) === "#") ? sHexcode.substring(1,7) : sHexcode;
+ sHexcode = sHexcode.match(/([A-Fa-f0-9]{6}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{3})/)[0];
+ if(sHexcode.length === 3)
+ {
+ iRed = sHexcode.substring(0, 1);
+ iRed = iRed + iRed;
+ iRed = parseInt(iRed, 16);
+ iGreen = sHexcode.substring(1, 2);
+ iGreen = iGreen + iGreen;
+ iGreen = parseInt(iGreen, 16);
+ iBlue = sHexcode.substring(2, 3);
+ iBlue = iBlue + iBlue;
+ iBlue = parseInt(iBlue, 16);
+ }
+ else if(sHexcode.length === 6)
+ {
+ iRed = parseInt(sHexcode.substring(0,2), 16);
+ iGreen = parseInt(sHexcode.substring(2,4), 16);
+ iBlue = parseInt(sHexcode.substring(4,6), 16);
+ }
+ }
+ return "rgba(" + iRed + ", " + iGreen + ", " + iBlue + ", " + fAlpha +")";
+ },
+ addHashToHexcode: function(sHexcode)
+ {
+ if($.cf.isValid(sHexcode))
+ {
+ var sArrRGBA = sHexcode.match(/(rgba)/i),
+ sArrHexHash = sHexcode.match(/(#+([A-Fa-f0-9]{6}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{3}))/),
+ sArrHex = sHexcode.match(/([A-Fa-f0-9]{6}|[A-Fa-f0-9]{3})/);
+ if($.cf.isValid(sArrRGBA) && sArrRGBA.length > 0)
+ return sHexcode;
+ else if($.cf.isValid(sArrHexHash) && sArrHexHash.length > 0)
+ return sArrHexHash[0];
+ else if($.cf.isValid(sArrHex) && sArrHex.length > 0)
+ return "#" + sArrHex[0];
+ else
+ return "#000000";
+ }
+ else
+ return sHexcode;
+ },
+ getSizeValue: function($oElem, sCSSProp)
+ {
+ var sValue = $oElem.css(sCSSProp),
+ iValue, iPerc, iParentValue;
+ if(sValue !== undefined && sValue !== null && sValue !== "")
+ {
+ if(sValue.indexOf("px") !== -1)
+ iValue = parseInt(sValue.replace("px", ""));
+ else if(sValue.indexOf("%") !== -1)
+ {
+ iPerc = parseInt(sValue.replace("%", ""));
+ iParentValue = $oElem.closest().width();
+ iValue = (iPerc % 100 * iParentValue);
+ }
+ if(iValue <= 0)
+ return false;
+ else
+ return iValue;
+ }
+ else
+ return false;
+ }
+// --------------------------------- Global Variables End --------------------------------------
+ if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd)
+ {
+ // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
+ define(['jquery'], factory);
+ }
+ else if(typeof exports === 'object')
+ {
+ // Node/CommonJS
+ module.exports = factory(require('jquery'));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Browser globals
+ factory(jQuery);
+ }
+(function ($)
+ $.fn.CalenStyle = function(options)
+ {
+ var oCalenStyle = $(this).data(),
+ sArrDataKeys = Object.keys(oCalenStyle),
+ iKey, sKey;
+ if(options === null || options === undefined)
+ {
+ if(sArrDataKeys.length > 0)
+ {
+ for(iKey in sArrDataKeys)
+ {
+ sKey = sArrDataKeys[iKey];
+ if(sKey.search("plugin_CalenStyle_") !== -1)
+ {
+ return oCalenStyle[sKey];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ console.log("No CalenStyle Object Defined For This Element");
+ }
+ }
+ else if(typeof options === "string")
+ {
+ if($.cf.isValid(oCalenStyle))
+ {
+ if(options === "destroy")
+ {
+ if(sArrDataKeys.length > 0)
+ {
+ for(iKey in sArrDataKeys)
+ {
+ sKey = sArrDataKeys[iKey];
+ if(sKey.search("plugin_CalenStyle_") !== -1)
+ {
+ $(this).children().remove();
+ $(".cElemDatePickerBg").remove();
+ $(this).removeData();
+ $(this).unbind();
+ $(this).removeClass("elem-CalenStyle");
+ $(document).unbind($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandler+".CalenStyle");
+ $(document).unbind($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandler+".CalenStyleDialog");
+ $(document).unbind($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandler+".MonthPicker");
+ $(document).unbind($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandler+".YearPicker");
+ oCalenStyle = oCalenStyle[sKey];
+ $(window).unbind("resize." + oCalenStyle.tv.pluginId);
+ $(window).unbind("resize.CSDP." + oCalenStyle.tv.pluginId);
+ var oArrTempCalenStyle = [];
+ for(var iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < $.CalenStyle.extra.oArrCalenStyle.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ var oThisCalenStyle = $.CalenStyle.extra.oArrCalenStyle[iTempIndex];
+ if(oThisCalenStyle.tv.pluginId !== oCalenStyle.tv.pluginId && oThisCalenStyle.tv.pluginId !== oCalenStyle.setting.datePickerObject.tv.pluginId)
+ oArrTempCalenStyle.push(oThisCalenStyle);
+ }
+ $.CalenStyle.extra.oArrCalenStyle = oArrTempCalenStyle;
+ console.log("Destroyed CalenStyle Object");
+ console.log(oCalenStyle);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ console.log("No CalenStyle Object Defined For This Element");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return this.each(function()
+ {
+ $.CalenStyle.extra.iCalenStyleObjCount++;
+ if(!$.data(this, "plugin_CalenStyle_" + $.CalenStyle.extra.iCalenStyleObjCount))
+ {
+ oCalenStyle = new CalenStyle(this, options);
+ $.data(this, "plugin_CalenStyle_" + $.CalenStyle.extra.iCalenStyleObjCount, oCalenStyle);
+ oCalenStyle.loadView();
+ console.log("Calendar Object ");
+ console.log(oCalenStyle);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(sArrDataKeys.length > 0)
+ {
+ for(iKey in sArrDataKeys)
+ {
+ sKey = sArrDataKeys[iKey];
+ if(sKey.search("plugin_CalenStyle_") !== -1)
+ {
+ return oCalenStyle[sKey];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ console.log("No CalenStyle Object Defined For This Element");
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ };
+function CalenStyle(element, options)
+ var to = this;
+ to.elem = element;
+ var sLang = ($.cf.isValid(options.language)) ? options.language : $.CalenStyle.defaults.language;
+ to.setting = $.extend({}, $.CalenStyle.defaults, options, $.CalenStyle.i18n[sLang]);
+ to.tv = $.extend({}, $.CalenStyle.tempDefaults);
+ to.tv.pluginId = $.CalenStyle.extra.iCalenStyleObjCount;
+ to.tv.iUTmMS = to.setting.unitTimeInterval * $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.m;
+ to.tv.iUTmSlt = (60 / to.setting.unitTimeInterval);
+ to.tv.iCalHeight = $(to.elem).height();
+ if(to.setting.initialize)
+ to.setting.initialize.call(to);
+ $.CalenStyle.extra.dToday = to._getCurrentDate();
+ if(to.compareDates(to.setting.selectedDate, new Date()) === 0)
+ to.setting.selectedDate = new Date($.CalenStyle.extra.dToday);
+ to.tv.dLoadDt = new Date($.CalenStyle.extra.dToday); to.tv.dVSDt = new Date($.CalenStyle.extra.dToday); to.tv.dVEDt = new Date($.CalenStyle.extra.dToday); to.tv.dVDSDt = new Date($.CalenStyle.extra.dToday); to.tv.dVDEDt = new Date($.CalenStyle.extra.dToday);
+ to.tv.dCMDt = new Date($.CalenStyle.extra.dToday); to.tv.dPMDt = new Date($.CalenStyle.extra.dToday); to.tv.dNMDt = new Date($.CalenStyle.extra.dToday); to.tv.dPLSDt = new Date($.CalenStyle.extra.dToday); to.tv.dPLEDt = new Date($.CalenStyle.extra.dToday);
+ to.tv.dNLSDt = new Date($.CalenStyle.extra.dToday); to.tv.dNLEDt = new Date($.CalenStyle.extra.dToday);
+ $.CalenStyle.extra.oArrCalenStyle.push(to);
+ to._setHeightForEvents();
+/*! -------------------------------------- Common Functions Start -------------------------------------- */
+CalenStyle.prototype = {
+ // Public Method
+ modifyCalenStyleObject: function(oTemp)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ to = oTemp;
+ },
+ // Public Method
+ setLanguage: function(sTempLang, bLoadData)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ to.setting.language = sTempLang;
+ to.setting = $.extend({}, to.setting, $.CalenStyle.i18n[sTempLang]);
+ for(var iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < to.setting.viewsToDisplay.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ to.setting.viewsToDisplay[iTempIndex].viewDisplayName = to.setting.viewDisplayNames[to.setting.viewsToDisplay[iTempIndex].viewName];
+ }
+ to.setting.datePickerObject.setting = $.extend({}, to.setting.datePickerObject.setting, $.CalenStyle.i18n[sTempLang]);
+ if(bLoadData)
+ to.reloadData();
+ else
+ {
+ to.refreshView();
+ to.setting.datePickerObject.refreshView();
+ }
+ return to;
+ },
+ // Public Method
+ changeOutputTimezone: function(sTZ, sTZD, bLoadData)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var iTempIndex;
+ var sPrevTZ = to.setting.tz, sPrevTZD = to.setting.outputTZOffset;
+ to.setting.tz = sTZ;
+ to.setting.outputTZOffset = sTZD;
+ if(bLoadData || (to.tv.bGCData && sPrevTZ !== sTZ))
+ to.reloadData();
+ else if(sPrevTZD !== sTZD)
+ {
+ for(iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < to.tv.oAEvents.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ var oEvent = to.tv.oAEvents[iTempIndex];
+ if(!oEvent.isAllDay)
+ {
+ oEvent.start = to.normalizeDateTimeWithOffset(oEvent.start, sPrevTZD, sTZD);
+ oEvent.end = to.normalizeDateTimeWithOffset(oEvent.end, sPrevTZD, sTZD);
+ }
+ }
+ for(iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < to.tv.oAResSec.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ var oRestrictedSection = to.tv.oAResSec[iTempIndex];
+ if(!oRestrictedSection.isAllDay)
+ {
+ oRestrictedSection.start = to.normalizeDateTimeWithOffset(oRestrictedSection.start, sPrevTZD, sTZD);
+ oRestrictedSection.end = to.normalizeDateTimeWithOffset(oRestrictedSection.end, sPrevTZD, sTZD);
+ }
+ }
+ for(iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < to.tv.oASltAvail.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ var oSlot = to.tv.oASltAvail[iTempIndex];
+ if(!oSlot.isAllDay)
+ {
+ oSlot.start = to.normalizeDateTimeWithOffset(oSlot.start, sPrevTZD, sTZD);
+ oSlot.end = to.normalizeDateTimeWithOffset(oSlot.end, sPrevTZD, sTZD);
+ }
+ }
+ to.refreshView();
+ }
+ },
+ addRemoveLoaderIndicators: function(bAdd, sLoaderIndicatorClass)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DetailedMonthView") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "MonthView") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DatePicker"))
+ {
+ if(bAdd)
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvMonthTableMain tbody").addClass(sLoaderIndicatorClass);
+ else
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvMonthTableMain tbody").removeClass(sLoaderIndicatorClass);
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "WeekView") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayView") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "CustomView"))
+ {
+ if(bAdd)
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvDetailTableMain tbody").addClass(sLoaderIndicatorClass);
+ else
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvDetailTableMain tbody").removeClass(sLoaderIndicatorClass);
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayEventDetailView"))
+ {
+ if(bAdd)
+ {
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvDetailTableMain tbody").addClass(sLoaderIndicatorClass);
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdlvDaysTableMain tbody").addClass(sLoaderIndicatorClass);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvDetailTableMain tbody").removeClass(sLoaderIndicatorClass);
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdlvDaysTableMain tbody").removeClass(sLoaderIndicatorClass);
+ }
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayEventListView"))
+ {
+ if(bAdd)
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdlvDaysTableMain tbody").addClass(sLoaderIndicatorClass);
+ else
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdlvDaysTableMain tbody").removeClass(sLoaderIndicatorClass);
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "QuickAgendaView"))
+ {
+ if(bAdd)
+ $(to.elem).find(".cqavTableMain tbody").addClass(sLoaderIndicatorClass);
+ else
+ $(to.elem).find(".cqavTableMain tbody").removeClass(sLoaderIndicatorClass);
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "TaskPlannerView"))
+ {
+ if(bAdd)
+ $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableMain tbody").addClass(sLoaderIndicatorClass);
+ else
+ $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableMain tbody").removeClass(sLoaderIndicatorClass);
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "AppointmentView"))
+ {
+ if(bAdd)
+ $(to.elem).find(".cavTableMain").addClass(sLoaderIndicatorClass);
+ else
+ $(to.elem).find(".cavTableMain").removeClass(sLoaderIndicatorClass);
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "AgendaView"))
+ {
+ if(bAdd)
+ $(to.elem).find(".cListOuterCont").addClass(sLoaderIndicatorClass);
+ else
+ $(to.elem).find(".cListOuterCont").removeClass(sLoaderIndicatorClass);
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "WeekPlannerView"))
+ {
+ if(bAdd)
+ $(to.elem).find(".cwpvTableOuterCont").addClass(sLoaderIndicatorClass);
+ else
+ $(to.elem).find(".cwpvTableOuterCont").removeClass(sLoaderIndicatorClass);
+ }
+ },
+ addRemoveViewLoader: function(bAdd, sViewLoaderClass)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ if(bAdd)
+ {
+ if(sViewLoaderClass === "cViewLoaderBg")
+ $(to.elem).parent().append("
+ else if(sViewLoaderClass === "cEventLoaderBg")
+ $(to.elem).parent().append("
+ $(".cContHeaderMenuDropdownBg").css({"background": "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)"});
+ var $oThisElem = $(to.elem),
+ iMainLeftMargin = $.cf.getSizeValue($oThisElem, "margin-left"),
+ iMainTopMargin = $.cf.getSizeValue($oThisElem, "margin-top"),
+ iMainContLeft = $oThisElem.position().left + iMainLeftMargin,
+ iMainContTop = $oThisElem.position().top + iMainTopMargin,
+ iMainContMaxWidth = $.cf.getSizeValue($oThisElem, "max-width"),
+ iMainContMinWidth = $.cf.getSizeValue($oThisElem, "min-width"),
+ iMainContWidth = $oThisElem.width(),
+ iMainContHeight = $oThisElem.height();
+ iMainContWidth = (iMainContMaxWidth && iMainContWidth > iMainContMaxWidth) ? iMainContMaxWidth : iMainContWidth;
+ iMainContWidth = (iMainContMinWidth && iMainContWidth < iMainContMinWidth) ? iMainContMinWidth : iMainContWidth;
+ $("."+sViewLoaderClass).css({"left": iMainContLeft, "top": iMainContTop, "width": iMainContWidth, "height": iMainContHeight});
+ if(sViewLoaderClass === "cViewLoaderBg")
+ {
+ var iHeaderHeight = $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").height(),
+ iViewLoaderBodyHeight = iMainContHeight - iHeaderHeight,
+ iViewLoaderBodyTop = iHeaderHeight;
+ $(".cViewLoaderBody").css({"height": iViewLoaderBodyHeight, "margin-top": iViewLoaderBodyTop});
+ }
+ $("."+sViewLoaderClass).on("click touchstart touchmove", function(e)
+ {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ });
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $("."+sViewLoaderClass).remove();
+ }
+ },
+ __setHoverClass: function($oElem, sClass)
+ {
+ $oElem.on("touchstart", function(e)
+ {
+ $oElem.addClass(sClass);
+ });
+ $oElem.on("touchend", function(e)
+ {
+ $oElem.removeClass(sClass);
+ });
+ },
+ _callCommonEvents: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ to._hideDatePicker();
+ to._collapseSubmenu();
+ },
+ _resetSourceFetch: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ for(var iSourceIndex = 0; iSourceIndex < to.setting.calDataSource.length; iSourceIndex++)
+ {
+ var oSource = to.setting.calDataSource[iSourceIndex];
+ oSource.fetched = false;
+ }
+ },
+ // Public Method
+ reloadData: function(oSourceURLParams)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ to.tv.sLoadType = "Load";
+ to.tv.dLoadDt = new Date(to.setting.selectedDate);
+ to.tv.oSURLParams = to.__parseJson(oSourceURLParams) || [];
+ to._resetSourceFetch();
+ to.__reloadCurrentView(true, true);
+ },
+ _setDisplayTimeLabelsArray: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var sTimeToDisplay = "Array", iTempIndex;
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.timeLabels, "Hour") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.timeLabels, "All"))
+ sTimeToDisplay = to.setting.timeLabels;
+ else if($.isArray(to.setting.timeLabels))
+ {
+ if(to.setting.timeLabels.length === to.tv.iUTmSlt)
+ {
+ sTimeToDisplay = "No";
+ for(iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < to.tv.iUTmSlt; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ if(! $.cf.compareStrings(typeof to.setting.timeLabels[iTempIndex], "boolean"))
+ {
+ sTimeToDisplay = "Array";
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(!$.cf.compareStrings(sTimeToDisplay, "No"))
+ {
+ to.setting.timeLabels = [];
+ for(iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < to.tv.iUTmSlt; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(sTimeToDisplay, "Hour") || $.cf.compareStrings(sTimeToDisplay, "Array"))
+ {
+ if(iTempIndex === 0)
+ to.setting.timeLabels.push(true);
+ else
+ to.setting.timeLabels.push(false);
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(sTimeToDisplay, "All"))
+ to.setting.timeLabels.push(true);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _getRestrictedSectionForCurrentView: function(dThisDate)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var dArrTempResSec = [], iTempIndex;
+ for(iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < to.tv.oAResSec.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ var dTempResSec = to.tv.oAResSec[iTempIndex],
+ bCompStartDates = (to.compareDates(new Date(dTempResSec.start), dThisDate) <= 0) ? true : false,
+ bCompEndDates = (to.compareDates(new Date(dTempResSec.end), dThisDate) >= 0) ? true : false;
+ if(bCompStartDates && bCompEndDates)
+ dArrTempResSec.push(dTempResSec);
+ }
+ // ----------------------- Restricted Section Array Sorting Start ------------------------------
+ var iNumOfTimes = dArrTempResSec.length;
+ if(iNumOfTimes > 1)
+ {
+ for(iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < (iNumOfTimes - 1); iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ var dArrTempTimes1 = dArrTempResSec[iTempIndex];
+ var dArrTempTimes2 = dArrTempResSec[(iTempIndex + 1)];
+ if(to.compareDateTimes(new Date(dArrTempTimes1[0]), new Date(dArrTempTimes2[0])) === 0)
+ {
+ dArrTempResSec[iTempIndex] = dArrTempTimes2;
+ dArrTempResSec[(iTempIndex + 1)] = dArrTempTimes1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // ----------------------- Restricted Section Array Sorting End ------------------------------
+ return dArrTempResSec;
+ },
+ _getBusinessDaysForWeek: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var iTempIndex, iTempIndex1;
+ to.setting.businessHoursSource = to.__parseJson(to.setting.businessHoursSource);
+ to.tv.iBsDays = 0;
+ to.tv.bABsDays = [false, false, false, false, false, false, false];
+ for(iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < to.setting.businessHoursSource.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ var oTempBusinessHours = to.setting.businessHoursSource[iTempIndex],
+ oTempBusinessHourTimes = oTempBusinessHours.times;
+ if($.cf.isValid(oTempBusinessHours.day))
+ to.tv.bABsDays[oTempBusinessHours.day] = true;
+ if($.cf.isValid(oTempBusinessHours.days))
+ {
+ for(iTempIndex1 = 0; iTempIndex1 < oTempBusinessHours.days.length; iTempIndex1++)
+ {
+ to.tv.bABsDays[oTempBusinessHours.days[iTempIndex1]] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ for(var iTimeIndex = 0; iTimeIndex < oTempBusinessHourTimes.length; iTimeIndex++)
+ {
+ var oTempBusinessHourTime = oTempBusinessHourTimes[iTimeIndex];
+ if(!$.cf.isValid(to.tv.oBsHours.start))
+ to.tv.oBsHours.start = oTempBusinessHourTime.startTime;
+ else
+ {
+ if(to._compareHours(oTempBusinessHourTime.startTime, to.tv.oBsHours.start) < 0)
+ to.tv.oBsHours.start = oTempBusinessHourTime.startTime;
+ }
+ if(!$.cf.isValid(to.tv.oBsHours.end))
+ to.tv.oBsHours.end = oTempBusinessHourTime.endTime;
+ else
+ {
+ if(to._compareHours(oTempBusinessHourTime.endTime, to.tv.oBsHours.end) > 0)
+ to.tv.oBsHours.end = oTempBusinessHourTime.endTime;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ to.tv.oBsHours.startTime = to._getHourAndMinuteFromString(to.tv.oBsHours.start);
+ to.tv.oBsHours.endTime = to._getHourAndMinuteFromString(to.tv.oBsHours.end);
+ var iStartTimeRem = ((to.tv.oBsHours.startTime[0] * 60 + to.tv.oBsHours.startTime[1]) % to.setting.unitTimeInterval),
+ iEndTimeRem = ((to.tv.oBsHours.endTime[0] * 60 + to.tv.oBsHours.endTime[1]) % to.setting.unitTimeInterval);
+ if(iStartTimeRem !== 0)
+ {
+ to.tv.oBsHours.startTime[1] = to.tv.oBsHours.startTime[1] + iStartTimeRem;
+ to.tv.oBsHours.start = to.tv.oBsHours.startTime[0] + ":" + to.tv.oBsHours.startTime[1];
+ }
+ if(iEndTimeRem !== 0)
+ {
+ to.tv.oBsHours.endTime[1] = to.tv.oBsHours.endTime[1] + iEndTimeRem;
+ to.tv.oBsHours.end = to.tv.oBsHours.endTime[0] + ":" + to.tv.oBsHours.endTime[1];
+ }
+ for(iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < to.tv.bABsDays.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ if(to.tv.bABsDays[iTempIndex])
+ to.tv.iBsDays++;
+ }
+ },
+ _compareHours: function(sDate1, sDate2)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var sArrDate1 = to._getHourAndMinuteFromString(sDate1),
+ sArrDate2 = to._getHourAndMinuteFromString(sDate2),
+ dDate1 = new Date(), dDate2 = new Date();
+ dDate1.setHours(parseInt(sArrDate1[0]));
+ dDate1.setMinutes(parseInt(sArrDate1[1]));
+ dDate2.setHours(parseInt(sArrDate2[0]));
+ dDate2.setMinutes(parseInt(sArrDate2[1]));
+ return to.compareDateTimes(dDate1, dDate2);
+ },
+ _getBusinessHoursForCurrentView: function(dThisDate)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var iTempIndex,
+ oThisDate = to.getDateInFormat({"date": dThisDate}, "object", false, true),
+ oArrTempBusinessHours = [];
+ for(iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < to.setting.businessHoursSource.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ var oTempBusinessHours = to.setting.businessHoursSource[iTempIndex],
+ bDayMatched = $.cf.isValid(oTempBusinessHours.day) && (oThisDate.D === parseInt(oTempBusinessHours.day)) ||
+ $.cf.isValid(oTempBusinessHours.days) && (oTempBusinessHours.days.indexOf(oThisDate.D) !== -1);
+ if(bDayMatched)
+ {
+ for(var iTimesIndex = 0; iTimesIndex < oTempBusinessHours.times.length; iTimesIndex++)
+ {
+ var sArrTempTime = oTempBusinessHours.times[iTimesIndex],
+ iArrStartTimes = to._getHourAndMinuteFromString(sArrTempTime.startTime),
+ iArrEndTimes = to._getHourAndMinuteFromString(sArrTempTime.endTime),
+ dStartDate = to.setDateInFormat({"iDate": {d: oThisDate.d, M: oThisDate.M, y: oThisDate.y, H: parseInt(iArrStartTimes[0]), m: parseInt(iArrStartTimes[1]), s: 0}}, ""),
+ dEndDate = to.setDateInFormat({"iDate": {d: oThisDate.d, M: oThisDate.M, y: oThisDate.y, H: parseInt(iArrEndTimes[0]), m: parseInt(iArrEndTimes[1]), s: 0}}, "");
+ if(to.compareDateTimes(dStartDate, dEndDate) < 0)
+ oArrTempBusinessHours.push([dStartDate, dEndDate]);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // ------------------------ Sorting BusinessHours Start ----------------------------------
+ var iNumOfTimes = oArrTempBusinessHours.length;
+ if(iNumOfTimes > 1)
+ {
+ for(iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < (iNumOfTimes - 1); iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ var dArrTemp1 = oArrTempBusinessHours[iTempIndex],
+ dArrTemp2 = oArrTempBusinessHours[(iTempIndex + 1)];
+ if(to.compareDateTimes(dArrTemp1[0], dArrTemp2[0]) !== 0)
+ {
+ oArrTempBusinessHours[iTempIndex] = dArrTemp2;
+ oArrTempBusinessHours[(iTempIndex + 1)] = dArrTemp1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // ------------------------ Sorting BusinessHours End ----------------------------------
+ return oArrTempBusinessHours;
+ },
+ _getHourAndMinuteFromString: function(sTempStartTime)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var sArrTimes = sTempStartTime.split(" "),
+ iArrTimes = sArrTimes[0].split(to.setting.formatSeparatorTime),
+ iHours = iArrTimes[0],
+ iMinutes = iArrTimes[1];
+ if(sArrTimes.length > 1)
+ {
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(sArrTimes[1], "AM") && iHours === 12)
+ iHours = 0;
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(sArrTimes[1], "PM") && iHours < 12)
+ iHours = iHours + 12;
+ }
+ return [iHours, iMinutes];
+ },
+ _checkAllowDroppable: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ to.tv.bChkDroppable = false;
+ if(!to.setting.isNonBusinessHoursDroppable && !to.setting.isNonBusinessHoursDroppable)
+ to.tv.bChkDroppable = true;
+ var iTempIndex,
+ bIsDraggable = to.setting.isDragNDropInMonthView ||
+ to.setting.isDragNDropInDetailView ||
+ to.setting.isDragNDropInQuickAgendaView ||
+ to.setting.isDragNDropInTaskPlannerView;
+ if(!to.tv.bChkDroppable && to.tv.oAResSec.length > 0 && bIsDraggable)
+ {
+ for(iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < to.tv.oAResSec.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ var oResSec = to.tv.oAResSec[iTempIndex];
+ if($.cf.isValid(oResSec.isDroppable) && oResSec.isDroppable)
+ {
+ to.tv.bChkDroppable = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _findWhetherEventEnteredNonDroppableZone: function(dEventStartDate, dEventEndDate, bIsAllDay, iEventDays, sDroppableId)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var bEventEntered = false,
+ sArrDroppableId = $.cf.isValid(sDroppableId) ? sDroppableId.split(",") : [];
+ if($.cf.isValid(dEventStartDate) && $.cf.isValid(dEventEndDate) && iEventDays > 0)
+ {
+ var iMaxTimeSlots = 24 * to.tv.iUTmSlt,
+ iDateIndex, iSlotsIndex, iTempIndex,
+ bArrEvSlots, iEventSlots, iDayIndex,
+ iDroppableIndex, iDroppableIndex1, iDroppableIndex2;
+ iEventSlots = Math.round((dEventEndDate.getTime() - dEventStartDate.getTime()) / to.tv.iUTmMS);
+ iEventSlots = (iEventSlots === 0) ? 1 : iEventSlots;
+ sDroppableId = $.cf.isValid(sDroppableId) ? sDroppableId : "";
+ var dThisTempDate = to._normalizeDateTime(dEventStartDate, "START", "T"),
+ iThisTempDate = dThisTempDate.getTime();
+ for(iDateIndex = 0; iDateIndex < iEventDays; iDateIndex++)
+ {
+ if(to.tv.bABsDays[dThisTempDate.getDay()] || !to.setting.excludeNonBusinessHours)
+ {
+ for(iDayIndex = 0; iDayIndex < to.tv.dAVDt.length; iDayIndex++)
+ {
+ if(to.tv.dAVDt[iDayIndex].getDay() === dThisTempDate.getDay())
+ break;
+ }
+ // ---------------------- Set Array Of Event TimeSlots Start -------------------
+ bArrEvSlots = [];
+ for(var iHoursIndex = 0; iHoursIndex < 24; iHoursIndex++)
+ {
+ for(iSlotsIndex = 0; iSlotsIndex < to.tv.iUTmSlt; iSlotsIndex++)
+ bArrEvSlots.push(0);
+ }
+ bArrEvSlots.push(0); // For All Day
+ // ---------------------- Set Array Of Event TimeSlots End ----------------------
+ var dArrTempResSec = to._getRestrictedSectionForCurrentView(dThisTempDate),
+ oArrTempBusinessHours = to._getBusinessHoursForCurrentView(dThisTempDate),
+ bAllowedInResSec = false,
+ bNotAllowedInResSec = false;
+ // --------------- Set RestrictedSection Date Array Indicator Start ---------------------------------
+ if(dArrTempResSec.length > 0)
+ {
+ bEventEntered = false;
+ for(iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < dArrTempResSec.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ var dArrResSec = dArrTempResSec[iTempIndex],
+ dResSecStart = new Date(dArrResSec.start),
+ dResSecEnd = new Date(dArrResSec.end),
+ bResSecAllDay = $.cf.isValid(dArrResSec.isAllDay) ? dArrResSec.isAllDay : false,
+ sResSecDroppableId = $.cf.isValid(dArrResSec.droppableId) ? dArrResSec.droppableId : "",
+ bResSecIsDroppable = $.cf.isValid(dArrResSec.isDroppable) ? dArrResSec.isDroppable : to.setting.isRestrictedSectionDroppable,
+ sArrAllowedDroppables = $.cf.isValid(dArrResSec.allowedDroppables) ? dArrResSec.allowedDroppables : [],
+ iCompResSecSDT = to.compareDateTimes(dResSecStart, dEventStartDate),
+ iCompResSecEDT = to.compareDateTimes(dResSecEnd, dEventEndDate),
+ iCompResSecSEDT = to.compareDateTimes(dResSecStart, dEventEndDate),
+ iCompResSecESDT = to.compareDateTimes(dResSecEnd, dEventStartDate),
+ bCompStart = (to.compareDates(dThisTempDate, dResSecStart) === 0),
+ bCompEnd = (to.compareDates(dThisTempDate, dResSecEnd) === 0),
+ iResSecSlots = 0;
+ if(!bCompStart)
+ dResSecStart = to._normalizeDateTime(dThisTempDate, "START", "T");
+ if(!bCompEnd)
+ dResSecEnd = to._normalizeDateTime(dThisTempDate, "END", "T");
+ iResSecSlots = Math.round((dResSecEnd.getTime() - dResSecStart.getTime()) / to.tv.iUTmMS);
+ iResSecSlots = (iResSecSlots === 0) ? 1 : (iResSecSlots > iMaxTimeSlots) ? iMaxTimeSlots : iResSecSlots;
+ if(bIsAllDay || iEventSlots >= iMaxTimeSlots)
+ {
+ if((bIsAllDay && bResSecAllDay) || (iCompResSecSDT === 0 && iCompResSecEDT === 0))
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if(iCompResSecSDT <= 0 && iCompResSecEDT >= 0)
+ {
+ if(!bResSecIsDroppable)
+ bNotAllowedInResSec = true; // return true;
+ if(!
+ (iCompResSecSDT > 0 && iCompResSecEDT > 0 && iCompResSecSEDT < 0) ||
+ (iCompResSecSDT < 0 && iCompResSecEDT < 0 && iCompResSecESDT > 0)
+ )
+ {
+ if(!bResSecIsDroppable)
+ bNotAllowedInResSec = true; // return true;
+ else
+ {
+ var bAllowAll = false;
+ if(sArrAllowedDroppables.length === 0)
+ bAllowedInResSec = true;
+ else
+ {
+ for(iDroppableIndex = 0; iDroppableIndex < sArrAllowedDroppables.length; iDroppableIndex++)
+ {
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(sArrAllowedDroppables[iDroppableIndex], "All"))
+ {
+ bAllowAll = true;
+ bAllowedInResSec = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!bAllowAll)
+ {
+ if($.cf.isValid(sDroppableId))
+ {
+ if(sArrDroppableId.length === 1 && sDroppableId === sResSecDroppableId)
+ bAllowedInResSec = true;
+ else
+ {
+ for(iDroppableIndex1 = 0; iDroppableIndex1 < sArrDroppableId.length; iDroppableIndex1++)
+ {
+ var sTempDroppableId = sArrDroppableId[iDroppableIndex1];
+ if(sTempDroppableId !== sResSecDroppableId)
+ {
+ var bAllowed = false;
+ for(iDroppableIndex2 = 0; iDroppableIndex2 < sArrAllowedDroppables.length; iDroppableIndex2++)
+ {
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(sArrAllowedDroppables[iDroppableIndex2], sTempDroppableId))
+ {
+ bAllowed = true;
+ bAllowedInResSec = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!bAllowed)
+ bNotAllowedInResSec = true; // return true;
+ }
+ else
+ bAllowedInResSec = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ bNotAllowedInResSec = true; // return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if(
+ (iCompResSecSDT >= 0 && iCompResSecEDT >= 0 && iCompResSecSEDT < 0) ||
+ (iCompResSecSDT <= 0 && iCompResSecEDT <= 0 && iCompResSecESDT > 0)
+ )
+ {
+ //if(!bResSecIsDroppable || (bResSecIsDroppable && sResSecDroppableId !== sDroppableId))
+ // return true;
+ bNotAllowedInResSec = true; // return true;
+ }
+ }
+ if(bAllowedInResSec)
+ return false;
+ if(bNotAllowedInResSec)
+ return true;
+ if($.cf.isValid(sDroppableId))
+ return true;
+ }
+ // --------------- Set RestrictedSection Date Array Indicator End -----------------------------------
+ // ---------------------- Set Available Date Array Indicator Start --------------------------
+ if(oArrTempBusinessHours.length > 0 && !to.setting.isNonBusinessHoursDroppable)
+ {
+ bEventEntered = true;
+ for(iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < oArrTempBusinessHours.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ var dArrTempAvailable = oArrTempBusinessHours[iTempIndex],
+ dTempAvailableStart = new Date(dArrTempAvailable[0]),
+ dTempAvailableEnd = new Date(dArrTempAvailable[1]),
+ iCompAvSDT = to.compareDateTimes(dTempAvailableStart, dEventStartDate),
+ iCompAvEDT = to.compareDateTimes(dTempAvailableEnd, dEventEndDate);
+ if(bIsAllDay)
+ {
+ if(!to.tv.bABsDays[dThisTempDate.getDay()])
+ return true;
+ else
+ bEventEntered = false;
+ }
+ if(iCompAvSDT <= 0 && iCompAvEDT >= 0)
+ bEventEntered = false && bEventEntered;
+ else
+ bEventEntered = true && bEventEntered;
+ }
+ if(bEventEntered)
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(!to.setting.isNonBusinessHoursDroppable)
+ return true;
+ }
+ // ----------------------- Set Available Date Array Indicator End ---------------------------
+ }
+ //else
+ // console.log("Non Business Day");
+ iThisTempDate += $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.d;
+ dThisTempDate = new Date(iThisTempDate);
+ }
+ }
+ return bEventEntered;
+ },
+ //--------------------------------- View Related Functions Start ----------------------------------
+ // Public Method
+ modifySettings: function(oOptions)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var iTempPluginObjCount = to.tv.pluginId;
+ to.setting = $.extend({}, $.CalenStyle.defaults, oOptions);
+ to.tv = $.extend({}, $.CalenStyle.tempDefaults);
+ to.tv.pluginId = iTempPluginObjCount;
+ to.tv.iUTmMS = to.setting.unitTimeInterval * $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.m;
+ to.tv.iUTmSlt = (60 / to.setting.unitTimeInterval);
+ },
+ // Public Method
+ loadView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ if(!$(to.elem).hasClass("cElemDatePicker"))
+ $(to.elem).addClass("elem-CalenStyle");
+ $(to.elem).html("
+ if(to.setting.viewsToDisplay.length > 1)
+ {
+ for(var iTempIndex1 = 0; iTempIndex1 < to.setting.viewsToDisplay.length; iTempIndex1++)
+ {
+ var oViewToDisplay = to.setting.viewsToDisplay[iTempIndex1],
+ sViewName = oViewToDisplay.viewName || "";
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(sViewName, to.setting.visibleView))
+ to.tv.bDisMenu = true;
+ }
+ }
+ to.tv.dLoadDt = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.setting.selectedDate}, "START");
+ to.tv.bViewLoaded = false;
+ to._getBusinessDaysForWeek();
+ to._checkAllowDroppable();
+ to._setDisplayTimeLabelsArray();
+ to._resetSourceFetch();
+ var sUA = navigator.userAgent,
+ sBRClass = "br-other";
+ if(/(ipod|iphone|ipad)/i.test(sUA))
+ sBRClass = "br-ios";
+ else if (/opera|opr/i.test(sUA))
+ sBRClass = "br-opera";
+ else if (/msie|trident/i.test(sUA))
+ sBRClass = "br-ie";
+ else if (/chrome.+? edge/i.test(sUA))
+ sBRClass = "br-ie";
+ else if (/chrome|crios|crmo/i.test(sUA))
+ sBRClass = "br-chrome";
+ else if (/firefox|iceweasel/i.test(sUA))
+ sBRClass = "br-firefox";
+ else if (/safari/i.test(sUA))
+ sBRClass = "br-safari";
+ $("body").addClass(sBRClass);
+ var iScrollbarWidth;
+ if(!$.CalenStyle.extra.bTouchDevice)
+ {
+ var isWebKit = 'WebkitAppearance' in document.documentElement.style;
+ if(isWebKit)
+ iScrollbarWidth = 5;
+ else
+ {
+ var eDiv = document.createElement('div');
+ eDiv.innerHTML = "
+ eDiv = eDiv.firstChild;
+ document.body.appendChild(eDiv);
+ var iWidth = eDiv.offsetWidth - eDiv.clientWidth;
+ document.body.removeChild(eDiv);
+ iScrollbarWidth = iWidth;
+ }
+ $(".calendarCont").addClass("calendarContWeb");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iScrollbarWidth = 2;
+ $(".calendarCont").addClass("calendarContMobile");
+ }
+ $.CalenStyle.extra.iScrollbarWidth = iScrollbarWidth;
+ to.setCurrentView(to.setting.visibleView, true);
+ },
+ // Public Method
+ setCurrentView: function(sThisView, bLoadData)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ to.setting.visibleView = sThisView;
+ var $oCalendarCont = $(to.elem).find(".calendarCont");
+ $oCalendarCont.removeClass("cmvCalendarCont cdvCalendarCont cdlvCalendarCont cagvCalendarCont cagvTimeline1 cagvTimeline2 cagvTimeline3 cavCalendarCont cqavCalendarCont");
+ $(to.elem).find(".calendarCont").html("");
+ $oCalendarCont.css({"width": "100%", "height": "100%"});
+ $oCalendarCont.removeClass("cmvCalendarContWithBorders");
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "MonthView") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DetailedMonthView") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DatePicker"))
+ {
+ $oCalendarCont.addClass("cmvCalendarCont");
+ if(!$.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DatePicker"))
+ $oCalendarCont.addClass("cmvCalendarContWithBorders");
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayEventListView"))
+ {
+ $oCalendarCont.addClass("cdlvCalendarCont");
+ to.tv.iNoVDay = to.setting.daysInDayListView;
+ if(to.tv.iNoVDay === 7 && to.setting.excludeNonBusinessHours)
+ to.tv.iNoVDay -= (to.tv.iNoVDay - to.tv.iBsDays);
+ to.tv.iSelDay = Math.floor(to.tv.iNoVDay / 2);
+ to.tv.iNoVDayDis = 1;
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "AppointmentView"))
+ {
+ $oCalendarCont.addClass("cavCalendarCont");
+ to.tv.iNoVDay = to.setting.daysInAppointmentView;
+ if(to.tv.iNoVDay === 7 && to.setting.excludeNonBusinessHours)
+ to.tv.iNoVDay -= (to.tv.iNoVDay - to.tv.iBsDays);
+ to.tv.iNoVDayDis = to.tv.iNoVDay;
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "AgendaView"))
+ {
+ $oCalendarCont.addClass("cagvCalendarCont");
+ if(!$.cf.isValid(to.setting.displayEventsForPeriodInListInAgendaView))
+ {
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.agendaViewTheme, "Timeline1"))
+ $oCalendarCont.addClass("cagvTimeline1");
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.agendaViewTheme, "Timeline2"))
+ $oCalendarCont.addClass("cagvTimeline2");
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.agendaViewTheme, "Timeline3"))
+ $oCalendarCont.addClass("cagvTimeline3");
+ }
+ if(!$.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.agendaViewDuration, "Month"))
+ {
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.agendaViewDuration, "Week"))
+ to.tv.iNoVDay = 7;
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.agendaViewDuration, "CustomDays"))
+ to.tv.iNoVDay = to.setting.daysInAgendaView;
+ if(to.tv.iNoVDay === 7 && to.setting.excludeNonBusinessHours)
+ to.tv.iNoVDay -= (to.tv.iNoVDay - to.tv.iBsDays);
+ to.tv.iNoVDayDis = to.tv.iNoVDay;
+ }
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "WeekPlannerView"))
+ {
+ $oCalendarCont.addClass("cwpvCalendarCont");
+ to.tv.iNoVDay = 7;
+ //if(to.tv.iNoVDay === 7 && to.setting.excludeNonBusinessHours)
+ // to.tv.iNoVDay -= (to.tv.iNoVDay - to.tv.iBsDays);
+ to.tv.iNoVDayDis = to.tv.iNoVDay;
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "QuickAgendaView"))
+ {
+ $oCalendarCont.addClass("cqavCalendarCont");
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.quickAgendaViewDuration, "Week"))
+ to.tv.iNoVDay = 7;
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.quickAgendaViewDuration, "CustomDays"))
+ to.tv.iNoVDay = to.setting.daysInQuickAgendaView;
+ if(to.tv.iNoVDay === 7 && to.setting.excludeNonBusinessHours)
+ to.tv.iNoVDay -= (to.tv.iNoVDay - to.tv.iBsDays);
+ to.tv.iNoVDayDis = to.tv.iNoVDay;
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "TaskPlannerView"))
+ {
+ $oCalendarCont.addClass("ctpvCalendarCont");
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.taskPlannerViewDuration, "Week"))
+ to.tv.iNoVDay = 7;
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.taskPlannerViewDuration, "CustomDays"))
+ to.tv.iNoVDay = to.setting.daysInTaskPlannerView;
+ if(to.tv.iNoVDay === 7 && to.setting.excludeNonBusinessHours)
+ to.tv.iNoVDay -= (to.tv.iNoVDay - to.tv.iBsDays);
+ to.tv.iNoVDayDis = to.tv.iNoVDay;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $oCalendarCont.addClass("cdvCalendarCont");
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "WeekView"))
+ {
+ to.tv.iNoVDay = 7;
+ if(to.tv.iNoVDay === 7 && to.setting.excludeNonBusinessHours)
+ to.tv.iNoVDay -= (to.tv.iNoVDay - to.tv.iBsDays);
+ to.tv.iNoVDayDis = to.tv.iNoVDay;
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayView"))
+ {
+ to.tv.iNoVDay = 1;
+ to.tv.iNoVDayDis = 1;
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "CustomView"))
+ {
+ to.tv.iNoVDay = to.setting.daysInCustomView;
+ if(to.tv.iNoVDay === 7 && to.setting.excludeNonBusinessHours)
+ to.tv.iNoVDay -= (to.tv.iNoVDay - to.tv.iBsDays);
+ to.tv.iNoVDayDis = to.tv.iNoVDay;
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayEventDetailView"))
+ {
+ to.tv.iNoVDay = to.setting.daysInDayListView;
+ if(to.tv.iNoVDay === 7 && to.setting.excludeNonBusinessHours)
+ to.tv.iNoVDay -= (to.tv.iNoVDay - to.tv.iBsDays);
+ to.tv.iNoVDayDis = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ to.__getCurrentViewDates();
+ to._addCommonView(bLoadData);
+ },
+ //--------------------------------- View Related Functions End ---------------------------------
+ //--------------------------------- Header Related Functions Start ---------------------------------
+ _addContHeader: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var sTemplate = "",
+ iTempIndex, sArrHeaderSections;
+ // Left Section
+ sTemplate += "";
+ // Right Section
+ sTemplate += "";
+ // Center Section
+ sTemplate += "";
+ return sTemplate;
+ },
+ _addHeaderSections: function(sSectionName)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var sTemp = "", bFullscreen = to._isFullScreen();
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(sSectionName, "DatePickerIcon"))
+ sTemp += to.setting.headerComponents.DatePickerIcon;
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(sSectionName, "FullscreenButton"))
+ sTemp += to.setting.headerComponents.FullscreenButton(bFullscreen);
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(sSectionName, "PreviousButton"))
+ sTemp += to.setting.headerComponents.PreviousButton;
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(sSectionName, "NextButton"))
+ sTemp += to.setting.headerComponents.NextButton;
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(sSectionName, "TodayButton"))
+ sTemp += to.setting.headerComponents.TodayButton;
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(sSectionName, "HeaderLabel"))
+ sTemp += to.setting.headerComponents.HeaderLabel;
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(sSectionName, "HeaderLabelWithDropdownMenuArrow"))
+ sTemp += to.setting.headerComponents.HeaderLabelWithDropdownMenuArrow;
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(sSectionName, "MenuSegmentedTab") && to.tv.bDisMenu)
+ sTemp += to.setting.headerComponents.MenuSegmentedTab;
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(sSectionName, "MenuDropdownIcon") && to.tv.bDisMenu)
+ sTemp += to.setting.headerComponents.MenuDropdownIcon;
+ return sTemp;
+ },
+ _updateViewSelectionMenu: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var sTemplate = "", iTempIndex1;
+ sTemplate += "";
+ return sTemplate;
+ },
+ _refreshHeader: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ if($(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").length > 0)
+ $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").html(to._addContHeader());
+ to._addMenuItemsInSegmentedTab();
+ to._addEventsToHeaderElements();
+ to._adjustViewSelectionMenu();
+ },
+ _addEventsToHeaderElements: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ $(to.elem).find(".cContHeaderMenuDropdown .cContHeaderMenuSections li").on($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandler, function(e)
+ {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ });
+ $(to.elem).find(".cContHeaderPrevButton").on($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandlerButtons, function(e)
+ {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ to.navigateToPrevView();
+ });
+ $(to.elem).find(".cContHeaderNextButton").on($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandlerButtons, function(e)
+ {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ to.navigateToNextView();
+ });
+ $(to.elem).find(".cContHeaderToday").html(to.getNumberStringInFormat($.CalenStyle.extra.dToday.getDate(), 0, true));
+ $(to.elem).find(".cContHeaderToday").on($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandlerButtons, function(e)
+ {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ to.navigateToToday();
+ });
+ to._addEventsForMenu();
+ $(to.elem).find(".cContHeaderMenuButton").on($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandler, function(e)
+ {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ if($(to.elem).find(".cContHeaderMenuDropdown").length > 0)
+ to._collapseSubmenu();
+ else
+ to._expandSubmenu();
+ });
+ $(to.elem).find(".cContHeaderDatePickerIcon").on($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandler, function(e)
+ {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ to._showOrHideDatePicker();
+ });
+ if($(to.elem).find(".cContHeaderDropdownMenuArrow").length > 0)
+ {
+ if(to.setting.dropdownMenuElements.length === 1 && $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.dropdownMenuElements[0], "DatePicker"))
+ {
+ $(to.elem).find(".cContHeaderLabelOuter").on($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandler, function(e)
+ {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ to._showOrHideDatePicker();
+ });
+ }
+ var bViewsToDisplay = false;
+ for(var iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < to.setting.dropdownMenuElements.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.dropdownMenuElements[iTempIndex], "ViewsToDisplay"))
+ {
+ bViewsToDisplay = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(bViewsToDisplay)
+ {
+ $(to.elem).find(".cContHeaderLabelOuter").on($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandler, function(e)
+ {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ if($(to.elem).find(".cContHeaderMenuDropdown").length > 0)
+ to._collapseSubmenu();
+ else
+ to._expandSubmenu();
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ $(to.elem).find(".cContHeaderFullscreen").on($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandlerButtons, function(e)
+ {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ to._toggleFullscreen();
+ });
+ if(to.setting.addEventHandlersInHeader)
+ to.setting.addEventHandlersInHeader.call(to);
+ if(to.setting.useHammerjsAsGestureLibrary)
+ {
+ var oHammer1 = new Hammer(to.elem, {
+ threshold: 0,
+ velocity: 0
+ });
+ oHammer1.on("swiperight", function(e)
+ {
+ to.navigateToPrevView();
+ });
+ oHammer1.on("swipeleft", function(e)
+ {
+ to.navigateToNextView();
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ _addMenuItemsInSegmentedTab: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ $(to.elem).find(".cContHeaderMenuSegmentedTab").html(to._updateViewSelectionMenu());
+ },
+ _expandSubmenu: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var sTemplate = "";
+ sTemplate += "";
+ $(to.elem).find(".calendarContInner").append(sTemplate);
+ if($(to.elem).find(".cContHeaderMenuDropdownBg").length > 0)
+ {
+ var iMainContLeft, iMainContTop, iMainContWidth, iMainContHeight;
+ var $oContOuter = $(to.elem);
+ iMainContLeft = 0;
+ iMainContTop = 0;
+ iMainContWidth = $oContOuter.width();
+ iMainContHeight = $oContOuter.height();
+ $(to.elem).find(".cContHeaderMenuDropdownBg").css({"left": iMainContLeft, "top": iMainContTop, "width": iMainContWidth, "height": iMainContHeight});
+ var iDropdownLeft, iDropdownTop, iDropdownWidth, iDropdownMaxWidth;
+ var $occcContHeaderMenuButton = $(to.elem).find(".cContHeaderMenuButton");
+ var $occcContHeaderDropdownMenuArrow = $(to.elem).find(".cContHeaderDropdownMenuArrow");
+ var iMainContMaxWidth = iMainContLeft + iMainContWidth;
+ iDropdownWidth = $(to.elem).find(".cContHeaderMenuDropdown").width();
+ if($occcContHeaderMenuButton.length > 0)
+ {
+ iDropdownLeft = $occcContHeaderMenuButton.position().left - 5 + $(to.elem).find(".calendarContInner").position().left;
+ iDropdownMaxWidth = iMainContLeft + iDropdownLeft + iDropdownWidth;
+ if(iDropdownMaxWidth > iMainContMaxWidth)
+ iDropdownLeft = iMainContWidth - iDropdownWidth - 5;
+ iDropdownTop = $occcContHeaderMenuButton.height() + 5 + $(to.elem).find(".calendarContInner").position().top + ($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.sectionsList[0], "ActionBar") ? $(to.elem).find(".cActionBar").height() : 0);
+ $(".cContHeaderMenuDropdown").css({"left": iDropdownLeft, "top": iDropdownTop});
+ }
+ else if($occcContHeaderDropdownMenuArrow.length > 0)
+ {
+ var $occCContHeaderLabel = $(to.elem).find(".cContHeaderLabelOuter"),
+ iContHeaderLabelWidth = $occCContHeaderLabel.width(),
+ iContHeaderLabelLeft = $occCContHeaderLabel.position().left,
+ iContHeaderLabelMid = (iContHeaderLabelLeft + (iContHeaderLabelWidth/2)),
+ iDropdownWidthHalf = (iDropdownWidth/2);
+ iDropdownLeft = iContHeaderLabelMid - iDropdownWidthHalf;
+ if(iDropdownLeft < 0)
+ iDropdownLeft = 5;
+ iDropdownMaxWidth = iDropdownLeft + iDropdownWidth;
+ if(iDropdownMaxWidth > iMainContMaxWidth)
+ iDropdownLeft = iMainContWidth - iDropdownWidth - 5;
+ iDropdownTop = $(to.elem).find(".cContHeaderLabelOuter").height() + $(to.elem).find(".calendarContInner").position().top + ($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.sectionsList[0], "ActionBar") ? $(to.elem).find(".cActionBar").height() : 0);
+ $(".cContHeaderMenuDropdown").css({"left": iDropdownLeft, "top": iDropdownTop});
+ }
+ }
+ to._addEventsForMenu();
+ },
+ _collapseSubmenu: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var $occCContHeaderMenuDropdown = $(to.elem).find(".cContHeaderMenuDropdownBg");
+ if($occCContHeaderMenuDropdown.length > 0)
+ {
+ $occCContHeaderMenuDropdown.hide(10);
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ $occCContHeaderMenuDropdown.remove();
+ }, 10);
+ }
+ to.addRemoveViewLoader(false, "cViewLoaderBg");
+ },
+ _addEventsForMenu: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ $(to.elem).find(".cContHeaderMenuSegmentedTab .cContHeaderMenuSections li").removeClass("cSelectedMenu");
+ $(to.elem).find(".cContHeaderMenuSegmentedTab #cContHeaderMenu"+to.setting.visibleView).addClass("cSelectedMenu");
+ $(to.elem).find(".cContHeaderMenuDropdownBg .cContHeaderMenuSections li").removeClass("cSelectedMenu");
+ $(to.elem).find(".cContHeaderMenuDropdownBg #cContHeaderMenu"+to.setting.visibleView).addClass("cSelectedMenu");
+ $(to.elem).find(".cContHeaderMenuSections li").on($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandlerButtons, function(e)
+ {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ var sViewName = $(this).attr("name");
+ $(to.elem).find(".cContHeaderMenuSegmentedTab .cContHeaderMenuSections li").removeClass("cSelectedMenu");
+ $(to.elem).find(".cContHeaderMenuSegmentedTab #cContHeaderMenu"+sViewName).addClass("cSelectedMenu");
+ $(to.elem).find(".cContHeaderMenuDropdownBg .cContHeaderMenuSections li").removeClass("cSelectedMenu");
+ $(to.elem).find(".cContHeaderMenuDropdownBg #cContHeaderMenu"+sViewName).addClass("cSelectedMenu");
+ if(!$.cf.compareStrings(sViewName, "DatePicker"))
+ {
+ if(!$.cf.compareStrings(sViewName, to.setting.visibleView))
+ {
+ to.addRemoveViewLoader(true, "cViewLoaderBg");
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ to.setCurrentView(sViewName, false);
+ if(to.setting.visibleViewChanged)
+ to.setting.visibleViewChanged.call(to, to.setting.visibleView, to.setting.selectedDate, to.tv.dAVDt);
+ to._reloadDatePickerContent();
+ to._collapseSubmenu();
+ }, 2);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ to._collapseSubmenu();
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ to._showOrHideDatePicker();
+ }, 100);
+ }
+ });
+ $(to.elem).find(".cContHeaderMenuDropdownBg").on($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandler, function(e)
+ {
+ to._collapseSubmenu();
+ });
+ if(!$.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DatePicker"))
+ {
+ if(to.setting.datePickerObject === null)
+ to._addDatePicker();
+ else
+ to.setting.datePickerObject.refreshView();
+ }
+ },
+ // Public Method
+ navigateToToday: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ to.setting.selectedDate = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to._getCurrentDate()}, "START");
+ to.reloadData();
+ if(to.setting.todayButtonClicked)
+ to.setting.todayButtonClicked.call(to, to.setting.selectedDate, to.tv.dAVDt);
+ to.__reloadDatePickerContentOnNavigation();
+ },
+ // Public Method
+ navigateToPrevView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ $(to.elem).find(".cListOuterCont").html("");
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DetailedMonthView") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "MonthView") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DatePicker"))
+ to.__goToPrevMonthView();
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "WeekView") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayView") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "CustomView") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayEventDetailView"))
+ to.__goToPrevDetailView();
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayEventListView"))
+ to.__goToPrevDayListView();
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "QuickAgendaView"))
+ to.__goToPrevQuickAgendaView();
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "TaskPlannerView"))
+ to.__goToPrevTaskPlannerView();
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "AppointmentView"))
+ to.__goToPrevAppointmentView();
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "AgendaView"))
+ to.__goToPrevAgendaView();
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "WeekPlannerView"))
+ to.__goToPrevWeekPlannerView();
+ if(to.setting.previousButtonClicked)
+ to.setting.previousButtonClicked.call(to, to.setting.selectedDate, to.tv.dAVDt);
+ },
+ // Public Method
+ navigateToNextView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ $(to.elem).find(".cListOuterCont").html("");
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DetailedMonthView") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "MonthView") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DatePicker"))
+ to.__goToNextMonthView();
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "WeekView") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayView") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "CustomView") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayEventDetailView"))
+ to.__goToNextDetailView();
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayEventListView"))
+ to.__goToNextDayListView();
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "QuickAgendaView"))
+ to.__goToNextQuickAgendaView();
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "TaskPlannerView"))
+ to.__goToNextTaskPlannerView();
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "AppointmentView"))
+ to.__goToNextAppointmentView();
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "AgendaView"))
+ to.__goToNextAgendaView();
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "WeekPlannerView"))
+ to.__goToNextWeekPlannerView();
+ if(to.setting.nextButtonClicked)
+ to.setting.nextButtonClicked.call(to, to.setting.selectedDate, to.tv.dAVDt);
+ },
+ // Public Method
+ getVisibleDates: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ return to.tv.dAVDt;
+ },
+ _adjustViewSelectionMenu: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var iTempIndex, oListElem;
+ if($(to.elem).find(".cContHeaderMenuSegmentedTab").length > 0)
+ {
+ var oMenuList = $(to.elem).find(".cContHeaderMenuSections li");
+ var iMaxWidth = 0;
+ for(iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < oMenuList.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ oListElem = oMenuList[iTempIndex];
+ var iListElemWidth = $(oListElem).width();
+ iMaxWidth = (iListElemWidth > iMaxWidth) ? iListElemWidth : iMaxWidth;
+ }
+ iMaxWidth += 25;
+ for(iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < oMenuList.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ oListElem = oMenuList[iTempIndex];
+ $(oListElem).css({"width": iMaxWidth});
+ }
+ }
+ to._adjustDatePicker();
+ },
+ _addDatePicker: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var bDatePickerIconAdded = $(to.elem).find(".cContHeaderDatePickerIcon").length > 0,
+ bDatePickerArrowAdded = $(to.elem).find(".cContHeaderDropdownMenuArrow").length > 0,
+ bMenuAdded = $(to.elem).find(".cContHeaderMenuButton").length > 0,
+ bAddDatePicker = ((to.setting.dropdownMenuElements.length > 0 && $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.dropdownMenuElements[0], "DatePicker")) || (to.setting.dropdownMenuElements.length > 1 && $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.dropdownMenuElements[1], "DatePicker"))),
+ bDatePickerButtonAdded = bDatePickerIconAdded || ((bDatePickerArrowAdded || bMenuAdded) && bAddDatePicker),
+ bDisplayDatePicker = (bDatePickerButtonAdded && to.setting.addEventsInMonthView && (!$.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DatePicker") && !$.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.actionOnDayClickInMonthView, "ChangeDate")));
+ if(bDisplayDatePicker && $(".cElemDatePickerBg").length === 0)
+ {
+ var sTemplate = "";
+ sTemplate += "
+ sTemplate += "
+ if(bDatePickerIconAdded)
+ sTemplate += "
+ sTemplate += "
+ sTemplate += "
+ sTemplate += "
+ sTemplate += "
+ $(to.elem).parent().append(sTemplate);
+ $(".cElemDatePicker").CalenStyle(
+ {
+ visibleView: "DatePicker",
+ headerSectionsList:
+ {
+ left: ["TodayButton"],
+ center: ["HeaderLabel"],
+ right: ["PreviousButton", "NextButton"]
+ },
+ transitionSpeed: 0,
+ selectedDate: to.setting.selectedDate,
+ shortDayNames: to.setting.veryShortDayNames,
+ shortMonthNames: to.setting.shortMonthNames,
+ fullMonthNames: to.setting.shortMonthNames,
+ numbers: to.setting.numbers,
+ businessHoursSource: to.setting.businessHoursSource,
+ inputTZOffset: to.setting.inputTZOffset,
+ outputTZOffset: to.setting.outputTZOffset,
+ parentObject: to,
+ eventIndicatorInDatePicker: to.setting.eventIndicatorInDatePicker,
+ initialize: function()
+ {
+ to.setting.datePickerObject = this;
+ },
+ viewLoaded: function(dSelectedDateTime, dArrHighlightDates)
+ {
+ to.setting.datePickerObject.highlightDatesInDatePicker(to.tv.dAVDt);
+ },
+ cellClicked: function(sView, dSelectedDateTime, bIsAllDay, pClickedAt)
+ {
+ to._showOrHideDatePicker();
+ to.addRemoveViewLoader(true, "cViewLoaderBg");
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ to.setting.selectedDate = dSelectedDateTime;
+ to.reloadData();
+ to.setting.datePickerObject.highlightDatesInDatePicker(to.tv.dAVDt);
+ to.addRemoveViewLoader(false, "cViewLoaderBg");
+ }, 4);
+ },
+ calDataSource: to.setting.datePickerCalDataSource,
+ useHammerjsAsGestureLibrary: to.setting.useHammerjsAsGestureLibrary
+ });
+ $(".cElemDatePickerBg").on($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandler, function(e)
+ {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ to._hideDatePicker();
+ });
+ $(".cElemDatePicker, .cElemDatePicker *").on($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandler, function(e)
+ {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ });
+ $(".cElemDatePickerBg *").on($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandler, function(e)
+ {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ _showOrHideDatePicker: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ if($(".cElemDatePickerBg").css("display") === "none")
+ {
+ $(".cElemDatePickerBg").show(0);
+ if(to.setting.adjustViewOnWindowResize)
+ $(window).bind("resize.CSDP." + to.tv.pluginId, function(e){to._adjustDatePicker();});
+ to._reloadDatePickerContent();
+ to._adjustDatePicker();
+ }
+ else
+ to._hideDatePicker();
+ },
+ _hideDatePicker: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ if($(".cElemDatePickerBg").css("display") !== "none")
+ $(".cElemDatePickerBg").css({"display": "none"});
+ if(to.setting.adjustViewOnWindowResize)
+ $(window).unbind("resize.CSDP." + to.tv.pluginId);
+ },
+ _reloadDatePickerContent: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var bDatePickerIconAdded = $(to.elem).find(".cContHeaderDatePickerIcon").length > 0,
+ bDatePickerArrowAdded = $(to.elem).find(".cContHeaderDropdownMenuArrow").length > 0,
+ bMenuAdded = $(to.elem).find(".cContHeaderMenuButton").length > 0,
+ bAddDatePicker = ((to.setting.dropdownMenuElements.length > 0 && $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.dropdownMenuElements[0], "DatePicker")) || (to.setting.dropdownMenuElements.length > 1 && $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.dropdownMenuElements[1], "DatePicker"))),
+ bDatePickerButtonAdded = bDatePickerIconAdded || ((bDatePickerArrowAdded || bMenuAdded) && bAddDatePicker);
+ if(bDatePickerButtonAdded && to.setting.datePickerObject !== null)
+ {
+ to.setting.datePickerObject.setting.selectedDate = to.setting.selectedDate;
+ to.setting.datePickerObject.reloadData();
+ to.setting.datePickerObject.highlightDatesInDatePicker(to.tv.dAVDt);
+ }
+ to._adjustDatePicker();
+ },
+ __reloadDatePickerContentOnNavigation: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ to._reloadDatePickerContent();
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DatePicker"))
+ to.__highlightDaysInDatePicker();
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "MonthView"))
+ {
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.actionOnDayClickInMonthView, "ChangeDate"))
+ to.__highlightDaysInDatePicker();
+ }
+ },
+ _adjustDatePicker: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var iMainContLeft, iMainContTop, iMainContWidth, iMainContHeight;
+ if(!$.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DatePicker"))
+ {
+ var $oContOuter = $(to.elem);
+ var iMainLeftMargin = $oContOuter.css("margin-left");
+ iMainLeftMargin = parseInt(iMainLeftMargin.replace("px", ""));
+ var iMainTopMargin = $oContOuter.css("margin-top");
+ iMainTopMargin = parseInt(iMainTopMargin.replace("px", ""));
+ iMainContLeft = $oContOuter.position().left + iMainLeftMargin;
+ iMainContTop = $oContOuter.position().top + iMainTopMargin;
+ iMainContWidth = $oContOuter.width();
+ iMainContHeight = $oContOuter.height();
+ $(".cElemDatePickerBg").css({"left": iMainContLeft, "top": iMainContTop, "width": iMainContWidth, "height": iMainContHeight});
+ }
+ var iElemDatePickerLeft, iElemDatePickerTop, iElemDatePickerWidth, iElemDatePickerMaxWidth;
+ var $occcContHeaderDatePickerIcon = $(to.elem).find(".cContHeaderDatePickerIcon");
+ var $occcContHeaderDropdownMenuArrow = $(to.elem).find(".cContHeaderDropdownMenuArrow");
+ var $occcContHeaderMenu = $(to.elem).find(".cContHeaderMenuButton");
+ var iMainContMaxWidth = iMainContLeft + iMainContWidth;
+ iElemDatePickerWidth = $(".cElemDatePickerCont").width();
+ if($occcContHeaderDatePickerIcon.length > 0)
+ {
+ iElemDatePickerLeft = $occcContHeaderDatePickerIcon.position().left - 5 + $(to.elem).find(".calendarContInner").position().left;
+ iElemDatePickerMaxWidth = iMainContLeft + iElemDatePickerLeft + iElemDatePickerWidth;
+ if(iElemDatePickerMaxWidth > iMainContMaxWidth)
+ iElemDatePickerLeft = iMainContWidth - iElemDatePickerWidth - 5;
+ iElemDatePickerTop = $occcContHeaderDatePickerIcon.height() + 5 + $(to.elem).find(".calendarContInner").position().top + ($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.sectionsList[0], "ActionBar") ? $(to.elem).find(".cActionBar").height() : 0);
+ $(".cElemDatePickerCont").css({"left": iElemDatePickerLeft, "top": iElemDatePickerTop});
+ //iDatePickerIconLeft = $occcContHeaderDatePickerIcon.position().left + ($occcContHeaderDatePickerIcon.width()/2);
+ //iElemDatePickerMaxWidth = iElemDatePickerLeft + iElemDatePickerWidth;
+ //$(".cElemDatePickerTooltipBottom").css({"left": (iDatePickerIconLeft - iElemDatePickerLeft - 7)});
+ }
+ else if($occcContHeaderDropdownMenuArrow.length > 0 || $occcContHeaderMenu.length > 0)
+ {
+ var $occCContHeaderLabel = $(to.elem).find(".cContHeaderLabelOuter"),
+ iContHeaderLabelWidth = $occCContHeaderLabel.width(),
+ iContHeaderLabelLeft = $occCContHeaderLabel.position().left,
+ iContHeaderLabelMid = (iContHeaderLabelLeft + (iContHeaderLabelWidth/2)),
+ iElemDatePickerWidthHalf = (iElemDatePickerWidth/2);
+ if(!$.CalenStyle.extra.bTouchDevice && iMainContWidth > 480)
+ {
+ iElemDatePickerLeft = iContHeaderLabelMid - iElemDatePickerWidthHalf;
+ if(iElemDatePickerLeft < 0)
+ iElemDatePickerLeft = 5;
+ iElemDatePickerMaxWidth = iElemDatePickerLeft + iElemDatePickerWidth;
+ if(iElemDatePickerMaxWidth > iMainContMaxWidth)
+ iElemDatePickerLeft = iMainContWidth - iElemDatePickerWidth - 5;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iElemDatePickerLeft = (iMainContWidth - iElemDatePickerWidth)/2;
+ //iElemDatePickerLeft = iMainContLeft + (iMainContWidth - iElemDatePickerWidth)/2;
+ }
+ iElemDatePickerTop = $(to.elem).find(".cContHeaderLabelOuter").height() + 10 + $(to.elem).find(".calendarContInner").position().top + ($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.sectionsList[0], "ActionBar") ? $(to.elem).find(".cActionBar").height() : 0);
+ $(".cElemDatePickerCont").css({"left": iElemDatePickerLeft, "top": iElemDatePickerTop});
+ }
+ },
+ _isFullScreen: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ return $(to.elem).hasClass("cFullscreenCont");
+ },
+ _toggleFullscreen: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ if(to._isFullScreen())
+ {
+ $(to.elem).removeClass("cFullscreenCont");
+ if(to.tv.iCalHeight !== 0)
+ $(to.elem).css({"height": to.tv.iCalHeight});
+ }
+ else
+ $(to.elem).addClass("cFullscreenCont");
+ to._adjustViews(true);
+ },
+ __adjustHeader: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ if(to._isFullScreen())
+ $(to.elem).find(".cContHeaderFullscreen").removeClass("cs-icon-Expand").addClass("cs-icon-Contract");
+ else
+ $(to.elem).find(".cContHeaderFullscreen").removeClass("cs-icon-Contract").addClass("cs-icon-Expand");
+ var $occCalendarContInner = $(to.elem).find(".calendarContInner"),
+ iCalendarContWidth = $occCalendarContInner.outerWidth(),
+ iCalendarContHeight = $occCalendarContInner.outerHeight();
+ if(iCalendarContWidth > 410 || iCalendarContHeight > 410)
+ $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader, .cContHeaderSections, .cContHeaderDatePickerIcon, .cContHeaderFullscreen, .cContHeaderNavButton").css({"height": 45, "line-height": 45+"px"});
+ else
+ $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader, .cContHeaderSections, .cContHeaderDatePickerIcon, .cContHeaderFullscreen, .cContHeaderNavButton").css({"height": 45, "line-height": 45+"px"});
+ },
+ //--------------------------------- Header Related Functions End ---------------------------------
+ //----------------------------- Common View Related Functions Start -----------------------------
+ _addCommonView: function(bLoadData)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var bFirstSection = true,
+ iSectionTopPos = 0,
+ $occCalendarCont = $(to.elem).find(".calendarCont"),
+ iTempCalendarContInnerLeft = 0, iTempCalendarContInnerTop = 0,
+ iTempCalendarContInnerWidth = 0, iTempCalendarContInnerHeight = 0,
+ sTemplate = "", iTempIndex, sSectionName;
+ for(iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < to.setting.sectionsList.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ sSectionName = to.setting.sectionsList[iTempIndex];
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(sSectionName, "FilterBar"))
+ {
+ to.tv.bDisFBar = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(to.tv.bDisFBar)
+ {
+ var iTempFilterBarLeft, iTempFilterBarTop,
+ iTempFilterBarWidth, iTempFilterBarHeight,
+ iCalendarContWidth = $occCalendarCont.outerWidth(),
+ iCalendarContHeight = $occCalendarCont.outerHeight();
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Top") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Bottom"))
+ {
+ iTempFilterBarWidth = iCalendarContWidth;
+ iTempFilterBarHeight = to.setting.filterBarHeight;
+ iTempCalendarContInnerWidth = iCalendarContWidth;
+ iTempCalendarContInnerHeight = iCalendarContHeight - iTempFilterBarHeight;
+ iTempFilterBarLeft = 0;
+ iTempCalendarContInnerLeft = 0;
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Top"))
+ {
+ iTempFilterBarTop = 0;
+ iTempCalendarContInnerTop = to.setting.filterBarHeight - $.CalenStyle.extra.iBorderOverhead;
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Bottom"))
+ {
+ iTempCalendarContInnerTop = 0;
+ iTempFilterBarTop = iTempCalendarContInnerHeight;
+ }
+ iTempFilterBarWidth = "100%";
+ iTempFilterBarHeight += "px";
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Left") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Right"))
+ {
+ iTempFilterBarWidth = to.setting.filterBarWidth;
+ iTempFilterBarHeight = iCalendarContHeight;
+ iTempCalendarContInnerWidth = iCalendarContWidth - iTempFilterBarWidth;
+ iTempCalendarContInnerHeight = iCalendarContHeight;
+ iTempFilterBarTop = 0;
+ iTempCalendarContInnerTop = 0;
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Left"))
+ {
+ iTempFilterBarLeft = 0;
+ iTempCalendarContInnerLeft = to.setting.filterBarWidth;
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Right"))
+ {
+ iTempCalendarContInnerLeft = 0;
+ iTempFilterBarLeft = iTempCalendarContInnerWidth;
+ }
+ iTempFilterBarWidth += "px";
+ iTempFilterBarHeight = "100%";
+ }
+ sTemplate += "
+ }
+ sTemplate += "
+ $occCalendarCont.append(sTemplate);
+ for(iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < to.setting.sectionsList.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ sSectionName = to.setting.sectionsList[iTempIndex];
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(sSectionName, "ActionBar"))
+ to.tv.bDisABar = true;
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(sSectionName, "EventList") && ($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "MonthView") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayEventListView")))
+ to.tv.bCMVDisEvLst = true;
+ }
+ sTemplate = "";
+ for(iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < to.setting.sectionsList.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ sSectionName = to.setting.sectionsList[iTempIndex];
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(sSectionName, "Header"))
+ {
+ if(!bFirstSection)
+ iSectionTopPos -= 1;
+ else
+ bFirstSection = false;
+ sTemplate += "";
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(sSectionName, "Calendar"))
+ {
+ if(!bFirstSection)
+ iSectionTopPos -= 1;
+ else
+ bFirstSection = false;
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "MonthView") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DatePicker"))
+ {
+ if(to.tv.bDisABar)
+ iSectionTopPos -= 1;
+ else
+ iSectionTopPos -= 2;
+ sTemplate += "
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DetailedMonthView"))
+ {
+ sTemplate += "
+ sTemplate += "
+ sTemplate += "
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DetailedMonthView"))
+ sTemplate += "
+ sTemplate += "
+ sTemplate += "
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "WeekView") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayView") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "CustomView") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayEventDetailView"))
+ {
+ if(to.setting.sectionsList.length === 2)
+ iSectionTopPos -= 3;
+ else
+ iSectionTopPos -= 2;
+ sTemplate += "
+ sTemplate += "
+ sTemplate += "
+ iSectionTopPos -= 1;
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "QuickAgendaView"))
+ {
+ if(to.setting.sectionsList.length === 2)
+ iSectionTopPos -= 3;
+ else
+ iSectionTopPos -= 2;
+ sTemplate += "
+ sTemplate += "
+ iSectionTopPos -= 1;
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "TaskPlannerView"))
+ {
+ if(to.setting.sectionsList.length === 2)
+ iSectionTopPos -= 3;
+ else
+ iSectionTopPos -= 2;
+ sTemplate += "
+ iSectionTopPos -= 1;
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayEventListView"))
+ {
+ iSectionTopPos -= 2;
+ sTemplate += "
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "AppointmentView"))
+ {
+ iSectionTopPos -= 2;
+ sTemplate += "
+ sTemplate += "
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "WeekPlannerView"))
+ {
+ iSectionTopPos -= 2;
+ if($.CalenStyle.extra.bTouchDevice)
+ sTemplate += "
+ else
+ sTemplate += "
+ }
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(sSectionName, "ActionBar"))
+ {
+ if(!bFirstSection)
+ {
+ if(!$.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "MonthView"))
+ iSectionTopPos -= 1;
+ }
+ else
+ bFirstSection = false;
+ sTemplate += "
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(sSectionName, "EventList") && ($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "MonthView") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayEventListView")))
+ {
+ if(!bFirstSection)
+ iSectionTopPos -= 1;
+ else
+ bFirstSection = false;
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayEventListView"))
+ iSectionTopPos -= 1;
+ sTemplate += "
+ }
+ }
+ if(($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayEventListView") && !to.tv.bCMVDisEvLst) || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "AgendaView"))
+ {
+ if(!bFirstSection)
+ iSectionTopPos -= 2;
+ to.tv.bCMVDisEvLst = true;
+ sTemplate += "
+ }
+ $(to.elem).find(".calendarContInner").append(sTemplate);
+ to._addMenuItemsInSegmentedTab();
+ to._addEventsToHeaderElements();
+ to._adjustViewSelectionMenu();
+ if(bLoadData)
+ to.reloadData();
+ else
+ to.__reloadCurrentView(true, false);
+ $(document).on($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandler+".CalenStyle", function(e)
+ {
+ to._callCommonEvents();
+ });
+ },
+ // Public Method
+ refreshView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ to.tv.oAEvents = to._sortEvents(to.tv.oAEvents);
+ to._refreshHeader();
+ to.__reloadCurrentView(true, false);
+ },
+ _adjustViews: function(bIsResized)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DetailedMonthView") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "MonthView") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DatePicker"))
+ to.adjustMonthTable();
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "WeekView") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayView") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "CustomView"))
+ to.__adjustDetailViewTable();
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayEventDetailView"))
+ to.__adjustDetailViewTable();
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayEventListView"))
+ to.__adjustDayListView();
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "QuickAgendaView"))
+ to.__adjustQuickAgendaView(bIsResized);
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "TaskPlannerView"))
+ to.__adjustTaskPlannerView(bIsResized);
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "AppointmentView"))
+ to.__adjustAppointmentTable();
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "AgendaView"))
+ to.adjustAgendaView();
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "WeekPlannerView"))
+ to.adjustWeekPlannerView();
+ },
+ __reloadCurrentView: function(bLoadAll, bLoadAllData)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ if(to.setting.adjustViewOnWindowResize)
+ $(window).unbind("resize." + to.tv.pluginId);
+ to.__getCurrentViewDates();
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DetailedMonthView") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "MonthView") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DatePicker"))
+ {
+ to.updateMonthTableAndContents(bLoadAllData);
+ if(to.setting.adjustViewOnWindowResize)
+ {
+ $(window).bind("resize." + to.tv.pluginId, function(e)
+ {
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DetailedMonthView") && to.setting.hideExtraEvents)
+ {
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdmvEvent").remove();
+ $(to.elem).find(".cHiddenEventsIndicator").remove();
+ $(to.elem).find(".cHiddenEventsCont").remove();
+ to.adjustMonthTable();
+ to._addEventContInMonthView(null);
+ }
+ else
+ to.adjustMonthTable();
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "WeekView") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayView") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "CustomView") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayEventDetailView"))
+ {
+ if(bLoadAll)
+ {
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow2Main").html("");
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow3Main").html("");
+ to.__updateDetailViewTable();
+ to.__adjustDetailViewTable();
+ if(to.setting.adjustViewOnWindowResize)
+ $(window).bind("resize." + to.tv.pluginId, function(e){to.__adjustDetailViewTable();});
+ to.__parseData(bLoadAllData, function()
+ {
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayEventDetailView"))
+ {
+ to.setEventOrTaskStatusForCurrentView();
+ if(to.tv.bEvTskStatus)
+ {
+ for(var iDateIndex = 0; iDateIndex < to.tv.iNoVDay; iDateIndex++)
+ {
+ $(to.elem).find("#cdlvRowDay"+iDateIndex).append("
+ }
+ to.__displayEventOrTaskStatusForDayListView();
+ }
+ to.__setDateStringsForDayListView(to.tv.iNoVDay, to.tv.dAVDt, 0);
+ //to.__adjustDayListView();
+ }
+ to.__updateTimeSlotTableView();
+ to.__addEventsInDetailView("Both");
+ to.__adjustDetailViewTable();
+ to.__adjustDetailViewTable();
+ to.__modifyFilterBarCallback();
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "QuickAgendaView"))
+ {
+ $(to.elem).find(".cqavContRow2Main").html("");
+ to.__updateQuickAgendaView();
+ to.__adjustQuickAgendaView();
+ if(to.setting.adjustViewOnWindowResize)
+ $(window).bind("resize." + to.tv.pluginId, function(e){to.__adjustQuickAgendaView(true);});
+ to.__parseData(bLoadAllData, function()
+ {
+ to.__addEventsInQuickAgendaView();
+ to.__adjustQuickAgendaView();
+ to.__modifyFilterBarCallback();
+ });
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "TaskPlannerView"))
+ {
+ $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableRow2 td").html("");
+ to.__updateTaskPlannerView();
+ to.__adjustTaskPlannerView();
+ if(to.setting.adjustViewOnWindowResize)
+ $(window).bind("resize." + to.tv.pluginId, function(e){to.__adjustTaskPlannerView(true);});
+ to.__parseData(bLoadAllData, function()
+ {
+ to.setEventOrTaskStatusForCurrentView();
+ to.__addEventsInTaskPlannerView();
+ to.__adjustTaskPlannerView();
+ to.__modifyFilterBarCallback();
+ });
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayEventListView"))
+ {
+ to.__updateDayListViewTable(bLoadAllData, true);
+ if(!bLoadAll)
+ to.__adjustDayListView();
+ to.__adjustDayListView();
+ if(to.setting.adjustViewOnWindowResize)
+ $(window).bind("resize." + to.tv.pluginId, function(e){to.__adjustDayListView();});
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "AppointmentView"))
+ {
+ to.__updateAppointmentTable();
+ to.__adjustAppointmentTable();
+ if(to.setting.adjustViewOnWindowResize)
+ $(window).bind("resize." + to.tv.pluginId, function(e){to.__adjustAppointmentTable();});
+ to.__parseData(bLoadAllData, function()
+ {
+ to.__updateAppointmentTable();
+ to.__displayAppointments();
+ to.__adjustAppointmentTable();
+ to.__adjustAppointmentTable();
+ to.__modifyFilterBarCallback();
+ });
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "AgendaView"))
+ {
+ to.updateAgendaView(bLoadAllData);
+ to.adjustAgendaView();
+ if(to.setting.adjustViewOnWindowResize)
+ $(window).bind("resize." + to.tv.pluginId, function(e){to.adjustAgendaView();});
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "WeekPlannerView"))
+ {
+ to.updateWeekPlannerView(bLoadAllData);
+ to.adjustWeekPlannerView();
+ if(to.setting.adjustViewOnWindowResize)
+ $(window).bind("resize." + to.tv.pluginId, function(e){to.adjustWeekPlannerView();});
+ }
+ //if(to.tv.bDisFBar)
+ //{
+ if(to.setting.modifyFilterBarView)
+ to.setting.modifyFilterBarView.call(to, $(to.elem).find(".cFilterBar"), to.setting.eventFilterCriteria, to.tv.oAEvFltrCnt);
+ //}
+ if(to.tv.bDisABar)
+ {
+ if(to.setting.modifyActionBarView)
+ to.setting.modifyActionBarView.call(to, $(to.elem).find(".cActionBar"), to.setting.visibleView);
+ }
+ if(!to.tv.bViewLoaded)
+ {
+ if(to.setting.viewLoaded)
+ to.setting.viewLoaded.call(to, to.setting.selectedDate, to.tv.dAVDt);
+ to.tv.bViewLoaded = true;
+ }
+ },
+ __modifyFilterBarCallback: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ //if(to.tv.bDisFBar)
+ //{
+ if(to.setting.modifyFilterBarView)
+ to.setting.modifyFilterBarView.call(to, $(to.elem).find(".cFilterBar"), to.setting.eventFilterCriteria, to.tv.oAEvFltrCnt);
+ //}
+ },
+ __adjustFontSize: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var $occCalendarContInner = $(to.elem).find(".calendarContInner"),
+ iCalendarContWidth = $occCalendarContInner.outerWidth(),
+ iCalendarContHeight = $occCalendarContInner.outerHeight(),
+ sFontClasses = "cFontLarge cFontMedium cFontSmall cFontExtraSmall";
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "WeekView") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayView") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "CustomView") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayEventDetailView") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "QuickAgendaView") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "TaskPlannerView"))
+ {
+ if(iCalendarContWidth <= 360 || iCalendarContHeight <= 360)
+ $occCalendarContInner.removeClass(sFontClasses).addClass("cFontSmall");
+ else if(iCalendarContWidth <= 710)
+ $occCalendarContInner.removeClass(sFontClasses).addClass("cFontMedium");
+ else
+ $occCalendarContInner.removeClass(sFontClasses).addClass("cFontLarge");
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayEventListView") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "AppointmentView") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DetailedMonthView"))
+ {
+ if(iCalendarContWidth <= 310 || iCalendarContHeight <= 310)
+ $occCalendarContInner.removeClass(sFontClasses).addClass("cFontSmall");
+ else if(iCalendarContWidth <= 410 || iCalendarContHeight <= 410)
+ $occCalendarContInner.removeClass(sFontClasses).addClass("cFontMedium");
+ else
+ $occCalendarContInner.removeClass(sFontClasses).addClass("cFontLarge");
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "MonthView") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DatePicker"))
+ {
+ if(to.tv.bCMVDisEvLst)
+ {
+ if(iCalendarContWidth <= 310 || iCalendarContHeight <= 310)
+ $occCalendarContInner.removeClass(sFontClasses).addClass("cFontSmall");
+ else if(iCalendarContWidth <= 400 || iCalendarContHeight <= 400)
+ $occCalendarContInner.removeClass(sFontClasses).addClass("cFontMedium");
+ else
+ $occCalendarContInner.removeClass(sFontClasses).addClass("cFontLarge");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(iCalendarContWidth <= 310 || iCalendarContHeight <= 310)
+ $occCalendarContInner.removeClass(sFontClasses).addClass("cFontSmall");
+ else if(iCalendarContWidth <= 410 || iCalendarContHeight <= 410)
+ $occCalendarContInner.removeClass(sFontClasses).addClass("cFontMedium");
+ else
+ $occCalendarContInner.removeClass(sFontClasses).addClass("cFontLarge");
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ // Public Method
+ setCalendarBorderColor: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ if(to.tv.bDisFBar)
+ {
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Left"))
+ $(to.elem).find(".cFilterBar").css({"border-right": "1px solid #DDD"});
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Right"))
+ $(to.elem).find(".cFilterBar").css({"border-left": "1px solid #DDD"});
+ }
+ if(to.setting.changeCalendarBorderColorInJS)
+ {
+ var sCalendarBorderColor, sTemp = "";
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.calendarBorderColor, "transparent"))
+ sCalendarBorderColor = to.setting.calendarBorderColor;
+ else
+ sCalendarBorderColor = "#" + to.setting.calendarBorderColor;
+ sTemp += ".calendarCont";
+ sTemp += ", .calendarContInner";
+ $(".cElemDatePickerTooltipBottom").css({"border-color": "transparent transparent "+ sCalendarBorderColor + " transparent"});
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "WeekView") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayView") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "CustomView") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayEventDetailView"))
+ {
+ sTemp += ", .cdvCalendarCont td";
+ sTemp += ", .cdvDetailTable";
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "QuickAgendaView"))
+ {
+ sTemp += ", .cqavCalendarCont td";
+ sTemp += ", .cqavTable";
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "TaskPlannerView"))
+ {
+ sTemp += ", .ctpvCalendarCont td";
+ sTemp += ", .ctpvTable";
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "AppointmentView"))
+ {
+ sTemp += ", .cavCalendarCont .cavTable td";
+ sTemp += ", .cavCalendarCont .cavTable td:last-child";
+ sTemp += ", .cavTableList";
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DetailedMonthView") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "MonthView") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DatePicker"))
+ {
+ sTemp += ", .cmvCalendarContWithBorders"+ " td";
+ sTemp += ", .cmvThinBorderTop";
+ sTemp += ", .cmvThinBorderRight";
+ sTemp += ", .cmvThinBorderBottom";
+ sTemp += ", .cmvThinBorderLeft";
+ sTemp += ", .cmvThinBorder";
+ sTemp += ", .cdlvDaysTableList";
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayEventListView"))
+ sTemp += ", .cdlvDaysTableList";
+ sTemp += ", .cContHeader";
+ sTemp += ", .cFilterBar";
+ sTemp += ", .cActionBar";
+ sTemp += ", .cListOuterCont";
+ $(to.elem).find(sTemp).css({"border-color": sCalendarBorderColor});
+ }
+ },
+ //----------------------------- Common View Related Functions End -----------------------------
+ //------------------------------- Date Manipulation Functions Start -------------------------------
+ // Public Method
+ setDateInFormat: function(oInput, sType)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ if(oInput.date === undefined && oInput.iDate === undefined)
+ oInput.date = to._getCurrentDate();
+ if(oInput.iDate === undefined)
+ {
+ oInput.iDate = {
+ d: oInput.date.getDate(),
+ M: oInput.date.getMonth(),
+ y: oInput.date.getFullYear(),
+ H: oInput.date.getHours(),
+ m: oInput.date.getMinutes(),
+ s: oInput.date.getSeconds(),
+ ms: oInput.date.getMilliseconds()
+ };
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ oInput.iDate = {
+ d: (oInput.iDate.d !== undefined) ? oInput.iDate.d : $.CalenStyle.extra.dToday.getDate(),
+ M: (oInput.iDate.M !== undefined) ? oInput.iDate.M : $.CalenStyle.extra.dToday.getMonth(),
+ y: (oInput.iDate.y !== undefined) ? oInput.iDate.y : $.CalenStyle.extra.dToday.getFullYear(),
+ H: (oInput.iDate.H !== undefined) ? oInput.iDate.H : 0,
+ m: (oInput.iDate.m !== undefined) ? oInput.iDate.m : 0,
+ s: (oInput.iDate.s !== undefined) ? oInput.iDate.s : 0,
+ ms: (oInput.iDate.ms !== undefined) ? oInput.iDate.ms : 0
+ };
+ }
+ var dDate;
+ if(sType === null || sType === undefined || sType === "")
+ dDate = new Date(oInput.iDate.y, oInput.iDate.M, oInput.iDate.d, oInput.iDate.H, oInput.iDate.m, oInput.iDate.s, oInput.iDate.ms);
+ else if(sType === "START")
+ dDate = new Date(oInput.iDate.y, oInput.iDate.M, oInput.iDate.d, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ else if(sType === "END")
+ dDate = new Date(oInput.iDate.y, oInput.iDate.M, oInput.iDate.d, 23, 59, 59, 999);
+ return dDate;
+ },
+ _getCurrentDate: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var dToday = to.getDateByAddingOutputTZOffset(to.convertToUTC(new Date()), to.setting.outputTZOffset);
+ return dToday;
+ },
+ // Public Method
+ convertToUTC: function(dIpDate, sIpTZOffset)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var dOpDate = new Date(dIpDate.getTime() - ((sIpTZOffset === undefined || sIpTZOffset === "" || sIpTZOffset === null) ? -(dIpDate.getTimezoneOffset() * $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.m) : to._getTZOffsetInMS(sIpTZOffset)));
+ return dOpDate;
+ },
+ _getTZOffsetInMS: function(sTZOffset)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var iOffsetMS = 0;
+ if(sTZOffset === undefined || sTZOffset === "" || sTZOffset === null)
+ iOffsetMS = -($.CalenStyle.extra.dToday.getTimezoneOffset() * $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.m);
+ else
+ {
+ var sArrTZOffset = sTZOffset.match(/^([+|-]{1})([0-1]{0,1}[0-9]{1}):([0-6]{0,1}[0-9]{1})$/);
+ iOffsetMS = parseInt(sArrTZOffset[2]) * $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.h + parseInt(sArrTZOffset[3]) * $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.m;
+ iOffsetMS = (sArrTZOffset[1]==="+") ? iOffsetMS : -iOffsetMS;
+ }
+ return iOffsetMS;
+ },
+ // Public Method
+ getDateByAddingOutputTZOffset: function(dIpDate, sOpTZOffset)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var dOpDate = new Date(dIpDate.getTime() + to._getTZOffsetInMS(sOpTZOffset));
+ return dOpDate;
+ },
+ // Public Method
+ normalizeDateTimeWithOffset: function(dIpDate, sIpTZOffset, sOpTZOffset)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var dOpDate = new Date(dIpDate);
+ if(sIpTZOffset !== sOpTZOffset)
+ dOpDate = to.getDateByAddingOutputTZOffset(to.convertToUTC(dIpDate, sIpTZOffset), sOpTZOffset);
+ return dOpDate;
+ },
+ _getDateObjectFromString: function(sDate, bIsAllDay, inputDateTimeFormat, formatSeparatorDateTime, formatSeparatorDate, formatSeparatorTime, sIpTZOffset)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var toClass = {}.toString;
+ var sDateType = toClass.call(sDate);
+ var dTempDate;
+ if(sDateType === "[object Date]")
+ dTempDate = (bIsAllDay ? to.convertToUTC(sDate, sIpTZOffset) : to.normalizeDateTimeWithOffset(sDate, sIpTZOffset, to.setting.outputTZOffset));
+ else if(sDateType === "[object Number]")
+ dTempDate = (bIsAllDay ? to.convertToUTC(new Date(sDate), sIpTZOffset) : to.normalizeDateTimeWithOffset(new Date(sDate), sIpTZOffset, to.setting.outputTZOffset));
+ else
+ {
+ var iDay = 0, iMonth = 0, iYear = 0, iHours = 0, iMinutes = 0, iSeconds = 0;
+ var sArrDate8601Date = sDate.match(/^([0-9]{4})(-([0-1]{1}[0-9]{1}))(-([0-3]{1}[0-9]{1}))$/);
+ var sArrDate8601 = sDate.match(/^([0-9]{4})(-([0-1]{1}[0-9]{1})(-([0-3]{1}[0-9]{1})([T]([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})(:([0-9]{2})(\.([0-9]+))?)?(Z|(([-+])([0-9]{2})(:?([0-9]{2}))?))?)?)?)?$/);
+ var sArrDate8601Compact = sDate.match(/^([0-9]{4})(([0-1]{1}[0-9]{1})(([0-3]{1}[0-9]{1})([T]([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})(([0-9]{2})(\.([0-9]+))?)?(Z|(([-+])([0-9]{2})(:?([0-9]{2}))?))?)?)?)?$/);
+ var dISO8601;
+ if(sArrDate8601Date !== null)
+ {
+ dISO8601 = to.setDateInFormat({"iDate": {y: parseInt(sArrDate8601Date[1]), M: (parseInt(sArrDate8601Date[3]) - 1), d: parseInt(sArrDate8601Date[5])}}, "START");
+ dTempDate = (bIsAllDay ? dISO8601 : to.getDateByAddingOutputTZOffset(dISO8601, to.setting.outputTZOffset));
+ }
+ else if(sArrDate8601 !== null)
+ {
+ dISO8601 = to.setDateInFormat({"iDate": {y: parseInt(sArrDate8601[1]), M: (parseInt(sArrDate8601[3]) - 1), d: parseInt(sArrDate8601[5]), H: parseInt(sArrDate8601[7]), m: parseInt(sArrDate8601[8]), s: parseInt(sArrDate8601[10])}}, "");
+ if(sArrDate8601[13] === "Z")
+ dTempDate = to.getDateByAddingOutputTZOffset(dISO8601, to.setting.outputTZOffset);
+ else
+ dTempDate = to.normalizeDateTimeWithOffset(dISO8601, sArrDate8601[13], to.setting.outputTZOffset);
+ }
+ else if(sArrDate8601Compact !== null)
+ {
+ dISO8601 = to.setDateInFormat({"iDate": {y: parseInt(sArrDate8601Compact[1]), M: (parseInt(sArrDate8601Compact[3]) - 1), d: parseInt(sArrDate8601Compact[5]), H: parseInt(sArrDate8601Compact[7]), m: parseInt(sArrDate8601Compact[8]), s: parseInt(sArrDate8601Compact[9])}}, "");
+ if(sArrDate8601Compact[13] === "Z")
+ dTempDate = to.getDateByAddingOutputTZOffset(dISO8601, to.setting.outputTZOffset);
+ else
+ dTempDate = to.normalizeDateTimeWithOffset(dISO8601, sArrDate8601Compact[13], to.setting.outputTZOffset);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ var sInputDateTimeFormat = inputDateTimeFormat || to.setting.inputDateTimeFormat;
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(sInputDateTimeFormat, $.CalenStyle.extra.sArrInputDateTimeFormats[1])) // milliseconds
+ dTempDate = new Date(parseInt(sDate));
+ else
+ {
+ var sFormatSeparatorDateTime = formatSeparatorDateTime || to.setting.formatSeparatorDateTime,
+ sFormatSeparatorDate = formatSeparatorDate || to.setting.formatSeparatorDate,
+ sFormatSeparatorTime = formatSeparatorTime || to.setting.formatSeparatorTime,
+ sArrDatetime = sDate.split(sFormatSeparatorDateTime),
+ sThisDate = sArrDatetime[0],
+ sThisTime = sArrDatetime[1],
+ sArrDateComponents = sThisDate.split(sFormatSeparatorDate);
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(sInputDateTimeFormat, $.CalenStyle.extra.sArrInputDateTimeFormats[4]) || $.cf.compareStrings(sInputDateTimeFormat, $.CalenStyle.extra.sArrInputDateTimeFormats[5]))
+ {
+ iDay = parseInt(sArrDateComponents[0]);
+ iMonth = parseInt(sArrDateComponents[1]) - 1;
+ iYear = parseInt(sArrDateComponents[2]);
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(sInputDateTimeFormat, $.CalenStyle.extra.sArrInputDateTimeFormats[6]) || $.cf.compareStrings(sInputDateTimeFormat, $.CalenStyle.extra.sArrInputDateTimeFormats[7]))
+ {
+ iMonth = parseInt(sArrDateComponents[0]) - 1;
+ iDay = parseInt(sArrDateComponents[1]);
+ iYear = parseInt(sArrDateComponents[2]);
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(sInputDateTimeFormat, $.CalenStyle.extra.sArrInputDateTimeFormats[8]) || $.cf.compareStrings(sInputDateTimeFormat, $.CalenStyle.extra.sArrInputDateTimeFormats[9]))
+ {
+ iYear = parseInt(sArrDateComponents[0]);
+ iMonth = parseInt(sArrDateComponents[1]) - 1;
+ iDay = parseInt(sArrDateComponents[2]);
+ }
+ var sArrTimeComponents;
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(sInputDateTimeFormat, $.CalenStyle.extra.sArrInputDateTimeFormats[4]) || $.cf.compareStrings(sInputDateTimeFormat, $.CalenStyle.extra.sArrInputDateTimeFormats[6]) || $.cf.compareStrings(sInputDateTimeFormat, $.CalenStyle.extra.sArrInputDateTimeFormats[8]))
+ {
+ var sArrTempTimeComponents = sThisTime.split(" ");
+ sArrTimeComponents = sArrTempTimeComponents[0].split(sFormatSeparatorTime);
+ iHours = parseInt(sArrTimeComponents[0]);
+ iMinutes = parseInt(sArrTimeComponents[1]);
+ if(isNaN(iMinutes))
+ iMinutes = 0;
+ if(sArrTimeComponents.length > 2)
+ iSeconds = parseInt(sArrTimeComponents[2]);
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(sArrTempTimeComponents[1], "AM") && iHours === 12)
+ iHours = 0;
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(sArrTempTimeComponents[1], "PM") && iHours < 12)
+ iHours = iHours + 12;
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(sInputDateTimeFormat, $.CalenStyle.extra.sArrInputDateTimeFormats[5]) || $.cf.compareStrings(sInputDateTimeFormat, $.CalenStyle.extra.sArrInputDateTimeFormats[7]) || $.cf.compareStrings(sInputDateTimeFormat, $.CalenStyle.extra.sArrInputDateTimeFormats[9]))
+ {
+ sArrTimeComponents = sThisTime.split(sFormatSeparatorTime);
+ iHours = parseInt(sArrTimeComponents[0]);
+ iMinutes = parseInt(sArrTimeComponents[1]);
+ if(isNaN(iMinutes))
+ iMinutes = 0;
+ if(sArrTimeComponents.length > 2)
+ iSeconds = parseInt(sArrTimeComponents[2]);
+ }
+ dTempDate = to.setDateInFormat({"iDate": {y: iYear, M: iMonth, d: iDay, H: iHours, m: iMinutes, s: iSeconds}}, "");
+ }
+ dTempDate = (bIsAllDay ? dTempDate : to.normalizeDateTimeWithOffset(dTempDate, sIpTZOffset, to.setting.outputTZOffset));
+ }
+ }
+ if(bIsAllDay)
+ dTempDate = to.setDateInFormat({"date": dTempDate}, "START");
+ return dTempDate;
+ },
+ __getNumberOfDaysOfMonth: function(iMonth, iYear)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var iArrMonthDays = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31],
+ iArrLeapYearMonthDays = [31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];
+ if(iYear % 4 === 0)
+ return iArrLeapYearMonthDays[iMonth];
+ else
+ return iArrMonthDays[iMonth];
+ },
+ __findWhetherDateIsVisibleInCurrentView: function(dTempDate, bIsAllDay, dTempStartDateTime, dTempEndDateTime)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ if(!to.setting.excludeNonBusinessHours)
+ return true;
+ else
+ {
+ for(var iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < to.tv.dAVDt.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ if(to.compareDates(to.tv.dAVDt[iTempIndex], dTempDate) === 0)
+ {
+ if(bIsAllDay)
+ return true;
+ else
+ {
+ var dTempStartDateBs = new Date(dTempDate),
+ dTempEndDateBs = new Date(dTempDate);
+ dTempStartDateBs.setHours(to.tv.oBsHours.startTime[0]);
+ dTempStartDateBs.setMinutes(to.tv.oBsHours.startTime[1]);
+ dTempEndDateBs.setHours(to.tv.oBsHours.endTime[0]);
+ dTempEndDateBs.setMinutes(to.tv.oBsHours.endTime[1]);
+ var dTempStartDate = new Date(dTempStartDateTime),
+ dTempEndDate = new Date(dTempEndDateTime);
+ if(to.compareDateTimes(dTempStartDateBs, dTempStartDateTime) > 0)
+ dTempStartDate = new Date(dTempStartDateBs);
+ if(to.compareDateTimes(dTempEndDateBs, dTempEndDateTime) < 0)
+ dTempEndDate = new Date(dTempEndDateBs);
+ if(to.compareDateTimes(dTempStartDate, dTempEndDate) < 0)
+ return true;
+ else
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ },
+ __getCurrentViewDates: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var dArrTempDates, dMonthStartDate, dMonthEndDate;
+ var dCurrentDateStart = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.setting.selectedDate}, "START");
+ if(!to.tv.bDyClDLV)
+ {
+ to.tv.dAVDt = [];
+ if(to.setting.excludeNonBusinessHours && !$.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "WeekPlannerView"))
+ {
+ if(to.tv.iBsDays > 0)
+ {
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DetailedMonthView") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "MonthView") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DatePicker") || ($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "AgendaView") && $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.agendaViewDuration, "Month")))
+ {
+ while(to._getBusinessHoursForCurrentView(to.setting.selectedDate).length === 0)
+ to.setting.selectedDate.setDate(to.setting.selectedDate.getDate() + 1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ while(to._getBusinessHoursForCurrentView(dCurrentDateStart).length === 0)
+ {
+ if(to.tv.sLoadType === "Next" || to.tv.sLoadType === "Load")
+ dCurrentDateStart.setDate(dCurrentDateStart.getDate() + 1);
+ else if(to.tv.sLoadType === "Prev")
+ dCurrentDateStart.setDate(dCurrentDateStart.getDate() - 1);
+ }
+ to.setting.selectedDate = new Date(dCurrentDateStart);
+ }
+ }
+ //else
+ // console.log("Business Hours Are Not Specified");
+ }
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DetailedMonthView") ||
+ $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "MonthView") ||
+ $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DatePicker"))
+ {
+ dMonthStartDate = to.setDateInFormat({"iDate": {d: 1, M: dCurrentDateStart.getMonth(), y: dCurrentDateStart.getFullYear()}}, "START");
+ dMonthEndDate = to.setDateInFormat({"iDate": {d: to.__getNumberOfDaysOfMonth(dCurrentDateStart.getMonth(), dCurrentDateStart.getFullYear()), M: dCurrentDateStart.getMonth(), y: dCurrentDateStart.getFullYear()}}, "START");
+ to.tv.dVSDt = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to._getWeekForDate(dMonthStartDate, false)[0]}, "START");
+ if(!to.setting.fixedNumOfWeeksInMonthView)
+ to.tv.iWkInMonth = ((to._getWeekForDate(dMonthEndDate, false)[0].getTime() - to.tv.dVSDt.getTime())/$.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.w) + 1;
+ to.tv.iNoVDay = 0;
+ var iDateMS = to.tv.dVSDt.getTime(),
+ iNumMonthDays = (to.setting.excludeNonBusinessHours) ? (to.tv.iBsDays * to.tv.iWkInMonth) : (7 * to.tv.iWkInMonth);
+ for(var iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < (7 * to.tv.iWkInMonth); iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ var dTempDate = new Date(iDateMS);
+ if(!to.setting.excludeNonBusinessHours)
+ {
+ to.tv.dAVDt.push(dTempDate);
+ to.tv.iNoVDay++;
+ if(to.tv.dAVDt.length === 1)
+ to.tv.dVSDt = new Date(dTempDate);
+ if(to.tv.dAVDt.length === iNumMonthDays)
+ to.tv.dVEDt = new Date(dTempDate);
+ }
+ else if(to._getBusinessHoursForCurrentView(dTempDate).length > 0)
+ {
+ to.tv.dAVDt.push(dTempDate);
+ to.tv.iNoVDay++;
+ if(to.tv.dAVDt.length === 1)
+ to.tv.dVSDt = new Date(dTempDate);
+ if(to.tv.dAVDt.length === iNumMonthDays)
+ to.tv.dVEDt = new Date(dTempDate);
+ }
+ iDateMS += $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.d;
+ }
+ to.tv.dVEDt = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.tv.dVEDt}, "END");
+ to.tv.dVDSDt = new Date(to.tv.dVSDt);
+ to.tv.dVDEDt = new Date(to.tv.dVEDt);
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "QuickAgendaView"))
+ {
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.quickAgendaViewDuration, "Week"))
+ {
+ dArrTempDates = to._getWeekForDate(dCurrentDateStart, false);
+ to.tv.dAVDt = to.__setCurrentViewDatesArray(to.tv.iNoVDay, dArrTempDates[0], null, "Next");
+ to.tv.dVSDt = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.tv.dAVDt[0]}, "START");
+ to.tv.dVEDt = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.tv.dAVDt[to.tv.iNoVDay - 1]}, "END");
+ to.tv.dVDSDt = new Date(to.tv.dVSDt);
+ to.tv.dVDEDt = new Date(to.tv.dVEDt);
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.quickAgendaViewDuration, "CustomDays"))
+ {
+ if(to.tv.sLoadType === "Next" || to.tv.sLoadType === "Load")
+ to.tv.dAVDt = to.__setCurrentViewDatesArray(to.tv.iNoVDay, dCurrentDateStart, null, "Next");
+ else if(to.tv.sLoadType === "Prev")
+ {
+ to.tv.dAVDt = to.__setCurrentViewDatesArray(to.tv.iNoVDay, dCurrentDateStart, null, "Prev");
+ to.tv.dAVDt.reverse();
+ }
+ to.tv.dVSDt = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.tv.dAVDt[0]}, "START");
+ to.tv.dVEDt = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.tv.dAVDt[to.tv.iNoVDay - 1]}, "END");
+ to.tv.dVDSDt = new Date(to.tv.dVSDt);
+ to.tv.dVDEDt = new Date(to.tv.dVEDt);
+ }
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "TaskPlannerView"))
+ {
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.taskPlannerViewDuration, "Week"))
+ {
+ dArrTempDates = to._getWeekForDate(dCurrentDateStart, false);
+ to.tv.dAVDt = to.__setCurrentViewDatesArray(to.tv.iNoVDay, dArrTempDates[0], null, "Next");
+ to.tv.dVSDt = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.tv.dAVDt[0]}, "START");
+ to.tv.dVEDt = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.tv.dAVDt[to.tv.iNoVDay - 1]}, "END");
+ to.tv.dVDSDt = new Date(to.tv.dVSDt);
+ to.tv.dVDEDt = new Date(to.tv.dVEDt);
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.taskPlannerViewDuration, "CustomDays"))
+ {
+ if(to.tv.sLoadType === "Next" || to.tv.sLoadType === "Load")
+ to.tv.dAVDt = to.__setCurrentViewDatesArray(to.tv.iNoVDay, dCurrentDateStart, null, "Next");
+ else if(to.tv.sLoadType === "Prev")
+ {
+ to.tv.dAVDt = to.__setCurrentViewDatesArray(to.tv.iNoVDay, dCurrentDateStart, null, "Prev");
+ to.tv.dAVDt.reverse();
+ }
+ to.tv.dVSDt = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.tv.dAVDt[0]}, "START");
+ to.tv.dVEDt = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.tv.dAVDt[to.tv.iNoVDay - 1]}, "END");
+ to.tv.dVDSDt = new Date(to.tv.dVSDt);
+ to.tv.dVDEDt = new Date(to.tv.dVEDt);
+ }
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "AgendaView"))
+ {
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.agendaViewDuration, "Month"))
+ {
+ dMonthStartDate = new Date(dCurrentDateStart);
+ dMonthStartDate.setDate(1);
+ to.tv.iNoVDay = to.__getNumberOfDaysOfMonth(dMonthStartDate.getMonth(), dMonthStartDate.getFullYear());
+ dMonthEndDate = new Date(dCurrentDateStart);
+ dMonthEndDate.setDate(to.tv.iNoVDay);
+ to.tv.dAVDt = to.__setCurrentViewDatesArray(to.tv.iNoVDay, dMonthStartDate, dMonthEndDate, "Next");
+ to.tv.dVSDt = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.tv.dAVDt[0]}, "START");
+ to.tv.dVEDt = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.tv.dAVDt[to.tv.iNoVDay - 1]}, "END");
+ to.tv.dVDSDt = new Date(to.tv.dVSDt);
+ to.tv.dVDEDt = new Date(to.tv.dVEDt);
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.agendaViewDuration, "Week"))
+ {
+ dArrTempDates = to._getWeekForDate(dCurrentDateStart, false);
+ to.tv.dAVDt = to.__setCurrentViewDatesArray(to.tv.iNoVDay, dArrTempDates[0], null, "Next");
+ to.tv.dVSDt = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.tv.dAVDt[0]}, "START");
+ to.tv.dVEDt = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.tv.dAVDt[to.tv.iNoVDay - 1]}, "END");
+ to.tv.dVDSDt = new Date(to.tv.dVSDt);
+ to.tv.dVDEDt = new Date(to.tv.dVEDt);
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.agendaViewDuration, "CustomDays"))
+ {
+ if(to.tv.sLoadType === "Next" || to.tv.sLoadType === "Load")
+ to.tv.dAVDt = to.__setCurrentViewDatesArray(to.tv.iNoVDay, dCurrentDateStart, null, "Next");
+ else if(to.tv.sLoadType === "Prev")
+ {
+ to.tv.dAVDt = to.__setCurrentViewDatesArray(to.tv.iNoVDay, dCurrentDateStart, null, "Prev");
+ to.tv.dAVDt.reverse();
+ }
+ to.tv.dVSDt = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.tv.dAVDt[0]}, "START");
+ to.tv.dVEDt = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.tv.dAVDt[to.tv.iNoVDay - 1]}, "END");
+ to.tv.dVDSDt = new Date(to.tv.dVSDt);
+ to.tv.dVDEDt = new Date(to.tv.dVEDt);
+ }
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "AppointmentView"))
+ {
+ if(to.tv.sLoadType === "Next" || to.tv.sLoadType === "Load")
+ to.tv.dAVDt = to.__setCurrentViewDatesArray(to.tv.iNoVDay, dCurrentDateStart, null, "Next");
+ else if(to.tv.sLoadType === "Prev")
+ {
+ to.tv.dAVDt = to.__setCurrentViewDatesArray(to.tv.iNoVDay, dCurrentDateStart, null, "Prev");
+ to.tv.dAVDt.reverse();
+ }
+ to.tv.dVSDt = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.tv.dAVDt[0]}, "START");
+ to.tv.dVEDt = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.tv.dAVDt[to.tv.iNoVDay - 1]}, "END");
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayEventListView") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayEventDetailView"))
+ {
+ if(to.setting.daysInDayListView === 7)
+ {
+ dArrTempDates = to._getWeekForDate(dCurrentDateStart, false);
+ to.tv.dAVDt = to.__setCurrentViewDatesArray(to.tv.iNoVDay, dArrTempDates[0], null, "Next");
+ for(var iDateIndex = 0; iDateIndex < to.tv.iNoVDay; iDateIndex++)
+ {
+ if(to.compareDates(dCurrentDateStart, to.tv.dAVDt[iDateIndex]) === 0)
+ {
+ to.tv.iSelDay = iDateIndex;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ to.tv.dVSDt = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.tv.dAVDt[0]}, "START");
+ to.tv.dVEDt = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.tv.dAVDt[to.tv.iNoVDay - 1]}, "END");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ var oArrDates1 = to.__setCurrentViewDatesArray((to.tv.iSelDay + 1), dCurrentDateStart, null, "Prev"),
+ iBalDays = (to.tv.iNoVDay - (to.tv.iSelDay + 1)) + 1,
+ oArrDates2;
+ oArrDates1.reverse();
+ oArrDates2 = to.__setCurrentViewDatesArray(iBalDays, dCurrentDateStart, null, "Next");
+ oArrDates2.shift();
+ to.tv.dAVDt = oArrDates1.concat(oArrDates2);
+ to.tv.dVSDt = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.tv.dAVDt[0]}, "START");
+ to.tv.dVEDt = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.tv.dAVDt[to.tv.iNoVDay - 1]}, "END");
+ }
+ to.tv.dVDSDt = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.setting.selectedDate}, "START");
+ to.tv.dVDEDt = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.setting.selectedDate}, "END");
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "WeekView"))
+ {
+ dArrTempDates = to._getWeekForDate(dCurrentDateStart, false);
+ to.tv.dAVDt = to.__setCurrentViewDatesArray(to.tv.iNoVDay, dArrTempDates[0], null, "Next");
+ to.tv.dVSDt = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.tv.dAVDt[0]}, "START");
+ to.tv.dVEDt = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.tv.dAVDt[to.tv.iNoVDay - 1]}, "END");
+ to.tv.dVDSDt = new Date(to.tv.dVSDt);
+ to.tv.dVDEDt = new Date(to.tv.dVEDt);
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayView"))
+ {
+ to.tv.dVSDt = to.setDateInFormat({"date": dCurrentDateStart}, "START");
+ to.tv.dVEDt = to.setDateInFormat({"date": dCurrentDateStart}, "END");
+ to.tv.dVDSDt = new Date(to.tv.dVSDt);
+ to.tv.dVDEDt = new Date(to.tv.dVEDt);
+ to.tv.dAVDt = to.__setCurrentViewDatesArray(to.tv.iNoVDay, dCurrentDateStart, null, "Next");
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "CustomView"))
+ {
+ if(to.tv.sLoadType === "Next" || to.tv.sLoadType === "Load")
+ to.tv.dAVDt = to.__setCurrentViewDatesArray(to.tv.iNoVDay, dCurrentDateStart, null, "Next");
+ else if(to.tv.sLoadType === "Prev")
+ {
+ to.tv.dAVDt = to.__setCurrentViewDatesArray(to.tv.iNoVDay, dCurrentDateStart, null, "Prev");
+ to.tv.dAVDt.reverse();
+ }
+ to.tv.dVSDt = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.tv.dAVDt[0]}, "START");
+ to.tv.dVEDt = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.tv.dAVDt[to.tv.iNoVDay - 1]}, "END");
+ to.tv.dVDSDt = new Date(to.tv.dVSDt);
+ to.tv.dVDEDt = new Date(to.tv.dVEDt);
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "WeekPlannerView"))
+ {
+ dArrTempDates = to._getWeekForDate(dCurrentDateStart, false);
+ to.tv.dAVDt = to.__setCurrentViewDatesArray(to.tv.iNoVDay, dArrTempDates[0], null, "Next");
+ to.tv.dVSDt = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.tv.dAVDt[0]}, "START");
+ to.tv.dVEDt = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.tv.dAVDt[to.tv.iNoVDay - 1]}, "END");
+ to.tv.dVDSDt = new Date(to.tv.dVSDt);
+ to.tv.dVDEDt = new Date(to.tv.dVEDt);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ __setCurrentViewDatesArray: function(iNoOfDays, dStartDate, dEndDate, sDir)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var iDVDateMS = dStartDate.getTime(),
+ oArrDates = [];
+ for(var iDateIndex = 0; iDateIndex < iNoOfDays; iDateIndex++)
+ {
+ var dTempDate = new Date(iDVDateMS);
+ //if(dEndDate !== null && to.compareDates(dTempDate, dEndDate) === 0)
+ // break;
+ if(!to.setting.excludeNonBusinessHours)
+ oArrDates.push(dTempDate);
+ else if(to._getBusinessHoursForCurrentView(dTempDate).length > 0)
+ oArrDates.push(dTempDate);
+ else
+ iDateIndex--;
+ if(dEndDate !== null && to.compareDates(dTempDate, dEndDate) === 0)
+ break;
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(sDir, "Prev"))
+ iDVDateMS -= $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.d;
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(sDir, "Next"))
+ iDVDateMS += $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.d;
+ }
+ return oArrDates;
+ },
+ __getDayIndexInView: function(dTempDate)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var iDayIndex = -1;
+ for(var iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < to.tv.dAVDt.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ var dThisDate = to.tv.dAVDt[iTempIndex];
+ if(to.compareDates(dTempDate, dThisDate) === 0)
+ {
+ iDayIndex = iTempIndex;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayEventDetailView"))
+ iDayIndex = 0;
+ return iDayIndex;
+ },
+ _getWeekForDate: function(dTempDate, bFromSunday)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var iWeekStartDiff = dTempDate.getDay() - (bFromSunday ? 0 : to.setting.weekStartDay);
+ if(iWeekStartDiff < 0)
+ iWeekStartDiff = 7 + iWeekStartDiff;
+ var iWeekStartDiffMS = $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.d * iWeekStartDiff,
+ iTempDateDateMS = dTempDate.getTime(),
+ iWeekStartDateMS = iTempDateDateMS - iWeekStartDiffMS,
+ iWeekEndDateMS = iWeekStartDateMS + ($.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.d * 6),
+ dWkStartDate = to.setDateInFormat({"date": new Date(iWeekStartDateMS)}, "START"),
+ dWkEndDate = to.setDateInFormat({"date": new Date(iWeekEndDateMS)}, "END");
+ return [dWkStartDate, dWkEndDate];
+ },
+ _getThursdayInAWeek: function(dWkStartDate)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var iDayOfWeek = dWkStartDate.getDay(),
+ iDiffDays = (iDayOfWeek > 4) ? ((7 - iDayOfWeek) + 4) : (4 - iDayOfWeek),
+ iThursdayInWkMS = dWkStartDate.getTime() + ($.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.d * iDiffDays);
+ return (new Date(iThursdayInWkMS));
+ },
+ __getWeekNumber: function(dWkStartDate, dWkEndDate)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var sWeekNumber;
+ var dYearStartDate = to._normalizeDateTime(dWkStartDate, "START", "y"),
+ dYearEndDate = to._normalizeDateTime(dWkStartDate, "END", "y");
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.weekNumCalculation, "US"))
+ {
+ var dWeekStartDateYear = to._getWeekForDate(dYearStartDate, true)[0],
+ iWeekStartDateYearMS = dWeekStartDateYear.getTime(),
+ dWSDate = to._getWeekForDate(dWkStartDate, true)[0],
+ iWkNumberStart = Math.ceil((dWSDate.getTime() - iWeekStartDateYearMS) / $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.w) + 1,
+ dWEDate = to._getWeekForDate(dWkEndDate, true)[0],
+ iWkNumberEnd = Math.ceil((dWEDate.getTime() - iWeekStartDateYearMS) / $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.w) + 1;
+ if(to.setting.weekStartDay === 0)
+ {
+ if(to.compareDates(dWkEndDate, dYearEndDate) > 0)
+ sWeekNumber = to.getNumberStringInFormat(iWkNumberStart, 0, true) + "/" + to.getNumberStringInFormat(1, 0, true);
+ else
+ sWeekNumber = to.getNumberStringInFormat(iWkNumberStart, 0, true);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(iWkNumberStart !== iWkNumberEnd)
+ {
+ if(to.compareDates(dWkEndDate, dYearEndDate) > 0)
+ sWeekNumber = to.getNumberStringInFormat(iWkNumberStart, 0, true) + "/" + to.getNumberStringInFormat(1, 0, true);
+ else
+ sWeekNumber = to.getNumberStringInFormat(iWkNumberStart, 0, true) + "/" + to.getNumberStringInFormat(iWkNumberEnd, 0, true);
+ }
+ else
+ sWeekNumber = to.getNumberStringInFormat(iWkNumberStart, 0, true);
+ }
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.weekNumCalculation, "Europe/ISO"))
+ {
+ if(dWkStartDate.getFullYear() !== dWkEndDate.getFullYear())
+ {
+ var dNextYearStartDate = new Date(dWkEndDate);
+ dNextYearStartDate.setDate(1);
+ dNextYearStartDate.setMonth(0);
+ var dPrevYearStartDate = new Date(dWkStartDate);
+ dPrevYearStartDate.setDate(1);
+ dPrevYearStartDate.setMonth(0);
+ dYearStartDate = (dWkEndDate.getDate() >= 3) ? dNextYearStartDate : dPrevYearStartDate;
+ }
+ var dFirstThursday = to._getThursdayInAWeek(dYearStartDate),
+ dThursdayInWk = to._getThursdayInAWeek(dWkStartDate);
+ sWeekNumber = Math.ceil((dThursdayInWk.getTime() - dFirstThursday.getTime()) / $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.w) + 1;
+ sWeekNumber = to.getNumberStringInFormat(sWeekNumber, 0, true);
+ }
+ return sWeekNumber;
+ },
+ __isDateInCurrentView: function(dTempDate)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var sDateInCurrentWeek = false;
+ if(to.tv.dAVDt.length > 0)
+ {
+ for(var iDateIndex = 0; iDateIndex < to.tv.dAVDt.length; iDateIndex++)
+ {
+ var dThisDate = to.tv.dAVDt[iDateIndex];
+ if(to.compareDates(dThisDate, dTempDate) === 0)
+ sDateInCurrentWeek = true;
+ }
+ }
+ return sDateInCurrentWeek;
+ },
+ _normalizeDateTime: function(dInputDate, sFunction, sUnit)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ // sFunction = "START" | "END"
+ // sUnit = "s" | "m" | "h" | "T" | "d" | "M" |
+ var dOutputDate,
+ iArrInput =
+ {
+ d: dInputDate.getDate(),
+ M: dInputDate.getMonth(),
+ y: dInputDate.getFullYear(),
+ H: dInputDate.getHours(),
+ m: dInputDate.getMinutes(),
+ s: dInputDate.getSeconds()
+ };
+ switch(sUnit)
+ {
+ case "s":
+ {
+ if(sFunction === "START")
+ dOutputDate = new Date(iArrInput.y, iArrInput.M, iArrInput.d, iArrInput.H, iArrInput.M, 0, 0);
+ else if(sFunction === "END")
+ dOutputDate = new Date(iArrInput.y, iArrInput.M, iArrInput.d, iArrInput.H, iArrInput.M, 59, 999);
+ }
+ break;
+ case "m":
+ {
+ if(sFunction === "START")
+ dOutputDate = new Date(iArrInput.y, iArrInput.M, iArrInput.d, iArrInput.H, 0, 0, 0);
+ else if(sFunction === "END")
+ dOutputDate = new Date(iArrInput.y, iArrInput.M, iArrInput.d, iArrInput.H, 59, 59, 999);
+ }
+ break;
+ case "h":
+ case "T":
+ {
+ if(sFunction === "START")
+ dOutputDate = new Date(iArrInput.y, iArrInput.M, iArrInput.d, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ else if(sFunction === "END")
+ dOutputDate = new Date(iArrInput.y, iArrInput.M, iArrInput.d, 23, 59, 59, 999);
+ }
+ break;
+ case "d":
+ case "dE":
+ {
+ if(sFunction === "START")
+ dOutputDate = new Date(iArrInput.y, iArrInput.M, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ else if(sFunction === "END")
+ dOutputDate = new Date(iArrInput.y, iArrInput.M, to.__getNumberOfDaysOfMonth(iArrInput.M, iArrInput.y), 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ }
+ break;
+ case "M":
+ case "ME":
+ case "y":
+ case "yE":
+ {
+ if(sFunction === "START")
+ dOutputDate = new Date(iArrInput.y, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ else if(sFunction === "END")
+ dOutputDate = new Date(iArrInput.y, 11, to.__getNumberOfDaysOfMonth(11, iArrInput.y), 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if(sUnit === "dE" || sUnit === "ME" || sUnit === "yE")
+ dOutputDate = to._normalizeDateTime(dOutputDate, "END", "T");
+ return dOutputDate;
+ },
+ __getDifference: function(sUnit, dDate1, dDate2)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ // sUnit = "ms | "s" | "m" | "h" | "T" | "d" | "M"| "y"
+ var iUnitDiff, iMSDiff = dDate1.getTime() - dDate2.getTime();
+ if(sUnit === "ms")
+ iUnitDiff = iMSDiff;
+ else if(sUnit === "s")
+ iUnitDiff = (iMSDiff / $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.s);
+ else if(sUnit === "m")
+ iUnitDiff = (iMSDiff / $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.m);
+ else if(sUnit === "h")
+ iUnitDiff = (iMSDiff / $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.h);
+ else if(sUnit === "d")
+ iUnitDiff = (iMSDiff / $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.d);
+ else if(sUnit === "M")
+ iUnitDiff = (iMSDiff / $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.m);
+ else if(sUnit === "y")
+ iUnitDiff = (iMSDiff / $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.y);
+ return iUnitDiff;
+ },
+ // Public Method
+ compareDates: function(dDate1, dDate2)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ dDate1 = to._normalizeDateTime(dDate1, "START", "T");
+ dDate2 = to._normalizeDateTime(dDate2, "START", "T");
+ var iDateDiff = to.__getDifference("d", dDate1, dDate2);
+ return (iDateDiff === 0) ? iDateDiff: (iDateDiff/Math.abs(iDateDiff));
+ },
+ // Public Method
+ compareDateTimes: function(dDate1, dDate2)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var iDateTimeDiff = to.__getDifference("m", dDate1, dDate2);
+ return (iDateTimeDiff === 0) ? iDateTimeDiff: (iDateTimeDiff/Math.abs(iDateTimeDiff));
+ },
+ _getMonthAndYear: function(iMonth, iYear, iNumOfMonths, sFetchType)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var iNewMonth = iMonth, iNewYear = iYear;
+ for(var iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < iNumOfMonths; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(sFetchType, "Prev"))
+ {
+ iNewMonth = iNewMonth - 1;
+ if(iNewMonth === -1)
+ {
+ iNewMonth = 11;
+ iNewYear -= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(sFetchType, "Next"))
+ {
+ iNewMonth = iNewMonth + 1;
+ if(iNewMonth === 12)
+ {
+ iNewMonth = 0;
+ iNewYear += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return [iNewMonth, iNewYear];
+ },
+ // Public Method
+ getNumberStringInFormat: function(iNumber, iChars, bIsLocalized)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var iTempIndex, sFormattedString = "", sNumber = iNumber.toString(), iNumberLength = sNumber.length;
+ if(iChars !== 0)
+ {
+ for(iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < (iChars - iNumberLength); iTempIndex++)
+ sFormattedString += (bIsLocalized ? to.setting.numbers[0] : "0");
+ }
+ if(!bIsLocalized)
+ sFormattedString += sNumber;
+ else
+ {
+ for(iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < iNumberLength; iTempIndex++)
+ sFormattedString += to.setting.numbers[parseInt(sNumber.charAt(iTempIndex))];
+ }
+ return sFormattedString;
+ },
+ // Public Method
+ getDateInFormat: function(oInput, sFormat, b24Hour, bIsLocalized)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var oDateInFormat = "", sFormatMin,
+ sDS = to.setting.formatSeparatorDate,
+ sTS = to.setting.formatSeparatorTime,
+ sDTS = to.setting.formatSeparatorDateTime,
+ sArrVeryShortDayNames = bIsLocalized ? to.setting.veryShortDayNames : ["Su", "Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa"],
+ sArrShortDayNames = bIsLocalized ? to.setting.shortDayNames : ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"],
+ sArrFullDayNames = bIsLocalized ? to.setting.fullDayNames : ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"],
+ sArrShortMonthNames = bIsLocalized ? to.setting.shortMonthNames : ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"],
+ sArrFullMonthNames = bIsLocalized ? to.setting.fullMonthNames : ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"];
+ if(oInput.date === undefined && oInput.iDate === undefined)
+ oInput.date = to._getCurrentDate();
+ if(oInput.iDate === undefined)
+ {
+ oInput.iDate = {
+ D: oInput.date.getDay(),
+ d: oInput.date.getDate(),
+ M: oInput.date.getMonth(),
+ y: oInput.date.getFullYear(),
+ H: oInput.date.getHours(),
+ m: oInput.date.getMinutes(),
+ s: oInput.date.getSeconds(),
+ ms: oInput.date.getMilliseconds()
+ };
+ }
+ oInput.iDate.h = (oInput.iDate.H > 12) ? (oInput.iDate.H - 12) : ((oInput.iDate.H === 0) ? 12 : oInput.iDate.H);
+ oInput.iDate.me = (oInput.iDate.H < 12) ? "am" : "pm";
+ oInput.iDate.sm = (oInput.iDate.H < 12) ? "a" : "p";
+ if(b24Hour)
+ {
+ sFormat = sFormat.replace("hh", "HH");
+ sFormat = sFormat.replace("h", "H");
+ sFormat = sFormat.replace(" me", "", "\i");
+ sFormat = sFormat.replace(" sm", "", "\i");
+ sFormat = sFormat.replace("sm", "", "\i");
+ }
+ if(sFormat === "object")
+ oDateInFormat = oInput.iDate;
+ else if(sFormat === "d")
+ oDateInFormat = (to.setting.formatDates.d !== undefined) ? to.setting.formatDates.d.call(to, oInput.iDate) : to.getNumberStringInFormat(oInput.iDate.d, 0, bIsLocalized);
+ else if(sFormat === "M")
+ oDateInFormat = (to.setting.formatDates.M !== undefined) ? to.setting.formatDates.M.call(to, oInput.iDate) : to.getNumberStringInFormat((oInput.iDate.M + 1), 0, bIsLocalized);
+ else if(sFormat === "y")
+ oDateInFormat = (to.setting.formatDates.y !== undefined) ? to.setting.formatDates.y.call(to, oInput.iDate) : to.getNumberStringInFormat(oInput.iDate.y, 0, bIsLocalized);
+ else if(sFormat === "H")
+ oDateInFormat = (to.setting.formatDates.H !== undefined) ? to.setting.formatDates.H.call(to, oInput.iDate) : to.getNumberStringInFormat(oInput.iDate.H, 0, bIsLocalized);
+ else if(sFormat === "h")
+ oDateInFormat = (to.setting.formatDates.h !== undefined) ? to.setting.formatDates.h.call(to, oInput.iDate) : to.getNumberStringInFormat(oInput.iDate.h , 0, bIsLocalized);
+ else if(sFormat === "m")
+ oDateInFormat = (to.setting.formatDates.m !== undefined) ? to.setting.formatDates.m.call(to, oInput.iDate) : to.getNumberStringInFormat(oInput.iDate.m, 0, bIsLocalized);
+ else if(sFormat === "s")
+ oDateInFormat = (to.setting.formatDates.s !== undefined) ? to.setting.formatDates.s.call(to, oInput.iDate) : to.getNumberStringInFormat(oInput.iDate.s, 0, bIsLocalized);
+ if(sFormat === "dd")
+ oDateInFormat = (to.setting.formatDates.dd !== undefined) ? to.setting.formatDates.dd.call(to, oInput.iDate) : to.getNumberStringInFormat(oInput.iDate.d, 2, bIsLocalized);
+ else if(sFormat === "MM")
+ oDateInFormat = (to.setting.formatDates.MM !== undefined) ? to.setting.formatDates.MM.call(to, oInput.iDate) : to.getNumberStringInFormat((oInput.iDate.M + 1), 2, bIsLocalized);
+ else if(sFormat === "yyyy")
+ oDateInFormat = (to.setting.formatDates.yyyy !== undefined) ? to.setting.formatDates.yyyy.call(to, oInput.iDate) : to.getNumberStringInFormat(oInput.iDate.y, 2, bIsLocalized);
+ else if(sFormat === "HH")
+ oDateInFormat = (to.setting.formatDates.HH !== undefined) ? to.setting.formatDates.HH.call(to, oInput.iDate) : to.getNumberStringInFormat(oInput.iDate.H, 2, bIsLocalized);
+ else if(sFormat === "hh")
+ oDateInFormat = (to.setting.formatDates.hh !== undefined) ? to.setting.formatDates.hh.call(to, oInput.iDate) : to.getNumberStringInFormat(oInput.iDate.h , 2, bIsLocalized);
+ else if(sFormat === "mm")
+ oDateInFormat = (to.setting.formatDates.mm !== undefined) ? to.setting.formatDates.mm.call(to, oInput.iDate) : to.getNumberStringInFormat(oInput.iDate.m, 2, bIsLocalized);
+ else if(sFormat === "ss")
+ oDateInFormat = (to.setting.formatDates.ss !== undefined) ? to.setting.formatDates.ss.call(to, oInput.iDate) : to.getNumberStringInFormat(oInput.iDate.s, 2, bIsLocalized);
+ else if(sFormat === "DD")
+ oDateInFormat = sArrVeryShortDayNames[oInput.iDate.D];
+ else if(sFormat === "DDD")
+ oDateInFormat = sArrShortDayNames[oInput.iDate.D];
+ else if(sFormat === "DDDD")
+ oDateInFormat = sArrFullDayNames[oInput.iDate.D];
+ else if(sFormat === "MMM")
+ oDateInFormat = sArrShortMonthNames[oInput.iDate.M];
+ else if(sFormat === "MMMM")
+ oDateInFormat = sArrFullMonthNames[oInput.iDate.M];
+ else if(sFormat === "dd-MM-yyyy")
+ oDateInFormat = (to.setting.formatDates["dd-MM-yyyy"] !== undefined) ? to.setting.formatDates["dd-MM-yyyy"].call(to, oInput.iDate) : to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "dd", b24Hour, bIsLocalized) + sDS + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "MM", b24Hour, bIsLocalized) + sDS + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "yyyy", b24Hour, bIsLocalized);
+ else if(sFormat === "dd MMM") // getShortDateFormatCF
+ oDateInFormat = (to.setting.formatDates["dd MMM"] !== undefined) ? to.setting.formatDates["dd MMM"].call(to, oInput.iDate) : to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "dd", b24Hour, bIsLocalized) + " " + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "MMM", b24Hour, bIsLocalized);
+ else if(sFormat === "dd-MMM-yyyy") // getDDMMMYYYYFormatCF
+ oDateInFormat = (to.setting.formatDates["dd-MMM-yyyy"] !== undefined) ? to.setting.formatDates["dd-MMM-yyyy"].call(to, oInput.iDate) : to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "dd", b24Hour, bIsLocalized) + sDS + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "MMM", b24Hour, bIsLocalized) + sDS + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "yyyy", b24Hour, bIsLocalized);
+ else if(sFormat === "DDD MMM dd, yyyy") // getFullDateFormatCF
+ oDateInFormat = (to.setting.formatDates["DDD MMM dd, yyyy"] !== undefined) ? to.setting.formatDates["DDD MMM dd, yyyy"].call(to, oInput.iDate) : to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "DDD", b24Hour, bIsLocalized) + " " + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "MMM", b24Hour, bIsLocalized) + " " + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "dd", b24Hour, bIsLocalized) + ", " + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "yyyy", b24Hour, bIsLocalized);
+ else if(sFormat === "DDD MMM dd yyyy")
+ oDateInFormat = (to.setting.formatDates["DDD MMM dd yyyy"] !== undefined) ? to.setting.formatDates["DDD MMM dd yyyy"].call(to, oInput.iDate) : "
" + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "DDD", b24Hour, bIsLocalized) + " " + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "MMM", b24Hour, bIsLocalized) + " " + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "dd", b24Hour, bIsLocalized) + " " + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "yyyy", b24Hour, bIsLocalized);
+ else if(sFormat === "DDDD MMM dd yyyy")
+ oDateInFormat = (to.setting.formatDates["DDDD MMM dd yyyy"] !== undefined) ? to.setting.formatDates["DDDD MMM dd yyyy"].call(to, oInput.iDate) : "
" + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "DDDD", b24Hour, bIsLocalized) + " " + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "MMM", b24Hour, bIsLocalized) + " " + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "dd", b24Hour, bIsLocalized) + " " + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "yyyy", b24Hour, bIsLocalized);
+ else if(sFormat === "DDDD MMMM dd yyyy")
+ oDateInFormat = (to.setting.formatDates["DDDD MMMM dd yyyy"] !== undefined) ? to.setting.formatDates["DDDD MMMM dd yyyy"].call(to, oInput.iDate) : "
" + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "DDDD", b24Hour, bIsLocalized) + " - " + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "MMMM", b24Hour, bIsLocalized) + " " + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "dd", b24Hour, bIsLocalized) + " " + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "yyyy", b24Hour, bIsLocalized);
+ else if(sFormat === "yyyy-MM-dd")
+ oDateInFormat = (to.setting.formatDates["yyyy-MM-dd"] !== undefined) ? to.setting.formatDates["yyyy-MM-dd"].call(to, oInput.iDate) : to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "yyyy", b24Hour, bIsLocalized) + sDS + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "MM", b24Hour, bIsLocalized) + sDS + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "dd", b24Hour, bIsLocalized);
+ else if(sFormat === "ISO8601Date")
+ oDateInFormat = (to.setting.formatDates.ISO8601Date !== undefined) ? to.setting.formatDates.ISO8601Date.call(to, oInput.iDate) : to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "yyyy", b24Hour, bIsLocalized) + "-" + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "MM", b24Hour, bIsLocalized) + "-" + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "dd", b24Hour, bIsLocalized);
+ else if(sFormat === "DDD, MMM dd")
+ oDateInFormat = (to.setting.formatDates["DDD, MMM dd"] !== undefined) ? to.setting.formatDates["DDD, MMM dd"].call(to, oInput.iDate) : "
" + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "DDD", b24Hour, bIsLocalized) + ", " + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "MMM", b24Hour, bIsLocalized) + " " + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "dd", b24Hour, bIsLocalized);
+ // getTimeStringCF
+ else if(sFormat === "hh:mm sm" || sFormat === "hh:mm SM")
+ oDateInFormat = (to.setting.formatDates["hh:mm"] !== undefined) ? to.setting.formatDates["hh:mm"].call(to, oInput.iDate) : to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "hh", b24Hour, bIsLocalized) + sTS + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "mm", b24Hour, bIsLocalized) + " " + ((sFormat === "hh:mm SM") ? oInput.iDate.sm.toUpperCase() : oInput.iDate.sm);
+ else if(sFormat === "hh:mmsm" || sFormat === "hh:mmSM")
+ oDateInFormat = (to.setting.formatDates["hh:mm"] !== undefined) ? to.setting.formatDates["hh:mm"].call(to, oInput.iDate) : to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "hh", b24Hour, bIsLocalized) + sTS + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "mm", b24Hour, bIsLocalized) + ((sFormat === "hh:mmSM") ? oInput.iDate.sm.toUpperCase() : oInput.iDate.sm);
+ else if(sFormat === "h[:m]sm" || sFormat === "h[:m]SM")
+ {
+ sFormatMin = (oInput.iDate.m !== 0) ? (sTS + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "m", b24Hour, bIsLocalized)) : "";
+ oDateInFormat = (to.setting.formatDates["h:m"] !== undefined) ? to.setting.formatDates["h:m"].call(to, oInput.iDate) : to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "h", b24Hour, bIsLocalized) + sFormatMin + ((sFormat === "h:mSM") ? oInput.iDate.sm.toUpperCase() : oInput.iDate.sm);
+ }
+ else if(sFormat === "hh:mm" || sFormat === "hh:mm me" || sFormat === "hh:mm ME")
+ oDateInFormat = (to.setting.formatDates["hh:mm"] !== undefined) ? to.setting.formatDates["hh:mm"].call(to, oInput.iDate) : to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "hh", b24Hour, bIsLocalized) + sTS + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "mm", b24Hour, bIsLocalized) + " " + ((sFormat === "hh:mm ME") ? oInput.iDate.me.toUpperCase() : oInput.iDate.me);
+ else if(sFormat === "hh:mm:ss" || sFormat === "hh:mm:ss me" || sFormat === "hh:mm:ss ME")
+ oDateInFormat = (to.setting.formatDates["hh:mm:ss"] !== undefined) ? to.setting.formatDates["hh:mm:ss"].call(to, oInput.iDate) : to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "hh", b24Hour, bIsLocalized) + sTS + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "mm", b24Hour, bIsLocalized) + sTS + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "ss", b24Hour, bIsLocalized) + " " + ((sFormat === "hh:mm:ss ME") ? oInput.iDate.me.toUpperCase() : oInput.iDate.me);
+ else if(sFormat === "HH:mm")
+ oDateInFormat = (to.setting.formatDates["HH:mm"] !== undefined) ? to.setting.formatDates["HH:mm"].call(to, oInput.iDate) : to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "HH", b24Hour, bIsLocalized) + sTS + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "mm", b24Hour, bIsLocalized);
+ else if(sFormat === "H[:m]")
+ {
+ sFormatMin = (oInput.iDate.m !== 0) ? (sTS + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "m", b24Hour, bIsLocalized)) : "";
+ oDateInFormat = (to.setting.formatDates["H:m"] !== undefined) ? to.setting.formatDates["H:m"].call(to, oInput.iDate) : to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "H", b24Hour, bIsLocalized) + sFormatMin;
+ }
+ else if(sFormat === "HH:mm:ss")
+ oDateInFormat = (to.setting.formatDates["HH:mm:ss"] !== undefined) ? to.setting.formatDates["HH:mm:ss"].call(to, oInput.iDate) : to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "HH", b24Hour, bIsLocalized) + sTS + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "mm", b24Hour, bIsLocalized) + sTS + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "ss", b24Hour, bIsLocalized);
+ else if(sFormat === "ISO8601Time")
+ oDateInFormat = (to.setting.formatDates.ISO8601Time !== undefined) ? to.setting.formatDates.ISO8601Time.call(to, oInput.iDate) : to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "HH", b24Hour, bIsLocalized) + ":" + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "mm", b24Hour, bIsLocalized) + ":" + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "ss", b24Hour, bIsLocalized);
+ else if(sFormat === "dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm")
+ oDateInFormat = (to.setting.formatDates["dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm"] !== undefined) ? to.setting.formatDates["dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm"].call(to, oInput.iDate) : to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "dd-MM-yyyy", b24Hour, bIsLocalized) + sDTS + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "HH:mm", b24Hour, bIsLocalized);
+ else if(sFormat === "dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm")
+ oDateInFormat = (to.setting.formatDates["dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm"] !== undefined) ? to.setting.formatDates["dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm"].call(to, oInput.iDate) : to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "dd-MM-yyyy", b24Hour, bIsLocalized) + sDTS + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "hh:mm", b24Hour, bIsLocalized);
+ else if(sFormat === "HH:mm dd-MMM-yyyy") // getLongTimeDateStringCF
+ oDateInFormat = (to.setting.formatDates["HH:mm dd-MMM-yyyy"] !== undefined) ? to.setting.formatDates["HH:mm dd-MMM-yyyy"].call(to, oInput.iDate) : to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "HH:mm", b24Hour, bIsLocalized) + sDTS + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "dd-MMM-yyyy", b24Hour, bIsLocalized);
+ else if(sFormat === "hh:mm dd-MMM-yyyy") // getLongTimeDateStringCF
+ oDateInFormat = (to.setting.formatDates["hh:mm dd-MMM-yyyy"] !== undefined) ? to.setting.formatDates["hh:mm dd-MMM-yyyy"].call(to, oInput.iDate) : to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "hh:mm", b24Hour, bIsLocalized) + sDTS + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "dd-MMM-yyyy", b24Hour, bIsLocalized);
+ else if(sFormat === "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss")//2013-12-10T00:00:00
+ oDateInFormat = (to.setting.formatDates["yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss"] !== undefined) ? to.setting.formatDates["yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss"].call(to, oInput.iDate) : to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "yyyy-MM-dd", b24Hour, bIsLocalized) + "T" + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "HH:mm:ss", b24Hour, bIsLocalized);
+ else if(sFormat === "ISO8601DateTime")//2013-12-10T00:00:00
+ oDateInFormat = (to.setting.formatDates.ISO8601DateTime !== undefined) ? to.setting.formatDates.ISO8601DateTime.call(to, oInput.iDate) : to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "ISO8601Date", b24Hour, bIsLocalized) + "T" + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oInput.iDate}, "ISO8601Time", b24Hour, bIsLocalized);
+ return oDateInFormat;
+ },
+ // Public Method
+ getEventDateTimeString: function(dThisStartDate, dThisEndDate, bIsAllDay, sSeparator)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var sDateTimeString = "";
+ if(bIsAllDay)
+ {
+ if(to.compareDates(dThisStartDate, dThisEndDate) === 0)
+ sDateTimeString = to.getDateInFormat({"date": dThisStartDate}, "dd-MMM-yyyy", false, true);
+ else
+ {
+ if(dThisEndDate.getHours() === 0 && dThisEndDate.getMinutes() === 0)
+ {
+ dThisEndDate.setTime(dThisEndDate.getTime() - $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.m);
+ if(to.compareDates(dThisStartDate, dThisEndDate) === 0)
+ sDateTimeString = to.getDateInFormat({"date": dThisStartDate}, "dd-MMM-yyyy", false, true);
+ else
+ sDateTimeString = to.getDateInFormat({"date": dThisStartDate}, "hh:mm dd-MMM-yyyy", to.setting.is24Hour, true) + sSeparator + to.getDateInFormat({"date": dThisEndDate}, "hh:mm dd-MMM-yyyy", to.setting.is24Hour, true);
+ }
+ else
+ sDateTimeString = to.getDateInFormat({"date": dThisStartDate}, "hh:mm dd-MMM-yyyy", to.setting.is24Hour, true) + sSeparator + to.getDateInFormat({"date": dThisEndDate}, "hh:mm dd-MMM-yyyy", to.setting.is24Hour, true);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(to.compareDates(dThisStartDate, dThisEndDate) === 0)
+ sDateTimeString = to.getDateInFormat({"date": dThisStartDate}, "hh:mm", to.setting.is24Hour, true) + sSeparator + to.getDateInFormat({"date": dThisEndDate}, "hh:mm", to.setting.is24Hour, true);
+ else
+ sDateTimeString = to.getDateInFormat({"date": dThisStartDate}, "hh:mm dd-MMM-yyyy", to.setting.is24Hour, true) + sSeparator + to.getDateInFormat({"date": dThisEndDate}, "hh:mm dd-MMM-yyyy", to.setting.is24Hour, true);
+ }
+ return sDateTimeString;
+ },
+ __getDurationBetweenDates: function(dStartDate, dEndDate, sFormat, bAllowZero, bReturnObject)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var iRem = Math.abs(dEndDate.getTime() - dStartDate.getTime()),
+ oFormat = {},
+ sDuration = "";
+ for(var iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < sFormat.length; iTempIndex++)
+ oFormat[sFormat.charAt(iTempIndex)] = 0;
+ if(oFormat.y !== undefined)
+ {
+ oFormat.y = Math.floor(iRem / $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.y);
+ iRem = iRem % $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.y;
+ if(!bReturnObject && oFormat.y !== undefined && (bAllowZero ? true: (oFormat.y !== 0)))
+ sDuration += oFormat.y + ((oFormat.y === 1) ? to.setting.durationStrings.y[0]: to.setting.durationStrings.y[1]);
+ }
+ if(oFormat.M !== undefined)
+ {
+ oFormat.M = Math.floor(iRem / $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.m);
+ iRem = iRem % $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.m;
+ if(!bReturnObject && oFormat.M !== undefined && (bAllowZero ? true: (oFormat.M !== 0)))
+ sDuration += oFormat.M + ((oFormat.M === 1) ? to.setting.durationStrings.M[0]: to.setting.durationStrings.M[1]);
+ }
+ if(oFormat.w !== undefined)
+ {
+ oFormat.w = Math.floor(iRem / $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.w);
+ iRem = iRem % $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.w;
+ if(!bReturnObject && oFormat.w !== undefined && (bAllowZero ? true: (oFormat.w !== 0)))
+ sDuration += oFormat.w + ((oFormat.w === 1) ? to.setting.durationStrings.w[0]: to.setting.durationStrings.w[1]);
+ }
+ if(oFormat.d !== undefined)
+ {
+ oFormat.d = Math.floor(iRem / $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.d);
+ iRem = iRem % $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.d;
+ if(!bReturnObject && oFormat.d !== undefined && (bAllowZero ? true: (oFormat.d !== 0)))
+ sDuration += oFormat.d + ((oFormat.d === 1) ? to.setting.durationStrings.d[0]: to.setting.durationStrings.d[1]);
+ }
+ if(oFormat.h !== undefined)
+ {
+ oFormat.h = Math.floor(iRem / $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.h);
+ iRem = iRem % $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.h;
+ if(!bReturnObject && oFormat.h !== undefined && (bAllowZero ? true: (oFormat.h !== 0)))
+ sDuration += oFormat.h + ((oFormat.h === 1) ? to.setting.durationStrings.h[0]: to.setting.durationStrings.h[1]);
+ }
+ if(oFormat.m !== undefined)
+ {
+ oFormat.m = Math.floor(iRem / $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.m);
+ iRem = iRem % $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.m;
+ if(!bReturnObject && oFormat.m !== undefined && (bAllowZero ? true: (oFormat.m !== 0)))
+ sDuration += oFormat.m + ((oFormat.m === 1) ? to.setting.durationStrings.m[0]: to.setting.durationStrings.m[1]);
+ }
+ if(oFormat.s !== undefined)
+ {
+ oFormat.s = Math.floor(iRem / $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.s);
+ iRem = iRem % $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.s;
+ if(!bReturnObject && oFormat.s !== undefined && (bAllowZero ? true: (oFormat.s !== 0)))
+ sDuration += oFormat.s + ((oFormat.s === 1) ? to.setting.durationStrings.s[0]: to.setting.durationStrings.s[1]);
+ }
+ if(bReturnObject)
+ return oFormat;
+ else
+ {
+ return sDuration.trim();
+ }
+ },
+ //------------------------------- Date Manipulation Functions End -------------------------------
+ //------------------------------------ Events Manipulation Start ------------------------------------
+ __isValidUrl: function(sURL)
+ {
+ return sURL.match(/(((ftp|http|https):\/\/)|(\/)|(..\/)|())(\w+:{0,1}\w*@)?(\S+)(:[0-9]+)?(\/|\/([\w#!:.?+=&%@!\-\/]))?/) ? true : false;
+ },
+ _isGoogleCalendarUrl: function(sURL)
+ {
+ return sURL.match("https://www.googleapis.com/calendar/v3/calendars/") ? true : false;
+ },
+ _convertToISO8601Date: function(dTempDate, sIpTZOffset)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ //For example, 2013-12-10T00:00:00+05:30
+ return (to.getDateInFormat({"date": dTempDate}, "ISO8601DateTime", false, true) + (sIpTZOffset || to.setting.inputTZOffset));
+ },
+ // Public Method
+ incrementDataLoadingCount: function(iCount)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ to.tv.iLoadCnt = to.tv.iLoadCnt + iCount;
+ if(to.tv.iLoadCnt === 1)
+ to._startDataLoading();
+ },
+ _startDataLoading: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ if(to.tv.iLoadCnt >= 1)
+ {
+ to.addRemoveLoaderIndicators(true, "cEventLoaderIndicator");
+ to.addRemoveViewLoader(true, "cEventLoaderBg");
+ if(to.setting.dataLoadingStart)
+ to.setting.dataLoadingStart.call(to, to.setting.visibleView);
+ }
+ },
+ _stopDataLoading: function(dDurationStartDate, dDurationEndDate, loadViewCallback)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ to.tv.iLoadCnt--;
+ if(to.tv.iLoadCnt === 0)
+ {
+ if(to.setting.dataLoadingEnd)
+ to.setting.dataLoadingEnd.call(to, to.setting.visibleView);
+ if(to.setting.deleteOldDataWhileNavigating)
+ to._dataCleaning(dDurationStartDate, dDurationEndDate);
+ loadViewCallback();
+ }
+ },
+ __parseJson: function(oTempJson)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(typeof oTempJson, "string"))
+ return $.parseJSON(oTempJson);
+ else
+ return oTempJson;
+ },
+ // Public Method
+ parseDataSource: function(sSourceTitle, oArrTempJson, dTempDurationStartDate, dTempDurationEndDate, loadViewCallback, oConfig, bIsGoogleCalendarURL)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ oArrTempJson = to.__parseJson(oArrTempJson);
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(sSourceTitle, "eventSource") && bIsGoogleCalendarURL)
+ {
+ to._getModifiedEventsArray(oArrTempJson, oConfig, bIsGoogleCalendarURL, false);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(oArrTempJson.length > 0)
+ {
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(sSourceTitle, "eventCalendarSource"))
+ to._getModifiedEventCalendarsArray(oArrTempJson);
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(sSourceTitle, "eventSource"))
+ to._getModifiedEventsArray(oArrTempJson, oConfig, bIsGoogleCalendarURL, false);
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(sSourceTitle, "sourceCount"))
+ to._getModifiedSourceCountArray(oArrTempJson, oConfig);
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(sSourceTitle, "restrictedSectionSource"))
+ to._getModifiedRestrictedSectionArray(oArrTempJson, oConfig);
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(sSourceTitle, "slotAvailabilitySource"))
+ to._getModifiedSlotAvailabilityArray(oArrTempJson, oConfig);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(sSourceTitle, "eventCalendarSource"))
+ to.tv.oAECalendar = [];
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(sSourceTitle, "eventSource"))
+ to.tv.oAEvents = [];
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(sSourceTitle, "sourceCount"))
+ to.tv.oASrcCnt = [];
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(sSourceTitle, "restrictedSectionSource"))
+ to.tv.oAResSec = [];
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(sSourceTitle, "slotAvailabilitySource"))
+ to.tv.oASltAvail = [];
+ }
+ }
+ to._stopDataLoading(dTempDurationStartDate, dTempDurationEndDate, loadViewCallback);
+ },
+ _parseAllDataSources: function(oSourceJson, oConfig, bIsGoogleCalendarURL, dTempDurationStartDate, dTempDurationEndDate, loadViewCallback)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var iDataLoadingCount = 0;
+ if(bIsGoogleCalendarURL)
+ iDataLoadingCount++;
+ if(oSourceJson.eventCalendarSource !== undefined)
+ iDataLoadingCount++;
+ if(oSourceJson.eventSource !== undefined)
+ iDataLoadingCount++;
+ if(oSourceJson.sourceCount !== undefined)
+ iDataLoadingCount++;
+ if(oSourceJson.restrictedSectionSource !== undefined)
+ iDataLoadingCount++;
+ if(oSourceJson.slotAvailabilitySource !== undefined)
+ iDataLoadingCount++;
+ to.incrementDataLoadingCount(iDataLoadingCount);
+ if(bIsGoogleCalendarURL)
+ to.parseDataSource("eventSource", oSourceJson, dTempDurationStartDate, dTempDurationEndDate, loadViewCallback, oConfig, bIsGoogleCalendarURL);
+ if(oSourceJson.eventCalendarSource !== undefined)
+ to.parseDataSource("eventCalendarSource", oSourceJson.eventCalendarSource, dTempDurationStartDate, dTempDurationEndDate, loadViewCallback, oConfig, bIsGoogleCalendarURL);
+ if(oSourceJson.eventSource !== undefined)
+ to.parseDataSource("eventSource", oSourceJson.eventSource, dTempDurationStartDate, dTempDurationEndDate, loadViewCallback, oConfig, bIsGoogleCalendarURL);
+ if(oSourceJson.sourceCount !== undefined)
+ to.parseDataSource("sourceCount", oSourceJson.sourceCount, dTempDurationStartDate, dTempDurationEndDate, loadViewCallback, oConfig, bIsGoogleCalendarURL);
+ if(oSourceJson.restrictedSectionSource !== undefined)
+ to.parseDataSource("restrictedSectionSource", oSourceJson.restrictedSectionSource, dTempDurationStartDate, dTempDurationEndDate, loadViewCallback, oConfig, bIsGoogleCalendarURL);
+ if(oSourceJson.slotAvailabilitySource !== undefined)
+ to.parseDataSource("slotAvailabilitySource", oSourceJson.slotAvailabilitySource, dTempDurationStartDate, dTempDurationEndDate, loadViewCallback, oConfig, bIsGoogleCalendarURL);
+ if(iDataLoadingCount === 0)
+ to._stopDataLoading(dTempDurationStartDate, dTempDurationEndDate, loadViewCallback);
+ },
+ __parseData: function(bLoadAllData, loadViewCallback)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ if(!bLoadAllData)
+ loadViewCallback();
+ else
+ {
+ var dLoadStartDate = null, dLoadEndDate = null,
+ dDurationStartDate = null, dDurationEndDate = null;
+ // ----------------------------- decide whether to load data -------------------------------
+ var bFetchAll = false, bFetchDateRange = false,
+ iSourceIndex, oSource, iSUParamIndex, oSourceParam;
+ for(iSourceIndex = 0; iSourceIndex < to.setting.calDataSource.length; iSourceIndex++)
+ {
+ oSource = to.setting.calDataSource[iSourceIndex];
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(oSource.sourceFetchType, "All") && !oSource.fetched)
+ bFetchAll = true;
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(oSource.sourceFetchType, "DateRange"))
+ bFetchDateRange = true;
+ }
+ var bLoadDataInDateRange = false;
+ if(bFetchDateRange)
+ {
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DetailedMonthView") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "MonthView") || ($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "AgendaView") && $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.agendaViewDuration, "Month")))
+ bLoadDataInDateRange = true;
+ else
+ {
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.tv.sLoadType, "Prev"))
+ {
+ var iCompPrevLoadStartDate = to.compareDateTimes(to.tv.dLoadDt, to.tv.dPLSDt),
+ bCompPrevLoadStartDate = false;
+ if(iCompPrevLoadStartDate >= 0)
+ bCompPrevLoadStartDate = true;
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ var iCompPrevLoadEndDate = to.compareDateTimes(to.tv.dLoadDt, to.tv.dPLEDt),
+ bCompPrevLoadEndDate = false;
+ if(iCompPrevLoadEndDate <= 0)
+ bCompPrevLoadEndDate = true;
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if(bCompPrevLoadStartDate && bCompPrevLoadEndDate)
+ bLoadDataInDateRange = true;
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.tv.sLoadType, "Next"))
+ {
+ var iCompNextLoadStartDate = to.compareDateTimes(to.tv.dLoadDt, to.tv.dNLSDt),
+ bCompNextLoadStartDate = false;
+ if(iCompNextLoadStartDate >= 0)
+ bCompNextLoadStartDate = true;
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ var iCompNextLoadEndDate = to.compareDateTimes(to.tv.dLoadDt, to.tv.dNLEDt),
+ bCompNextLoadEndDate = false;
+ if(iCompNextLoadEndDate <= 0)
+ bCompNextLoadEndDate = true;
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if(bCompNextLoadStartDate && bCompNextLoadEndDate)
+ bLoadDataInDateRange = true;
+ }
+ else
+ bLoadDataInDateRange = true;
+ }
+ if(bLoadDataInDateRange)
+ {
+ //----------------------- set Current Month Start and End Dates -------------------------
+ var iMonth = to.tv.dLoadDt.getMonth(),
+ iYear = to.tv.dLoadDt.getFullYear();
+ //----------------------- set Previous Month Start and End Dates -------------------------
+ var iArrPrev = to._getMonthAndYear(iMonth, iYear, 1, "Prev"),
+ iPrevMonth = iArrPrev[0],
+ iPrevYear = iArrPrev[1],
+ iPrevMonthDays = to.__getNumberOfDaysOfMonth(iPrevMonth, iPrevYear);
+ to.tv.dPLSDt = to.setDateInFormat({"iDate": {d: 1, M: iPrevMonth, y: iPrevYear}}, "START");
+ to.tv.dPLEDt = to.setDateInFormat({"iDate": {d: iPrevMonthDays, M: iPrevMonth, y: iPrevYear}}, "START");
+ //----------------------- set Next Month Start and End Dates -----------------------------
+ var iArrNext = to._getMonthAndYear(iMonth, iYear, 1, "Next"),
+ iNextMonth = iArrNext[0],
+ iNextYear = iArrNext[1],
+ iNextMonthDays = to.__getNumberOfDaysOfMonth(iNextMonth, iNextYear);
+ to.tv.dNLSDt = to.setDateInFormat({"iDate": {d: 1, M: iNextMonth, y: iNextYear}}, "START");
+ to.tv.dNLEDt = to.setDateInFormat({"iDate": {d: iNextMonthDays, M: iNextMonth, y: iNextYear}}, "START");
+ // ---------------------- set Start and End Dates for loading data ---------------------------
+ var iArrLoadPrev = to._getMonthAndYear(iMonth, iYear, to.setting.extraMonthsForDataLoading, "Prev"),
+ iLoadPrevMonth = iArrLoadPrev[0],
+ iLoadPrevYear = iArrLoadPrev[1],
+ iLoadPrevMonthDays = to.__getNumberOfDaysOfMonth(iLoadPrevMonth, iLoadPrevYear),
+ iArrLoadNext = to._getMonthAndYear(iMonth, iYear, to.setting.extraMonthsForDataLoading, "Next"),
+ iLoadNextMonth = iArrLoadNext[0],
+ iLoadNextYear = iArrLoadNext[1],
+ iLoadNextMonthDays = to.__getNumberOfDaysOfMonth(iLoadNextMonth, iLoadNextYear);
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.tv.sLoadType, "Load") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.datasetModificationRule, "ReplaceAll"))
+ {
+ dLoadStartDate = to.setDateInFormat({"iDate": {d: 1, M: iLoadPrevMonth, y: iLoadPrevYear}}, "START");
+ dLoadEndDate = to.setDateInFormat({"iDate": {d: iLoadNextMonthDays, M: iLoadNextMonth, y: iLoadNextYear}}, "END");
+ dDurationStartDate = dLoadStartDate;
+ dDurationEndDate = dLoadEndDate;
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.tv.sLoadType, "Prev"))
+ {
+ dLoadStartDate = to.setDateInFormat({"iDate": {d: 1, M: iLoadPrevMonth, y: iLoadPrevYear}}, "START");
+ dLoadEndDate = to.setDateInFormat({"iDate": {d: iLoadPrevMonthDays, M: iLoadPrevMonth, y: iLoadPrevYear}}, "END");
+ dDurationStartDate = new Date(dLoadStartDate);
+ dDurationEndDate = to.setDateInFormat({"iDate": {d: iLoadNextMonthDays, M: iLoadNextMonth, y: iLoadNextYear}}, "END");
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.tv.sLoadType, "Next"))
+ {
+ dLoadStartDate = to.setDateInFormat({"iDate": {d: 1, M: iLoadNextMonth, y: iLoadNextYear}}, "START");
+ dLoadEndDate = to.setDateInFormat({"iDate": {d: iLoadNextMonthDays, M: iLoadNextMonth, y: iLoadNextYear}}, "END");
+ dDurationStartDate = to.setDateInFormat({"iDate": {d: 1, M: iLoadPrevMonth, y: iLoadPrevYear}}, "START");
+ dDurationEndDate = new Date(dLoadEndDate);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(bLoadDataInDateRange || bFetchAll)
+ {
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.tv.sLoadType, "Load"))
+ {
+ to.tv.oAECalendar = [];
+ to.tv.oAEvents = [];
+ to.tv.oASrcCnt = [];
+ to.tv.oAResSec = [];
+ to.tv.oASltAvail = [];
+ to.tv.iMaxEvId = 0;
+ }
+ //------------------------ Data Loading Start -----------------------------
+ for(iSourceIndex = 0; iSourceIndex < to.setting.calDataSource.length; iSourceIndex++)
+ {
+ oSource = to.setting.calDataSource[iSourceIndex];
+ var oConfig = oSource.config || {},
+ dTempLoadStartDate = null, dTempLoadEndDate = null,
+ dTempDurationStartDate = null, dTempDurationEndDate = null;
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(oSource.sourceFetchType, "DateRange"))
+ {
+ dTempLoadStartDate = dLoadStartDate;
+ dTempLoadEndDate = dLoadEndDate;
+ dTempDurationStartDate = dDurationStartDate;
+ dTempDurationEndDate = dDurationEndDate;
+ }
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(oSource.sourceType, "JSON"))
+ {
+ var oSourceJson = to.__parseJson(oSource.source);
+ to._parseAllDataSources(oSourceJson, oConfig, false, dTempDurationStartDate, dTempDurationEndDate, loadViewCallback);
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(oSource.sourceType, "FUNCTION"))
+ oSource.source.call(to, dTempLoadStartDate, dTempLoadEndDate, dTempDurationStartDate, dTempDurationEndDate, oConfig, loadViewCallback);
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(oSource.sourceType, "URL"))
+ {
+ if(to.__isValidUrl(oSource.source))
+ {
+ var sBaseUrl = oSource.source,
+ bGoogleCalendar = to._isGoogleCalendarUrl(sBaseUrl),
+ oUrlParam = {},
+ oSourceURLParams = {},
+ sTZOffset = oConfig.tzOffset || "";
+ for(var iSUrlIndex = 0; iSUrlIndex < to.tv.oSURLParams.length; iSUrlIndex++)
+ {
+ var oSourceURL = to.tv.oSURLParams[iSUrlIndex];
+ if(oSourceURL.sourceId === oSource.sourceId)
+ oSourceURLParams = oSourceURL.params;
+ }
+ if(bGoogleCalendar)
+ {
+ sBaseUrl += "/events?callback=?";
+ oUrlParam.sortOrder = "ascending";
+ oUrlParam.singleEvents = "true";
+ oUrlParam.timeZone = to.setting.tz;
+ oUrlParam.maxResults = 1000;
+ oUrlParam.key = oConfig.googleCalendarApiKey || "";
+ for(iSUParamIndex = 0; iSUParamIndex < oSourceURLParams.length; iSUParamIndex++)
+ {
+ oSourceParam = oSourceURLParams[iSUParamIndex];
+ oUrlParam[oSourceParam.keyName] = oSourceParam.values;
+ }
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(oSource.sourceFetchType, "DateRange"))
+ {
+ if(dTempLoadStartDate !== null && dTempLoadEndDate !== null)
+ {
+ oUrlParam.timeMin = to._convertToISO8601Date(dTempLoadStartDate, sTZOffset);
+ oUrlParam.timeMax = to._convertToISO8601Date(dTempLoadEndDate, sTZOffset);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for(iSUParamIndex = 0; iSUParamIndex < oSourceURLParams.length; iSUParamIndex++)
+ {
+ oSourceParam = oSourceURLParams[iSUParamIndex];
+ oUrlParam[oSourceParam.keyName] = oSourceParam.values;
+ }
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(oSource.sourceFetchType, "DateRange"))
+ {
+ oUrlParam.callback = "?";
+ if(dTempLoadStartDate !== null && dTempLoadEndDate !== null)
+ {
+ oUrlParam.startdate = to.getDateInFormat({"date": dTempLoadStartDate}, "yyyy-MM-dd", false, false);
+ oUrlParam.enddate = to.getDateInFormat({"date": dTempLoadEndDate}, "yyyy-MM-dd", false, false);
+ oUrlParam.startdatetime = to.getDateInFormat({"date": to.convertToUTC(dTempLoadStartDate, sTZOffset)}, "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss", false, false);
+ oUrlParam.enddatetime = to.getDateInFormat({"date": to.convertToUTC(dTempLoadEndDate, sTZOffset)}, "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss", false, false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ to._requestJson(sBaseUrl, oUrlParam, oConfig, bGoogleCalendar, dTempDurationStartDate, dTempDurationEndDate, loadViewCallback);
+ }
+ else
+ console.log("Invalid Event Source String");
+ }
+ else
+ console.log("Invalid Event Source.");
+ oSource.fetched = true;
+ }
+ //------------------------ Data Loading End -----------------------------
+ }
+ else
+ loadViewCallback();
+ }
+ },
+ _requestJson: function(sBaseUrl, oUrlParam, oConfig, bGoogleCalendar, dTempDurationStartDate, dTempDurationEndDate, loadViewCallback)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ console.log("sBaseUrl : " + sBaseUrl);
+ console.log(oUrlParam);
+ to.incrementDataLoadingCount(1);
+ $.getJSON(sBaseUrl, oUrlParam)
+ .done(function(sJsonStr)
+ {
+ to.tv.iLoadCnt--;
+ sJsonStr = to.__parseJson(sJsonStr);
+ //console.log("Json Response : ");
+ //console.log(sJsonStr);
+ to._parseAllDataSources(sJsonStr, oConfig, bGoogleCalendar, dTempDurationStartDate, dTempDurationEndDate, loadViewCallback);
+ })
+ .fail(function(oJqXHR, sTextStatus, oError)
+ {
+ to._stopDataLoading(dTempDurationStartDate, dTempDurationEndDate, loadViewCallback);
+ console.log("Request Failed : " + sTextStatus + " : " + oError);
+ });
+ },
+ _getModifiedEventCalendarsArray: function(oArrJson)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.datasetModificationRule, "Default"))
+ to.tv.oAECalendar = to.tv.oAECalendar.concat(oArrJson);
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.datasetModificationRule, "ReplaceAll"))
+ to.tv.oAECalendar = oArrJson;
+ to.__addEventCalendarToEventFilterCriteriaArray();
+ },
+ _getRecurringEventsArray: function(oArrEntry)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var oArrEntryIds = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < oArrEntry.length; i++)
+ {
+ var oEntry = oArrEntry[i],
+ sId = oEntry.iCalUID,
+ iCount = 0;
+ for(var j = 0; j < oArrEntryIds.length; j++)
+ {
+ var oTempEntry = oArrEntryIds[j],
+ sTempId = oTempEntry[0],
+ iTempCount = parseInt(oTempEntry[1]);
+ if(sId === sTempId)
+ {
+ iCount = ++iTempCount;
+ oArrEntryIds[j] = [sTempId, iCount];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(iCount === 0)
+ oArrEntryIds.push([sId, 1]);
+ }
+ return oArrEntryIds;
+ },
+ _getModifiedEventsArray: function(oArrJson, oConfig, bIsGoogleCalendarURL, isConcat)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var sColorArray = [],
+ iJsonObjCount = 0,oEvent, iJsonIndex, oJsonRecord,
+ sInputDateTimeFormat = oConfig.inputDateTimeFormat || "",
+ sFormatSeparatorDateTime = oConfig.formatSeparatorDateTime || "",
+ sFormatSeparatorDate = oConfig.formatSeparatorDate || "",
+ sFormatSeparatorTime = oConfig.formatSeparatorTime || "",
+ sTZOffset = oConfig.inputTZOffset || to.setting.inputTZOffset,
+ bFromSingleColor = false, sSingleColor, sColor, sBorderColor, sTextColor, sNonAllDayEventsTextColor,
+ fAlpha = 0.1;
+ if($.cf.isValid(oConfig.singleColor))
+ {
+ bFromSingleColor = true;
+ sSingleColor = $.cf.addHashToHexcode(oConfig.singleColor);
+ sColor = $.cf.getRGBAString(sSingleColor, fAlpha);
+ sBorderColor = sSingleColor;
+ sTextColor = sSingleColor;
+ sNonAllDayEventsTextColor = sSingleColor;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sColor = oConfig.backgroundColor || "";
+ sColor = ($.cf.compareStrings(sColor, "") || $.cf.compareStrings(sColor, "transparent")) ? "transparent" : sColor;
+ sBorderColor = oConfig.borderColor || "";
+ sBorderColor = ($.cf.compareStrings(sBorderColor, "") || $.cf.compareStrings(sBorderColor, "transparent")) ? "transparent" : sBorderColor;
+ sTextColor = oConfig.textColor || "";
+ sTextColor = ($.cf.compareStrings(sTextColor, "") || $.cf.compareStrings(sTextColor, "transparent")) ? to.setting.textColor : sTextColor;
+ sNonAllDayEventsTextColor = oConfig.nonAllDayEventsTextColor || "";
+ sNonAllDayEventsTextColor = $.cf.compareStrings(sNonAllDayEventsTextColor, "transparent") ? "transparent" : ($.cf.compareStrings(sNonAllDayEventsTextColor, "") ? sColor : sNonAllDayEventsTextColor);
+ sColor = $.cf.addHashToHexcode(sColor);
+ sBorderColor = $.cf.addHashToHexcode(sBorderColor);
+ sTextColor = $.cf.addHashToHexcode(sTextColor);
+ sNonAllDayEventsTextColor = $.cf.addHashToHexcode(sNonAllDayEventsTextColor);
+ }
+ var bEventMatched, sIcon = null;
+ sIcon = $.cf.isValid(oConfig.icon) ? oConfig.icon : to.setting.eventIcon;
+ if(bIsGoogleCalendarURL)
+ {
+ var oRoot = oArrJson,
+ sType = oRoot.summary,
+ oArrEntry = oRoot.items || [],
+ oArrEntryIds = to._getRecurringEventsArray(oArrEntry);
+ oArrJson = [];
+ for(var iTempIndex1 = 0; iTempIndex1 < oArrEntryIds.length; iTempIndex1++)
+ {
+ var iTempIdRecord = oArrEntryIds[iTempIndex1],
+ iTempId = iTempIdRecord[0],
+ iTempCount = iTempIdRecord[1],
+ iTempCounter = 1;
+ for(var iTempIndex2 = 0; iTempIndex2 < oArrEntry.length; iTempIndex2++)
+ {
+ var oEntry = oArrEntry[iTempIndex2],
+ sId = oEntry.iCalUID;
+ if(iTempId === sId)
+ {
+ sId = sId.replace("@google.com", "");
+ var bIsAllDay = (oEntry.start.date) ? true : false,
+ sStartDate = bIsAllDay ? oEntry.start.date : oEntry.start.dateTime,
+ sEndDate = bIsAllDay ? oEntry.end.date : oEntry.end.dateTime,
+ sTitle = oEntry.summary || to.setting.miscStrings.emptyGoogleCalendarEventTitle,
+ sUrl = oEntry.htmlLink || "";
+ oEvent = new CalEvent(sId, bIsAllDay, sStartDate, sEndDate, sType, sTitle, "", sUrl);
+ oArrJson.push(oEvent);
+ iTempCounter++;
+ if(iTempCounter > iTempCount)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for(iJsonIndex = 0; iJsonIndex < oArrJson.length; iJsonIndex++)
+ {
+ oJsonRecord = oArrJson[iJsonIndex];
+ if(oJsonRecord.start !== null)
+ {
+ iJsonObjCount++;
+ if(oJsonRecord.start !== null)
+ oJsonRecord.start = to._getDateObjectFromString(oJsonRecord.start, oJsonRecord.isAllDay, sInputDateTimeFormat, sFormatSeparatorDateTime, sFormatSeparatorDate, sFormatSeparatorTime, sTZOffset);
+ if(oJsonRecord.end !== null)
+ {
+ oJsonRecord.end = to._getDateObjectFromString(oJsonRecord.end, oJsonRecord.isAllDay, sInputDateTimeFormat, sFormatSeparatorDateTime, sFormatSeparatorDate, sFormatSeparatorTime, sTZOffset);
+ oJsonRecord.endSpecified = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ oJsonRecord.end = to._getUnspecifiedEndDateOfEvent(oJsonRecord.isAllDay, oJsonRecord.start);
+ oJsonRecord.endSpecified = false;
+ }
+ bEventMatched = false;
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.datasetModificationRule, "ReplaceSpecified"))
+ {
+ for(var iEventIndex = 0; iEventIndex < to.tv.oAEvents.length; iEventIndex++)
+ {
+ oEvent = to.tv.oAEvents[iEventIndex];
+ if(parseInt(oEvent.id) === parseInt(oJsonRecord.id))
+ {
+ oJsonRecord.calEventId = oEvent.calEventId;
+ bEventMatched = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(!bEventMatched)
+ oJsonRecord.calEventId = ++to.tv.iMaxEvId;
+ }
+ else
+ oJsonRecord.id = "DEL";
+ if(oJsonRecord.title === "")
+ oJsonRecord.title = to.setting.miscStrings.emptyEventTitle;
+ }
+ var iDiffCount = oArrJson.length - iJsonObjCount;
+ if(iDiffCount !== 0)
+ {
+ var oArrTemp = [];
+ for(iJsonIndex = 0; iJsonIndex < oArrJson.length; iJsonIndex++)
+ {
+ oJsonRecord = oArrJson[iJsonIndex];
+ if(! $.cf.compareStrings(oJsonRecord.id, "DEL"))
+ oArrTemp.push(oJsonRecord);
+ }
+ oArrJson = oArrTemp;
+ }
+ var sChangeColorBasedOn = oConfig.changeColorBasedOn || to.setting.changeColorBasedOn || "Event";
+ var sTempColor;
+ //-------------------- Set Color For Event Calendar Start ----------------------
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(sChangeColorBasedOn, "EventCalendar"))
+ {
+ sColorArray = [];
+ for(var iCalIndex = 0; iCalIndex < to.tv.oAECalendar.length; iCalIndex++)
+ {
+ var oThisCalendar = to.tv.oAECalendar[iCalIndex];
+ oThisCalendar.fromSingleColor = false;
+ if($.cf.isValid(oThisCalendar.singleColor))
+ {
+ sSingleColor = $.cf.addHashToHexcode(oThisCalendar.singleColor);
+ oThisCalendar.fromSingleColor = true;
+ oThisCalendar.backgroundColor = $.cf.getRGBAString(sSingleColor, fAlpha);
+ oThisCalendar.borderColor = sSingleColor;
+ oThisCalendar.textColor = sSingleColor;
+ oThisCalendar.nonAllDayEventsTextColor = sSingleColor;
+ sColorArray.push(sSingleColor);
+ }
+ else if($.cf.isValid(oThisCalendar.backgroundColor))
+ sColorArray.push(oThisCalendar.backgroundColor);
+ else
+ {
+ sTempColor = to._generateUniqueColor(sColorArray);
+ sColorArray.push(sTempColor);
+ oThisCalendar.backgroundColor = $.cf.addHashToHexcode(sTempColor);
+ }
+ sIcon = $.cf.isValid(oThisCalendar.icon) ? oThisCalendar.icon : to.setting.eventIcon;
+ }
+ }
+ //-------------------- Set Color For Event Calendar End -----------------------
+ //-------------------- Set Color For Event Source Start ----------------------
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(sChangeColorBasedOn, "EventSource"))
+ {
+ sColor = sColor || to._generateUniqueColor(sColorArray);
+ sColorArray.push(sColor);
+ }
+ //-------------------- Set Color For Event Source End ----------------------
+ // --------------------------- Set Event Properties Start -----------------------------
+ for(iJsonIndex = 0; iJsonIndex < oArrJson.length; iJsonIndex++)
+ {
+ oJsonRecord = oArrJson[iJsonIndex];
+ var oEventCalendar = to._getEventCalendarObject(oJsonRecord.calendar);
+ // -------------------------- Assign Color To Event Start ----------------------------
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(sChangeColorBasedOn, "Event") || ($.cf.compareStrings(sChangeColorBasedOn, "EventCalendar") && !$.cf.isValid(oEventCalendar)))
+ {
+ if($.cf.isValid(oJsonRecord.singleColor))
+ {
+ sSingleColor = $.cf.addHashToHexcode(oJsonRecord.singleColor);
+ oJsonRecord.fromSingleColor = true;
+ oJsonRecord.backgroundColor = $.cf.getRGBAString(sSingleColor, fAlpha);
+ oJsonRecord.borderColor = sSingleColor;
+ oJsonRecord.textColor = sSingleColor;
+ oJsonRecord.nonAllDayEventsTextColor = sSingleColor;
+ sColorArray.push(sSingleColor);
+ }
+ else if($.cf.isValid(oJsonRecord.backgroundColor))
+ {
+ oJsonRecord.backgroundColor = $.cf.addHashToHexcode(oJsonRecord.backgroundColor);
+ oJsonRecord.borderColor = $.cf.addHashToHexcode(oJsonRecord.borderColor);
+ oJsonRecord.textColor = $.cf.addHashToHexcode(oJsonRecord.textColor);
+ oJsonRecord.nonAllDayEventsTextColor = $.cf.addHashToHexcode(oJsonRecord.nonAllDayEventsTextColor);
+ sColorArray.push(oJsonRecord.backgroundColor);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sTempColor = to._generateUniqueColor(sColorArray);
+ sColorArray.push(sTempColor);
+ oJsonRecord.backgroundColor = $.cf.addHashToHexcode(sTempColor);
+ }
+ if($.cf.isValid(oJsonRecord.isMarked) && oJsonRecord.isMarked)
+ sIcon = $.cf.isValid(oJsonRecord.icon) ? oJsonRecord.icon : "cs-icon-Mark";
+ else
+ sIcon = $.cf.isValid(oJsonRecord.icon) ? oJsonRecord.icon : to.setting.eventIcon;
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(sChangeColorBasedOn, "EventCalendar") && $.cf.isValid(oEventCalendar))
+ {
+ oJsonRecord.fromSingleColor = oEventCalendar.fromSingleColor;
+ oJsonRecord.backgroundColor = $.cf.addHashToHexcode(oEventCalendar.backgroundColor);
+ oJsonRecord.borderColor = $.cf.addHashToHexcode(oEventCalendar.borderColor);
+ oJsonRecord.textColor = $.cf.addHashToHexcode(oEventCalendar.textColor);
+ oJsonRecord.nonAllDayEventsTextColor = $.cf.addHashToHexcode(oEventCalendar.nonAllDayEventsTextColor);
+ oJsonRecord.icon = oEventCalendar.icon;
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(sChangeColorBasedOn, "EventSource"))
+ {
+ oJsonRecord.fromSingleColor = bFromSingleColor;
+ oJsonRecord.backgroundColor = sColor;
+ oJsonRecord.borderColor = sBorderColor;
+ oJsonRecord.textColor = sTextColor;
+ oJsonRecord.nonAllDayEventsTextColor = sNonAllDayEventsTextColor;
+ oJsonRecord.icon = sIcon;
+ }
+ // --------------------------- Assign Color To Event End -----------------------------
+ // --------------------------- Set Movement Properties Start ----------------------------
+ oJsonRecord.isDragNDropInMonthView = ($.cf.isValid(oJsonRecord.isMarked) && oJsonRecord.isMarked) ? false :
+ $.cf.isValid(oJsonRecord.isDragNDropInMonthView) ? oJsonRecord.isDragNDropInMonthView :
+ $.cf.isValid(oConfig.isDragNDropInMonthView) ? oConfig.isDragNDropInMonthView :
+ oEventCalendar && $.cf.isValid(oEventCalendar.isDragNDropInMonthView) ? oEventCalendar.isDragNDropInMonthView :
+ to.setting.isDragNDropInMonthView;
+ oJsonRecord.isDragNDropInQuickAgendaView = ($.cf.isValid(oJsonRecord.isMarked) && oJsonRecord.isMarked) ? false :
+ $.cf.isValid(oJsonRecord.isDragNDropInQuickAgendaView) ? oJsonRecord.isDragNDropInQuickAgendaView :
+ $.cf.isValid(oConfig.isDragNDropInQuickAgendaView) ? oConfig.isDragNDropInQuickAgendaView :
+ oEventCalendar && $.cf.isValid(oEventCalendar.isDragNDropInQuickAgendaView) ? oEventCalendar.isDragNDropInQuickAgendaView :
+ to.setting.isDragNDropInQuickAgendaView;
+ oJsonRecord.isDragNDropInTaskPlannerView = ($.cf.isValid(oJsonRecord.isMarked) && oJsonRecord.isMarked) ? false :
+ $.cf.isValid(oJsonRecord.isDragNDropInTaskPlannerView) ? oJsonRecord.isDragNDropInTaskPlannerView :
+ $.cf.isValid(oConfig.isDragNDropInTaskPlannerView) ? oConfig.isDragNDropInTaskPlannerView :
+ oEventCalendar && $.cf.isValid(oEventCalendar.isDragNDropInTaskPlannerView) ? oEventCalendar.isDragNDropInTaskPlannerView :
+ to.setting.isDragNDropInTaskPlannerView;
+ oJsonRecord.isDragNDropInDetailView = ($.cf.isValid(oJsonRecord.isMarked) && oJsonRecord.isMarked) ? false :
+ $.cf.isValid(oJsonRecord.isDragNDropInDetailView) ? oJsonRecord.isDragNDropInDetailView :
+ $.cf.isValid(oConfig.isDragNDropInDetailView) ? oConfig.isDragNDropInDetailView :
+ oEventCalendar && $.cf.isValid(oEventCalendar.isDragNDropInDetailView) ? oEventCalendar.isDragNDropInDetailView :
+ to.setting.isDragNDropInDetailView;
+ oJsonRecord.isResizeInDetailView = ($.cf.isValid(oJsonRecord.isMarked) && oJsonRecord.isMarked) ? false :
+ $.cf.isValid(oJsonRecord.isResizeInDetailView) ? oJsonRecord.isResizeInDetailView :
+ $.cf.isValid(oConfig.isResizeInDetailView) ? oConfig.isResizeInDetailView :
+ oEventCalendar && $.cf.isValid(oEventCalendar.isResizeInDetailView) ? oEventCalendar.isResizeInDetailView :
+ to.setting.isResizeInDetailView;
+ // --------------------------- Set Movement Properties End -----------------------------
+ }
+ // ------------------------------- Set Event Properties End ---------------------------
+ if(isConcat)
+ to.tv.oAEvents = to.tv.oAEvents.concat(oArrJson);
+ else
+ {
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.datasetModificationRule, "Default"))
+ to.tv.oAEvents = to.tv.oAEvents.concat(oArrJson);
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.datasetModificationRule, "ReplaceAll"))
+ to.tv.oAEvents = oArrJson;
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.datasetModificationRule, "ReplaceSpecified"))
+ {
+ for(var iEventIndex1 = 0; iEventIndex1 < oArrJson.length; iEventIndex1++)
+ {
+ var oEvent1 = oArrJson[iEventIndex1];
+ bEventMatched = false;
+ for(var iEventIndex2 = 0; iEventIndex2 < to.tv.oAEvents.length; iEventIndex2++)
+ {
+ var oEvent2 = to.tv.oAEvents[iEventIndex2];
+ if(parseInt(oEvent2.id) === parseInt(oEvent1.id))
+ {
+ oEvent2 = oEvent1;
+ bEventMatched = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!bEventMatched)
+ to.tv.oAEvents.push(oEvent1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ to.tv.oAEvents = to._sortEvents(to.tv.oAEvents);
+ },
+ _getModifiedSourceCountArray: function(oArrJson, oConfig)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var sInputDateTimeFormat = oConfig.inputDateTimeFormat || "",
+ sFormatSeparatorDateTime = oConfig.formatSeparatorDateTime || "",
+ sFormatSeparatorDate = oConfig.formatSeparatorDate || "",
+ sFormatSeparatorTime = oConfig.formatSeparatorTime || "",
+ sTZOffset = oConfig.inputTZOffset || to.setting.inputTZOffset;
+ var oArrTemp = [];
+ for(var iJsonIndex = 0; iJsonIndex < oArrJson.length; iJsonIndex++)
+ {
+ var oJsonRecord = oArrJson[iJsonIndex];
+ if($.cf.isValid(oJsonRecord.date))
+ {
+ oJsonRecord.date = to._getDateObjectFromString(oJsonRecord.date, true, sInputDateTimeFormat, sFormatSeparatorDateTime, sFormatSeparatorDate, sFormatSeparatorTime, sTZOffset);
+ if($.cf.isValid(oJsonRecord.date))
+ oArrTemp.push(oJsonRecord);
+ }
+ }
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.datasetModificationRule, "Default"))
+ to.tv.oASrcCnt = to.tv.oASrcCnt.concat(oArrTemp);
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.datasetModificationRule, "ReplaceAll"))
+ to.tv.oASrcCnt = oArrTemp;
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.datasetModificationRule, "ReplaceSpecified"))
+ {
+ for(var iTempIndex1 = 0; iTempIndex1 < oArrTemp.length; iTempIndex1++)
+ {
+ var bMatchedRecord = false,
+ oRecord1 = oArrTemp[iTempIndex1];
+ for(var iTempIndex2 = 0; iTempIndex2 < to.tv.oASrcCnt.length; iTempIndex2++)
+ {
+ var oRecord2 = to.tv.oASrcCnt[iTempIndex2];
+ if(to.compareDateTimes(oRecord1.date, oRecord2.date) === 0)
+ {
+ oRecord2 = oRecord1;
+ bMatchedRecord = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!bMatchedRecord)
+ to.tv.oASrcCnt.append(oRecord1);
+ }
+ }
+ return oArrTemp;
+ },
+ _getModifiedRestrictedSectionArray: function(oArrJson, oConfig)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var sInputDateTimeFormat = oConfig.inputDateTimeFormat || "",
+ sFormatSeparatorDateTime = oConfig.formatSeparatorDateTime || "",
+ sFormatSeparatorDate = oConfig.formatSeparatorDate || "",
+ sFormatSeparatorTime = oConfig.formatSeparatorTime || "",
+ sTZOffset = oConfig.inputTZOffset || to.setting.inputTZOffset;
+ for(var iJsonIndex = 0; iJsonIndex < oArrJson.length; iJsonIndex++)
+ {
+ var oJsonRecord = oArrJson[iJsonIndex];
+ if(oJsonRecord.start !== null)
+ {
+ if(oJsonRecord.start !== null)
+ oJsonRecord.start = to._getDateObjectFromString(oJsonRecord.start, oJsonRecord.isAllDay, sInputDateTimeFormat, sFormatSeparatorDateTime, sFormatSeparatorDate, sFormatSeparatorTime, sTZOffset);
+ if(oJsonRecord.end !== null)
+ oJsonRecord.end = to._getDateObjectFromString(oJsonRecord.end, oJsonRecord.isAllDay, sInputDateTimeFormat, sFormatSeparatorDateTime, sFormatSeparatorDate, sFormatSeparatorTime, sTZOffset);
+ if(oJsonRecord.isAllDay)
+ {
+ oJsonRecord.start = to.setDateInFormat({"date": oJsonRecord.start}, "START");
+ oJsonRecord.end = to.setDateInFormat({"date": oJsonRecord.end}, "END");
+ oJsonRecord.end = to._normalizeEndDateTime(oJsonRecord.end);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.datasetModificationRule, "Default"))
+ to.tv.oAResSec = to.tv.oAResSec.concat(oArrJson);
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.datasetModificationRule, "ReplaceAll"))
+ to.tv.oAResSec = oArrJson;
+ to._checkAllowDroppable();
+ },
+ _getModifiedSlotAvailabilityArray: function(oArrJson, oConfig)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var sInputDateTimeFormat = oConfig.inputDateTimeFormat || "",
+ sFormatSeparatorDateTime = oConfig.formatSeparatorDateTime || "",
+ sFormatSeparatorDate = oConfig.formatSeparatorDate || "",
+ sFormatSeparatorTime = oConfig.formatSeparatorTime || "",
+ sTZOffset = oConfig.inputTZOffset || to.setting.inputTZOffset;
+ var oArrTemp = [];
+ for(var iJsonIndex = 0; iJsonIndex < oArrJson.length; iJsonIndex++)
+ {
+ var oJsonRecord = oArrJson[iJsonIndex];
+ if(oJsonRecord.start !== null && oJsonRecord.end !== null)
+ {
+ if(oJsonRecord.start !== null)
+ oJsonRecord.start = to._getDateObjectFromString(oJsonRecord.start, oJsonRecord.isAllDay, sInputDateTimeFormat, sFormatSeparatorDateTime, sFormatSeparatorDate, sFormatSeparatorTime, sTZOffset);
+ if(oJsonRecord.end !== null)
+ oJsonRecord.end = to._getDateObjectFromString(oJsonRecord.end, oJsonRecord.isAllDay, sInputDateTimeFormat, sFormatSeparatorDateTime, sFormatSeparatorDate, sFormatSeparatorTime, sTZOffset);
+ if(oJsonRecord.start !== "" && oJsonRecord.end !== "")
+ {
+ if(oJsonRecord.isAllDay)
+ {
+ oJsonRecord.start = to.setDateInFormat({"date": oJsonRecord.start}, "START");
+ oJsonRecord.end = to.setDateInFormat({"date": oJsonRecord.end}, "END");
+ }
+ oJsonRecord.end = to._normalizeEndDateTime(oJsonRecord.end);
+ oArrTemp.push(oJsonRecord);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.datasetModificationRule, "Default"))
+ to.tv.oASltAvail = to.tv.oASltAvail.concat(oArrTemp);
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.datasetModificationRule, "ReplaceAll"))
+ to.tv.oASltAvail = oArrTemp;
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.datasetModificationRule, "ReplaceSpecified"))
+ {
+ for(var iTempIndex1 = 0; iTempIndex1 < oArrTemp.length; iTempIndex1++)
+ {
+ var bMatchedRecord = false,
+ oRecord1 = oArrTemp[iTempIndex1];
+ for(var iTempIndex2 = 0; iTempIndex2 < to.tv.oASltAvail.length; iTempIndex2++)
+ {
+ var oRecord2 = to.tv.oASltAvail[iTempIndex2];
+ if(to.compareDateTimes(oRecord1.start, oRecord2.start) === 0 && to.compareDateTimes(oRecord1.end, oRecord2.end) === 0 && $.cf.compareStrings(oRecord1.status, oRecord2.status))
+ {
+ oRecord2 = oRecord1;
+ bMatchedRecord = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!bMatchedRecord)
+ to.tv.oASltAvail.append(oRecord1);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _dataCleaning: function(dDurationStartDate, dDurationEndDate)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.tv.sLoadType, "Load"))
+ {
+ if(to.tv.oAEvents.length > 0)
+ to.tv.oAEvents = to._sortEvents(to.tv.oAEvents);
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.tv.sLoadType, "Prev") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.tv.sLoadType, "Next"))
+ {
+ if(to.tv.oAEvents.length > 0)
+ {
+ if(dDurationStartDate !== null && dDurationEndDate !== null)
+ to._deleteEventsOutOfDuration(dDurationStartDate, dDurationEndDate);
+ to.tv.oAEvents = to._sortEvents(to.tv.oAEvents);
+ }
+ if(to.tv.oASrcCnt.length > 0 && dDurationStartDate !== null && dDurationEndDate !== null)
+ to._deleteSourceCountOutOfDuration(dDurationStartDate, dDurationEndDate);
+ if(to.tv.oAResSec.length > 0 && dDurationStartDate !== null && dDurationEndDate !== null)
+ to._deleteRestrictedSectionsOutOfDuration(dDurationStartDate, dDurationEndDate);
+ if(to.tv.oASltAvail.length > 0 && dDurationStartDate !== null && dDurationEndDate !== null)
+ to._deleteSlotAvailabilityOutOfDuration(dDurationStartDate, dDurationEndDate);
+ }
+ },
+ _deleteEventsOutOfDuration: function(dTempStartDate, dTempEndDate)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var iTempIndex, oThisEvent;
+ for(iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < to.tv.oAEvents.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ oThisEvent = to.tv.oAEvents[iTempIndex];
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.tv.sLoadType, "Prev"))
+ {
+ if(to.compareDateTimes(oThisEvent.start, dTempEndDate) > 0)
+ oThisEvent.id = "DEL";
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.tv.sLoadType, "Next"))
+ {
+ if(to.compareDateTimes(oThisEvent.end, dTempStartDate) < 0)
+ oThisEvent.id = "DEL";
+ }
+ }
+ var oArrTemp = [];
+ for(iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < to.tv.oAEvents.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ oThisEvent = to.tv.oAEvents[iTempIndex];
+ if(! $.cf.compareStrings(oThisEvent.id, "DEL"))
+ oArrTemp.push(oThisEvent);
+ }
+ to.tv.oAEvents = oArrTemp;
+ },
+ _deleteSourceCountOutOfDuration: function(dDurationStartDate, dDurationEndDate)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var iTempIndex, oTemp;
+ for(iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < to.tv.oASrcCnt.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ oTemp = to.tv.oASrcCnt[iTempIndex];
+ var dTempDate = new Date(oTemp.date);
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.tv.sLoadType, "Prev"))
+ {
+ if(to.compareDates(dTempDate, dDurationEndDate) > 0)
+ oTemp.date = "DEL";
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.tv.sLoadType, "Next"))
+ {
+ if(to.compareDates(dTempDate, dDurationStartDate) < 0)
+ oTemp.date = "DEL";
+ }
+ }
+ var oArrTemp = [];
+ for(iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < to.tv.oASrcCnt.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ oTemp = to.tv.oASrcCnt[iTempIndex];
+ if(! $.cf.compareStrings(oTemp.date, "DEL"))
+ oArrTemp.push(oTemp);
+ }
+ to.tv.oASrcCnt = oArrTemp;
+ },
+ _deleteRestrictedSectionsOutOfDuration: function(dDurationStartDate, dDurationEndDate)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var iTempIndex,oTemp;
+ for(iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < to.tv.oAResSec.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ oTemp = to.tv.oAResSec[iTempIndex];
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.tv.sLoadType, "Prev"))
+ {
+ if(to.compareDateTimes(oTemp.start, dDurationEndDate) > 0)
+ oTemp.start = "DEL";
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.tv.sLoadType, "Next"))
+ {
+ if(to.compareDateTimes(oTemp.end, dDurationStartDate) < 0)
+ oTemp.start = "DEL";
+ }
+ }
+ var oArrTemp = [];
+ for(iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < to.tv.oAResSec.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ oTemp = to.tv.oAResSec[iTempIndex];
+ if(! $.cf.compareStrings(oTemp.start, "DEL"))
+ oArrTemp.push(oTemp);
+ }
+ to.tv.oAResSec = oArrTemp;
+ },
+ _deleteSlotAvailabilityOutOfDuration: function(dDurationStartDate, dDurationEndDate)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var iTempIndex, oTemp;
+ for(iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < to.tv.oASltAvail.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ oTemp = to.tv.oASltAvail[iTempIndex];
+ var dTempStartDate = new Date(oTemp.start),
+ dTempEndDate = new Date(oTemp.end);
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.tv.sLoadType, "Prev"))
+ {
+ if(to.compareDateTimes(dTempStartDate, dDurationEndDate) > 0)
+ oTemp.start = "DEL";
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.tv.sLoadType, "Next"))
+ {
+ var iCompStartDate = to.compareDateTimes(dTempStartDate, dDurationStartDate),
+ iCompEndDate = to.compareDateTimes(dTempEndDate, dDurationEndDate);
+ if(iCompStartDate < 0 && iCompEndDate < 0)
+ oTemp.start = "DEL";
+ }
+ }
+ var oArrTemp = [];
+ for(iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < to.tv.oASltAvail.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ oTemp = to.tv.oASltAvail[iTempIndex];
+ if(! $.cf.compareStrings(oTemp.start, "DEL"))
+ oArrTemp.push(oTemp);
+ }
+ to.tv.oASltAvail = oArrTemp;
+ },
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Public Method
+ addEventsForSource: function(oArrNewEvents, iSourceId)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ oArrNewEvents = to.__parseJson(oArrNewEvents);
+ for(var iSourceIndex = 0; iSourceIndex < to.setting.calDataSource.length; iSourceIndex++)
+ {
+ var oTempSource = to.setting.calDataSource[iSourceIndex];
+ if(oTempSource.sourceId === iSourceId)
+ {
+ if(oArrNewEvents.length > 0)
+ to._getModifiedEventsArray(oArrNewEvents, (oTempSource.config || {}), (typeof oTempSource.source === "string") ? to._isGoogleCalendarUrl(oTempSource.source) : false, true);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _replaceEventWithId: function(sExistingEventId, oNewEvent)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ for(var iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < to.tv.oAEvents.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ var oEv = to.tv.oAEvents[iTempIndex];
+ if(parseInt(sExistingEventId) === parseInt(oEv.id))
+ {
+ oEv = oNewEvent;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _replaceEventsWithRule: function(oReplaceRule, oArrNewEvents)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ to._removeEventsWithRule(oReplaceRule);
+ to.tv.oAEvents = to.tv.oAEvents.concat(oArrNewEvents);
+ },
+ // Public Method
+ replaceEvents: function(oArrNewEvents)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ for(var iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < oArrNewEvents.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ var oNewEventRecord = oArrNewEvents[iTempIndex],
+ sExistingEventId = oNewEventRecord.replaceId,
+ oReplaceRule = oNewEventRecord.replaceRule;
+ if($.cf.isValid(sExistingEventId))
+ to._replaceEventWithId(sExistingEventId, oNewEventRecord.event);
+ else if($.cf.isValid(oReplaceRule))
+ to._replaceEventsWithRule(oReplaceRule, oNewEventRecord.events);
+ }
+ },
+ // Public Method
+ revertToOriginalEvent: function(oDraggedEvent, startDateBeforeChange, endDateBeforeChange)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ if(to.__updateEventWithId(oDraggedEvent.calEventId, startDateBeforeChange, endDateBeforeChange))
+ to.__reloadCurrentView(true, false);
+ },
+ _removeEventsWithIds: function(sArrRemoveIds)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var oArrEventsTemp = [];
+ for(var iTempIndex1 = 0; iTempIndex1 < sArrRemoveIds.length; iTempIndex1++)
+ {
+ for(var iTempIndex2 = 0; iTempIndex2 < to.tv.oAEvents.length; iTempIndex2++)
+ {
+ var oTempEvent = to.tv.oAEvents[iTempIndex2];
+ if(parseInt(oTempEvent.id) !== parseInt(sArrRemoveIds[iTempIndex1]))
+ oArrEventsTemp.push(oTempEvent.id);
+ }
+ }
+ to.tv.oAEvents = oArrEventsTemp;
+ },
+ _removeEventsWithRule: function(oRemoveRule)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var oArrEventsTemp = [];
+ for(var iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < to.tv.oAEvents.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ var oEv = to.tv.oAEvents[iTempIndex];
+ if(!oRemoveRule(oEv)) // RemoveRule Function call
+ oArrEventsTemp.push(oEv);
+ }
+ to.tv.oAEvents = oArrEventsTemp;
+ },
+ // Public Method
+ removeEvents: function(oArrRemove)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ for(var iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < oArrRemove.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ var oRemove = oArrRemove[iTempIndex],
+ sArrRemoveIds = oRemove.removeIds,
+ sRemoveRule = oRemove.removeRule;
+ if($.cf.isValid(sArrRemoveIds))
+ to._removeEventsWithIds(sArrRemoveIds);
+ if($.cf.isValid(sRemoveRule))
+ to._removeEventsWithRule(sRemoveRule);
+ }
+ },
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ _getEventCalendarObject: function(sEventCalendar)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ for(var iCalIndex = 0; iCalIndex < to.tv.oAECalendar.length; iCalIndex++)
+ {
+ var oThisCalendar = to.tv.oAECalendar[iCalIndex];
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(sEventCalendar, oThisCalendar.calendar))
+ return oThisCalendar;
+ }
+ return null;
+ },
+ // Public Method
+ getEventWithId: function(sId)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ for(var iEventIndex = 0; iEventIndex < to.tv.oAEvents.length; iEventIndex++)
+ {
+ var oEventRecord = to.tv.oAEvents[iEventIndex];
+ if(oEventRecord.calEventId === parseInt(sId))
+ return oEventRecord;
+ }
+ return {};
+ },
+ __updateEventWithId: function(sId, dNewStartDate, dNewEndDate)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var bSuccess = false;
+ for(var iEventIndex = 0; iEventIndex < to.tv.oAEvents.length; iEventIndex++)
+ {
+ var oEvent = to.tv.oAEvents[iEventIndex];
+ if(oEvent.calEventId === parseInt(sId))
+ {
+ oEvent.start = dNewStartDate;
+ if(dNewEndDate !== null)
+ oEvent.end = dNewEndDate;
+ else
+ oEvent.end = new Date(dNewStartDate.getTime() + ($.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.m * 30));
+ to.tv.oAEvents[iEventIndex] = oEvent;
+ bSuccess = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ to.tv.oAEvents = to._sortEvents(to.tv.oAEvents);
+ return bSuccess;
+ },
+ _normalizeEndDateTime: function(sDate)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ if(sDate.getHours() === 0 && sDate.getMinutes() === 0 && sDate.getSeconds() === 0)
+ sDate = new Date(sDate.getTime() - $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.m);
+ return sDate;
+ },
+ _getUnspecifiedEndDateOfEvent: function(bIsAllDay, dTempStartDate)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ if(bIsAllDay)
+ return new Date(dTempStartDate.getFullYear(), dTempStartDate.getMonths(), (dTempStartDate.getDate() + (to.setting.allDayEventDuration - 1)), 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ else
+ return new Date(dTempStartDate.getTime() + (to.setting.eventDuration * $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.m));
+ },
+ _getStartAndEndDatesOfEvent: function(bIsAllDay, dStartDateTime, dEndDateTime)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var dTempStartDate, dTempEndDate;
+ if(bIsAllDay)
+ {
+ dTempStartDate = to.setDateInFormat({"date": dStartDateTime}, "START");
+ if(dEndDateTime !== null)
+ dTempEndDate = to.setDateInFormat({"date": dEndDateTime}, "START");
+ else
+ dTempEndDate = to._getUnspecifiedEndDateOfEvent(bIsAllDay, dTempStartDate);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dTempStartDate = new Date(dStartDateTime);
+ if(dEndDateTime !== null)
+ dTempEndDate = new Date(dEndDateTime);
+ else
+ dTempEndDate = to._getUnspecifiedEndDateOfEvent(bIsAllDay, dTempStartDate);
+ }
+ return [dTempStartDate, dTempEndDate];
+ },
+ __getStartAndEndDatesOfEventForView: function(bIsAllDay, dStartDateTime, dEndDateTime)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var dArrTemp = to._getStartAndEndDatesOfEvent(bIsAllDay, dStartDateTime, dEndDateTime),
+ dNewStartDateTime = new Date(dArrTemp[0]),
+ dNewEndDateTime = new Date(dArrTemp[1]),
+ iCompStartDates = to.compareDates(dNewStartDateTime, to.tv.dVDSDt),
+ iCompEndDates = to.compareDates(dNewEndDateTime, to.tv.dVDEDt),
+ dTempStartDate = new Date(dNewStartDateTime),
+ dTempEndDate = new Date(dNewEndDateTime);
+ if(iCompStartDates < 0)
+ dTempStartDate = to.tv.dVDSDt;
+ if(iCompEndDates > 0)
+ dTempEndDate = to.tv.dVDEDt;
+ return [dTempStartDate, dTempEndDate];
+ },
+ // Public Method
+ getDurationOfEventInHHmmFormat: function(dStartDateTime, dEndDateTime)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var iTotalMinutes = Math.ceil((dEndDateTime.getTime() - dStartDateTime.getTime()) / $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.m);
+ return [Math.floor(iTotalMinutes / 60), (iTotalMinutes % 60)];
+ },
+ __getNumberOfHoursOfEvent: function(bIsAllDay, dStartDateTime, dEndDateTime)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var dArrTempDates = to._getStartAndEndDatesOfEvent(bIsAllDay, dStartDateTime, dEndDateTime),
+ dTempStartDate = dArrTempDates[0],
+ dTempEndDate = dArrTempDates[1],
+ iDiffStartAndEnd = dTempEndDate.getTime() - dTempStartDate.getTime(),
+ iNumOfHours = Math.round(iDiffStartAndEnd / $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.h);
+ if(iNumOfHours <= 0 && iDiffStartAndEnd > 0)
+ iNumOfHours = 1;
+ return iNumOfHours;
+ },
+ __getDateIndexInView: function(dTempDate)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ for(var iDateIndex = 0; iDateIndex < to.tv.iNoVDay; iDateIndex++)
+ {
+ var dThisDate = to.tv.dAVDt[iDateIndex];
+ if(to.compareDates(dThisDate, dTempDate) === 0)
+ {
+ return iDateIndex;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+ },
+ // Public Method
+ getNumberOfDaysOfEvent: function(bIsAllDay, dStartDateTime, dEndDateTime, bWithHours, bForView, bActualStartDate)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var dTempEndDateTime;
+ if(bIsAllDay && to.compareDateTimes(dStartDateTime, dEndDateTime) === 0 && bActualStartDate)
+ dTempEndDateTime = new Date(dEndDateTime.getTime() + $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.d);
+ else
+ dTempEndDateTime = new Date(dEndDateTime);
+ if(dTempEndDateTime.getHours() === 0 && dTempEndDateTime.getMinutes() === 0)
+ dTempEndDateTime.setMinutes(dTempEndDateTime.getMinutes() - 1);
+ var iNumOfDays = 0,
+ iNumOfHours = to.__getNumberOfHoursOfEvent(bIsAllDay, dStartDateTime, dTempEndDateTime),
+ dArrTempDates = to._getStartAndEndDatesOfEvent(bIsAllDay, dStartDateTime, dTempEndDateTime),
+ dTempStartDate = dArrTempDates[0],
+ dTempEndDate = dArrTempDates[1],
+ bCompTempStartEnd = to.compareDates(dTempStartDate, dTempEndDate);
+ if(iNumOfHours <= 0)
+ {
+ if(bIsAllDay && bCompTempStartEnd <= 0)
+ {
+ iNumOfHours = 24;
+ iNumOfDays = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ console.log("Invalid Start And End Dates " + dStartDateTime + " " + dTempEndDateTime);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(bCompTempStartEnd < 0)
+ {
+ var dNewStartDate = to.setDateInFormat({"date": dTempStartDate}, "START"),
+ dNewEndDate = to.setDateInFormat({"date": dTempEndDate}, "START"),
+ iNewNumOfHours = (dNewEndDate.getTime() - dNewStartDate.getTime()) / $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.h;
+ iNumOfDays = Math.round(iNewNumOfHours / 24) + 1;
+ if(bForView)
+ {
+ var dTempDate = new Date(dNewStartDate), iTempNumOfDays = 0;
+ for(var iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < iNumOfDays; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ if(to.__findWhetherDateIsVisibleInCurrentView(dTempDate, (bIsAllDay || iNumOfHours > 23), dTempStartDate, dTempEndDate))
+ iTempNumOfDays++;
+ dTempDate.setDate(dTempDate.getDate() + 1);
+ }
+ iNumOfDays = iTempNumOfDays;
+ }
+ }
+ else if(bCompTempStartEnd === 0)
+ {
+ if(bForView)
+ {
+ if(to.__findWhetherDateIsVisibleInCurrentView(dTempStartDate, (bIsAllDay || iNumOfHours > 23), dTempStartDate, dTempEndDate))
+ iNumOfDays = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ iNumOfDays = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if(bWithHours)
+ return [iNumOfDays, iNumOfHours];
+ else
+ return iNumOfDays;
+ },
+ _sortEvents: function(oArrTempEvents)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ for(var iOuterIndex = 0; iOuterIndex < oArrTempEvents.length; iOuterIndex++)
+ {
+ var oOuterEvent = oArrTempEvents[iOuterIndex],
+ dOuterStartDate = oOuterEvent.start,
+ iOuterEventHours = to.__getNumberOfHoursOfEvent(oOuterEvent.isAllDay, oOuterEvent.start, oOuterEvent.end),
+ bOuterIsAllDay = oOuterEvent.isAllDay || (iOuterEventHours > 23) || ($.cf.isValid(oOuterEvent.isMarked) && oOuterEvent.isMarked);
+ for(var iInnerIndex = (iOuterIndex + 1); iInnerIndex < oArrTempEvents.length; iInnerIndex++)
+ {
+ var oInnerEvent = oArrTempEvents[iInnerIndex],
+ dInnerStartDate = oInnerEvent.start,
+ iInnerEventHours = to.__getNumberOfHoursOfEvent(oInnerEvent.isAllDay, oInnerEvent.start, oInnerEvent.end),
+ bInnerIsAllDay = oInnerEvent.isAllDay || (iInnerEventHours > 23) || ($.cf.isValid(oInnerEvent.isMarked) && oInnerEvent.isMarked),
+ iCompDates = to.compareDates(dOuterStartDate, dInnerStartDate),
+ iCompTimes = to.compareDateTimes(dOuterStartDate, dInnerStartDate),
+ bBase1 = (iCompDates === 0),
+ bBase2 = (!bOuterIsAllDay && bInnerIsAllDay),
+ bBase3 = (bOuterIsAllDay && bInnerIsAllDay),
+ bBase4 = (!bOuterIsAllDay && !bInnerIsAllDay),
+ bSort1 = iCompDates > 0,
+ bSort2 = bBase1 && bBase2,
+ bSort3 = bBase1 && (iCompTimes > 0) && (bBase3 || bBase4),
+ bSort4 = bBase1 && (bBase2 || bBase3 || bBase4) && (iCompTimes === 0) && (iOuterEventHours < iInnerEventHours),
+ oTempEvent;
+ if(bSort1 || bSort2 || bSort3 || bSort4)
+ {
+ oTempEvent = oOuterEvent;
+ oOuterEvent = oInnerEvent;
+ oInnerEvent = oTempEvent;
+ oArrTempEvents[iOuterIndex] = oOuterEvent;
+ oArrTempEvents[iInnerIndex] = oInnerEvent;
+ dOuterStartDate = oOuterEvent.start;
+ iOuterEventHours = iInnerEventHours;
+ bOuterIsAllDay = bInnerIsAllDay;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return oArrTempEvents;
+ },
+ _whetherEventIsBetweenDates: function(oTempEvent, dTempStartDate, dTempEndDate)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var dEventStartDate = oTempEvent.start,
+ dEventEndDate = oTempEvent.end,
+ bIsAllDay = oTempEvent.isAllDay,
+ iCompEndDate1 = to.compareDates(dEventEndDate, dTempStartDate),
+ iCompStartDate2 = to.compareDates(dEventStartDate, dTempEndDate),
+ bEventStartDate, bEventEndDate;
+ if(iCompEndDate1 === 0 && (dEventEndDate.getHours() === 0 && dEventEndDate.getMinutes() === 0))
+ {
+ if(!bIsAllDay)
+ iCompEndDate1 = -1;
+ else
+ {
+ var bActualEventDuration = to.__getNumberOfHoursOfEvent(bIsAllDay, dEventStartDate, dEventEndDate) > 0,
+ bCurrentEventDuration = to.__getNumberOfHoursOfEvent(bIsAllDay, dTempStartDate, dEventEndDate) > 0;
+ if(bActualEventDuration && !bCurrentEventDuration)
+ iCompEndDate1 = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ bEventStartDate = (iCompStartDate2 <= 0) ? true : false;
+ bEventEndDate = (iCompEndDate1 >= 0) ? true : false;
+ if(bEventStartDate && bEventEndDate)
+ return true;
+ else
+ return false;
+ },
+ // Public Method
+ getArrayOfEventsForView: function(dTempViewStartDate, dTempViewEndDate)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ dTempViewStartDate = to.setDateInFormat({"date": dTempViewStartDate}, "START");
+ dTempViewEndDate = to.setDateInFormat({"date": dTempViewEndDate}, "END");
+ var oAEventsInRange = [],
+ oArrTempEvents = [];
+ for(var iEventIndex = 0; iEventIndex < to.tv.oAEvents.length; iEventIndex++)
+ {
+ var oTempEvent = to.tv.oAEvents[iEventIndex];
+ if(to._whetherEventIsBetweenDates(oTempEvent, dTempViewStartDate, dTempViewEndDate))
+ {
+ oAEventsInRange.push(oTempEvent);
+ if(to.setting.eventFilterCriteria.length > 0)
+ {
+ if(to.__whetherToDisplayAnEventOnCalendar(oTempEvent))
+ oArrTempEvents.push(oTempEvent);
+ }
+ else
+ oArrTempEvents.push(oTempEvent);
+ }
+ }
+ if(to.setting.eventFilterCriteria.length > 0)
+ to.__setEventCountBasedOnCriteria(oAEventsInRange);
+ return oArrTempEvents;
+ },
+ __getSourceCountForDate: function(dTemp)
+ {
+ var to = this,
+ iTempIndex, iTempIndex1,
+ oSourceCount, iSourceCount = 0, oSource, sSourceCountType,
+ oEvent, dStartDate, dEndDate, bCompStart, bCompEnd;
+ if(to.tv.oASrcCnt.length > 0)
+ {
+ for(iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < to.tv.oASrcCnt.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ oSourceCount = to.tv.oASrcCnt[iTempIndex];
+ if(to.compareDates(oSourceCount.date, dTemp) === 0)
+ {
+ iSourceCount = oSourceCount.count;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if(to.setting.parentObject !== null)
+ {
+ for(iTempIndex1 = 0; iTempIndex1 < to.setting.calDataSource.length; iTempIndex1++)
+ {
+ oSource = to.setting.calDataSource[iTempIndex1];
+ sSourceCountType = oSource.config.sourceCountType;
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(sSourceCountType, "Event"))
+ {
+ for(iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < to.setting.parentObject.tv.oAEvents.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ oEvent = to.setting.parentObject.tv.oAEvents[iTempIndex];
+ dStartDate = oEvent.start;
+ dEndDate = oEvent.end;
+ bCompStart = (to.compareDates(dTemp, dStartDate) >= 0);
+ bCompEnd = (to.compareDates(dTemp, dEndDate) <= 0);
+ if(bCompStart && bCompEnd)
+ iSourceCount++;
+ }
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(sSourceCountType, "FreeTimeSlot") || $.cf.compareStrings(sSourceCountType, "BusyTimeSlot"))
+ {
+ for(iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < to.setting.parentObject.tv.oASltAvail.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ oEvent = to.setting.parentObject.tv.oASltAvail[iTempIndex];
+ dStartDate = oEvent.start;
+ dEndDate = oEvent.end;
+ bCompStart = (to.compareDates(dTemp, dStartDate) >= 0);
+ bCompEnd = (to.compareDates(dTemp, dEndDate) <= 0);
+ if(bCompStart && bCompEnd)
+ {
+ if(($.cf.compareStrings(sSourceCountType, "FreeTimeSlot") && $.cf.compareStrings(oEvent.status, "Free")) ||
+ ($.cf.compareStrings(sSourceCountType, "BusyTimeSlot") && $.cf.compareStrings(oEvent.status, "Busy")))
+ iSourceCount++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return iSourceCount;
+ },
+ // Public Method
+ getEventCountAndIsMarkedDay: function(dDayStart, dDayEnd)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var oArrEvents = to.getArrayOfEventsForView(dDayStart, dDayStart),
+ iNoEvents = oArrEvents.length,
+ iEventIndex, oEvent;
+ for(iEventIndex = 0; iEventIndex < iNoEvents; iEventIndex++)
+ {
+ oEvent = oArrEvents[iEventIndex];
+ if($.cf.isValid(oEvent.isMarked) && oEvent.isMarked)
+ {
+ var sEventColor = oEvent.fromSingleColor ? oEvent.textColor : oEvent.backgroundColor;
+ sEventColor = ($.cf.compareStrings(sEventColor, "") || $.cf.compareStrings(sEventColor, "transparent")) ? "transparent" : sEventColor;
+ return [iNoEvents, true, sEventColor];
+ }
+ }
+ return [iNoEvents, false, ""];
+ },
+ _setHeightForEvents: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ for(var iViewIndex = 0; iViewIndex < to.setting.viewsToDisplay.length; iViewIndex++)
+ {
+ var sViewName = to.setting.viewsToDisplay[iViewIndex].viewName,
+ sEventClass = $.CalenStyle.extra.oEventClass[sViewName];
+ if($.cf.isValid(sEventClass))
+ {
+ var sElem = '
+ $oElem = $(sElem).hide().appendTo("body"),
+ iHeight = $.cf.getSizeValue($oElem, "height");
+ $oElem.remove();
+ if($.cf.isValid(iHeight) && iHeight > 2)
+ $.CalenStyle.extra.iEventHeights[sViewName] = iHeight;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ //------------------------------------ Events Manipulation End ------------------------------------
+ //--------------------------------- Miscellaneous Functions Start ---------------------------------
+ _generateUniqueColor: function(sColorArray)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var sTempColor = "", bMatchFound;
+ if(to.setting.eventColorsArray.length > sColorArray.length)
+ {
+ for(var iTempIndex1 = 0; iTempIndex1 < to.setting.eventColorsArray.length; iTempIndex1++)
+ {
+ var sColor1 = to.setting.eventColorsArray[iTempIndex1];
+ bMatchFound = false;
+ for(var iTempIndex2 = 0; iTempIndex2 < sColorArray.length; iTempIndex2++)
+ {
+ var sColor2 = sColorArray[iTempIndex2];
+ if(sColor1 === sColor2)
+ {
+ bMatchFound = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(! bMatchFound)
+ sTempColor = sColor1;
+ }
+ }
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(sTempColor, ""))
+ {
+ bMatchFound = true;
+ var i = 0;
+ while(bMatchFound)
+ {
+ bMatchFound = false;
+ sTempColor = to._generateColor();
+ if(sColorArray.length > 0)
+ {
+ for(var iColorIndex = 0; iColorIndex < sColorArray.length; iColorIndex++)
+ {
+ if(sTempColor === sColorArray[iColorIndex])
+ {
+ bMatchFound = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ i = i + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return sTempColor;
+ },
+ _generateColor: function()
+ {
+ var iR = Math.floor(100 * Math.random()) + 100,
+ iG = Math.floor(100 * Math.random()) + 100,
+ iB = Math.floor(100 * Math.random()) + 100;
+ var sR = iR.toString(16); sR = (sR.length === 1) ? ("0"+sR) : sR;
+ var sG = iG.toString(16); sG = (sG.length === 1) ? ("0"+sG) : sG;
+ var sB = iB.toString(16); sB = (sR.length === 1) ? ("0"+sB) : sB;
+ return sR + sG + sB;
+ },
+ __bindClick: function(e)
+ {
+ var oData = e.data, to;
+ for(var iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < $.CalenStyle.extra.oArrCalenStyle.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ var oThisCalenStyle = $.CalenStyle.extra.oArrCalenStyle[iTempIndex];
+ if(oThisCalenStyle.tv.pluginId === oData.pluginId)
+ to = oThisCalenStyle;
+ }
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ var bIsEditing = $(to.elem).find(oData.eventElemSelector).hasClass("cEditingEvent"),
+ iTS = $.cf.getTimestamp() - to.tv.iTSEndEditing,
+ iDuration = $("body").hasClass("br-ie") ? 900 : 100;
+ if(bIsEditing || (!bIsEditing && iTS < iDuration))
+ return;
+ if(to.setting.eventClicked)
+ to.setting.eventClicked.call(to, to.setting.visibleView, oData.eventElemSelector, to.getEventWithId(oData.eventId));
+ else
+ {
+ if(!$.cf.compareStrings(oData.url, ""))
+ window.open(oData.url, "_blank");
+ }
+ },
+ __getElementsAtPoint: function(iLeft, iTop)
+ {
+ return $("body")
+ .find("*")
+ .filter(function()
+ {
+ var iLeft1 = $(this).offset().left,
+ iLeft2 = iLeft1 + $(this).width(),
+ iTop1 = $(this).offset().top,
+ iTop2 = iTop1 + $(this).height();
+ return (iLeft >= iLeft1 && iLeft <= iLeft2 && iTop >= iTop1 && iTop <= iTop2);
+ });
+ }
+ //--------------------------------- Miscellaneous Functions End ---------------------------------
+/*! ------------------------------------ Common Functions End ------------------------------------ */
+/*! ------------------------------------ CalenStyle Month View Start ----------------------------------- */
+//"use strict";
+CalenStyle.prototype = $.extend(CalenStyle.prototype, {
+ _arrayContains: function(iArrTemp, iValue)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ for(var iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < iArrTemp.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ if(iArrTemp[iTempIndex] === iValue)
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ },
+ _setNextPreviousMonthDates: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var dPMDt = new Date(to.tv.dCMDt.getTime() - (30 * $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.d));
+ dPMDt.setDate(15);
+ to.tv.dPMDt = new Date(dPMDt);
+ var dNMDt = new Date(to.tv.dCMDt.getTime() + (30 * $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.d));
+ dNMDt.setDate(15);
+ to.tv.dNMDt = new Date(dNMDt);
+ },
+ _updateMonthTable: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ to.__getCurrentViewDates();
+ var sTemplate = "";
+ sTemplate += "";
+ sTemplate += "";
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ to.tv.dCMDt = new Date(to.setting.selectedDate);
+ to.tv.dCMDt.setDate(15);
+ to._setNextPreviousMonthDates();
+ var iTodayDateNum = $.CalenStyle.extra.dToday.getDate(),
+ iTodayMonthNum = $.CalenStyle.extra.dToday.getMonth(),
+ iTodayYearNum = $.CalenStyle.extra.dToday.getFullYear();
+ sTemplate += "";
+ var iDateIndex = 0;
+ for(var iMonthWeeks = 1; iMonthWeeks <= to.tv.iWkInMonth; iMonthWeeks++)
+ {
+ sTemplate += "";
+ var bCurrentWeek = false;
+ if(to.setting.displayWeekNumInMonthView)
+ {
+ var dWkSDate = to.tv.dAVDt[iDateIndex],
+ dWkEDate = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.tv.dAVDt[(iDateIndex + 6)]}, "END"),
+ sWkNumber = to.__getWeekNumber(dWkSDate, dWkEDate);
+ var sCellClass = "cmvDay cmvWeekNumber cmvThinBorderRight cmvWeekNumberBorderLeft";
+ if(iMonthWeeks === 1)
+ sCellClass += " cmvWeekNumberBorderBottom";
+ else if(iMonthWeeks === to.tv.iWkInMonth)
+ sCellClass += " cmvWeekNumberBorderTop";
+ else
+ sCellClass += " cmvWeekNumberBorderBottom cmvWeekNumberBorderTop";
+ var dArrTempDates = to._getWeekForDate($.CalenStyle.extra.dToday, false),
+ dWkSDateToday = dArrTempDates[0],
+ dWkEDateToday = dArrTempDates[1];
+ if(to.compareDates(dWkSDateToday, dWkSDate) === 0 && to.compareDates(dWkEDateToday, dWkEDate) === 0)
+ {
+ sCellClass += " cTodayHighlightTextColor";
+ bCurrentWeek = true;
+ }
+ sTemplate += "" + sWkNumber + " ";
+ }
+ for(iWeekDayIndex = 0; iWeekDayIndex < iNumWeekDays; iWeekDayIndex++)
+ {
+ var dCurrentDate = to.tv.dAVDt[iDateIndex],
+ iCurrentDateNum = dCurrentDate.getDate(),
+ iCurrentMonthNum = dCurrentDate.getMonth(),
+ iCurrentYearNum = dCurrentDate.getFullYear(),
+ iSourceCount = to.__getSourceCountForDate(dCurrentDate),
+ sDayNumberClass = ($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.eventIndicatorInDatePicker, "DayNumberBold") && ($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DatePicker") || to.setting.parentObject !== null) && (iSourceCount > 0)) ? " cBold" : "",
+ dArrTempResSec = [], sStyle = "", iTempIndex,
+ sTempId,
+ sCellClassTemp = "cmvDay" + " " + "cmvTableColumns" + " " + "cmvTableColumn" + iWeekDayIndex;
+ if(to.tv.dCMDt.getMonth() !== iCurrentMonthNum)
+ sCellClassTemp += " " + "cmvOtherMonthDay";
+ else
+ sCellClassTemp += " " + "cmvCurrentMonthDay";
+ if(!to.setting.displayWeekNumInMonthView && iWeekDayIndex === 0)
+ sCellClassTemp += (" " + "cmvFirstColumn");
+ sTempId = "cmvDay" + "-" + iCurrentDateNum + "-" + iCurrentMonthNum + "-" + iCurrentYearNum;
+ var iSelectedDateNum = to.setting.selectedDate.getDate(),
+ iSelectedMonthNum = to.setting.selectedDate.getMonth(),
+ iSelectedYearNum = to.setting.selectedDate.getFullYear();
+ if(iCurrentDateNum === iTodayDateNum && iCurrentMonthNum === iTodayMonthNum && iCurrentYearNum === iTodayYearNum)
+ sCellClassTemp += " " + "cTodayHighlightTextColor";
+ else if(iCurrentDateNum === iSelectedDateNum && iCurrentMonthNum === iSelectedMonthNum && iCurrentYearNum === iSelectedYearNum)
+ sCellClassTemp += " " + "cCurrentDateHighlightColor";
+ if(($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "MonthView") && !$.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.actionOnDayClickInMonthView, "DisplayEventListDialog")) || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DatePicker"))
+ sCellClassTemp += " clickableLink";
+ // Set Style For Non Busienss Hours
+ if(!to.tv.bABsDays[dCurrentDate.getDay()])
+ sCellClassTemp += " cNonBusinessHoursBg";
+ // Set Style For All-Day Restricted Section
+ dArrTempResSec = to._getRestrictedSectionForCurrentView(dCurrentDate);
+ for(iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < dArrTempResSec.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ var dArrResSec = dArrTempResSec[iTempIndex],
+ dTempResSecStart = new Date(dArrResSec.start),
+ bCompStart = (to.compareDates(dCurrentDate, dTempResSecStart) === 0),
+ dTempResSecEnd = new Date(dArrResSec.end),
+ bCompEnd = (to.compareDates(dCurrentDate, dTempResSecEnd) === 0),
+ iNumOfHours;
+ if(!bCompStart)
+ dTempResSecStart = to._normalizeDateTime(dCurrentDate, "START", "T");
+ if(!bCompEnd)
+ dTempResSecEnd = to._normalizeDateTime(dCurrentDate, "END", "T");
+ iNumOfHours = Math.round((dTempResSecEnd.getTime() - dTempResSecStart.getTime()) / $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.h);
+ if(iNumOfHours > 23 || dArrResSec.isAllDay)
+ {
+ if($.cf.isValid(dArrResSec.backgroundColor))
+ sStyle = "style='background: " + $.cf.addHashToHexcode(dArrResSec.backgroundColor) + ";'";
+ if($.cf.isValid(dArrResSec.class))
+ sCellClassTemp += " " + dArrResSec.class;
+ }
+ }
+ sTemplate += "";
+ sTemplate += "" + to.getNumberStringInFormat(iCurrentDateNum, 0, true) + " ";
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "MonthView"))
+ {
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.actionOnDayClickInMonthView, "DisplayEventListDialog"))
+ sTemplate += ".. ";
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.eventIndicatorInMonthView, "DayHighlight"))
+ sTemplate += "
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.eventIndicatorInMonthView, "Custom"))
+ sTemplate += "
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DatePicker"))
+ {
+ sTemplate += "";
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.eventIndicatorInDatePicker, "Dot") && iSourceCount > 0)
+ {
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ }
+ sTemplate += "
+ }
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ iDateIndex++;
+ }
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ }
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvMonthTableMain").html(sTemplate);
+ $(to.elem).find(".cTodayHighlightTextColor").find(".cmvDayNumber").addClass("cTodayHighlightCircle");
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "MonthView") && $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.actionOnDayClickInMonthView, "ModifyEventList"))
+ $(to.elem).find(".cCurrentDateHighlightColor").find(".cmvDayNumber").addClass("cCurrentHighlightCircle");
+ to.adjustMonthTable();
+ if(!to.setting.addEventsInMonthView)
+ to.adjustMonthTable();
+ to._setMonthStrings();
+ if(!$.CalenStyle.extra.bTouchDevice)
+ to._addHoverClassesInMonthView();
+ },
+ _updateMonthTableContents: function(bLoadAllData)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ if(to.setting.addEventsInMonthView && !$.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DatePicker"))
+ {
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.eventIndicatorInMonthView, "DayHighlight"))
+ to._updateDayHighlightViewInMonthView(bLoadAllData);
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.eventIndicatorInMonthView, "Events"))
+ to._addEventContInMonthView(bLoadAllData);
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.eventIndicatorInMonthView, "Custom"))
+ {
+ to.__parseData(bLoadAllData, function()
+ {
+ if(to.setting.modifyCustomView)
+ to.setting.modifyCustomView.call(to, to.tv.dAVDt);
+ if(!$.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.actionOnDayClickInMonthView, "ChangeDate"))
+ to._displayEventOnDayClickInMonthView();
+ to.adjustMonthTable();
+ to.__modifyFilterBarCallback();
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DatePicker"))
+ to._updateDayHighlightInDatePickerView(bLoadAllData);
+ if(!$.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.actionOnDayClickInMonthView, "DisplayEventListDialog"))
+ to._makeDayClickableInMonthView();
+ },
+ _updateDayHighlightInDatePickerView: function(bLoadAllData)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ to.__parseData(bLoadAllData, function()
+ {
+ for(var iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < to.tv.dAVDt.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ var dTempViewDate = to.tv.dAVDt[iTempIndex],
+ sDayId = "#cmvDay-"+dTempViewDate.getDate()+"-"+dTempViewDate.getMonth()+"-"+dTempViewDate.getFullYear(),
+ $oDay = $(to.elem).find(sDayId),
+ iSourceCount = to.__getSourceCountForDate(dTempViewDate),
+ sDayNumberClass = (($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DatePicker") || to.setting.parentObject !== null) && (iSourceCount > 0)) ? " cBold" : "";
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.eventIndicatorInDatePicker, "DayNumberBold"))
+ {
+ if(sDayNumberClass !== "")
+ $oDay.find(".cmvDayNumber").addClass(sDayNumberClass);
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.eventIndicatorInDatePicker, "Dot"))
+ {
+ if($oDay.find(".cElemDatePickerCustom").length === 0)
+ {
+ var sTemplate = "";
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ sTemplate += "
+ $oDay.append(sTemplate);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ _updateDayHighlightViewInMonthView: function(bLoadAllData)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ to.__parseData(bLoadAllData, function()
+ {
+ for(var iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < to.tv.dAVDt.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ var dTempViewDate = to.tv.dAVDt[iTempIndex],
+ sDayId = "#cmvDay-"+dTempViewDate.getDate()+"-"+dTempViewDate.getMonth()+"-"+dTempViewDate.getFullYear();
+ var dTempViewStartDate = to.setDateInFormat({"date": dTempViewDate}, "START"),
+ dTempViewEndDate = to.setDateInFormat({"date": dTempViewDate}, "END"),
+ oArrDayDetails = to.getEventCountAndIsMarkedDay(dTempViewStartDate, dTempViewEndDate),
+ iArrTempLength = oArrDayDetails[0],
+ bIsMarked = oArrDayDetails[1],
+ sMarkedColor = oArrDayDetails[2],
+ $oMonthInd = $(to.elem).find(sDayId+" .cmvMonthTableRowIndicator");
+ if(iArrTempLength !== 0)
+ {
+ if(iArrTempLength < to.setting.averageEventsPerDayForDayHighlightView)
+ iArrTempLength = iArrTempLength * (100 / to.setting.averageEventsPerDayForDayHighlightView);
+ else
+ iArrTempLength = 100;
+ if(iArrTempLength > 100)
+ iArrTempLength = 100;
+ }
+ if(bIsMarked)
+ {
+ $oMonthInd.addClass("cMarkedDayLineIndicator");
+ if($.cf.isValid(sMarkedColor))
+ $oMonthInd.find("span").css({"background": sMarkedColor});
+ }
+ $oMonthInd.find("span").css({"width": iArrTempLength + "%"});
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "MonthView") && $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.actionOnDayClickInMonthView, "DisplayEventListDialog"))
+ {
+ if($(to.elem).find(".cmvMonthTableMain " +sDayId).has(".cmvDisplayAllEvents").length === 0)
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvMonthTableMain " +sDayId).prepend("... ");
+ }
+ }
+ if(!$.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.actionOnDayClickInMonthView, "ChangeDate"))
+ to._displayEventOnDayClickInMonthView();
+ to.adjustMonthTable();
+ to.addRemoveViewLoader(false, "cEventLoaderBg");
+ to.addRemoveLoaderIndicators(false, "cEventLoaderIndicator");
+ to.__modifyFilterBarCallback();
+ });
+ },
+ // Public Method
+ updateMonthTableAndContents: function(bLoadAllData)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvDisplayAllEvents").remove();
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvEvent").remove();
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdmvEvent").remove();
+ $(to.elem).find(".cHiddenEventsIndicator").remove();
+ $(to.elem).find(".cHiddenEventsCont").remove();
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvDialog").remove();
+ to._updateMonthTable();
+ to._updateMonthTableContents(bLoadAllData);
+ },
+ _addHoverClassesInMonthView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ if($(to.elem).find(".cContHeaderLabelMonth" + ", " + ".cContHeaderLabelYear").hasClass("sClickableClass"))
+ {
+ $(to.elem).find(".cContHeaderLabelMonth" + ", " + ".cContHeaderLabelYear").hover(
+ function(e)
+ {
+ $(this).addClass("cContHeaderLabelHover");
+ },
+ function(e)
+ {
+ $(this).removeClass("cContHeaderLabelHover");
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvDay").hover(
+ function(e)
+ {
+ $(this).addClass("cContHeaderButtonsHover");
+ },
+ function(e)
+ {
+ $(this).removeClass("cContHeaderButtonsHover");
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ _addEventContInMonthView: function(bLoadAllData)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var sTempInner = "", iElemIndex,
+ $oElemDragged, sDroppableId, sEventId, sId, oDraggedEvent, sEventClass, sElemId,
+ dStartDateTime = null, dEndDateTime = null, bIsAllDay = 0,
+ iArrNumOfDays, iNumOfDays, iNumOfHours, sDayId, sArrDayId, dThisDate, dNextDate, bNextDate,
+ dStartDateAfterDrop, dEndDateAfterDrop, bEventEntered = false;
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "MonthView") && to.setting.displayEventsInMonthView)
+ {
+ sTempInner += "";
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvMonthTableMain .cmvDay").not(".cmvWeekNumber").append(sTempInner);
+ }
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvDay").droppable(
+ {
+ scope: "Events",
+ over: function(event, ui)
+ {
+ $oElemDragged = $(ui.draggable);
+ sEventId = $oElemDragged.attr("id");
+ sId = $oElemDragged.attr("data-id");
+ oDraggedEvent = to.getEventWithId(sId);
+ sEventClass = "." + "Event-" + sId;
+ dStartDateTime = null; dEndDateTime = null; bIsAllDay = 0;
+ $(to.elem).find(sEventClass).addClass("cEditingEventClone");
+ if(oDraggedEvent.start !== null)
+ dStartDateTime = oDraggedEvent.start;
+ if(oDraggedEvent.end !== null)
+ dEndDateTime = oDraggedEvent.end;
+ if(oDraggedEvent.isAllDay !== null)
+ bIsAllDay = oDraggedEvent.isAllDay;
+ iArrNumOfDays = to.getNumberOfDaysOfEvent(bIsAllDay, dStartDateTime, dEndDateTime, true, false, true);
+ iNumOfDays = iArrNumOfDays[0];
+ iNumOfHours = iArrNumOfDays[1];
+ sDayId = $(this).attr("id");
+ sArrDayId = sDayId.split("-");
+ dThisDate = new Date(sArrDayId[3], sArrDayId[2], sArrDayId[1], 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ dNextDate = new Date(dThisDate);
+ bNextDate = false;
+ dStartDateAfterDrop = to.setDateInFormat({"iDate": {d: parseInt(sArrDayId[1]), M: parseInt(sArrDayId[2]), y: parseInt(sArrDayId[3]), H: dStartDateTime.getHours(), m: dStartDateTime.getMinutes(), s: dStartDateTime.getSeconds()}}, "");
+ dEndDateAfterDrop = new Date(dStartDateAfterDrop.getTime() + (dEndDateTime.getTime() - dStartDateTime.getTime()));
+ if(to.tv.bChkDroppable)
+ {
+ $oElemDragged = $(to.elem).find("#" + sEventId + ".ui-draggable-dragging");
+ sDroppableId = $oElemDragged.attr("data-droppableid");
+ bEventEntered = to._findWhetherEventEnteredNonDroppableZone(dStartDateAfterDrop, dEndDateAfterDrop, bIsAllDay, iNumOfDays, sDroppableId);
+ if(bEventEntered)
+ {
+ $oElemDragged.addClass("cCursorNotAllowed");
+ $oElemDragged.find(".cEventLink").addClass("cCursorNotAllowed");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $oElemDragged.removeClass("cCursorNotAllowed");
+ $oElemDragged.find(".cEventLink").removeClass("cCursorNotAllowed");
+ }
+ }
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvDay").removeClass("cActivatedCell");
+ for(iElemIndex = 0; iElemIndex < iNumOfDays; iElemIndex++)
+ {
+ if(iElemIndex > 0)
+ {
+ dNextDate = new Date(dNextDate.getTime() + $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.d);
+ bNextDate = to.compareDates(dNextDate, to.tv.dVEDt);
+ }
+ if((iElemIndex === 0 || bNextDate <= 0) && to.__findWhetherDateIsVisibleInCurrentView(dNextDate, (bIsAllDay || iNumOfHours > 23), dStartDateTime, dEndDateTime))
+ {
+ sElemId = "#cmvDay" + "-" + dNextDate.getDate() + "-" + dNextDate.getMonth() + "-" + dNextDate.getFullYear();
+ $(to.elem).find(sElemId).addClass("cActivatedCell");
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ drop: function(event, ui)
+ {
+ $oElemDragged = $(ui.draggable);
+ sEventId = $oElemDragged.attr("id");
+ sId = $oElemDragged.attr("data-id");
+ oDraggedEvent = to.getEventWithId(sId);
+ sEventClass = "." + "Event-" + sId;
+ dStartDateTime = null; dEndDateTime = null; bIsAllDay = 0;
+ if(oDraggedEvent.start !== null)
+ dStartDateTime = oDraggedEvent.start;
+ if(oDraggedEvent.end !== null)
+ dEndDateTime = oDraggedEvent.end;
+ if(oDraggedEvent.isAllDay !== null)
+ bIsAllDay = oDraggedEvent.isAllDay;
+ iArrNumOfDays = to.getNumberOfDaysOfEvent(bIsAllDay, dStartDateTime, dEndDateTime, true, false, true);
+ iNumOfDays = iArrNumOfDays[0];
+ iNumOfHours = iArrNumOfDays[1];
+ sDayId = $(this).attr("id");
+ sArrDayId = sDayId.split("-");
+ dStartDateAfterDrop = to.setDateInFormat({"iDate": {d: parseInt(sArrDayId[1]), M: parseInt(sArrDayId[2]), y: parseInt(sArrDayId[3]), H: dStartDateTime.getHours(), m: dStartDateTime.getMinutes(), s: dStartDateTime.getSeconds()}}, "");
+ dEndDateAfterDrop = new Date(dStartDateAfterDrop.getTime() + (dEndDateTime.getTime() - dStartDateTime.getTime()));
+ if(to.tv.bChkDroppable)
+ {
+ $oElemDragged = $(to.elem).find("#" + sEventId + ".ui-draggable-dragging");
+ sDroppableId = $oElemDragged.attr("data-droppableid");
+ bEventEntered = to._findWhetherEventEnteredNonDroppableZone(dStartDateAfterDrop, dEndDateAfterDrop, bIsAllDay, iNumOfDays, sDroppableId);
+ $oElemDragged.removeClass("cCursorNotAllowed");
+ $oElemDragged.find(".cEventLink").removeClass("cCursorNotAllowed");
+ }
+ var iComp = to.compareDates(dEndDateTime, $.CalenStyle.extra.dToday);
+ if(iComp >= 0)
+ $(to.elem).find(sEventClass).removeClass("cEditingEventClone");
+ else if(iComp < 0)
+ $(to.elem).find(sEventClass).removeClass("cEditingEventClone").addClass("cBlurredEvent");
+ if(to.tv.draggableParent === $(this).attr("id") || bEventEntered)
+ {
+ to.tv.iTSEndEditing = $.cf.getTimestamp();
+ to.tv.bDroppedInDifferent = false;
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ var $oEventClone = $("#"+sEventId+".cEventClone");
+ $("#"+sEventId).attr("style", $oEventClone.attr("style"));
+ $(sEventClass).removeClass("cEditingEvent cEditingEventUI cEventBeingDragged");
+ $oEventClone.remove();
+ }, 300);
+ return true;
+ }
+ to.tv.bDroppedInDifferent = true;
+ var sEventContClass = "";
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "MonthView"))
+ {
+ if(bIsAllDay === true || iNumOfHours> 23)
+ sEventContClass += ".cmvEventContAllDay";
+ else
+ sEventContClass += ".cmvEventContSmall";
+ }
+ if(to.__updateEventWithId(sId, dStartDateAfterDrop, dEndDateAfterDrop))
+ {
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvDisplayAllEvents").remove();
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvEvent").remove();
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdmvEvent").remove();
+ $(to.elem).find(".cHiddenEventsIndicator").remove();
+ $(to.elem).find(".cHiddenEventsCont").remove();
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvDialog").remove();
+ to._addEventsInMonthView(null);
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DetailedMonthView"))
+ to._adjustEventsInMonthView();
+ }
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvDay").removeClass("cActivatedCell");
+ if(to.setting.saveChangesOnEventDrop)
+ to.setting.saveChangesOnEventDrop.call(to, oDraggedEvent, dStartDateTime, dEndDateTime, dStartDateAfterDrop, dEndDateAfterDrop);
+ to.tv.iTSEndEditing = $.cf.getTimestamp();
+ }
+ });
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "MonthView"))
+ to.adjustMonthTable();
+ to.__parseData(bLoadAllData, function()
+ {
+ to._addEventsInMonthView(null);
+ to.adjustMonthTable();
+ to.__modifyFilterBarCallback();
+ });
+ },
+ _addEventsInMonthView: function(oHiddenEventsDialog)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var bEventsInDialog, oArrTempEvents, dDialogDayStart, dDialogDayEnd,
+ dMonthStartDate = new Date($.CalenStyle.extra.dToday);
+ dMonthStartDate.setDate(1);
+ var bHideEventIcon = $.cf.isValid(to.setting.hideEventIcon[to.setting.visibleView]) ? to.setting.hideEventIcon[to.setting.visibleView] : $.cf.isValid(to.setting.hideEventIcon.Default) ? to.setting.hideEventIcon.Default : false,
+ bHideEventTime = $.cf.isValid(to.setting.hideEventTime[to.setting.visibleView]) ? to.setting.hideEventTime[to.setting.visibleView] : $.cf.isValid(to.setting.hideEventTime.Default) ? to.setting.hideEventTime.Default : false,
+ sEventTimeFormat = to.setting.is24Hour ? "HH:mm" : "h[:m]sm",
+ iNoBsDays = to.setting.excludeNonBusinessHours ? to.tv.iBsDays : 7;
+ if($.cf.isValid(oHiddenEventsDialog) && oHiddenEventsDialog.oArrEvents.length > 0)
+ {
+ bEventsInDialog = true;
+ oArrTempEvents = oHiddenEventsDialog.oArrEvents;
+ dDialogDayStart = oHiddenEventsDialog.dDayStart;
+ dDialogDayEnd = oHiddenEventsDialog.dDayEnd;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DetailedMonthView"))
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdmvEventContMain").html("");
+ oArrTempEvents = to.getArrayOfEventsForView(to.tv.dVSDt, to.tv.dVEDt);
+ to.tv.bAWkRw = [];
+ for(var iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < 6; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ var oArrTempRow = [];
+ for(var iRowIndex = 0; iRowIndex < (to.tv.iMxEvRw - 1); iRowIndex++)
+ {
+ oArrTempRow.push(new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0));
+ }
+ to.tv.bAWkRw.push(oArrTempRow);
+ }
+ }
+ if(oArrTempEvents.length > 0)
+ {
+ // DetailedMonthView
+ var iEventHeightForAllEvents = $.CalenStyle.extra.iEventHeights[to.setting.visibleView],
+ sTooltipEventClass = "",
+ // MonthView
+ iDayWidth = $(to.elem).find(".cmvTableColumn0").width(),
+ iHeightOfAllDayEvents = to._getHeightForAllDayEventInMonthView(),
+ iHeightOfSmallEvents = to._getHeightForSmallEventInMonthView(),
+ iMarginForSmallEvent = to._getMarginValueForSmallEventInMonthView(),
+ sMarginForSmallEvent = iMarginForSmallEvent + "px" + " " + iMarginForSmallEvent+ "px";
+ for(var iEventIndex = 0; iEventIndex < oArrTempEvents.length; iEventIndex++)
+ {
+ var oEvent = oArrTempEvents[iEventIndex],
+ dStartDateTime = null, dEndDateTime = null, bIsAllDay = 0,
+ sTitle = "", sDesc = "", sType = "", sURL = "",
+ bIsMarked = false,
+ bDragNDrop = false,
+ sDroppableId = "",
+ sId = "Event-" + oEvent.calEventId;
+ if(oEvent.start !== null)
+ dStartDateTime = oEvent.start;
+ if(oEvent.end !== null)
+ dEndDateTime = oEvent.end;
+ if(oEvent.isAllDay !== null)
+ bIsAllDay = oEvent.isAllDay;
+ if(oEvent.title !== null)
+ sTitle = oEvent.title;
+ if(oEvent.desc !== null)
+ sDesc = oEvent.desc;
+ if(oEvent.type !== null)
+ sType = oEvent.type;
+ if(oEvent.url !== null)
+ sURL = oEvent.url;
+ if(oEvent.droppableId !== null)
+ sDroppableId = oEvent.droppableId;
+ if(oEvent.isDragNDropInMonthView !== null)
+ bDragNDrop = oEvent.isDragNDropInMonthView;
+ if(oEvent.isMarked !== null)
+ bIsMarked = oEvent.isMarked;
+ if(bIsMarked)
+ bIsAllDay = true;
+ var iArrTempNum = to.getNumberOfDaysOfEvent(bIsAllDay, dStartDateTime, dEndDateTime, true, true, true),
+ iNumOfEventElements = iArrTempNum[0],
+ iNumberOfHours = iArrTempNum[1];
+ if(iNumOfEventElements > 0)
+ {
+ var sDayId = "", $oDay,
+ iNumOfSegs = iNumOfEventElements, iNumOfDays, sPartialEvent = "", iNumberOfHrs = 0,
+ dTempStartDateTime = new Date(dStartDateTime),
+ dTempEndDateTime = new Date(dEndDateTime),
+ dTempSDT, dTemp, iDateIndex, sArrDateTime, sEventColor, sEventBorderColor, sEventTextColor, sNonAllDayEventTextColor,
+ sColorStyle = "", sEventIconStyle = "", sEventIconDotStyle = "", sLinkStyle = "", sStyle = "",
+ sPartialEventStyle = "",
+ sIcon, sEventClass, oEventTooltip, sDateTime, sTemplate, sIdElem, $oSeg, $oSegContent,
+ sEventTitle, sEventContent, iArrNumOfDays, bActualStartDate,
+ sDataDroppableId, bLeftPartial = false, bRightPartial = false,
+ bAddedHidden = false, bAddedLessElems = false, iAddedElemsLength = 0;
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DetailedMonthView"))
+ {
+ sTooltipEventClass = ".cdmvEvent";
+ if(bEventsInDialog)
+ {
+ if(to.compareDates(dStartDateTime, dDialogDayStart) < 0 && Math.abs(to.__getDifference("m", dDialogDayStart, dStartDateTime)) > 1)
+ {
+ bLeftPartial = true;
+ sPartialEvent = "Left";
+ dTempStartDateTime = new Date(dDialogDayStart);
+ }
+ if(to.compareDates(dDialogDayEnd, dEndDateTime) < 0 && Math.abs(to.__getDifference("m", dDialogDayEnd, dEndDateTime)) > 1)
+ {
+ bRightPartial = true;
+ sPartialEvent = "Right";
+ dTempEndDateTime = new Date(dDialogDayEnd);
+ }
+ sDayId = "#cmvDay" + "-" + dDialogDayStart.getDate() + "-" + dDialogDayStart.getMonth() + "-" + dDialogDayStart.getFullYear();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(to.compareDates(dStartDateTime, to.tv.dVSDt) < 0 && Math.abs(to.__getDifference("m", to.tv.dVSDt, dStartDateTime)) > 1)
+ {
+ sPartialEvent = "Left";
+ dTempStartDateTime = new Date(to.tv.dVSDt);
+ }
+ if(to.compareDates(to.tv.dVEDt, dEndDateTime) < 0 && Math.abs(to.__getDifference("m", to.tv.dVEDt, dEndDateTime)) > 1)
+ {
+ sPartialEvent = "Right";
+ dTempEndDateTime = new Date(to.tv.dVEDt);
+ }
+ dTempSDT = new Date(dTempStartDateTime);
+ bActualStartDate = true;
+ while(!to.__findWhetherDateIsVisibleInCurrentView(dTempSDT, (bIsAllDay || iNumberOfHours > 23), dTempStartDateTime, dTempEndDateTime))
+ {
+ dTempSDT.setDate(dTempSDT.getDate() + 1);
+ bActualStartDate = false;
+ if(to.compareDates(dTempSDT, dTempEndDateTime) > 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ dTempStartDateTime = new Date(dTempSDT);
+ sDayId = "#cmvDay" + "-" + dTempStartDateTime.getDate() + "-" + dTempStartDateTime.getMonth() + "-" + dTempStartDateTime.getFullYear();
+ }
+ iArrNumOfDays = to.getNumberOfDaysOfEvent(bIsAllDay, dTempStartDateTime, dTempEndDateTime, true, true, bActualStartDate);
+ iNumOfDays = iArrNumOfDays[0];
+ iNumOfSegs = iArrNumOfDays[0];
+ iNumberOfHrs = iArrNumOfDays[1];
+ if(iNumberOfHrs > 0)
+ {
+ sEventClass = "cdmvEvent ";
+ sEventColor = oEvent.backgroundColor;
+ sEventColor = (!$.cf.isValid(sEventColor) || $.cf.compareStrings(sEventColor, "transparent")) ? "transparent" : sEventColor;
+ sEventBorderColor = oEvent.borderColor || $.cf.addHashToHexcode(to.setting.borderColor);
+ sEventBorderColor = (!$.cf.isValid(sEventBorderColor) || $.cf.compareStrings(sEventBorderColor, "transparent")) ? "transparent" : sEventBorderColor;
+ sEventTextColor = oEvent.textColor || $.cf.addHashToHexcode(to.setting.textColor);
+ sEventTextColor = (!$.cf.isValid(sEventTextColor) || $.cf.compareStrings(sEventTextColor, "transparent")) ? $.cf.addHashToHexcode(to.setting.textColor) : sEventTextColor;
+ sNonAllDayEventTextColor = $.cf.isValid(oEvent.nonAllDayEventsTextColor) ? oEvent.nonAllDayEventsTextColor : oEvent.backgroundColor;
+ sNonAllDayEventTextColor = (!$.cf.isValid(sNonAllDayEventTextColor) || $.cf.compareStrings(sNonAllDayEventTextColor, "transparent")) ? oEvent.backgroundColor : sNonAllDayEventTextColor;
+ if(bIsAllDay === true || iNumberOfHours > 23)
+ {
+ if(bIsMarked)
+ {
+ if(oEvent.fromSingleColor)
+ {
+ sColorStyle += "background: " + sEventColor + "; ";
+ sColorStyle += "border-color: " + sEventBorderColor + "; ";
+ sColorStyle += "color: " + sEventTextColor + "; ";
+ sLinkStyle += "color: " + sEventTextColor + "; ";
+ sEventIconStyle = "background: " + sEventTextColor + "; color: #FFFFFF";
+ sEventIconDotStyle = "background: " + sEventTextColor + "; ";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sEventBorderColor = sEventColor;
+ sColorStyle += "background: " + $.cf.getRGBAString(sEventColor, 0.1) + "; ";
+ sColorStyle += "border-color: " + sEventBorderColor + "; ";
+ sColorStyle += "color: " + sEventColor + "; ";
+ sLinkStyle += "color: " + sEventColor + "; ";
+ sEventIconStyle = "background: " + sEventColor + "; color: " + sEventTextColor;
+ sEventIconDotStyle = "background: " + sEventColor + "; ";
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sColorStyle += "background: " + sEventColor + "; ";
+ sColorStyle += "border-color: " + sEventBorderColor + "; ";
+ sColorStyle += "color: " + sEventTextColor + "; ";
+ sLinkStyle += "color: " + sEventTextColor + "; ";
+ sEventIconStyle = "color: " + sEventTextColor + "; ";
+ sEventIconDotStyle = "background: " + sEventTextColor + "; ";
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(to.setting.onlyTextForNonAllDayEvents)
+ {
+ sEventClass += "cEventOnlyText ";
+ sColorStyle += "color: " + sNonAllDayEventTextColor + "; ";
+ sColorStyle += "border-color: transparent; ";
+ iNumOfSegs = 1;
+ sPartialEvent = "";
+ sLinkStyle += "color: " + sNonAllDayEventTextColor + "; ";
+ sEventIconStyle = "color: " + sNonAllDayEventTextColor + "; ";
+ sEventIconDotStyle = "background: " + sNonAllDayEventTextColor + "; ";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sColorStyle += "background: " + sEventColor + "; ";
+ sColorStyle += "border-color: " + sEventBorderColor + "; ";
+ sColorStyle += "color: " + sEventTextColor + "; ";
+ sLinkStyle += "color: " + sEventTextColor + "; ";
+ sEventIconStyle = "color: " + sEventTextColor + "; ";
+ sEventIconDotStyle = "background: " + sEventTextColor + "; ";
+ }
+ }
+ sPartialEventStyle = "border-color: " + (oEvent.fromSingleColor ? sEventTextColor : "#000000");
+ if(bIsMarked)
+ sIcon = ($.cf.isValid(oEvent.icon) && oEvent.icon !== "Dot") ? oEvent.icon : "cs-icon-Mark";
+ else
+ sIcon = $.cf.isValid(oEvent.icon) ? oEvent.icon : to.setting.eventIcon;
+ if(to.compareDates(dEndDateTime, dMonthStartDate) < 0)
+ sEventClass += "cBlurredEvent ";
+ if(bDragNDrop)
+ sEventClass += "EventDraggable cDragNDrop ";
+ if(to.setting.isTooltipInMonthView)
+ sEventClass += "cEventTooltip ";
+ sEventClass += sId;
+ if(bIsMarked)
+ sEventClass += " cMarkedDayEvent";
+ sEventTitle = sTitle;
+ sEventContent = sDesc;
+ var $oRow = $(to.elem).find(sDayId).parent(),
+ sRow = $oRow.attr("id"),
+ iRow = parseInt(sRow.replace("cmvMonthTableRow", "")) - 1,
+ iColumn = $(to.elem).find(sDayId).index(),
+ sHeight, sPartialClass;
+ if(to.setting.displayWeekNumInMonthView)
+ iColumn--;
+ if(bEventsInDialog)
+ {
+ iTableRowIndex = 0;
+ iEventRow = iEventIndex;
+ iEventColumn = 0;
+ iEventLengthInRow = 1;
+ sEventSegId = sId + "-Hidden";
+ sName = iTableRowIndex + "|" + (iEventRow + 1) + "|" + iEventColumn + "|" + iEventLengthInRow;
+ sHeight = iEventHeightForAllEvents + "px";
+ sStyle = sColorStyle;
+ sStyle += "height: " + sHeight + "; ";
+ if(sEventBorderColor === "transparent")
+ sStyle += "border-width: 0px; ";
+ sEventClass += " cHiddenEvent";
+ sDataDroppableId = $.cf.isValid(sDroppableId) ? "data-droppableid='" + sDroppableId + "'" : "";
+ sTemplate = "";
+ $(to.elem).find(".cHiddenEventsCont").append(sTemplate);
+ sIdElem = "#"+sEventSegId;
+ $oSeg = $(to.elem).find(sIdElem);
+ $oSegContent = $oSeg.find(".cEventLink");
+ oEventTooltip = {};
+ sDateTime = to.getEventDateTimeString(dStartDateTime, dEndDateTime, bIsAllDay, "&&");
+ sArrDateTime = sDateTime.split("&&");
+ oEventTooltip.title = sTitle;
+ oEventTooltip.startDateTime = sArrDateTime[0];
+ oEventTooltip.endDateTime = sArrDateTime[1];
+ $oSeg.data("tooltipcontent", oEventTooltip);
+ if(to.setting.eventRendered)
+ to.setting.eventRendered.call(to, oEvent, $oSeg, $oSegContent, to.setting.visibleView, true);
+ if($.cf.isValid(sURL) || to.setting.eventClicked)
+ {
+ $oSegContent.on($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandler, {"url": sURL, "eventId": oEvent.calEventId, "eventElemSelector": sIdElem, "view": "MonthView", "pluginId": to.tv.pluginId}, to.__bindClick);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ var iAddedDays = 0, iEventSegIndex = 0, sName;
+ for(var iTableRowIndex = iRow; iTableRowIndex < to.tv.bAWkRw.length; iTableRowIndex++)
+ {
+ sId = "Event-" + oEvent.calEventId;
+ var bArrCurrentRow = to.tv.bAWkRw[iTableRowIndex],
+ iEventRow = -1;
+ bLeftPartial = false; bRightPartial = false;
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(sPartialEvent, "Left"))
+ bLeftPartial = (iAddedDays > 0) ? false : true;
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(sPartialEvent, "Right"))
+ bRightPartial = true;
+ if(iAddedDays < iNumOfSegs)
+ {
+ var iEventColumn = (iAddedDays > 0 && !bAddedHidden && !bAddedLessElems) ? 0 : iColumn,
+ iEventLengthInRow = (iNumOfSegs - iAddedDays),
+ iEventLengthInWeek = ((to.setting.excludeNonBusinessHours) ? to.tv.iBsDays : 7) - iEventColumn;
+ bAddedHidden = false;
+ bAddedLessElems = false;
+ iAddedElemsLength = 0;
+ if(iEventLengthInRow > iEventLengthInWeek)
+ {
+ iEventLengthInRow = iEventLengthInWeek;
+ bRightPartial = true;
+ }
+ if(iAddedDays > 0)
+ bLeftPartial = true;
+ var iMaxColumn = iEventColumn + iEventLengthInRow;
+ var bInnerRow, iTempIndex2, iTempIndex3, iTempEventLengthInRow;
+ for(iTempIndex2 = 0; iTempIndex2 < bArrCurrentRow.length; iTempIndex2++)
+ {
+ bInnerRow = bArrCurrentRow[iTempIndex2];
+ if(iEventRow !== -1)
+ break;
+ iTempEventLengthInRow = 0;
+ for(iTempIndex3 = iEventColumn; iTempIndex3 < iMaxColumn; iTempIndex3++)
+ {
+ if(bInnerRow[iTempIndex3] === 0 && iTempEventLengthInRow < iEventLengthInRow)
+ {
+ if(to.setting.hideExtraEvents)
+ {
+ if(iTempIndex3 === iEventColumn)
+ iTempEventLengthInRow++;
+ else if(iTempEventLengthInRow > 0)
+ iTempEventLengthInRow++;
+ }
+ else
+ iTempEventLengthInRow++;
+ if(iTempEventLengthInRow === iEventLengthInRow)
+ {
+ iEventRow = iTempIndex2;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(to.setting.hideExtraEvents)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(to.setting.hideExtraEvents && (iTempEventLengthInRow > 0) && (iTempEventLengthInRow < iEventLengthInRow))
+ {
+ iEventRow = iTempIndex2;
+ bRightPartial = true;
+ bAddedLessElems = true;
+ iAddedElemsLength = iTempEventLengthInRow;
+ }
+ }
+ iEventColumn = (iEventColumn > (iNoBsDays - 1)) ? (iNoBsDays - 1) : iEventColumn;
+ if((to.setting.hideExtraEvents && iEventRow !== -1) || !to.setting.hideExtraEvents)
+ {
+ if(iEventRow === -1)
+ {
+ bArrCurrentRow.push([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]);
+ iEventRow = bArrCurrentRow.length - 1;
+ }
+ bInnerRow = bArrCurrentRow[iEventRow];
+ var sEventSegId = sId + "-" + (++iEventSegIndex);
+ //--------------------------- Add Event Start -----------------------------
+ sName = iTableRowIndex + "|" + (iEventRow + 1) + "|" + iEventColumn + "|" + (bAddedLessElems ? iAddedElemsLength : iEventLengthInRow);
+ sHeight = iEventHeightForAllEvents + "px";
+ sStyle = sColorStyle;
+ sStyle += "height: " + sHeight + "; ";
+ if(sEventBorderColor === "transparent")
+ sStyle += "border-width: 0px; ";
+ sDataDroppableId = $.cf.isValid(sDroppableId) ? "data-droppableid='" + sDroppableId + "'" : "";
+ sTemplate = "";
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdmvEventContMain").append(sTemplate);
+ sIdElem = "#"+sEventSegId;
+ $oSeg = $(to.elem).find(sIdElem);
+ $oSegContent = $oSeg.find(".cEventLink");
+ oEventTooltip = {};
+ sDateTime = to.getEventDateTimeString(dStartDateTime, dEndDateTime, bIsAllDay, "&&");
+ sArrDateTime = sDateTime.split("&&");
+ oEventTooltip.title = sTitle;
+ oEventTooltip.startDateTime = sArrDateTime[0];
+ oEventTooltip.endDateTime = sArrDateTime[1];
+ $oSeg.data("tooltipcontent", oEventTooltip);
+ if(to.setting.eventRendered)
+ to.setting.eventRendered.call(to, oEvent, $oSeg, $oSegContent, to.setting.visibleView, false);
+ if($.cf.isValid(sURL) || to.setting.eventClicked)
+ $oSegContent.on($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandler, {"url": sURL, "eventId": oEvent.calEventId, "eventElemSelector": sIdElem, "view": "MonthView", "pluginId": to.tv.pluginId}, to.__bindClick);
+ if(bIsMarked)
+ {
+ $oDay = $(to.elem).find(sDayId);
+ dTemp = new Date(dTempStartDateTime);
+ for(iDateIndex = 0; iDateIndex < iNumOfDays; iDateIndex++)
+ {
+ if(iDateIndex > 0)
+ {
+ dTemp.setDate(dTemp.getDate() + 1);
+ sDayId = "#cmvDay" + "-" + dTemp.getDate() + "-" + dTemp.getMonth() + "-" + dTemp.getFullYear();
+ $oDay = $(to.elem).find(sDayId);
+ }
+ if($oDay.find(".cMarkedDayIndicator").length === 0)
+ $oDay.append(" ");
+ if($.cf.isValid(sEventColor))
+ {
+ if(oEvent.fromSingleColor)
+ $oDay.css({"background": sEventColor});
+ else
+ $oDay.css({"background": $.cf.getRGBAString(sEventColor, 0.1)});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //--------------------------- Add Event End -----------------------------
+ if(to.setting.hideExtraEvents)
+ {
+ var iMaxElemIndex = iEventColumn + (bAddedLessElems ? iAddedElemsLength : iEventLengthInRow);
+ for(iTempIndex3 = iEventColumn; iTempIndex3 < iMaxElemIndex; iTempIndex3++)
+ {
+ bInnerRow[iTempIndex3] = 1;
+ iAddedDays++;
+ }
+ if(bAddedLessElems)
+ iTableRowIndex--;
+ dTempStartDateTime = new Date(dTempStartDateTime.getTime() + ((iMaxElemIndex - iEventColumn) * $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.d));
+ sDayId = "#cmvDay" + "-" + dTempStartDateTime.getDate() + "-" + dTempStartDateTime.getMonth() + "-" + dTempStartDateTime.getFullYear();
+ iColumn = $(to.elem).find(sDayId).index();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for(iTempIndex3 = iEventColumn; iTempIndex3 < iMaxColumn; iTempIndex3++)
+ {
+ bInnerRow[iTempIndex3] = 1;
+ iAddedDays++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ var $oCDMVEvContM = $(to.elem).find(".cdmvEventContMain"),
+ dDayStart = to.setDateInFormat({"date": dTempStartDateTime}, "START"),
+ dDayEnd = to.setDateInFormat({"date": dTempStartDateTime}, "END"),
+ iEventLength = to.getEventCountAndIsMarkedDay(dDayStart, dDayEnd)[0],
+ sDateId = dDayStart.getDate() + "-" + dDayStart.getMonth() + "-" + dDayStart.getFullYear();
+ sId = "HiddenEvents-" + sDateId;
+ var iExtraEventCount = iEventLength - bArrCurrentRow.length,
+ sExtraEventCount = to.getNumberStringInFormat(iExtraEventCount, 0, true),
+ $oDateDay = $(to.elem).find("#cmvDay-" + sDateId),
+ sDateRow = $oDateDay.closest('.cmvMonthTableRows').index(),
+ sDateColumn = $oDateDay.index();
+ sDateColumn = to.setting.displayWeekNumInMonthView ? (sDateColumn - 1) : sDateColumn;
+ sName = sDateRow + "|" + (bArrCurrentRow.length + 1) + "|" + sDateColumn + "|" + 1;
+ if($oCDMVEvContM.find("#"+sId).length === 0 && iExtraEventCount > 0)
+ {
+ var sEventOverflow = "";
+ sEventOverflow += to.setting.hiddenEventsIndicatorLabel.replace("(count)", sExtraEventCount);
+ sEventOverflow += " ";
+ $oCDMVEvContM.append(sEventOverflow);
+ }
+ else
+ $oCDMVEvContM.find("#"+sId).html(to.setting.hiddenEventsIndicatorLabel.replace("(count)", sExtraEventCount));
+ iAddedDays++;
+ if(iEventColumn !== (iNoBsDays - 1))
+ {
+ bAddedHidden = true;
+ iTableRowIndex--;
+ }
+ dTempStartDateTime = new Date(dTempStartDateTime.getTime() + $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.d);
+ sDayId = "#cmvDay" + "-" + dTempStartDateTime.getDate() + "-" + dTempStartDateTime.getMonth() + "-" + dTempStartDateTime.getFullYear();
+ iColumn = $(to.elem).find(sDayId).index();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "MonthView"))
+ {
+ sTooltipEventClass = ".cmvEvent";
+ var iEventElemTopPosition = 0,
+ bShowDetails = 0;
+ if(to.compareDates(dStartDateTime, to.tv.dVSDt) < 0)
+ {
+ sPartialEvent = "Left";
+ dTempStartDateTime = new Date(to.tv.dVSDt);
+ }
+ if(to.compareDates(to.tv.dVEDt, dEndDateTime) < 0)
+ {
+ sPartialEvent = "Right";
+ dTempEndDateTime = new Date(to.tv.dVEDt);
+ }
+ dTempSDT = new Date(dTempStartDateTime);
+ bActualStartDate = true;
+ while(!to.__findWhetherDateIsVisibleInCurrentView(dTempSDT, (bIsAllDay || iNumberOfHours > 23), dTempStartDateTime, dTempEndDateTime))
+ {
+ dTempSDT.setDate(dTempSDT.getDate() + 1);
+ bActualStartDate = false;
+ if(to.compareDates(dTempSDT, dTempEndDateTime) > 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ dTempStartDateTime = new Date(dTempSDT);
+ iArrNumOfDays = to.getNumberOfDaysOfEvent(bIsAllDay, dTempStartDateTime, dTempEndDateTime, true, false, bActualStartDate);
+ iNumOfSegs = iArrNumOfDays[0];
+ iNumberOfHrs = iArrNumOfDays[1];
+ sEventColor = oEvent.fromSingleColor ? oEvent.textColor : oEvent.backgroundColor;
+ sEventColor = ($.cf.compareStrings(sEventColor, "") || $.cf.compareStrings(sEventColor, "transparent")) ? "transparent" : sEventColor;
+ if(bIsMarked)
+ {
+ dTemp = new Date(dTempStartDateTime);
+ for(iDateIndex = 0; iDateIndex < iNumOfSegs; iDateIndex++)
+ {
+ if(iDateIndex > 0)
+ dTemp.setDate(dTemp.getDate() + 1);
+ sDayId = "#cmvDay" + "-" + dTemp.getDate() + "-" + dTemp.getMonth() + "-" + dTemp.getFullYear();
+ $oDay = $(to.elem).find(sDayId);
+ if($.cf.isValid(sEventColor))
+ $oDay.css({"background": $.cf.getRGBAString(sEventColor, 0.1)});
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(!(bIsAllDay === true || iNumberOfHrs > 23))
+ {
+ sPartialEvent = "";
+ iNumOfSegs = 1;
+ }
+ var dThisDate = new Date(dTempStartDateTime),
+ iThisDate = dThisDate.getTime();
+ for(var iEventElem = 1; iEventElem <= iNumOfSegs; iEventElem++)
+ {
+ if(to.__findWhetherDateIsVisibleInCurrentView(dThisDate, (bIsAllDay || iNumberOfHours > 23), dTempStartDateTime, dTempEndDateTime))
+ {
+ sDayId = "#cmvDay" + "-" + dThisDate.getDate() + "-" + dThisDate.getMonth() + "-" + dThisDate.getFullYear();
+ var isFirstDay = false;
+ if(iEventElem === 1)
+ isFirstDay = true;
+ if(to.setting.displayEventsInMonthView)
+ {
+ sEventClass = "cmvEvent ";
+ if(bIsAllDay === true || iNumberOfHours > 23)
+ {
+ sEventClass += "cmvEventAllDay ";
+ if(to.compareDates(dThisDate, dStartDateTime) === 0 && iNumOfSegs === 1)
+ sEventClass += "cmvEventAllDaySingle ";
+ else if(to.compareDates(dThisDate, dStartDateTime) === 0)
+ sEventClass += "cmvEventAllDayFirst ";
+ else if(to.compareDates(dThisDate, dEndDateTime) === 0)
+ sEventClass += "cmvEventAllDayLast ";
+ else
+ sEventClass += "cmvEventAllDayMiddle ";
+ }
+ else
+ sEventClass += "cmvEventSmall ";
+ if(to.compareDates(dEndDateTime, dMonthStartDate) < 0)
+ sEventClass += ("cBlurredEvent ");
+ if(bDragNDrop)
+ sEventClass += ("EventDraggable cDragNDrop ");
+ if(to.setting.isTooltipInMonthView)
+ sEventClass += ("cEventTooltip ");
+ sEventClass += sId;
+ sEventTitle = sTitle;
+ sEventContent = sDesc;
+ if(bIsAllDay === 1 || bIsAllDay === true || iNumberOfHours > 23)
+ {
+ if(isFirstDay)
+ {
+ var iTopPosition;
+ var oArrChildren = $(to.elem).find(".cmvMonthTableMain "+sDayId+" .cmvEventCont .cmvEventContAllDay").children();
+ var iArrTopPositions = [];
+ for(var iChildElem = 0; iChildElem < oArrChildren.length; iChildElem++)
+ iArrTopPositions.push($(to.elem).find(oArrChildren[iChildElem]).position().top);
+ var iAllDayEventHeight = to._getHeightForAllDayEventInMonthView(),
+ iSpaceBetweenEvents = 2;
+ iTopPosition = iSpaceBetweenEvents;
+ var iTopPositionIncrements = iAllDayEventHeight + iSpaceBetweenEvents;
+ if(iArrTopPositions.length > 0 && bShowDetails === 0)
+ {
+ if(iArrTopPositions.length < 2)
+ {
+ while(to._arrayContains(iArrTopPositions, iTopPosition) === 1)
+ iTopPosition += iTopPositionIncrements;
+ }
+ else
+ bShowDetails = 1;
+ }
+ iEventElemTopPosition = iTopPosition;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ var iMaxNumberOfElements = Math.floor(iDayWidth / (iHeightOfSmallEvents + iMarginForSmallEvent)) - 1,
+ iNumberOfElements = $(to.elem).find(".cmvMonthTableMain "+sDayId+" .cmvEventCont .cmvEventContSmall").children().length;
+ if(iNumberOfElements >= iMaxNumberOfElements)
+ bShowDetails = 1;
+ }
+ if(bShowDetails === 0)
+ {
+ sStyle = "background: " + sEventColor + "; ";
+ sStyle += " top: " + iEventElemTopPosition + "px;";
+ if(bIsAllDay === true || iNumberOfHours > 23)
+ sStyle += " height: " + iHeightOfAllDayEvents + "px;";
+ else
+ sStyle += " height: " + iHeightOfSmallEvents + "px; width: " + iHeightOfSmallEvents + "px; margin: " + sMarginForSmallEvent + ";";
+ oEventTooltip = {};
+ sDateTime = to.getEventDateTimeString(dStartDateTime, dEndDateTime, bIsAllDay, "&&");
+ sArrDateTime = sDateTime.split("&&");
+ oEventTooltip.title = sTitle;
+ oEventTooltip.startDateTime = sArrDateTime[0];
+ oEventTooltip.endDateTime = sArrDateTime[1];
+ sDataDroppableId = $.cf.isValid(sDroppableId) ? "data-droppableid='" + sDroppableId + "'" : "";
+ sTemplate = "";
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ if(bIsAllDay === true || iNumberOfHours > 23)
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvMonthTableMain "+sDayId+" .cmvEventCont .cmvEventContAllDay").append(sTemplate);
+ else
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvMonthTableMain "+sDayId+" .cmvEventCont .cmvEventContSmall").append(sTemplate);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ iThisDate = iThisDate + $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.d;
+ dThisDate.setTime(iThisDate);
+ }
+ sIdElem = "."+sId;
+ oEventTooltip = {};
+ sDateTime = to.getEventDateTimeString(dStartDateTime, dEndDateTime, bIsAllDay, "&&");
+ sArrDateTime = sDateTime.split("&&");
+ oEventTooltip.title = sTitle;
+ oEventTooltip.startDateTime = sArrDateTime[0];
+ oEventTooltip.endDateTime = sArrDateTime[1];
+ $(to.elem).find(sIdElem).data("tooltipcontent", oEventTooltip);
+ $(to.elem).find(sIdElem).on($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandler, {"url": sURL, "eventId": oEvent.calEventId, "eventElemSelector": sIdElem, "view": "MonthView", "pluginId": to.tv.pluginId}, to.__bindClick);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(bEventsInDialog)
+ {
+ if(to.setting.isTooltipInMonthView)
+ to._addTooltipInMonthView(".cEventTooltip.cHiddenEvent");
+ if(to.setting.isDragNDropInMonthView)
+ to._makeEventDraggableInMonthView(".EventDraggable.cHiddenEvent");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(!$.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.actionOnDayClickInMonthView, "ChangeDate"))
+ to._displayEventOnDayClickInMonthView();
+ if(to.setting.hideExtraEvents)
+ to._hiddenEventsIndicatorActionHandler();
+ if(to.setting.displayEventsInMonthView)
+ {
+ if(to.setting.isTooltipInMonthView)
+ to._addTooltipInMonthView(".cEventTooltip");
+ if(to.setting.isDragNDropInMonthView)
+ to._makeEventDraggableInMonthView(".EventDraggable");
+ }
+ if(to.setting.datePickerObject !== null)
+ to.setting.datePickerObject.refreshView();
+ if(to.setting.eventsAddedInView)
+ to.setting.eventsAddedInView.call(to, to.setting.visibleView, sTooltipEventClass);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ console.log("to._addEventsInMonthView - No Events");
+ to.addRemoveViewLoader(false, "cEventLoaderBg");
+ to.addRemoveLoaderIndicators(false, "cEventLoaderIndicator");
+ },
+ _hiddenEventsIndicatorActionHandler: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ $(to.elem).find(".cHiddenEventsIndicator").on($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandler, function(e)
+ {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ var $oHiddenEventsIndicator = $(this),
+ sHiddenEventId = $oHiddenEventsIndicator.attr("id"),
+ sArrHiddenEventId, dHiddenEventsDate, dDayStart, dDayEnd, oArrEvents,
+ $oHiddenEventsDialog = $(to.elem).find(".cHiddenEventsCont");
+ sHiddenEventId = sHiddenEventId.replace("HiddenEvents-", "");
+ sArrHiddenEventId = sHiddenEventId.split("-");
+ dHiddenEventsDate = new Date(parseInt(sArrHiddenEventId[2]), parseInt(sArrHiddenEventId[1]), parseInt(sArrHiddenEventId[0]), 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ dDayStart = to.setDateInFormat({"date": dHiddenEventsDate}, "START");
+ dDayEnd = to.setDateInFormat({"date": dHiddenEventsDate}, "END");
+ oArrEvents = to.getArrayOfEventsForView(dDayStart, dDayEnd);
+ var sCMVDayId = "#cmvDay-" + sHiddenEventId,
+ $oCMVDay = $(to.elem).find(sCMVDayId),
+ iLeft = $oCMVDay.position().left,
+ iTop = $oCMVDay.closest(".cmvMonthTableRows").position().top,
+ iWidth = $oCMVDay.width(),
+ sHeaderClass = "cHiddenEventsContHeader";
+ if(to.compareDates(dHiddenEventsDate, $.CalenStyle.extra.dToday) === 0)
+ sHeaderClass += " cHiddenEventsContToday";
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(typeof to.setting.hiddenEventsIndicatorAction, "function"))
+ {
+ to.setting.hiddenEventsIndicatorAction.call(to, dHiddenEventsDate, oArrEvents, true);
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(typeof to.setting.hiddenEventsIndicatorAction, "string"))
+ {
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.hiddenEventsIndicatorAction, "ShowEventDialog"))
+ {
+ if(oArrEvents.length > 0)
+ {
+ if($oHiddenEventsDialog.length > 0)
+ $oHiddenEventsDialog.remove();
+ var sHiddenDialogStr = "";
+ sHiddenDialogStr += "";
+ sHiddenDialogStr += "
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdmvEventContMain").append(sHiddenDialogStr);
+ var oHiddenEventsDialog = {};
+ $oHiddenEventsDialog = $(to.elem).find(".cHiddenEventsCont");
+ oHiddenEventsDialog.oArrEvents = oArrEvents;
+ oHiddenEventsDialog.dDayStart = dDayStart;
+ oHiddenEventsDialog.dDayEnd = dDayEnd;
+ to._addEventsInMonthView(oHiddenEventsDialog);
+ $oHiddenEventsDialog.css({ "left": iLeft, "top": iTop, "width": iWidth + (iWidth / 2) });
+ to._adjustEventsInMonthView(true);
+ $(document).on($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandler + ".CalenStyleDialog", function(e)
+ {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ to._endHiddenEventsIndicatorHandlerAction();
+ });
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdmvEventContMain, .cdmvEvent:not(.cHiddenEvent), .cdmvEvent:not(.cHiddenEvent) .cEventLink").on($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandler + ".CalenStyleDialog", function(e)
+ {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ to._endHiddenEventsIndicatorHandlerAction();
+ });
+ $oHiddenEventsDialog.find(".cHiddenEventsContClose").on($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandler, function(e)
+ {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ to._endHiddenEventsIndicatorHandlerAction();
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ _endHiddenEventsIndicatorHandlerAction: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(typeof to.setting.hiddenEventsIndicatorAction, "function"))
+ {
+ to.setting.hiddenEventsIndicatorAction.call(to, null, null, false);
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(typeof to.setting.hiddenEventsIndicatorAction, "string"))
+ {
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.hiddenEventsIndicatorAction, "ShowEventDialog"))
+ {
+ var $oHiddenEventsDialog = $(to.elem).find(".cHiddenEventsCont");
+ $oHiddenEventsDialog.find(".cHiddenEvent").remove();
+ $oHiddenEventsDialog.remove();
+ /*
+ if($oHiddenEventsDialog !== null)
+ {
+ $oHiddenEventsDialog.animate({opacity: 0}, 100);
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ $oHiddenEventsDialog.remove();
+ }, 100);
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _displayEventOnDayClickInMonthView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.actionOnDayClickInMonthView, "DisplayEventListDialog"))
+ {
+ to._displayEventsForDayInDialog();
+ $(document).off($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandler+".CalenStyleDialog");
+ $(document).on($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandler+".CalenStyleDialog", function(e)
+ {
+ //e.stopPropagation();
+ to._closeDialogOfEventsForDay();
+ });
+ }
+ else if(to.tv.bCMVDisEvLst)
+ {
+ var sHTMLElements = "";
+ if(to.setting.displayEventsForPeriodInList)
+ sHTMLElements = to.setting.displayEventsForPeriodInList.call(to, to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.setting.selectedDate}, "START"), to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.setting.selectedDate}, "END")) || "";
+ $(to.elem).find(".cListOuterCont").html(sHTMLElements);
+ if(to.setting.eventListAppended)
+ to.setting.eventListAppended.call(to);
+ }
+ },
+ _adjustEventsInMonthView: function(bHiddenEvents)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DetailedMonthView"))
+ {
+ var iEventFirstRowTop = 30,
+ iCMVMonthTableRowMinHeight = $(to.elem).find(".cmvMonthTableRows").css("min-height"),
+ iEventRowHeight = $.CalenStyle.extra.iEventHeights[to.setting.visibleView],
+ sArrEventElems = $(to.elem).find(".cdmvEvent, .cHiddenEventsIndicator"),
+ iCMVMonthTableHeight = 0,
+ iCMVMonthTableWidth = $(to.elem).find(".cdmvEventContMain").width(),
+ iHiddenEventContWidth = 0,
+ iHiddenEventContHeight = 30,
+ iHiddenEvents = 0;
+ iCMVMonthTableRowMinHeight = parseInt(iCMVMonthTableRowMinHeight.replace("px", ""));
+ if(to.setting.hideExtraEvents)
+ {
+ iCMVMonthTableHeight = $(to.elem).find(".cmvMonthTableMain").height();
+ iHiddenEventContWidth = $(to.elem).find(".cmvDay").width();
+ iHiddenEventContWidth += (iHiddenEventContWidth / 2);
+ iHiddenEventContWidth = (iHiddenEventContWidth < 200) ? 200 : iHiddenEventContWidth;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iCMVMonthTableHeight += $(to.elem).find(".cmvMonthTableRowDayHeader").height();
+ for(var iTempIndex1 = 0; iTempIndex1 < to.tv.bAWkRw.length; iTempIndex1++)
+ {
+ var bArrCurrentRow = to.tv.bAWkRw[iTempIndex1],
+ iRowMaxHeight = bArrCurrentRow.length,
+ iWeekRowHeight = iEventFirstRowTop + (iRowMaxHeight * iEventRowHeight);
+ if(iWeekRowHeight < iCMVMonthTableRowMinHeight)
+ iWeekRowHeight = iCMVMonthTableRowMinHeight;
+ $(to.elem).find("#cmvMonthTableRow"+(iTempIndex1 + 1)).css({"height": iWeekRowHeight});
+ iCMVMonthTableHeight += iWeekRowHeight;
+ }
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvMonthTableMain").css({"height": iCMVMonthTableHeight});
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdmvEventContMain").css({"height": iCMVMonthTableHeight});
+ }
+ //-------------------------------------- Start -----------------------------------------
+ var iCMVMonthTableHeight1 = $(to.elem).find(".cmvMonthTableMain").height();
+ var iCalendarContInnerHeight, iCalendarContHeight, iCalendarContOuterHeight;
+ if(to.setting.hideExtraEvents)
+ {
+ if($(to.elem).find(".cmvTableContainer").height() < 30)
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvTableContainer").css({"height": iCMVMonthTableHeight1});
+ if($(to.elem).find(".cmvTableContainerOuter").height() < 30)
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvTableContainerOuter").css({"height": iCMVMonthTableHeight1});
+ iCalendarContInnerHeight = $(to.elem).find(".calendarContInner").height();
+ iCalendarContInnerHeight = iCMVMonthTableHeight1 + (($(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").length > 0) ? $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").height() : 0);
+ if(to.tv.bDisABar)
+ iCalendarContInnerHeight += $(to.elem).find(".cActionBar").height();
+ $(to.elem).find(".calendarContInner").css({"height": iCalendarContInnerHeight});
+ iCalendarContHeight = iCalendarContInnerHeight;
+ if(to.tv.bDisFBar && ($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Top") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Bottom")))
+ iCalendarContHeight = iCalendarContInnerHeight + $(to.elem).find(".cFilterBar").height();
+ $(to.elem).find(".calendarCont").css({"height": iCalendarContHeight});
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvTableContainer").css({"height": iCMVMonthTableHeight1});
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvTableContainerOuter").css({"height": iCMVMonthTableHeight1});
+ iCalendarContInnerHeight = iCMVMonthTableHeight1 + (($(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").length > 0) ? $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").height() : 0);
+ if(to.tv.bDisABar)
+ iCalendarContInnerHeight += $(to.elem).find(".cActionBar").height();
+ $(to.elem).find(".calendarContInner").css({"height": iCalendarContInnerHeight});
+ iCalendarContHeight = iCalendarContInnerHeight;
+ if(to.tv.bDisFBar && ($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Top") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Bottom")))
+ iCalendarContHeight += $(to.elem).find(".cFilterBar").height();
+ $(to.elem).find(".calendarCont").css({"height": iCalendarContHeight});
+ iCalendarContOuterHeight = iCalendarContHeight;
+ $(to.elem).find(".calendarCont").parent().css({"height": iCalendarContOuterHeight});
+ }
+ if(to.tv.bDisFBar && $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Bottom"))
+ $(to.elem).find(".cFilterBar").css({"top": iCalendarContInnerHeight});
+ if(to.tv.iDocHtPrev < $(document).height())
+ {
+ if($(window).height() < $(document).height())
+ to.adjustMonthTable();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if($(window).height() > $(document).height())
+ to.adjustMonthTable();
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------- End ------------------------------------------------
+ var iCMVCalendarContHeight = iCMVMonthTableHeight + $.CalenStyle.extra.iBorderOverhead;
+ if($(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").length > 0)
+ iCMVCalendarContHeight += $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").outerHeight();
+ if(to.tv.bDisABar)
+ iCMVCalendarContHeight += $(to.elem).find(".cActionBar").outerHeight();
+ if(to.tv.bDisFBar && ($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Top") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Bottom")))
+ iCMVCalendarContHeight += $(to.elem).find(".cFilterBar").outerHeight();
+ if(to.tv.bCMVDisEvLst)
+ iCMVCalendarContHeight += $(to.elem).find(".cListOuterCont").height();
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------
+ for(var iElemIndex = 0; iElemIndex < sArrEventElems.length; iElemIndex++)
+ {
+ var oElem = sArrEventElems[iElemIndex],
+ sElemName = $(to.elem).find(oElem).attr("data-pos"),
+ sArrElemName = sElemName.split("|"),
+ iRowNo = parseInt(sArrElemName[0]) + 1,
+ iInnerRowIndex = parseInt(sArrElemName[1]),
+ iColumnNo = parseInt(sArrElemName[2]),
+ iWidthUnits = parseInt(sArrElemName[3]),
+ iEventTop, iEventLeft, iEventWidth,
+ iEventEndColumnNo, iEventEndColumnLeft, iEventEndColumnWidth;
+ if($(oElem).hasClass("cHiddenEvent"))
+ {
+ iEventTop = (iHiddenEvents === 0) ? 30 : (iEventTop + iEventRowHeight + 2);
+ iEventLeft = 10;
+ iEventWidth = iHiddenEventContWidth - 25;
+ iHiddenEventContHeight += (iEventRowHeight + 2);
+ iHiddenEvents++;
+ }
+ else if(!bHiddenEvents)
+ {
+ iEventTop = $(to.elem).find("#cmvMonthTableRow"+iRowNo).position().top;
+ iEventLeft = $(to.elem).find(".cmvTableColumn"+iColumnNo).position().left;
+ if(to.setting.hideExtraEvents && $(to.elem).find("#cmvMonthTableRow"+iRowNo).height() < 40)
+ {
+ var iDayNumberWidth = $(".cmvDayNumber").width();
+ iEventWidth = $(to.elem).find(".cmvTableColumn"+iColumnNo).width() - (iDayNumberWidth - 10);
+ iEventTop += 6;
+ iEventLeft += iDayNumberWidth;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iEventTop += iEventFirstRowTop + ((iInnerRowIndex - 1) * (iEventRowHeight + 1));
+ iEventLeft += (2 * $.CalenStyle.extra.iBorderOverhead);
+ iEventWidth = $(to.elem).find(".cmvTableColumn"+iColumnNo).width();
+ if(iWidthUnits > 1)
+ {
+ iEventEndColumnNo = iColumnNo + (iWidthUnits - 1);
+ iEventEndColumnLeft = $(to.elem).find(".cmvTableColumn"+iEventEndColumnNo).position().left + (2 * $.CalenStyle.extra.iBorderOverhead);
+ iEventEndColumnWidth = $(to.elem).find(".cmvTableColumn"+iEventEndColumnNo).width();
+ iEventWidth = (iEventEndColumnLeft + iEventEndColumnWidth) - iEventLeft;
+ }
+ iEventWidth -= (2 * $.CalenStyle.extra.iBorderOverhead);
+ }
+ }
+ $(oElem).css({"left": iEventLeft, "top": iEventTop, "width": iEventWidth});
+ if(!$(oElem).hasClass("cHiddenEventsIndicator"))
+ {
+ var $oEventTitle = $(oElem).find(".cdmvEventTitle"),
+ iEventTitleHeight = $(oElem).height(),
+ $oEventIcon = $(oElem).find(".cdmvEventIcon"),
+ iEventIconWidth = ($oEventIcon !== null) ? $oEventIcon.outerWidth(true) : 0,
+ $oEventTime = $(oElem).find(".cdmvEventTime"),
+ iEventTimeWidth = ($oEventTime !== null) ? $oEventTime.outerWidth(true) : 0,
+ iEventTimeWidthRight = 0,
+ $oEventTimeRight = $(oElem).find(".cdmvEventTimeRight");
+ if($oEventTimeRight !== null)
+ iEventTimeWidthRight = ($oEventTimeRight !== null) ? $oEventTimeRight.outerWidth(true) : 0;
+ var iPartialSymbolWidth = $(oElem).find(".cPartialEventLeft").outerWidth(true) + $(oElem).find(".cPartialEventRight").outerWidth(true);
+ var iEventTitleWidth = iEventWidth - (iEventIconWidth + iEventTimeWidth + iEventTimeWidthRight + (10 * $.CalenStyle.extra.iBorderOverhead) + iPartialSymbolWidth);
+ $oEventTitle.css({"height": iEventTitleHeight, "line-height": iEventTitleHeight + "px", "width": iEventTitleWidth});
+ $oEventTime.css({"height": iEventTitleHeight, "line-height": iEventTitleHeight + "px"});
+ if($oEventTimeRight !== null)
+ $oEventTimeRight.css({"height": iEventTitleHeight, "line-height": iEventTitleHeight + "px"});
+ }
+ }
+ var $oHiddenEventsDialog = $(to.elem).find(".cHiddenEventsCont");
+ if(to.setting.hideExtraEvents && $oHiddenEventsDialog.length > 0)
+ {
+ var iHiddenEventContLeft = $oHiddenEventsDialog.position().left,
+ iHiddenEventContTop = $oHiddenEventsDialog.position().top;
+ iHiddenEventContHeight += 10;
+ iHiddenEventContWidth = (iHiddenEventContWidth > iCMVMonthTableWidth) ? (iCMVMonthTableWidth - 10) : iHiddenEventContWidth;
+ iHiddenEventContLeft = ((iHiddenEventContLeft + iHiddenEventContWidth) > iCMVMonthTableWidth) ? (iCMVMonthTableWidth - iHiddenEventContWidth - 1) : iHiddenEventContLeft;
+ iHiddenEventContHeight = (iHiddenEventContHeight > iCMVMonthTableHeight) ? (iCMVMonthTableHeight - 10) : iHiddenEventContHeight;
+ iHiddenEventContTop = ((iHiddenEventContTop + iHiddenEventContHeight) > iCMVMonthTableHeight) ? (iCMVMonthTableHeight - iHiddenEventContHeight - 2) : iHiddenEventContTop;
+ $oHiddenEventsDialog.css({"width": iHiddenEventContWidth, "height": iHiddenEventContHeight, "left": iHiddenEventContLeft, "top": iHiddenEventContTop});
+ }
+ if(to.setting.isDragNDropInMonthView)
+ to._makeEventDraggableInMonthView(".EventDraggable");
+ }
+ },
+ //---------------------------------------- Events Dialog Start ----------------------------------------
+ _displayEventsForDayInDialog: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var iCalendarContWidth = $(to.elem).find(".calendarCont").parent().outerWidth(),
+ iCalendarContHeight = $(to.elem).find(".calendarCont").parent().outerHeight();
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvDay").css("cursor", "pointer");
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvDay, .cmvDisplayAllEvents").off($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandler);
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvDay, .cmvDisplayAllEvents").on($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandler, function(e)
+ {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ var $oDayElem = $(this).hasClass("cmvDay") ? $(this) : $(this).parent(),
+ sDayId = $oDayElem.attr("id"),
+ dThisDate = to._getDateForDayIdInMonthView(sDayId),
+ sEventTimeFormat = to.setting.is24Hour ? "HH:mm" : "h[:m]sm",
+ sHeaderDateString = "cmvDialog-" + dThisDate.getDate() + "-" + dThisDate.getMonth() + "-" + dThisDate.getFullYear(),
+ $oDialog = $(to.elem).find(".cmvDialog"),
+ sPrevDialogHeader;
+ if($oDialog !== null)
+ {
+ sPrevDialogHeader = $oDialog.attr("data-date");
+ $oDialog.remove();
+ if(sPrevDialogHeader === sHeaderDateString)
+ return false;
+ }
+ var oThisDateEventsArray = to.getArrayOfEventsForView(dThisDate, dThisDate),
+ pClickedAt = {};
+ pClickedAt.x = e.pageX || e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX || e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageX;
+ pClickedAt.y = e.pageY || e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY || e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageY;
+ if(to.setting.displayEventListDialog)
+ to.setting.displayEventListDialog.call(to, dThisDate, oThisDateEventsArray, pClickedAt);
+ else if(oThisDateEventsArray.length > 0)
+ {
+ var sRowId = $oDayElem.parent().attr("id"),
+ iRowId = parseInt(sRowId.replace("cmvMonthTableRow", "")),
+ iDayIndex = 0,
+ iDayNumber = dThisDate.getDay();
+ if(iDayNumber < to.setting.weekStartDay)
+ iDayIndex = (6 - to.setting.weekStartDay) + iDayNumber + 1;
+ else
+ iDayIndex = iDayNumber - to.setting.weekStartDay;
+ // ------------------------------------- Dialog HTML Start ----------------------------------------
+ var iDayHeight = $oDayElem.height(),
+ iDayWidth = $oDayElem.width(),
+ iDialogHeight = iDayHeight * 3,
+ iDialogWidth = iDayWidth * 1.25;
+ iDialogWidth = (iDialogWidth < 200) ? 200 : iDialogWidth;
+ iCalendarContWidth = $(to.elem).find(".calendarCont").parent().outerWidth();
+ iCalendarContHeight = $(to.elem).find(".calendarCont").parent().outerHeight();
+ var sTemplate = "";
+ sTemplate += "";
+ sTemplate += "
+ sTemplate += "
+ sTemplate += "
+ for(var iEventIndex = 0; iEventIndex < oThisDateEventsArray.length; iEventIndex++)
+ {
+ var oTempEvent = oThisDateEventsArray[iEventIndex],
+ sEventTitle = oTempEvent.title,
+ sEventId = oTempEvent.id,
+ dEventStartDate = oTempEvent.start,
+ dEventEndDate = oTempEvent.end,
+ bIsAllDay = oTempEvent.isAllDay,
+ bIsMarked = oTempEvent.isMarked,
+ sEventColor, sEventColorStyle,
+ sClass = "cmvDialogEvent",
+ sEventBgColor, sIcon,
+ sEventStyle = "", sEventIconStyle = "",
+ bHideEventIcon = $.cf.isValid(to.setting.hideEventIcon[to.setting.visibleView]) ? to.setting.hideEventIcon[to.setting.visibleView] : $.cf.isValid(to.setting.hideEventIcon.Default) ? to.setting.hideEventIcon.Default : false,
+ bHideEventTime = $.cf.isValid(to.setting.hideEventTime[to.setting.visibleView]) ? to.setting.hideEventTime[to.setting.visibleView] : $.cf.isValid(to.setting.hideEventTime.Default) ? to.setting.hideEventTime.Default : false,
+ sStartDate, sDuration, sDateTimeString = "",
+ bCompStart = to.compareDates(dEventStartDate, dThisDate),
+ bCompEnd = to.compareDates(dEventEndDate, dThisDate);
+ if(bIsAllDay)
+ {
+ sStartDate = "All Day";
+ if(bCompEnd !== 0)
+ sDuration = ($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.duration, "Default") ?
+ to.__getDurationBetweenDates(dThisDate, dEventEndDate, "dhm", false, false) :
+ to.setting.duration.call(to, dThisDate, dEventEndDate, "dhm"));
+ else
+ sDuration = "";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(bCompStart === 0)
+ sStartDate = to.getDateInFormat({"date": dEventStartDate}, sEventTimeFormat, to.setting.is24Hour, true);
+ else if(bCompEnd === 0)
+ sStartDate = "Ends " + to.getDateInFormat({"date": dEventEndDate}, sEventTimeFormat, to.setting.is24Hour, true);
+ else
+ sStartDate = "All Day";
+ if(bCompStart === 0 && bCompEnd === 0)
+ {
+ sDuration = ($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.duration, "Default") ?
+ to.__getDurationBetweenDates(dEventStartDate, dEventEndDate, "dhm", false, false) :
+ to.setting.duration.call(to, dEventStartDate, dEventEndDate, "dhm"));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sDuration = ($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.duration, "Default") ?
+ to.__getDurationBetweenDates(dThisDate, dEventEndDate, "dhm", false, false) :
+ to.setting.duration.call(to, dThisDate, dEventEndDate, "dhm"));
+ }
+ }
+ if($.cf.isValid(sStartDate))
+ sDateTimeString += "" + sStartDate + " ";
+ if($.cf.isValid(sDuration))
+ sDateTimeString += "" + sDuration + " ";
+ sEventColor = oTempEvent.fromSingleColor ? oTempEvent.textColor : oTempEvent.backgroundColor;
+ sEventBgColor = oTempEvent.fromSingleColor ? oTempEvent.backgroundColor : $.cf.addHashToHexcode(sEventColor, "0.1");
+ if(bIsMarked)
+ {
+ sClass += " cMarkedDayEvent";
+ sEventStyle = "background: " + sEventBgColor + ";";
+ sEventIconStyle = "color: " + sEventColor + ";";
+ sIcon = ($.cf.isValid(oTempEvent.icon) && oTempEvent.icon !== "Dot") ? oTempEvent.icon : "cs-icon-Mark";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sEventColorStyle = "background: " + sEventColor + ";";
+ sEventIconStyle = "color: " + sEventColor + ";";
+ sIcon = $.cf.isValid(oTempEvent.icon) ? oTempEvent.icon : to.setting.eventIcon;
+ }
+ sTemplate += "";
+ sTemplate += "";
+ sTemplate += "";
+ sTemplate += "
" + sEventTitle + "
+ if(!bHideEventTime && !bIsMarked && sDateTimeString !== "")
+ sTemplate += "
" + sDateTimeString + "
+ sTemplate += "
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ sTemplate += "";
+ if(bIsMarked)
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ else
+ {
+ if(!bHideEventIcon)
+ {
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(sIcon, "Dot"))
+ {
+ sEventIconStyle = "background: " + sEventColor + ";";
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ }
+ else
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ }
+ }
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ if(bIsMarked)
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ else if(iEventIndex !== oThisDateEventsArray.length - 1)
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ }
+ sTemplate += "
+ sTemplate += "
+ sTemplate += "
+ if(sPrevDialogHeader !== sHeaderDateString)
+ {
+ $(to.elem).find(".calendarContInner").append(sTemplate);
+ // ------------------------------------- Dialog HTML End ----------------------------------------
+ var iDialogWidthActual = $(to.elem).find(".cmvDialog").width();
+ iDialogWidthActual = (iDialogWidthActual < 200) ? 200 : iDialogWidthActual;
+ if(iCalendarContWidth <= 400)
+ {
+ iDialogWidth = iCalendarContWidth - 2;
+ iDialogWidthActual = iDialogWidth;
+ iDialogHeight = iDayHeight * 3;
+ }
+ else if(iCalendarContHeight <= 400)
+ iDialogHeight = iDayHeight * 4;
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvDialog").css({"max-height": iDialogHeight, "max-width": iDialogWidth, "width": iDialogWidthActual});
+ iCalendarContWidth = $(to.elem).find(".cmvCalendarCont").width();
+ iCalendarContHeight = $(to.elem).find(".cmvCalendarCont").height();
+ var iDialogCalcWidth = $(to.elem).find(".cmvDialog").width(),
+ iDialogCalcHeight = $(to.elem).find(".cmvDialog").height(),
+ iDayLeft = $(to.elem).find("#"+sDayId).position().left,
+ iRowTop = $(to.elem).find("#"+sRowId).position().top,
+ iDialogMaxHeight = iDialogHeight - 24;
+ iDialogCalcHeight = (iDialogCalcHeight > iDialogMaxHeight) ? iDialogMaxHeight : iDialogCalcHeight;
+ var iCMVMonthTableTop = $(to.elem).find(".cmvMonthTableMain").position().top,
+ iDialogTop, iDialogLeft, iTooltipTop, iTooltipLeft,
+ sInnerContMargin = "", sTooltipClass = "";
+ if(iCalendarContWidth <= 400)
+ {
+ if(iRowId <= 3)
+ {
+ iDialogTop = iCMVMonthTableTop + iRowTop + (iDayHeight - 10);
+ iTooltipTop = -11;
+ sTooltipClass = "cmvDialogTooltipBottom";
+ sInnerContMargin = "10px 0px 0px 0px";
+ iDialogHeight = ((iDialogTop + iDialogHeight) > iCalendarContHeight) ? (iCalendarContHeight - iDialogTop) : iDialogHeight;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iDialogTop = iCMVMonthTableTop + iRowTop - (iDialogCalcHeight + 6);
+ if(iDialogTop < 50)
+ {
+ iDialogTop = 50;
+ iDialogCalcHeight = (iCMVMonthTableTop + iRowTop - 3) - 50;
+ iDialogHeight = (iCMVMonthTableTop + iRowTop - 3) - 50;
+ iTooltipTop = iDialogCalcHeight - 1;
+ }
+ else
+ iTooltipTop = iDialogCalcHeight - 1;
+ iTooltipTop = iDialogCalcHeight - 1;
+ sTooltipClass = "cmvDialogTooltipTop";
+ sInnerContMargin = "0px 0px 10px 0px";
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(iRowId <= 3)
+ {
+ iDialogTop = iCMVMonthTableTop + iRowTop + $(to.elem).find(".cmvDisplayAllEvents").height() - 2;
+ iTooltipTop = -11;
+ sTooltipClass = "cmvDialogTooltipBottom";
+ sInnerContMargin = "10px 0px 0px 0px";
+ iDialogHeight = ((iDialogTop + iDialogHeight) > iCalendarContHeight) ? (iCalendarContHeight - iDialogTop) : iDialogHeight;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iDialogTop = (iCMVMonthTableTop + iRowTop) - (iDialogCalcHeight - 3);
+ if(iDialogTop < 50)
+ {
+ iDialogTop = 50;
+ iDialogCalcHeight = (iCMVMonthTableTop + iRowTop - 3) - 50;
+ iDialogHeight = (iCMVMonthTableTop + iRowTop - 3) - 50;
+ iTooltipTop = iDialogCalcHeight - 1;
+ }
+ else
+ iTooltipTop = iDialogCalcHeight - 1;
+ sTooltipClass = "cmvDialogTooltipTop";
+ sInnerContMargin = "0px 0px 10px 0px";
+ }
+ }
+ if(iCalendarContWidth <= 400)
+ {
+ iDialogLeft = 0;
+ iTooltipLeft = iDayLeft + (iDayWidth / 2) - 10;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(iDayIndex === 0)
+ {
+ iDialogLeft = iDayLeft + 5;
+ iTooltipLeft = iDayWidth - 34;
+ }
+ else if(iDayIndex === (to.setting.excludeNonBusinessHours ? to.tv.iBsDays : 6))
+ {
+ iDialogLeft = iCalendarContWidth - iDialogCalcWidth;
+ iTooltipLeft = iDialogCalcWidth - 28;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ iTooltipLeft = (iDialogCalcWidth / 2) - 14;
+ var iDayMid = iDayLeft + iDayWidth - 10;
+ iDialogLeft = iDayMid - (iDialogCalcWidth / 2) - 4;
+ var iDay1Left = $(to.elem).find(".cmvTableColumn0").position().left,
+ iMaxHoriPos = iDialogLeft + iDialogCalcWidth,
+ iMinHoriPos = iDialogLeft - (iDialogCalcWidth / 2),
+ iDialogLeftPrev, iDiff;
+ if(iMaxHoriPos >= iCalendarContWidth)
+ {
+ iDialogLeftPrev = iDialogLeft;
+ iDialogLeft = iCalendarContWidth - iDialogCalcWidth - 5;
+ iDiff = iDialogLeftPrev - iDialogLeft;
+ iTooltipLeft += iDiff;
+ }
+ if(iMinHoriPos <= iDay1Left)
+ {
+ iDialogLeftPrev = iDialogLeft;
+ iDialogLeft = iDay1Left + 5;
+ iDiff = iDialogLeft - iDialogLeftPrev;
+ iTooltipLeft -= iDiff;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvDialogTooltip").addClass(sTooltipClass);
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvDialogTooltip").css({"top": iTooltipTop, "left": iTooltipLeft});
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvDialog").css({"top": iDialogTop, "left": iDialogLeft});
+ iDialogHeight -= 24;
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvDialogInnerCont").css({"margin": sInnerContMargin, "max-height": iDialogHeight, "max-width": iDialogWidth});
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvDialogClose").on($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandler, function(e)
+ {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ to._closeDialogOfEventsForDay();
+ });
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvDialog").on($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandler, function(e)
+ {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ });
+ to._addDialogEventAction();
+ }
+ if($("body").hasClass("br-ios"))
+ {
+ var iCMVDialogTableHeight = $(to.elem).find(".cmvDialogTable").height() + 20;
+ iDialogHeight = (iCMVDialogTableHeight > iDialogHeight) ? iDialogHeight : iCMVDialogTableHeight;
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvDialogInnerCont").css({"height": iDialogHeight});
+ if(iRowId > 3)
+ {
+ iDialogTop = iCMVMonthTableTop + iRowTop - (iDialogHeight + 6);
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvDialog").css({"top": iDialogTop});
+ iTooltipTop = iDialogHeight - 1;
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvDialogTooltip").css({"top": iTooltipTop});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ _closeDialogOfEventsForDay: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var $oDialog = $(to.elem).find(".cmvDialog");
+ if($oDialog !== null)
+ {
+ $oDialog.animate({opacity: 0}, 100);
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ $oDialog.remove();
+ }, 100);
+ }
+ },
+ _addDialogEventAction: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvDialogEvent").on($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandler, function(e)
+ {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ var oTempEvent = to.getEventWithId($(this).attr("data-id"));
+ if(to.setting.eventInADialogClicked)
+ to.setting.eventInADialogClicked.call(to, oTempEvent);
+ });
+ },
+ //----------------------------------------- Events Dialog End -----------------------------------------
+ //------------------------------------------ Events List Start ------------------------------------------
+ _makeDayClickableInMonthView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var $oElem;
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DetailedMonthView"))
+ $oElem = $(to.elem).find(".cdmvEventContMain");
+ else
+ $oElem = $(to.elem).find(".cmvDay");
+ $oElem.on($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandler, function(e)
+ {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ var pClickedAt = {};
+ pClickedAt.x = e.pageX || e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX || e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageX;
+ pClickedAt.y = e.pageY || e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY || e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageY;
+ var oArrElemsAtPt = to.__getElementsAtPoint(pClickedAt.x, pClickedAt.y);
+ for(var iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex <= oArrElemsAtPt.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ var $oTempElem = $(oArrElemsAtPt[iTempIndex]);
+ if($oTempElem.hasClass("cmvDay"))
+ $oElem = $oTempElem;
+ }
+ if($oElem.hasClass("cmvDay"))
+ {
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvDay .cmvDayNumber").removeClass("cCurrentHighlightCircle cContHeaderButtonsHover");
+ var sDayId = $oElem.attr("id");
+ to.setting.selectedDate = to._getDateForDayIdInMonthView(sDayId);
+ if($(to.elem).find(".cHiddenEventsCont").length === 0 && to.setting.cellClicked)
+ to.setting.cellClicked.call(to, to.setting.visibleView, to.setting.selectedDate, true, pClickedAt);
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "MonthView") && $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.actionOnDayClickInMonthView, "ModifyEventList"))
+ {
+ if(to.compareDates($.CalenStyle.extra.dToday, to.setting.selectedDate) !== 0)
+ $oElem.find(".cmvDayNumber").addClass("cCurrentHighlightCircle");
+ var sHTMLElements = "";
+ if(to.setting.displayEventsForPeriodInList)
+ sHTMLElements = to.setting.displayEventsForPeriodInList.call(to, to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.setting.selectedDate}, "START"), to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.setting.selectedDate}, "END")) || "";
+ $(to.elem).find(".cListOuterCont").html(sHTMLElements);
+ if(to.setting.eventListAppended)
+ to.setting.eventListAppended.call(to);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ //------------------------------------------ Events List End ------------------------------------------
+ _getDateForDayIdInMonthView: function(sDayId)
+ {
+ var sArrDayId = sDayId.split("-");
+ return new Date(sArrDayId[3], sArrDayId[2], sArrDayId[1], 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ },
+ _addTooltipInMonthView: function(sClass)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ $(to.elem).find(sClass).tooltip(
+ {
+ content: function()
+ {
+ var sTooltipText = "";
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.eventTooltipContent, "Default"))
+ {
+ var oTooltipContent = $(this).data("tooltipcontent");
+ if(oTooltipContent.title !== undefined)
+ sTooltipText += "" + oTooltipContent.title + "
+ if(oTooltipContent.startDateTime !== undefined || oTooltipContent.endDateTime === undefined)
+ {
+ sTooltipText += "";
+ if(oTooltipContent.startDateTime !== undefined)
+ sTooltipText += oTooltipContent.startDateTime;
+ if(oTooltipContent.endDateTime !== undefined)
+ sTooltipText += (" " + oTooltipContent.endDateTime);
+ sTooltipText += "
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ var oEventRecord = to.getEventWithId($(this).attr("id"));
+ sTooltipText = to.setting.eventTooltipContent.call(to, oEventRecord);
+ }
+ return sTooltipText;
+ },
+ position:
+ {
+ my: "center bottom-15",
+ at: "center top",
+ using: function(position, feedback)
+ {
+ $(this).css(position);
+ $("")
+ .addClass("tooltip-arrow")
+ .addClass(feedback.vertical)
+ .addClass(feedback.horizontal)
+ .appendTo(this);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ _makeEventDraggableInMonthView: function(sClass)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var iEventHeight, iColumnWidth, iColumnHeight;
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DetailedMonthView"))
+ iEventHeight = $.CalenStyle.extra.iEventHeights[to.setting.visibleView];
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "MonthView"))
+ iEventHeight = to._getHeightForAllDayEventInMonthView();
+ iColumnWidth = $(to.elem).find("#cmvMonthTableRow1 .cmvTableColumn0").width();
+ iColumnHeight = $(to.elem).find(".cmvMonthTableRows").css("height");
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "MonthView"))
+ iColumnHeight = $(to.elem).find(".cmvMonthTableRows").css("height");
+ iColumnHeight = parseInt(iColumnHeight.replace("px", "")) || 0;
+ var iX1 = $(to.elem).find("#cmvMonthTableRow1 .cmvTableColumn0").offset().left,
+ iX2 = $(to.elem).find("#cmvMonthTableRow1 .cmvTableColumns:last").offset().left,
+ iY1 = $(to.elem).find("#cmvMonthTableRow1 .cmvTableColumn0").offset().top,
+ iY2 = $(to.elem).find("#cmvMonthTableRow"+to.tv.iWkInMonth+" .cmvTableColumn0").offset().top + iColumnHeight - iEventHeight;
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "MonthView"))
+ iY2 = iY2 - (2 * iEventHeight);
+ var $oElemDragged, sId, oDraggedEvent, sEventClass, dStartDateTime,
+ iEventTitleWidthBeforeDrag;
+ $(to.elem).find(sClass).draggable(
+ {
+ zIndex: 100,
+ scope: "Events",
+ containment: [iX1, iY1, iX2, iY2],
+ scroll: false,
+ revertDuration: 300,
+ start: function()
+ {
+ $oElemDragged = $(this);
+ var oElementClone = $oElemDragged.clone();
+ $(oElementClone).removeClass("ui-draggable-dragging").addClass("cEventClone cEventBeingDragged");
+ $oElemDragged.parent().append(oElementClone);
+ sId = $oElemDragged.attr("data-id");
+ oDraggedEvent = to.getEventWithId(sId);
+ sEventClass = ".Event-" + sId;
+ dStartDateTime = null;
+ if(!$oElemDragged.hasClass("cEventOnlyText"))
+ $oElemDragged.addClass("cEditingEvent cEditingEventUI");
+ else
+ $oElemDragged.addClass("cEditingEvent");
+ if(oDraggedEvent.start !== null)
+ dStartDateTime = oDraggedEvent.start;
+ to.tv.draggableParent = "cmvDay-" + dStartDateTime.getDate() + "-" + dStartDateTime.getMonth() + "-" + dStartDateTime.getFullYear();
+ $oElemDragged.css({"position": "absolute"});
+ $oElemDragged.css({"width": iColumnWidth, "height": iEventHeight});
+ if(to.setting.hideExtraEvents)
+ {
+ iEventTitleWidthBeforeDrag = $oElemDragged.find(".cdmvEventTitle").width();
+ var $oEventIcon = $oElemDragged.find(".cdmvEventIcon"),
+ iEventIconWidth = ($oEventIcon !== null) ? $oEventIcon.outerWidth(true) : 0,
+ $oEventTime = $oElemDragged.find(".cdmvEventTime"),
+ iEventTimeWidth = ($oEventTime !== null) ? $oEventTime.outerWidth(true) : 0,
+ iEventTimeWidthRight = 0,
+ $oEventTimeRight = $oElemDragged.find(".cdmvEventTimeRight");
+ if($oEventTimeRight !== null)
+ iEventTimeWidthRight = ($oEventTimeRight !== null) ? $oEventTimeRight.outerWidth(true) : 0;
+ var iPartialSymbolWidth = $oElemDragged.find(".cPartialEventLeft").outerWidth(true) + $oElemDragged.find(".cPartialEventRight").outerWidth(true);
+ var iEventTitleWidth = iColumnWidth - (iEventIconWidth + iEventTimeWidth + iEventTimeWidthRight + (10 * $.CalenStyle.extra.iBorderOverhead) + iPartialSymbolWidth);
+ $oElemDragged.find(".cdmvEventTitle").css({"width": iEventTitleWidth});
+ }
+ },
+ revert: function()
+ {
+ $oElemDragged = $(this);
+ if(to.setting.hideExtraEvents)
+ $oElemDragged.find(".cdmvEventTitle").css({"width": iEventTitleWidthBeforeDrag});
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvDay").removeClass("cActivatedCell");
+ if(to.tv.bDroppedInDifferent)
+ {
+ if(to.setting.isTooltipInMonthView)
+ to._addTooltipInMonthView(".cEventTooltip");
+ if(to.setting.isDragNDropInMonthView)
+ to._makeEventDraggableInMonthView(".EventDraggable");
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ // Public Method
+ adjustMonthTable: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var iCalendarContWidth = $(to.elem).outerWidth(),
+ iCalendarContHeight = $(to.elem).outerHeight(),
+ iCalendarContMaxWidth = $.cf.getSizeValue($(to.elem), "max-width"),
+ iCMVMonthTableMinHeight = $.cf.getSizeValue($(to.elem).find(".cmvMonthTable"), "min-height") || 0;
+ to.tv.iDocHtPrev = $(document).height();
+ iCalendarContHeight += (2 * $.CalenStyle.extra.iBorderOverhead);
+ to._closeDialogOfEventsForDay();
+ iCalendarContWidth = (iCalendarContMaxWidth && iCalendarContWidth > iCalendarContMaxWidth) ? iCalendarContMaxWidth : iCalendarContWidth;
+ var iCalendarContHeightMV = iCalendarContHeight;
+ if(to.tv.bDisFBar)
+ {
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Left") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Right"))
+ iCalendarContWidth -= to.setting.filterBarWidth;
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Top") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Bottom"))
+ {
+ iCalendarContHeightMV -= to.setting.filterBarHeight;
+ $(to.elem).find(".cFilterBar").css({"width": iCalendarContWidth});
+ }
+ }
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "MonthView"))
+ $(to.elem).find(".calendarContInner").css({"height": iCalendarContHeightMV});
+ $(to.elem).find(".calendarContInner").css({"width": iCalendarContWidth});
+ to.__adjustHeader();
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Right"))
+ $(to.elem).find(".cFilterBar").css({"left": iCalendarContWidth});
+ if(iCalendarContWidth >= 300 && iCalendarContHeight >= 300)
+ {
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvDayHeader").removeClass("cmvThinBorderBottom cmvThinBorder").addClass("cmvThinBorderBottom");
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvWeekNumber").removeClass("cmvThinBorderRight cmvThinBorder").addClass("cmvThinBorderRight");
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvTableContainerOuter").addClass("cmvThinBorder");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvWeekNumber").removeClass("cmvThinBorderRight cmvThinBorder").addClass("cmvThinBorder");
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvTableContainerOuter").addClass("cmvThinBorder");
+ }
+ var iCalendarSectionMaxHeight;
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "MonthView") && $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.actionOnDayClickInMonthView, "ModifyEventList") && to.tv.bCMVDisEvLst)
+ {
+ if(to.setting.displayEventsInMonthView)
+ {
+ iCalendarSectionMaxHeight = iCalendarContHeight / 2;
+ if(iCalendarSectionMaxHeight < (300 - (($(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").length > 0) ? $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").height() : 0)))
+ iCalendarSectionMaxHeight = (300 - (($(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").length > 0) ? $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").height() : 0));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(iCalendarContHeight > iCalendarContWidth)
+ iCalendarSectionMaxHeight = iCalendarContWidth;
+ else
+ {
+ iCalendarSectionMaxHeight = iCalendarContHeight / 2;
+ if(iCalendarSectionMaxHeight < (300 - (($(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").length > 0) ? $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").height() : 0)))
+ iCalendarSectionMaxHeight = (300 - (($(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").length > 0) ? $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").height() : 0));
+ }
+ }
+ if(iCMVMonthTableMinHeight !== 0)
+ iCalendarSectionMaxHeight = iCMVMonthTableMinHeight;
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvMonthTableMain").css({"height": iCalendarSectionMaxHeight});
+ }
+ var iAvailableHeightForEvents, iCMVMonthTableHeight,
+ iCMVMonthTableWidth, iCMVTableColumnsWidth,
+ iCMVTableHeaderRowHeight, iCMVTableRowHeight,
+ iDayNumberHeight, iDisplayAllDayEventsButtonHeight, iMaxNumberSectionHeight,
+ iCMVMonthTableHeightModified, iMonthCustomMaxHeight;
+ if(iCalendarContWidth > 500 && iCalendarContHeight > 500)
+ {
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "MonthView") && $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.actionOnDayClickInMonthView, "ModifyEventList") && to.tv.bCMVDisEvLst)
+ iCMVMonthTableHeight = iCalendarSectionMaxHeight;
+ else
+ {
+ iCMVMonthTableHeight = iCalendarContHeight - (($(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").length > 0) ? $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").outerHeight() : 0);
+ if(to.tv.bDisABar)
+ iCMVMonthTableHeight -= $(to.elem).find(".cActionBar").outerHeight();
+ if(to.tv.bDisFBar && ($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Top") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Bottom")))
+ iCMVMonthTableHeight -= $(to.elem).find(".cFilterBar").outerHeight();
+ }
+ $(to.elem).find(".calendarCont").css({"height": iCalendarContHeight});
+ if($(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").length > 0)
+ $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").css({"width": iCalendarContWidth});
+ iCMVMonthTableWidth = (($(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").length > 0) ? $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").outerWidth() : $(to.elem).find(".calendarContInner").outerWidth());
+ iCMVTableColumnsWidth = iCMVMonthTableWidth / (to.setting.excludeNonBusinessHours ? to.tv.iBsDays : 7);
+ if(to.setting.displayWeekNumInMonthView)
+ {
+ if(iCMVTableColumnsWidth > 50)
+ {
+ iCMVTableColumnsWidth = (iCMVMonthTableWidth - 50) / (to.setting.excludeNonBusinessHours ? to.tv.iBsDays : 7);
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvWeekNumber").css({"width": 50});
+ }
+ else
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvWeekNumber").css({"width": iCMVTableColumnsWidth});
+ }
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvTableColumns").css({"width": iCMVTableColumnsWidth});
+ iCMVTableHeaderRowHeight = $(to.elem).find(".cmvMonthTableRowDayHeader").outerHeight();
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "MonthView") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DatePicker"))
+ {
+ iCMVTableRowHeight = (iCMVMonthTableHeight - iCMVTableHeaderRowHeight) / to.tv.iWkInMonth;
+ iDayNumberHeight = $(to.elem).find(".cmvDayNumber").height() + 2;
+ iDisplayAllDayEventsButtonHeight = $(to.elem).find(".cmvDisplayAllEvents").height();
+ iMaxNumberSectionHeight = (iDayNumberHeight > iDisplayAllDayEventsButtonHeight) ? iDayNumberHeight : iDisplayAllDayEventsButtonHeight;
+ iAvailableHeightForEvents = iCMVTableRowHeight - iMaxNumberSectionHeight;
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DetailedMonthView"))
+ {
+ iCMVTableRowHeight = (iCMVMonthTableHeight - iCMVTableHeaderRowHeight) / to.tv.iWkInMonth;
+ if(to.tv.bDisABar || (to.tv.bDisFBar && $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Bottom")))
+ iCMVMonthTableHeight += $.CalenStyle.extra.iBorderOverhead;
+ }
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvTableContainerOuter").css({"height": iCMVMonthTableHeight, "width": iCMVMonthTableWidth});
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DetailedMonthView"))
+ {
+ iCMVMonthTableWidth -= $.CalenStyle.extra.iBorderOverhead;
+ iCMVMonthTableHeight -= $.CalenStyle.extra.iBorderOverhead;
+ }
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvTableContainer").css({"height": iCMVMonthTableHeight, "width": iCMVMonthTableWidth, "top": -$.CalenStyle.extra.iBorderOverhead, "left": -$.CalenStyle.extra.iBorderOverhead});
+ iCMVMonthTableHeightModified = 0;
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DetailedMonthView"))
+ {
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvMonthTableMain").css({"top": -$.CalenStyle.extra.iBorderOverhead});
+ if(to.setting.hideExtraEvents)
+ {
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvMonthTableRows").css({"height": iCMVTableRowHeight});
+ to.tv.iMxEvRw = Math.floor((iCMVTableRowHeight - 30) / ($.CalenStyle.extra.iEventHeights[to.setting.visibleView]));
+ iCMVMonthTableHeightModified = iCMVTableHeaderRowHeight + (to.tv.iWkInMonth * iCMVTableRowHeight);
+ if(iCMVMonthTableHeightModified > iCMVMonthTableHeight)
+ iCMVMonthTableHeight = iCMVMonthTableHeightModified;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvMonthTableRows").css({"height": iCMVTableRowHeight});
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "MonthView"))
+ {
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.eventIndicatorInMonthView, "Custom"))
+ {
+ iMonthCustomMaxHeight = iCMVTableRowHeight - iDayNumberHeight;
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvMonthTableRowCustom").css({"max-height": iMonthCustomMaxHeight});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvMonthTableMain").css({"height": iCMVMonthTableHeight, "width": iCMVMonthTableWidth});
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdmvEventContMain").css({"height": iCMVMonthTableHeight, "width": iCMVMonthTableWidth});
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvDayHeader").removeClass("cmvThinBorderBottom cmvThinBorder").addClass("cmvThinBorderBottom");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if($(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").length > 0)
+ {
+ if(iCalendarContWidth >= 300)
+ $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").css({"width": iCalendarContWidth});
+ else
+ $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").css({"width": iCalendarContWidth});
+ }
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "MonthView") && $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.actionOnDayClickInMonthView, "ModifyEventList") && to.tv.bCMVDisEvLst)
+ {
+ iCMVMonthTableHeight = iCalendarSectionMaxHeight;
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvMonthTable").css({"height": iCMVMonthTableHeight});
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(!(to.tv.bDisABar || to.tv.bDisFBar))
+ iCMVMonthTableHeight = iCalendarContHeight - (($(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").length > 0) ? $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").outerHeight() : 0);
+ else
+ {
+ iCMVMonthTableHeight = iCalendarContHeight - (($(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").length > 0) ? $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").outerHeight() : 0);
+ if(to.tv.bDisABar)
+ iCMVMonthTableHeight -= to.setting.actionBarHeight;
+ if(to.tv.bDisFBar && ($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Top") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Bottom")))
+ iCMVMonthTableHeight -= to.setting.filterBarHeight;
+ }
+ }
+ iCMVMonthTableWidth = (($(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").length > 0) ? $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").outerWidth() : $(to.elem).find(".calendarContInner").outerWidth());
+ iCMVTableColumnsWidth = iCMVMonthTableWidth / (to.setting.excludeNonBusinessHours ? to.tv.iBsDays : 7);
+ if(to.setting.displayWeekNumInMonthView)
+ {
+ if(iCMVTableColumnsWidth > 50)
+ {
+ iCMVTableColumnsWidth = (iCMVMonthTableWidth - 50) / (to.setting.excludeNonBusinessHours ? to.tv.iBsDays : 7);
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvWeekNumber").css({"width": 50});
+ }
+ else
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvWeekNumber").css({"width": iCMVTableColumnsWidth});
+ }
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvTableColumns").css({"width": iCMVTableColumnsWidth});
+ iCMVTableHeaderRowHeight = $(to.elem).find(".cmvMonthTableRowDayHeader").outerHeight();
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "MonthView") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DatePicker"))
+ {
+ iCMVTableRowHeight = (iCMVMonthTableHeight - iCMVTableHeaderRowHeight) / to.tv.iWkInMonth;
+ iDayNumberHeight = $(to.elem).find(".cmvDayNumber").height() + 2;
+ iDisplayAllDayEventsButtonHeight = $(to.elem).find(".cmvDisplayAllEvents").height();
+ iMaxNumberSectionHeight = (iDayNumberHeight > iDisplayAllDayEventsButtonHeight) ? iDayNumberHeight : iDisplayAllDayEventsButtonHeight;
+ iAvailableHeightForEvents = iCMVTableRowHeight - iMaxNumberSectionHeight;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(to.setting.hideExtraEvents)
+ iCMVTableRowHeight = (iCMVMonthTableHeight - iCMVTableHeaderRowHeight) / to.tv.iWkInMonth;
+ }
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DetailedMonthView"))
+ {
+ if(to.tv.bDisABar || (to.tv.bDisFBar && $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Bottom")))
+ iCMVMonthTableHeight += $.CalenStyle.extra.iBorderOverhead;
+ }
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvTableContainerOuter").css({"height": iCMVMonthTableHeight, "width": iCMVMonthTableWidth});
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DetailedMonthView"))
+ {
+ iCMVMonthTableWidth -= $.CalenStyle.extra.iBorderOverhead;
+ iCMVMonthTableHeight -= $.CalenStyle.extra.iBorderOverhead;
+ }
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvTableContainer").css({"height": iCMVMonthTableHeight, "width": iCMVMonthTableWidth, "top": -$.CalenStyle.extra.iBorderOverhead, "left": -$.CalenStyle.extra.iBorderOverhead});
+ iCMVMonthTableHeightModified = 0;
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DetailedMonthView"))
+ {
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvMonthTableMain").css({"top": -$.CalenStyle.extra.iBorderOverhead});
+ if(to.setting.hideExtraEvents)
+ {
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvMonthTableRows").css({"height": iCMVTableRowHeight});
+ to.tv.iMxEvRw = Math.floor((iCMVTableRowHeight - 30) / ($.CalenStyle.extra.iEventHeights[to.setting.visibleView]));
+ iCMVMonthTableHeightModified = iCMVTableHeaderRowHeight + (to.tv.iWkInMonth * iCMVTableRowHeight);
+ if(iCMVMonthTableHeightModified > iCMVMonthTableHeight)
+ iCMVMonthTableHeight = iCMVMonthTableHeightModified;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvMonthTableRows").css({"height": iCMVTableRowHeight});
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "MonthView"))
+ {
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.eventIndicatorInMonthView, "Custom"))
+ {
+ iMonthCustomMaxHeight = iCMVTableRowHeight - iDayNumberHeight;
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvMonthTableRowCustom").css({"max-height": iMonthCustomMaxHeight});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvMonthTableMain").css({"height": iCMVMonthTableHeight, "width": iCMVMonthTableWidth});
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdmvEventContMain").css({"height": iCMVMonthTableHeight, "width": iCMVMonthTableWidth});
+ }
+ //------------------------ Events Adjustment Start ---------------------------------
+ var iHeightForEvents = iAvailableHeightForEvents / 2;
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvEventContSmall").css({"height": iHeightForEvents});
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvEventContAllDay").css({"height": iHeightForEvents});
+ var iHeightOfAllDayEvents = to._getHeightForAllDayEventInMonthView(),
+ iHeightOfSmallEvents = to._getHeightForSmallEventInMonthView(),
+ iMarginForSmallEvent = to._getMarginValueForSmallEventInMonthView(),
+ sMarginForSmallEvent = iMarginForSmallEvent + "px " + iMarginForSmallEvent + "px;";
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvEventSmall").css({"width": iHeightOfSmallEvents, "height": iHeightOfSmallEvents, "margin": sMarginForSmallEvent, "top": 0});
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvEventAllDay").css({"height": iHeightOfAllDayEvents});
+ //------------------------ Events Adjustment End ---------------------------------
+ if(iCalendarContWidth >= 550)
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvMonthTableRows .cmvWeekNumber").addClass("clickableLink");
+ else
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvMonthTableRows .cmvWeekNumber").removeClass("clickableLink");
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ var iMonthListHeight = $(to.elem).find(".calendarCont").height();
+ if(to.tv.bDisFBar && ($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Top") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Bottom")))
+ iMonthListHeight -= $(to.elem).find(".cFilterBar").height();
+ for(var iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < to.setting.sectionsList.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ var sSectionName = to.setting.sectionsList[iTempIndex];
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(sSectionName, "Calendar"))
+ {
+ iMonthListHeight -= ((($(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").length > 0) ? $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").height() : 0) + 4);
+ iMonthListHeight -= $(to.elem).find(".cmvMonthTable").height();
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(sSectionName, "ActionBar"))
+ iMonthListHeight -= ($(to.elem).find(".cActionBar").height() + 1);
+ }
+ $(to.elem).find(".cListOuterCont").css({"height": iMonthListHeight});
+ var iCMVMonthTableLeft = $(to.elem).find(".cmvMonthTableMain").position().left,
+ iCMVMonthTableTop = 0;
+ if($(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").length > 0)
+ iCMVMonthTableTop = $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").position().top + $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").outerHeight() - 1;
+ else
+ iCMVMonthTableTop = $(to.elem).position().top;
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdmvEventContMain").css({"left": iCMVMonthTableLeft, "top": -$.CalenStyle.extra.iBorderOverhead});
+ //to.__adjustFontSize();
+ to._adjustEventsInMonthView();
+ to.setCalendarBorderColor();
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "MonthView"))
+ {
+ if(to.setting.isDragNDropInMonthView)
+ to._makeEventDraggableInMonthView(".EventDraggable");
+ }
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "MonthView") && $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.actionOnDayClickInMonthView, "DisplayEventListDialog"))
+ {
+ if(iCalendarContWidth <= 400)
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvDisplayAllEvents").remove();
+ else if($(to.elem).find(".cmvDisplayAllEvents").length === 0)
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvDay").prepend("
.. ");
+ }
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ },
+ _getHeightForAllDayEventInMonthView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var iHeightForEvents = $(to.elem).find(".cmvEventContAllDay").height(),
+ iHeightOfAllDayEvents = Math.floor(iHeightForEvents / 5);
+ if(iHeightOfAllDayEvents < 2)
+ iHeightOfAllDayEvents = 2;
+ else if(iHeightOfAllDayEvents > 4)
+ iHeightOfAllDayEvents = 4;
+ return iHeightOfAllDayEvents;
+ },
+ _getHeightForSmallEventInMonthView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var iHeightForEvents = $(to.elem).find(".cmvEventContAllDay").height(),
+ iHeightOfSmallEvents = Math.floor(iHeightForEvents / 2);
+ if(iHeightOfSmallEvents < 2)
+ iHeightOfSmallEvents = 2;
+ else if(iHeightOfSmallEvents > 10)
+ iHeightOfSmallEvents = 10;
+ return iHeightOfSmallEvents;
+ },
+ _getMarginValueForSmallEventInMonthView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var iHeightOfSmallEvents = to._getHeightForSmallEventInMonthView();
+ if(iHeightOfSmallEvents <= 3)
+ return 1;
+ else if(iHeightOfSmallEvents > 3)
+ return 2;
+ },
+ _setMonthStrings: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var bDatePickerView = $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DatePicker"),
+ sUnderlineClass = bDatePickerView ? "cContHeaderLabelUnderline" : "",
+ sClickableClass = bDatePickerView ? "clickableLink" : "";
+ var sHeaderViewLabel = "";
+ sHeaderViewLabel += "";
+ if(to.setting.modifyHeaderViewLabels)
+ to.setting.modifyHeaderViewLabels.call(to, to.tv.dVSDt, to.tv.dVEDt, to.setting.selectedDate, sHeaderViewLabel, to.setting.visibleView);
+ $(to.elem).find(".cContHeaderLabel").html(sHeaderViewLabel);
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DatePicker"))
+ {
+ $(to.elem).find(".cContHeaderLabelMonth").on($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandler, function(e)
+ {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ var oMonthPicker = new CalenStyle_MonthPicker(to, false);
+ oMonthPicker.showOrHideMonthList();
+ });
+ $(to.elem).find(".cContHeaderLabelYear").on($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandler, function(e)
+ {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ var oYearPicker = new CalenStyle_YearPicker(to, false);
+ oYearPicker.showOrHideYearList();
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ __goToPrevMonthView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ if($(to.elem).find(".cmlvOuterCont").length <= 0 && $(to.elem).find(".cylvOuterCont").length <= 0)
+ {
+ if(to.setting.showTransition)
+ {
+ var iCMVMonthTableWidth = $(to.elem).find(".cmvMonthTableMain").width(),
+ iCMVMonthTableLeft = $(to.elem).find(".cmvMonthTableMain").position().left,
+ iCMVMonthTableTop = 0;
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "MonthView") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DatePicker"))
+ {
+ if($(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").length > 0)
+ iCMVMonthTableTop = $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").position().top + $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").outerHeight() - 1;
+ else
+ iCMVMonthTableTop = $(to.elem).position().top;
+ }
+ var newElem = $(to.elem).find(".cmvMonthTableMain").clone();
+ $(newElem).removeClass("cmvMonthTableMain").addClass("cmvMonthTableTemp");
+ $(newElem).css({"position": "absolute", "top": iCMVMonthTableTop, "left": iCMVMonthTableLeft});
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvMonthTableMain").parent().append(newElem);
+ $(newElem).css({"z-index": 101});
+ iCMVMonthTableLeft = iCMVMonthTableLeft + iCMVMonthTableWidth;
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ var iCDMVEventContLeft, iCDMVEventContWidth, newElemCont2;
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DetailedMonthView"))
+ {
+ iCDMVEventContLeft = $(to.elem).find(".cdmvEventContMain").position().left;
+ iCDMVEventContWidth= $(to.elem).find(".cdmvEventContMain").width();
+ newElemCont2 = $(to.elem).find(".cdmvEventContMain").clone();
+ $(newElemCont2).removeClass("cdmvEventContMain").addClass("cdmvEventContTemp");
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdmvEventContMain").parent().append(newElemCont2);
+ $(newElemCont2).css({"z-index": 102});
+ iCDMVEventContLeft = iCDMVEventContLeft + iCDMVEventContWidth;
+ $(newElemCont2).animate({"left": iCDMVEventContLeft}, to.setting.transitionSpeed);
+ }
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ $(newElem).animate({"left": iCMVMonthTableLeft}, to.setting.transitionSpeed);
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ $(newElem).remove();
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DetailedMonthView"))
+ $(newElemCont2).remove();
+ }, to.setting.transitionSpeed);
+ }
+ to.tv.dCMDt = new Date(to.tv.dPMDt);
+ to._setNextPreviousMonthDates();
+ var iMonth = to.tv.dCMDt.getMonth(),
+ iYear = to.tv.dCMDt.getFullYear(),
+ iNumOfDays = to.__getNumberOfDaysOfMonth(iMonth, iYear),
+ iDate = to.setting.selectedDate.getDate();
+ if(iDate > iNumOfDays)
+ iDate = iNumOfDays;
+ var iHours = to.setting.selectedDate.getHours(),
+ iMinutes = to.setting.selectedDate.getMinutes(),
+ iSeconds = to.setting.selectedDate.getSeconds();
+ to.setting.selectedDate = to.setDateInFormat({"iDate": {y: iYear, M: iMonth, d: iDate, H: iHours, m: iMinutes, s: iSeconds}}, "");
+ to.tv.dLoadDt = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.setting.selectedDate}, "START");
+ to.tv.sLoadType = "Prev";
+ to.updateMonthTableAndContents(true);
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ to.__reloadDatePickerContentOnNavigation();
+ }, 10);
+ }
+ },
+ __goToNextMonthView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ if($(to.elem).find(".cmlvOuterCont").length <= 0 && $(to.elem).find(".cylvOuterCont").length <= 0)
+ {
+ if(to.setting.showTransition)
+ {
+ var iCMVMonthTableWidth = $(to.elem).find(".cmvMonthTableMain").width(),
+ iCMVMonthTableLeft = $(to.elem).find(".cmvMonthTableMain").position().left,
+ iCMVMonthTableTop = 0;
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "MonthView") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DatePicker"))
+ {
+ if($(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").length > 0)
+ iCMVMonthTableTop = $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").position().top + $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").outerHeight() - 1;
+ else
+ iCMVMonthTableTop = $(to.elem).position().top;
+ }
+ var newElem = $(to.elem).find(".cmvMonthTableMain").clone();
+ $(newElem).removeClass("cmvMonthTableMain").addClass("cmvMonthTableTemp");
+ $(newElem).css({"position": "absolute", "top": iCMVMonthTableTop, "left": iCMVMonthTableLeft});
+ $(newElem).css({"z-index": 101});
+ iCMVMonthTableLeft = iCMVMonthTableLeft - iCMVMonthTableWidth;
+ $(to.elem).find(".cmvMonthTableMain").parent().append(newElem);
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ var iCDMVEventContLeft, iCDMVEventContWidth, newElemCont2;
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DetailedMonthView"))
+ {
+ iCDMVEventContLeft = $(to.elem).find(".cdmvEventContMain").position().left;
+ iCDMVEventContWidth= $(to.elem).find(".cdmvEventContMain").width();
+ newElemCont2 = $(to.elem).find(".cdmvEventContMain").clone();
+ $(newElemCont2).removeClass("cdmvEventContMain").addClass("cdmvEventContTemp");
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdmvEventContMain").parent().append(newElemCont2);
+ $(newElemCont2).css({"z-index": 102});
+ iCDMVEventContLeft = iCDMVEventContLeft - iCDMVEventContWidth;
+ $(newElemCont2).animate({"left": iCDMVEventContLeft}, to.setting.transitionSpeed);
+ }
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ $(newElem).animate({"left": iCMVMonthTableLeft}, to.setting.transitionSpeed);
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ $(newElem).remove();
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DetailedMonthView"))
+ $(newElemCont2).remove();
+ }, to.setting.transitionSpeed);
+ }
+ to.tv.dCMDt = new Date(to.tv.dNMDt);
+ to._setNextPreviousMonthDates();
+ var iMonth = to.tv.dCMDt.getMonth(),
+ iYear = to.tv.dCMDt.getFullYear(),
+ iNumOfDays = to.__getNumberOfDaysOfMonth(iMonth, iYear),
+ iDate = to.setting.selectedDate.getDate();
+ if(iDate > iNumOfDays)
+ iDate = iNumOfDays;
+ var iHours = to.setting.selectedDate.getHours(),
+ iMinutes = to.setting.selectedDate.getMinutes(),
+ iSeconds = to.setting.selectedDate.getSeconds();
+ to.setting.selectedDate = to.setDateInFormat({"iDate": {y: iYear, M: iMonth, d: iDate, H: iHours, m: iMinutes, s: iSeconds}}, "");
+ to.tv.dLoadDt = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.setting.selectedDate}, "START");
+ to.tv.sLoadType = "Next";
+ to.updateMonthTableAndContents(true);
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ to.__reloadDatePickerContentOnNavigation();
+ }, 10);
+ }
+ },
+ // Public Method
+ highlightDatesInDatePicker: function(dArrDates)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ if(dArrDates !== null || dArrDates !== undefined)
+ {
+ to.tv.dHighlightDPV = dArrDates;
+ to.__highlightDaysInDatePicker();
+ }
+ },
+ __highlightDaysInDatePicker: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ $(".cmvDay").removeClass("cDatePickerHighlightBg");
+ if(!($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.parentObject.setting.visibleView, "MonthView") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.parentObject.setting.visibleView, "DetailedMonthView")))
+ {
+ if(to.tv.dHighlightDPV !== null || to.tv.dHighlightDPV !== undefined)
+ {
+ for(var iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < to.tv.dHighlightDPV.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ var dThisDate = to.tv.dHighlightDPV[iTempIndex],
+ sDayId = "#cmvDay-"+dThisDate.getDate()+"-"+dThisDate.getMonth()+"-"+dThisDate.getFullYear();
+ $(to.elem).find(sDayId).addClass("cDatePickerHighlightBg");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/*! ------------------------------------ CalenStyle Month View End ----------------------------------- */
+/*! ---------------------------------- CalenStyle Detail View Start ---------------------------------- */
+//"use strict";
+CalenStyle.prototype = $.extend(CalenStyle.prototype, {
+ _getTimeSlotsArrayForCurrentView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var iNumOfDays = $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayEventDetailView") ? 1 : to.tv.iNoVDay,
+ iMaxTimeSlots = 24 * to.tv.iUTmSlt,
+ bArrTemp, iDateIndex, iSlotsIndex, iTempIndex, iNumOfSlotsSpanned,
+ iTempHour, iTempMinutes, iTempSlot, iTempSlotIndex;
+ to.tv.bADVCur = []; to.tv.sADVInfo = [];
+ // ---------------------- Set arrayOfTimeSlots Start --------------------------
+ for(iDateIndex = 0; iDateIndex < iNumOfDays; iDateIndex++)
+ {
+ bArrTemp = [];
+ for(var iHoursIndex = 0; iHoursIndex < 24; iHoursIndex++)
+ {
+ for(iSlotsIndex = 0; iSlotsIndex < to.tv.iUTmSlt; iSlotsIndex++)
+ {
+ bArrTemp.push(0);
+ }
+ }
+ bArrTemp.push(0); // For All Day
+ to.tv.bADVCur.push(bArrTemp);
+ }
+ // ---------------------- Set arrayOfTimeSlots End ----------------------------
+ // ------------- Set RestrictedSection and BusinessHours in arrayOfTimeSlots Start --------------
+ var dThisTempDate = new Date(to.tv.dVDSDt),
+ iThisTempDate = to.tv.dVDSDt.getTime();
+ for(iDateIndex = 0; iDateIndex < iNumOfDays; iDateIndex++)
+ {
+ if(to.tv.bABsDays[dThisTempDate.getDay()] || !to.setting.excludeNonBusinessHours)
+ {
+ bArrTemp = to.tv.bADVCur[iDateIndex];
+ var dArrTempResSec = to._getRestrictedSectionForCurrentView(dThisTempDate),
+ oArrTempBusinessHours = to._getBusinessHoursForCurrentView(dThisTempDate);
+ // ---------------------- Set Available Date Array Indicator Start --------------------------
+ if(oArrTempBusinessHours.length > 0)
+ {
+ for(iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < oArrTempBusinessHours.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ var dArrTempAvailable = oArrTempBusinessHours[iTempIndex],
+ dTempAvailableStart = new Date(dArrTempAvailable[0]),
+ dTempAvailableEnd = new Date(dArrTempAvailable[1]);
+ iNumOfSlotsSpanned = Math.floor((dTempAvailableEnd.getTime() - dTempAvailableStart.getTime()) / to.tv.iUTmMS);
+ iTempHour = dTempAvailableStart.getHours();
+ iTempMinutes = dTempAvailableStart.getMinutes();
+ iTempSlot = Math.floor(iTempMinutes / to.setting.unitTimeInterval);
+ for(iSlotsIndex = 0; iSlotsIndex < iNumOfSlotsSpanned; iSlotsIndex++)
+ {
+ iTempSlotIndex = (iTempHour === 0) ? iTempSlot : ((iTempHour * to.tv.iUTmSlt) + iTempSlot);
+ bArrTemp[iTempSlotIndex] = 1;
+ iTempMinutes += to.setting.unitTimeInterval;
+ iTempSlot = Math.floor(iTempMinutes / to.setting.unitTimeInterval);
+ if(iTempMinutes >= 60)
+ {
+ iTempMinutes = iTempMinutes % to.setting.unitTimeInterval;
+ iTempSlot = Math.floor(iTempMinutes / to.setting.unitTimeInterval);
+ iTempHour += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // ----------------------- Set Available Date Array Indicator End ---------------------------
+ // --------------- Set RestrictedSection Date Array Indicator Start ---------------------------------
+ if(dArrTempResSec.length > 0)
+ {
+ for(iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < dArrTempResSec.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ var dArrResSec = dArrTempResSec[iTempIndex],
+ dTempResSecStart = new Date(dArrResSec.start),
+ bCompStart = to.compareDates(dThisTempDate, dTempResSecStart) === 0,
+ dTempResSecEnd = new Date(dArrResSec.end),
+ bCompEnd = to.compareDates(dThisTempDate, dTempResSecEnd) === 0;
+ if(!bCompStart)
+ dTempResSecStart = to._normalizeDateTime(dThisTempDate, "START", "T");
+ if(!bCompEnd)
+ dTempResSecEnd = to._normalizeDateTime(dThisTempDate, "END", "T");
+ iNumOfSlotsSpanned = Math.round((dTempResSecEnd.getTime() - dTempResSecStart.getTime()) / to.tv.iUTmMS);
+ iNumOfSlotsSpanned = (iNumOfSlotsSpanned === 0) ? 1 : (iNumOfSlotsSpanned > iMaxTimeSlots) ? iMaxTimeSlots : iNumOfSlotsSpanned;
+ var iInfoIndex = 2, oDVInfo,
+ bBGColorFound = false,
+ bClassFound = false,
+ bMatchFound = false,
+ sResSecBg = dArrResSec.backgroundColor,
+ bValidBGColor = $.cf.isValid(sResSecBg),
+ sResSecClass = dArrResSec.class,
+ bValidClass = $.cf.isValid(sResSecClass);
+ if(bValidBGColor || bValidClass)
+ {
+ for(iInfoIndex = 0; iInfoIndex < to.tv.sADVInfo.length; iInfoIndex++)
+ {
+ oDVInfo = to.tv.sADVInfo[iInfoIndex];
+ bBGColorFound = bValidBGColor && (oDVInfo.bgColor === sResSecBg);
+ bClassFound = bValidClass && (oDVInfo.class === sResSecClass);
+ if(bValidBGColor && bValidClass)
+ {
+ if(bBGColorFound && bClassFound)
+ {
+ iInfoIndex = oDVInfo.index;
+ bMatchFound = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(bBGColorFound || bClassFound)
+ {
+ iInfoIndex = oDVInfo.index;
+ bMatchFound = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(!bMatchFound)
+ {
+ oDVInfo = {};
+ iInfoIndex = 3 + to.tv.sADVInfo.length;
+ oDVInfo.index = iInfoIndex;
+ if(bValidBGColor)
+ oDVInfo.bgColor = sResSecBg;
+ if(bValidClass)
+ oDVInfo.class = sResSecClass;
+ to.tv.sADVInfo.push(oDVInfo);
+ }
+ }
+ if(iNumOfSlotsSpanned === iMaxTimeSlots)
+ {
+ bArrTemp[bArrTemp.length - 1] = iInfoIndex;
+ }
+ iTempHour = dTempResSecStart.getHours();
+ iTempMinutes = dTempResSecStart.getMinutes();
+ iTempSlot = Math.floor(iTempMinutes / to.setting.unitTimeInterval);
+ for(iSlotsIndex = 0; iSlotsIndex < iNumOfSlotsSpanned; iSlotsIndex++)
+ {
+ iTempSlotIndex = (iTempHour === 0) ? iTempSlot : ((iTempHour * to.tv.iUTmSlt) + iTempSlot);
+ bArrTemp[iTempSlotIndex] = iInfoIndex;
+ iTempMinutes += to.setting.unitTimeInterval;
+ iTempSlot = Math.floor(iTempMinutes / to.setting.unitTimeInterval);
+ if(iTempMinutes >= 60)
+ {
+ iTempMinutes = iTempMinutes % to.setting.unitTimeInterval;
+ iTempSlot = Math.floor(iTempMinutes / to.setting.unitTimeInterval);
+ iTempHour += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // --------------- Set RestrictedSection Date Array Indicator End -----------------------------------
+ to.tv.bADVCur[iDateIndex] = bArrTemp;
+ }
+ iThisTempDate += $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.d;
+ dThisTempDate = new Date(iThisTempDate);
+ }
+ // ------------- Set RestrictedSection and BusinessHours in arrayOfTimeSlots Start --------------
+ },
+ _getStartAndEndDatesOfEventWithId: function(iEventId)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var oThisEvent = to.getEventWithId(iEventId);
+ return [oThisEvent.start, oThisEvent.end];
+ },
+ _getNumberOfHoursOfEventWithId: function(sEventId)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var oEvent = to.getEventWithId(sEventId);
+ return to.__getNumberOfHoursOfEvent(oEvent.isAllDay, oEvent.start, oEvent.end);
+ },
+ _getNumberOfDaysOfEventForWeek: function(bIsAllDay, dStartDateTime, dEndDateTime, bWithHours, bForView)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var dTempEndDateTime;
+ if(bIsAllDay && to.compareDateTimes(dStartDateTime, dEndDateTime) === 0)
+ dTempEndDateTime = new Date(dEndDateTime.getTime() + $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.d);
+ else
+ dTempEndDateTime = new Date(dEndDateTime);
+ if(dTempEndDateTime.getHours() === 0 && dTempEndDateTime.getMinutes() === 0)
+ dTempEndDateTime.setMinutes(dTempEndDateTime.getMinutes() - 1);
+ var iNumOfDays = 0,
+ dArrTempDates = to.__getStartAndEndDatesOfEventForView(bIsAllDay, dStartDateTime, dTempEndDateTime),
+ dTempStartDate = dArrTempDates[0], dTempEndDate = dArrTempDates[1],
+ iNumOfMinutes = Math.round((dTempEndDate.getTime() - dTempStartDate.getTime()) / $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.m),
+ iNumOfHours = Math.round(iNumOfMinutes / 60);
+ if(iNumOfMinutes < 0)
+ console.log("Invalid Start And End Dates " + dStartDateTime + " " + dTempEndDateTime);
+ else
+ {
+ iNumOfDays = 0;
+ if(to.compareDates(dTempStartDate, dTempEndDate) !== 0)
+ {
+ var dNewStartDate = to.setDateInFormat({"date": dTempStartDate}, "START"),
+ dNewEndDate = to.setDateInFormat({"date": dTempEndDate}, "START"),
+ iNewNumOfHours = (dNewEndDate.getTime() - dNewStartDate.getTime()) / $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.h;
+ iNumOfDays = Math.round(iNewNumOfHours / 24) + 1;
+ if(bForView)
+ {
+ var dTempDate = new Date(dNewStartDate), iTempNumOfDays = 0;
+ for(var iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < iNumOfDays; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ if(to.__findWhetherDateIsVisibleInCurrentView(dTempDate, (bIsAllDay || iNumOfHours > 23), dTempStartDate, dTempEndDate))
+ iTempNumOfDays++;
+ dTempDate.setDate(dTempDate.getDate() + 1);
+ }
+ iNumOfDays = iTempNumOfDays;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(bForView)
+ {
+ if(to.__findWhetherDateIsVisibleInCurrentView(dTempStartDate, (bIsAllDay || iNumOfHours > 23), dTempStartDate, dTempEndDate))
+ iNumOfDays = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ iNumOfDays = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if(bWithHours)
+ return [iNumOfDays, iNumOfHours];
+ else
+ return iNumOfDays;
+ },
+ _getLeftPositionOfEventSeg: function(iLeftPos)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var iArrDVDaysLength = to.tv.fADVDayLftPos.length,
+ iDVTableColumnWidth = $(to.elem).find(".cdvTableColumns").width(),
+ iNewLeftPos = 0;
+ for(var iTempIndex1 = 0; iTempIndex1 < iArrDVDaysLength; iTempIndex1++)
+ {
+ var iHoriStartPos = to.tv.fADVDayLftPos[iTempIndex1],
+ iHoriEndPos = iHoriStartPos + iDVTableColumnWidth;
+ iHoriStartPos -= 5;
+ iHoriEndPos -= 5;
+ if(iTempIndex1 === (iArrDVDaysLength - 1))
+ iHoriEndPos += 5;
+ if(iLeftPos >= iHoriStartPos && iLeftPos <= iHoriEndPos)
+ {
+ iNewLeftPos = to.tv.fADVDayLftPos[iTempIndex1];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return iNewLeftPos;
+ },
+ _getDateBasedOnLeftPosition: function(iLeftPos)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayEventDetailView"))
+ return to.setting.selectedDate;
+ var iDVTableColumnWidth = $(to.elem).find(".cdvTableColumns").width(),
+ iArrDVDaysLength = to.tv.fADVDayLftPos.length,
+ iTempIndex = 0, iThisIndex = 0, iTempIndex1;
+ for(iTempIndex1 = 0; iTempIndex1 < iArrDVDaysLength; iTempIndex1++)
+ {
+ var iHoriStartPos = to.tv.fADVDayLftPos[iTempIndex1] - 5,
+ iHoriEndPos = iHoriStartPos + iDVTableColumnWidth - 5;
+ if(iTempIndex1 === (iArrDVDaysLength - 1))
+ iHoriEndPos += 5;
+ if(iLeftPos >= iHoriStartPos && iLeftPos <= iHoriEndPos)
+ {
+ iThisIndex = iTempIndex1 + 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ for(iTempIndex1 = 0; iTempIndex1 < to.tv.dAVDt.length; iTempIndex1++)
+ {
+ var dThisDate = to.tv.dAVDt[iTempIndex1];
+ if(to.__isDateInCurrentView(dThisDate))
+ {
+ iTempIndex++;
+ if(iTempIndex === iThisIndex)
+ return dThisDate;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _getDateForDayNumber: function(iDayNumber, bFromLeft)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var iThisIndex = (bFromLeft) ? 0 : (to.tv.iNoVDay - 1),
+ iThisDayNumber = 0;
+ for(var iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < to.tv.iNoVDay; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ iThisDayNumber++;
+ if(iThisDayNumber === iDayNumber)
+ return to.tv.dAVDt[iThisIndex];
+ iThisIndex = (bFromLeft) ? (iThisIndex + 1) : (iThisIndex - 1);
+ }
+ },
+ _createCopyOfArray: function(oArrInput)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var oArrOutput = [];
+ return oArrOutput.concat(oArrInput);
+ },
+ //------------------------------- Event Segment Manipulation Start -------------------------------
+ _setPropertiesOfEventSeg: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var oArrCollidingEvents = [], oTempArrEventSegs, oArrTempSlot, oArrTimeSlots, iSlotIndex;
+ // ---------------------------- setPropertiesOfEventSegments ----------------------------
+ for(var iThisDay = 0; iThisDay < to.tv.dAVDt.length; iThisDay++)
+ {
+ var oArrConditions = [];
+ oArrConditions.push(["eventSegStart", to.tv.dAVDt[iThisDay]]);
+ var oArrTempEvents = to._getEventSegWith(oArrConditions);
+ oArrTempEvents = to._sortEventSeg(to._createCopyOfArray(oArrTempEvents));
+ oArrTimeSlots = [];
+ for(var iThisEvent = 0; iThisEvent < oArrTempEvents.length; iThisEvent++)
+ {
+ var oEventSeg = oArrTempEvents[iThisEvent],
+ dSegStartDate = oEventSeg.eventSegStart,
+ dSegEndDate = oEventSeg.eventSegEnd;
+ if(oArrTimeSlots.length <= 0)
+ {
+ oTempArrEventSegs = new Array(oEventSeg);
+ oArrTempSlot = new Array(dSegStartDate, dSegEndDate, oTempArrEventSegs);
+ oArrTimeSlots.push(oArrTempSlot);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ var bAddedInExisting = 0;
+ for(iSlotIndex = 0; iSlotIndex < oArrTimeSlots.length; iSlotIndex++)
+ {
+ var oTimeSlot = oArrTimeSlots[iSlotIndex],
+ dSlotStartDate = oTimeSlot[0],
+ dSlotEndDate = oTimeSlot[1],
+ bSegStartDate1 = 0, bSegStartDate2 = 0,
+ bSegEndDate1 = 0, bSegEndDate2 = 0,
+ iCompStartTime1 = to.compareDateTimes(dSegStartDate, dSlotStartDate),
+ iCompStartTime2 = to.compareDateTimes(dSegStartDate, dSlotEndDate),
+ iCompEndTime1 = to.compareDateTimes(dSegEndDate, dSlotStartDate),
+ iCompEndTime2 = to.compareDateTimes(dSegEndDate, dSlotEndDate);
+ if(iCompStartTime1 > 0 || iCompStartTime1 === 0)
+ bSegStartDate1 = 1;
+ if(iCompStartTime2 < 0)
+ bSegStartDate2 = 1;
+ if(iCompEndTime1 > 0)
+ bSegEndDate1 = 1;
+ if(iCompEndTime2 < 0 || iCompEndTime2 === 0)
+ bSegEndDate2 = 1;
+ if((bSegStartDate1 === 1 && bSegStartDate2 === 1) || (bSegEndDate1 === 1 && bSegEndDate2 === 1))
+ {
+ var oArrSlotSegments = oTimeSlot[2];
+ oArrSlotSegments.push(oEventSeg);
+ bAddedInExisting = 1;
+ }
+ if(iCompStartTime1 < 0)
+ oTimeSlot[0] = dSegStartDate; // Changing StartTime
+ if(iCompEndTime2 > 0 && iCompStartTime2 < 0)
+ oTimeSlot[1] = dSegEndDate; // Changing EndTime
+ }
+ if(bAddedInExisting === 0)
+ {
+ oTempArrEventSegs = new Array(oEventSeg);
+ oArrTempSlot = new Array(dSegStartDate, dSegEndDate, oTempArrEventSegs);
+ oArrTimeSlots.push(oArrTempSlot);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ oArrCollidingEvents.push(oArrTimeSlots);
+ }
+ // ------------------------------ Colliding Events -------------------------------
+ var oAEventsegColumns = [];
+ for(var iIndex = 0; iIndex < oArrCollidingEvents.length; iIndex++)
+ {
+ oArrTimeSlots = oArrCollidingEvents[iIndex];
+ var oArrTempColumns = [];
+ for(iSlotIndex = 0; iSlotIndex < oArrTimeSlots.length; iSlotIndex++)
+ {
+ var oArrTempTimeSlot = oArrTimeSlots[iSlotIndex],
+ oAEventSegs = oArrTempTimeSlot[2],
+ oArrColumns = to._assignEventSegToColumnsInDetailView(oAEventSegs);
+ oArrTempColumns.push([oArrTempTimeSlot[0], oArrTempTimeSlot[1], oArrColumns]);
+ }
+ oAEventsegColumns.push(oArrTempColumns);
+ }
+ },
+ _getEventSegWith: function(oArrConditions)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var oArrTempEvents = [];
+ for(var iSeg = 0; iSeg < to.tv.oASmEvSeg.length; iSeg++)
+ {
+ var oEventSeg = to.tv.oASmEvSeg[iSeg],
+ bConditionSatisfied = 0;
+ for(var iCondition = 0; iCondition < oArrConditions.length; iCondition++)
+ {
+ var oCondition = oArrConditions[iCondition],
+ propertyName = oCondition[0],
+ compareToValue = oCondition[1];
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(propertyName, "eventSegStart") || $.cf.compareStrings(propertyName, "eventSegEnd"))
+ {
+ if(to.compareDates(oEventSeg[propertyName], compareToValue) === 0)
+ bConditionSatisfied++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(oEventSeg[propertyName] === compareToValue)
+ bConditionSatisfied++;
+ }
+ }
+ if(bConditionSatisfied === oArrConditions.length)
+ oArrTempEvents.push(oEventSeg);
+ }
+ return oArrTempEvents;
+ },
+ _sortEventSeg: function(oArrTempEventSegs)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ // Event Segment Sorting Logic
+ // 1. Sort Event Segments Based on StartDateTime
+ // 2. Sort Events Based on Duration
+ var iNumOfEventSegs = oArrTempEventSegs.length;
+ if(iNumOfEventSegs > 1)
+ {
+ for(var iEventOut = 0; iEventOut < iNumOfEventSegs; iEventOut++)
+ {
+ var oEventSeg1 = oArrTempEventSegs[iEventOut],
+ sEventSeg1Id = parseInt(oEventSeg1.eventId),
+ dEvent1StartDate = to._getStartAndEndDatesOfEventWithId(sEventSeg1Id)[0],
+ oTempEventSeg;
+ for(var iEventIn = (iEventOut + 1); iEventIn < iNumOfEventSegs; iEventIn++)
+ {
+ var oEventSeg2 = oArrTempEventSegs[iEventIn],
+ sEventSeg2Id = parseInt(oEventSeg2.eventId);
+ if(sEventSeg1Id !== sEventSeg2Id)
+ {
+ var dEvent2StartDate = to._getStartAndEndDatesOfEventWithId(sEventSeg2Id)[0],
+ iCompTimes = to.compareDateTimes(dEvent1StartDate, dEvent2StartDate);
+ if(iCompTimes > 0)
+ {
+ oTempEventSeg = oEventSeg1;
+ oEventSeg1 = oEventSeg2;
+ oEventSeg2 = oTempEventSeg;
+ oArrTempEventSegs[iEventOut] = oEventSeg1;
+ dEvent1StartDate = dEvent2StartDate;
+ oArrTempEventSegs[iEventIn] = oEventSeg2;
+ }
+ else if(iCompTimes === 0)
+ {
+ var iEvent1Hours = to._getNumberOfHoursOfEventWithId(sEventSeg1Id),
+ iEvent2Hours = to._getNumberOfHoursOfEventWithId(sEventSeg2Id);
+ if(iEvent2Hours > iEvent1Hours)
+ {
+ oTempEventSeg = oEventSeg1;
+ oEventSeg1 = oEventSeg2;
+ oEventSeg2 = oTempEventSeg;
+ oArrTempEventSegs[iEventOut] = oEventSeg1;
+ dEvent1StartDate = oEventSeg1.eventSegStart;
+ oArrTempEventSegs[iEventIn] = oEventSeg2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return oArrTempEventSegs;
+ },
+ _whetherEventsAreColliding: function(oEventSeg1, oEventSeg2)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var dEventSeg1StartDate = oEventSeg1.eventSegStart,
+ dEventSeg1EndDate = oEventSeg1.eventSegEnd,
+ dEventSeg2StartDate = oEventSeg2.eventSegStart,
+ dEventSeg2EndDate = oEventSeg2.eventSegEnd,
+ bSegStartDate1 = 0, bSegStartDate2 = 0,
+ bSegEndDate1 = 0, bSegEndDate2 = 0,
+ iCompStartTime1 = to.compareDateTimes(dEventSeg1StartDate, dEventSeg2StartDate),
+ iCompStartTime2 = to.compareDateTimes(dEventSeg1StartDate, dEventSeg2EndDate),
+ iCompEndTime1 = to.compareDateTimes(dEventSeg1EndDate, dEventSeg2StartDate),
+ iCompEndTime2 = to.compareDateTimes(dEventSeg1EndDate, dEventSeg2EndDate);
+ if(iCompStartTime1 > 0 || iCompStartTime1 === 0)
+ bSegStartDate1 = 1;
+ if(iCompStartTime2 < 0)
+ bSegStartDate2 = 1;
+ if(iCompEndTime1 > 0)
+ bSegEndDate1 = 1;
+ if(iCompEndTime2 < 0 || iCompEndTime2 === 0)
+ bSegEndDate2 = 1;
+ if((bSegStartDate1 === 1 && bSegStartDate2 === 1) || (bSegEndDate1 === 1 && bSegEndDate2 === 1))
+ return true;
+ else
+ return false;
+ },
+ _removeEventSegWithId: function(sId)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var oArrTemp = [];
+ sId = parseInt(sId);
+ for(var iSegIndex = 0; iSegIndex < to.tv.oASmEvSeg.length; iSegIndex++)
+ {
+ var oEventSeg = to.tv.oASmEvSeg[iSegIndex];
+ if(parseInt(oEventSeg.eventId) !== parseInt(sId))
+ oArrTemp.push(oEventSeg);
+ }
+ to.tv.oASmEvSeg = [];
+ to.tv.oASmEvSeg = oArrTemp;
+ },
+ _createAndAddEventSegForId: function(sId, bIsAllDay, dStartDateTime, dEndDateTime)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var dArrTempDates = to.__getStartAndEndDatesOfEventForView(bIsAllDay, dStartDateTime, dEndDateTime),
+ dTempStartDate = dArrTempDates[0],
+ dTempEndDate = dArrTempDates[1],
+ iNumOfHours = to.__getNumberOfHoursOfEvent(bIsAllDay, dStartDateTime, dEndDateTime),
+ iNumOfEventElements = to._getNumberOfDaysOfEventForWeek(bIsAllDay, dStartDateTime, dEndDateTime, false, true),
+ sEventTimeFormat = to.setting.is24Hour ? "HH:mm" : "h[:m]sm",
+ sStartDateTime = to.getDateInFormat({"date": dStartDateTime}, sEventTimeFormat, to.setting.is24Hour, true),
+ sEndDateTime = to.getDateInFormat({"date": dEndDateTime}, sEventTimeFormat, to.setting.is24Hour, true);
+ var dTempSDT = new Date(dTempStartDate);
+ while(!to.__findWhetherDateIsVisibleInCurrentView(dTempSDT, (bIsAllDay || iNumOfHours > 23), dTempStartDate, dTempEndDate))
+ {
+ dTempSDT.setDate(dTempSDT.getDate() + 1);
+ dTempSDT = to.setDateInFormat({"date": dTempSDT}, "START");
+ }
+ dTempStartDate = new Date(dTempSDT);
+ var dThisDate = to.setDateInFormat({"date": dTempStartDate}, "START");
+ for(var iSegIndex = 0; iSegIndex < iNumOfEventElements; iSegIndex++)
+ {
+ var iWkIndex = to.__getDayIndexInView(dThisDate);
+ var oSegArgs = {};
+ oSegArgs.iNumEvElem = iNumOfEventElements;
+ oSegArgs.iId = sId;
+ oSegArgs.sId = "Event-"+sId;
+ oSegArgs.dStart = dStartDateTime;
+ oSegArgs.dEnd = dEndDateTime;
+ oSegArgs.dStartView = dTempStartDate;
+ oSegArgs.dEndView = dTempEndDate;
+ oSegArgs.dThisDate = dThisDate;
+ oSegArgs.iEventElem = (iSegIndex + 1);
+ oSegArgs.iWkIndex = iWkIndex;
+ var oSegProperties = to._createAndAddEventSeg(oSegArgs),
+ sSegId = "#" + oSegProperties.sId,
+ sSegTitle = oSegProperties.sElemTitle,
+ iSegTopPos = oSegProperties.iTopPos,
+ iSegHeight = oSegProperties.iEventHeight,
+ iSegLeftPos = to.tv.fADVDayLftPos[iWkIndex];
+ if(to.tv.oDVEdtgEv !== {} && $.cf.isValid(to.tv.oDVEdtgEv.dEditingDate) && to.compareDates(to.tv.oDVEdtgEv.dEditingDate, dThisDate) === 0)
+ to.tv.oDVEdtgEv.iElemLeft = iSegLeftPos;
+ var $oThisSeg = $(to.elem).find(sSegId);
+ $oThisSeg.css({"top": iSegTopPos, "height": iSegHeight, "left": iSegLeftPos});
+ $oThisSeg.attr("data-pos", oSegProperties.sName);
+ $oThisSeg.attr("title", sSegTitle);
+ var oEventTooltip, sDateTime, sArrDateTime, oThisEvent;
+ oEventTooltip = {};
+ sDateTime = to.getEventDateTimeString(dStartDateTime, dEndDateTime, bIsAllDay, "&&");
+ sArrDateTime = sDateTime.split("&&");
+ oThisEvent = to.getEventWithId(sId);
+ oEventTooltip.title = oThisEvent.title || "";
+ oEventTooltip.startDateTime = sArrDateTime[0];
+ oEventTooltip.endDateTime = sArrDateTime[1];
+ $oThisSeg.data("tooltipcontent", oEventTooltip);
+ if(iSegTopPos < 0)
+ $oThisSeg.find(".cEventLink").css({"margin-top": Math.abs(iSegTopPos)});
+ else
+ $oThisSeg.find(".cEventLink").css({"margin-top": 0});
+ $oThisSeg.find(".cdvEventTime").html(sStartDateTime + "-" + sEndDateTime);
+ dThisDate = new Date(dThisDate.getTime() + $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.d);
+ }
+ },
+ _createAndAddEventSeg: function(oSegArgs)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var iId = oSegArgs.iId,
+ sId = oSegArgs.sId,
+ dStartDateTime = oSegArgs.dStart,
+ dEndDateTime = oSegArgs.dEnd,
+ dThisDate = oSegArgs.dThisDate,
+ iEventElem = oSegArgs.iEventElem,
+ iWkIndex = oSegArgs.iWkIndex,
+ iTimeSlotTableRowHeight = (($(to.elem).find(".cdvTimeSlotTableRow" + ":eq(0)").outerHeight() + $(to.elem).find(".cdvTimeSlotTableRow" + ":eq(1)").outerHeight()) / 2),
+ iEventUnitHeight = iTimeSlotTableRowHeight / to.setting.unitTimeInterval,
+ iStartMinutes = 0, iStartHour = 0, iSlotMinutes = 0,
+ sStartTime = "", iTopPos = 0,
+ oThisDate = to.getDateInFormat({"date": dThisDate}, "object", false, false),
+ dStartDateTimeThis, dEndDateTimeThis;
+ if(to.setting.excludeNonBusinessHours)
+ {
+ dStartDateTimeThis = to.setDateInFormat({"iDate": {d: oThisDate.d, M: oThisDate.M, y: oThisDate.y, H: to.tv.oBsHours.startTime[0], m: to.tv.oBsHours.startTime[1], s: 0, ms: 0}}, "");
+ dEndDateTimeThis = to.setDateInFormat({"iDate": {d: oThisDate.d, M: oThisDate.M, y: oThisDate.y, H: to.tv.oBsHours.endTime[0], m: to.tv.oBsHours.endTime[1], s: 0, ms: 0}}, "");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dStartDateTimeThis = to.setDateInFormat({"iDate": oThisDate}, "START");
+ dEndDateTimeThis = to.setDateInFormat({"iDate": oThisDate}, "END");
+ }
+ var bBeforeDayStart = (to.compareDateTimes(dStartDateTime, dStartDateTimeThis) < 0),
+ bAfterDayEnd = (to.compareDateTimes(dEndDateTime, dEndDateTimeThis) > 0),
+ dStartDateTimeEv = bBeforeDayStart ? dStartDateTimeThis : dStartDateTime,
+ dEndDateTimeEv = bAfterDayEnd ? dEndDateTimeThis : dEndDateTime,
+ iActualHeight = (((dEndDateTimeEv.getTime() - dStartDateTime.getTime()) / $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.m) * iEventUnitHeight),
+ iVisibleHeight = (((dEndDateTimeEv.getTime() - dStartDateTimeEv.getTime()) / $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.m) * iEventUnitHeight),
+ iHeight = iVisibleHeight;
+ iStartHour = dStartDateTimeEv.getHours();
+ iStartMinutes = dStartDateTimeEv.getMinutes();
+ iSlotMinutes = Math.floor(iStartMinutes / to.setting.unitTimeInterval) * to.setting.unitTimeInterval;
+ sStartTime = to.getNumberStringInFormat(iStartHour, 2, false) + to.getNumberStringInFormat(iSlotMinutes, 2, false);
+ iTopPos = $(to.elem).find(".cdvTimeSlotTableRow"+sStartTime).position().top;
+ if(bBeforeDayStart)
+ {
+ iHeight = iActualHeight;
+ iTopPos -= (iActualHeight - iVisibleHeight);
+ }
+ var sName = sStartTime + "|" + iWkIndex + "|" + iTopPos,
+ sElemTitle = dStartDateTime + "\n" + dEndDateTime;
+ sId += "-" + iEventElem;
+ var oEventSeg = new CalEventSeg((iWkIndex + 1), iId, sElemTitle, sId, dStartDateTimeEv, dEndDateTimeEv, 0, 0);
+ to.tv.oASmEvSeg.push(oEventSeg);
+ var oSegProperties = {};
+ oSegProperties.sElemTitle = sElemTitle;
+ oSegProperties.sId = sId;
+ oSegProperties.sName = sName;
+ oSegProperties.iTopPos = iTopPos;
+ oSegProperties.iEventHeight = iHeight;
+ return oSegProperties;
+ },
+ _setOpacityOfEventSeg: function(sId, dEndDateTime)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var bPassedEvent = (to.compareDates(dEndDateTime, $.CalenStyle.extra.dToday) < 0) ? true : false,
+ bHasClass = $(to.elem).find(".Event-"+sId).hasClass("cBlurredEvent");
+ if(bPassedEvent && !bHasClass)
+ $(to.elem).find(".Event-"+sId).addClass("cBlurredEvent");
+ if(!bPassedEvent && bHasClass)
+ $(to.elem).find(".Event-"+sId).removeClass("cBlurredEvent");
+ },
+ _changeViewPropertiesWhileEditing: function(sWhen, sId)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var sSelector;
+ if($.cf.isValid(to.tv.oDVEdtgEv))
+ {
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.tv.oDVEdtgEv.type, "cdvEvent"))
+ sSelector = ".Event-"+sId;
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.tv.oDVEdtgEv.type, "cdvEventAllDay"))
+ sSelector = "#Event-"+sId;
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(sWhen, "BEFORE"))
+ {
+ if(! $(to.elem).find(sSelector).hasClass("cEditingEvent"))
+ {
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.tv.oDVEdtgEv.type, "cdvEvent"))
+ $(to.elem).find(sSelector).addClass("cEditingEvent cEditingEventUI");
+ else
+ $(to.elem).find(sSelector).addClass("cEditingEvent cEditingEventUI cEditingEventAllDay");
+ /*
+ $(to.elem).find(".cEventTooltip").tooltip("close");
+ The above line gives an error if bootstrap plugin is included in the webpage as it overrides jQuery UI tooltip plugin.
+ So if you are including Bootstrap it will be better to use bootstrap Tooltip and Popover.
+ */
+ // if bootstrap toolip or popover plugin is applied
+ //if($(to.elem).find("[data-original-title]").length === 0 && $(to.elem).find(".cEventTooltip").length > 0)
+ // $(to.elem).find(".cEventTooltip").tooltip("close");
+ }
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(sWhen, "AFTER"))
+ {
+ $(to.elem).find(sSelector).removeClass("cEditingEvent cEditingEventAllDay cEditingEventUI");
+ to.tv.iTSEndEditing = $.cf.getTimestamp();
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ //------------------------------- Event Segment Manipulation End -------------------------------
+ __updateDetailViewTable: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var iDateIndex, sDVDaysClass,
+ sColumnClass = (to.tv.iNoVDayDis === 1) ? "cdvSingleColumn" : "cdvMultiColumn",
+ iScrollbarWidth = $.CalenStyle.extra.iScrollbarWidth;
+ to._getTimeSlotsArrayForCurrentView();
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.tv.sLoadType, "Prev"))
+ to.tv.dLoadDt = to.tv.dAVDt[0];
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.tv.sLoadType, "Next"))
+ to.tv.dLoadDt = to.tv.dAVDt[(to.tv.dAVDt.length - 1)];
+ var sTemplate = "";
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ sTemplate += "
+ if(!$.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayEventDetailView"))
+ sTemplate += "";
+ else
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ sTemplate += "";
+ sTemplate += "
+ sTemplate += "
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ for(iDateIndex = 0; iDateIndex < to.tv.iNoVDayDis; iDateIndex++)
+ {
+ var sTempId = "cdvCellDay"+iDateIndex;
+ sDVDaysClass = sColumnClass;
+ if(iDateIndex === (to.tv.iNoVDayDis - 1))
+ sDVDaysClass += " cdvLastColumn";
+ sTemplate += "";
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayEventDetailView"))
+ sTemplate += "";
+ else
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ }
+ if(iScrollbarWidth > 0)
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ sTemplate += "
+ sTemplate += "";
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ for(iDateIndex = 0; iDateIndex < to.tv.iNoVDayDis; iDateIndex++)
+ {
+ var sDVDaysId = "cdvAllDayColumn"+iDateIndex;
+ sDVDaysClass = "";
+ if(iDateIndex === (to.tv.iNoVDayDis - 1))
+ sDVDaysClass += " cdvLastColumn";
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ }
+ if(iScrollbarWidth > 0)
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ sTemplate += "";
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ for(iDateIndex = 0; iDateIndex < to.tv.iNoVDayDis; iDateIndex++)
+ {
+ sDVDaysClass = "cdvDetailTableColumn"+iDateIndex;
+ if(iDateIndex === (to.tv.iNoVDayDis - 1))
+ sDVDaysClass += " cdvLastColumn";
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ }
+ if(iScrollbarWidth > 0)
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvDetailTableMain").html(sTemplate);
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ sTemplate = "";
+ sTemplate += "";
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow2Main").html(sTemplate);
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayEventDetailView"))
+ to.__updateDayListViewTable(false, true);
+ else
+ to._setDateStringsInDetailView();
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ to._addTimeSlotTable();
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ sTemplate = "";
+ sTemplate += "
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow3Main").append(sTemplate);
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ to._takeActionOnTimeSlotTableClick();
+ },
+ __addEventsInDetailView: function(sEventTypeToAdd)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ if(($.cf.compareStrings(sEventTypeToAdd, "AllDay") || $.cf.compareStrings(sEventTypeToAdd, "Both")) && $(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow2Main").length > 0)
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow2Main .cdvEventAllDay").remove();
+ if(($.cf.compareStrings(sEventTypeToAdd, "Small") || $.cf.compareStrings(sEventTypeToAdd, "Both")) && $(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow3Events").length > 0)
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow3Events").html("");
+ var oArrTempEvents = to.getArrayOfEventsForView(to.tv.dVDSDt, to.tv.dVDEDt),
+ bHideEventIcon = $.cf.isValid(to.setting.hideEventIcon[to.setting.visibleView]) ? to.setting.hideEventIcon[to.setting.visibleView] : $.cf.isValid(to.setting.hideEventIcon.Default) ? to.setting.hideEventIcon.Default : false,
+ bHideEventTime = $.cf.isValid(to.setting.hideEventTime[to.setting.visibleView]) ? to.setting.hideEventTime[to.setting.visibleView] : $.cf.isValid(to.setting.hideEventTime.Default) ? to.setting.hideEventTime.Default : false,
+ sEventTimeFormat = to.setting.is24Hour ? "HH:mm" : "h[:m]sm";
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(sEventTypeToAdd, "Small") || $.cf.compareStrings(sEventTypeToAdd, "Both"))
+ to.tv.oASmEvSeg = [];
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(sEventTypeToAdd, "AllDay") || $.cf.compareStrings(sEventTypeToAdd, "Both"))
+ to.tv.oAADEvSeg = [];
+ if(oArrTempEvents.length > 0)
+ {
+ var oArrTempTopPos = [];
+ for(var iEventIndex = 0; iEventIndex < oArrTempEvents.length; iEventIndex++)
+ {
+ var oEvent = oArrTempEvents[iEventIndex],
+ dStartDateTime = null, dEndDateTime = null,
+ bIsAllDay = 0,
+ sTitle = "", sDesc = "", sType = "", sURL = "",
+ sDroppableId = "", bIsMarked = false;
+ if(oEvent.start !== null)
+ dStartDateTime = oEvent.start;
+ if(oEvent.end !== null)
+ dEndDateTime = oEvent.end;
+ if(oEvent.isAllDay !== null)
+ bIsAllDay = oEvent.isAllDay;
+ if(oEvent.title !== null)
+ sTitle = oEvent.title;
+ if(oEvent.desc !== null)
+ sDesc = oEvent.desc;
+ if(oEvent.type !== null)
+ sType = oEvent.type;
+ if(oEvent.url !== null)
+ sURL = oEvent.url;
+ if(oEvent.droppableId !== null)
+ sDroppableId = oEvent.droppableId;
+ if(oEvent.isMarked !== null)
+ bIsMarked = oEvent.isMarked;
+ if(bIsMarked)
+ bIsAllDay = true;
+ var dArrTempDates = to.__getStartAndEndDatesOfEventForView(bIsAllDay, dStartDateTime, dEndDateTime),
+ dTempStartDate = dArrTempDates[0],
+ dTempEndDate = dArrTempDates[1],
+ iNumOfDaysOfEvent = to.getNumberOfDaysOfEvent(bIsAllDay, dStartDateTime, dEndDateTime, false, false, true),
+ iNumOfEventElements = to._getNumberOfDaysOfEventForWeek(bIsAllDay, dStartDateTime, dEndDateTime, false, true),
+ iTotalNumberOfHours = to.__getNumberOfHoursOfEvent(bIsAllDay, dStartDateTime, dEndDateTime);
+ var sId;
+ if(iNumOfEventElements > 0)
+ {
+ var dTempSDT = new Date(dTempStartDate);
+ while(!to.__findWhetherDateIsVisibleInCurrentView(dTempSDT, (bIsAllDay || iTotalNumberOfHours > 23), dTempStartDate, dTempEndDate))
+ {
+ dTempSDT.setDate(dTempSDT.getDate() + 1);
+ dTempSDT = to.setDateInFormat({"date": dTempSDT}, "START");
+ }
+ dTempStartDate = new Date(dTempSDT);
+ var dThisDate = to.setDateInFormat({"date": dTempStartDate}, "START"),
+ iThisDate = dThisDate.getTime();
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ var sEventColor = oEvent.backgroundColor;
+ sEventColor = ($.cf.compareStrings(sEventColor, "") || $.cf.compareStrings(sEventColor, "transparent")) ? "transparent" : sEventColor;
+ var sEventBorderColor = oEvent.borderColor || $.cf.addHashToHexcode(to.setting.borderColor);
+ sEventBorderColor = ($.cf.compareStrings(sEventBorderColor, "") || $.cf.compareStrings(sEventBorderColor, "transparent")) ? "transparent" : sEventBorderColor;
+ var sEventTextColor = oEvent.textColor || $.cf.addHashToHexcode(to.setting.textColor);
+ sEventTextColor = ($.cf.compareStrings(sEventTextColor, "") || $.cf.compareStrings(sEventTextColor, "transparent")) ? $.cf.addHashToHexcode(to.setting.textColor) : sEventTextColor;
+ var sStyle = "", sIcon = "", sEventIconStyle = "", sEventIconDotStyle = "", sPartialEventStyle = "", sLinkStyle ="";
+ if(bIsMarked)
+ {
+ if(oEvent.fromSingleColor)
+ {
+ sStyle += "background: " + sEventColor + "; ";
+ sStyle += "border-color: " + sEventBorderColor + "; ";
+ sStyle += "color: " + sEventTextColor + "; ";
+ sLinkStyle = "color: " + sEventTextColor + "; ";
+ sEventIconStyle = "background: " + sEventTextColor + "; color: #FFFFFF";
+ sEventIconDotStyle = "background: " + sEventTextColor + "; ";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sEventBorderColor = sEventColor;
+ sStyle += "background: " + $.cf.getRGBAString(sEventColor, 0.1) + "; ";
+ sStyle += "border-color: " + sEventBorderColor + "; ";
+ sStyle += "color: " + sEventColor + "; ";
+ sLinkStyle = "color: " + sEventColor + "; ";
+ sEventIconStyle = "background: " + sEventColor + "; color: " + sEventTextColor;
+ sEventIconDotStyle = "background: " + sEventColor + "; ";
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sStyle += "background: " + sEventColor + "; ";
+ sStyle += "border-color: " + sEventBorderColor + "; ";
+ sStyle += "color: " + sEventTextColor + "; ";
+ sLinkStyle = "color: " + sEventTextColor + "; ";
+ sEventIconStyle = "color: " + sEventTextColor + "; ";
+ sEventIconDotStyle = "background: " + sEventTextColor + "; ";
+ sPartialEventStyle = "border-color: " + (oEvent.fromSingleColor ? sEventTextColor : "#000000");
+ }
+ if(sEventBorderColor === "transparent")
+ sStyle += "border-width: 0px; ";
+ if(bIsMarked)
+ sIcon = ($.cf.isValid(oEvent.icon) && oEvent.icon !== "Dot") ? oEvent.icon : "cs-icon-Mark";
+ else
+ sIcon = $.cf.isValid(oEvent.icon) ? oEvent.icon : to.setting.eventIcon;
+ var iWkIndex = to.__getDayIndexInView(dThisDate),
+ iLeftPos = to.tv.fADVDayLftPos[iWkIndex],
+ iTopPos = 0,
+ iEventHeight = 0,
+ sEventClass, sDateTime, oEventTooltip, sTemplate, sIdElem, $oSeg, $oSegContent,
+ sDataDroppableId,
+ sArrDateTime;
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if(bIsAllDay === 1 || bIsAllDay === true || (iTotalNumberOfHours > 23))
+ {
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(sEventTypeToAdd, "AllDay") || $.cf.compareStrings(sEventTypeToAdd, "Both"))
+ {
+ sId = "Event-"+oEvent.calEventId;
+ var bElementExists = $(to.elem).find("#"+sId).length > 0,
+ bElementHasStartDate = false;
+ if(bElementExists)
+ {
+ var dElemStartDate = new Date($(to.elem).find("#"+sId).data("startdate"));
+ bElementHasStartDate = to.compareDates(dElemStartDate, dTempStartDate) !== 0;
+ }
+ if((bElementExists && bElementHasStartDate) || !bElementExists)
+ {
+ var iWidthUnits = iNumOfEventElements,
+ bCompStartDates = to.compareDates(dStartDateTime, dTempStartDate),
+ bVSDCompESD = to.compareDates(to.tv.dVDSDt, dStartDateTime),
+ bVEDCompESD = to.compareDates(to.tv.dVDEDt, dStartDateTime),
+ isFirstSegment = (bVSDCompESD <= 0) && (bVEDCompESD >= 0),
+ bVSDCompEED = to.compareDates(to.tv.dVDSDt, dEndDateTime),
+ bVEDCompEED = to.compareDates(to.tv.dVDEDt, dEndDateTime),
+ isLastSegment = (bVSDCompEED <= 0) && (bVEDCompEED >= 0),
+ bCompEndDates = to.compareDates(dEndDateTime, dTempEndDate),
+ iNewTopIndex = 0,
+ oArrTemp;
+ if(oArrTempTopPos.length === 0)
+ {
+ iNewTopIndex = 1;
+ oArrTemp = [];
+ oArrTemp.push([dTempStartDate, dTempEndDate]);
+ oArrTempTopPos.push([iNewTopIndex, oArrTemp]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ var iMaxTopIndex = 0;
+ for(var iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < oArrTempTopPos.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ oArrTemp = oArrTempTopPos[iTempIndex];
+ var iArrTempTopIndex = oArrTemp[0];
+ if(iArrTempTopIndex > iMaxTopIndex)
+ iMaxTopIndex = iArrTempTopIndex;
+ var oArrTempDates = oArrTemp[1];
+ var bSpaceAvailableForSegment = false;
+ for(var iInnerIndex = 0; iInnerIndex < oArrTempDates.length; iInnerIndex++)
+ {
+ var oArrTempSEDates = oArrTempDates[iInnerIndex];
+ if(to.compareDates(dTempStartDate, oArrTempSEDates[1]) <= 0)
+ {
+ bSpaceAvailableForSegment = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ bSpaceAvailableForSegment = true;
+ }
+ if(bSpaceAvailableForSegment)
+ {
+ iNewTopIndex = iArrTempTopIndex;
+ oArrTempDates.push([dTempStartDate, dTempEndDate]);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(iNewTopIndex === 0)
+ {
+ iNewTopIndex = iMaxTopIndex + 1;
+ oArrTemp = [];
+ oArrTemp.push([dTempStartDate, dTempEndDate]);
+ oArrTempTopPos.push([iNewTopIndex, oArrTemp]);
+ }
+ }
+ to.tv.oAADEvSeg.push([sId, iWidthUnits, iWkIndex, iNewTopIndex]);
+ sEventClass = "cdvEventAllDay ";
+ if(to.compareDates(dEndDateTime, $.CalenStyle.extra.dToday) < 0)
+ sEventClass += "cBlurredEvent" +" ";
+ if(to.setting.isTooltipInDetailView)
+ sEventClass += " cEventTooltip";
+ if(bIsMarked)
+ sEventClass += " cMarkedDayEvent";
+ sDataDroppableId = $.cf.isValid(sDroppableId) ? "data-droppableid='" + sDroppableId + "'" : "";
+ sTemplate = "
+ sTemplate += "";
+ if(bIsMarked)
+ {
+ sTemplate += "" + sTitle + " ";
+ //if(!bHideEventIcon && !$.cf.compareStrings(sIcon, "Dot"))
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayEventListView") && $.cf.isValid(oEvent.status))
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(bCompStartDates !== 0)
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ if(!bHideEventTime && !bIsAllDay && (iNumOfDaysOfEvent > 1 && isFirstSegment))
+ sTemplate += "" + to.getDateInFormat({"date": dStartDateTime}, sEventTimeFormat, to.setting.is24Hour, true) + " ";
+ if(!bHideEventIcon && !$.cf.compareStrings(sIcon, "Dot"))
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayEventListView") && $.cf.isValid(oEvent.status))
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ sTemplate += "" + sTitle + " ";
+ if(!bHideEventTime && !bIsAllDay && (iNumOfDaysOfEvent > 1 && isLastSegment))
+ sTemplate += "" + to.getDateInFormat({"date": dEndDateTime}, sEventTimeFormat, to.setting.is24Hour, true) + " ";
+ if(bCompEndDates !== 0)
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ }
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow2Main").append(sTemplate);
+ sIdElem = "#"+sId;
+ $oSeg = $(to.elem).find(sIdElem);
+ $oSegContent = $oSeg.find(".cEventLink");
+ oEventTooltip = {};
+ sDateTime = to.getEventDateTimeString(dStartDateTime, dEndDateTime, bIsAllDay, "&&");
+ sArrDateTime = sDateTime.split("&&");
+ oEventTooltip.title = sTitle;
+ oEventTooltip.startDateTime = sArrDateTime[0];
+ oEventTooltip.endDateTime = sArrDateTime[1];
+ $oSeg.data("tooltipcontent", oEventTooltip);
+ if(to.setting.eventRendered)
+ to.setting.eventRendered.call(to, oEvent, $oSeg, $oSegContent, to.setting.visibleView, false);
+ if($.cf.isValid(sURL) || to.setting.eventClicked)
+ {
+ $oSegContent.on($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandler, {"url": sURL, "eventId": oEvent.calEventId, "eventElemSelector": sIdElem, "eventType": "AllDay", "view": "DetailView", "pluginId": to.tv.pluginId}, to.__bindClick);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(sEventTypeToAdd, "Small") || $.cf.compareStrings(sEventTypeToAdd, "Both"))
+ {
+ var sClass = "Event-"+oEvent.calEventId;
+ if($(to.elem).find("."+sClass).length === 0)
+ {
+ for(var iEventElem = 1; iEventElem <= iNumOfEventElements; iEventElem++)
+ {
+ sId = sClass;
+ iWkIndex = to.__getDayIndexInView(dThisDate);
+ iLeftPos = to.tv.fADVDayLftPos[iWkIndex];
+ sEventClass = "cdvEvent ";
+ if(to.compareDates(dEndDateTime, $.CalenStyle.extra.dToday) < 0)
+ sEventClass += "cBlurredEvent ";
+ sEventClass += sId;
+ if(to.setting.isTooltipInDetailView)
+ sEventClass += " cEventTooltip";
+ var oSegArgs = {};
+ oSegArgs.iNumEvElem = iNumOfEventElements;
+ oSegArgs.iId = oEvent.calEventId;
+ oSegArgs.sId = sId;
+ oSegArgs.dStart = dStartDateTime;
+ oSegArgs.dEnd = dEndDateTime;
+ oSegArgs.dStartView = dTempStartDate;
+ oSegArgs.dEndView = dTempEndDate;
+ oSegArgs.dThisDate = dThisDate;
+ oSegArgs.iEventElem = iEventElem;
+ oSegArgs.iWkIndex = iWkIndex;
+ var oSegProperties = to._createAndAddEventSeg(oSegArgs);
+ var sName = oSegProperties.sName;
+ sId = oSegProperties.sId;
+ iTopPos = oSegProperties.iTopPos;
+ iEventHeight = oSegProperties.iEventHeight;
+ var sEventTime = to.getDateInFormat({"date": dStartDateTime}, sEventTimeFormat, to.setting.is24Hour, true) + " - " + to.getDateInFormat({"date": dEndDateTime}, sEventTimeFormat, to.setting.is24Hour, true);
+ sStyle += "left: " + 0 + "px; top: " + 0 + "px; height: " + parseInt(iEventHeight) + "px; width: " + 10 + "px;";
+ sTemplate = "";
+ sDataDroppableId = $.cf.isValid(sDroppableId) ? "data-droppableid='" + sDroppableId + "'" : "";
+ sTemplate += "
+ sTemplate += "";
+ if(!bHideEventIcon && !$.cf.compareStrings(sIcon, "Dot"))
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ sTemplate += "";
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayEventListView") && $.cf.isValid(oEvent.status))
+ sTemplate += "
+ sTemplate += "
" + sTitle + "
+ if(!bHideEventTime)
+ sTemplate += "
" + sEventTime + "
+ sTemplate += "
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow3Main .cdvContRow3Events").append(sTemplate);
+ sIdElem = "#"+sId;
+ $oSeg = $(to.elem).find(sIdElem);
+ $oSegContent = $oSeg.find(".cEventLink");
+ oEventTooltip = {};
+ sDateTime = to.getEventDateTimeString(dStartDateTime, dEndDateTime, bIsAllDay, "&&");
+ sArrDateTime = sDateTime.split("&&");
+ oEventTooltip.title = sTitle;
+ oEventTooltip.startDateTime = sArrDateTime[0];
+ oEventTooltip.endDateTime = sArrDateTime[1];
+ $oSeg.data("tooltipcontent", oEventTooltip);
+ iThisDate = iThisDate + $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.d;
+ dThisDate.setTime(iThisDate);
+ if(to.setting.eventRendered)
+ to.setting.eventRendered.call(to, oEvent, $oSeg, $oSegContent, to.setting.visibleView, false);
+ if($.cf.isValid(sURL) || to.setting.eventClicked)
+ {
+ $oSegContent.on($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandler, {"url": sURL, "eventId": oEvent.calEventId, "eventElemSelector": sIdElem, "eventType": "Small", "view": "DetailView", "pluginId": to.tv.pluginId}, to.__bindClick);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ to.tv.dDrgSDt = null;
+ to.tv.dDrgEDt = null;
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(sEventTypeToAdd, "AllDay") || $.cf.compareStrings(sEventTypeToAdd, "Both"))
+ to._makeEventEditableInDetailView(".cdvEventAllDay");
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(sEventTypeToAdd, "Small") || $.cf.compareStrings(sEventTypeToAdd, "Both"))
+ {
+ to._setPropertiesOfEventSeg();
+ to._makeEventEditableInDetailView(".cdvEvent");
+ }
+ if(to.setting.isTooltipInDetailView)
+ to._addTooltipInDetailView();
+ if(to.setting.eventsAddedInView)
+ to.setting.eventsAddedInView.call(to, to.setting.visibleView, ".cdvEvent, .cdvEventAllDay");
+ }
+ else
+ console.log("to.__addEventsInDetailView - No Events");
+ to.addRemoveViewLoader(false, "cEventLoaderBg");
+ to.addRemoveLoaderIndicators(false, "cEventLoaderIndicator");
+ },
+ _takeActionOnTimeSlotTableClick: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ $(to.elem).find(".calendarCont").on($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandler, function(e)
+ {
+ if(!$(to.elem).find(".cdvEvent").hasClass("cEditingEvent") && to.setting.cellClicked)
+ {
+ var pClickedAt = {};
+ pClickedAt.x = e.pageX || e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX || e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageX;
+ pClickedAt.y = e.pageY || e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY || e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageY;
+ var oArrElemsAtPt = to.__getElementsAtPoint(pClickedAt.x, pClickedAt.y);
+ var dSelectedDateTime, iHours = 0, iMinutes = 0;
+ var bElemAllDay, bElemSlot, bElemColumn;
+ for(var iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < oArrElemsAtPt.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ var $oTempElem = $(oArrElemsAtPt[iTempIndex]),
+ bCDVAllDayColumns = $oTempElem.hasClass("cdvAllDayColumns"),
+ bCDVTableColumns = $oTempElem.hasClass("cdvTableColumns"),
+ bCDVSlotTableRow = $oTempElem.hasClass("cdvTimeSlotTableRow"),
+ sDate;
+ if(bCDVAllDayColumns)
+ {
+ sDate = $oTempElem.attr("title");
+ dSelectedDateTime = new Date(sDate);
+ bElemAllDay = true;
+ }
+ if(bCDVTableColumns)
+ {
+ sDate = $oTempElem.attr("title");
+ dSelectedDateTime = new Date(sDate);
+ bElemColumn = true;
+ }
+ if(bCDVSlotTableRow)
+ {
+ var sTime = $oTempElem.attr("class");
+ sTime = sTime.replace(/cdvTimeSlotTableRow/g, "");
+ sTime = sTime.replace(/ /g, "");
+ iHours = parseInt(sTime.substr(0, 2));
+ iMinutes = parseInt(sTime.substr(2, 2));
+ bElemSlot = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if(to.setting.cellClicked)
+ {
+ if(bElemAllDay)
+ to.setting.cellClicked.call(to, to.setting.visibleView, dSelectedDateTime, true, pClickedAt);
+ else if(bElemColumn && bElemSlot)
+ {
+ dSelectedDateTime.setHours(iHours);
+ dSelectedDateTime.setMinutes(iMinutes);
+ to.setting.cellClicked.call(to, to.setting.visibleView, dSelectedDateTime, false, pClickedAt);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ to._makeEventNonEditableInDetailView();
+ to._callCommonEvents();
+ });
+ },
+ _makeEventNonEditableInDetailView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ if(to.tv.oEvEdt !== null)
+ {
+ $("body").css("cursor", "default");
+ var sId = to.tv.oEvEdt.calEventId,
+ dEndDateTime = to.tv.oEvEdt.end;
+ to._changeViewPropertiesWhileEditing("AFTER", sId);
+ to._setOpacityOfEventSeg(sId, dEndDateTime);
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.tv.oDVEdtgEv.type, "cdvEvent"))
+ {
+ to._adjustEventsInDetailView();
+ if($.CalenStyle.extra.bTouchDevice)
+ {
+ if($(to.elem).find(".Event-"+sId).hasClass("ui-resizable"))
+ $(to.elem).find(".Event-"+sId).resizable("destroy");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ to._adjustAllDayEventsInDetailView();
+ to.tv.oEvEdt = null;
+ to.tv.oDVEdtgEv = {};
+ }
+ },
+ _makeEventEditableInDetailView: function(sClass)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ $(to.elem).find(sClass).on($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandler, function(e)
+ {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ });
+ var sEditableClass, sDraggableClass, sResizableClass;
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(sClass, ".cdvEvent"))
+ {
+ sEditableClass = "EventEditable";
+ sDraggableClass = "EventDraggable";
+ sResizableClass = "EventResizable";
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(sClass, ".cdvEventAllDay"))
+ {
+ sEditableClass = "EventAllDayEditable";
+ sDraggableClass = "EventAllDayDraggable";
+ sResizableClass = "EventAllDayResizable";
+ }
+ var oArrElements = $(to.elem).find(sClass);
+ for(var iElemIndex = 0; iElemIndex < oArrElements.length; iElemIndex++)
+ {
+ var oElem = oArrElements[iElemIndex],
+ sEventId = $(oElem).attr("data-id"),
+ oEvent = to.getEventWithId(sEventId);
+ var sEventClass = "";
+ if(oEvent.isDragNDropInDetailView || oEvent.isResizeInDetailView)
+ {
+ sEventClass += sEditableClass;
+ if(oEvent.isDragNDropInDetailView)
+ sEventClass += (" "+sDraggableClass+" cDragNDrop");
+ if(oEvent.isResizeInDetailView)
+ {
+ sEventClass += (" "+sResizableClass);
+ if(!$.CalenStyle.extra.bTouchDevice)
+ {
+ if(to.setting.isResizeInDetailView)
+ to._makeEventResizableInDetailView(".Event-"+sEventId);
+ else
+ $(".cdvEvent").removeClass("EventResizable");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $(oElem).addClass(sEventClass);
+ }
+ if(to.setting.isDragNDropInDetailView)
+ to._makeEventDraggableInDetailView(sClass, sDraggableClass);
+ else
+ {
+ $(".cdvEvent").removeClass("EventDraggable cDragNDrop");
+ $(".cdvEventAllDay").removeClass("EventAllDayDraggable cDragNDrop");
+ }
+ $(to.elem).find("." + sEditableClass).each(function()
+ {
+ var bMouseDown = false;
+ var iMouseStartX, iMouseStartY;
+ var iMouseEndX, iMouseEndY;
+ var iRadius = 8;
+ var iMinX, iMinY, iMaxX, iMaxY;
+ var iTouchStartTime,
+ iLongPressTimeout = $.CalenStyle.extra.bTouchDevice ? 300 : 0;
+ var sElemId, bChangedWidth = false;
+ $(this).on(
+ {
+ mousedown: function(ev)
+ {
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(sClass, ".cdvEvent"))
+ {
+ if(to.tv.bDVScrlg)
+ return false;
+ }
+ iTouchStartTime = ev.timeStamp;
+ bMouseDown = true;
+ iMouseStartX = ev.pageX;
+ iMouseStartY = ev.pageY;
+ iMinX = iMouseStartX - iRadius;
+ iMinY = iMouseStartY - iRadius;
+ iMaxX = iMouseStartX + iRadius;
+ iMaxY = iMouseStartY + iRadius;
+ bChangedWidth= false;
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ if(bMouseDown)
+ {
+ var iMouseHoldX = ev.pageX;
+ var iMouseHoldY = ev.pageY;
+ if(to.tv.oEvEdt === null)
+ {
+ var bSingleTouchX1 = (iMinX <= iMouseHoldX && iMouseHoldX <= iMaxX) ? true : false;
+ var bSingleTouchY1 = (iMinY <= iMouseHoldY && iMouseHoldY <= iMaxY) ? true : false;
+ if(bSingleTouchX1 && bSingleTouchY1)
+ to.tv.bEvLgPresd = true;
+ }
+ if(to.tv.bEvLgPresd)
+ {
+ bMouseDown = false;
+ if(to.tv.oEvEdt === null)
+ {
+ var oThisElem = ev.target;
+ var bHasClass = $(to.elem).find(oThisElem).hasClass(sEditableClass);
+ while(! bHasClass)
+ {
+ oThisElem = $(to.elem).find(oThisElem).parent();
+ bHasClass = $(to.elem).find(oThisElem).hasClass(sEditableClass);
+ if($(to.elem).find(oThisElem).attr("class") === undefined)
+ break;
+ }
+ sElemId = $(to.elem).find(oThisElem).attr("id");
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(sClass, ".cdvEvent"))
+ bChangedWidth = to._setSmallEventBeingEditedInDetailView(bChangedWidth, sElemId);
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(sClass, ".cdvEventAllDay"))
+ to._setAllDayEventBeingEditedInDetailView(sElemId);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }, iLongPressTimeout);
+ },
+ mousemove: function(ev)
+ {
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(sClass, ".cdvEvent"))
+ {
+ if(to.tv.bDVScrlg)
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(bMouseDown)
+ {
+ iMouseEndX = ev.pageX;
+ iMouseEndY = ev.pageY;
+ if(to.tv.oEvEdt === null)
+ {
+ var bSingleTouchX1 = (iMinX <= iMouseEndX && iMouseEndX <= iMaxX) ? true : false;
+ var bSingleTouchY1 = (iMinY <= iMouseEndY && iMouseEndY <= iMaxY) ? true : false;
+ if(bSingleTouchX1 && bSingleTouchY1)
+ {
+ var iTouchEndTime = ev.timeStamp;
+ if((iTouchEndTime - iTouchStartTime) > iLongPressTimeout)
+ to.tv.bEvLgPresd = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if(to.tv.bEvLgPresd)
+ {
+ var bMouseMovementX = (Math.abs(iMouseEndX - iMouseStartX) > 5) ? true : false;
+ var bMouseMovementY = (Math.abs(iMouseEndY - iMouseStartY) > 1) ? true : false;
+ if(bMouseDown && (bMouseMovementX || bMouseMovementY))
+ {
+ bMouseDown = false;
+ if(to.tv.oEvEdt === null)
+ {
+ var oThisElem = ev.target;
+ var bHasClass = $(to.elem).find(oThisElem).hasClass(sEditableClass);
+ while(! bHasClass)
+ {
+ oThisElem = $(to.elem).find(oThisElem).parent();
+ bHasClass = $(to.elem).find(oThisElem).hasClass(sEditableClass);
+ if($(to.elem).find(oThisElem).attr("class") === undefined)
+ break;
+ }
+ sElemId = $(to.elem).find(oThisElem).attr("id");
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(sClass, ".cdvEvent"))
+ bChangedWidth = to._setSmallEventBeingEditedInDetailView(bChangedWidth, sElemId);
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(sClass, ".cdvEventAllDay"))
+ to._setAllDayEventBeingEditedInDetailView(sElemId);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ mouseup: function()
+ {
+ bMouseDown = false;
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ },
+ _setSmallEventBeingEditedInDetailView: function(bChangedWidth, sElemId)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var sElemDOMId = "#"+sElemId,
+ iEventWidth = $(to.elem).find(".cdvTableColumns").width() - 5,
+ iElemPosLeft = $(to.elem).find(sElemDOMId).position().left,
+ iElemPosLeftNew = iElemPosLeft,
+ dEditingDate = to._getDateBasedOnLeftPosition(iElemPosLeft),
+ sArrElemId = sElemId.split("-"),
+ sEventId = sArrElemId[1],
+ iSegIndex = sArrElemId[2],
+ sEventClass = ".Event-"+sEventId;
+ if(!bChangedWidth)
+ {
+ iElemPosLeftNew = to._getLeftPositionOfEventSeg(iElemPosLeft);
+ $(to.elem).find(".Event-"+sEventId).css({"width": iEventWidth});
+ var oThisEvent = to.getEventWithId(sEventId),
+ dDragStartDate = oThisEvent.start,
+ dDragEndDate = oThisEvent.end,
+ bIsAllDay = oThisEvent.isAllDay,
+ dArrTempDates = to.__getStartAndEndDatesOfEventForView(bIsAllDay, dDragStartDate, dDragEndDate),
+ dTempStartDate = dArrTempDates[0],
+ dTempEndDate = dArrTempDates[1];
+ $(to.elem).find(sElemDOMId).css({"left": iElemPosLeftNew});
+ var bCompStartDate = to.compareDates(dEditingDate, dTempStartDate),
+ bCompEndDate = to.compareDates(dEditingDate, dTempEndDate),
+ bCompStartOrEndDate = ((bCompStartDate === 0) || (bCompEndDate === 0));
+ if($(to.elem).find(".Event-"+sEventId).length > 1 && bCompStartOrEndDate)
+ {
+ var dThisDate, sOtherEventId;
+ if(bCompStartDate === 0)
+ {
+ dThisDate = dTempEndDate;
+ sOtherEventId = "#Event-"+sEventId+"-2";
+ }
+ else if(bCompEndDate === 0)
+ {
+ dThisDate = dTempStartDate;
+ sOtherEventId = "#Event-"+sEventId+"-1";
+ }
+ var iWkIndex = to.__getDayIndexInView(dThisDate),
+ iThisLeftPos = to.tv.fADVDayLftPos[iWkIndex];
+ $(to.elem).find(sOtherEventId).css({"left": iThisLeftPos});
+ }
+ bChangedWidth = true;
+ to.tv.oEvEdt = to.getEventWithId(sEventId);
+ to.tv.oDVEdtgEv = {};
+ to.tv.oDVEdtgEv.type = "cdvEvent";
+ to.tv.oDVEdtgEv.sEventId = sEventId;
+ }
+ to.tv.oDVEdtgEv.iSegIndex = iSegIndex;
+ to.tv.oDVEdtgEv.dEditingDate = dEditingDate;
+ to.tv.oDVEdtgEv.iElemLeft = iElemPosLeftNew;
+ if($.CalenStyle.extra.bTouchDevice)
+ {
+ to._changeViewPropertiesWhileEditing("BEFORE", sEventId);
+ if(to.setting.isResizeInDetailView && to.tv.oEvEdt !== null)
+ {
+ if(to.tv.oEvEdt.isResizeInDetailView)
+ to._makeEventResizableInDetailView(sEventClass);
+ }
+ }
+ return bChangedWidth;
+ },
+ _setAllDayEventBeingEditedInDetailView: function(sElemId)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var sEventId = sElemId.split("-")[1];
+ to.tv.oEvEdt = to.getEventWithId(sEventId);
+ to.tv.oDVEdtgEv = {};
+ to.tv.oDVEdtgEv.type = "cdvEventAllDay";
+ to.tv.oDVEdtgEv.sEventId = sEventId;
+ to._changeViewPropertiesWhileEditing("BEFORE", sEventId);
+ },
+ _getWhetherEventIsAllDay: function(sId)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var oThisEvent = to.getEventWithId(sId);
+ if(oThisEvent.isAllDay !== null)
+ return oThisEvent.isAllDay;
+ else
+ return false;
+ },
+ _makeEventDraggableInDetailView: function(sClass, sDraggableClass)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var sScope;
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(sClass, ".cdvEvent"))
+ sScope = "Events";
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(sClass, ".cdvEventAllDay"))
+ sScope = "AllDayEvents";
+ var iEventHeight, iEventWidth, iColumn1Width, bCanDrag,
+ iCalendarLeft, iCalendarMarginLeft, iLeft, iX1, iX2,
+ iCalendarTop, iCalendarMarginTop, iY1, iY2,
+ oElemDragged, $oElemDragged, sElemId, sArrElemId, sEventId, iSegIndex,
+ sEventTimeFormat = to.setting.is24Hour ? "HH:mm" : "h[:m]sm",
+ iScrollbarWidth = $.CalenStyle.extra.iScrollbarWidth;
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(sClass, ".cdvEvent"))
+ {
+ var iDVTableColumnWidth = $(to.elem).find(".cdvTableColumns").width() - 5;
+ iEventWidth = iDVTableColumnWidth;
+ var iTimeSlotWidth = iDVTableColumnWidth + 6,
+ iTimeSlotHeight = (($(to.elem).find(".cdvTimeSlotTableRow" + ":eq(0)").outerHeight() + $(to.elem).find(".cdvTimeSlotTableRow" + ":eq(1)").outerHeight()) / 2),
+ iStartPosX, iStartPosY, iPrevPosX, iPrevPosY,
+ iPrevSnapPosX, iPrevSnapPosY,
+ $oOtherSeg, sOtherSegId, sThisSegId,
+ iEventMidPoint, iDragStartDateMS, iDragEndDateMS, dArrTempDates,
+ dDragStartDate = to.tv.dDrgSDt, dDragEndDate = to.tv.dDrgEDt,
+ bIsAllDay, sDragStartDate, sDragEndDate,
+ dTempStartDate, dTempEndDate,
+ iNumOfEventElements, iWkIndex, iDraggedDistance,
+ bEventEntered = false, sDroppableId, bDragStart, sDirectionY;
+ /* -----------------
+ MouseDown and MouseMove events are just used to change the style of an element when user has started dragging.
+ Position properties of an element could not be changed in jQuery Draggable so mousedown and mousemove events are used.
+ ------------------- */
+ iCalendarMarginLeft = $(to.elem).css("margin-left");
+ iCalendarMarginLeft = parseInt(iCalendarMarginLeft.replace("px", ""));
+ iColumn1Width = $(to.elem).find(".cdvDetailTableColumnTime").width();
+ iX1 = $(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow3Events").position().left + iCalendarMarginLeft + iColumn1Width;
+ iX2 = iX1 + ($(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow3Events").width() - iColumn1Width);
+ iY2 = 1440;
+ iY1 = -1440;
+ bCanDrag = false;
+ $(to.elem).find("."+sDraggableClass).draggable(
+ {
+ zIndex: 10,
+ scope: sScope,
+ grid: [iTimeSlotWidth, iTimeSlotHeight],
+ scroll: false,
+ containment: [iX1, iY1, iX2, iY2],
+ delay: 10,
+ cursor: "move",
+ revertDuration: 300,
+ start: function(event, ui)
+ {
+ if(to.tv.bDVResEv || to.tv.bDVScrlg)
+ return false;
+ oElemDragged = this;
+ sElemId = $(oElemDragged).attr("id");
+ sArrElemId = sElemId.split("-");
+ sEventId = sArrElemId[1];
+ iSegIndex = sArrElemId[2];
+ if(!$.CalenStyle.extra.bTouchDevice)
+ to._changeViewPropertiesWhileEditing("BEFORE", sEventId);
+ bCanDrag = ((to.tv.oEvEdt !== null) && (to.tv.oDVEdtgEv.sEventId === sEventId)) ? true : false;
+ if(bCanDrag)
+ {
+ to.tv.bDVDrgEv = true;
+ var oThisEvent = to.getEventWithId(sEventId);
+ dDragStartDate = oThisEvent.start;
+ dDragEndDate = oThisEvent.end;
+ bIsAllDay = oThisEvent.isAllDay;
+ dArrTempDates = to.__getStartAndEndDatesOfEventForView(bIsAllDay, dDragStartDate, dDragEndDate);
+ dTempStartDate = dArrTempDates[0];
+ dTempEndDate = dArrTempDates[1];
+ iStartPosX = ui.position.left;
+ iPrevPosX = iStartPosX;
+ iPrevSnapPosX = iStartPosX;
+ iStartPosY = ui.position.top;
+ iPrevPosY = iStartPosY;
+ iPrevSnapPosY = iStartPosY;
+ bDragStart = true;
+ }
+ else
+ return false;
+ },
+ drag: function(event, ui)
+ {
+ //if(to.tv.bDVResEv || to.tv.bDVScrlg) - removed to avoid event becoming undraggable after returning false for this condition
+ // return false;
+ oElemDragged = this;
+ sElemId = $(oElemDragged).attr("id");
+ sArrElemId = sElemId.split("-");
+ sEventId = sArrElemId[1];
+ iSegIndex = sArrElemId[2];
+ bIsAllDay = to._getWhetherEventIsAllDay(sEventId);
+ bCanDrag = ((to.tv.oEvEdt !== null) && (to.tv.oDVEdtgEv.sEventId === sEventId)) ? true : false;
+ if(bCanDrag)
+ {
+ var iCurrentPosX = ui.position.left,
+ iCurrentPosY = ui.position.top,
+ bCurrentPosX = (iCurrentPosX >= 40) ? true : false,
+ iCalculatedX = Math.round((iCurrentPosX - iPrevSnapPosX) / iTimeSlotWidth),
+ iCalculatedY = Math.round((iCurrentPosY - iStartPosY) / iTimeSlotHeight),
+ iCalculatedAbsX = Math.abs(iCalculatedX),
+ iCalculatedAbsY = Math.abs(iCalculatedY),
+ bSnappedX = (bCurrentPosX && (iCurrentPosX !== iPrevSnapPosX) && (iCalculatedAbsX >= 1)) ? true : false,
+ bSnappedY = ((iCurrentPosY !== iPrevSnapPosY) && (iCalculatedAbsY >= 1)) ? true : false,
+ iEventDaysPresent;
+ if(bSnappedX)
+ {
+ var iStartSnapUnitsX = Math.round((iCurrentPosX - iStartPosX) / iTimeSlotWidth);
+ iDraggedDistance = Math.abs(iStartSnapUnitsX * iTimeSlotWidth);
+ var iCurrentDiffX = iCurrentPosX - iPrevPosX,
+ sDirectionX = "None";
+ if(iCurrentDiffX > 0)
+ sDirectionX = "Right";
+ else if(iCurrentDiffX < 0)
+ sDirectionX = "Left";
+ var bCompWkSDate = to.compareDates(to.tv.dVDSDt, to.tv.oDVEdtgEv.dEditingDate), // EventSegment being dragged is On WeekStartDate ?
+ bCompWkEDate = to.compareDates(to.tv.dVDEDt, to.tv.oDVEdtgEv.dEditingDate), // EventSegment being dragged is on WeekEndDate ?
+ bCompStartDate = to.compareDates(dDragStartDate, to.tv.oDVEdtgEv.dEditingDate), // EventSegment Being Dragged is Event Starting Segment ?
+ bCompEndDate = to.compareDates(dDragEndDate, to.tv.oDVEdtgEv.dEditingDate), // EventSegment Being Dragged is Event Ending Segment ?
+ dWeekStart2Date = to._getDateForDayNumber(2, true), // get Second Day of the Week
+ dWeekEnd2Date = to._getDateForDayNumber(2, false), // get secondLast Day of the Week
+ bCompWkS2Date = to.compareDates(dWeekStart2Date, to.tv.oDVEdtgEv.dEditingDate), // EventSegment being dragged is on Second Day Of Week ?
+ bCompWkE2Date = to.compareDates(dWeekEnd2Date, to.tv.oDVEdtgEv.dEditingDate); // EventSegment being dragged is on Second Last Day Of the Week ?
+ iEventDaysPresent = $(to.elem).find(".Event-"+sEventId).length;
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(sDirectionX, "Right") && bCompWkEDate !== 0)
+ {
+ iEventMidPoint = iCurrentPosX + (iTimeSlotWidth / 2);
+ to.tv.oDVEdtgEv.dEditingDate = to._getDateBasedOnLeftPosition(iEventMidPoint);
+ iDragStartDateMS = dDragStartDate.getTime();
+ iDragStartDateMS += $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.d;
+ dDragStartDate = new Date(iDragStartDateMS);
+ iDragEndDateMS = dDragEndDate.getTime();
+ iDragEndDateMS += $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.d;
+ dDragEndDate = new Date(iDragEndDateMS);
+ to.tv.dDrgSDt = dDragStartDate;
+ to.tv.dDrgEDt = dDragEndDate;
+ dArrTempDates = to.__getStartAndEndDatesOfEventForView(bIsAllDay, dDragStartDate, dDragEndDate);
+ dTempStartDate = dArrTempDates[0];
+ dTempEndDate = dArrTempDates[1];
+ if(iEventDaysPresent > 1)
+ {
+ if(parseInt(iSegIndex) === 1)
+ {
+ $oOtherSeg = $(to.elem).find("#Event-"+sEventId+"-2");
+ if(bCompWkE2Date === 0)
+ {
+ $oOtherSeg.remove();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(bCompWkSDate === 0 && bCompStartDate !== 0)
+ {
+ sThisSegId = "Event-"+sEventId+"-2";
+ $(this).attr("id", sThisSegId);
+ $oOtherSeg = $(this).clone();
+ sOtherSegId = "Event-"+sEventId+"-1";
+ $oOtherSeg.attr("id", sOtherSegId);
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow3Events").append($oOtherSeg);
+ to._makeEventEditableInDetailView(".cdvEvent");
+ }
+ }
+ to._removeEventSegWithId(sEventId);
+ to._createAndAddEventSegForId(sEventId, bIsAllDay, dDragStartDate, dDragEndDate);
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(sDirectionX, "Left") && bCompWkSDate !== 0)
+ {
+ iEventMidPoint = iCurrentPosX + (iTimeSlotWidth / 2);
+ to.tv.oDVEdtgEv.dEditingDate = to._getDateBasedOnLeftPosition(iEventMidPoint);
+ iDragStartDateMS = dDragStartDate.getTime();
+ iDragStartDateMS -= $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.d;
+ dDragStartDate = new Date(iDragStartDateMS);
+ iDragEndDateMS = dDragEndDate.getTime();
+ iDragEndDateMS -= $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.d;
+ dDragEndDate = new Date(iDragEndDateMS);
+ to.tv.dDrgSDt = dDragStartDate;
+ to.tv.dDrgEDt = dDragEndDate;
+ dArrTempDates = to.__getStartAndEndDatesOfEventForView(bIsAllDay, dDragStartDate, dDragEndDate);
+ dTempStartDate = dArrTempDates[0];
+ dTempEndDate = dArrTempDates[1];
+ if(iEventDaysPresent > 1)
+ {
+ if(parseInt(iSegIndex) === 2)
+ {
+ $oOtherSeg = $(to.elem).find("#Event-"+sEventId+"-1");
+ if(bCompWkS2Date === 0)
+ {
+ $oOtherSeg.remove();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(bCompWkEDate === 0 && bCompEndDate !== 0)
+ {
+ $oOtherSeg = $(this).clone();
+ sOtherSegId = "Event-"+sEventId+"-2";
+ $oOtherSeg.attr("id", sOtherSegId);
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow3Events").append($oOtherSeg);
+ to._makeEventEditableInDetailView(".cdvEvent");
+ }
+ }
+ to._removeEventSegWithId(sEventId);
+ to._createAndAddEventSegForId(sEventId, bIsAllDay, dDragStartDate, dDragEndDate);
+ }
+ sDragStartDate = to.getDateInFormat({"date": dDragStartDate}, sEventTimeFormat, to.setting.is24Hour, true);
+ sDragEndDate = to.getDateInFormat({"date": dDragEndDate}, sEventTimeFormat, to.setting.is24Hour, true);
+ $(to.elem).find(".Event-"+sEventId+ " .cdvEventDetails .cdvEventTime").html(sDragStartDate + "-" + sDragEndDate);
+ iPrevSnapPosX = iCurrentPosX;
+ }
+ if(bSnappedY)
+ {
+ var iCurrentDiffY = iCurrentPosY - iPrevSnapPosY,
+ iCurrentSnapUnitsY = Math.round(iCurrentDiffY / iTimeSlotHeight),
+ iDraggedAmount = iCurrentSnapUnitsY * to.tv.iUTmMS;
+ iDraggedDistance = Math.abs(iCurrentSnapUnitsY * iTimeSlotHeight);
+ sDirectionY = "None";
+ if(iCurrentDiffY > 0)
+ sDirectionY = "Down";
+ else if(iCurrentDiffY < 0)
+ sDirectionY = "Up";
+ var iPageX, iPageY, iCont3Top, iCont3ScrollTop, iPageYMap, iElemHeight, bInLastRow, bWithinTwoRows,
+ iVisibleHeight, iHeightOverhead, iTempHeight, bMinHeightReached, bMaxHeightReached,
+ bStartDate, bEndDate;
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(sDirectionY, "Up"))
+ {
+ var iFirstElemTop = $(to.elem).find(".cdvTimeSlotTableRow").first().position().top,
+ iFirstTwoRowsHeight = iFirstElemTop + (2 * iTimeSlotHeight);
+ iPageX = event.pageX;
+ iPageY = event.pageY;
+ iCont3Top = $(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow3Main").position().top;
+ iPageYMap = iPageY - iCont3Top;
+ iElemHeight = $(this).height();
+ bWithinTwoRows = (iPageYMap < iFirstTwoRowsHeight);
+ iVisibleHeight = iElemHeight - Math.abs(iCurrentPosY);
+ iHeightOverhead = iElemHeight % iTimeSlotHeight;
+ iTempHeight = (1 * iTimeSlotHeight) + iHeightOverhead;
+ bMinHeightReached = ((iCurrentPosY < 0) && (iVisibleHeight < iTempHeight)) ? true : false;
+ if(iCurrentPosY < 0)
+ $(this).find(".cEventLink").css({"margin-top": Math.abs(iCurrentPosY)});
+ else
+ $(this).find(".cEventLink").css({"margin-top": 0});
+ iDragStartDateMS = dDragStartDate.getTime();
+ iDragStartDateMS += iDraggedAmount;
+ dDragStartDate = new Date(iDragStartDateMS);
+ iDragEndDateMS = dDragEndDate.getTime();
+ iDragEndDateMS += iDraggedAmount;
+ dDragEndDate = new Date(iDragEndDateMS);
+ dArrTempDates = to.__getStartAndEndDatesOfEventForView(bIsAllDay, dDragStartDate, dDragEndDate);
+ dTempStartDate = dArrTempDates[0];
+ dTempEndDate = dArrTempDates[1];
+ iNumOfEventElements = to._getNumberOfDaysOfEventForWeek(bIsAllDay, dDragStartDate, dDragEndDate, false, true);
+ iEventDaysPresent = $(to.elem).find(".Event-"+sEventId).length;
+ iWkIndex = to.__getDayIndexInView(to.tv.oDVEdtgEv.dEditingDate);
+ if(iEventDaysPresent > 0 && iNumOfEventElements === 0)
+ {
+ $(this).remove();
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if(iEventDaysPresent > 0 || iNumOfEventElements > 0)
+ {
+ if(iEventDaysPresent > iNumOfEventElements)
+ {
+ sThisSegId = "#Event-"+sEventId+"-2";
+ $(to.elem).find(sThisSegId).remove();
+ to._performOperationsAfterDraggingStopsInDetailView(sEventId, dDragStartDate, dDragEndDate, false);
+ }
+ if(iEventDaysPresent < iNumOfEventElements)
+ {
+ bStartDate = to.compareDates(to.tv.oDVEdtgEv.dEditingDate, dTempStartDate);
+ bEndDate = to.compareDates(to.tv.oDVEdtgEv.dEditingDate, dTempEndDate);
+ to.tv.dDrgSDt = dDragStartDate;
+ to.tv.dDrgEDt = dDragEndDate;
+ if(bStartDate === 0)
+ sOtherSegId = "Event-"+sEventId+"-2";
+ else if(bEndDate === 0)
+ {
+ sOtherSegId = "Event-"+sEventId+"-1";
+ sThisSegId = "Event-"+sEventId+"-2";
+ $(this).attr("id", sThisSegId);
+ }
+ $oOtherSeg = $(this).clone();
+ $oOtherSeg.attr("id", sOtherSegId);
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow3Events").append($oOtherSeg);
+ to._makeEventEditableInDetailView(".cdvEvent");
+ to._removeEventSegWithId(sEventId);
+ to._createAndAddEventSegForId(sEventId, bIsAllDay, dDragStartDate, dDragEndDate);
+ }
+ else if(iEventDaysPresent === iNumOfEventElements)
+ {
+ to._removeEventSegWithId(sEventId);
+ to._createAndAddEventSegForId(sEventId, bIsAllDay, dDragStartDate, dDragEndDate);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(sDirectionY, "Down"))
+ {
+ var iLastElemTop = $(to.elem).find(".cdvTimeSlotTableRow").last().position().top,
+ iLastElemBottom = iLastElemTop + iTimeSlotHeight,
+ iLastTwoRowsHeight = iLastElemTop - (1 * iTimeSlotHeight);
+ iPageX = event.pageX;
+ iPageY = event.pageY;
+ iCont3Top = $(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow3Main").position().top;
+ iCont3ScrollTop = $(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow3Main").scrollTop();
+ iPageYMap = iPageY - iCont3Top + iCont3ScrollTop;
+ iElemHeight = $(this).height();
+ bInLastRow = (iPageYMap > iLastElemTop);
+ bWithinTwoRows = (iPageYMap > iLastTwoRowsHeight);
+ iHeightOverhead = iElemHeight % iTimeSlotHeight;
+ iTempHeight = (1 * iTimeSlotHeight) + iHeightOverhead;
+ bMaxHeightReached = (iElemHeight <= iTempHeight) ? true : false;
+ if(iCurrentPosY < 0)
+ $(this).find(".cEventLink").css({"margin-top": Math.abs(iCurrentPosY)});
+ else
+ $(this).find(".cEventLink").css({"margin-top": 0});
+ iDragStartDateMS = dDragStartDate.getTime();
+ iDragStartDateMS += iDraggedAmount;
+ dDragStartDate = new Date(iDragStartDateMS);
+ iDragEndDateMS = dDragEndDate.getTime();
+ iDragEndDateMS += iDraggedAmount;
+ dDragEndDate = new Date(iDragEndDateMS);
+ iElemHeight = $(this).height();
+ var iElemBottom = iCurrentPosY + iElemHeight;
+ if((iElemBottom) > iLastElemBottom)
+ {
+ iElemHeight -= (iElemBottom - iLastElemBottom);
+ $(this).css({"height": iElemHeight});
+ }
+ dArrTempDates = to.__getStartAndEndDatesOfEventForView(bIsAllDay, dDragStartDate, dDragEndDate);
+ dTempStartDate = dArrTempDates[0];
+ dTempEndDate = dArrTempDates[1];
+ sDragStartDate = to.getDateInFormat({"date": dDragStartDate}, sEventTimeFormat, to.setting.is24Hour, true);
+ sDragEndDate = to.getDateInFormat({"date": dDragEndDate}, sEventTimeFormat, to.setting.is24Hour, true);
+ iNumOfEventElements = to._getNumberOfDaysOfEventForWeek(bIsAllDay, dDragStartDate, dDragEndDate, false, true);
+ iEventDaysPresent = $(to.elem).find(".Event-"+sEventId).length;
+ iWkIndex = to.__getDayIndexInView(to.tv.oDVEdtgEv.dEditingDate);
+ if(iEventDaysPresent > 0 && iNumOfEventElements === 0)
+ {
+ $(this).remove();
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if(iEventDaysPresent > 0 || iNumOfEventElements > 0)
+ {
+ if(iEventDaysPresent > iNumOfEventElements)
+ {
+ var sSeg1Id = "Event-"+sEventId+"-1";
+ sThisSegId = "#"+sSeg1Id;
+ $(to.elem).find(sThisSegId).remove();
+ sOtherSegId = "#Event-"+sEventId+"-2";
+ $(to.elem).find(sOtherSegId).attr("id", sSeg1Id);
+ to._performOperationsAfterDraggingStopsInDetailView(sEventId, dDragStartDate, dDragEndDate, false);
+ }
+ else if(iEventDaysPresent < iNumOfEventElements)
+ {
+ bStartDate = to.compareDates(to.tv.oDVEdtgEv.dEditingDate, dTempStartDate);
+ bEndDate = to.compareDates(to.tv.oDVEdtgEv.dEditingDate, dTempEndDate);
+ to.tv.dDrgSDt = dDragStartDate;
+ to.tv.dDrgEDt = dDragEndDate;
+ if(bStartDate === 0)
+ sOtherSegId = "Event-"+sEventId+"-2";
+ else if(bEndDate === 0)
+ {
+ sOtherSegId = "Event-"+ sEventId+"-1";
+ sThisSegId = "Event-"+sEventId+"-2";
+ $(this).attr("id", sThisSegId);
+ }
+ $oOtherSeg = $(this).clone();
+ $oOtherSeg.attr("id", sOtherSegId);
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow3Events").append($oOtherSeg);
+ to._makeEventEditableInDetailView(".cdvEvent");
+ to._removeEventSegWithId(sEventId);
+ to._createAndAddEventSegForId(sEventId, bIsAllDay, dDragStartDate, dDragEndDate);
+ }
+ else if(iEventDaysPresent === iNumOfEventElements)
+ {
+ to._removeEventSegWithId(sEventId);
+ to._createAndAddEventSegForId(sEventId, bIsAllDay, dDragStartDate, dDragEndDate);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ iPrevSnapPosY = iCurrentPosY;
+ }
+ if(to.tv.bDVDrgEv)
+ ui.position.left = to.tv.oDVEdtgEv.iElemLeft;
+ iPrevPosX = iCurrentPosX;
+ iPrevPosY = iCurrentPosY;
+ if(to.tv.bChkDroppable)
+ {
+ $oElemDragged = $(to.elem).find("#" + sElemId + ".ui-draggable-dragging");
+ iNumOfEventElements = to._getNumberOfDaysOfEventForWeek(bIsAllDay, dDragStartDate, dDragEndDate, false, true);
+ sDroppableId = $oElemDragged.attr("data-droppableid");
+ bEventEntered = to._findWhetherEventEnteredNonDroppableZone(dDragStartDate, dDragEndDate, bIsAllDay, iNumOfEventElements, sDroppableId);
+ if(bEventEntered)
+ {
+ $oElemDragged.addClass("cCursorNotAllowed");
+ $oElemDragged.find(".cEventLink").addClass("cCursorNotAllowed");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $oElemDragged.removeClass("cCursorNotAllowed");
+ $oElemDragged.find(".cEventLink").removeClass("cCursorNotAllowed");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ },
+ stop: function(event, ui)
+ {
+ //if(to.tv.bDVResEv || to.tv.bDVScrlg)
+ // return false;
+ oElemDragged = this;
+ sElemId = $(oElemDragged).attr("id");
+ sArrElemId = sElemId.split("-");
+ sEventId = sArrElemId[1];
+ iSegIndex = sArrElemId[2];
+ bCanDrag = ((to.tv.oEvEdt !== null) && (to.tv.oDVEdtgEv.sEventId === sEventId)) ? true : false;
+ if(to.tv.bChkDroppable)
+ {
+ $oElemDragged = $(to.elem).find("#" + sElemId + ".ui-draggable-dragging");
+ iNumOfEventElements = to._getNumberOfDaysOfEventForWeek(bIsAllDay, dDragStartDate, dDragEndDate, false, true);
+ sDroppableId = $oElemDragged.attr("data-droppableid");
+ bEventEntered = to._findWhetherEventEnteredNonDroppableZone(dDragStartDate, dDragEndDate, bIsAllDay, iNumOfEventElements, sDroppableId);
+ $oElemDragged.removeClass("cCursorNotAllowed");
+ $oElemDragged.find(".cEventLink").removeClass("cCursorNotAllowed");
+ }
+ if(bEventEntered)
+ {
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ to._performOperationsAfterDraggingStopsInDetailView(sEventId, null, null, true);
+ to.tv.dDrgSDt = null;
+ to.tv.dDrgEDt = null;
+ if(!bCanDrag)
+ return false;
+ }, 300);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(bCanDrag)
+ {
+ to._performOperationsAfterDraggingStopsInDetailView(sEventId, dDragStartDate, dDragEndDate, true);
+ to.tv.bDVDrgEv = false;
+ to.tv.dDrgSDt = null;
+ to.tv.dDrgEDt = null;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(!$.CalenStyle.extra.bTouchDevice)
+ to._makeEventNonEditableInDetailView();
+ to.tv.dDrgSDt = null;
+ to.tv.dDrgEDt = null;
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ revert: function(event, ui)
+ {
+ if(bEventEntered)
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(sClass, ".cdvEventAllDay"))
+ {
+ iEventHeight = $(to.elem).find(".cdvEventAllDay").height();
+ iEventWidth = $(to.elem).find(".cdvTableColumns").width();
+ if(iEventWidth > 140)
+ iEventWidth = 140;
+ iColumn1Width = $(to.elem).find(".cdvDetailTableColumnTime").width();
+ iCalendarLeft = $(to.elem).position().left;
+ iCalendarMarginLeft = $(to.elem).css("margin-left");
+ iCalendarMarginLeft = parseInt(iCalendarMarginLeft.replace("px", ""));
+ iLeft = iCalendarLeft + iCalendarMarginLeft + $(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow2Main").position().left;
+ iX1 = iLeft + iColumn1Width;
+ iX2 = iX1 + $(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow2Main").width() - (iEventWidth + iScrollbarWidth + iColumn1Width);
+ iCalendarTop = $(to.elem).position().top;
+ iCalendarMarginTop = $(to.elem).css("margin-top");
+ iCalendarMarginTop = parseInt(iCalendarMarginTop.replace("px", ""));
+ iY1 = iCalendarTop + iCalendarMarginTop + $(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow2Main").position().top;
+ if(to.tv.bDisFBar && $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Top"))
+ iY1 += to.setting.filterBarHeight;
+ iY2 = iY1 + $(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow2Main").height() - (iEventHeight);
+ bCanDrag = false;
+ $(to.elem).find("."+sDraggableClass).draggable(
+ {
+ zIndex: 100,
+ scope: sScope,
+ cursorAt: { top: 5, left: 5 },
+ containment: [iX1, iY1, iX2, iY2],
+ cursor: "move",
+ revertDuration: 300,
+ start: function()
+ {
+ $oElemDragged = $(this);
+ sElemId = $oElemDragged.attr("id");
+ sArrElemId = sElemId.split("-");
+ sEventId = sArrElemId[1];
+ bCanDrag = ((to.tv.oEvEdt !== null) && (to.tv.oDVEdtgEv.sEventId === sEventId)) ? true : false;
+ if(bCanDrag)
+ {
+ var oElementClone = $oElemDragged.clone();
+ $oElemDragged.parent().append(oElementClone);
+ $(oElementClone).removeClass("cEditingEvent").addClass("cEventBeingDragged");
+ $oElemDragged.find(".cPartialEventLeft, .cPartialEventRight, .cPartialEventBoth").remove();
+ $oElemDragged.css({"width": iEventWidth, "height": iEventHeight});
+ }
+ else
+ return false;
+ },
+ revert: function()
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ _performOperationsAfterDraggingStopsInDetailView: function(sId, dStartDateAfterDrop, dEndDateAfterDrop, bFromStop)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var oDraggedEvent = to.getEventWithId(sId),
+ bIsAllDay = oDraggedEvent.isAllDay,
+ dStartDateTime = oDraggedEvent.start,
+ dEndDateTime = oDraggedEvent.end;
+ if(!$.cf.isValid(dStartDateAfterDrop))
+ dStartDateAfterDrop = new Date(dStartDateTime);
+ if(!$.cf.isValid(dEndDateAfterDrop))
+ dEndDateAfterDrop = new Date(dEndDateTime);
+ oDraggedEvent.start = dStartDateAfterDrop;
+ oDraggedEvent.end = dEndDateAfterDrop;
+ to._removeEventSegWithId(sId);
+ to._createAndAddEventSegForId(sId, bIsAllDay, dStartDateAfterDrop, dEndDateAfterDrop);
+ to._setPropertiesOfEventSeg();
+ to.tv.oEvEdt = oDraggedEvent;
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvEvent").removeClass("ui-draggable-dragging");
+ to.tv.bDVDrgEv = false;
+ if(to.setting.saveChangesOnEventDrop)
+ {
+ to._makeEventNonEditableInDetailView();
+ to.setting.saveChangesOnEventDrop.call(to, oDraggedEvent, dStartDateTime, dEndDateTime, dStartDateAfterDrop, dEndDateAfterDrop);
+ }
+ else if(bFromStop && !$.CalenStyle.extra.bTouchDevice)
+ to._makeEventNonEditableInDetailView();
+ },
+ _adjustAllDayEventsInDetailView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var iNumOfWkDays = to.tv.iNoVDayDis,
+ iPosTopDiff = 6,
+ iEventHeight = $.CalenStyle.extra.iEventHeights[to.setting.visibleView],
+ iEventWidth = 0,
+ iTopPos = 0,
+ iLeftPos = 0,
+ iMaxTopPos = 0;
+ for(var iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < to.tv.oAADEvSeg.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ var oAllDayEvent = to.tv.oAADEvSeg[iTempIndex],
+ sEventId = oAllDayEvent[0],
+ iWidthUnits = oAllDayEvent[1],
+ iNewLeftIndex = oAllDayEvent[2],
+ iNewTopIndex = oAllDayEvent[3];
+ iTopPos = ((iNewTopIndex - 1) * (iEventHeight + iPosTopDiff)) + iPosTopDiff;
+ iLeftPos = to.tv.fADVDayLftPos[iNewLeftIndex];
+ var iNewLeftIndexEnd = iNewLeftIndex + iWidthUnits;
+ var iLeftPosEnd;
+ if(iNewLeftIndexEnd >= iNumOfWkDays)
+ iLeftPosEnd = to.tv.fADVDayLftPos[iNumOfWkDays - 1] + to.tv.fDVDayWth + 2;
+ else
+ iLeftPosEnd = to.tv.fADVDayLftPos[iNewLeftIndexEnd];
+ iEventWidth = (iLeftPosEnd - iLeftPos) - 5;
+ var $oEvent = $(to.elem).find("#"+sEventId);
+ $oEvent.css({"top": iTopPos, "left": iLeftPos, "width": iEventWidth, "height": iEventHeight, "line-height": iEventHeight + "px"});
+ if(iTopPos > iMaxTopPos)
+ iMaxTopPos = iTopPos;
+ var iEventWidthMinus = 0;
+ iEventWidthMinus += $oEvent.find(".cdvEventIcon").outerWidth(true);
+ iEventWidthMinus += $oEvent.find(".cPartialEventLeft").outerWidth(true);
+ iEventWidthMinus += $oEvent.find(".cPartialEventRight").outerWidth(true);
+ iEventWidthMinus += $oEvent.find(".cdvEventTimeLeft").outerWidth(true);
+ iEventWidthMinus += $oEvent.find(".cdvEventTimeRight").outerWidth(true);
+ iEventWidthMinus += $oEvent.find(".cdvEventStatus").outerWidth(true);
+ iEventWidthMinus += (10 * $.CalenStyle.extra.iBorderOverhead);
+ var iEventTitleWidth = iEventWidth - iEventWidthMinus;
+ $(to.elem).find("#"+sEventId).find(".cdvEventTitle").css({"max-height": iEventHeight, "line-height": iEventHeight + "px", "width": iEventTitleWidth});
+ }
+ var iRow2Height = iMaxTopPos + iEventHeight + 2 * iPosTopDiff;
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow2Main").css({"height": iRow2Height});
+ iRow2Height = $(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow2Main").height();
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvDetailTableRow2").css({"height": iRow2Height});
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvCellHeaderAllDay").css({"height": iRow2Height});
+ var iRow2Top = $(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow2Main").position().top,
+ iWeekTableHeight = $(to.elem).find(".cdvDetailTableMain").height(),
+ iWeekTableRow1Height = $(to.elem).find(".cdvDetailTableRow1").height(),
+ iRow3Top = iRow2Top + iRow2Height + $.CalenStyle.extra.iEventHeightOverhead,
+ iRow3Height = iWeekTableHeight - (iWeekTableRow1Height + iRow2Height + $.CalenStyle.extra.iEventHeightOverhead);
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow3Main").css({"height": iRow3Height, "top": iRow3Top});
+ to._makeEventEditableInDetailView(".cdvEventAllDay");
+ },
+ _getLeftColumnAndWidthOfAnEventSegInDetailView: function(sEventSegID)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var iSegLength = to.tv.oASmEvSeg.length;
+ for(var iSegIndex = 0; iSegIndex < iSegLength; iSegIndex++)
+ {
+ var oTempSeg = to.tv.oASmEvSeg[iSegIndex];
+ if(oTempSeg.eventSegId === sEventSegID)
+ return [oTempSeg.segLeftColumn, oTempSeg.segColumns];
+ }
+ return 0;
+ },
+ _assignEventSegToColumnsInDetailView: function(oAEventSegs)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var iEventSegsLength = oAEventSegs.length,
+ oArrColumns = [],
+ iSegLeftColumn = 0, iEventSegIndex, oCurrentSeg;
+ if(iEventSegsLength > 0)
+ {
+ for(iEventSegIndex = 0; iEventSegIndex < iEventSegsLength; iEventSegIndex++)
+ {
+ oCurrentSeg = oAEventSegs[iEventSegIndex];
+ if(iEventSegIndex === 0)
+ {
+ iSegLeftColumn = 1;
+ oCurrentSeg.segLeftColumn = iSegLeftColumn;
+ oArrColumns.push([iSegLeftColumn, [oCurrentSeg]]);
+ }
+ else if(iEventSegIndex === 1)
+ {
+ iSegLeftColumn = 2;
+ oCurrentSeg.segLeftColumn = iSegLeftColumn;
+ oArrColumns.push([iSegLeftColumn, [oCurrentSeg]]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ var bEventAddedInExistingColumn = false;
+ for(var iColumnIndex = 0; iColumnIndex < oArrColumns.length; iColumnIndex++)
+ {
+ var oArrTempColumn = oArrColumns[iColumnIndex],
+ iTempLeftColumn = oArrTempColumn[0],
+ oArrTempEventSegs = oArrTempColumn[1],
+ bCollidingEventFound = false;
+ for(var iSegIndex = 0; iSegIndex < oArrTempEventSegs.length; iSegIndex++)
+ {
+ var oTempSeg = oArrTempEventSegs[iSegIndex];
+ var bIsColliding = to._whetherEventsAreColliding(oCurrentSeg, oTempSeg);
+ if(bIsColliding)
+ {
+ bCollidingEventFound = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!bCollidingEventFound) // Event Added In Existing Column
+ {
+ oCurrentSeg.segLeftColumn = iTempLeftColumn;
+ oArrTempEventSegs.push(oCurrentSeg);
+ bEventAddedInExistingColumn = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!bEventAddedInExistingColumn)// Event Added In New Column
+ {
+ iSegLeftColumn++;
+ oCurrentSeg.segLeftColumn = iSegLeftColumn;
+ oArrColumns.push([iSegLeftColumn, [oCurrentSeg]]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for(iEventSegIndex = 0; iEventSegIndex < iEventSegsLength; iEventSegIndex++)
+ {
+ oCurrentSeg = oAEventSegs[iEventSegIndex];
+ oCurrentSeg.segColumns = iSegLeftColumn;
+ }
+ }
+ return oArrColumns;
+ },
+ _addTimeSlotTable: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var sTemplate = "", sTimeSlotClass = "", sDVDaysClass = "", iTopPos = 0;
+ to.tv.fAHrTpPos = [];
+ sTemplate += "
+ for(var iSlotIndex = 0; iSlotIndex < (24 * to.tv.iUTmSlt); iSlotIndex++)
+ {
+ var iSlotHours = Math.floor(iSlotIndex / to.tv.iUTmSlt),
+ iSlotInnerIndex = iSlotIndex % to.tv.iUTmSlt,
+ iSlotMinutes = iSlotInnerIndex * to.setting.unitTimeInterval;
+ var dSlotDate = new Date(),
+ dSlotStartDate = new Date(),
+ dSlotEndDate = new Date();
+ dSlotDate.setHours(iSlotHours);
+ dSlotDate.setMinutes(iSlotMinutes);
+ dSlotStartDate.setHours(to.tv.oBsHours.startTime[0]);
+ dSlotStartDate.setMinutes(to.tv.oBsHours.startTime[1]);
+ dSlotEndDate.setHours(to.tv.oBsHours.endTime[0]);
+ dSlotEndDate.setMinutes(to.tv.oBsHours.endTime[1]);
+ var bAddRow = to.setting.excludeNonBusinessHours ? (to.compareDateTimes(dSlotDate, dSlotStartDate) >= 0 && to.compareDateTimes(dSlotDate, dSlotEndDate) < 0) : true;
+ if(bAddRow)
+ {
+ var sSlotTime = to.getNumberStringInFormat(iSlotHours, 2, false) + to.getNumberStringInFormat(iSlotMinutes, 2, false),
+ sHourStr = to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": {H: iSlotHours, m: iSlotMinutes}}, "hh:mm", to.setting.is24Hour, true);
+ sTimeSlotClass = "cdvTimeSlotTableRow cdvTimeSlotTableRow"+sSlotTime;
+ sTemplate += "";
+ if(!to.setting.timeLabels[iSlotInnerIndex])
+ sHourStr = " ";
+ sTemplate += "" + sHourStr + " ";
+ for(var iDateIndex = 0; iDateIndex < to.tv.iNoVDayDis; iDateIndex++)
+ {
+ var bArrTemp = to.tv.bADVCur[iDateIndex],
+ bTemp = bArrTemp[iSlotIndex],
+ dThisTempDate = to.tv.dAVDt[iDateIndex],
+ sStyle = "";
+ sDVDaysClass = "cdvDetailTableColumn"+iDateIndex;
+ var sCellClass = "cdvTableColumns " +sDVDaysClass;
+ if(bTemp === 0)
+ sCellClass += " cNonBusinessHoursBg";
+ else if(bTemp === 2)
+ sCellClass += " cRestrictedSectionBg";
+ else if(bTemp !== 1)
+ {
+ for(var iInfoIndex = 0; iInfoIndex < to.tv.sADVInfo.length; iInfoIndex++)
+ {
+ var oDVInfo = to.tv.sADVInfo[iInfoIndex];
+ if(oDVInfo.index === bTemp)
+ {
+ if($.cf.isValid(oDVInfo.class))
+ sCellClass += " " + oDVInfo.class;
+ if($.cf.isValid(oDVInfo.bgColor))
+ sStyle = "style='background: " + $.cf.addHashToHexcode(oDVInfo.bgColor) + ";'";
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if(bTemp === 1)
+ sCellClass += " cBusinessHoursBg";
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ }
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ to.tv.fAHrTpPos.push(iTopPos);
+ iTopPos += 32;
+ }
+ }
+ sTemplate += "
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow3Main").html(sTemplate);
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow3Main").scroll(function()
+ {
+ to.tv.bDVScrlg = true;
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ to.tv.bDVScrlg = false;
+ }, 1000);
+ });
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ to._showCurrentTimeIndicator();
+ }, 100);
+ to._makeViewDroppableInDetailView();
+ },
+ __updateTimeSlotTableView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvTableColumns").removeClass("cNonBusinessHoursBg cRestrictedSectionBg cBusinessHoursBg");
+ to._getTimeSlotsArrayForCurrentView();
+ var iMaxTimeSlots = 24 * to.tv.iUTmSlt,
+ iSlotIndex, iDateIndex, bArrTemp, bTemp, iInfoIndex, oDVInfo;
+ for(iSlotIndex = 0; iSlotIndex < iMaxTimeSlots; iSlotIndex++)
+ {
+ var iSlotHours = Math.floor(iSlotIndex / to.tv.iUTmSlt),
+ iSlotInnerIndex = iSlotIndex % to.tv.iUTmSlt,
+ iSlotMinutes = iSlotInnerIndex * to.setting.unitTimeInterval,
+ sSlotTime = to.getNumberStringInFormat(iSlotHours, 2, false) + to.getNumberStringInFormat(iSlotMinutes, 2, false),
+ sTimeSlotClass = ".cdvTimeSlotTableRow"+sSlotTime;
+ var rowElem = $(to.elem).find(sTimeSlotClass);
+ for(iDateIndex = 0; iDateIndex < to.tv.iNoVDayDis; iDateIndex++)
+ {
+ bArrTemp = to.tv.bADVCur[iDateIndex];
+ bTemp = bArrTemp[iSlotIndex];
+ var $oDayElem = $(rowElem).find(".cdvDetailTableColumn"+iDateIndex),
+ sCellClass = "";
+ if(bTemp === 0)
+ sCellClass = "cNonBusinessHoursBg";
+ else if(bTemp === 2)
+ sCellClass = "cRestrictedSectionBg";
+ else if(bTemp !== 1)
+ {
+ for(iInfoIndex = 0; iInfoIndex < to.tv.sADVInfo.length; iInfoIndex++)
+ {
+ oDVInfo = to.tv.sADVInfo[iInfoIndex];
+ if(oDVInfo.index === bTemp)
+ {
+ if($.cf.isValid(oDVInfo.class))
+ sCellClass += " " + oDVInfo.class;
+ if($.cf.isValid(oDVInfo.bgColor))
+ $oDayElem.css({"background" : $.cf.addHashToHexcode(oDVInfo.bgColor)});
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if(bTemp === 1)
+ sCellClass = "cBusinessHoursBg";
+ $oDayElem.addClass(sCellClass);
+ }
+ }
+ for(iDateIndex = 0; iDateIndex < to.tv.iNoVDayDis; iDateIndex++)
+ {
+ bArrTemp = to.tv.bADVCur[iDateIndex];
+ bTemp = bArrTemp[iMaxTimeSlots];
+ var $oAllDayElem = $(to.elem).find(".cdvDetailTableMain #cdvAllDayColumn"+iDateIndex);
+ if(bTemp === 2)
+ $oAllDayElem.addClass("cRestrictedSectionBg");
+ else if(bTemp !== 0 && bTemp !== 1)
+ {
+ for(iInfoIndex = 0; iInfoIndex < to.tv.sADVInfo.length; iInfoIndex++)
+ {
+ oDVInfo = to.tv.sADVInfo[iInfoIndex];
+ if(oDVInfo.index === bTemp)
+ {
+ if($.cf.isValid(oDVInfo.class))
+ $oAllDayElem.addClass(oDVInfo.class);
+ if($.cf.isValid(oDVInfo.bgColor))
+ $oAllDayElem.css({"background" : $.cf.addHashToHexcode(oDVInfo.bgColor)});
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _makeViewDroppableInDetailView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var sDroppableId, iDroppedDayIndex, oDroppedElem,
+ sEventId, iEventId, oDraggedEvent, dThisStartDate, dThisEndDate, bIsAllDay, iNumOfDays,
+ dDroppedDate, dStartDateAfterDrop, dEndDateAfterDrop,
+ $oElemDragged, bEventEntered = false;
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvDetailTableRow2 .cdvAllDayColumns").droppable(
+ {
+ scope: "AllDayEvents",
+ over: function(event, ui)
+ {
+ sDroppableId = $(this).attr("id");
+ iDroppedDayIndex = parseInt(sDroppableId.replace("cdvAllDayColumn", ""));
+ oDroppedElem = ui.draggable;
+ sEventId = $(to.elem).find(oDroppedElem).attr("id");
+ iEventId = sEventId.replace("Event-", "");
+ oDraggedEvent = to.getEventWithId(iEventId);
+ dThisStartDate = oDraggedEvent.start;
+ dThisEndDate = oDraggedEvent.end;
+ bIsAllDay = oDraggedEvent.isAllDay;
+ iNumOfDays = to.getNumberOfDaysOfEvent(bIsAllDay, dThisStartDate, dThisEndDate, false, false, true);
+ dDroppedDate = to.tv.dAVDt[iDroppedDayIndex];
+ dStartDateAfterDrop = to.setDateInFormat({"iDate": {d: dDroppedDate.getDate(), M: dDroppedDate.getMonth(), y: dDroppedDate.getFullYear(), H: dThisStartDate.getHours(), m: dThisStartDate.getMinutes(), s: dThisStartDate.getSeconds()}}, "");
+ dEndDateAfterDrop = new Date(dStartDateAfterDrop.getTime() + (dThisEndDate.getTime() - dThisStartDate.getTime()));
+ if(to.tv.bChkDroppable)
+ {
+ $oElemDragged = $(to.elem).find("#" + sEventId + ".ui-draggable-dragging");
+ sDroppableId = $oElemDragged.attr("data-droppableid");
+ bEventEntered = to._findWhetherEventEnteredNonDroppableZone(dStartDateAfterDrop, dEndDateAfterDrop, bIsAllDay, iNumOfDays, sDroppableId);
+ if(bEventEntered)
+ {
+ $oElemDragged.addClass("cCursorNotAllowed");
+ $oElemDragged.find(".cEventLink").addClass("cCursorNotAllowed");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $oElemDragged.removeClass("cCursorNotAllowed");
+ $oElemDragged.find(".cEventLink").removeClass("cCursorNotAllowed");
+ }
+ }
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvAllDayColumns").removeClass("cActivatedCell");
+ for(var iElemIndex = 0; iElemIndex < iNumOfDays; iElemIndex++)
+ {
+ var iNextDay = iDroppedDayIndex + iElemIndex;
+ if(iNextDay <= (to.tv.dAVDt.length - 1))
+ {
+ var sElemId = "#cdvAllDayColumn"+iNextDay;
+ $(to.elem).find(sElemId).addClass("cActivatedCell");
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ drop: function(event, ui)
+ {
+ sDroppableId = $(this).attr("id");
+ iDroppedDayIndex = parseInt(sDroppableId.replace("cdvAllDayColumn", ""));
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvAllDayColumns").removeClass("cActivatedCell");
+ oDroppedElem = ui.draggable;
+ sEventId = $(to.elem).find(oDroppedElem).attr("id");
+ iEventId = sEventId.replace("Event-", "");
+ oDraggedEvent = to.getEventWithId(iEventId);
+ dThisStartDate = oDraggedEvent.start;
+ dThisEndDate = oDraggedEvent.end;
+ bIsAllDay = oDraggedEvent.isAllDay;
+ iNumOfDays = to.getNumberOfDaysOfEvent(bIsAllDay, dThisStartDate, dThisEndDate, false, false, true);
+ dDroppedDate = to.tv.dAVDt[iDroppedDayIndex];
+ dStartDateAfterDrop = to.setDateInFormat({"iDate": {d: dDroppedDate.getDate(), M: dDroppedDate.getMonth(), y: dDroppedDate.getFullYear(), H: dThisStartDate.getHours(), m: dThisStartDate.getMinutes(), s: dThisStartDate.getSeconds()}}, "");
+ dEndDateAfterDrop = new Date(dStartDateAfterDrop.getTime() + (dThisEndDate.getTime() - dThisStartDate.getTime()));
+ if(to.tv.bChkDroppable)
+ {
+ $oElemDragged = $(to.elem).find("#" + sEventId + ".ui-draggable-dragging");
+ sDroppableId = $oElemDragged.attr("data-droppableid");
+ bEventEntered = to._findWhetherEventEnteredNonDroppableZone(dStartDateAfterDrop, dEndDateAfterDrop, bIsAllDay, iNumOfDays, sDroppableId);
+ $oElemDragged.removeClass("cCursorNotAllowed");
+ $oElemDragged.find(".cEventLink").removeClass("cCursorNotAllowed");
+ }
+ if(bEventEntered)
+ {
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ if(to.tv.bChkDroppable)
+ $oElemDragged.removeClass("cEventBeingDragged ui-draggable-dragging");
+ $(ui.draggable).remove();
+ to._makeEventNonEditableInDetailView();
+ return false;
+ }, 300);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(to.__updateEventWithId(iEventId, dStartDateAfterDrop, dEndDateAfterDrop))
+ {
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvEventAllDay").remove();
+ to.__addEventsInDetailView("AllDay");
+ to._adjustAllDayEventsInDetailView();
+ to._makeEventNonEditableInDetailView();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $(ui.draggable).remove();
+ to._makeEventNonEditableInDetailView();
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ to.tv.bDVDrgEv = false;
+ if(to.setting.saveChangesOnEventDrop)
+ to.setting.saveChangesOnEventDrop.call(to, oDraggedEvent, dThisStartDate, dThisEndDate, dStartDateAfterDrop, dEndDateAfterDrop);
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ _canEditEventInDetailView: function(sElemId)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var sArrElemId = sElemId.split("-"),
+ sEventId = sArrElemId[1],
+ iSegIndex = sArrElemId[2],
+ bCanEdit = ((to.tv.oEvEdt !== null) && (to.tv.oDVEdtgEv.sEventId === sEventId)) ? true : false;
+ return [bCanEdit, sEventId, iSegIndex];
+ },
+ _makeEventResizableInDetailView: function(sEventClass)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var iResizeGrid = (($(to.elem).find(".cdvTimeSlotTableRow" + ":eq(0)").outerHeight() + $(to.elem).find(".cdvTimeSlotTableRow" + ":eq(1)").outerHeight()) / 2),
+ iResizeDistance = iResizeGrid / 4,
+ iMaxHeight = iResizeGrid * 46,
+ sTempEventClass, iNumOfEventSeg,
+ sElemId, iSegId, iSegIndex, dArrTempDates, dSegStartDate, dSegEndDate,
+ iTopPos, iPrevHeight, sArrElemId, sEventId,
+ bCanResize = false,
+ bIsAllDay = false,
+ $oElemResized, sDroppableId, bEventEntered;
+ $(to.elem).find(sEventClass).resizable(
+ {
+ grid: iResizeGrid,
+ distance: iResizeDistance,
+ handles: "s",
+ maxHeight: iMaxHeight,
+ minHeight: (iResizeGrid / 2),
+ containment: "parent",
+ create: function(ev, ui)
+ {
+ $(to.elem).find(sEventClass).find(".ui-resizable-handle").css({"text-align": "center"});
+ var $oElem = $(to.elem).find(sEventClass + " .ui-resizable-s");
+ $oElem.css({"bottom": 0});
+ $oElem.addClass("cEventResizeHandle");
+ $oElem.html("
+ $oElem.on($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandler, function(e)
+ {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ });
+ },
+ start: function(ev, ui)
+ {
+ if(to.tv.bDVDrgEv || to.tv.bDVScrlg)
+ return false;
+ sElemId = $(to.elem).find(ui.element).attr("id");
+ if(!$.CalenStyle.extra.bTouchDevice)
+ {
+ sArrElemId = sElemId.split("-");
+ sEventId = sArrElemId[1];
+ to._changeViewPropertiesWhileEditing("BEFORE", sEventId);
+ }
+ var oArrCanEdit = to._canEditEventInDetailView(sElemId);
+ bCanResize = oArrCanEdit[0];
+ if(bCanResize)
+ {
+ to.tv.bDVResEv = true;
+ sElemId = "#"+sElemId;
+ iSegId = oArrCanEdit[1];
+ iSegIndex = oArrCanEdit[2];
+ iPrevHeight = $(to.elem).find(sElemId).height();
+ sTempEventClass = "Event-"+iSegId;
+ iTopPos = $(to.elem).find(sElemId).position().top;
+ dArrTempDates = to._getStartAndEndDatesOfEventWithId(iSegId);
+ dSegStartDate = new Date(dArrTempDates[0]);
+ dSegEndDate = new Date(dArrTempDates[1]);
+ }
+ },
+ resize: function(ev, ui)
+ {
+ if(to.tv.bDVDrgEv || to.tv.bDVScrlg)
+ return false;
+ sElemId = $(to.elem).find(ui.element).attr("id");
+ var oArrCanEdit = to._canEditEventInDetailView(sElemId);
+ bCanResize = oArrCanEdit[0];
+ if(bCanResize)
+ {
+ iNumOfEventSeg = to._getNumberOfDaysOfEventForWeek(0, dSegStartDate, dSegEndDate, false, true);
+ sElemId = "#"+sElemId;
+ var iCurrentHeight = $(to.elem).find(sElemId).height();
+ var iCurrentTop = iTopPos;
+ $(to.elem).find(sElemId).css({"top": iCurrentTop});
+ var iTempHeight = 0;
+ if(iCurrentTop < 0)
+ {
+ iTempHeight = iCurrentTop + iPrevHeight;
+ if(iCurrentHeight >= (iTempHeight - 10) && iCurrentHeight <= (iTempHeight + 10))
+ iTempHeight = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ iTempHeight = iCurrentHeight;
+ var bResize = ((iTempHeight > 0) && (Math.abs(iCurrentHeight - iPrevHeight)) > 10);
+ if(bResize)
+ {
+ var iSegEndDate;
+ if(iCurrentHeight < iPrevHeight)
+ {
+ iSegEndDate = dSegEndDate.getTime();
+ iSegEndDate -= to.tv.iUTmMS;
+ dSegEndDate = new Date(iSegEndDate);
+ }
+ else if(iCurrentHeight > iPrevHeight)
+ {
+ iSegEndDate = dSegEndDate.getTime();
+ iSegEndDate += to.tv.iUTmMS;
+ dSegEndDate = new Date(iSegEndDate);
+ }
+ $oElemResized = $(to.elem).find(sElemId + ".ui-resizable-resizing");
+ sDroppableId = $oElemResized.attr("data-droppableid");
+ bEventEntered = to._findWhetherEventEnteredNonDroppableZone(dSegStartDate, dSegEndDate, bIsAllDay, iNumOfEventSeg, sDroppableId);
+ if(bEventEntered)
+ {
+ $oElemResized.addClass("cCursorNotAllowed");
+ $oElemResized.find(".cEventLink").addClass("cCursorNotAllowed");
+ $oElemResized.css({"height": ui.originalSize.height});
+ return false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $oElemResized.removeClass("cCursorNotAllowed");
+ $oElemResized.find(".cEventLink").removeClass("cCursorNotAllowed");
+ }
+ if(!bEventEntered)
+ {
+ if((iCurrentTop + iCurrentHeight) <= 0)
+ {
+ to._performOperationsAfterResizingStopsInDetailView(iSegId, dSegStartDate, dSegEndDate);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if(iNumOfEventSeg === 2 && iSegIndex === 1)
+ {
+ $(to.elem).find("#Event-"+iSegId+"-2").remove();
+ dSegEndDate = to.setDateInFormat({"date": dSegStartDate}, "END");
+ dSegEndDate.setMinutes(30);
+ dSegEndDate.setSeconds(0);
+ to._performOperationsAfterResizingStopsInDetailView(iSegId, dSegStartDate, dSegEndDate);
+ return false;
+ }
+ iPrevHeight = iCurrentHeight;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ stop: function(ev, ui)
+ {
+ if(to.tv.bDVDrgEv || to.tv.bDVScrlg)
+ return false;
+ sElemId = $(to.elem).find(ui.element).attr("id");
+ var oArrCanEdit = to._canEditEventInDetailView(sElemId);
+ bCanResize = oArrCanEdit[0];
+ if(bCanResize)
+ {
+ if($.cf.isValid($oElemResized))
+ {
+ $oElemResized.removeClass("cCursorNotAllowed");
+ $oElemResized.find(".cEventLink").removeClass("cCursorNotAllowed");
+ }
+ if(bEventEntered)
+ {
+ dArrTempDates = to._getStartAndEndDatesOfEventWithId(iSegId);
+ dSegStartDate = new Date(dArrTempDates[0]);
+ dSegEndDate = new Date(dArrTempDates[1]);
+ }
+ to._performOperationsAfterResizingStopsInDetailView(iSegId, dSegStartDate, dSegEndDate);
+ to.tv.bDVResEv = false;
+ }
+ if(!$.CalenStyle.extra.bTouchDevice)
+ to._makeEventNonEditableInDetailView();
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ _performOperationsAfterResizingStopsInDetailView: function(sId, dStartDateAfterResizing, dEndDateAfterResizing)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var oResizedEvent = to.getEventWithId(sId),
+ bIsAllDay = oResizedEvent.isAllDay,
+ dStartDateTime = oResizedEvent.start,
+ dEndDateTime = oResizedEvent.end;
+ oResizedEvent.start = dStartDateAfterResizing;
+ oResizedEvent.end = dEndDateAfterResizing;
+ to._removeEventSegWithId(sId);
+ to._createAndAddEventSegForId(sId, bIsAllDay, dStartDateAfterResizing, dEndDateAfterResizing);
+ to._setPropertiesOfEventSeg();
+ to.tv.oEvEdt = oResizedEvent;
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvEvent").removeClass("ui-resizable-resizing");
+ to.tv.bDVResEv = false;
+ if(to.setting.saveChangesOnEventResize)
+ to.setting.saveChangesOnEventResize.call(to, oResizedEvent, dStartDateTime, dEndDateTime, dStartDateAfterResizing, dEndDateAfterResizing);
+ },
+ __adjustDetailViewTable: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var icdvCalendarContMaxHeight = $(to.elem).find(".cdvCalendarCont").css("max-height");
+ icdvCalendarContMaxHeight = parseInt(icdvCalendarContMaxHeight.replace("px", "")) || 0;
+ var icdvCalendarContMinHeight = $(to.elem).find(".cdvCalendarCont").css("min-height");
+ icdvCalendarContMinHeight = parseInt(icdvCalendarContMinHeight.replace("px", "")) || 0;
+ var iScrollbarWidth = $.CalenStyle.extra.iScrollbarWidth;
+ if(icdvCalendarContMaxHeight > 0 && $(to.elem).height() > icdvCalendarContMaxHeight)
+ $(to.elem).css({"height": icdvCalendarContMaxHeight});
+ else if(icdvCalendarContMinHeight > 0 && $(to.elem).height() < icdvCalendarContMinHeight)
+ $(to.elem).css({"height": icdvCalendarContMinHeight});
+ if(to.tv.iCalHeight !== 0)
+ $(to.elem).css({"height": to.tv.iCalHeight});
+ var bIsValidView = ($(to.elem).find(".cdvCalendarCont").length > 0) ? true : false;
+ if(bIsValidView && !to.tv.bDVDrgEv && !to.tv.bDVResEv)
+ {
+ var iCalendarContWidth = $(to.elem).find(".calendarCont").parent().outerWidth(),
+ iCalendarContHeight = $(to.elem).find(".calendarCont").outerHeight(),
+ iCalendarContInnerHeight = iCalendarContHeight;
+ if(to.tv.bDisFBar)
+ {
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Left") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Right"))
+ iCalendarContWidth -= to.setting.filterBarWidth;
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Top") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Bottom"))
+ {
+ var iTempFilterBarWidth = iCalendarContWidth;
+ $(to.elem).find(".cFilterBar").css({"width": iTempFilterBarWidth});
+ iCalendarContInnerHeight -= $(to.elem).find(".cFilterBar").height();
+ }
+ }
+ $(to.elem).find(".calendarContInner").css({"width": iCalendarContWidth, "height": iCalendarContInnerHeight});
+ to.__adjustHeader();
+ if(iScrollbarWidth > 0)
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvDetailTableScroll").css({"width": iScrollbarWidth});
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Right"))
+ $(to.elem).find(".cFilterBar").css({"left": iCalendarContWidth});
+ $(to.elem).find(".calendarCont").css("overflow", "hidden");
+ var icdvContRow2Left = 0,
+ icdvContRow2Width = iCalendarContWidth,
+ icContHeaderWidth = iCalendarContWidth;
+ if($(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").length > 0)
+ $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").css({"width": icContHeaderWidth});
+ var icdvDetailTableWidth = iCalendarContWidth,
+ icContHeaderHeight = ($(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").length > 0) ? $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").outerHeight() : 0;
+ if(to.tv.bDisABar)
+ iCalendarContHeight -= $(to.elem).find(".cActionBar").height();
+ if(to.tv.bDisFBar && ($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Top") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Bottom")))
+ iCalendarContHeight -= $(to.elem).find(".cFilterBar").height();
+ var icdvDetailTableHeight = iCalendarContHeight - icContHeaderHeight;
+ if(!to.tv.bDisABar || !(to.tv.bDisFBar && $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Bottom")))
+ icdvDetailTableHeight += $.CalenStyle.extra.iBorderOverhead;
+ else
+ icdvDetailTableHeight -= $.CalenStyle.extra.iBorderOverhead;
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvDetailTableMain").css({"height": icdvDetailTableHeight, "width": icdvDetailTableWidth});
+ var icdvContRow2Top = $(to.elem).find(".cdvDetailTableMain").position().top + $(to.elem).find(".cdvDetailTableRow1").outerHeight();
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow2Main").css({"left": icdvContRow2Left, "top": icdvContRow2Top, "width": icdvContRow2Width});
+ var iBorderOverheadAllDays = to.tv.iNoVDay * $.CalenStyle.extra.iBorderOverhead;
+ var icdvDetailTableColumnTimeWidth = $(to.elem).find(".cdvDetailTableColumnTime").width();
+ icdvDetailTableColumnTimeWidth = (icdvDetailTableColumnTimeWidth !== 60) ? 60 : icdvDetailTableColumnTimeWidth;
+ var icdvTableColumnsWidth = (icdvContRow2Width - icdvDetailTableColumnTimeWidth - iScrollbarWidth - iBorderOverheadAllDays) / (to.tv.iNoVDayDis);
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvTableColumns").css({"width": icdvTableColumnsWidth});
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvAllDayColumns").css({"width": icdvTableColumnsWidth});
+ var icdvContRow3Left = 0,
+ iPreviousRowsHeight = icdvContRow2Top + $(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow2Main").outerHeight(),
+ icdvContRow3Top = iPreviousRowsHeight,
+ icdvContRow3Height = iCalendarContHeight - iPreviousRowsHeight,
+ icdvContRow3Width = iCalendarContWidth - $.CalenStyle.extra.iBorderOverhead;
+ var icdvTimeSlotTableHeight = $(to.elem).find(".cdvTimeSlotTable").prop("scrollHeight");
+ icdvContRow3Height = (icdvContRow3Height > icdvTimeSlotTableHeight) ? icdvTimeSlotTableHeight : icdvContRow3Height;
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow3Main").css({"left": icdvContRow3Left, "top": icdvContRow3Top, "height": icdvContRow3Height, "width": icdvContRow3Width});
+ if(iScrollbarWidth === 0)
+ icdvContRow3Width = icdvContRow3Width + 1;
+ else
+ icdvContRow3Width = (iScrollbarWidth > iBorderOverheadAllDays) ? (icdvContRow3Width - iScrollbarWidth) : (icdvContRow3Width - iBorderOverheadAllDays +iScrollbarWidth);
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvTimeSlotTable").css({"width": icdvContRow3Width});
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow3Events").css({"height": icdvTimeSlotTableHeight, "width": icdvContRow3Width});
+ icdvDetailTableColumnTimeWidth = $(to.elem).find(".cdvDetailTableColumnTime").width();
+ icdvDetailTableColumnTimeWidth = (icdvDetailTableColumnTimeWidth !== 60) ? 60: icdvDetailTableColumnTimeWidth;
+ icdvTableColumnsWidth = (iCalendarContWidth - icdvDetailTableColumnTimeWidth - iScrollbarWidth - iBorderOverheadAllDays) / (to.tv.iNoVDayDis);
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvTableColumns").css({"width": icdvTableColumnsWidth});
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvAllDayColumns").css({"width": icdvTableColumnsWidth});
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayEventDetailView"))
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdlvDaysTable").css({"width": icdvTableColumnsWidth});
+ to.tv.fDVDayWth = $(to.elem).find(".cdvTableColumns").width();
+ var iTimeSlotLeft = to._getTimeSlotLeftPosition();
+ if($(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow3Main .cTimeline").length > 0)
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow3Main .cTimeline").css({"left": iTimeSlotLeft, "width": to.tv.fDVDayWth});
+ to.tv.fADVDayLftPos = [];
+ for(var iWeekDayIndex = 0; iWeekDayIndex < to.tv.iNoVDayDis; iWeekDayIndex++)
+ {
+ var sTempId = "#cdvCellDay"+iWeekDayIndex,
+ fLeftPos = $(to.elem).find(sTempId).position().left;
+ to.tv.fADVDayLftPos.push(fLeftPos);
+ }
+ to._adjustEventsInDetailView();
+ to._adjustAllDayEventsInDetailView();
+ }
+ //to.__adjustFontSize();
+ to.setCalendarBorderColor();
+ },
+ _adjustEventsInDetailView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var sArrEventElems = $(to.elem).find(".cdvEvent");
+ for(var iElemIndex = 0; iElemIndex < sArrEventElems.length; iElemIndex++)
+ {
+ var oElem = sArrEventElems[iElemIndex],
+ sElemName = $(to.elem).find(oElem).attr("data-pos"),
+ sArrElemName = sElemName.split("|"),
+ iElemCol = parseInt(sArrElemName[1]),
+ $oElem = $(to.elem).find(oElem);
+ var sElemID = $oElem.attr("id"),
+ iArrColumns = to._getLeftColumnAndWidthOfAnEventSegInDetailView(sElemID),
+ iSegLeftColumn = iArrColumns[0],
+ iSegColumns = iArrColumns[1],
+ iLeftPos = to.tv.fADVDayLftPos[iElemCol],
+ iTopPos = parseInt(sArrElemName[2]),
+ iUnitWidth = 100 / iSegColumns,
+ iEventWidth = (to.tv.fDVDayWth * iUnitWidth) / 100;
+ iLeftPos = iLeftPos + ((iSegLeftColumn - 1) * iEventWidth);
+ iEventWidth -= (0.05 * iEventWidth);
+ $oElem.css({"left": iLeftPos, "top": iTopPos, "width": iEventWidth});
+ if(iTopPos < 0)
+ $oElem.find(".cEventLink").css({"margin-top": Math.abs(iTopPos)});
+ var iEventHeight = $oElem.height(),
+ iEventTimeHeight = $oElem.find(".cdvEventTime").height(),
+ iEventTitleHeight = iEventHeight - iEventTimeHeight - 10,
+ iEventTitleMinHeight = $oElem.find(".cdvEventTitle").css("min-height");
+ iEventTitleMinHeight = $.cf.isValid(iEventTitleMinHeight) ? parseInt(iEventTitleMinHeight.replace("px", "")) : 0;
+ if(iEventTitleMinHeight < iEventTitleHeight)
+ $oElem.find(".cdvEventTitle").css({"max-height": iEventTitleHeight});
+ }
+ to._makeEventEditableInDetailView(".cdvEvent");
+ },
+ _displayWeekNumberInDetailView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var sWeekNumber = to.__getWeekNumber(to.tv.dVSDt, to.tv.dVEDt);
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvCellWeekNumberLabel").html(to.setting.miscStrings.week);
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvCellWeekNumber").html(sWeekNumber);
+ },
+ _setDateStringsInDetailView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var oDVStart = to.getDateInFormat({"date": to.tv.dVSDt}, "object", false, true),
+ oDVEnd = to.getDateInFormat({"date": to.tv.dVEDt}, "object", false, true);
+ var sHeaderViewLabel;
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayView") || ($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "CustomView") && to.setting.daysInCustomView === 1))
+ sHeaderViewLabel = "
" + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oDVStart}, "DDDD", false, true) + " " + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oDVEnd}, "MMMM", false, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oDVEnd.d, 0, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oDVEnd.y, 0, true);
+ else
+ {
+ if(oDVStart.y === oDVEnd.y)
+ {
+ if(oDVStart.M === oDVEnd.M)
+ sHeaderViewLabel = "
" + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oDVStart}, "MMM", false, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oDVStart.d, 0, true) + " -
" + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oDVEnd.d, 0, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oDVEnd.y, 0, true);
+ else
+ sHeaderViewLabel = "
" + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oDVStart}, "MMM", false, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oDVStart.d, 0, true) + " -
" + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oDVEnd}, "MMM", false, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oDVEnd.d, 0, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oDVEnd.y, 0, true);
+ }
+ else
+ sHeaderViewLabel = "
" + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oDVStart}, "MMM", false, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oDVStart.d, 0, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oDVStart.y, 0, true) + " -
" + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oDVEnd}, "MMM", false, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oDVEnd.d, 0, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oDVEnd.y, 0, true);
+ }
+ if(to.setting.modifyHeaderViewLabels)
+ to.setting.modifyHeaderViewLabels.call(to, to.tv.dVSDt, to.tv.dVEDt, to.setting.selectedDate, sHeaderViewLabel, to.setting.visibleView);
+ $(to.elem).find(".cContHeaderLabel").html(sHeaderViewLabel);
+ for(var iDateIndex = 0; iDateIndex < to.tv.iNoVDayDis; iDateIndex++)
+ {
+ var dTempDate = to.tv.dAVDt[iDateIndex],
+ bFullDateMatched = to.compareDates(dTempDate, $.CalenStyle.extra.dToday),
+ /* -------------------------- Table Row 1 Start ------------------------------- */
+ iDayOfWeek = dTempDate.getDay(),
+ sTempId = ".cdvDetailTableMain #cdvCellDay"+iDateIndex,
+ iDay = dTempDate.getDate(),
+ bWeekDayUnavailable = to.tv.bABsDays[iDayOfWeek] ? false : true,
+ bArrTemp = to.tv.bADVCur[iDateIndex],
+ bTemp = bArrTemp[24 * to.tv.iUTmSlt];
+ if(bWeekDayUnavailable && bFullDateMatched === 0)
+ $(to.elem).find(sTempId).addClass("cRestrictedTodayBg cTodayHighlightTextColor");
+ else
+ {
+ if(bWeekDayUnavailable)
+ $(to.elem).find(sTempId).addClass("cNonBusinessHoursBg");
+ if(bFullDateMatched === 0)
+ $(to.elem).find(sTempId).addClass("cTodayHighlightTextColor");
+ }
+ if(bFullDateMatched === 0)
+ $(to.elem).find(sTempId).html("
"+to.setting.miscStrings.today+" " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(iDay, 0, true) + " ");
+ else
+ $(to.elem).find(sTempId).html("
" + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": {D: iDayOfWeek}}, "DDD", false, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(iDay, 0, true) + " ");
+ /* -------------------------- Table Row 1 End ------------------------------- */
+ /* -------------------------- Table Row 2 Start ---------------------------- */
+ if(bWeekDayUnavailable && bFullDateMatched === 0)
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvDetailTableMain #cdvAllDayColumn"+iDateIndex).addClass("cRestrictedTodayBg cTodayHighlightTextColor");
+ else
+ {
+ if(bWeekDayUnavailable)
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvDetailTableMain #cdvAllDayColumn"+iDateIndex).addClass("cNonBusinessHoursBg");
+ if(bFullDateMatched === 0)
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvDetailTableMain #cdvAllDayColumn"+iDateIndex).addClass("cTodayHighlightTextColor");
+ if(bTemp === 2)
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvDetailTableMain #cdvAllDayColumn"+iDateIndex).addClass("cRestrictedSectionBg");
+ }
+ /* -------------------------- Table Row 2 End ------------------------------- */
+ /* -------------------------- Table Row 3 Start ---------------------------- */
+ if(bWeekDayUnavailable && bFullDateMatched === 0)
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvDetailTableMain .cdvDetailTableColumn"+iDateIndex).addClass("cRestrictedTodayBg cTodayHighlightTextColor");
+ else
+ {
+ if(bWeekDayUnavailable)
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvDetailTableMain .cdvDetailTableColumn"+iDateIndex).addClass("cNonBusinessHoursBg");
+ if(bFullDateMatched === 0)
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvDetailTableMain .cdvDetailTableColumn"+iDateIndex).addClass("cTodayHighlightTextColor");
+ }
+ /* -------------------------- Table Row 3 End ------------------------------- */
+ }
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "WeekView"))
+ to._displayWeekNumberInDetailView();
+ },
+ __goToPrevDetailView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ if(to.setting.showTransition)
+ {
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ var $occCDVDetailTableMain = $(to.elem).find(".cdvDetailTableMain"),
+ icdvDetailTableWidth = $occCDVDetailTableMain.width(),
+ icdvDetailTableLeft = $occCDVDetailTableMain.position().left,
+ icdvDetailTableTop = 0;
+ if($(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").length > 0)
+ icdvDetailTableTop = $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").position().top + $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").outerHeight() - 1;
+ else
+ icdvDetailTableTop = $(to.elem).position().top;
+ var newElem = $occCDVDetailTableMain.clone();
+ $(newElem).removeClass("cdvDetailTableMain").addClass("cdvDetailTableTemp");
+ $(newElem).css({"position": "absolute", "top": icdvDetailTableTop, "left": icdvDetailTableLeft});
+ $occCDVDetailTableMain.parent().append(newElem);
+ icdvDetailTableLeft = icdvDetailTableLeft + icdvDetailTableWidth;
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvDetailTableTemp .cdlvDaysTableMain").removeClass("cdlvDaysTableMain").addClass("cdlvDaysTableTemp");
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ var $occCDVContRow2Main = $(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow2Main"),
+ icdvContRow2Left = $occCDVContRow2Main.position().left,
+ icdvContRow2Width= $occCDVContRow2Main.width();
+ var newElemCont2 = $occCDVContRow2Main.clone();
+ $(newElemCont2).removeClass(".cdvContRow2Main").addClass("cdvContRow2Temp");
+ $occCDVContRow2Main.parent().append(newElemCont2);
+ icdvContRow2Left = icdvContRow2Left + icdvContRow2Width;
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ var $occCDVContRow3Main = $(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow3Main"),
+ icdvContRow3Left = $occCDVContRow3Main.position().left,
+ icdvContRow3Width= $occCDVContRow3Main.width();
+ var newElemCont3 = $occCDVContRow3Main.clone();
+ $(newElemCont3).removeClass(".cdvContRow3Main").addClass("cdvContRow3Temp");
+ $occCDVContRow3Main.parent().append(newElemCont3);
+ icdvContRow3Left = icdvContRow3Left + icdvContRow3Width;
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow3Main .cTimeline").remove();
+ if(!$.CalenStyle.extra.bTouchDevice && $(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow3Temp .cTimeIndicator").length > 0)
+ {
+ var iTimeSlotTop = $(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow3Temp .cTimeIndicator").position().top;
+ var iScrollTop = iTimeSlotTop - ($(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow3Temp").height() / 2);
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow3Temp").scrollTop(iScrollTop);
+ }
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ $(newElem).animate({"left": icdvDetailTableLeft}, to.setting.transitionSpeed);
+ $(newElemCont2).animate({"left": icdvContRow2Left}, to.setting.transitionSpeed);
+ $(newElemCont3).animate({"left": icdvContRow3Left}, to.setting.transitionSpeed);
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvDetailTableTemp").remove();
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow2Temp").remove();
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow3Temp").remove();
+ }, to.setting.transitionSpeed);
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ }
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayEventDetailView"))
+ {
+ var iNoOfDays = to.tv.iNoVDay + 1,
+ oArrDates = to.__setCurrentViewDatesArray(iNoOfDays, to.tv.dVSDt, null, "Prev");
+ oArrDates.shift();
+ oArrDates.reverse();
+ to.setting.selectedDate = oArrDates[to.tv.iSelDay];
+ to.setting.selectedDate = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.setting.selectedDate}, "START");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ var iCurrentDateMS = to.tv.dVSDt.getTime();
+ if(to.setting.daysInCustomView === 7)
+ iCurrentDateMS -= (to.tv.iNoVDay * $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.d);
+ else
+ iCurrentDateMS -= $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.d;
+ to.setting.selectedDate = to.setDateInFormat({"date": new Date(iCurrentDateMS)}, "START");
+ }
+ to.tv.dLoadDt = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.setting.selectedDate}, "START");
+ to.tv.sLoadType = "Prev";
+ to.__reloadCurrentView(true, true);
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ to.__reloadDatePickerContentOnNavigation();
+ }, 10);
+ },
+ __goToNextDetailView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ if(to.setting.showTransition)
+ {
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ var $occCDVDetailTableMain = $(to.elem).find(".cdvDetailTableMain"),
+ icdvDetailTableWidth = $occCDVDetailTableMain.width(),
+ icdvDetailTableLeft = $occCDVDetailTableMain.position().left,
+ icdvDetailTableTop = 0;
+ if($(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").length > 0)
+ icdvDetailTableTop = $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").position().top + $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").outerHeight() - 1;
+ else
+ icdvDetailTableTop = $(to.elem).position().top;
+ var newElem = $occCDVDetailTableMain.clone();
+ $(newElem).removeClass("cdvDetailTableMain").addClass("cdvDetailTableTemp");
+ $(newElem).css({"position": "absolute", "top": icdvDetailTableTop, "left": icdvDetailTableLeft});
+ $occCDVDetailTableMain.parent().append(newElem);
+ icdvDetailTableLeft = icdvDetailTableLeft - icdvDetailTableWidth;
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvDetailTableTemp .cdlvDaysTableMain").removeClass("cdlvDaysTableMain").addClass("cdlvDaysTableTemp");
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ var $occCDVContRow2Main = $(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow2Main"),
+ icdvContRow2Left = $occCDVContRow2Main.position().left,
+ icdvContRow2Width= $occCDVContRow2Main.width();
+ var newElemCont2 = $occCDVContRow2Main.clone();
+ $(newElemCont2).removeClass(".cdvContRow2Main").addClass("cdvContRow2Temp");
+ $occCDVContRow2Main.parent().append(newElemCont2);
+ icdvContRow2Left = icdvContRow2Left - icdvContRow2Width;
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ var $occCDVContRow3Main = $(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow3Main"),
+ icdvContRow3Left = $occCDVContRow3Main.position().left,
+ icdvContRow3Width= $occCDVContRow3Main.width();
+ var newElemCont3 = $occCDVContRow3Main.clone();
+ $(newElemCont3).removeClass(".cdvContRow3Main").addClass("cdvContRow3Temp");
+ $occCDVContRow3Main.parent().append(newElemCont3);
+ icdvContRow3Left = icdvContRow3Left - icdvContRow3Width;
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow3Main .cTimeline").remove();
+ if(!$.CalenStyle.extra.bTouchDevice && $(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow3Temp .cTimeIndicator").length > 0)
+ {
+ var iTimeSlotTop = $(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow3Temp .cTimeIndicator").position().top;
+ var iScrollTop = iTimeSlotTop - ($(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow3Temp").height() / 2);
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow3Temp").scrollTop(iScrollTop);
+ }
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ $(newElem).animate({"left": icdvDetailTableLeft}, to.setting.transitionSpeed);
+ $(newElemCont2).animate({"left": icdvContRow2Left}, to.setting.transitionSpeed);
+ $(newElemCont3).animate({"left": icdvContRow3Left}, to.setting.transitionSpeed);
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvDetailTableTemp").remove();
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow2Temp").remove();
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow3Temp").remove();
+ }, to.setting.transitionSpeed);
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ }
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayEventDetailView"))
+ {
+ var iNoOfDays = to.tv.iNoVDay + 1,
+ oArrDates = to.__setCurrentViewDatesArray(iNoOfDays, to.tv.dVEDt, null, "Next");
+ oArrDates.shift();
+ to.setting.selectedDate = oArrDates[to.tv.iSelDay];
+ to.setting.selectedDate = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.setting.selectedDate}, "START");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ var iCurrentDateMS = to.tv.dVEDt.getTime();
+ iCurrentDateMS += $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.d;
+ to.setting.selectedDate = to.setDateInFormat({"date": new Date(iCurrentDateMS)}, "START");
+ }
+ to.tv.dLoadDt = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.setting.selectedDate}, "START");
+ to.tv.sLoadType = "Next";
+ to.__reloadCurrentView(true, true);
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ to.__reloadDatePickerContentOnNavigation();
+ }, 10);
+ },
+ _showCurrentTimeIndicator: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var bOCalenStyleExists = false, oTimeOut;
+ for(var iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < $.CalenStyle.extra.oArrCalenStyle.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ var oThisCalenStyle = $.CalenStyle.extra.oArrCalenStyle[iTempIndex];
+ if(oThisCalenStyle.tv.pluginId === to.tv.pluginId)
+ {
+ bOCalenStyleExists = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(bOCalenStyleExists)
+ {
+ var iUnitTimeSlotHeight = Math.floor((($(to.elem).find(".cdvTimeSlotTableRow" + ":eq(0)").outerHeight() + $(to.elem).find(".cdvTimeSlotTableRow" + ":eq(1)").outerHeight()) / 2) / to.setting.unitTimeInterval);
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "WeekView") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayView") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "CustomView") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayEventDetailView"))
+ {
+ var dCurrentTime = to._getCurrentDate(),
+ iCurrentHours = dCurrentTime.getHours(),
+ iCurrentMinutes = dCurrentTime.getMinutes(),
+ iCurrentMinutesOverhead = (iCurrentMinutes % to.setting.unitTimeInterval),
+ iCurrentMinutesOverheadHeight = iUnitTimeSlotHeight * iCurrentMinutesOverhead;
+ iCurrentMinutes = iCurrentMinutes - iCurrentMinutesOverheadHeight;
+ var sCurrentHour = to.getNumberStringInFormat(iCurrentHours, 2, false),
+ sCurrentMinutes = to.getNumberStringInFormat(iCurrentMinutes, 2, false),
+ sTimeSlotClass = ".cdvContRow3Main .cdvTimeSlotTableRow"+sCurrentHour+sCurrentMinutes;
+ if($(to.elem).find(sTimeSlotClass).length > 0)
+ {
+ var iTimeSlotTop = $(to.elem).find(sTimeSlotClass).position().top,
+ iTimeSlotLeft = 0,
+ iTimeSlotWidth = 0,
+ sTemplate;
+ if(to.tv.fDVDayWth > 0)
+ iTimeSlotWidth = to.tv.fDVDayWth;
+ iTimeSlotTop += iCurrentMinutesOverheadHeight;
+ var bShowTimeline = $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayEventDetailView") ? (to.compareDates(to.setting.selectedDate, $.CalenStyle.extra.dToday) === 0) : (to.__isDateInCurrentView(dCurrentTime));
+ if(bShowTimeline)
+ {
+ iTimeSlotLeft = to._getTimeSlotLeftPosition();
+ if($(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow3Main .cTimeline").length > 0)
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow3Main .cTimeline").css({"left": iTimeSlotLeft, "top": iTimeSlotTop, "width": iTimeSlotWidth});
+ else
+ {
+ sTemplate = "
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow3Main .cdvTimeSlotTable").append(sTemplate);
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow3Main .cTimeline").css({"left": iTimeSlotLeft, "top": iTimeSlotTop, "width": iTimeSlotWidth});
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow3Main .cTimeline").remove();
+ if($(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow3Main .cTimeIndicator").length > 0)
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow3Main .cTimeIndicator").css({"top": iTimeSlotTop});
+ else
+ {
+ sTemplate = "
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow3Main .cdvTimeSlotTable").append(sTemplate);
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow3Main .cTimeIndicator").css({"top": iTimeSlotTop});
+ }
+ if(!$.CalenStyle.extra.bTouchDevice)
+ {
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ var iScrollTop = iTimeSlotTop - ($(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow3Main").height() / 2);
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdvContRow3Main").scrollTop(iScrollTop);
+ }, 500);
+ }
+ }
+ oTimeOut = setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ to._showCurrentTimeIndicator();
+ }, ($.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.m * to.setting.timeIndicatorUpdationInterval));
+ }
+ bOCalenStyleExists = false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ clearTimeout(oTimeOut);
+ }
+ },
+ _getTimeSlotLeftPosition: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var iTimeSlotLeft = 0;
+ if(to.tv.fADVDayLftPos.length > 0)
+ {
+ for(var iWkDatesIndex = 0; iWkDatesIndex < to.tv.dAVDt.length; iWkDatesIndex++)
+ {
+ if(to.compareDates($.CalenStyle.extra.dToday, to.tv.dAVDt[iWkDatesIndex]) === 0)
+ {
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayEventDetailView"))
+ iTimeSlotLeft = to.tv.fADVDayLftPos[0];
+ else
+ iTimeSlotLeft = to.tv.fADVDayLftPos[iWkDatesIndex];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return iTimeSlotLeft;
+ },
+ _addTooltipInDetailView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ $(to.elem).find(".cEventTooltip").tooltip(
+ {
+ content: function()
+ {
+ var sTooltipText = "";
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.eventTooltipContent, "Default"))
+ {
+ var oTooltipContent = $(this).data("tooltipcontent");
+ if(oTooltipContent.title !== undefined)
+ sTooltipText += "
" + oTooltipContent.title + "
+ if(oTooltipContent.startDateTime !== undefined || oTooltipContent.endDateTime === undefined)
+ {
+ sTooltipText += "
+ if(oTooltipContent.startDateTime !== undefined)
+ sTooltipText += oTooltipContent.startDateTime;
+ if(oTooltipContent.endDateTime !== undefined)
+ sTooltipText += (" " + oTooltipContent.endDateTime);
+ sTooltipText += "
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ var sId = $(this).attr("data-id"),
+ oEventRecord = to.getEventWithId(sId);
+ sTooltipText = to.setting.eventTooltipContent.call(to, oEventRecord);
+ }
+ return sTooltipText;
+ },
+ position:
+ {
+ my: "left-25 bottom-15",
+ at: "center top",
+ using: function(position, feedback)
+ {
+ $(this).css(position);
+ $("
+ .addClass("tooltip-arrow")
+ .addClass(feedback.vertical)
+ .addClass(feedback.horizontal)
+ .appendTo(this);
+ }
+ },
+ track: true
+ });
+ }
+/*! ------------------------------------ CalenStyle Detail View End ------------------------------------ */
+/*! ---------------------------------- CalenStyle Quick Agenda View Start --------------------------------- */
+//"use strict";
+CalenStyle.prototype = $.extend(CalenStyle.prototype, {
+ __updateQuickAgendaView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var sTemplate = "",
+ iDateIndex, sDVDaysClass,
+ sColumnClass = (to.tv.iNoVDayDis === 1) ? " cqavSingleColumn" : " cqavMultiColumn";
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ sTemplate += "
+ sTemplate += "";
+ for(iDateIndex = 0; iDateIndex < to.tv.iNoVDayDis; iDateIndex++)
+ {
+ var sTempId = "cqavDayColumn"+iDateIndex;
+ sDVDaysClass = "cqavTableColumns";
+ sDVDaysClass += sColumnClass;
+ if(iDateIndex === (to.tv.iNoVDayDis - 1))
+ sDVDaysClass += " cqavLastColumn";
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ }
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ sTemplate += "
+ sTemplate += "";
+ for(iDateIndex = 0; iDateIndex < to.tv.iNoVDayDis; iDateIndex++)
+ {
+ var sDVDaysId = "cqavDayColumn"+iDateIndex;
+ sDVDaysClass = "cqavTableColumns";
+ if(iDateIndex === (to.tv.iNoVDayDis - 1))
+ sDVDaysClass += " cqavLastColumn";
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ }
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ $(to.elem).find(".cqavTableMain").html(sTemplate);
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ to._setDateStringsInHeaderOfQuickAgendaView();
+ to._makeEventContDroppableInQuickAgendaView();
+ to._takeActionOnDayClickInQuickAgendaView();
+ },
+ _setDateStringsInHeaderOfQuickAgendaView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ for(var iDateIndex = 0; iDateIndex < to.tv.iNoVDayDis; iDateIndex++)
+ {
+ var dTempDate = to.tv.dAVDt[iDateIndex];
+ var bFullDateMatched = to.compareDates(dTempDate, $.CalenStyle.extra.dToday),
+ /* -------------------------- Table Row 1 Start ------------------------------- */
+ iDayOfWeek = dTempDate.getDay(),
+ sRow1Id = ".cqavTableRow1 #cqavDayColumn"+iDateIndex,
+ $oRow1 = $(to.elem).find(sRow1Id),
+ iDay = dTempDate.getDate(),
+ bWeekDayUnavailable = to.tv.bABsDays[iDayOfWeek] ? false : true,
+ // Set Style For All-Day Restricted Section
+ dArrTempResSec = to._getRestrictedSectionForCurrentView(dTempDate),
+ iTempIndex, sBgColor = "", sResSecClass = "";
+ for(iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < dArrTempResSec.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ var dArrResSec = dArrTempResSec[iTempIndex],
+ dTempResSecStart = new Date(dArrResSec.start),
+ bCompStart = to.compareDates(dTempDate, dTempResSecStart) === 0,
+ dTempResSecEnd = new Date(dArrResSec.end),
+ bCompEnd = to.compareDates(dTempDate, dTempResSecEnd) === 0,
+ iNumOfHours;
+ if(!bCompStart)
+ dTempResSecStart = to._normalizeDateTime(dTempDate, "START", "T");
+ if(!bCompEnd)
+ dTempResSecEnd = to._normalizeDateTime(dTempDate, "END", "T");
+ iNumOfHours = Math.round((dTempResSecEnd.getTime() - dTempResSecStart.getTime()) / $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.h);
+ if(iNumOfHours > 23 || dArrResSec.isAllDay)
+ {
+ if($.cf.isValid(dArrResSec.backgroundColor))
+ sBgColor = $.cf.addHashToHexcode(dArrResSec.backgroundColor);
+ if($.cf.isValid(dArrResSec.class))
+ sResSecClass = dArrResSec.class;
+ }
+ }
+ if(bWeekDayUnavailable && bFullDateMatched === 0)
+ $oRow1.addClass("cRestrictedTodayBg cTodayHighlightTextColor");
+ else
+ {
+ if(bWeekDayUnavailable)
+ $oRow1.addClass("cNonBusinessHoursBg");
+ if(bFullDateMatched === 0)
+ $oRow1.addClass("cTodayHighlightTextColor");
+ // Set Style For All-Day Restricted Section
+ if($.cf.isValid(sBgColor))
+ $oRow1.css({"background": sBgColor});
+ if($.cf.isValid(sResSecClass))
+ $oRow1.addClass(sResSecClass);
+ }
+ if(bFullDateMatched === 0)
+ $(to.elem).find(sRow1Id).html("
"+to.setting.miscStrings.today+" " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(iDay, 0, true) + " ");
+ else
+ $(to.elem).find(sRow1Id).html("
" + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": {D: iDayOfWeek}}, "DDD", false, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(iDay, 0, true) + " ");
+ /* -------------------------- Table Row 1 End ------------------------------- */
+ /* -------------------------- Table Row 2 Start ---------------------------- */
+ var sRow2Id = ".cqavTableRow2 #cqavDayColumn"+iDateIndex,
+ $oRow2 = $(to.elem).find(sRow2Id);
+ if(bWeekDayUnavailable && bFullDateMatched === 0)
+ $oRow2.addClass("cRestrictedTodayBg cTodayHighlightTextColor");
+ else
+ {
+ if(bWeekDayUnavailable)
+ $oRow2.addClass("cNonBusinessHoursBg");
+ if(bFullDateMatched === 0)
+ $oRow2.addClass("cTodayHighlightTextColor");
+ // Set Style For All-Day Restricted Section
+ if($.cf.isValid(sBgColor))
+ $oRow2.css({"background": sBgColor});
+ if($.cf.isValid(sResSecClass))
+ $oRow2.addClass(sResSecClass);
+ }
+ /* -------------------------- Table Row 2 End ------------------------------- */
+ }
+ var oDVStart = to.getDateInFormat({"date": to.tv.dVSDt}, "object", false, true),
+ oDVEnd = to.getDateInFormat({"date": to.tv.dVEDt}, "object", false, true);
+ var sHeaderViewLabel;
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.quickAgendaViewDuration, "CustomDays") && to.setting.daysInQuickAgendaView === 1)
+ sHeaderViewLabel = "
" + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oDVStart}, "DDDD", false, true) + " " + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oDVEnd}, "MMMM", false, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oDVEnd.d, 0, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oDVEnd.y, 0, true);
+ else
+ {
+ if(oDVStart.y === oDVEnd.y)
+ {
+ if(oDVStart.M === oDVEnd.M)
+ sHeaderViewLabel = "
" + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oDVStart}, "MMM", false, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oDVStart.d, 0, true) + " -
" + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oDVEnd.d, 0, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oDVEnd.y, 0, true);
+ else
+ sHeaderViewLabel = "
" + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oDVStart}, "MMM", false, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oDVStart.d, 0, true) + " -
" + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oDVEnd}, "MMM", false, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oDVEnd.d, 0, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oDVEnd.y, 0, true);
+ }
+ else
+ sHeaderViewLabel = "
" + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oDVStart}, "MMM", false, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oDVStart.d, 0, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oDVStart.y, 0, true) + " -
" + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oDVEnd}, "MMM", false, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oDVEnd.d, 0, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oDVEnd.y, 0, true);
+ }
+ if(to.setting.modifyHeaderViewLabels)
+ to.setting.modifyHeaderViewLabels.call(to, to.tv.dVSDt, to.tv.dVEDt, to.setting.selectedDate, sHeaderViewLabel, to.setting.visibleView);
+ $(to.elem).find(".cContHeaderLabel").html(sHeaderViewLabel);
+ },
+ _takeActionOnDayClickInQuickAgendaView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ $(to.elem).find(".cqavContRow2Main").on($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandler, function(e)
+ {
+ var pClickedAt = {};
+ pClickedAt.x = e.pageX || e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX || e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageX;
+ pClickedAt.y = e.pageY || e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY || e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageY;
+ var dSelectedDateTime = to._getDateBasedOnLeftPositionInQuickAgendaView(pClickedAt.x - $(this).offset().left);
+ if(to.setting.cellClicked)
+ to.setting.cellClicked.call(to, to.setting.visibleView, dSelectedDateTime, true, pClickedAt);
+ });
+ },
+ __goToPrevQuickAgendaView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ if(to.setting.showTransition)
+ {
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ var $ocCQAVTableMain = $(to.elem).find(".cqavTableMain"),
+ icqavTableWidth = $ocCQAVTableMain.width(),
+ icqavTableLeft = $ocCQAVTableMain.position().left,
+ icqavTableTop = 0;
+ if($(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").length > 0)
+ icqavTableTop = $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").position().top + $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").outerHeight() - 1;
+ else
+ icqavTableTop = $(to.elem).position().top;
+ var newElem = $ocCQAVTableMain.clone();
+ $(newElem).removeClass("cqavTableMain").addClass("cqavTableTemp");
+ $(newElem).css({"position": "absolute", "top": icqavTableTop, "left": icqavTableLeft});
+ $ocCQAVTableMain.parent().append(newElem);
+ icqavTableLeft = icqavTableLeft + icqavTableWidth;
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ var $ocCQAVContRow2Main = $(to.elem).find(".cqavContRow2Main"),
+ icqavContRow2Left = $ocCQAVContRow2Main.position().left,
+ icqavContRow2Width= $ocCQAVContRow2Main.width();
+ var newElemCont2 = $ocCQAVContRow2Main.clone();
+ $(newElemCont2).removeClass("cqavContRow2Main").addClass("cqavContRow2Temp");
+ $ocCQAVContRow2Main.parent().append(newElemCont2);
+ icqavContRow2Left = icqavContRow2Left + icqavContRow2Width;
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ $(newElem).animate({"left": icqavTableLeft}, to.setting.transitionSpeed);
+ $(newElemCont2).animate({"left": icqavContRow2Left}, to.setting.transitionSpeed);
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ $(to.elem).find(".cqavTableTemp").remove();
+ $(to.elem).find(".cqavContRow2Temp").remove();
+ }, to.setting.transitionSpeed);
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ }
+ var iCurrentDateMS = to.tv.dVSDt.getTime();
+ if(to.setting.daysInQuickAgendaView === 7)
+ iCurrentDateMS -= (to.tv.iNoVDay * $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.d);
+ else
+ iCurrentDateMS -= $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.d;
+ to.setting.selectedDate = to.setDateInFormat({"date": new Date(iCurrentDateMS)}, "START");
+ to.tv.dLoadDt = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.setting.selectedDate}, "START");
+ to.tv.sLoadType = "Prev";
+ to.__reloadCurrentView(false, true);
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ to.__reloadDatePickerContentOnNavigation();
+ }, 10);
+ },
+ __goToNextQuickAgendaView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ if(to.setting.showTransition)
+ {
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ var $ocCQAVTableMain = $(to.elem).find(".cqavTableMain"),
+ icqavTableWidth = $ocCQAVTableMain.width(),
+ icqavTableLeft = $ocCQAVTableMain.position().left,
+ icqavTableTop = 0;
+ if($(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").length > 0)
+ icqavTableTop = $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").position().top + $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").outerHeight() - 1;
+ else
+ icqavTableTop = $(to.elem).position().top;
+ var newElem = $ocCQAVTableMain.clone();
+ $(newElem).removeClass("cqavTableMain").addClass("cqavTableTemp");
+ $(newElem).css({"position": "absolute", "top": icqavTableTop, "left": icqavTableLeft});
+ $ocCQAVTableMain.parent().append(newElem);
+ icqavTableLeft = icqavTableLeft - icqavTableWidth;
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ var $ocCQAVContRow2Main = $(to.elem).find(".cqavContRow2Main"),
+ icqavContRow2Left = $ocCQAVContRow2Main.position().left,
+ icqavContRow2Width= $ocCQAVContRow2Main.width();
+ var newElemCont2 = $ocCQAVContRow2Main.clone();
+ $(newElemCont2).removeClass("cqavContRow2Main").addClass("cqavContRow2Temp");
+ $ocCQAVContRow2Main.parent().append(newElemCont2);
+ icqavContRow2Left = icqavContRow2Left - icqavContRow2Width;
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ $(newElem).animate({"left": icqavTableLeft}, to.setting.transitionSpeed);
+ $(newElemCont2).animate({"left": icqavContRow2Left}, to.setting.transitionSpeed);
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ $(to.elem).find(".cqavTableTemp").remove();
+ $(to.elem).find(".cqavContRow2Temp").remove();
+ }, to.setting.transitionSpeed);
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ }
+ var iCurrentDateMS = to.tv.dVEDt.getTime();
+ iCurrentDateMS += $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.d;
+ to.setting.selectedDate = to.setDateInFormat({"date": new Date(iCurrentDateMS)}, "START");
+ to.tv.dLoadDt = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.setting.selectedDate}, "START");
+ to.tv.sLoadType = "Next";
+ to.__reloadCurrentView(false, true);
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ to.__reloadDatePickerContentOnNavigation();
+ }, 10);
+ },
+ __adjustQuickAgendaView: function(bIsResized)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var icqavCalendarContMaxHeight = $(to.elem).find(".cqavCalendarCont").css("max-height");
+ icqavCalendarContMaxHeight = parseInt(icqavCalendarContMaxHeight.replace("px", "")) || 0;
+ var icqavCalendarContMinHeight = $(to.elem).find(".cqavCalendarCont").css("min-height");
+ icqavCalendarContMinHeight = parseInt(icqavCalendarContMinHeight.replace("px", "")) || 0;
+ if(icqavCalendarContMaxHeight > 0 && $(to.elem).height() > icqavCalendarContMaxHeight)
+ $(to.elem).css({"height": icqavCalendarContMaxHeight});
+ else if(icqavCalendarContMinHeight > 0 && $(to.elem).height() < icqavCalendarContMinHeight)
+ $(to.elem).css({"height": icqavCalendarContMinHeight});
+ if(to.tv.iCalHeight !== 0)
+ $(to.elem).css({"height": to.tv.iCalHeight});
+ var bIsValidView = ($(to.elem).find(".cqavCalendarCont").length > 0) ? true : false;
+ if(bIsValidView && !to.tv.bDVDrgEv && !to.tv.bDVResEv)
+ {
+ var iCalendarContWidth = $(to.elem).find(".calendarCont").parent().outerWidth(),
+ iCalendarContHeight = $(to.elem).find(".calendarCont").outerHeight(),
+ iCalendarContInnerHeight = iCalendarContHeight;
+ if(to.tv.bDisFBar)
+ {
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Left") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Right"))
+ iCalendarContWidth -= to.setting.filterBarWidth;
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Top") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Bottom"))
+ {
+ var iTempFilterBarWidth = iCalendarContWidth;
+ $(to.elem).find(".cFilterBar").css({"width": iTempFilterBarWidth});
+ iCalendarContInnerHeight -= $(to.elem).find(".cFilterBar").height();
+ }
+ }
+ $(to.elem).find(".calendarContInner").css({"width": iCalendarContWidth, "height": iCalendarContInnerHeight});
+ to.__adjustHeader();
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Right"))
+ $(to.elem).find(".cFilterBar").css({"left": iCalendarContWidth});
+ var icqavContRow2Left = 0,
+ icqavContRow2Width = iCalendarContWidth,
+ icContHeaderWidth = iCalendarContWidth;
+ if($(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").length > 0)
+ $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").css({"width": icContHeaderWidth});
+ var icqavTableWidth = iCalendarContWidth,
+ icContHeaderHeight = ($(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").length > 0) ? $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").outerHeight() : 0;
+ if(to.tv.bDisABar)
+ iCalendarContHeight -= $(to.elem).find(".cActionBar").height();
+ if(to.tv.bDisFBar && ($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Top") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Bottom")))
+ iCalendarContHeight -= $(to.elem).find(".cFilterBar").height();
+ var icqavTableHeight = iCalendarContHeight - icContHeaderHeight;
+ if(!to.tv.bDisABar || !(to.tv.bDisFBar && $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Bottom")))
+ icqavTableHeight += $.CalenStyle.extra.iBorderOverhead;
+ else
+ icqavTableHeight -= $.CalenStyle.extra.iBorderOverhead;
+ $(to.elem).find(".cqavTableMain").css({"height": icqavTableHeight, "width": icqavTableWidth});
+ var icqavContRow2Top = $(to.elem).find(".cqavTableMain").position().top + $(to.elem).find(".cqavTableRow1").outerHeight(),
+ icqavContRow2Height = $(to.elem).find(".cqavTableRow2").height();
+ $(to.elem).find(".cqavContRow2Main").css({"left": icqavContRow2Left, "top": icqavContRow2Top, "width": icqavContRow2Width, "height": icqavContRow2Height});
+ var iBorderOverheadAllDays = to.tv.iNoVDay * $.CalenStyle.extra.iBorderOverhead;
+ var icqavTableColumnsWidth = (icqavContRow2Width - iBorderOverheadAllDays) / (to.tv.iNoVDayDis);
+ $(to.elem).find(".cqavTableColumns").css({"width": icqavTableColumnsWidth});
+ to.tv.fADVDayLftPos = [];
+ for(var iWeekDayIndex = 0; iWeekDayIndex < to.tv.iNoVDayDis; iWeekDayIndex++)
+ {
+ var fLeftPos = $(to.elem).find(".cqavTableRow2 #cqavDayColumn"+iWeekDayIndex).position().left;
+ to.tv.fADVDayLftPos.push(fLeftPos);
+ }
+ }
+ to._adjustEventsInQuickAgendaView();
+ if(to.setting.isDragNDropInQuickAgendaView && $.cf.isValid(bIsResized) && bIsResized)
+ {
+ if($(to.elem).find(".cqavEvent").hasClass("ui-draggable"))
+ $(to.elem).find(".cqavEvent").draggable("destroy");
+ $(to.elem).find(".cqavEvent").removeClass("ui-draggable-dragging");
+ to._makeEventDraggableInQuickAgendaView(".EventDraggable");
+ }
+ },
+ __addEventsInQuickAgendaView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ if($(to.elem).find(".cqavContRow2Main"))
+ $(to.elem).find(".cqavContRow2Main").html("");
+ var oArrTempEvents = to.getArrayOfEventsForView(to.tv.dVSDt, to.tv.dVEDt),
+ bHideEventIcon = $.cf.isValid(to.setting.hideEventIcon[to.setting.visibleView]) ? to.setting.hideEventIcon[to.setting.visibleView] : $.cf.isValid(to.setting.hideEventIcon.Default) ? to.setting.hideEventIcon.Default : false,
+ bHideEventTime = $.cf.isValid(to.setting.hideEventTime[to.setting.visibleView]) ? to.setting.hideEventTime[to.setting.visibleView] : $.cf.isValid(to.setting.hideEventTime.Default) ? to.setting.hideEventTime.Default : false,
+ sEventTimeFormat = to.setting.is24Hour ? "HH:mm" : "h[:m]sm";
+ to.tv.bAWkRw = [];
+ if(oArrTempEvents.length > 0)
+ {
+ var iEventHeightForAllEvents = $.CalenStyle.extra.iEventHeights[to.setting.visibleView];
+ for(var iEventIndex = 0; iEventIndex < oArrTempEvents.length; iEventIndex++)
+ {
+ var oEvent = oArrTempEvents[iEventIndex],
+ dStartDateTime = null, dEndDateTime = null, bIsAllDay = 0,
+ sTitle = "", sDesc = "", sType = "", sURL = "", bDragNDrop = false, bIsMarked = false,
+ sDroppableId = "",
+ sId = "Event-" + oEvent.calEventId;
+ if(oEvent.start !== null)
+ dStartDateTime = oEvent.start;
+ if(oEvent.end !== null)
+ dEndDateTime = oEvent.end;
+ if(oEvent.isAllDay !== null)
+ bIsAllDay = oEvent.isAllDay;
+ if(oEvent.title !== null)
+ sTitle = oEvent.title;
+ if(oEvent.desc !== null)
+ sDesc = oEvent.desc;
+ if(oEvent.type !== null)
+ sType = oEvent.type;
+ if(oEvent.url !== null)
+ sURL = oEvent.url;
+ if(oEvent.droppableId !== null)
+ sDroppableId = oEvent.droppableId;
+ if(oEvent.isDragNDropInQuickAgendaView !== null)
+ bDragNDrop = oEvent.isDragNDropInQuickAgendaView;
+ if(oEvent.isMarked !== null)
+ bIsMarked = oEvent.isMarked;
+ if(bIsMarked)
+ bIsAllDay = true;
+ var iArrTempNum = to.getNumberOfDaysOfEvent(bIsAllDay, dStartDateTime, dEndDateTime, true, true, true),
+ iNumOfEventElements = iArrTempNum[0],
+ iNumberOfHours = iArrTempNum[1];
+ if(iNumOfEventElements > 0)
+ {
+ var sDayId = "", iColumn;
+ var iNumOfSegs = iNumOfEventElements, iNumOfHours, iNumOfDays,
+ sPartialEvent = "", sDataDroppableId,
+ dTempStartDateTime = new Date(dStartDateTime),
+ dTempEndDateTime = new Date(dEndDateTime);
+ if(to.compareDates(dStartDateTime, to.tv.dVSDt) < 0 && Math.abs(to.__getDifference("m", to.tv.dVSDt, dStartDateTime)) > 1)
+ {
+ sPartialEvent = "Left";
+ dTempStartDateTime = new Date(to.tv.dVSDt);
+ }
+ if(to.compareDates(to.tv.dVEDt, dEndDateTime) < 0 && Math.abs(to.__getDifference("m", to.tv.dVEDt, dEndDateTime)) > 1)
+ {
+ sPartialEvent = "Right";
+ dTempEndDateTime = new Date(to.tv.dVEDt);
+ }
+ var dTempSDT = new Date(dTempStartDateTime),
+ bActualStartDate = true;
+ while(!to.__findWhetherDateIsVisibleInCurrentView(dTempSDT, (bIsAllDay || iNumberOfHours > 23), dTempStartDateTime, dTempEndDateTime))
+ {
+ dTempSDT.setDate(dTempSDT.getDate() + 1);
+ bActualStartDate = false;
+ if(to.compareDates(dTempSDT, dTempEndDateTime) > 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ dTempStartDateTime = new Date(dTempSDT);
+ iColumn = to._getDayNumberFromDateInQuickAgendaView(dTempStartDateTime);
+ sDayId = "#cqavDayColumn"+iColumn;
+ iNumOfDays = to.getNumberOfDaysOfEvent(bIsAllDay, dTempStartDateTime, dTempEndDateTime, true, true, bActualStartDate);
+ iNumOfSegs = iNumOfDays[0];
+ iNumOfHours = iNumOfDays[1];
+ if(iNumOfHours > 0)
+ {
+ var sEventClass = "cqavEvent ";
+ var sEventColor = oEvent.backgroundColor;
+ sEventColor = ($.cf.compareStrings(sEventColor, "") || $.cf.compareStrings(sEventColor, "transparent")) ? "transparent" : sEventColor;
+ var sEventBorderColor = oEvent.borderColor || $.cf.addHashToHexcode(to.setting.borderColor);
+ sEventBorderColor = ($.cf.compareStrings(sEventBorderColor, "") || $.cf.compareStrings(sEventBorderColor, "transparent")) ? "transparent" : sEventBorderColor;
+ var sEventTextColor = oEvent.textColor || $.cf.addHashToHexcode(to.setting.textColor);
+ sEventTextColor = ($.cf.compareStrings(sEventTextColor, "") || $.cf.compareStrings(sEventTextColor, "transparent")) ? $.cf.addHashToHexcode(to.setting.textColor) : sEventTextColor;
+ var sNonAllDayEventTextColor = $.cf.isValid(oEvent.nonAllDayEventsTextColor) ? oEvent.nonAllDayEventsTextColor : oEvent.backgroundColor;
+ sNonAllDayEventTextColor = (!$.cf.isValid(sNonAllDayEventTextColor) || $.cf.compareStrings(sNonAllDayEventTextColor, "transparent")) ? oEvent.backgroundColor : sNonAllDayEventTextColor;
+ var sColorStyle = "", sEventIconStyle = "", sLinkStyle = "",
+ sPartialEventStyle = "", sIcon = "";
+ if(bIsAllDay === true || iNumberOfHours > 23)
+ {
+ if(bIsMarked)
+ {
+ if(oEvent.fromSingleColor)
+ {
+ sColorStyle += "background: " + sEventColor + "; ";
+ sColorStyle += "border-color: " + sEventBorderColor + "; ";
+ sColorStyle += "color: " + sEventTextColor + "; ";
+ sLinkStyle += "color: " + sEventTextColor + "; ";
+ sEventIconStyle = "background: " + sEventTextColor + "; color: #FFFFFF";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sEventBorderColor = sEventColor;
+ sColorStyle += "background: " + $.cf.getRGBAString(sEventColor, 0.1) + "; ";
+ sColorStyle += "border-color: " + sEventBorderColor + "; ";
+ sColorStyle += "color: " + sEventColor + "; ";
+ sLinkStyle += "color: " + sEventColor + "; ";
+ sEventIconStyle = "background: " + sEventColor + "; color: " + sEventTextColor;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sColorStyle += "background: " + sEventColor + "; ";
+ sColorStyle += "border-color: " + sEventBorderColor + "; ";
+ sColorStyle += "color: " + sEventTextColor + "; ";
+ sLinkStyle += "color: " + sEventTextColor + "; ";
+ sEventIconStyle = "color: " + sEventTextColor + "; ";
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(to.setting.onlyTextForNonAllDayEvents)
+ {
+ sEventClass += "cEventOnlyText ";
+ sColorStyle += "color: " + sNonAllDayEventTextColor + "; ";
+ sColorStyle += "border-color: transparent; ";
+ iNumOfSegs = 1;
+ sPartialEvent = "";
+ sLinkStyle += "color: " + sNonAllDayEventTextColor + "; ";
+ sEventIconStyle = "color: " + sNonAllDayEventTextColor + "; ";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sColorStyle += "background: " + sEventColor + "; ";
+ sColorStyle += "border-color: " + sEventBorderColor + "; ";
+ sColorStyle += "color: " + sEventTextColor + "; ";
+ sLinkStyle += "color: " + sEventTextColor + "; ";
+ sEventIconStyle = "color: " + sEventTextColor + "; ";
+ }
+ }
+ sPartialEventStyle = "border-color: " + (oEvent.fromSingleColor ? sEventTextColor : "#000000");
+ if(bIsMarked)
+ sIcon = ($.cf.isValid(oEvent.icon) && oEvent.icon !== "Dot") ? oEvent.icon : "cs-icon-Mark";
+ else
+ sIcon = $.cf.isValid(oEvent.icon) ? oEvent.icon : to.setting.eventIcon;
+ if(to.compareDates(dEndDateTime, to.tv.dAVDt[0]) < 0)
+ sEventClass += ("cBlurredEvent ");
+ if(bDragNDrop)
+ sEventClass += ("EventDraggable cDragNDrop ");
+ if(to.setting.isTooltipInQuickAgendaView)
+ sEventClass += ("cEventTooltip ");
+ sEventClass += sId;
+ if(bIsMarked)
+ sEventClass += " cMarkedDayEvent";
+ var iAddedDays = 0, iEventSegIndex = 0,
+ iEventRow = -1, bLeftPartial = false, bRightPartial = false;
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(sPartialEvent, "Left"))
+ bLeftPartial = (iAddedDays > 0) ? false : true;
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(sPartialEvent, "Right"))
+ bRightPartial = true;
+ if(iAddedDays < iNumOfSegs)
+ {
+ var iEventColumn = (iAddedDays > 0) ? 0 : iColumn,
+ iEventLengthInRow = (iNumOfSegs - iAddedDays),
+ iEventLengthInWeek = to.tv.iNoVDayDis - iEventColumn;
+ if(iEventLengthInRow > iEventLengthInWeek)
+ {
+ iEventLengthInRow = iEventLengthInWeek;
+ bRightPartial = true;
+ }
+ if(iAddedDays > 0)
+ bLeftPartial = true;
+ var iMaxColumn = iEventColumn + iEventLengthInRow;
+ var bInnerRow, iTempIndex3;
+ for(var iTempIndex2 = 0; iTempIndex2 < to.tv.bAWkRw.length; iTempIndex2++)
+ {
+ bInnerRow = to.tv.bAWkRw[iTempIndex2];
+ if(iEventRow !== -1)
+ break;
+ var iTempEventLengthInRow = 0;
+ for(iTempIndex3 = iEventColumn; iTempIndex3 < iMaxColumn; iTempIndex3++)
+ {
+ if(bInnerRow[iTempIndex3] === 0 && iTempEventLengthInRow < iEventLengthInRow)
+ {
+ iTempEventLengthInRow++;
+ if(iTempEventLengthInRow === iEventLengthInRow)
+ {
+ iEventRow = iTempIndex2;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(iEventRow === -1)
+ {
+ to.tv.bAWkRw.push([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]);
+ iEventRow = to.tv.bAWkRw.length - 1;
+ }
+ bInnerRow = to.tv.bAWkRw[iEventRow];
+ var sEventSegId = sId + "-" + (++iEventSegIndex);
+ //--------------------------- Add Event Start -----------------------------
+ var sName = (iEventRow + 1) + "|" + iEventColumn + "|" + iEventLengthInRow;
+ var sHeight = iEventHeightForAllEvents + "px";
+ var sStyle = sColorStyle;
+ sStyle += "height: " + sHeight + "; ";
+ if(sEventBorderColor === "transparent")
+ sStyle += "border-width: 0px; ";
+ sDataDroppableId = $.cf.isValid(sDroppableId) ? " data-droppableid='" + sDroppableId + "'" : "";
+ var sTemplate = "
+ $(to.elem).find(".cqavContRow2Main").append(sTemplate);
+ var sIdElem = "#"+sEventSegId,
+ $oSeg = $(to.elem).find(sIdElem),
+ $oSegContent = $oSeg.find(".cEventLink");
+ var oEventTooltip, sDateTime;
+ oEventTooltip = {};
+ sDateTime = to.getEventDateTimeString(dStartDateTime, dEndDateTime, bIsAllDay, "&&");
+ var sArrDateTime = sDateTime.split("&&");
+ oEventTooltip.title = sTitle;
+ oEventTooltip.startDateTime = sArrDateTime[0];
+ oEventTooltip.endDateTime = sArrDateTime[1];
+ $oSeg.data("tooltipcontent", oEventTooltip);
+ if(to.setting.eventRendered)
+ to.setting.eventRendered.call(to, oEvent, $oSeg, $oSegContent, to.setting.visibleView, false);
+ if($.cf.isValid(sURL) || to.setting.eventClicked)
+ {
+ $oSegContent.on($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandler, {"url": sURL, "eventId": oEvent.calEventId, "eventElemSelector": sIdElem, "view": "QuickAgendaView", "pluginId": to.tv.pluginId}, to.__bindClick);
+ }
+ //--------------------------- Add Event End -----------------------------
+ for(iTempIndex3 = iEventColumn; iTempIndex3 < iMaxColumn; iTempIndex3++)
+ {
+ bInnerRow[iTempIndex3] = 1;
+ iAddedDays++;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(to.setting.isTooltipInQuickAgendaView)
+ to._addTooltipInQuickAgendaView(".cEventTooltip");
+ if(to.setting.isDragNDropInQuickAgendaView)
+ to._makeEventDraggableInQuickAgendaView(".EventDraggable");
+ if(to.setting.eventsAddedInView)
+ to.setting.eventsAddedInView.call(to, to.setting.visibleView, ".cqavEvent");
+ }
+ else
+ console.log("to._addEventsInMonthView - No Events");
+ to.addRemoveViewLoader(false, "cEventLoaderBg");
+ to.addRemoveLoaderIndicators(false, "cEventLoaderIndicator");
+ },
+ _adjustEventsInQuickAgendaView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var iEventFirstRowTop = 10,
+ iEventRowHeight = $.CalenStyle.extra.iEventHeights[to.setting.visibleView] + 2,
+ sArrEventElems = $(to.elem).find(".cqavEvent");
+ for(var iElemIndex = 0; iElemIndex < sArrEventElems.length; iElemIndex++)
+ {
+ var oElem = sArrEventElems[iElemIndex],
+ sElemName = $(to.elem).find(oElem).attr("data-pos"),
+ sArrElemName = sElemName.split("|"),
+ iInnerRowIndex = parseInt(sArrElemName[0]),
+ iColumnNo = parseInt(sArrElemName[1]),
+ iWidthUnits = parseInt(sArrElemName[2]),
+ iEventTop = iEventFirstRowTop + ((iInnerRowIndex - 1) * iEventRowHeight),
+ iEventLeft = $(to.elem).find("#cqavDayColumn"+iColumnNo).position().left + (2 * $.CalenStyle.extra.iBorderOverhead),
+ iEventWidth;
+ if(iWidthUnits > 1)
+ {
+ var iEventEndColumnNo = iColumnNo + (iWidthUnits - 1),
+ iEventEndColumnLeft = $(to.elem).find("#cqavDayColumn"+iEventEndColumnNo).position().left + (2 * $.CalenStyle.extra.iBorderOverhead),
+ iEventEndColumnWidth = $(to.elem).find("#cqavDayColumn"+iEventEndColumnNo).width();
+ iEventWidth = (iEventEndColumnLeft + iEventEndColumnWidth) - iEventLeft;
+ }
+ else
+ iEventWidth = $(to.elem).find("#cqavDayColumn"+iColumnNo).width();
+ iEventWidth -= (2 * $.CalenStyle.extra.iBorderOverhead);
+ $(oElem).css({"left": iEventLeft, "top": iEventTop, "width": iEventWidth});
+ var $oEventTitle = $(oElem).find(".cqavEventTitle"),
+ iEventTitleHeight = $(oElem).height(),
+ $oEventIcon = $(oElem).find(".cqavEventIcon"),
+ iEventIconWidth = ($oEventIcon !== null) ? $oEventIcon.outerWidth(true) : 0,
+ $oEventTime = $(oElem).find(".cqavEventTime"),
+ iEventTimeWidth = ($oEventTime !== null) ? $oEventTime.outerWidth(true) : 0,
+ iEventTimeWidthRight = 0,
+ $oEventTimeRight = $(oElem).find(".cqavEventTimeRight");
+ if($oEventTimeRight !== null)
+ iEventTimeWidthRight = ($oEventTimeRight !== null) ? $oEventTimeRight.outerWidth(true) : 0;
+ var iPartialSymbolWidth = $(oElem).find(".cPartialEventLeft").outerWidth(true) + $(oElem).find(".cPartialEventRight").outerWidth(true);
+ var iEventTitleWidth = iEventWidth - (iEventIconWidth + iEventTimeWidth + iEventTimeWidthRight + (10 * $.CalenStyle.extra.iBorderOverhead) + iPartialSymbolWidth);
+ $oEventTitle.css({"height": iEventTitleHeight, "line-height": iEventTitleHeight + "px", "width": iEventTitleWidth});
+ $oEventTime.css({"height": iEventTitleHeight, "line-height": iEventTitleHeight + "px"});
+ if($oEventTimeRight !== null)
+ $oEventTimeRight.css({"height": iEventTitleHeight, "line-height": iEventTitleHeight + "px"});
+ }
+ },
+ _makeEventContDroppableInQuickAgendaView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var $oElemDragged, sDroppableId,
+ sEventId, sId, oDraggedEvent, sEventClass,
+ dStartDateTime = null, dEndDateTime = null, bIsAllDay = 0,
+ iArrNumOfDays, iNumOfDays, iNumOfHours, dNextDate, iDroppedDayIndex,
+ bEventEntered = false, dStartDateAfterDrop = null, dEndDateAfterDrop = null,
+ iElemIndex, iNextDay;
+ $(to.elem).find(".cqavTableRow2 .cqavTableColumns").droppable(
+ {
+ scope: "Events",
+ over: function(event, ui)
+ {
+ $oElemDragged = $(ui.draggable);
+ sEventId = $oElemDragged.attr("id");
+ sId = $oElemDragged.attr("data-id");
+ oDraggedEvent = to.getEventWithId(sId);
+ sEventClass = ".Event-" + sId;
+ dStartDateTime = null; dEndDateTime = null; bIsAllDay = false;
+ if(oDraggedEvent.start !== null)
+ dStartDateTime = oDraggedEvent.start;
+ if(oDraggedEvent.end !== null)
+ dEndDateTime = oDraggedEvent.end;
+ if(oDraggedEvent.isAllDay !== null)
+ bIsAllDay = oDraggedEvent.isAllDay;
+ iArrNumOfDays = to.getNumberOfDaysOfEvent(bIsAllDay, dStartDateTime, dEndDateTime, true, false, true);
+ iNumOfDays = iArrNumOfDays[0];
+ iNumOfHours = iArrNumOfDays[1];
+ dNextDate = to._getDateBasedOnLeftPositionInQuickAgendaView(ui.position.left);
+ iDroppedDayIndex = to._getDayNumberFromDateInQuickAgendaView(dNextDate);
+ dStartDateAfterDrop = to.setDateInFormat({"iDate": {d: dNextDate.getDate(), M: dNextDate.getMonth(), y: dNextDate.getFullYear(), H: dStartDateTime.getHours(), m: dStartDateTime.getMinutes(), s: dStartDateTime.getSeconds()}}, "");
+ dEndDateAfterDrop = new Date(dStartDateAfterDrop.getTime() + (dEndDateTime.getTime() - dStartDateTime.getTime()));
+ if(to.tv.bChkDroppable)
+ {
+ $oElemDragged = $(to.elem).find("#" + sEventId + ".ui-draggable-dragging");
+ sDroppableId = $oElemDragged.attr("data-droppableid");
+ bEventEntered = to._findWhetherEventEnteredNonDroppableZone(dStartDateAfterDrop, dEndDateAfterDrop, bIsAllDay, iNumOfDays, sDroppableId);
+ if(bEventEntered)
+ {
+ $oElemDragged.addClass("cCursorNotAllowed");
+ $oElemDragged.find(".cEventLink").addClass("cCursorNotAllowed");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $oElemDragged.removeClass("cCursorNotAllowed");
+ $oElemDragged.find(".cEventLink").removeClass("cCursorNotAllowed");
+ }
+ }
+ $(to.elem).find(".cqavTableColumns").removeClass("cActivatedCell");
+ for(iElemIndex = 0; iElemIndex < iNumOfDays; iElemIndex++)
+ {
+ iNextDay = iDroppedDayIndex + iElemIndex;
+ if(iNextDay <= (to.tv.dAVDt.length - 1))
+ {
+ $(to.elem).find(".cqavTableRow2 #cqavDayColumn"+iNextDay).addClass("cActivatedCell");
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ drop: function(event, ui)
+ {
+ $oElemDragged = $(ui.draggable);
+ sEventId = $oElemDragged.attr("id");
+ sId = $oElemDragged.attr("data-id");
+ oDraggedEvent = to.getEventWithId(sId);
+ sEventClass = ".Event-" + sId;
+ dStartDateTime = null; dEndDateTime = null; bIsAllDay = false;
+ if($(this).attr("id") === to.tv.draggableParent)
+ {
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ $(sEventClass+".cEventBeingDragged").remove();
+ $(sEventClass).removeClass("ui-draggable-dragging cEditingEvent cEditingEventUI");
+ }, 300);
+ to.tv.iTSEndEditing = $.cf.getTimestamp();
+ return true;
+ }
+ if(oDraggedEvent.start !== null)
+ dStartDateTime = oDraggedEvent.start;
+ if(oDraggedEvent.end !== null)
+ dEndDateTime = oDraggedEvent.end;
+ if(oDraggedEvent.isAllDay !== null)
+ bIsAllDay = oDraggedEvent.isAllDay;
+ iArrNumOfDays = to.getNumberOfDaysOfEvent(bIsAllDay, dStartDateTime, dEndDateTime, true, false, true);
+ iNumOfDays = iArrNumOfDays[0];
+ iNumOfHours = iArrNumOfDays[1];
+ var dDroppedDate = to._getDateBasedOnLeftPositionInQuickAgendaView(ui.position.left);
+ dStartDateAfterDrop = to.setDateInFormat({"iDate": {d: dDroppedDate.getDate(), M: dDroppedDate.getMonth(), y: dDroppedDate.getFullYear(), H: dStartDateTime.getHours(), m: dStartDateTime.getMinutes(), s: dStartDateTime.getSeconds()}}, "");
+ dEndDateAfterDrop = new Date(dStartDateAfterDrop.getTime() + (dEndDateTime.getTime() - dStartDateTime.getTime()));
+ if(to.tv.bChkDroppable)
+ {
+ $oElemDragged = $(to.elem).find("#" + sEventId + ".ui-draggable-dragging");
+ sDroppableId = $oElemDragged.attr("data-droppableid");
+ bEventEntered = to._findWhetherEventEnteredNonDroppableZone(dStartDateAfterDrop, dEndDateAfterDrop, bIsAllDay, iNumOfDays, sDroppableId);
+ $oElemDragged.removeClass("cCursorNotAllowed");
+ $oElemDragged.find(".cEventLink").removeClass("cCursorNotAllowed");
+ }
+ if(bEventEntered)
+ {
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ if(to.tv.bChkDroppable)
+ $oElemDragged.removeClass("cEditingEvent cEventBeingDragged ui-draggable-dragging");
+ $("#"+sEventId+".cEventClone").remove();
+ to.tv.iTSEndEditing = $.cf.getTimestamp();
+ return false;
+ }, 300);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ var iComp = to.compareDates(dEndDateTime, $.CalenStyle.extra.dToday);
+ if(iComp > 0)
+ $(to.elem).find(sEventClass).css({"opacity": 1});
+ else if(iComp < 0)
+ $(to.elem).find(sEventClass).css({"opacity": 0.7});
+ if(to.__updateEventWithId(sId, dStartDateAfterDrop, dEndDateAfterDrop))
+ {
+ to.__addEventsInQuickAgendaView();
+ to._adjustEventsInQuickAgendaView();
+ }
+ $(to.elem).find(".cqavTableColumns").removeClass("cActivatedCell");
+ }
+ if(to.setting.saveChangesOnEventDrop)
+ to.setting.saveChangesOnEventDrop.call(to, oDraggedEvent, dStartDateTime, dEndDateTime, dStartDateAfterDrop, dEndDateAfterDrop);
+ to.tv.iTSEndEditing = $.cf.getTimestamp();
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ _makeEventDraggableInQuickAgendaView: function(sClass)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var iEventHeight = $(to.elem).find(".cqavEvent").height(),
+ iEventWidth = $(to.elem).find(".cqavTableColumns").width(),
+ iTimeSlotWidth = iEventWidth + 1,
+ iCalendarLeft = $(to.elem).position().left,
+ iCalendarMarginLeft = $(to.elem).css("margin-left");
+ iCalendarMarginLeft = parseInt(iCalendarMarginLeft.replace("px", ""));
+ var iLeft = iCalendarLeft + iCalendarMarginLeft + $(to.elem).find(".cqavContRow2Main").position().left,
+ iX1 = iLeft,
+ iX2 = iX1 + $(to.elem).find(".cqavContRow2Main").width() - iEventWidth,
+ iCalendarTop = $(to.elem).position().top,
+ iCalendarMarginTop = $(to.elem).css("margin-top");
+ iCalendarMarginTop = parseInt(iCalendarMarginTop.replace("px", ""));
+ var iY1 = iCalendarTop + iCalendarMarginTop + $(to.elem).find(".cqavContRow2Main").position().top;
+ if(to.tv.bDisFBar && $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Top"))
+ iY1 += to.setting.filterBarHeight;
+ var iY2 = iY1 + $(to.elem).find(".cqavContRow2Main").height() - iEventHeight;
+ $(to.elem).find(sClass).draggable(
+ {
+ zIndex: 100,
+ scope: "Events",
+ grid: [iTimeSlotWidth, 1],
+ containment: [iX1, iY1, iX2, iY2],
+ scroll: false,
+ cursor: "move",
+ delay: 300,
+ revertDuration: 300,
+ start: function()
+ {
+ var $oElemDragged = $(this),
+ sName = $oElemDragged.attr("data-pos"),
+ sArrName = sName.split("|"),
+ iColumn = parseInt(sArrName[1]);
+ to.tv.draggableParent = "cqavDayColumn" + iColumn;
+ $oElemDragged.removeClass("cPartialEventLeft cPartialEventRight cPartialEventBoth");
+ var oElementClone = $oElemDragged.clone();
+ $oElemDragged.parent().append(oElementClone);
+ $(oElementClone).addClass("cEventBeingDragged cEventClone");
+ if(!$oElemDragged.hasClass("cEventOnlyText"))
+ $oElemDragged.addClass("cEditingEvent cEditingEventUI");
+ else
+ $oElemDragged.addClass("cEditingEvent");
+ $oElemDragged.css({"width": iEventWidth, "height": iEventHeight});
+ },
+ revert: function()
+ {
+ $(to.elem).find(".cqavTableColumns").removeClass("cActivatedCell");
+ return true;
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ _addTooltipInQuickAgendaView: function(sClass)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ $(to.elem).find(sClass).tooltip(
+ {
+ content: function()
+ {
+ var sTooltipText = "";
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.eventTooltipContent, "Default"))
+ {
+ var oTooltipContent = $(this).data("tooltipcontent");
+ if(oTooltipContent.title !== undefined)
+ sTooltipText += "
" + oTooltipContent.title + "
+ if(oTooltipContent.startDateTime !== undefined || oTooltipContent.endDateTime === undefined)
+ {
+ sTooltipText += "
+ if(oTooltipContent.startDateTime !== undefined)
+ sTooltipText += oTooltipContent.startDateTime;
+ if(oTooltipContent.endDateTime !== undefined)
+ sTooltipText += (" " + oTooltipContent.endDateTime);
+ sTooltipText += "
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ var oEventRecord = to.getEventWithId($(this).attr("data-id"));
+ sTooltipText = to.setting.eventTooltipContent.call(to, oEventRecord);
+ }
+ return sTooltipText;
+ },
+ position:
+ {
+ my: "center bottom-15",
+ at: "center top",
+ using: function(position, feedback)
+ {
+ $(this).css(position);
+ $("
+ .addClass("tooltip-arrow")
+ .addClass(feedback.vertical)
+ .addClass(feedback.horizontal)
+ .appendTo(this);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ _getDateBasedOnLeftPositionInQuickAgendaView: function(iLeftPos)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var iDVTableColumnWidth = $(to.elem).find(".cqavTableColumns").width(),
+ iArrDVDaysLength = to.tv.fADVDayLftPos.length,
+ iTempIndex = 0, iThisIndex = 0;
+ for(var iTempIndex1 = 0; iTempIndex1 < iArrDVDaysLength; iTempIndex1++)
+ {
+ var iHoriStartPos = to.tv.fADVDayLftPos[iTempIndex1] - 5,
+ iHoriEndPos = iHoriStartPos + iDVTableColumnWidth - 5;
+ if(iTempIndex1 === (iArrDVDaysLength - 1))
+ iHoriEndPos += 5;
+ if(iLeftPos >= iHoriStartPos && iLeftPos <= iHoriEndPos)
+ {
+ iThisIndex = iTempIndex1 + 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ for(var iTempIndex2 = 0; iTempIndex2 < to.tv.dAVDt.length; iTempIndex2++)
+ {
+ var dThisDate = to.tv.dAVDt[iTempIndex2];
+ if(to.__isDateInCurrentView(dThisDate))
+ {
+ iTempIndex++;
+ if(iTempIndex === iThisIndex)
+ return dThisDate;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ _getDayNumberFromDateInQuickAgendaView: function(dThisDate)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ for(var iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < to.tv.dAVDt.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ if(to.compareDates(dThisDate, to.tv.dAVDt[iTempIndex]) === 0)
+ return iTempIndex;
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+/*! ---------------------------------- CalenStyle Quick Agenda View End --------------------------------- */
+/*! ---------------------------------- CalenStyle Task Planner View Start --------------------------------- */
+//"use strict";
+CalenStyle.prototype = $.extend(CalenStyle.prototype, {
+ __updateTaskPlannerView: function(bLoadAllData)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var sTemplate = "",
+ iDateIndex, sDVDaysClass,
+ sColumnClass = (to.tv.iNoVDayDis === 1) ? " ctpvSingleColumn" : " ctpvMultiColumn",
+ sTempId;
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ sTemplate += "
+ sTemplate += "";
+ for(iDateIndex = 0; iDateIndex < to.tv.iNoVDayDis; iDateIndex++)
+ {
+ sTempId = "ctpvDayColumn"+iDateIndex;
+ sDVDaysClass = "ctpvTableColumns " + sTempId;
+ sDVDaysClass += sColumnClass;
+ if(iDateIndex === (to.tv.iNoVDayDis - 1))
+ sDVDaysClass += " ctpvLastColumn";
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ }
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ sTemplate += "
+ // -------------- Day Summary --------------------
+ if(to.setting.addDaySummaryInTaskPlannerView)
+ {
+ sTemplate += "";
+ for(iDateIndex = 0; iDateIndex < to.tv.iNoVDayDis; iDateIndex++)
+ {
+ sTempId = "ctpvSummaryColumn"+iDateIndex;
+ sDVDaysClass = "ctpvTableColumns";
+ if(iDateIndex === (to.tv.iNoVDayDis - 1))
+ sDVDaysClass += " ctpvLastColumn";
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ }
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ }
+ // ----------------------------------------------
+ // -------------- Task Container --------------------
+ sTemplate += "";
+ for(iDateIndex = 0; iDateIndex < to.tv.iNoVDayDis; iDateIndex++)
+ {
+ sTempId = "ctpvDayColumn"+iDateIndex;
+ sDVDaysClass = "ctpvTableColumns";
+ if(iDateIndex === (to.tv.iNoVDayDis - 1))
+ sDVDaysClass += " ctpvLastColumn";
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ }
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ // ----------------------------------------------
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableMain").html(sTemplate);
+ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ to._updateDaySummaryView();
+ to._setDateStringsInHeaderOfTaskPlannerView();
+ to._makeEventContDroppableInTaskPlannerView();
+ to._takeActionOnDayClickInTaskPlannerView();
+ },
+ _setDateStringsInHeaderOfTaskPlannerView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ for(var iDateIndex = 0; iDateIndex < to.tv.iNoVDayDis; iDateIndex++)
+ {
+ var dTempDate = to.tv.dAVDt[iDateIndex];
+ var bFullDateMatched = to.compareDates(dTempDate, $.CalenStyle.extra.dToday),
+ /* -------------------------- Table Row 1 Start ------------------------------- */
+ iDayOfWeek = dTempDate.getDay(),
+ sRow1Id = ".ctpvTableRow1 .ctpvDayColumn"+iDateIndex,
+ $oRow1 = $(to.elem).find(sRow1Id),
+ iDay = dTempDate.getDate(),
+ bWeekDayUnavailable = to.tv.bABsDays[iDayOfWeek] ? false : true,
+ // Set Style For All-Day Restricted Section
+ dArrTempResSec = to._getRestrictedSectionForCurrentView(dTempDate),
+ iTempIndex, sBgColor = "", sResSecClass = "";
+ for(iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < dArrTempResSec.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ var dArrResSec = dArrTempResSec[iTempIndex],
+ dTempResSecStart = new Date(dArrResSec.start),
+ bCompStart = to.compareDates(dTempDate, dTempResSecStart) === 0,
+ dTempResSecEnd = new Date(dArrResSec.end),
+ bCompEnd = to.compareDates(dTempDate, dTempResSecEnd) === 0,
+ iNumOfHours;
+ if(!bCompStart)
+ dTempResSecStart = to._normalizeDateTime(dTempDate, "START", "T");
+ if(!bCompEnd)
+ dTempResSecEnd = to._normalizeDateTime(dTempDate, "END", "T");
+ iNumOfHours = Math.round((dTempResSecEnd.getTime() - dTempResSecStart.getTime()) / $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.h);
+ if(iNumOfHours > 23 || dArrResSec.isAllDay)
+ {
+ if($.cf.isValid(dArrResSec.backgroundColor))
+ sBgColor = $.cf.addHashToHexcode(dArrResSec.backgroundColor);
+ if($.cf.isValid(dArrResSec.class))
+ sResSecClass = dArrResSec.class;
+ }
+ }
+ if(bWeekDayUnavailable && bFullDateMatched === 0)
+ $oRow1.addClass("cRestrictedTodayBg cTodayHighlightTextColor");
+ else
+ {
+ if(bWeekDayUnavailable)
+ $oRow1.addClass("cNonBusinessHoursBg");
+ if(bFullDateMatched === 0)
+ $oRow1.addClass("cTodayHighlightTextColor");
+ // Set Style For All-Day Restricted Section
+ if($.cf.isValid(sBgColor))
+ $oRow1.css({"background": sBgColor});
+ if($.cf.isValid(sResSecClass))
+ $oRow1.addClass(sResSecClass);
+ }
+ if(bFullDateMatched === 0)
+ $(to.elem).find(sRow1Id).html("
"+to.setting.miscStrings.today+" " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(iDay, 0, true) + " ");
+ else
+ $(to.elem).find(sRow1Id).html("
" + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": {D: iDayOfWeek}}, "DDD", false, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(iDay, 0, true) + " ");
+ /* -------------------------- Table Row 1 End ------------------------------- */
+ /* -------------------------- Table Row 2 Start ---------------------------- */
+ var sRow2Id = ".ctpvTableRow2 #ctpvDayColumn"+iDateIndex,
+ $oRow2 = $(to.elem).find(sRow2Id);
+ if(bWeekDayUnavailable && bFullDateMatched === 0)
+ $oRow2.addClass("cRestrictedTodayBg cTodayHighlightTextColor");
+ else
+ {
+ if(bWeekDayUnavailable)
+ $oRow2.addClass("cNonBusinessHoursBg");
+ if(bFullDateMatched === 0)
+ $oRow2.addClass("cTodayHighlightTextColor");
+ // Set Style For All-Day Restricted Section
+ if($.cf.isValid(sBgColor))
+ $oRow2.css({"background": sBgColor});
+ if($.cf.isValid(sResSecClass))
+ $oRow2.addClass(sResSecClass);
+ }
+ /* -------------------------- Table Row 2 End ------------------------------- */
+ }
+ var oDVStart = to.getDateInFormat({"date": to.tv.dVSDt}, "object", false, true),
+ oDVEnd = to.getDateInFormat({"date": to.tv.dVEDt}, "object", false, true);
+ var sHeaderViewLabel;
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.TaskPlannerViewDuration, "CustomDays") && to.setting.daysInTaskPlannerView === 1)
+ sHeaderViewLabel = "
" + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oDVStart}, "DDDD", false, true) + " " + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oDVEnd}, "MMMM", false, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oDVEnd.d, 0, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oDVEnd.y, 0, true);
+ else
+ {
+ if(oDVStart.y === oDVEnd.y)
+ {
+ if(oDVStart.M === oDVEnd.M)
+ sHeaderViewLabel = "
" + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oDVStart}, "MMM", false, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oDVStart.d, 0, true) + " -
" + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oDVEnd.d, 0, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oDVEnd.y, 0, true);
+ else
+ sHeaderViewLabel = "
" + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oDVStart}, "MMM", false, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oDVStart.d, 0, true) + " -
" + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oDVEnd}, "MMM", false, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oDVEnd.d, 0, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oDVEnd.y, 0, true);
+ }
+ else
+ sHeaderViewLabel = "
" + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oDVStart}, "MMM", false, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oDVStart.d, 0, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oDVStart.y, 0, true) + " -
" + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oDVEnd}, "MMM", false, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oDVEnd.d, 0, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oDVEnd.y, 0, true);
+ }
+ if(to.setting.modifyHeaderViewLabels)
+ to.setting.modifyHeaderViewLabels.call(to, to.tv.dVSDt, to.tv.dVEDt, to.setting.selectedDate, sHeaderViewLabel, to.setting.visibleView);
+ $(to.elem).find(".cContHeaderLabel").html(sHeaderViewLabel);
+ },
+ _takeActionOnDayClickInTaskPlannerView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableRow2 .ctpvTableColumns").on($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandler, function(e)
+ {
+ var pClickedAt = {};
+ pClickedAt.x = e.pageX || e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX || e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageX;
+ pClickedAt.y = e.pageY || e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY || e.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageY;
+ var iDayIndex = parseInt($(this).attr("id").replace("ctpvDayColumn", "")),
+ dSelectedDateTime = to.tv.dAVDt[iDayIndex];
+ if(to.setting.cellClicked)
+ to.setting.cellClicked.call(to, to.setting.visibleView, dSelectedDateTime, true, pClickedAt);
+ });
+ },
+ __goToPrevTaskPlannerView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ if(to.setting.showTransition)
+ {
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ var $ocCTPVTableMain = $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableMain"),
+ ictpvTableWidth = $ocCTPVTableMain.width(),
+ ictpvTableLeft = $ocCTPVTableMain.position().left,
+ ictpvTableTop = 0;
+ if($(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").length > 0)
+ ictpvTableTop = $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").position().top + $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").outerHeight() - 1;
+ else
+ ictpvTableTop = $(to.elem).position().top;
+ var oNewElem = $ocCTPVTableMain.clone();
+ $(oNewElem).removeClass("ctpvTableMain").addClass("ctpvTableTemp");
+ $(oNewElem).css({"position": "absolute", "top": ictpvTableTop, "left": ictpvTableLeft});
+ $ocCTPVTableMain.parent().append(oNewElem);
+ ictpvTableLeft = ictpvTableLeft + ictpvTableWidth;
+ $(oNewElem).animate({"left": ictpvTableLeft}, to.setting.transitionSpeed);
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableTemp").remove();
+ }, to.setting.transitionSpeed);
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ }
+ var iCurrentDateMS = to.tv.dVSDt.getTime();
+ if(to.setting.daysInTaskPlannerView === 7)
+ iCurrentDateMS -= (to.tv.iNoVDay * $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.d);
+ else
+ iCurrentDateMS -= $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.d;
+ to.setting.selectedDate = to.setDateInFormat({"date": new Date(iCurrentDateMS)}, "START");
+ to.tv.dLoadDt = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.setting.selectedDate}, "START");
+ to.tv.sLoadType = "Prev";
+ to.__reloadCurrentView(false, true);
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ to.__reloadDatePickerContentOnNavigation();
+ }, 10);
+ },
+ __goToNextTaskPlannerView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ if(to.setting.showTransition)
+ {
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ var $ocCTPVTableMain = $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableMain"),
+ ictpvTableWidth = $ocCTPVTableMain.width(),
+ ictpvTableLeft = $ocCTPVTableMain.position().left,
+ ictpvTableTop = 0;
+ if($(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").length > 0)
+ ictpvTableTop = $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").position().top + $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").outerHeight() - 1;
+ else
+ ictpvTableTop = $(to.elem).position().top;
+ var oNewElem = $ocCTPVTableMain.clone();
+ $(oNewElem).removeClass("ctpvTableMain").addClass("ctpvTableTemp");
+ $(oNewElem).css({"position": "absolute", "top": ictpvTableTop, "left": ictpvTableLeft});
+ $ocCTPVTableMain.parent().append(oNewElem);
+ ictpvTableLeft = ictpvTableLeft - ictpvTableWidth;
+ $(oNewElem).animate({"left": ictpvTableLeft}, to.setting.transitionSpeed);
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableTemp").remove();
+ }, to.setting.transitionSpeed);
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ }
+ var iCurrentDateMS = to.tv.dVEDt.getTime();
+ iCurrentDateMS += $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.d;
+ to.setting.selectedDate = to.setDateInFormat({"date": new Date(iCurrentDateMS)}, "START");
+ to.tv.dLoadDt = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.setting.selectedDate}, "START");
+ to.tv.sLoadType = "Next";
+ to.__reloadCurrentView(false, true);
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ to.__reloadDatePickerContentOnNavigation();
+ }, 10);
+ },
+ __adjustTaskPlannerView: function(bIsResized)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var ictpvCalendarContMaxHeight = $(to.elem).find(".ctpvCalendarCont").css("max-height");
+ ictpvCalendarContMaxHeight = parseInt(ictpvCalendarContMaxHeight.replace("px", "")) || 0;
+ var ictpvCalendarContMinHeight = $(to.elem).find(".ctpvCalendarCont").css("min-height");
+ ictpvCalendarContMinHeight = parseInt(ictpvCalendarContMinHeight.replace("px", "")) || 0;
+ if(ictpvCalendarContMaxHeight > 0 && $(to.elem).height() > ictpvCalendarContMaxHeight)
+ $(to.elem).css({"height": ictpvCalendarContMaxHeight});
+ else if(ictpvCalendarContMinHeight > 0 && $(to.elem).height() < ictpvCalendarContMinHeight)
+ $(to.elem).css({"height": ictpvCalendarContMinHeight});
+ if(to.tv.iCalHeight !== 0)
+ $(to.elem).css({"height": to.tv.iCalHeight});
+ var bIsValidView = ($(to.elem).find(".ctpvCalendarCont").length > 0) ? true : false;
+ if(bIsValidView && !to.tv.bDVDrgEv && !to.tv.bDVResEv)
+ {
+ var iCalendarContWidth = $(to.elem).find(".calendarCont").parent().outerWidth(),
+ iCalendarContHeight = $(to.elem).find(".calendarCont").outerHeight();
+ if(to.tv.bDisFBar)
+ {
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Left") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Right"))
+ iCalendarContWidth -= to.setting.filterBarWidth;
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Top") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Bottom"))
+ {
+ var iTempFilterBarWidth = iCalendarContWidth;
+ $(to.elem).find(".cFilterBar").css({"width": iTempFilterBarWidth});
+ iCalendarContHeight -= $(to.elem).find(".cFilterBar").height();
+ }
+ }
+ $(to.elem).find(".calendarContInner").css({"width": iCalendarContWidth, "height": iCalendarContHeight});
+ to.__adjustHeader();
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Right"))
+ $(to.elem).find(".cFilterBar").css({"left": iCalendarContWidth});
+ var ictpvContRow2Width = iCalendarContWidth,
+ icContHeaderWidth = iCalendarContWidth;
+ if($(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").length > 0)
+ $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").css({"width": icContHeaderWidth});
+ var ictpvTableWidth = iCalendarContWidth,
+ icContHeaderHeight = ($(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").length > 0) ? $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").outerHeight() : 0;
+ if(to.tv.bDisABar)
+ iCalendarContHeight -= $(to.elem).find(".cActionBar").height();
+ var ictpvTableHeight = iCalendarContHeight - icContHeaderHeight;
+ if(!to.tv.bDisABar || !(to.tv.bDisFBar && $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Bottom")))
+ ictpvTableHeight += $.CalenStyle.extra.iBorderOverhead;
+ else
+ ictpvTableHeight -= $.CalenStyle.extra.iBorderOverhead;
+ if(to.setting.fixedHeightOfTaskPlannerView)
+ {
+ $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableMain").css({"height": ictpvTableHeight, "width": ictpvTableWidth});
+ var ictpvTableBodyHeight = ictpvTableHeight - $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableRow1").height();
+ $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableMain tbody").css({"height": ictpvTableBodyHeight, "width": ictpvTableWidth});
+ var ictpvTableRow2Height = ictpvTableBodyHeight - $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableRowSummary").height();
+ $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableRow2").css({"height": (ictpvTableRow2Height - 1)});
+ var ictpvTableRow1Width = $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableMain tbody").width() - 2;
+ $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableMain thead").css({"width": ictpvTableRow1Width});
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ictpvTableHeight = $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableRow1").height() + $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableRow2").height() + $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableRowSummary").height();
+ $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableMain").css({"height": ictpvTableHeight, "width": ictpvTableWidth});
+ iCalendarContHeight = ictpvTableHeight;
+ iCalendarContHeight += $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").height();
+ if(to.tv.bDisABar)
+ iCalendarContHeight += $(to.elem).find(".cActionBar").height();
+ $(to.elem).find(".calendarContInner").css({"height": iCalendarContHeight});
+ if(to.tv.bDisFBar && ($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Top") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Bottom")))
+ iCalendarContHeight += $(to.elem).find(".cFilterBar").height();
+ $(to.elem).css({"height": iCalendarContHeight});
+ }
+ var iBorderOverheadAllDays = to.tv.iNoVDay * $.CalenStyle.extra.iBorderOverhead;
+ var ictpvTableColumnsWidth = (ictpvContRow2Width - iBorderOverheadAllDays) / (to.tv.iNoVDayDis);
+ $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableColumns").css({"width": ictpvTableColumnsWidth});
+ to.tv.fADVDayLftPos = [];
+ for(var iWeekDayIndex = 0; iWeekDayIndex < to.tv.iNoVDayDis; iWeekDayIndex++)
+ {
+ var fLeftPos = $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableRow2 #ctpvDayColumn"+iWeekDayIndex).position().left;
+ to.tv.fADVDayLftPos.push(fLeftPos);
+ }
+ }
+ if(to.setting.isDragNDropInTaskPlannerView && $.cf.isValid(bIsResized) && bIsResized)
+ {
+ if($(to.elem).find(".ctpvEvent").hasClass("ui-draggable"))
+ $(to.elem).find(".ctpvEvent").draggable("destroy");
+ $(to.elem).find(".ctpvEvent").removeClass("ui-draggable-dragging");
+ to._makeEventDraggableInTaskPlannerView(".EventDraggable");
+ }
+ },
+ __addEventsInTaskPlannerView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ if($(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableRow2"))
+ $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableRow2 td").html("");
+ var oArrTempEvents = to.getArrayOfEventsForView(to.tv.dVSDt, to.tv.dVEDt),
+ bHideEventIcon = $.cf.isValid(to.setting.hideEventIcon[to.setting.visibleView]) ? to.setting.hideEventIcon[to.setting.visibleView] : $.cf.isValid(to.setting.hideEventIcon.Default) ? to.setting.hideEventIcon.Default : false,
+ bHideEventTime = $.cf.isValid(to.setting.hideEventTime[to.setting.visibleView]) ? to.setting.hideEventTime[to.setting.visibleView] : $.cf.isValid(to.setting.hideEventTime.Default) ? to.setting.hideEventTime.Default : false;
+ to.tv.bAWkRw = [];
+ if(oArrTempEvents.length > 0)
+ {
+ for(var iEventIndex = 0; iEventIndex < oArrTempEvents.length; iEventIndex++)
+ {
+ var oEvent = oArrTempEvents[iEventIndex],
+ dStartDateTime = null, dEndDateTime = null, bIsAllDay = 0,
+ sTitle = "", sDesc = "", sType = "", sURL = "", bDragNDrop = false, bIsMarked = false,
+ sDroppableId = "",
+ sId = "Event-" + oEvent.calEventId;
+ if(oEvent.start !== null)
+ dStartDateTime = oEvent.start;
+ if(oEvent.end !== null)
+ dEndDateTime = oEvent.end;
+ if(oEvent.isAllDay !== null)
+ bIsAllDay = oEvent.isAllDay;
+ if(oEvent.title !== null)
+ sTitle = oEvent.title;
+ if(oEvent.desc !== null)
+ sDesc = oEvent.desc;
+ if(oEvent.type !== null)
+ sType = oEvent.type;
+ if(oEvent.url !== null)
+ sURL = oEvent.url;
+ if(oEvent.droppableId !== null)
+ sDroppableId = oEvent.droppableId;
+ if(oEvent.isDragNDropInTaskPlannerView !== null)
+ bDragNDrop = oEvent.isDragNDropInTaskPlannerView;
+ if(oEvent.isMarked !== null)
+ bIsMarked = oEvent.isMarked;
+ if(bIsMarked)
+ bIsAllDay = true;
+ var iArrTempNum = to.getNumberOfDaysOfEvent(bIsAllDay, dStartDateTime, dEndDateTime, true, true, true),
+ iNumOfEventElements = iArrTempNum[0],
+ iNumberOfHours = iArrTempNum[1];
+ if(iNumOfEventElements > 0)
+ {
+ var sDayId = "", iColumn;
+ var iNumOfSegs = iNumOfEventElements, iNumOfHours, iNumOfDays,
+ sDataDroppableId, sDateTimeString,
+ dTempStartDateTime = new Date(dStartDateTime),
+ dTempEndDateTime = new Date(dEndDateTime);
+ if(to.compareDates(dStartDateTime, to.tv.dVSDt) < 0 && Math.abs(to.__getDifference("m", to.tv.dVSDt, dStartDateTime)) > 1)
+ dTempStartDateTime = new Date(to.tv.dVSDt);
+ if(to.compareDates(to.tv.dVEDt, dEndDateTime) < 0 && Math.abs(to.__getDifference("m", to.tv.dVEDt, dEndDateTime)) > 1)
+ dTempEndDateTime = new Date(to.tv.dVEDt);
+ var dTempSDT = new Date(dTempStartDateTime),
+ bActualStartDate = true;
+ while(!to.__findWhetherDateIsVisibleInCurrentView(dTempSDT, (bIsAllDay || iNumberOfHours > 23), dTempStartDateTime, dTempEndDateTime))
+ {
+ dTempSDT.setDate(dTempSDT.getDate() + 1);
+ bActualStartDate = false;
+ if(to.compareDates(dTempSDT, dTempEndDateTime) > 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ dTempStartDateTime = new Date(dTempSDT);
+ iNumOfDays = to.getNumberOfDaysOfEvent(bIsAllDay, dTempStartDateTime, dTempEndDateTime, true, true, bActualStartDate);
+ iNumOfSegs = iNumOfDays[0];
+ iNumOfHours = iNumOfDays[1];
+ if(iNumOfHours > 0)
+ {
+ var sEventClass = "ctpvEvent ";
+ var sEventColor = oEvent.backgroundColor;
+ sEventColor = ($.cf.compareStrings(sEventColor, "") || $.cf.compareStrings(sEventColor, "transparent")) ? "transparent" : sEventColor;
+ var sEventBorderColor = oEvent.borderColor || $.cf.addHashToHexcode(to.setting.borderColor);
+ sEventBorderColor = ($.cf.compareStrings(sEventBorderColor, "") || $.cf.compareStrings(sEventBorderColor, "transparent")) ? "transparent" : sEventBorderColor;
+ var sEventTextColor = oEvent.textColor || $.cf.addHashToHexcode(to.setting.textColor);
+ sEventTextColor = ($.cf.compareStrings(sEventTextColor, "") || $.cf.compareStrings(sEventTextColor, "transparent")) ? $.cf.addHashToHexcode(to.setting.textColor) : sEventTextColor;
+ var sNonAllDayEventTextColor = $.cf.isValid(oEvent.nonAllDayEventsTextColor) ? oEvent.nonAllDayEventsTextColor : oEvent.backgroundColor;
+ sNonAllDayEventTextColor = (!$.cf.isValid(sNonAllDayEventTextColor) || $.cf.compareStrings(sNonAllDayEventTextColor, "transparent")) ? oEvent.backgroundColor : sNonAllDayEventTextColor;
+ var sColorStyle = "", sEventIconStyle = "",
+ sIcon = "";
+ if(bIsMarked)
+ {
+ if(oEvent.fromSingleColor)
+ {
+ sColorStyle += "border-color: " + sEventTextColor + "; ";
+ sEventIconStyle = "background: " + sEventTextColor + "; color: #FFFFFF";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sColorStyle += "border-color: " + sEventColor + "; ";
+ sEventIconStyle = "background: " + sEventColor + "; color: " + sEventTextColor;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sColorStyle += "border-color: " + sEventTextColor + "; ";
+ sEventIconStyle = "color: " + sEventTextColor + "; ";
+ }
+ if(bIsMarked)
+ sIcon = ($.cf.isValid(oEvent.icon) && oEvent.icon !== "Dot") ? oEvent.icon : "cs-icon-Mark";
+ else
+ sIcon = $.cf.isValid(oEvent.icon) ? oEvent.icon : to.setting.eventIcon;
+ if(to.compareDates(dEndDateTime, to.tv.dAVDt[0]) < 0)
+ sEventClass += ("cBlurredEvent ");
+ if(bDragNDrop)
+ sEventClass += ("EventDraggable cDragNDrop ");
+ if(to.setting.isTooltipInTaskPlannerView)
+ sEventClass += ("cEventTooltip ");
+ sEventClass += sId;
+ if(bIsMarked)
+ sEventClass += " cMarkedDayEvent";
+ iColumn = to._getDayNumberFromDateInTaskPlannerView(dTempStartDateTime);
+ var dTemp = new Date(dTempStartDateTime);
+ for(var iEventSegIndex = 1; iEventSegIndex <= iNumOfSegs; iEventSegIndex++)
+ {
+ sDateTimeString = to.getEventDateTimeDataForTaskPlannerView(dStartDateTime, dEndDateTime, bIsAllDay, dTemp);
+ sDayId = "#ctpvDayColumn"+iColumn;
+ var sEventSegId = sId + "-" + iEventSegIndex;
+ //--------------------------- Add Event Start -----------------------------
+ sDataDroppableId = $.cf.isValid(sDroppableId) ? " data-droppableid='" + sDroppableId + "'" : "";
+ var sTemplate = "
+ $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableRow2 " + sDayId).append(sTemplate);
+ var sIdElem = "#"+sEventSegId,
+ $oSeg = $(to.elem).find(sIdElem),
+ $oSegContent = $oSeg.find(".cEventLink");
+ var oEventTooltip, sDateTime;
+ oEventTooltip = {};
+ sDateTime = to.getEventDateTimeString(dStartDateTime, dEndDateTime, bIsAllDay, "&&");
+ var sArrDateTime = sDateTime.split("&&");
+ oEventTooltip.title = sTitle;
+ oEventTooltip.startDateTime = sArrDateTime[0];
+ oEventTooltip.endDateTime = sArrDateTime[1];
+ $oSeg.data("tooltipcontent", oEventTooltip);
+ if(to.setting.eventRendered)
+ to.setting.eventRendered.call(to, oEvent, $oSeg, $oSegContent, to.setting.visibleView, false);
+ if($.cf.isValid(sURL) || to.setting.eventClicked)
+ {
+ $oSegContent.on($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandler, {"url": sURL, "eventId": oEvent.calEventId, "eventElemSelector": sIdElem, "view": "TaskPlannerView", "pluginId": to.tv.pluginId}, to.__bindClick);
+ }
+ //--------------------------- Add Event End -----------------------------
+ iColumn++;
+ dTemp = new Date(dTemp.getTime() + $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.d);
+ if(iEventSegIndex === 1)
+ dTemp = to._normalizeDateTime(dTemp, "START", "T");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(to.setting.isTooltipInTaskPlannerView)
+ to._addTooltipInTaskPlannerView(".cEventTooltip");
+ if(to.setting.isDragNDropInTaskPlannerView)
+ to._makeEventDraggableInTaskPlannerView(".EventDraggable");
+ if(to.setting.eventsAddedInView)
+ to.setting.eventsAddedInView.call(to, to.setting.visibleView, ".ctpvEvent");
+ }
+ else
+ console.log("to._addEventsInMonthView - No Events");
+ to._updateDaySummaryView();
+ to.addRemoveViewLoader(false, "cEventLoaderBg");
+ to.addRemoveLoaderIndicators(false, "cEventLoaderIndicator");
+ },
+ _makeEventContDroppableInTaskPlannerView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var $oElemDragged, sDroppableId,
+ sEventId, sId, oDraggedEvent, sEventClass,
+ dStartDateTime = null, dEndDateTime = null, bIsAllDay = 0,
+ iArrNumOfDays, iNumOfDays, iNumOfHours, dNextDate, iDroppedDayIndex,
+ bEventEntered = false, dStartDateAfterDrop = null, dEndDateAfterDrop = null,
+ iElemIndex, iNextDay,
+ sDroppedCellId;
+ $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableRow2 .ctpvTableColumns").droppable(
+ {
+ scope: "Events",
+ over: function(event, ui)
+ {
+ $oElemDragged = $(ui.draggable);
+ sEventId = $oElemDragged.attr("id");
+ sId = $oElemDragged.attr("data-id");
+ oDraggedEvent = to.getEventWithId(sId);
+ sEventClass = ".Event-" + sId;
+ dStartDateTime = null; dEndDateTime = null; bIsAllDay = false;
+ sDroppedCellId = $(this).attr("id");
+ if(oDraggedEvent.start !== null)
+ dStartDateTime = oDraggedEvent.start;
+ if(oDraggedEvent.end !== null)
+ dEndDateTime = oDraggedEvent.end;
+ if(oDraggedEvent.isAllDay !== null)
+ bIsAllDay = oDraggedEvent.isAllDay;
+ iArrNumOfDays = to.getNumberOfDaysOfEvent(bIsAllDay, dStartDateTime, dEndDateTime, true, false, true);
+ iNumOfDays = iArrNumOfDays[0];
+ iNumOfHours = iArrNumOfDays[1];
+ iDroppedDayIndex = parseInt(sDroppedCellId.replace("ctpvDayColumn", ""));
+ dNextDate = to.tv.dAVDt[iDroppedDayIndex];
+ dStartDateAfterDrop = to.setDateInFormat({"iDate": {d: dNextDate.getDate(), M: dNextDate.getMonth(), y: dNextDate.getFullYear(), H: dStartDateTime.getHours(), m: dStartDateTime.getMinutes(), s: dStartDateTime.getSeconds()}}, "");
+ dEndDateAfterDrop = new Date(dStartDateAfterDrop.getTime() + (dEndDateTime.getTime() - dStartDateTime.getTime()));
+ if(to.tv.bChkDroppable)
+ {
+ $oElemDragged = $(to.elem).find("#" + sEventId + ".ui-draggable-dragging");
+ sDroppableId = $oElemDragged.attr("data-droppableid");
+ bEventEntered = to._findWhetherEventEnteredNonDroppableZone(dStartDateAfterDrop, dEndDateAfterDrop, bIsAllDay, iNumOfDays, sDroppableId);
+ if(bEventEntered)
+ {
+ $oElemDragged.addClass("cCursorNotAllowed");
+ $oElemDragged.find(".cEventLink").addClass("cCursorNotAllowed");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $oElemDragged.removeClass("cCursorNotAllowed");
+ $oElemDragged.find(".cEventLink").removeClass("cCursorNotAllowed");
+ }
+ }
+ $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableColumns").removeClass("cActivatedCell");
+ for(iElemIndex = 0; iElemIndex < iNumOfDays; iElemIndex++)
+ {
+ iNextDay = iDroppedDayIndex + iElemIndex;
+ if(iNextDay <= (to.tv.dAVDt.length - 1))
+ {
+ $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableRow2 #ctpvDayColumn"+iNextDay).addClass("cActivatedCell");
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ drop: function(event, ui)
+ {
+ $oElemDragged = $(ui.draggable);
+ sEventId = $oElemDragged.attr("id");
+ sId = $oElemDragged.attr("data-id");
+ oDraggedEvent = to.getEventWithId(sId);
+ sEventClass = ".Event-" + sId;
+ dStartDateTime = null; dEndDateTime = null; bIsAllDay = false;
+ sDroppedCellId = $(this).attr("id");
+ if(sDroppedCellId === to.tv.draggableParent)
+ {
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ $(sEventClass+".cEventBeingDragged").remove();
+ $(sEventClass).removeClass("ui-draggable-dragging cEditingEvent cEditingEventUI");
+ }, 300);
+ to.tv.iTSEndEditing = $.cf.getTimestamp();
+ return true;
+ }
+ if(oDraggedEvent.start !== null)
+ dStartDateTime = oDraggedEvent.start;
+ if(oDraggedEvent.end !== null)
+ dEndDateTime = oDraggedEvent.end;
+ if(oDraggedEvent.isAllDay !== null)
+ bIsAllDay = oDraggedEvent.isAllDay;
+ iArrNumOfDays = to.getNumberOfDaysOfEvent(bIsAllDay, dStartDateTime, dEndDateTime, true, false, true);
+ iNumOfDays = iArrNumOfDays[0];
+ iNumOfHours = iArrNumOfDays[1];
+ iDroppedDayIndex = parseInt(sDroppedCellId.replace("ctpvDayColumn", ""));
+ var dDroppedDate = new Date(to.tv.dAVDt[iDroppedDayIndex]);
+ dStartDateAfterDrop = to.setDateInFormat({"iDate": {d: dDroppedDate.getDate(), M: dDroppedDate.getMonth(), y: dDroppedDate.getFullYear(), H: dStartDateTime.getHours(), m: dStartDateTime.getMinutes(), s: dStartDateTime.getSeconds()}}, "");
+ dEndDateAfterDrop = new Date(dStartDateAfterDrop.getTime() + (dEndDateTime.getTime() - dStartDateTime.getTime()));
+ if(to.tv.bChkDroppable)
+ {
+ $oElemDragged = $(to.elem).find("#" + sEventId + ".ui-draggable-dragging");
+ sDroppableId = $oElemDragged.attr("data-droppableid");
+ bEventEntered = to._findWhetherEventEnteredNonDroppableZone(dStartDateAfterDrop, dEndDateAfterDrop, bIsAllDay, iNumOfDays, sDroppableId);
+ $oElemDragged.removeClass("cCursorNotAllowed");
+ $oElemDragged.find(".cEventLink").removeClass("cCursorNotAllowed");
+ }
+ if(bEventEntered)
+ {
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ if(to.tv.bChkDroppable)
+ $oElemDragged.removeClass("cEditingEvent cEventBeingDragged ui-draggable-dragging");
+ to.tv.iTSEndEditing = $.cf.getTimestamp();
+ return false;
+ }, 300);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ var iComp = to.compareDates(dEndDateTime, $.CalenStyle.extra.dToday);
+ if(iComp > 0)
+ $(to.elem).find(sEventClass).css({"opacity": 1});
+ else if(iComp < 0)
+ $(to.elem).find(sEventClass).css({"opacity": 0.7});
+ if(to.__updateEventWithId(sId, dStartDateAfterDrop, dEndDateAfterDrop))
+ {
+ to.__addEventsInTaskPlannerView();
+ if(to.setting.addDaySummaryInTaskPlannerView)
+ to.__adjustTaskPlannerView();
+ }
+ $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableColumns").removeClass("cActivatedCell");
+ }
+ if(to.setting.saveChangesOnEventDrop)
+ to.setting.saveChangesOnEventDrop.call(to, oDraggedEvent, dStartDateTime, dEndDateTime, dStartDateAfterDrop, dEndDateAfterDrop);
+ to.tv.iTSEndEditing = $.cf.getTimestamp();
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ _makeEventDraggableInTaskPlannerView: function(sClass)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var iEventHeight = $(to.elem).find(".ctpvEvent").height(),
+ iEventWidth = $(to.elem).find("#ctpvDayColumn0").width(),
+ iTimeSlotWidth = iEventWidth + 1,
+ iCalendarLeft = $(to.elem).position().left,
+ iCalendarMarginLeft = $(to.elem).css("margin-left");
+ iCalendarMarginLeft = parseInt(iCalendarMarginLeft.replace("px", ""));
+ var iLeft = iCalendarLeft + iCalendarMarginLeft + $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableMain").position().left,
+ iX1 = iLeft,
+ iX2 = iX1 + $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableMain").width() - iEventWidth,
+ iCalendarTop = $(to.elem).position().top,
+ iCalendarMarginTop = $(to.elem).css("margin-top");
+ iCalendarMarginTop = parseInt(iCalendarMarginTop.replace("px", ""));
+ var iY1 = iCalendarTop + iCalendarMarginTop + $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableMain").position().top;
+ if(to.tv.bDisFBar && $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Top"))
+ iY1 += to.setting.filterBarHeight;
+ var iY2 = iY1 + $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableMain").height() - iEventHeight;
+ iEventWidth = iEventWidth - 10;
+ $(to.elem).find(sClass).draggable(
+ {
+ zIndex: 100,
+ scope: "Events",
+ grid: [iTimeSlotWidth, 1],
+ containment: [iX1, iY1, iX2, iY2],
+ scroll: false,
+ cursor: "move",
+ delay: 300,
+ revertDuration: 300,
+ start: function()
+ {
+ var $oElemDragged = $(this);
+ to.tv.draggableParent = $oElemDragged.closest(".ctpvDayColumns").attr("id");
+ if(!$oElemDragged.hasClass("cEventOnlyText"))
+ $oElemDragged.addClass("cEditingEvent cEditingEventUI");
+ else
+ $oElemDragged.addClass("cEditingEvent");
+ iEventWidth = $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableColumns").width() - 10;
+ $oElemDragged.css({"width": iEventWidth});
+ },
+ revert: function()
+ {
+ $(to.elem).find(".ctpvTableColumns").removeClass("cActivatedCell");
+ return true;
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ _addTooltipInTaskPlannerView: function(sClass)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ $(to.elem).find(sClass).tooltip(
+ {
+ content: function()
+ {
+ var sTooltipText = "";
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.eventTooltipContent, "Default"))
+ {
+ var oTooltipContent = $(this).data("tooltipcontent");
+ if(oTooltipContent.title !== undefined)
+ sTooltipText += "
" + oTooltipContent.title + "
+ if(oTooltipContent.startDateTime !== undefined || oTooltipContent.endDateTime === undefined)
+ {
+ sTooltipText += "
+ if(oTooltipContent.startDateTime !== undefined)
+ sTooltipText += oTooltipContent.startDateTime;
+ if(oTooltipContent.endDateTime !== undefined)
+ sTooltipText += (" " + oTooltipContent.endDateTime);
+ sTooltipText += "
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ var oEventRecord = to.getEventWithId($(this).attr("data-id"));
+ sTooltipText = to.setting.eventTooltipContent.call(to, oEventRecord);
+ }
+ return sTooltipText;
+ },
+ position:
+ {
+ my: "center bottom-15",
+ at: "center top",
+ using: function(position, feedback)
+ {
+ $(this).css(position);
+ $("
+ .addClass("tooltip-arrow")
+ .addClass(feedback.vertical)
+ .addClass(feedback.horizontal)
+ .appendTo(this);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ _getDayNumberFromDateInTaskPlannerView: function(dThisDate)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ for(var iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < to.tv.dAVDt.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ if(to.compareDates(dThisDate, to.tv.dAVDt[iTempIndex]) === 0)
+ return iTempIndex;
+ }
+ return -1;
+ },
+ getEventDateTimeDataForTaskPlannerView: function(dEvStartDate, dEvEndDate, bIsAllDay, dThisDate)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var sDateTimeString = "", sSeparator = "";
+ if(bIsAllDay)
+ {
+ if(to.compareDates(dEvStartDate, dEvEndDate) === 0)
+ sDateTimeString = "
"+to.setting.miscStrings.allDay+" ";
+ else
+ sDateTimeString = "
"+to.setting.miscStrings.allDay+" " + sSeparator + "
"+ ($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.duration, "Default") ? to.__getDurationBetweenDates(dThisDate, dEvEndDate, "d", false, false) : to.setting.duration.call(to, dThisDate, dEvEndDate, "d")) +" ";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(to.compareDates(dEvStartDate, dEvEndDate) === 0)
+ sDateTimeString = "
" + to.getDateInFormat({"date": dEvStartDate}, "hh:mm", to.setting.is24Hour, true) + " " + sSeparator + "
" + ($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.duration, "Default") ? to.__getDurationBetweenDates(dEvStartDate, dEvEndDate, "dhm", false, false) : to.setting.duration.call(to, dEvStartDate, dEvEndDate, "dhm")) + " ";
+ else
+ {
+ if(to.compareDates(dEvStartDate, dThisDate) === 0)
+ sDateTimeString = "
" + to.getDateInFormat({"date": dEvStartDate}, "hh:mm", to.setting.is24Hour, true) + " " + sSeparator + "
" + ($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.duration, "Default") ? to.__getDurationBetweenDates(dEvStartDate, dEvEndDate, "dhm", false, false) : to.setting.duration.call(to, dEvStartDate, dEvEndDate, "dhm")) + " ";
+ else if(to.compareDates(dEvEndDate, dThisDate) === 0)
+ sDateTimeString = "
"+to.setting.miscStrings.ends+" " + sSeparator + "
" + to.getDateInFormat({"date": dEvEndDate}, "hh:mm", to.setting.is24Hour, true) + " ";
+ else
+ sDateTimeString = "
"+to.setting.miscStrings.allDay+" " + sSeparator + "
"+ ($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.duration, "Default") ? to.__getDurationBetweenDates(dThisDate, dEvEndDate, "dhm", false, false) : to.setting.duration.call(to, dThisDate, dEvEndDate, "dhm"))+" ";
+ }
+ }
+ return sDateTimeString;
+ },
+ _updateDaySummaryView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ if(to.setting.addDaySummaryInTaskPlannerView)
+ {
+ for(var iDateIndex = 0; iDateIndex < to.tv.iNoVDayDis; iDateIndex++)
+ {
+ to.setting.addDaySummaryInTaskPlannerView.call(to, to.tv.dAVDt[iDateIndex], $(to.elem).find("#ctpvSummaryColumn" + iDateIndex));
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ updateDaySummaryViewForDate: function(dThisDate)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ if(to.setting.addDaySummaryInTaskPlannerView)
+ {
+ var iDateIndex = to._getDayNumberFromDateInTaskPlannerView(dThisDate);
+ if(iDateIndex !== -1)
+ {
+ to.setting.addDaySummaryInTaskPlannerView.call(to, dThisDate, $(to.elem).find("#ctpvSummaryColumn" + iDateIndex));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ console.log("Please write a definition for addDaySummaryInTaskPlannerView callback function to update view for date");
+ }
+/*! ---------------------------------- CalenStyle Task Planner View End --------------------------------- */
+/*! ---------------------------------- CalenStyle Agenda View Start --------------------------------- */
+//"use strict";
+CalenStyle.prototype = $.extend(CalenStyle.prototype, {
+ // Public Method
+ updateAgendaView: function(bLoadAllData)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var iTempIndex, iEventIndex,
+ dTempViewDate, dTempViewStartDate, dTempViewEndDate, oAEventsForView,
+ bHideEventIcon = $.cf.isValid(to.setting.hideEventIcon[to.setting.visibleView]) ? to.setting.hideEventIcon[to.setting.visibleView] : $.cf.isValid(to.setting.hideEventIcon.Default) ? to.setting.hideEventIcon.Default : false,
+ bHideEventTime = $.cf.isValid(to.setting.hideEventTime[to.setting.visibleView]) ? to.setting.hideEventTime[to.setting.visibleView] : $.cf.isValid(to.setting.hideEventTime.Default) ? to.setting.hideEventTime.Default : false;
+ to.__getCurrentViewDates();
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.tv.sLoadType, "Prev"))
+ to.tv.dLoadDt = to.tv.dAVDt[0];
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.tv.sLoadType, "Next"))
+ to.tv.dLoadDt = to.tv.dAVDt[(to.tv.dAVDt.length - 1)];
+ to._setDateStringsInHeaderOfAgendaView();
+ to.__parseData(bLoadAllData, function()
+ {
+ var iEventId = 0, sSelectedDateElemId,
+ sFullDate, sDateId, iColspan, sTemplate, bIsToday, sDateClass = "", sDayClass = "",
+ oEvent = null, dStartDateTime = null, dEndDateTime = null,
+ bIsAllDay = 0, sTitle = "", sURL = "", sDesc = "", bIsMarked = false,
+ sArrEventDateTime = null, sEventDateTime = null,
+ sEventColor = "", sEventBorderColor = "", sEventTextColor = "",
+ sStyle = "", sStyleColorHeight = "", sIcon = "", sEventDetailsStyle = "",
+ sEventIconStyle = "", sEventBorderStyle = "", sEventBeforeStyle = "",
+ sId = "", sIdElem = "", sEventClass = "",
+ $oDateElem;
+ if(to.setting.displayEventsForPeriodInListInAgendaView)
+ {
+ var oViewDetails = {};
+ oViewDetails.viewStartDate = to.tv.dVSDt;
+ oViewDetails.viewEndDate = to.tv.dVEDt;
+ var iEventCount = 0;
+ var oDateList = [];
+ for(iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < to.tv.dAVDt.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ dTempViewDate = to.tv.dAVDt[iTempIndex];
+ dTempViewStartDate = to.setDateInFormat({"date": dTempViewDate}, "START");
+ dTempViewEndDate = to.setDateInFormat({"date": dTempViewDate}, "END");
+ oAEventsForView = to.getArrayOfEventsForView(dTempViewStartDate, dTempViewEndDate);
+ var oDate = {};
+ oDate.date = dTempViewStartDate;
+ var oEventList = [];
+ for(iEventIndex = 0; iEventIndex < oAEventsForView.length; iEventIndex++)
+ {
+ oEventList.push(oAEventsForView[iEventIndex]);
+ iEventCount++;
+ }
+ oDate.events = oEventList;
+ oDateList.push(oDate);
+ }
+ oViewDetails.eventCount = iEventCount;
+ oViewDetails.eventList = oDateList;
+ sTemplate = to.setting.displayEventsForPeriodInListInAgendaView.call(to, oViewDetails);
+ $(to.elem).find(".cListOuterCont").html(sTemplate);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.agendaViewTheme, "Timeline1"))
+ {
+ $(to.elem).find(".cListOuterCont").html("
+ iColspan = 4;
+ if(bHideEventIcon)
+ iColspan--;
+ if(bHideEventTime)
+ iColspan--;
+ for(iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < to.tv.dAVDt.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ dTempViewDate = to.tv.dAVDt[iTempIndex];
+ dTempViewStartDate = to.setDateInFormat({"date": dTempViewDate}, "START");
+ dTempViewEndDate = to.setDateInFormat({"date": dTempViewDate}, "END");
+ oAEventsForView = to.getArrayOfEventsForView(dTempViewStartDate, dTempViewEndDate);
+ bIsToday = (to.compareDates(dTempViewDate, $.CalenStyle.extra.dToday) === 0);
+ sFullDate = to.getDateInFormat({"date": dTempViewStartDate}, "dd-MM-yyyy", false, true);
+ sDateId = "Date-" + sFullDate;
+ sDateClass = bIsToday ? "cagvDate cagvDateToday" : "cagvDate";
+ if(oAEventsForView.length !== 0)
+ {
+ $(to.elem).find(".cagvTable").append("
" + to.getDateInFormat({"date": dTempViewStartDate}, "DDDD MMMM dd yyyy", false, true) + "
+ if(to.compareDates(dTempViewStartDate, to.setting.selectedDate) === 0)
+ sSelectedDateElemId = "#"+sDateId;
+ if(sSelectedDateElemId === undefined)
+ sSelectedDateElemId = "#"+sDateId;
+ for(iEventIndex = 0; iEventIndex < oAEventsForView.length; iEventIndex++)
+ {
+ oEvent = oAEventsForView[iEventIndex];
+ dStartDateTime = null; dEndDateTime = null;
+ bIsAllDay = 0; sTitle = ""; sURL = ""; sEventColor = ""; sDesc = "";
+ sId = ""; sIdElem = "";
+ sEventColor = ""; sEventBorderColor = ""; sEventTextColor = "";
+ sStyle = ""; sStyleColorHeight = ""; sIcon = ""; sEventDetailsStyle = ""; sEventIconStyle = "";
+ if(oEvent.start !== null)
+ dStartDateTime = oEvent.start;
+ if(oEvent.end !== null)
+ dEndDateTime = oEvent.end;
+ if(oEvent.isAllDay !== null)
+ bIsAllDay = oEvent.isAllDay;
+ if(oEvent.title !== null)
+ sTitle = oEvent.title;
+ if(oEvent.desc !== null)
+ sDesc = oEvent.desc;
+ if(oEvent.url !== null)
+ sURL = oEvent.url;
+ if(oEvent.isMarked !== null)
+ bIsMarked = oEvent.isMarked;
+ if(bIsMarked)
+ bIsAllDay = true;
+ sArrEventDateTime = to.getEventDateTimeDataForAgendaView(dStartDateTime, dEndDateTime, bIsAllDay, dTempViewStartDate);
+ sEventDateTime = sArrEventDateTime[0];
+ if(sEventDateTime === "")
+ sEventDateTime = to.setting.miscStrings.allDay;
+ sEventColor = oEvent.fromSingleColor ? oEvent.textColor : oEvent.backgroundColor;
+ sEventColor = ($.cf.compareStrings(sEventColor, "") || $.cf.compareStrings(sEventColor, "transparent")) ? "transparent" : sEventColor;
+ sId = "Event" + (++iEventId);
+ sStyleColorHeight = sArrEventDateTime[1];
+ sEventIconStyle = "background: " + sEventColor + "; ";
+ if(bIsMarked)
+ {
+ sEventBeforeStyle = "border-right: 12px solid " + sEventColor;
+ sEventBorderStyle = "border-color: " + sEventColor + ";";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sEventBeforeStyle = "";
+ sEventBorderStyle = "";
+ }
+ sEventClass = "cagvEvent";
+ if(bIsMarked)
+ {
+ sEventClass += " cMarkedDayEvent";
+ sIcon = ($.cf.isValid(oEvent.icon) && oEvent.icon !== "Dot") ? oEvent.icon : "cs-icon-Mark";
+ }
+ else
+ sIcon = $.cf.isValid(oEvent.icon) ? oEvent.icon : to.setting.eventIcon;
+ sTemplate = "";
+ sTemplate += "
+ if(bIsMarked)
+ {
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(!bHideEventIcon)
+ {
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(sIcon, "Dot"))
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ else
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ }
+ }
+ sTemplate += "";
+ sTemplate += "";
+ sTemplate += "
+ if(!bHideEventTime)
+ sTemplate += "
" + sEventDateTime + "
+ sTemplate += "
+ sTemplate += "
" + sTitle + "
+ sTemplate += "
" + sDesc + "
+ sTemplate += "
+ sTemplate += "
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ $(to.elem).find(".cagvTable").append(sTemplate);
+ if(bIsMarked)
+ {
+ $oDateElem = $(to.elem).find("#"+sDateId);
+ if($oDateElem.find(".cMarkedDayIndicator").length === 0)
+ $oDateElem.append("
+ }
+ if($.cf.isValid(sURL) || to.setting.eventClicked)
+ {
+ sIdElem = "#"+sId;
+ $(to.elem).find(sIdElem).on($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandler, {"url": sURL, "eventId": oEvent.calEventId, "eventElemSelector": sIdElem, "view": "AgendaView", "pluginId": to.tv.pluginId}, to.__bindClick);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if(to.setting.showDaysWithNoEventsInAgendaView)
+ {
+ sTemplate = "
" + to.getDateInFormat({"date": dTempViewStartDate}, "DDDD MMMM dd yyyy", false, true) + "
+ sTemplate += "
No Events
+ $(to.elem).find(".cagvTable").append(sTemplate);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.agendaViewTheme, "Timeline2"))
+ {
+ $(to.elem).find(".cListOuterCont").html("
+ for(iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < to.tv.dAVDt.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ dTempViewDate = to.tv.dAVDt[iTempIndex];
+ dTempViewStartDate = to.setDateInFormat({"date": dTempViewDate}, "START");
+ dTempViewEndDate = to.setDateInFormat({"date": dTempViewDate}, "END");
+ oAEventsForView = to.getArrayOfEventsForView(dTempViewStartDate, dTempViewEndDate);
+ bIsToday = (to.compareDates(dTempViewDate, $.CalenStyle.extra.dToday) === 0);
+ var bAddedDate = false;
+ sDateClass = bIsToday ? "cagvDate cagvDateToday" : "cagvDate";
+ sDayClass = bIsToday ? "cagvDay cagvDateToday" : "cagvDay";
+ if(oAEventsForView.length !== 0)
+ {
+ for(iEventIndex = 0; iEventIndex < oAEventsForView.length; iEventIndex++)
+ {
+ oEvent = oAEventsForView[iEventIndex];
+ dStartDateTime = null; dEndDateTime = null;
+ bIsAllDay = 0; sTitle = ""; sURL = ""; sEventColor = ""; sDesc = "";
+ sId = ""; sIdElem = "";
+ sEventColor = ""; sEventBorderColor = ""; sEventTextColor = "";
+ sStyle = ""; sStyleColorHeight = ""; sIcon = ""; sEventDetailsStyle = ""; sEventIconStyle = "";
+ if(oEvent.start !== null)
+ dStartDateTime = oEvent.start;
+ if(oEvent.end !== null)
+ dEndDateTime = oEvent.end;
+ if(oEvent.isAllDay !== null)
+ bIsAllDay = oEvent.isAllDay;
+ if(oEvent.title !== null)
+ sTitle = oEvent.title;
+ if(oEvent.desc !== null)
+ sDesc = oEvent.desc;
+ if(oEvent.url !== null)
+ sURL = oEvent.url;
+ if(oEvent.isMarked !== null)
+ bIsMarked = oEvent.isMarked;
+ if(bIsMarked)
+ bIsAllDay = true;
+ sEventColor = oEvent.backgroundColor;
+ sEventColor = ($.cf.compareStrings(sEventColor, "") || $.cf.compareStrings(sEventColor, "transparent")) ? "transparent" : sEventColor;
+ sEventBorderColor = oEvent.borderColor || $.cf.addHashToHexcode(to.setting.borderColor);
+ sEventBorderColor = ($.cf.compareStrings(sEventBorderColor, "") || $.cf.compareStrings(sEventBorderColor, "transparent")) ? "transparent" : sEventBorderColor;
+ sEventTextColor = oEvent.textColor || $.cf.addHashToHexcode(to.setting.textColor);
+ sEventTextColor = ($.cf.compareStrings(sEventTextColor, "") || $.cf.compareStrings(sEventTextColor, "transparent")) ? $.cf.addHashToHexcode(to.setting.textColor) : sEventTextColor;
+ sStyle = "background: " + sEventColor + "; border-color: " + sEventBorderColor + "; color: " + sEventTextColor + "; ";
+ if(sEventBorderColor === "transparent")
+ sStyle += "border-width: 0px; ";
+ sArrEventDateTime = to.getEventDateTimeDataForAgendaView(dStartDateTime, dEndDateTime, bIsAllDay, dTempViewStartDate);
+ sEventDateTime = sArrEventDateTime[0];
+ if(sEventDateTime === "")
+ sEventDateTime = to.setting.miscStrings.allDay;
+ sId = "Event" + (++iEventId);
+ sStyleColorHeight = sArrEventDateTime[1];
+ if(bIsMarked)
+ {
+ sEventDetailsStyle = "color: " + sEventTextColor + "; border-color: " + sEventBorderColor + "; background: " + sEventColor + "; ";
+ if(oEvent.fromSingleColor)
+ sEventIconStyle = "background: " + sEventTextColor;
+ else
+ sEventIconStyle = "color: " + sEventTextColor + "; background: " + sEventColor;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sEventDetailsStyle = "color: " + sEventTextColor + "; border-color: " + sEventBorderColor + "; background: " + sEventColor + "; ";
+ sEventIconStyle = "color: " + sEventTextColor + "; ";
+ }
+ sTemplate = "";
+ sTemplate += "
+ sTemplate += "";
+ if(!bAddedDate)
+ {
+ sTemplate += "" + to.getDateInFormat({"date": dTempViewDate}, "d", false, true) + "
+ sTemplate += "" + to.getDateInFormat({"date": dTempViewDate}, "DDD", false, true) + "
+ bAddedDate = true;
+ }
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ sEventClass = "cagvEvent";
+ if(bIsMarked)
+ {
+ sEventClass += " cMarkedDayEvent";
+ sIcon = ($.cf.isValid(oEvent.icon) && oEvent.icon !== "Dot") ? oEvent.icon : "cs-icon-Mark";
+ }
+ else
+ sIcon = $.cf.isValid(oEvent.icon) ? oEvent.icon : to.setting.eventIcon;
+ sTemplate += "";
+ sTemplate += "";
+ sTemplate += "
+ if(bIsMarked)
+ {
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ sTemplate += "" + sTitle + " ";
+ sTemplate += "
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(!bHideEventIcon)
+ {
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(sIcon, "Dot"))
+ {
+ sEventIconStyle = "background: " + sEventTextColor + "; ";
+ sTemplate += "
+ }
+ else
+ sTemplate += "
+ }
+ sTemplate += "
" + sTitle + " ";
+ sTemplate += "
+ sTemplate += "";
+ if(!bHideEventTime)
+ sTemplate += "" + sEventDateTime + " ";
+ sTemplate += "
+ }
+ sTemplate += "";
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ if(iEventIndex === (oAEventsForView.length - 1))
+ {
+ sTemplate += "
+ }
+ $(to.elem).find(".cagvTable").append(sTemplate);
+ sIdElem = "#"+sId;
+ $(to.elem).find(sIdElem + " .cagvEventTimeLabel").css({"background": sEventTextColor});
+ if($.cf.isValid(sURL) || to.setting.eventClicked)
+ {
+ $(to.elem).find(sIdElem).on($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandler, {"url": sURL, "eventId": oEvent.calEventId, "eventElemSelector": sIdElem, "view": "AgendaView", "pluginId": to.tv.pluginId}, to.__bindClick);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if(to.setting.showDaysWithNoEventsInAgendaView)
+ {
+ sTemplate = "";
+ sTemplate += "
+ sTemplate += "";
+ if(!bAddedDate)
+ {
+ sTemplate += "" + to.getDateInFormat({"date": dTempViewDate}, "d", false, true) + "
+ sTemplate += "" + to.getDateInFormat({"date": dTempViewDate}, "DDD", false, true) + "
+ bAddedDate = true;
+ }
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ sTemplate += "No Events ";
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ sTemplate += "
+ $(to.elem).find(".cagvTable").append(sTemplate);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.agendaViewTheme, "Timeline3"))
+ {
+ $(to.elem).find(".cListOuterCont").html("
+ iColspan = 4;
+ if(bHideEventIcon)
+ iColspan--;
+ if(bHideEventTime)
+ iColspan--;
+ for(iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < to.tv.dAVDt.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ dTempViewDate = to.tv.dAVDt[iTempIndex];
+ dTempViewStartDate = to.setDateInFormat({"date": dTempViewDate}, "START");
+ dTempViewEndDate = to.setDateInFormat({"date": dTempViewDate}, "END");
+ oAEventsForView = to.getArrayOfEventsForView(dTempViewStartDate, dTempViewEndDate);
+ bIsToday = (to.compareDates(dTempViewDate, $.CalenStyle.extra.dToday) === 0);
+ sFullDate = to.getDateInFormat({"date": dTempViewStartDate}, "dd-MM-yyyy", false, true);
+ sDateId = "Date-" + sFullDate;
+ sDateClass = bIsToday ? "cagvDate cagvDateToday" : "cagvDate";
+ if(oAEventsForView.length !== 0)
+ {
+ $(to.elem).find(".cagvTable").append("
" + to.getDateInFormat({"date": dTempViewStartDate}, "DDDD MMMM dd yyyy", false, true) + "
+ if(to.compareDates(dTempViewStartDate, to.setting.selectedDate) === 0)
+ sSelectedDateElemId = "#"+sDateId;
+ if(sSelectedDateElemId === undefined)
+ sSelectedDateElemId = "#"+sDateId;
+ for(iEventIndex = 0; iEventIndex < oAEventsForView.length; iEventIndex++)
+ {
+ oEvent = oAEventsForView[iEventIndex];
+ dStartDateTime = null; dEndDateTime = null;
+ bIsAllDay = 0; sTitle = ""; sURL = ""; sEventColor = ""; sDesc = "";
+ sId = ""; sIdElem = "";
+ sEventColor = ""; sEventBorderColor = ""; sEventTextColor = "";
+ sStyle = ""; sStyleColorHeight = ""; sIcon = ""; sEventDetailsStyle = ""; sEventIconStyle = "";
+ if(oEvent.start !== null)
+ dStartDateTime = oEvent.start;
+ if(oEvent.end !== null)
+ dEndDateTime = oEvent.end;
+ if(oEvent.isAllDay !== null)
+ bIsAllDay = oEvent.isAllDay;
+ if(oEvent.title !== null)
+ sTitle = oEvent.title;
+ if(oEvent.desc !== null)
+ sDesc = oEvent.desc;
+ if(oEvent.url !== null)
+ sURL = oEvent.url;
+ if(oEvent.isMarked !== null)
+ bIsMarked = oEvent.isMarked;
+ if(bIsMarked)
+ bIsAllDay = true;
+ sArrEventDateTime = to.getEventDateTimeDataForAgendaView(dStartDateTime, dEndDateTime, bIsAllDay, dTempViewStartDate);
+ sEventDateTime = sArrEventDateTime[0];
+ if(sEventDateTime === "")
+ sEventDateTime = to.setting.miscStrings.allDay;
+ sEventColor = oEvent.fromSingleColor ? oEvent.textColor : oEvent.backgroundColor;
+ sEventColor = ($.cf.compareStrings(sEventColor, "") || $.cf.compareStrings(sEventColor, "transparent")) ? "transparent" : sEventColor;
+ sId = "Event" + (++iEventId);
+ sStyleColorHeight = sArrEventDateTime[1];
+ sEventClass = "cagvEvent";
+ if(bIsMarked)
+ {
+ sEventClass += " cMarkedDayEvent";
+ sIcon = ($.cf.isValid(oEvent.icon) && oEvent.icon !== "Dot") ? oEvent.icon : "cs-icon-Mark";
+ sEventIconStyle = "background: " + sEventColor + ";";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sIcon = $.cf.isValid(oEvent.icon) ? oEvent.icon : to.setting.eventIcon;
+ sEventIconStyle = "background: " + sEventColor + "; ";
+ }
+ sTemplate = "";
+ sTemplate += "
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ if(!bHideEventTime)
+ sTemplate += "" + sEventDateTime + " ";
+ if(bIsMarked)
+ {
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(!bHideEventIcon)
+ {
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(sIcon, "Dot"))
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ else
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ }
+ }
+ sTemplate += "";
+ sTemplate += "" + sTitle + "
+ sTemplate += "" + sDesc + "
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ sTemplate += "
+ $(to.elem).find(".cagvTable").append(sTemplate);
+ if(bIsMarked)
+ {
+ $oDateElem = $(to.elem).find("#"+sDateId);
+ if($oDateElem.find(".cMarkedDayIndicator").length === 0)
+ $oDateElem.append("
+ }
+ if($.cf.isValid(sURL) || to.setting.eventClicked)
+ {
+ sIdElem = "#"+sId;
+ $(to.elem).find(sIdElem).on($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandler, {"url": sURL, "eventId": oEvent.calEventId, "eventElemSelector": sIdElem, "view": "AgendaView", "pluginId": to.tv.pluginId}, to.__bindClick);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if(to.setting.showDaysWithNoEventsInAgendaView)
+ {
+ sTemplate = "
" + to.getDateInFormat({"date": dTempViewStartDate}, "DDDD MMMM dd yyyy", false, true) + "
+ sTemplate += "
No Events
+ $(to.elem).find(".cagvTable").append(sTemplate);
+ }
+ }
+ $(to.elem).find(".cListOuterCont").animate(
+ {
+ scrollTop: $(to.elem).find(sSelectedDateElemId).position().top
+ }, 300);
+ }
+ }
+ to.addRemoveViewLoader(false, "cEventLoaderBg");
+ to.addRemoveLoaderIndicators(false, "cEventLoaderIndicator");
+ if(to.setting.eventListAppended)
+ to.setting.eventListAppended.call(to);
+ to.adjustAgendaView();
+ to.__modifyFilterBarCallback();
+ });
+ },
+ _setDateStringsInHeaderOfAgendaView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var sHeaderViewLabel = "";
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.agendaViewDuration, "Month"))
+ {
+ var oSelectedDate = to.getDateInFormat({"date": to.setting.selectedDate}, "object", false, true);
+ sHeaderViewLabel = "";
+ sHeaderViewLabel += "";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ var oAGVStart = to.getDateInFormat({"date": to.tv.dVSDt}, "object", false, true),
+ oAGVEnd = to.getDateInFormat({"date": to.tv.dVEDt}, "object", false, true);
+ if(to.tv.iNoVDay > 1)
+ {
+ if(oAGVStart.y === oAGVEnd.y)
+ sHeaderViewLabel = to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oAGVStart}, "MMM", false, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oAGVStart.d, 0, true) + " - " + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oAGVEnd}, "MMM", false, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oAGVEnd.d, 0, true) + ", " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oAGVEnd.y, 0, true);
+ else
+ sHeaderViewLabel = to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oAGVStart}, "MMM", false, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oAGVStart.d, 0, true) + ", " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oAGVStart.y, 0, true) + " - " + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oAGVEnd}, "MMM", false, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oAGVEnd.d, 0, true) + ", " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oAGVEnd.y, 0, true);
+ }
+ else
+ sHeaderViewLabel = to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oAGVStart}, "DDDD", false, true) + " " + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oAGVEnd}, "MMMM", false, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oAGVEnd.d, 0, true) + ", " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oAGVEnd.y, 0, true);
+ }
+ if(to.setting.modifyHeaderViewLabels)
+ to.setting.modifyHeaderViewLabels.call(to, to.tv.dVSDt, to.tv.dVEDt, to.setting.selectedDate, sHeaderViewLabel, to.setting.visibleView);
+ $(to.elem).find(".cContHeaderLabel").html(sHeaderViewLabel);
+ },
+ // Public Method
+ getEventDateTimeDataForAgendaView: function(dEvStartDate, dEvEndDate, bIsAllDay, dThisDate, sClassPrefix)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var iBaseHeight = 48, sStyleColorHeight = iBaseHeight + "px", sDateTimeString = "";
+ var dThisEndDate = to.setDateInFormat({"iDate": {y: dThisDate.getFullYear(), M: dThisDate.getMonth(), d: (dThisDate.getDate() + 1)}}, "START"),
+ iHours, iHeight, sSeparator = "",
+ sEventTimeFormat = to.setting.is24Hour ? "HH:mm" : "h[:m]sm";
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "AgendaView") && !$.cf.isValid(to.setting.displayEventsForPeriodInListInAgendaView))
+ sClassPrefix = "cagvEventTime";
+ var sClassTop = sClassPrefix + "Top",
+ sClassMiddle = sClassPrefix + "Middle",
+ sClassBottom = sClassPrefix + "Bottom",
+ sClassLabel = sClassPrefix + "Label",
+ sClassDuration = sClassPrefix + "Duration";
+ if(!$.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.agendaViewTheme, "Timeline2") || $.cf.isValid(to.setting.displayEventsForPeriodInListInAgendaView) || !$.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "AgendaView") )
+ sSeparator = "
+ if(bIsAllDay)
+ {
+ if(to.compareDates(dEvStartDate, dEvEndDate) === 0)
+ sDateTimeString = "
"+to.setting.miscStrings.allDay+" ";
+ else
+ sDateTimeString = "
"+to.setting.miscStrings.allDay+" " + sSeparator + "
"+ ($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.duration, "Default") ? to.__getDurationBetweenDates(dThisDate, dEvEndDate, "d", false, false) : to.setting.duration.call(to, dThisDate, dEvEndDate, "d")) +" ";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(to.compareDates(dEvStartDate, dEvEndDate) === 0)
+ {
+ iHours = to.__getDurationBetweenDates(dEvStartDate, dEvEndDate, "h", false, true).h;
+ iHeight = (iHours/24)*iBaseHeight;
+ iHeight = (iHeight < 1) ? 1 : iHeight;
+ sStyleColorHeight = iHeight + "px";
+ sDateTimeString = "
" + to.getDateInFormat({"date": dEvStartDate}, sEventTimeFormat, to.setting.is24Hour, true) + " " + sSeparator + "
" + ($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.duration, "Default") ? to.__getDurationBetweenDates(dEvStartDate, dEvEndDate, "dhm", false, false) : to.setting.duration.call(to, dEvStartDate, dEvEndDate, "dhm")) + " ";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ var dCompStartDate = (to.compareDateTimes(dEvStartDate, dThisDate) >= 0 && to.compareDateTimes(dEvStartDate, dThisEndDate) <= 0) ? dEvStartDate : dThisDate;
+ var dCompEndDate = (to.compareDateTimes(dEvEndDate, dThisEndDate) <= 0) ? dEvEndDate : dThisEndDate;
+ iHours = to.__getDurationBetweenDates(dCompStartDate, dCompEndDate, "h", false, true).h;
+ iHeight = (iHours/24)*iBaseHeight;
+ iHeight = (iHeight < 1) ? 1 : iHeight;
+ sStyleColorHeight = iHeight + "px";
+ if(to.compareDates(dEvStartDate, dThisDate) === 0)
+ sDateTimeString = "
" + to.getDateInFormat({"date": dEvStartDate}, sEventTimeFormat, to.setting.is24Hour, true) + " " + sSeparator + "
" + ($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.duration, "Default") ? to.__getDurationBetweenDates(dEvStartDate, dEvEndDate, "dhm", false, false) : to.setting.duration.call(to, dEvStartDate, dEvEndDate, "dhm")) + " ";
+ else if(to.compareDates(dEvEndDate, dThisDate) === 0)
+ sDateTimeString = "
"+to.setting.miscStrings.ends+" " + sSeparator + "
" + to.getDateInFormat({"date": dEvEndDate}, sEventTimeFormat, to.setting.is24Hour, true) + " ";
+ else
+ sDateTimeString = "
"+to.setting.miscStrings.allDay+" " + sSeparator + "
"+ ($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.duration, "Default") ? to.__getDurationBetweenDates(dThisDate, dEvEndDate, "dhm", false, false) : to.setting.duration.call(to, dThisDate, dEvEndDate, "dhm"))+" ";
+ }
+ }
+ return [sDateTimeString, sStyleColorHeight];
+ },
+ __goToPrevAgendaView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.agendaViewDuration, "Month"))
+ {
+ var iMonth = to.tv.dVSDt.getMonth();
+ to.tv.dVSDt.setMonth(iMonth - 1);
+ to.setting.selectedDate = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.tv.dVSDt}, "START");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ var iCurrentDateMS = to.tv.dVSDt.getTime();
+ if(to.setting.daysInAgendaView === 7)
+ iCurrentDateMS -= (to.tv.iNoVDay * $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.d);
+ else
+ iCurrentDateMS -= $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.d;
+ to.setting.selectedDate = to.setDateInFormat({"date": new Date(iCurrentDateMS)}, "START");
+ }
+ to.tv.dLoadDt = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.setting.selectedDate}, "START");
+ to.tv.sLoadType = "Prev";
+ to.__reloadCurrentView(false, true);
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ to.__reloadDatePickerContentOnNavigation();
+ }, 10);
+ },
+ __goToNextAgendaView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.agendaViewDuration, "Month"))
+ {
+ var iMonth = to.tv.dVSDt.getMonth();
+ to.tv.dVSDt.setMonth(iMonth + 1);
+ to.setting.selectedDate = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.tv.dVSDt}, "START");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ var iCurrentDateMS = to.tv.dVEDt.getTime();
+ iCurrentDateMS += $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.d;
+ to.setting.selectedDate = to.setDateInFormat({"date": new Date(iCurrentDateMS)}, "START");
+ }
+ to.tv.dLoadDt = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.setting.selectedDate}, "START");
+ to.tv.sLoadType = "Next";
+ to.__reloadCurrentView(false, true);
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ to.__reloadDatePickerContentOnNavigation();
+ }, 10);
+ },
+ // Public Method
+ adjustAgendaView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var icagvCalendarContMaxHeight = $(to.elem).find(".cagvCalendarCont").css("max-height");
+ icagvCalendarContMaxHeight = parseInt(icagvCalendarContMaxHeight.replace("px", "")) || 0;
+ var icagvCalendarContMinHeight = $(to.elem).find(".cagvCalendarCont").css("min-height");
+ icagvCalendarContMinHeight = parseInt(icagvCalendarContMinHeight.replace("px", "")) || 0;
+ if(icagvCalendarContMaxHeight > 0 && $(to.elem).height() > icagvCalendarContMaxHeight)
+ $(to.elem).css({"height": icagvCalendarContMaxHeight});
+ else if(icagvCalendarContMinHeight > 0 && $(to.elem).height() < icagvCalendarContMinHeight)
+ $(to.elem).css({"height": icagvCalendarContMinHeight});
+ if(to.tv.iCalHeight !== 0)
+ $(to.elem).css({"height": to.tv.iCalHeight});
+ var iCalendarContWidth = $(to.elem).find(".calendarCont").parent().outerWidth(),
+ iCalendarContHeight = $(to.elem).find(".calendarCont").outerHeight();
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Left") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Right"))
+ iCalendarContWidth -= to.setting.filterBarWidth;
+ if(to.tv.bDisFBar && ($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Top") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Bottom")))
+ {
+ $(to.elem).find(".cFilterBar").css({"width": iCalendarContWidth});
+ iCalendarContHeight -= $(to.elem).find(".cFilterBar").height();
+ }
+ $(to.elem).find(".calendarContInner").css({"width": iCalendarContWidth, "height": iCalendarContHeight});
+ to.__adjustHeader();
+ if(to.tv.bDisFBar && $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Right"))
+ $(to.elem).find(".cFilterBar").css({"left": iCalendarContWidth});
+ iCalendarContHeight -= (($(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").length > 0) ? $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").outerHeight() : 0);
+ if(to.tv.bDisABar)
+ iCalendarContHeight -= $(to.elem).find(".cActionBar").outerHeight();
+ $(to.elem).find(".cListOuterCont").css({"height": iCalendarContHeight});
+ $(to.elem).find(".cagvTable").css({"width": (iCalendarContWidth - $.CalenStyle.extra.iScrollbarWidth)});
+ var iEventWidth = iCalendarContWidth,
+ iEventColorWidth = $(to.elem).find(".cagvEventColor").outerWidth(true),
+ oElems = $(to.elem).find(".cagvEventTime span");
+ var iTimeMaxWidth = Math.max.apply(null, $(oElems).map(function()
+ {
+ return $(this).outerWidth(true);
+ }).get());
+ iTimeMaxWidth += 10;
+ $(to.elem).find(".cagvEventTime").css({"min-width": iTimeMaxWidth});
+ var iEventTitleWidth = iEventWidth - (iEventColorWidth + iTimeMaxWidth) - 10;
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.agendaViewTheme, "Timeline1"))
+ {
+ iEventTitleWidth = iEventTitleWidth - ($(to.elem).find(".cagvEventIcon").width() + 40);
+ $(to.elem).find(".cagvEventContent").css({"width": iEventTitleWidth});
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.agendaViewTheme, "Timeline2"))
+ $(to.elem).find(".cagvEventTitle").css({"max-width": (iEventTitleWidth - 40)});
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.agendaViewTheme, "Timeline3"))
+ $(to.elem).find(".cagvEventContent").css({"width": iEventTitleWidth});
+ }
+/*! ---------------------------------- CalenStyle Agenda View End --------------------------------- */
+/*! ---------------------------------- CalenStyle Week Planner View Start --------------------------------- */
+//"use strict";
+CalenStyle.prototype = $.extend(CalenStyle.prototype, {
+ // Public Method
+ updateWeekPlannerView: function(bLoadAllData)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var iTempIndex, iEventIndex, sTemplate = "",
+ sArrViewDates = [], sFullDate = "",
+ dTempViewDate, dTempViewStartDate, dTempViewEndDate, oAEventsForView,
+ bHideEventIcon = $.cf.isValid(to.setting.hideEventIcon[to.setting.visibleView]) ? to.setting.hideEventIcon[to.setting.visibleView] : $.cf.isValid(to.setting.hideEventIcon.Default) ? to.setting.hideEventIcon.Default : false,
+ bHideEventTime = $.cf.isValid(to.setting.hideEventTime[to.setting.visibleView]) ? to.setting.hideEventTime[to.setting.visibleView] : $.cf.isValid(to.setting.hideEventTime.Default) ? to.setting.hideEventTime.Default : false;
+ to.__getCurrentViewDates();
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.tv.sLoadType, "Prev"))
+ to.tv.dLoadDt = to.tv.dAVDt[0];
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.tv.sLoadType, "Next"))
+ to.tv.dLoadDt = to.tv.dAVDt[(to.tv.dAVDt.length - 1)];
+ to._setDateStringsInHeaderOfWeekPlannerView();
+ for(iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < to.tv.dAVDt.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ sFullDate = to.getDateInFormat({"date": to.tv.dAVDt[iTempIndex]}, "dd-MM-yyyy", false, true);
+ sArrViewDates.push("cwpvDate-"+sFullDate);
+ }
+ sTemplate += "
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ sTemplate += "
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ sTemplate += "
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ sTemplate += "
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ $(to.elem).find(".cwpvTableMain").html(sTemplate);
+ to.adjustWeekPlannerView();
+ to.__parseData(bLoadAllData, function()
+ {
+ var iEventId = 0,
+ sFullDate = "", sDateId = "", sTemplate = "", bIsToday = false, sDateClass = "", sDayClass = "",
+ oEvent = null, dStartDateTime = null, dEndDateTime = null,
+ bIsAllDay = 0, sTitle = "", sURL = "", sDesc = "", bIsMarked = false,
+ sArrEventDateTime = null, sEventDateTime = null,
+ sEventColor = "", sEventBorderColor = "", sEventTextColor = "",
+ sStyle = "", sStyleColorHeight = "", sIcon = "", sEventDetailsStyle = "", sEventIconStyle = "",
+ sId = "", sIdElem = "", sClass = "",
+ $oDateCell = null;
+ for(iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < to.tv.dAVDt.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ dTempViewDate = to.tv.dAVDt[iTempIndex];
+ dTempViewStartDate = to.setDateInFormat({"date": dTempViewDate}, "START");
+ dTempViewEndDate = to.setDateInFormat({"date": dTempViewDate}, "END");
+ oAEventsForView = to.getArrayOfEventsForView(dTempViewStartDate, dTempViewEndDate);
+ sFullDate = to.getDateInFormat({"date": dTempViewStartDate}, "dd-MM-yyyy", false, true);
+ bIsToday = (to.compareDates(dTempViewDate, $.CalenStyle.extra.dToday) === 0);
+ sDateId = "cwpvDate-" + sFullDate;
+ $oDateCell = $(to.elem).find("#"+sDateId);
+ if(iTempIndex === (to.tv.dAVDt.length - 1))
+ {
+ sDateClass = bIsToday ? "cwpvDate cwpvDateToday" : "cwpvDate";
+ sDayClass = bIsToday ? "cwpvDay cwpvDateToday" : "cwpvDay";
+ sTemplate += "
" + to.getDateInFormat({"date": dTempViewDate}, "d", false, true);
+ sTemplate += "
" + to.getDateInFormat({"date": dTempViewDate}, "DDD", false, true) + "
+ sTemplate += "
+ $oDateCell.append(sTemplate);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sDateClass = bIsToday ? "cwpvDate cwpvDateToday" : "cwpvDate";
+ $oDateCell.append("
" + to.getDateInFormat({"date": dTempViewStartDate}, "DDD, MMM dd", false, true) + "
+ }
+ if(oAEventsForView.length > 0)
+ {
+ $oDateCell.append("
+ for(iEventIndex = 0; iEventIndex < oAEventsForView.length; iEventIndex++)
+ {
+ oEvent = oAEventsForView[iEventIndex];
+ dStartDateTime = null; dEndDateTime = null;
+ bIsAllDay = 0; sTitle = ""; sURL = ""; sEventColor = ""; sDesc = ""; bIsMarked = false;
+ sId = ""; sIdElem = "";
+ sEventColor = ""; sEventBorderColor = ""; sEventTextColor = "";
+ sStyle = ""; sStyleColorHeight = ""; sIcon = ""; sEventDetailsStyle = ""; sEventIconStyle = "";
+ bIsMarked = false;
+ if(oEvent.start !== null)
+ dStartDateTime = oEvent.start;
+ if(oEvent.end !== null)
+ dEndDateTime = oEvent.end;
+ if(oEvent.isAllDay !== null)
+ bIsAllDay = oEvent.isAllDay;
+ if(oEvent.title !== null)
+ sTitle = oEvent.title;
+ if(oEvent.desc !== null)
+ sDesc = oEvent.desc;
+ if(oEvent.url !== null)
+ sURL = oEvent.url;
+ if(oEvent.isMarked !== null)
+ bIsMarked = oEvent.isMarked;
+ if(bIsMarked)
+ bIsAllDay = true;
+ sArrEventDateTime = to.getEventDateTimeDataForWeekPlannerView(dStartDateTime, dEndDateTime, bIsAllDay, dTempViewStartDate);
+ sEventDateTime = sArrEventDateTime;
+ if(sEventDateTime === "")
+ sEventDateTime = to.setting.miscStrings.allDay;
+ sEventColor = oEvent.backgroundColor;
+ sEventColor = ($.cf.compareStrings(sEventColor, "") || $.cf.compareStrings(sEventColor, "transparent")) ? "transparent" : sEventColor;
+ sEventBorderColor = oEvent.borderColor || $.cf.addHashToHexcode(to.setting.borderColor);
+ sEventBorderColor = ($.cf.compareStrings(sEventBorderColor, "") || $.cf.compareStrings(sEventBorderColor, "transparent")) ? "transparent" : sEventBorderColor;
+ sEventTextColor = oEvent.textColor || $.cf.addHashToHexcode(to.setting.textColor);
+ sEventTextColor = ($.cf.compareStrings(sEventTextColor, "") || $.cf.compareStrings(sEventTextColor, "transparent")) ? $.cf.addHashToHexcode(to.setting.textColor) : sEventTextColor;
+ sId = "Event-" + (++iEventId);
+ sStyleColorHeight = sArrEventDateTime[1];
+ sStyle = "";
+ sClass = "cwpvEvent";
+ if(bIsMarked)
+ {
+ sClass += " cMarkedDayEvent";
+ sIcon = ($.cf.isValid(oEvent.icon) && oEvent.icon !== "Dot") ? oEvent.icon : "cs-icon-Mark";
+ if(oEvent.fromSingleColor)
+ {
+ sStyle += "background: " + sEventColor + "; ";
+ sEventIconStyle = "color: " + sEventTextColor + ";";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sStyle += "background: " + $.cf.getRGBAString(sEventColor, 0.1) + "; ";
+ sEventIconStyle = "color: " + sEventColor + ";";
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sIcon = $.cf.isValid(oEvent.icon) ? oEvent.icon : to.setting.eventIcon;
+ }
+ sTemplate = "";
+ sTemplate += "
+ if(bIsMarked)
+ {
+ sTemplate += "
+ sTemplate += "
" + sTitle + "
+ sTemplate += "
+ sTemplate += "
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(!bHideEventIcon)
+ {
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(sIcon, "Dot"))
+ {
+ sEventIconStyle = "background: " + sEventTextColor + "; ";
+ sTemplate += "
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sEventIconStyle = "color: " + sEventTextColor + "; ";
+ sTemplate += "
+ }
+ }
+ sTemplate += "
+ sTemplate += "
" + sTitle + "
+ if(!bHideEventTime)
+ sTemplate += "
" + sEventDateTime + "
+ sTemplate += "
+ }
+ sTemplate += "
+ $oDateCell.find(".cwpvEventCont").append(sTemplate);
+ if(bIsMarked)
+ {
+ var $oDateElem = $oDateCell.find(".cwpvDate");
+ if($oDateElem.find(".cMarkedDayIndicator").length === 0)
+ $oDateElem.append("
+ }
+ sTemplate = "";
+ sIdElem = "#"+sId;
+ if($.cf.isValid(sURL) || to.setting.eventClicked)
+ {
+ $oDateCell.find(sIdElem).on($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandler, {"url": sURL, "eventId": oEvent.calEventId, "eventElemSelector": sIdElem, "view": "AgendaView", "pluginId": to.tv.pluginId}, to.__bindClick);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $oDateCell.append("
No Events
+ }
+ }
+ to.addRemoveViewLoader(false, "cEventLoaderBg");
+ to.addRemoveLoaderIndicators(false, "cEventLoaderIndicator");
+ to.adjustWeekPlannerView();
+ to.__modifyFilterBarCallback();
+ });
+ },
+ _setDateStringsInHeaderOfWeekPlannerView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var sHeaderViewLabel = "";
+ var oAGVStart = to.getDateInFormat({"date": to.tv.dVSDt}, "object", false, true),
+ oAGVEnd = to.getDateInFormat({"date": to.tv.dVEDt}, "object", false, true);
+ if(oAGVStart.y === oAGVEnd.y)
+ sHeaderViewLabel = to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oAGVStart}, "MMM", false, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oAGVStart.d, 0, true) + " - " + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oAGVEnd}, "MMM", false, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oAGVEnd.d, 0, true) + ", " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oAGVEnd.y, 0, true);
+ else
+ sHeaderViewLabel = to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oAGVStart}, "MMM", false, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oAGVStart.d, 0, true) + ", " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oAGVStart.y, 0, true) + " - " + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oAGVEnd}, "MMM", false, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oAGVEnd.d, 0, true) + ", " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oAGVEnd.y, 0, true);
+ if(to.setting.modifyHeaderViewLabels)
+ to.setting.modifyHeaderViewLabels.call(to, to.tv.dVSDt, to.tv.dVEDt, to.setting.selectedDate, sHeaderViewLabel, to.setting.visibleView);
+ $(to.elem).find(".cContHeaderLabel").html(sHeaderViewLabel);
+ },
+ // Public Method
+ getEventDateTimeDataForWeekPlannerView: function(dEvStartDate, dEvEndDate, bIsAllDay, dThisDate)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var sDateTimeString = "", sSeparator = "";
+ if(bIsAllDay)
+ {
+ if(to.compareDates(dEvStartDate, dEvEndDate) === 0)
+ sDateTimeString = "
"+to.setting.miscStrings.allDay+" ";
+ else
+ sDateTimeString = "
"+to.setting.miscStrings.allDay+" " + sSeparator + "
"+ ($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.duration, "Default") ? to.__getDurationBetweenDates(dThisDate, dEvEndDate, "d", false, false) : to.setting.duration.call(to, dThisDate, dEvEndDate, "d")) +" ";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(to.compareDates(dEvStartDate, dEvEndDate) === 0)
+ sDateTimeString = "
" + to.getDateInFormat({"date": dEvStartDate}, "hh:mm", to.setting.is24Hour, true) + " " + sSeparator + "
" + ($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.duration, "Default") ? to.__getDurationBetweenDates(dEvStartDate, dEvEndDate, "dhm", false, false) : to.setting.duration.call(to, dEvStartDate, dEvEndDate, "dhm")) + " ";
+ else
+ {
+ if(to.compareDates(dEvStartDate, dThisDate) === 0)
+ sDateTimeString = "
" + to.getDateInFormat({"date": dEvStartDate}, "hh:mm", to.setting.is24Hour, true) + " " + sSeparator + "
" + ($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.duration, "Default") ? to.__getDurationBetweenDates(dEvStartDate, dEvEndDate, "dhm", false, false) : to.setting.duration.call(to, dEvStartDate, dEvEndDate, "dhm")) + " ";
+ else if(to.compareDates(dEvEndDate, dThisDate) === 0)
+ sDateTimeString = "
"+to.setting.miscStrings.ends+" " + sSeparator + "
" + to.getDateInFormat({"date": dEvEndDate}, "hh:mm", to.setting.is24Hour, true) + " ";
+ else
+ sDateTimeString = "
"+to.setting.miscStrings.allDay+" " + sSeparator + "
"+ ($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.duration, "Default") ? to.__getDurationBetweenDates(dThisDate, dEvEndDate, "dhm", false, false) : to.setting.duration.call(to, dThisDate, dEvEndDate, "dhm"))+" ";
+ }
+ }
+ return sDateTimeString;
+ },
+ __goToPrevWeekPlannerView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var iCurrentDateMS = to.tv.dVSDt.getTime();
+ iCurrentDateMS -= (to.tv.iNoVDay * $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.d);
+ to.setting.selectedDate = to.setDateInFormat({"date": new Date(iCurrentDateMS)}, "START");
+ to.tv.dLoadDt = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.setting.selectedDate}, "START");
+ to.tv.sLoadType = "Prev";
+ to.__reloadCurrentView(false, true);
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ to.__reloadDatePickerContentOnNavigation();
+ }, 10);
+ },
+ __goToNextWeekPlannerView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var iCurrentDateMS = to.tv.dVEDt.getTime();
+ iCurrentDateMS += $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.d;
+ to.setting.selectedDate = to.setDateInFormat({"date": new Date(iCurrentDateMS)}, "START");
+ to.tv.dLoadDt = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.setting.selectedDate}, "START");
+ to.tv.sLoadType = "Next";
+ to.__reloadCurrentView(false, true);
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ to.__reloadDatePickerContentOnNavigation();
+ }, 10);
+ },
+ // Public Method
+ adjustWeekPlannerView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var icwpvCalendarContMaxHeight = $(to.elem).find(".cwpvCalendarCont").css("max-height");
+ icwpvCalendarContMaxHeight = parseInt(icwpvCalendarContMaxHeight.replace("px", "")) || 0;
+ var icwpvCalendarContMinHeight = $(to.elem).find(".cwpvCalendarCont").css("min-height");
+ icwpvCalendarContMinHeight = parseInt(icwpvCalendarContMinHeight.replace("px", "")) || 0;
+ if(icwpvCalendarContMaxHeight > 0 && $(to.elem).height() > icwpvCalendarContMaxHeight)
+ $(to.elem).css({"height": icwpvCalendarContMaxHeight});
+ else if(icwpvCalendarContMinHeight > 0 && $(to.elem).height() < icwpvCalendarContMinHeight)
+ $(to.elem).css({"height": icwpvCalendarContMinHeight});
+ if(to.tv.iCalHeight !== 0)
+ $(to.elem).css({"height": to.tv.iCalHeight});
+ var iCalendarContWidth = $(to.elem).find(".calendarCont").parent().outerWidth(),
+ iCalendarContHeight = $(to.elem).find(".calendarCont").outerHeight();
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Left") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Right"))
+ iCalendarContWidth -= to.setting.filterBarWidth;
+ if(to.tv.bDisFBar && ($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Top") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Bottom")))
+ {
+ $(to.elem).find(".cFilterBar").css({"width": iCalendarContWidth});
+ iCalendarContHeight -= $(to.elem).find(".cFilterBar").height();
+ }
+ $(to.elem).find(".calendarContInner").css({"width": iCalendarContWidth, "height": iCalendarContHeight});
+ if(!to.setting.fixedHeightOfWeekPlannerViewCells)
+ $(to.elem).find(".cwpvTableOuterCont").css({"width": iCalendarContWidth});
+ iCalendarContWidth = iCalendarContWidth - 1;
+ if(!to.setting.fixedHeightOfWeekPlannerViewCells)
+ $(to.elem).find(".cwpvTableMain").css({"width": iCalendarContWidth});
+ else
+ $(to.elem).find(".cwpvTableMain").css({"width": iCalendarContWidth});
+ $(to.elem).find(".cwpvRowTwoColumn .cwpvColumn").css({"width": (iCalendarContWidth / 2)});
+ to.__adjustHeader();
+ if(to.tv.bDisFBar && $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Right"))
+ $(to.elem).find(".cFilterBar").css({"left": iCalendarContWidth});
+ iCalendarContHeight -= (($(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").length > 0) ? $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").outerHeight() : 0);
+ if(to.tv.bDisABar)
+ iCalendarContHeight -= $(to.elem).find(".cActionBar").outerHeight();
+ if(to.setting.fixedHeightOfWeekPlannerViewCells)
+ $(to.elem).find(".cwpvTableMain").css({"height": iCalendarContHeight});
+ else
+ $(to.elem).find(".cwpvTableOuterCont").css({"height": iCalendarContHeight});
+ var iTwoColumnWidth = $(to.elem).find(".cwpvRowTwoColumn .cwpvColumn").width(),
+ iOneColumnWidth = $(to.elem).find(".cwpvRowOneColumn .cwpvColumn").width(),
+ iOneColumnDateWidth = $(to.elem).find(".cwpvRowOneColumn .cwpvDate").width();
+ $(to.elem).find(".cwpvRowTwoColumn .cwpvEventContent").css({"width": (iTwoColumnWidth - 35)});
+ $(to.elem).find(".cwpvRowOneColumn .cwpvEventContent").css({"width": (iOneColumnWidth - (iOneColumnDateWidth + 50))});
+ $(to.elem).find(".cwpvRowOneColumn .cwpvEventCont").css({"width": (iOneColumnWidth - (iOneColumnDateWidth + 17))});
+ if(to.setting.fixedHeightOfWeekPlannerViewCells)
+ {
+ var iTwoColumnCellsAvHeight = 0.8 * iCalendarContHeight,
+ iTwoColumnCellsHeight = iTwoColumnCellsAvHeight/3,
+ iOneColumnCellsHeight = 0.2 * iCalendarContHeight,
+ $oTwoColumn = $(to.elem).find(".cwpvRowTwoColumn"),
+ $oOneColumn = $(to.elem).find(".cwpvRowOneColumn"),
+ iTwoColumnDateHeight = $oOneColumn.find(".cwpvDate").height(),
+ iTwoColumnEventContHeight = iTwoColumnCellsHeight - iTwoColumnDateHeight;
+ $oTwoColumn.css({"height": iTwoColumnCellsHeight});
+ $oOneColumn.css({"height": iOneColumnCellsHeight});
+ $oTwoColumn.find(".cwpvEventCont").css({"height": iTwoColumnEventContHeight});
+ $oOneColumn.find(".cwpvEventCont").css({"height": (iOneColumnCellsHeight - 25)});
+ }
+ }
+/*! ---------------------------------- CalenStyle Week Planner View End --------------------------------- */
+/*! ---------------------------------- CalenStyle DayList View Start --------------------------------- */
+//"use strict";
+CalenStyle.prototype = $.extend(CalenStyle.prototype, {
+ setEventOrTaskStatusForCurrentView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ to.tv.bEvTskStatus = false;
+ to.tv.oAEvTaskStatus = [];
+ var oArrEvents = to.getArrayOfEventsForView(to.tv.dVSDt, to.tv.dVEDt),
+ iEvIndex, oEvent,
+ iEvStatusIndex, oEventStatus;
+ for(iEvIndex = 0; iEvIndex < oArrEvents.length; iEvIndex++)
+ {
+ oEvent = oArrEvents[iEvIndex];
+ if($.cf.isValid(oEvent.status))
+ {
+ for(iEvStatusIndex = 0; iEvStatusIndex < to.setting.eventOrTaskStatusIndicators.length; iEvStatusIndex++)
+ {
+ oEventStatus = to.setting.eventOrTaskStatusIndicators[iEvStatusIndex];
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(oEvent.status, oEventStatus.name))
+ {
+ to.tv.bEvTskStatus = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(to.tv.bEvTskStatus)
+ {
+ var iDateIndex, dThisDate, oDayStatus,
+ dStartDateTime, dEndDateTime, bIsAllDay, iNoOfDays, iEvDateIndex;
+ for(iDateIndex = 0; iDateIndex < to.tv.iNoVDay; iDateIndex++)
+ {
+ dThisDate = to.tv.dAVDt[iDateIndex];
+ oDayStatus = {};
+ oDayStatus.date = dThisDate;
+ oDayStatus.statuscount = [];
+ for(iEvStatusIndex = 0; iEvStatusIndex < to.setting.eventOrTaskStatusIndicators.length; iEvStatusIndex++)
+ oDayStatus.statuscount.push(0);
+ to.tv.oAEvTaskStatus.push(oDayStatus);
+ }
+ for(iEvIndex = 0; iEvIndex < oArrEvents.length; iEvIndex++)
+ {
+ oEvent = oArrEvents[iEvIndex];
+ if($.cf.isValid(oEvent.status))
+ {
+ for(iEvStatusIndex = 0; iEvStatusIndex < to.setting.eventOrTaskStatusIndicators.length; iEvStatusIndex++)
+ {
+ oEventStatus = to.setting.eventOrTaskStatusIndicators[iEvStatusIndex];
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(oEvent.status, oEventStatus.name))
+ {
+ oEvent.statusColor = $.cf.addHashToHexcode(oEventStatus.color);
+ dStartDateTime = $.cf.isValid(oEvent.start) ? oEvent.start : null;
+ dEndDateTime = $.cf.isValid(oEvent.end) ? oEvent.end : null;
+ bIsAllDay = $.cf.isValid(oEvent.isAllDay) ? oEvent.isAllDay : false;
+ iNoOfDays = to.getNumberOfDaysOfEvent(bIsAllDay, dStartDateTime, dEndDateTime, false, true, true);
+ dThisDate = new Date(dStartDateTime);
+ dThisDate = to.setDateInFormat({"date": dThisDate}, "START");
+ for(iDateIndex = 0; iDateIndex < iNoOfDays; iDateIndex++)
+ {
+ iEvDateIndex = to.__getDateIndexInView(dThisDate);
+ if(iEvDateIndex !== -1)
+ {
+ to.tv.oAEvTaskStatus[iEvDateIndex].statuscount[iEvStatusIndex] = ++to.tv.oAEvTaskStatus[iEvDateIndex].statuscount[iEvStatusIndex];
+ dThisDate = new Date(dThisDate.getTime() + $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.d);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ __updateDayListViewTable: function(bLoadAllData, bAddView)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ if(bAddView)
+ {
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.tv.sLoadType, "Prev"))
+ to.tv.dLoadDt = to.tv.dAVDt[0];
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.tv.sLoadType, "Next"))
+ to.tv.dLoadDt = to.tv.dAVDt[(to.tv.dAVDt.length - 1)];
+ var sTemplate = "";
+ sTemplate += "
+ for(var iDateIndex = 0; iDateIndex < to.tv.iNoVDay; iDateIndex++)
+ {
+ var sTempId = "cdlvRowDay"+iDateIndex;
+ sTemplate += "";
+ sTemplate += "
+ sTemplate += "
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayEventListView") && $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.eventIndicatorInDayListView, "Custom"))
+ sTemplate += "
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ }
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdlvDaysTableMain").html(sTemplate);
+ }
+ to.__setDateStringsForDayListView(to.tv.iNoVDay, to.tv.dAVDt, 0);
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayEventListView"))
+ {
+ to.__parseData(bLoadAllData, function()
+ {
+ to.setEventOrTaskStatusForCurrentView();
+ if(to.tv.bEvTskStatus)
+ {
+ for(var iDateIndex = 0; iDateIndex < to.tv.iNoVDay; iDateIndex++)
+ {
+ $(to.elem).find("#cdlvRowDay"+iDateIndex).append("
+ }
+ to.__displayEventOrTaskStatusForDayListView();
+ }
+ to.__setDateStringsForDayListView(to.tv.iNoVDay, to.tv.dAVDt, 0);
+ var sHTMLElements = "";
+ if(to.setting.displayEventsForPeriodInList)
+ sHTMLElements = to.setting.displayEventsForPeriodInList.call(to, to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.setting.selectedDate}, "START"), to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.setting.selectedDate}, "END"));
+ $(to.elem).find(".cListOuterCont").html(sHTMLElements);
+ to.addRemoveViewLoader(false, "cEventLoaderBg");
+ to.addRemoveLoaderIndicators(false, "cEventLoaderIndicator");
+ if(to.setting.eventListAppended)
+ to.setting.eventListAppended.call(to);
+ to.__modifyFilterBarCallback();
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ __displayEventOrTaskStatusForDayListView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var iDateIndex, dThisDate, oDayStatus,
+ iEvStatusIndex, oStatusSetting,
+ sStatusClass, sStatusStyle, iStatusCount,
+ sTemplate = "";
+ for(iDateIndex = 0; iDateIndex < to.tv.iNoVDay; iDateIndex++)
+ {
+ dThisDate = to.tv.dAVDt[iDateIndex];
+ oDayStatus = to.tv.oAEvTaskStatus[iDateIndex];
+ sTemplate = "";
+ for(iEvStatusIndex = 0; iEvStatusIndex < to.setting.eventOrTaskStatusIndicators.length; iEvStatusIndex++)
+ {
+ oStatusSetting = to.setting.eventOrTaskStatusIndicators[iEvStatusIndex];
+ sStatusClass = "cdlvStatus cdlvStatus" + oStatusSetting.name;
+ sStatusStyle = "background: " + $.cf.addHashToHexcode(oStatusSetting.color);
+ iStatusCount = oDayStatus.statuscount[iEvStatusIndex];
+ if(iStatusCount > 0)
+ sTemplate += "
" + to.getNumberStringInFormat(iStatusCount, 0, true) + " ";
+ }
+ $(to.elem).find("#cdlvRowDay"+iDateIndex+" .cdlvTableRowStatusGroup").html(sTemplate);
+ }
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdlvDaysTableRowIndicator").remove(); // Comment this if you want to Indicator alongwith Event or Task Status
+ },
+ __setDateStringsForDayListView: function(iNoOfDays, oArrDates, iStartIndex)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ for(var iDateIndex = iStartIndex; iDateIndex < iNoOfDays; iDateIndex++)
+ {
+ var dTempDate = oArrDates[iDateIndex];
+ var bTodayMatched = (to.compareDates(dTempDate, $.CalenStyle.extra.dToday) === 0) ? true : false,
+ bCurrentDateMatched = (to.compareDates(dTempDate, to.setting.selectedDate) === 0) ? true : false,
+ bTodaySelected = (to.compareDates(to.setting.selectedDate, $.CalenStyle.extra.dToday) === 0) ? true : false,
+ /* -------------------------- Table Row 1 Start ------------------------------- */
+ iDayOfWeek = dTempDate.getDay(),
+ sDayId = ".cdlvDaysTableMain #cdlvRowDay"+iDateIndex,
+ iDay = dTempDate.getDate(),
+ iMonth = dTempDate.getMonth(),
+ iYear = dTempDate.getFullYear(),
+ iThisDateMS = dTempDate.getTime(),
+ $oTableCell = $(to.elem).find(sDayId);
+ if(bTodayMatched)
+ {
+ if(bTodaySelected)
+ $oTableCell.find(".cdlvDaysTableRowDays").addClass("cdlvTodayHighlightSelectedText");
+ $oTableCell.find(".cdlvDaysTableRowDays").addClass("cdlvTodayHighlightText");
+ $oTableCell.find(".cdlvDaysTableRowDates span").addClass("cdlvTodayHighlightCircle");
+ }
+ else if(bCurrentDateMatched)
+ {
+ $oTableCell.find(".cdlvDaysTableRowDays").addClass("cdlvCurrentHighlightText");
+ $oTableCell.find(".cdlvDaysTableRowDates span").addClass("cdlvCurrentHighlightCircle");
+ }
+ $oTableCell.find(".cdlvDaysTableRowDays").html(to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": {D: iDayOfWeek}}, "DDD", false, true));
+ $oTableCell.find(".cdlvDaysTableRowDates span").html(to.getNumberStringInFormat(iDay, 0, true));
+ $oTableCell.bind($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandler, {"iThisDateMS": iThisDateMS, "iDateIndex": iDateIndex, "pluginId": to.tv.pluginId}, to._makeDayClickableInDayListView);
+ // Comment lines below if you want to Indicator alongwith Event or Task Status
+ if(!to.tv.bEvTskStatus) // Comment
+ { // Comment
+ var dTempViewStartDate = new Date(iYear, iMonth, iDay, 0, 0, 0, 0),
+ dTempViewEndDate = new Date(iYear, iMonth, iDay, 23, 59, 59, 0),
+ oArrDayDetails = to.getEventCountAndIsMarkedDay(dTempViewStartDate, dTempViewEndDate),
+ iArrTempLength = oArrDayDetails[0],
+ bIsMarked = oArrDayDetails[1],
+ sMarkedColor = oArrDayDetails[2],
+ sEventIndClass = "cdlvDaysTableRowIndicator ",
+ sSpanStyle = "";
+ if(iArrTempLength !== 0)
+ {
+ if(iArrTempLength < to.setting.averageEventsPerDayForDayHighlightView)
+ iArrTempLength = iArrTempLength * (100 / to.setting.averageEventsPerDayForDayHighlightView);
+ else
+ iArrTempLength = 100;
+ if(iArrTempLength > 100)
+ iArrTempLength = 100;
+ }
+ $(to.elem).find("#cdlvRowDay"+iDateIndex+" .cdlvDaysTableRowIndicator").remove();
+ //$(to.elem).find("#cdlvRowDay"+iDateIndex+" .cdlvDaysTableRowCustom").remove();
+ sSpanStyle = "width:"+iArrTempLength+"%; ";
+ if(bIsMarked)
+ {
+ sEventIndClass += "cMarkedDayLineIndicator";
+ if($.cf.isValid(sMarkedColor))
+ sSpanStyle += "background: " + sMarkedColor + ";";
+ }
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayEventListView"))
+ {
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.eventIndicatorInDayListView, "DayHighlight"))
+ $(to.elem).find("#cdlvRowDay"+iDateIndex).append("
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayEventDetailView"))
+ $(to.elem).find("#cdlvRowDay"+iDateIndex).append("
+ }// Comment
+ /* -------------------------- Table Row 1 End ------------------------------- */
+ }
+ if(to.tv.bEvTskStatus && $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayEventListView"))
+ {
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.eventIndicatorInDayListView, "Custom"))
+ {
+ if(to.setting.modifyCustomView)
+ to.setting.modifyCustomView.call(to, oArrDates);
+ }
+ }
+ to._setDateStringsInHeaderForDayListView();
+ if(!$.CalenStyle.extra.bTouchDevice)
+ to._addHoverClassesForDayListView();
+ },
+ _setDateStringsInHeaderForDayListView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var oDVDate = to.getDateInFormat({"date": to.setting.selectedDate}, "object", false, true),
+ sHeaderViewLabel = "
" + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oDVDate}, "MMMM", false, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oDVDate.d, 0, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oDVDate.y, 0, true);
+ if(to.setting.modifyHeaderViewLabels)
+ to.setting.modifyHeaderViewLabels.call(to, to.tv.dVSDt, to.tv.dVEDt, to.setting.selectedDate, sHeaderViewLabel, to.setting.visibleView);
+ $(to.elem).find(".cContHeaderLabel").html(sHeaderViewLabel);
+ },
+ _addHoverClassesForDayListView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdlvTableColumns").hover(
+ function(e)
+ {
+ var bTodayMatched = ($(this).find(".cdlvDaysTableRowDays .cTodayHighlightTextColor").length > 0) ? true : false,
+ bCurrentDateMatched = $(this).find(".cdlvDaysTableRowDays").hasClass("cCurrentDateHighlightBg");
+ if(!bTodayMatched && !bCurrentDateMatched)
+ {
+ $(this).find(".cdlvDaysTableRowDays").addClass("cdlvDaysTableRowDatesHover");
+ $(this).find(".cdlvDaysTableRowDates").addClass("cdlvDaysTableRowDatesHover");
+ }
+ },
+ function(e)
+ {
+ $(this).find(".cdlvDaysTableRowDays").removeClass("cdlvDaysTableRowDatesHover");
+ $(this).find(".cdlvDaysTableRowDates").removeClass("cdlvDaysTableRowDatesHover");
+ }
+ );
+ },
+ __goToPrevDayListView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ if(to.setting.showTransition)
+ {
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ var $occCDLVDaysTableMain = $(to.elem).find(".cdlvDaysTableMain"),
+ icdvDaysTableWidth = $occCDLVDaysTableMain.width(),
+ icdvDaysTableLeft = $occCDLVDaysTableMain.position().left,
+ icdvDaysTableTop = 0;
+ if($(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").length > 0)
+ icdvDaysTableTop = $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").position().top + $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").outerHeight() - 1;
+ else
+ icdvDaysTableTop = $(to.elem).position().top;
+ var newElem = $occCDLVDaysTableMain.clone();
+ $(newElem).removeClass("cdlvDaysTableMain").addClass("cdlvDaysTableTemp");
+ $(newElem).css({"position": "absolute", "top": icdvDaysTableTop, "left": icdvDaysTableLeft});
+ $(newElem).css({"z-index": 101});
+ $occCDLVDaysTableMain.parent().append(newElem);
+ icdvDaysTableLeft = icdvDaysTableLeft + icdvDaysTableWidth;
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ $(newElem).animate({"left": icdvDaysTableLeft}, to.setting.transitionSpeed);
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdlvDaysTableTemp").remove();
+ }, to.setting.transitionSpeed);
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ }
+ var oArrDates = [],
+ iNoOfDays = to.tv.iNoVDay + 1;
+ if(to.setting.daysInDayListView === 7)
+ oArrDates = to.__setCurrentViewDatesArray(iNoOfDays, to.tv.dVSDt, null, "Prev");
+ else
+ oArrDates = to.__setCurrentViewDatesArray(iNoOfDays, to.tv.dVEDt, null, "Prev");
+ oArrDates.shift();
+ oArrDates.reverse();
+ to.setting.selectedDate = oArrDates[to.tv.iSelDay];
+ to.setting.selectedDate = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.setting.selectedDate}, "START");
+ to.tv.dLoadDt = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.setting.selectedDate}, "START");
+ to.tv.sLoadType = "Prev";
+ to.__reloadCurrentView(false, true);
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ to.__reloadDatePickerContentOnNavigation();
+ }, 10);
+ },
+ __goToNextDayListView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ if(to.setting.showTransition)
+ {
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ var $occCDLVDaysTableMain = $(to.elem).find(".cdlvDaysTableMain"),
+ icdvDaysTableWidth = $occCDLVDaysTableMain.width(),
+ icdvDaysTableLeft = $occCDLVDaysTableMain.position().left,
+ icdvDaysTableTop = 0;
+ if($(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").length > 0)
+ icdvDaysTableTop = $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").position().top + $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").outerHeight() - 1;
+ else
+ icdvDaysTableTop = $(to.elem).position().top;
+ var newElem = $occCDLVDaysTableMain.clone();
+ $(newElem).removeClass("cdlvDaysTableMain").addClass("cdlvDaysTableTemp");
+ $(newElem).css({"z-index": 101});
+ $(newElem).css({"position": "absolute", "top": icdvDaysTableTop, "left": icdvDaysTableLeft});
+ $occCDLVDaysTableMain.parent().append(newElem);
+ icdvDaysTableLeft = icdvDaysTableLeft - icdvDaysTableWidth;
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ $(newElem).animate({"left": icdvDaysTableLeft}, to.setting.transitionSpeed);
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdlvDaysTableTemp").remove();
+ }, to.setting.transitionSpeed);
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ }
+ var oArrDates = [],
+ iNoOfDays = to.tv.iNoVDay + 1;
+ if(to.setting.daysInDayListView === 7)
+ oArrDates = to.__setCurrentViewDatesArray(iNoOfDays, to.tv.dVEDt, null, "Next");
+ else
+ oArrDates = to.__setCurrentViewDatesArray(iNoOfDays, to.tv.dVSDt, null, "Next");
+ oArrDates.shift();
+ to.setting.selectedDate = oArrDates[to.tv.iSelDay];
+ to.setting.selectedDate = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.setting.selectedDate}, "START");
+ to.tv.dLoadDt = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.setting.selectedDate}, "START");
+ to.tv.sLoadType = "Next";
+ to.__reloadCurrentView(false, true);
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ to.__reloadDatePickerContentOnNavigation();
+ }, 10);
+ },
+ __adjustDayListView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var icdlvCalendarContMaxHeight = $(to.elem).find(".cdlvCalendarCont").css("max-height");
+ icdlvCalendarContMaxHeight = parseInt(icdlvCalendarContMaxHeight.replace("px", "")) || 0;
+ var icdlvCalendarContMinHeight = $(to.elem).find(".cdlvCalendarCont").css("min-height");
+ icdlvCalendarContMinHeight = parseInt(icdlvCalendarContMinHeight.replace("px", "")) || 0;
+ if(icdlvCalendarContMaxHeight > 0 && $(to.elem).height() > icdlvCalendarContMaxHeight)
+ $(to.elem).css({"height": icdlvCalendarContMaxHeight});
+ else if(icdlvCalendarContMinHeight > 0 && $(to.elem).height() < icdlvCalendarContMinHeight)
+ $(to.elem).css({"height": icdlvCalendarContMinHeight});
+ if(to.tv.iCalHeight !== 0)
+ $(to.elem).css({"height": to.tv.iCalHeight});
+ var iCalendarContWidth = $(to.elem).find(".calendarCont").parent().outerWidth(),
+ iCalendarContHeight = $(to.elem).find(".calendarCont").outerHeight();
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Left") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Right"))
+ iCalendarContWidth -= to.setting.filterBarWidth;
+ var icdlvTableWidth, icdlvTableColumnWidth;
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayEventListView"))
+ {
+ if(to.tv.bDisFBar && ($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Top") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Bottom")))
+ {
+ var iTempFilterBarWidth = iCalendarContWidth;
+ $(to.elem).find(".cFilterBar").css({"width": iTempFilterBarWidth});
+ iCalendarContHeight -= $(to.elem).find(".cFilterBar").height();
+ }
+ $(to.elem).find(".calendarContInner").css({"width": iCalendarContWidth, "height": iCalendarContHeight});
+ to.__adjustHeader();
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Right"))
+ $(to.elem).find(".cFilterBar").css({"left": iCalendarContWidth});
+ iCalendarContHeight -= ($(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").length > 0) ? $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").outerHeight() : 0;
+ if(to.tv.bDisABar)
+ iCalendarContHeight -= $(to.elem).find(".cActionBar").outerHeight();
+ icdlvTableWidth = iCalendarContWidth;
+ var iCDLVDaysTableRowHeight = $(to.elem).find(".cdlvDaysTableRowCustom").height();
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdlvDaysTableMain").css({"width": icdlvTableWidth, "height": iCDLVDaysTableRowHeight});
+ icdlvTableColumnWidth = icdlvTableWidth / to.tv.iNoVDay;
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdlvTableColumns").css({"width": icdlvTableColumnWidth});
+ var icdlvTableHeight = $(to.elem).find(".cdlvDaysTableMain").height();
+ iCalendarContHeight -= icdlvTableHeight;
+ $(to.elem).find(".cListOuterCont").css({"height": iCalendarContHeight});
+ to.setCalendarBorderColor();
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayEventDetailView"))
+ {
+ var icdvDetailTableColumnTimeWidth = $(to.elem).find(".cdvDetailTableColumnTime").width();
+ icdlvTableWidth = iCalendarContWidth - icdvDetailTableColumnTimeWidth - $.CalenStyle.extra.iScrollbarWidth;
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdlvDaysTableMain").css({"width": icdlvTableWidth});
+ icdlvTableColumnWidth = icdlvTableWidth / to.tv.iNoVDay;
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdlvTableColumns").css({"width": icdlvTableColumnWidth});
+ }
+ //to.__adjustFontSize();
+ },
+ _makeDayClickableInDayListView: function(e)
+ {
+ var oData = e.data,
+ to = $.CalenStyle.extra.oArrCalenStyle[(oData.pluginId - 1)],
+ dThisDate = new Date(oData.iThisDateMS),
+ iDateIndex = oData.iDateIndex,
+ bCompDates;
+ if(to.setting.daysInDayListView === 7 || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayEventDetailView"))
+ {
+ bCompDates = to.compareDates(to.setting.selectedDate, dThisDate);
+ if(bCompDates === 0 || bCompDates < 0)
+ to.tv.sLoadType = "Next";
+ else
+ to.tv.sLoadType = "Prev";
+ to.tv.bDyClDLV = true;
+ to.tv.iSelDay = iDateIndex;
+ to.setting.selectedDate = to.setDateInFormat({"date": dThisDate}, "START");
+ to.tv.dLoadDt = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.setting.selectedDate}, "START");
+ to.tv.dVDSDt = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.setting.selectedDate}, "START");
+ to.tv.dVDEDt = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.setting.selectedDate}, "END");
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayEventListView"))
+ {
+ var sHTMLElements = "";
+ if(to.setting.displayEventsForPeriodInList)
+ sHTMLElements = to.setting.displayEventsForPeriodInList.call(to, to.setDateInFormat({"date": dThisDate}, "START"), to.setDateInFormat({"date": dThisDate}, "END")) || "";
+ $(to.elem).find(".cListOuterCont").html(sHTMLElements);
+ if(to.setting.eventListAppended)
+ to.setting.eventListAppended.call(to);
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.visibleView, "DayEventDetailView"))
+ to.__reloadCurrentView(true, true);
+ to._setDateStringsInHeaderForDayListView();
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdlvTableColumns .cdlvDaysTableRowDays").removeClass("cdlvTodayHighlightText cdlvTodayHighlightSelectedText cdlvCurrentHighlightText cdlvDaysTableRowDatesHover");
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdlvTableColumns .cdlvDaysTableRowDates span").removeClass("cdlvTodayHighlightCircle cdlvCurrentHighlightCircle cdlvDaysTableRowDatesHover");
+ if(to.compareDates(dThisDate, $.CalenStyle.extra.dToday) === 0)
+ {
+ if(to.compareDates(to.setting.selectedDate, $.CalenStyle.extra.dToday) === 0)
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdlvDaysTableMain #cdlvRowDay"+oData.iDateIndex+" .cdlvDaysTableRowDays").addClass("cdlvTodayHighlightSelectedText");
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdlvDaysTableMain #cdlvRowDay"+oData.iDateIndex+" .cdlvDaysTableRowDays").addClass("cdlvTodayHighlightText");
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdlvDaysTableMain #cdlvRowDay"+oData.iDateIndex+" .cdlvDaysTableRowDates span").addClass("cdlvTodayHighlightCircle");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdlvDaysTableMain #cdlvRowDay"+oData.iDateIndex+" .cdlvDaysTableRowDays").addClass("cdlvCurrentHighlightText");
+ $(to.elem).find(".cdlvDaysTableMain #cdlvRowDay"+oData.iDateIndex+" .cdlvDaysTableRowDates span").addClass("cdlvCurrentHighlightCircle");
+ }
+ to.tv.bDyClDLV = false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bCompDates = to.compareDates(to.setting.selectedDate, dThisDate);
+ if(bCompDates !== 0)
+ {
+ if(bCompDates < 0)
+ to.tv.sLoadType = "Next";
+ else if(bCompDates > 0)
+ to.tv.sLoadType = "Prev";
+ to.setting.selectedDate = new Date(dThisDate);
+ to.__reloadCurrentView(false, true);
+ to.__reloadDatePickerContentOnNavigation();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/*! ---------------------------------- CalenStyle DayList View End --------------------------------- */
+/*! ------------------------------------ CalenStyle Appointment View Start ----------------------------------- */
+//"use strict";
+CalenStyle.prototype = $.extend(CalenStyle.prototype, {
+ _getSlotAvailabilityForCurrentView: function(dThisDate)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var oArrThisDateStatus = [];
+ for(var iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < to.tv.oASltAvail.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ var oTempStatus = to.tv.oASltAvail[iTempIndex];
+ var dTempStatusStart = new Date(oTempStatus.start);
+ var dTempStatusEnd = new Date(oTempStatus.end);
+ if(to.compareDates(dThisDate, dTempStatusStart) === 0 && to.compareDates(dThisDate, dTempStatusEnd) === 0)
+ {
+ if(to.compareDateTimes(dTempStatusStart, dTempStatusEnd) < 0)
+ oArrThisDateStatus.push(oTempStatus);
+ }
+ }
+ return oArrThisDateStatus;
+ },
+ __updateAppointmentTable: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var iDateIndex;
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.tv.sLoadType, "Prev"))
+ to.tv.dLoadDt = to.tv.dAVDt[0];
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(to.tv.sLoadType, "Next"))
+ to.tv.dLoadDt = to.tv.dAVDt[(to.tv.dAVDt.length - 1)];
+ var sTemplate = "";
+ sTemplate += "
+ sTemplate += "";
+ for(iDateIndex = 0; iDateIndex < to.tv.iNoVDay; iDateIndex++)
+ {
+ var sTempId = "cavRowDay"+iDateIndex,
+ sLastElemClass = "";
+ if(iDateIndex === (to.tv.iNoVDay - 1))
+ sLastElemClass = "cavLastColumn";
+ sTemplate += "";
+ sTemplate += "
+ sTemplate += "
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ }
+ if($.CalenStyle.extra.iScrollbarWidth > 0)
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ sTemplate += "
+ sTemplate += "";
+ for(iDateIndex = 0; iDateIndex < to.tv.iNoVDay; iDateIndex++)
+ {
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ }
+ if($.CalenStyle.extra.iScrollbarWidth > 0)
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ $(to.elem).find(".cavTableMain").html(sTemplate);
+ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ sTemplate = "";
+ sTemplate += "
+ for(var iTempIndex1 = 0; iTempIndex1 < 4; iTempIndex1++)
+ {
+ var sTitle = "";
+ if(iTempIndex1 === 0)
+ sTitle = "Night";
+ else if(iTempIndex1 === 1)
+ sTitle = "Morning";
+ else if(iTempIndex1 === 2)
+ sTitle = "Afternoon";
+ else if(iTempIndex1 === 3)
+ sTitle = "Evening";
+ sTemplate += "";
+ sTemplate += "" + sTitle + " ";
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ sTemplate += "";
+ for(var iTempIndex2 = 1; iTempIndex2 < (to.tv.iNoVDay + 1); iTempIndex2++)
+ {
+ sTemplate += "";
+ for(var iTempIndex3 = 0; iTempIndex3 < 3; iTempIndex3++)
+ sTemplate += "
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ }
+ sTemplate += " ";
+ }
+ sTemplate += "
+ $(to.elem).find(".cavContRow2Main").html(sTemplate);
+ to._setDateStringsInAppointmentView();
+ },
+ _setDateStringsInAppointmentView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ for(var iDateIndex = 0; iDateIndex < to.tv.iNoVDay; iDateIndex++)
+ {
+ var dTempDate = to.tv.dAVDt[iDateIndex];
+ var bTodayMatched = (to.compareDates(dTempDate, $.CalenStyle.extra.dToday) === 0) ? true : false,
+ /* -------------------------- Table Row 1 Start ------------------------------- */
+ sDayId = ".cavTableMain #cavRowDay"+iDateIndex;
+ if(bTodayMatched)
+ {
+ $(to.elem).find(sDayId+" .cavTableRowDays").addClass("cTodayHighlightTextColor");
+ $(to.elem).find(sDayId+" .cavTableRowDates span").addClass("cTodayHighlightCircle");
+ }
+ $(to.elem).find(sDayId+" .cavTableRowDays").html(to.getDateInFormat({"date": dTempDate}, "DDD", false, true));
+ $(to.elem).find(sDayId+" .cavTableRowDates span").html(to.getNumberStringInFormat(dTempDate.getDate(), 0, true));
+ /* -------------------------- Table Row 1 End ------------------------------- */
+ }
+ var oAVStart = to.getDateInFormat({"date": to.tv.dVSDt}, "object", to.setting.is24Hour, true),
+ oAVEnd = to.getDateInFormat({"date": to.tv.dVEDt}, "object", to.setting.is24Hour, true);
+ var sHeaderViewLabel;
+ if(to.tv.iNoVDay > 1)
+ {
+ if(oAVStart.y === oAVEnd.y)
+ {
+ if(oAVStart.M === oAVEnd.M)
+ sHeaderViewLabel = "
" + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oAVStart}, "MMM", false, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oAVStart.d, 0, true) + " -
" + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oAVEnd.d, 0, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oAVEnd.y, 0, true);
+ else
+ sHeaderViewLabel = "
" + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oAVStart}, "MMM", false, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oAVStart.d, 0, true) + " -
" + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oAVEnd}, "MMM", false, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oAVEnd.d, 0, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oAVEnd.y, 0, true);
+ }
+ else
+ sHeaderViewLabel = "
" + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oAVStart}, "MMM", false, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oAVStart.d, 0, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oAVStart.y, 0, true) + " -
" + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oAVEnd}, "MMM", false, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oAVEnd.d, 0, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oAVEnd.y, 0, true);
+ }
+ else
+ sHeaderViewLabel = "
" + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oAVStart}, "DDDD", false, true) + " " + to.getDateInFormat({"iDate": oAVEnd}, "MMMM", false, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oAVEnd.d, 0, true) + " " + to.getNumberStringInFormat(oAVEnd.y, 0, true);
+ if(to.setting.modifyHeaderViewLabels)
+ to.setting.modifyHeaderViewLabels.call(to, to.tv.dVSDt, to.tv.dVEDt, to.setting.selectedDate, sHeaderViewLabel, to.setting.visibleView);
+ $(to.elem).find(".cContHeaderLabel").html(sHeaderViewLabel);
+ },
+ __displayAppointments: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var iSlotIndex = 0, iMaxLength = 0, iDateIndex,
+ oArrTemp = [], dTempDate, oArrTempStatus;
+ for(iDateIndex = 0; iDateIndex < to.tv.iNoVDay; iDateIndex++)
+ {
+ dTempDate = to.tv.dAVDt[iDateIndex];
+ oArrTempStatus = to._getSlotAvailabilityForCurrentView(dTempDate);
+ var iTempStatusLength = oArrTempStatus.length;
+ if(iMaxLength < iTempStatusLength)
+ iMaxLength = iTempStatusLength;
+ oArrTemp.push(oArrTempStatus);
+ }
+ $(to.elem).find(".cavSlotTableMain .cavSlotTableRow .cavSlotTableSubColumns").html("");
+ for(iDateIndex = 0; iDateIndex < to.tv.iNoVDay; iDateIndex++)
+ {
+ dTempDate = to.tv.dAVDt[iDateIndex];
+ oArrTempStatus = oArrTemp[iDateIndex];
+ var iSlot1Index = 2, iSlot2Index = 2, iSlot3Index = 2;
+ for(var iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < oArrTempStatus.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ var oTempStatus = oArrTempStatus[iTempIndex],
+ dTempStartTime = oTempStatus.start,
+ sTempStartTime = to.getDateInFormat({"date": dTempStartTime}, "hh:mm", to.setting.is24Hour, true),
+ sTempStatus = oTempStatus.status,
+ iTimeIndex, iSubColIndex;
+ if(dTempStartTime.getHours() >= 0 && dTempStartTime.getHours() < 6)
+ {
+ iTimeIndex = 1;
+ iSubColIndex = ++iSlot1Index;
+ }
+ else if(dTempStartTime.getHours() >= 6 && dTempStartTime.getHours() < 12)
+ {
+ iTimeIndex = 2;
+ iSubColIndex = ++iSlot1Index;
+ }
+ else if(dTempStartTime.getHours() >= 12 && dTempStartTime.getHours() < 18)
+ {
+ iTimeIndex = 3;
+ iSubColIndex = ++iSlot2Index;
+ }
+ else if(dTempStartTime.getHours() >= 18 && dTempStartTime.getHours() < 24)
+ {
+ iTimeIndex = 4;
+ iSubColIndex = ++iSlot3Index;
+ }
+ var sRowId = ".cavSlotTableMain .cavSlotTableRow"+iTimeIndex+" .cavSlotTableCol"+(iDateIndex+1)+" .cavSlotTableSubCol"+(iSubColIndex%3),
+ sClass = "cavSlot",
+ sTitle = "";
+ if(to.setting.isTooltipInAppointmentView && to.setting.slotTooltipContent)
+ {
+ sTitle = to.setting.slotTooltipContent.call(to, oTempStatus);
+ sClass += " cTimeSlotTooltip";
+ }
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(sTempStatus, "Free"))
+ sClass += " cavStatusFree";
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(sTempStatus, "Busy"))
+ sClass += " cavStatusBusy";
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(sTempStatus, "Free") || $.cf.compareStrings(sTempStatus, "Busy"))
+ {
+ var sSlotId = "cavSlot" + (++iSlotIndex);
+ var sTemplate = "
" + sTempStartTime +"
+ $(to.elem).find(sRowId).append(sTemplate);
+ if(to.setting.clickedAppointmentSlot)
+ $(to.elem).find("#"+sSlotId).bind($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandler, {"oTempStatus": oTempStatus, "pluginId": to.tv.pluginId}, to._makeAppointmentSlotClickable);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for(var iRowIndex = 1; iRowIndex < 5; iRowIndex++)
+ {
+ var $oRow = $(to.elem).find(".cavSlotTableRow" + iRowIndex);
+ if($oRow.length > 0 && $oRow.find(".cavSlot").length === 0)
+ $oRow.remove();
+ }
+ to.addRemoveViewLoader(false, "cEventLoaderBg");
+ to.addRemoveLoaderIndicators(false, "cEventLoaderIndicator");
+ if(to.setting.isTooltipInAppointmentView)
+ to._addTooltipInAppointmentView();
+ if(to.setting.timeSlotsAddedInView)
+ to.setting.timeSlotsAddedInView.call(to, to.setting.visibleView, ".cavSlot");
+ },
+ _addTooltipInAppointmentView: function(oElement)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var $oElement = $.cf.isValid(oElement) ? $(oElement) : $(to.elem).find(".cTimeSlotTooltip");
+ $oElement.tooltip(
+ {
+ content: function()
+ {
+ var sTooltipContent = $(this).data("tooltipcontent");
+ if(sTooltipContent === "")
+ return false;
+ else
+ return ("
" + sTooltipContent + "
+ },
+ position:
+ {
+ my: "center bottom-10",
+ at: "center top",
+ using: function(position, feedback)
+ {
+ $(this).css(position);
+ $("
+ .addClass("tooltip-arrow")
+ .addClass(feedback.vertical)
+ .addClass(feedback.horizontal)
+ .appendTo(this);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ _makeAppointmentSlotClickable: function(e)
+ {
+ var oData = e.data,
+ to = $.CalenStyle.extra.oArrCalenStyle[(oData.pluginId - 1)],
+ oElement = e.target,
+ oTempStatus = oData.oTempStatus;
+ if(to.setting.clickedAppointmentSlot)
+ to.setting.clickedAppointmentSlot.call(to, oTempStatus, oElement);
+ },
+ // Public Method
+ modifyAppointmentSlot: function(oTempStatus, oElement)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ if($.cf.isValid(oTempStatus))
+ {
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(oTempStatus.status, "Free"))
+ {
+ if($.cf.isValid(oTempStatus.count))
+ {
+ if(oTempStatus.count === 0)
+ oTempStatus.status = "Busy";
+ else
+ {
+ if($(oElement).data('ui-tooltip'))
+ $(oElement).tooltip("destroy");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(oTempStatus.status, "Busy") && $(oElement).hasClass("cavStatusFree"))
+ {
+ if($(oElement).data('ui-tooltip'))
+ $(oElement).tooltip("destroy");
+ $(oElement).data("tooltipcontent", "");
+ $(oElement).removeClass("cavStatusFree cTimeSlotTooltip").addClass("cavStatusBusy");
+ }
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(oTempStatus.status, "Free"))
+ $(oElement).data("tooltipcontent", to.setting.slotTooltipContent.call(to, oTempStatus));
+ if(to.setting.isTooltipInAppointmentView)
+ to._addTooltipInAppointmentView(oElement);
+ }
+ },
+ __goToPrevAppointmentView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ if(to.setting.showTransition)
+ {
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ var $occCAVTableMain = $(to.elem).find(".cavTableMain"),
+ icavTableWidth = $occCAVTableMain.width(),
+ icavTableLeft = $occCAVTableMain.position().left,
+ icavTableTop = 0;
+ if($(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").length > 0)
+ icavTableTop = $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").position().top + $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").outerHeight() - 1;
+ else
+ icavTableTop = $(to.elem).position().top;
+ var newElem = $occCAVTableMain.clone();
+ $(newElem).removeClass(".cavTableMain").addClass("cavTableTemp");
+ $(newElem).css({"position": "absolute", "top": icavTableTop, "left": icavTableLeft});
+ $occCAVTableMain.parent().append(newElem);
+ icavTableLeft = icavTableLeft + icavTableWidth;
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ var $occCAVContRow2Main = $(to.elem).find(".cavContRow2Main"),
+ icavContRow2Left = $occCAVContRow2Main.position().left,
+ icavContRow2Width= $occCAVContRow2Main.width();
+ var newElemCont2 = $occCAVContRow2Main.clone();
+ $(newElemCont2).removeClass("cavContRow2Main").addClass("cavContRow2Temp");
+ $occCAVContRow2Main.parent().append(newElemCont2);
+ icavContRow2Left = icavContRow2Left + icavContRow2Width;
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ $(to.elem).find(".cavContRow2Temp .cavSlotTableMain").removeClass("cavSlotTableMain").addClass("cavSlotTableTemp");
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ $(newElem).animate({"left": icavTableLeft}, to.setting.transitionSpeed);
+ $(newElemCont2).animate({"left": icavContRow2Left}, to.setting.transitionSpeed);
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ $(to.elem).find(".cavTableTemp").remove();
+ $(to.elem).find(".cavContRow2Temp").remove();
+ }, to.setting.transitionSpeed);
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ }
+ var iCurrentDateMS = to.tv.dVSDt.getTime();
+ if(to.setting.daysInAppointmentView === 7)
+ iCurrentDateMS -= (to.tv.iNoVDay * $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.d);
+ else
+ iCurrentDateMS -= $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.d;
+ to.setting.selectedDate = to.setDateInFormat({"date": new Date(iCurrentDateMS)}, "START");
+ to.tv.dLoadDt = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.setting.selectedDate}, "START");
+ to.tv.sLoadType = "Prev";
+ to.__reloadCurrentView(true, true);
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ to.__reloadDatePickerContentOnNavigation();
+ }, 10);
+ },
+ __goToNextAppointmentView: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ if(to.setting.showTransition)
+ {
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ var $occCAVTableMain = $(to.elem).find(".cavTableMain"),
+ icavTableWidth = $occCAVTableMain.width(),
+ icavTableLeft = $occCAVTableMain.position().left,
+ icavTableTop = 0;
+ if($(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").length > 0)
+ icavTableTop = $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").position().top + $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").outerHeight() - 1;
+ else
+ icavTableTop = $(to.elem).position().top;
+ var newElem = $occCAVTableMain.clone();
+ $(newElem).removeClass(".cavTableMain").addClass("cavTableTemp");
+ $(newElem).css({"position": "absolute", "top": icavTableTop, "left": icavTableLeft});
+ $occCAVTableMain.parent().append(newElem);
+ icavTableLeft = icavTableLeft - icavTableWidth;
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ var $occCAVContRow2Main = $(to.elem).find(".cavContRow2Main"),
+ icavContRow2Left = $occCAVContRow2Main.position().left,
+ icavContRow2Width= $occCAVContRow2Main.width();
+ var newElemCont2 = $occCAVContRow2Main.clone();
+ $(newElemCont2).removeClass("cavContRow2Main").addClass("cavContRow2Temp");
+ $occCAVContRow2Main.parent().append(newElemCont2);
+ icavContRow2Left = icavContRow2Left - icavContRow2Width;
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ $(newElem).animate({"left": icavTableLeft}, to.setting.transitionSpeed);
+ $(newElemCont2).animate({"left": icavContRow2Left}, to.setting.transitionSpeed);
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ $(to.elem).find(".cavTableTemp").remove();
+ $(to.elem).find(".cavContRow2Temp").remove();
+ }, to.setting.transitionSpeed);
+ //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ }
+ var iCurrentDateMS = to.tv.dVEDt.getTime();
+ iCurrentDateMS += $.CalenStyle.extra.iMS.d;
+ to.setting.selectedDate = to.setDateInFormat({"date": new Date(iCurrentDateMS)}, "START");
+ to.tv.dLoadDt = to.setDateInFormat({"date": to.setting.selectedDate}, "START");
+ to.tv.sLoadType = "Next";
+ to.__reloadCurrentView(true, true);
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ to.__reloadDatePickerContentOnNavigation();
+ }, 10);
+ },
+ __adjustAppointmentTable: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var icavCalendarContMaxHeight = $(to.elem).find(".cavCalendarCont").css("max-height");
+ icavCalendarContMaxHeight = parseInt(icavCalendarContMaxHeight.replace("px", "")) || 0;
+ var icavCalendarContMinHeight = $(to.elem).find(".cavCalendarCont").css("min-height");
+ icavCalendarContMinHeight = parseInt(icavCalendarContMinHeight.replace("px", "")) || 0;
+ if(icavCalendarContMaxHeight > 0 && $(to.elem).height() > icavCalendarContMaxHeight)
+ $(to.elem).css({"height": icavCalendarContMaxHeight});
+ else if(icavCalendarContMinHeight > 0 && $(to.elem).height() < icavCalendarContMinHeight)
+ $(to.elem).css({"height": icavCalendarContMinHeight});
+ if(to.tv.iCalHeight !== 0)
+ $(to.elem).css({"height": to.tv.iCalHeight});
+ var iCalendarContWidth = $(to.elem).find(".calendarCont").parent().outerWidth(),
+ iCalendarContHeight = $(to.elem).find(".calendarCont").outerHeight();
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Left") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Right"))
+ iCalendarContWidth -= to.setting.filterBarWidth;
+ if(to.tv.bDisFBar && ($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Top") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Bottom")))
+ {
+ $(to.elem).find(".cFilterBar").css({"width": iCalendarContWidth});
+ iCalendarContHeight -= $(to.elem).find(".cFilterBar").height();
+ }
+ $(to.elem).find(".calendarContInner").css({"width": iCalendarContWidth, "height": iCalendarContHeight});
+ to.__adjustHeader();
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Right"))
+ $(to.elem).find(".cFilterBar").css({"left": iCalendarContWidth});
+ iCalendarContHeight -= ($(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").length > 0) ? $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").outerHeight() : 0;
+ if(to.tv.bDisABar)
+ iCalendarContHeight -= $(to.elem).find(".cActionBar").outerHeight();
+ var icavTableRow1Height = $(to.elem).find(".cavTableRow1").height();
+ icavTableRow2Height = iCalendarContHeight - icavTableRow1Height;
+ $(to.elem).find(".cavTableRow2").css({"height": icavTableRow2Height});
+ var icavTableWidth = iCalendarContWidth;
+ $(to.elem).find(".cavTableMain").css({"width": icavTableWidth});
+ $(to.elem).find(".cavTableScroll").css({"width": ($.CalenStyle.extra.iScrollbarWidth + $.CalenStyle.extra.iBorderOverhead)});
+ icavTableWidth -= $.CalenStyle.extra.iScrollbarWidth;
+ $(to.elem).find(".cavTableColumns").css({"width": (icavTableWidth / to.tv.iNoVDay)});
+ var icavContRow2Top = $(to.elem).find(".cavTableMain").position().top + icavTableRow1Height,
+ icavContRow2Left = $(to.elem).find(".cavTableMain").position().left,
+ icavContRow2Width = $(to.elem).find(".cavTableMain").width() - $.CalenStyle.extra.iBorderOverhead,
+ icavContRow2Height = icavTableRow2Height - $.CalenStyle.extra.iBorderOverhead;
+ $(to.elem).find(".cavContRow2").css({"top": icavContRow2Top, "left": icavContRow2Left, "width": icavContRow2Width, "height": icavContRow2Height});
+ var icavSlotTableWidth = icavContRow2Width - $.CalenStyle.extra.iScrollbarWidth;
+ $(to.elem).find(".cavSlotTableMain").css({"width": icavSlotTableWidth});
+ var icavSlotColumnsWidth = (icavContRow2Width - $.CalenStyle.extra.iScrollbarWidth) / to.tv.iNoVDay;
+ $(to.elem).find(".cavSlotTableMain .cavSlotTableColumns").css({"width": icavSlotColumnsWidth});
+ // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ var icavSlotTableHeight = $(to.elem).find(".cavSlotTable").height(),
+ icavTableRow2Height = $(to.elem).find(".cavTableRow2").height();
+ if(!$(".calendarCont").hasClass("calendarContMobile") && !to._isFullScreen() && icavSlotTableHeight < icavTableRow2Height)
+ {
+ $(to.elem).find(".cavContRow2Main").css({"height": icavSlotTableHeight});
+ $(to.elem).find(".cavTableRow2").css({"height": (icavSlotTableHeight + 1)});
+ var icavTableHeight = $(to.elem).find(".cavTable").height(),
+ icavContHeaderHeight = ($(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").length > 0) ? $(to.elem).find(".cContHeader").height() : 0,
+ iCalendarContInnerHeight = icavContHeaderHeight + icavTableHeight;
+ $(to.elem).find(".calendarContInner").css({"height": iCalendarContInnerHeight});
+ iCalendarContHeight = iCalendarContInnerHeight;
+ if(to.tv.bDisFBar && ($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Top") || $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Bottom")))
+ {
+ iCalendarContHeight += $(to.elem).find(".cFilterBar").height();
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.filterBarPosition, "Bottom"))
+ $(to.elem).find(".cFilterBar").css({"top": iCalendarContInnerHeight});
+ }
+ $(to.elem).css({"height": iCalendarContHeight});
+ icavTableWidth = $(to.elem).find(".cavTable").width();
+ $(to.elem).find(".cavTableScroll").css({"width": 0});
+ $(to.elem).find(".cavTableColumns").css({"width": (icavTableWidth / to.tv.iNoVDay)});
+ }
+ //to.__adjustFontSize();
+ to.setCalendarBorderColor();
+ }
+/*! ------------------------------------ CalenStyle Appointment View End ----------------------------------- */
+/*! ---------------------------------- CalenStyle Filter View Start --------------------------------- */
+//"use strict";
+CalenStyle.prototype = $.extend(CalenStyle.prototype, {
+ __addEventCalendarToEventFilterCriteriaArray: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var oFilterCal = {},
+ bFilterCalExist = false,
+ sArrValues = [],
+ sArrSelectedValues = [],
+ sArrDisplayValues = [],
+ sArrDisplayStatus = [],
+ iValIndex, sValue,
+ iSCalIndex, oEventCalendar, sCalendarId, bCalendarExist;
+ for(var iFilterIndex = 0; iFilterIndex < to.setting.eventFilterCriteria.length; iFilterIndex++)
+ {
+ var oFilter = to.setting.eventFilterCriteria[iFilterIndex];
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(oFilter.keyName, "calendarId"))
+ {
+ oFilterCal = oFilter;
+ bFilterCalExist = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(bFilterCalExist)
+ {
+ // Add New Values
+ sArrValues = oFilterCal.values;
+ sArrSelectedValues = oFilterCal.selectedValues;
+ sArrDisplayValues = oFilterCal.displayValues;
+ sArrDisplayStatus = oFilterCal.displayStatus;
+ for(iSCalIndex = 0; iSCalIndex < to.tv.oAECalendar.length; iSCalIndex++)
+ {
+ oEventCalendar = to.tv.oAECalendar[iSCalIndex];
+ sCalendarId = oEventCalendar.calendarId;
+ bCalendarExist = false;
+ for(iValIndex = 0; iValIndex < sArrValues.length; iValIndex++)
+ {
+ sValue = sArrValues[iValIndex];
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(sCalendarId, sValue))
+ bCalendarExist = true;
+ }
+ if(!bCalendarExist)
+ {
+ sArrValues.push(sCalendarId);
+ sArrSelectedValues.push(sCalendarId);
+ sArrDisplayValues.push(oEventCalendar.calendar);
+ if(oEventCalendar.displayStatus)
+ sArrDisplayStatus.push(oEventCalendar.displayStatus);
+ }
+ }
+ // Delete Removed values
+ var sArrRemoved = [];
+ for(iValIndex = 0; iValIndex < sArrValues.length; iValIndex++)
+ {
+ sValue = sArrValues[iValIndex];
+ bCalendarExist = false;
+ for(iSCalIndex = 0; iSCalIndex < to.tv.oAECalendar.length; iSCalIndex++)
+ {
+ oEventCalendar = to.tv.oAECalendar[iSCalIndex];
+ sCalendarId = oEventCalendar.calendarId;
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(sCalendarId, sValue))
+ bCalendarExist = true;
+ }
+ if(!bCalendarExist)
+ {
+ sArrRemoved.push(sValue);
+ sArrValues[iValIndex] = "remove";
+ if(sArrDisplayStatus.length > 0)
+ sArrDisplayStatus[iValIndex] = "remove";
+ if(sArrDisplayValues.length > 0)
+ sArrDisplayValues[iValIndex] = "remove";
+ }
+ }
+ var sArrTempValues = [],
+ sArrTempDisplayStatus = [],
+ sArrTempDisplayValues = [];
+ for(iValIndex = 0; iValIndex < sArrValues.length; iValIndex++)
+ {
+ if(!$.cf.compareStrings(sArrValues[iValIndex], "remove"))
+ {
+ sArrTempValues.push(sArrValues[iValIndex]);
+ sArrTempDisplayValues.push(sArrDisplayValues[iValIndex]);
+ sArrTempDisplayStatus.push(sArrDisplayStatus[iValIndex]);
+ }
+ }
+ sArrValues = sArrTempValues;
+ sArrDisplayValues = sArrTempDisplayValues;
+ sArrDisplayStatus = sArrTempDisplayStatus;
+ var sArrTempSelectedValues = [];
+ for(iValIndex = 0; iValIndex < sArrSelectedValues.length; iValIndex++)
+ {
+ var bRemoved = false;
+ for(var iRValIndex = 0; iRValIndex < sArrRemoved.length; iRValIndex++)
+ {
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(sArrSelectedValues[iValIndex], sArrRemoved[iRValIndex]))
+ bRemoved = true;
+ }
+ if(!bRemoved)
+ sArrTempSelectedValues.push(sArrSelectedValues[iValIndex]);
+ }
+ sArrSelectedValues = sArrTempSelectedValues;
+ oFilterCal.values = sArrValues;
+ oFilterCal.selectedValues = sArrSelectedValues;
+ oFilterCal.displayValues = sArrDisplayValues;
+ oFilterCal.displayStatus = sArrDisplayStatus;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for(iSCalIndex = 0; iSCalIndex < to.tv.oAECalendar.length; iSCalIndex++)
+ {
+ oEventCalendar = to.tv.oAECalendar[iSCalIndex];
+ sArrValues.push(oEventCalendar.calendarId);
+ sArrSelectedValues.push(oEventCalendar.calendarId);
+ sArrDisplayValues.push(oEventCalendar.calendar);
+ if(oEventCalendar.displayStatus)
+ sArrDisplayStatus.push(oEventCalendar.displayStatus);
+ }
+ oFilterCal.keyName = "calendarId";
+ oFilterCal.keyDisplayName = "Calendars";
+ oFilterCal.dataType = "String";
+ oFilterCal.values = sArrValues;
+ oFilterCal.selectedValues = sArrSelectedValues;
+ oFilterCal.displayValues = sArrDisplayValues;
+ oFilterCal.displayStatus = sArrDisplayStatus;
+ to.setting.eventFilterCriteria.unshift(oFilterCal);
+ }
+ },
+ _changeEventCalendarAfterApplicationOfFilter: function()
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var oFilterCal = null;
+ for(var iFilterIndex = 0; iFilterIndex < to.setting.eventFilterCriteria.length; iFilterIndex++)
+ {
+ var oFilter = to.setting.eventFilterCriteria[iFilterIndex];
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(oFilter.keyName, "calendar"))
+ {
+ oFilterCal = oFilter;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if(oFilterCal !== null)
+ {
+ var oArrSelectedValues = oFilterCal.selectedValues;
+ for(var iValIndex = 0; iValIndex < oArrSelectedValues.length; iValIndex++)
+ {
+ var sValue = oArrSelectedValues[iValIndex];
+ for(var iSCalIndex = 0; iSCalIndex < to.tv.oAECalendar.length; iSCalIndex++)
+ {
+ var oEventCalendar = to.tv.oAECalendar[iSCalIndex];
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(oEventCalendar.calendar, sValue))
+ oEventCalendar.isSelected = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ __whetherToDisplayAnEventOnCalendar: function(oTempEvent)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ var oArrEventFilterCriteria = to.setting.eventFilterCriteria;
+ if(oArrEventFilterCriteria.length <= 0)
+ return true;
+ var bDisplayEvent = false, bNoneSelectedForAllFilters = true,
+ bArrTempDisplay = [],
+ iTempIndex1, oArrTempFilter, oArrTempSelectedValues;
+ for(iTempIndex1 = 0; iTempIndex1 < oArrEventFilterCriteria.length; iTempIndex1++)
+ {
+ oArrTempFilter = oArrEventFilterCriteria[iTempIndex1];
+ oArrTempSelectedValues = oArrTempFilter.selectedValues;
+ if(oArrTempSelectedValues.length > 0)
+ {
+ bNoneSelectedForAllFilters = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ for(iTempIndex1 = 0; iTempIndex1 < oArrEventFilterCriteria.length; iTempIndex1++)
+ {
+ oArrTempFilter = oArrEventFilterCriteria[iTempIndex1];
+ var sTempKeyName = oArrTempFilter.keyName,
+ oArrTempDataType = oArrTempFilter.dataType,
+ oArrTempValues = oArrTempFilter.values;
+ oArrTempSelectedValues = oArrTempFilter.selectedValues;
+ var bNoneSelected = true;
+ if(oArrTempSelectedValues.length > 0)
+ bNoneSelected = false;
+ bDisplayEvent = false;
+ if(bNoneSelectedForAllFilters && $.cf.compareStrings(to.setting.noneSelectedFilterAction, "SelectNone"))
+ {
+ bDisplayEvent = false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if((oArrTempValues.length === oArrTempSelectedValues.length) || bNoneSelected)
+ {
+ bDisplayEvent = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ var oValuesInEvent = oTempEvent[sTempKeyName];
+ if(oValuesInEvent !== null || oValuesInEvent !== undefined)
+ {
+ for(var iTempIndex2 = 0; iTempIndex2 < oArrTempSelectedValues.length; iTempIndex2++)
+ {
+ var oTempValue1 = oArrTempSelectedValues[iTempIndex2];
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(oArrTempDataType, "Array"))
+ {
+ for(var iTempIndex3 = 0; iTempIndex3 < oValuesInEvent.length; iTempIndex3++)
+ {
+ var oTempValue2 = oValuesInEvent[iTempIndex3];
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(oTempValue1, oTempValue2))
+ {
+ bDisplayEvent = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if($.cf.compareStrings(oArrTempDataType, "String"))
+ {
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(oTempValue1, oValuesInEvent))
+ {
+ bDisplayEvent = true;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(oTempValue1 === oValuesInEvent)
+ {
+ bDisplayEvent = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ bArrTempDisplay.push(bDisplayEvent);
+ }
+ // AND Logic (if 1 value is false, output is false)
+ bDisplayEvent = false;
+ for(var iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < bArrTempDisplay.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ if(bArrTempDisplay[iTempIndex])
+ bDisplayEvent = true;
+ else
+ {
+ bDisplayEvent = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ // OR Logic (if 1 value is true, output is true)
+ bDisplayEvent = false;
+ for(var iTempIndex = 0; iTempIndex < bArrTempDisplay.length; iTempIndex++)
+ {
+ if(!bArrTempDisplay[iTempIndex])
+ bDisplayEvent = false;
+ else
+ {
+ bDisplayEvent = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ return bDisplayEvent;
+ },
+ // Public Method
+ applyFilter: function(oArrTempEventFilterCriteria, oSourceURLParams)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ to.setting.eventFilterCriteria = oArrTempEventFilterCriteria;
+ if(oSourceURLParams !== null && oSourceURLParams !== undefined && oSourceURLParams.length > 0)
+ to.reloadData(oSourceURLParams);
+ else
+ to.__reloadCurrentView(true, false);
+ },
+ __setEventCountBasedOnCriteria: function(oArrTempEvents)
+ {
+ var to = this;
+ if(to.setting.eventFilterCriteria.length <= 0)
+ return null;
+ to.tv.oAEvFltrCnt = [];
+ for(var iTempIndex1 = 0; iTempIndex1 < to.setting.eventFilterCriteria.length; iTempIndex1++)
+ {
+ var oArrTempFilter = to.setting.eventFilterCriteria[iTempIndex1],
+ sTempKeyName = oArrTempFilter.keyName,
+ oArrTempValues = oArrTempFilter.values,
+ oTemp = {};
+ oTemp.keyName = sTempKeyName;
+ for(var iTempIndex2 = 0; iTempIndex2 < oArrTempValues.length; iTempIndex2++)
+ {
+ var iTempValueCount = 0;
+ var sTempValue = oArrTempValues[iTempIndex2];
+ for(var iTempIndex3 = 0; iTempIndex3 < oArrTempEvents.length; iTempIndex3++)
+ {
+ var oTempEvent = oArrTempEvents[iTempIndex3];
+ if(sTempValue === oTempEvent[sTempKeyName])
+ iTempValueCount++;
+ }
+ oTemp[sTempValue] = iTempValueCount;
+ }
+ to.tv.oAEvFltrCnt.push(oTemp);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+/*! ---------------------------------- CalenStyle Filter View End --------------------------------- */
+/*! ---------------------------------- CalenStyle Month Picker Start --------------------------------- */
+//"use strict";
+function CalenStyle_MonthPicker(cso, bIsPopup)
+ this.showOrHideMonthList = showOrHideMonthListInMonthPicker;
+ // Public Method
+ function showOrHideMonthListInMonthPicker()
+ {
+ if($(cso.elem).find(".cmlvOuterCont").length > 0)
+ removeMonthListInMonthPicker();
+ else
+ showMonthListInMonthPicker();
+ $(document).on($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandler+".MonthPicker", function(e)
+ {
+ removeMonthListInMonthPicker();
+ });
+ }
+ function showMonthListInMonthPicker()
+ {
+ var sTempStr = "",
+ sPopupClass = (bIsPopup) ? "cmlvPopup" : "cmlvFull";
+ sTempStr += "";
+ $(cso.elem).find(".calendarCont").append(sTempStr);
+ adjustMonthListInMonthPicker();
+ if(cso.setting.adjustViewOnWindowResize)
+ $(window).bind("resize." + cso.tv.pluginId, function(e){ adjustMonthListInMonthPicker(); });
+ if(!$.CalenStyle.extra.bTouchDevice)
+ {
+ $(cso.elem).find(".cmlvMonth").hover(
+ function(e)
+ {
+ var iCMLVMonthId = $(this).attr("id");
+ iCMLVMonthId = iCMLVMonthId.replace("cmlvMonth", "");
+ if(iCMLVMonthId !== cso.setting.selectedDate.getMonth())
+ $(this).addClass("cmlvMonthOtherHover");
+ },
+ function(e)
+ {
+ var iCMLVMonthId = $(this).attr("id");
+ iCMLVMonthId = iCMLVMonthId.replace("cmlvMonth", "");
+ if(iCMLVMonthId !== cso.setting.selectedDate.getMonth())
+ $(this).removeClass("cmlvMonthOtherHover");
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ $(cso.elem).find(".cmlvMonth").on($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandler, function(e)
+ {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ var sMonthId = $(this).attr("id"),
+ iCurMonth = parseInt(sMonthId.replace("cmlvMonth", ""));
+ setMonthInMonthPicker(iCurMonth);
+ });
+ $(cso.elem).find(".cmlvOuterCont").on($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandler, function(e)
+ {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ showOrHideMonthListInMonthPicker();
+ });
+ }
+ function adjustMonthListInMonthPicker()
+ {
+ var $occCMLVCont = $(cso.elem).find(".cmlvCont");
+ if(bIsPopup)
+ {
+ var $occCContHeaderLabelMonth = $(cso.elem).find(".cContHeaderLabelMonth"),
+ iCMLVContHalfWidth = $occCMLVCont.width() / 2,
+ iCMLVContTop = $(cso.elem).find(".calendarContInner").position().top + $occCContHeaderLabelMonth.height() + 4 + ($.cf.compareStrings(cso.setting.sectionsList[0], "ActionBar") ? $(cso.elem).find(".cActionBar").height() : 0),
+ iContHeaderLabelWidth = $occCContHeaderLabelMonth.width(),
+ iContHeaderLabelLeft = $occCContHeaderLabelMonth.position().left || $(cso.elem).find(".cContHeaderLabelOuter").position().left,
+ iContHeaderLabelMid = iContHeaderLabelLeft + (iContHeaderLabelWidth / 2),
+ iCMLVContLeft = $(cso.elem).find(".calendarContInner").position().left + (iContHeaderLabelMid - iCMLVContHalfWidth) - 4;
+ iCMLVContLeft = (iCMLVContLeft < 0) ? 2 : iCMLVContLeft;
+ $occCMLVCont.css({"top": iCMLVContTop, "left": iCMLVContLeft});
+ $(".cmlvContTooltipBottom").css({"left": (iCMLVContHalfWidth - 5)});
+ }
+ if($(cso.elem).find(".cContHeader").length > 0)
+ $occCMLVCont.css({"font-size": $(cso.elem).find(".cContHeader").css("font-size")});
+ else
+ $occCMLVCont.css({"font-size": $(cso.elem).css("font-size")});
+ cso.setCalendarBorderColor();
+ }
+ function removeMonthListInMonthPicker()
+ {
+ if(cso.setting.adjustViewOnWindowResize)
+ $(window).unbind("resize." + cso.tv.pluginId, adjustMonthListInMonthPicker);
+ $(cso.elem).find(".cmlvOuterCont").remove();
+ }
+ function setMonthInMonthPicker(iCurMonth)
+ {
+ var iPrevMonthNum = cso.setting.selectedDate.getMonth();
+ $(cso.elem).find("#cmlvMonth"+iPrevMonthNum).removeClass("cmlvMonthCurrent cmlvMonthOtherHover").addClass("cmlvMonthOther " +"clickableLink");
+ cso.setting.selectedDate.setDate(1);
+ cso.setting.selectedDate.setMonth(iCurMonth);
+ cso.tv.dLoadDt = cso.setDateInFormat({"date": cso.setting.selectedDate}, "START");
+ if(iCurMonth === (iPrevMonthNum - 1))
+ cso.tv.sLoadType = "Prev";
+ else if(iCurMonth === (iPrevMonthNum + 1))
+ cso.tv.sLoadType = "Next";
+ else
+ cso.tv.sLoadType = "Load";
+ cso.modifyCalenStyleObject(cso);
+ $(cso.elem).find("#cmlvMonth"+iCurMonth).removeClass("cmlvMonthOther clickableLink cmlvMonthOtherHover").addClass("cmlvMonthCurrent");
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(cso.setting.visibleView, "AgendaView"))
+ {
+ cso.updateAgendaView(true);
+ cso.adjustAgendaView();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cso.updateMonthTableAndContents(true);
+ cso.adjustMonthTable();
+ }
+ removeMonthListInMonthPicker();
+ }, cso.setting.transitionSpeed);
+ }
+/*! ---------------------------------- CalenStyle Month Picker End --------------------------------- */
+/*! ---------------------------------- CalenStyle Year Picker Start --------------------------------- */
+function CalenStyle_YearPicker(cso, bIsPopup)
+ this.showOrHideYearList = showOrHideYearListInYearPicker;
+ var iCYLVStartYear, iCYLVEndYear;
+ // Public Method
+ function showOrHideYearListInYearPicker()
+ {
+ if($(cso.elem).find(".cylvOuterCont").length > 0)
+ removeYearListInYearPicker();
+ else
+ showYearListInYearPicker();
+ $(document).on($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandler+".YearPicker", function(e)
+ {
+ removeYearListInYearPicker();
+ });
+ }
+ function showYearListInYearPicker()
+ {
+ var iCurrentDateYear = cso.setting.selectedDate.getFullYear();
+ iCYLVStartYear = iCurrentDateYear - 5;
+ iCYLVEndYear = iCYLVStartYear + 12;
+ var sTempStr = "",
+ sPopupClass = (bIsPopup) ? "cylvPopup" : "cylvFull";
+ sTempStr += "";
+ $(cso.elem).find(".calendarCont").append(sTempStr);
+ $(cso.elem).find(".cylvPrevYears").on($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandler, function(e)
+ {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ goToPrevYearListInYearPicker();
+ });
+ $(cso.elem).find(".cylvSelectedYear").on($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandler, function(e)
+ {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ showCurrentYearInYearPicker();
+ });
+ $(cso.elem).find(".cylvNextYears").on($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandler, function(e)
+ {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ goToNextYearListInYearPicker();
+ });
+ adjustYearListInYearPicker();
+ if(cso.setting.adjustViewOnWindowResize)
+ $(window).bind("resize." + cso.tv.pluginId, function(e){ adjustYearListInYearPicker(); });
+ if(!$.CalenStyle.extra.bTouchDevice)
+ {
+ $(cso.elem).find(".cylvPrevYears, .cylvNextYears").hover(
+ function(e)
+ {
+ $(this).addClass("cylvTableColumnsHover");
+ },
+ function(e)
+ {
+ $(this).removeClass("cylvTableColumnsHover");
+ }
+ );
+ $(cso.elem).find(".cylvSelectedYear").hover(
+ function(e)
+ {
+ $(this).addClass("cylvSelectedYearHover");
+ },
+ function(e)
+ {
+ $(this).removeClass("cylvSelectedYearHover");
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ updateYearListInYearPicker();
+ $(cso.elem).find(".cylvOuterCont").on($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandler, function(e)
+ {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ showOrHideYearListInYearPicker();
+ });
+ }
+ function adjustYearListInYearPicker()
+ {
+ var $occCYLVCont = $(cso.elem).find(".cylvCont"),
+ iCYLVTableContRowHeight = $(".cylvTableContRow").height();
+ $(".cylvYearListTable").css({"height": iCYLVTableContRowHeight});
+ if(bIsPopup)
+ {
+ var $occCContHeaderLabelYear = $(cso.elem).find(".cContHeaderLabelYear"),
+ iCYLVContHalfWidth = $occCYLVCont.width() / 2,
+ iCYLVContTop = $(cso.elem).find(".calendarContInner").position().top + $occCContHeaderLabelYear.height() + 4 + ($.cf.compareStrings(cso.setting.sectionsList[0], "ActionBar") ? $(cso.elem).find(".cActionBar").height() : 0),
+ iContHeaderLabelWidth = $occCContHeaderLabelYear.width(),
+ iContHeaderLabelLeft = ($occCContHeaderLabelYear.position().left || $(cso.elem).find(".cContHeaderLabelOuter").position().left),
+ iContHeaderLabelMid = iContHeaderLabelLeft + (iContHeaderLabelWidth / 2),
+ iCYLVContLeft = $(cso.elem).find(".calendarContInner").position().left + (iContHeaderLabelMid - iCYLVContHalfWidth) - 4;
+ iCYLVContLeft = (iCYLVContLeft < 0) ? 2 : iCYLVContLeft;
+ $occCYLVCont.css({"top": iCYLVContTop, "left": iCYLVContLeft});
+ $(".cylvContTooltipBottom").css({"left": (iCYLVContHalfWidth - 5)});
+ }
+ if($(cso.elem).find(".cContHeader").length > 0)
+ $occCYLVCont.css({"font-size": $(cso.elem).find(".cContHeader").css("font-size")});
+ else
+ $occCYLVCont.css({"font-size": $(cso.elem).css("font-size")});
+ cso.setCalendarBorderColor();
+ }
+ function updateYearListInYearPicker()
+ {
+ var iCurrentDateYear = cso.setting.selectedDate.getFullYear(),
+ iCountYear = 0, sTempStr = "";
+ for(var iYearIndex = iCYLVStartYear; iYearIndex < iCYLVEndYear; iYearIndex++)
+ {
+ if(iCountYear === 0 || iCountYear === 4 || iCountYear === 8)
+ sTempStr += "
+ var sYearId = "cylvYear"+iYearIndex;
+ if(iCurrentDateYear=== iYearIndex)
+ sTempStr += "" + cso.getNumberStringInFormat(iYearIndex, 0, true) + " ";
+ else
+ sTempStr += "" + cso.getNumberStringInFormat(iYearIndex, 0, true) + " ";
+ if(iCountYear === 3 || iCountYear === 7 || iCountYear === 11)
+ sTempStr += " ";
+ iCountYear++;
+ }
+ $(cso.elem).find(".cylvYearListTableMain").html(sTempStr);
+ $(cso.elem).find(".cylvYear").on($.CalenStyle.extra.sClickHandler, function(e)
+ {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ var sYearId = $(this).attr("id"),
+ iCurYear = parseInt(sYearId.replace("cylvYear", ""));
+ setYearInYearPicker(iCurYear);
+ });
+ if(!$.CalenStyle.extra.bTouchDevice)
+ {
+ $(cso.elem).find(".cylvYear").hover(
+ function(e)
+ {
+ if($(this).html() !== cso.setting.selectedDate.getFullYear())
+ $(this).addClass("cylvYearOtherHover");
+ },
+ function(e)
+ {
+ if($(this).html() !== cso.setting.selectedDate.getFullYear())
+ $(this).removeClass("cylvYearOtherHover");
+ }
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ function removeYearListInYearPicker()
+ {
+ if(cso.setting.adjustViewOnWindowResize)
+ $(window).unbind("resize." + cso.tv.pluginId, adjustYearListInYearPicker);
+ $(cso.elem).find(".cylvOuterCont").remove();
+ }
+ function setYearInYearPicker(iCurYear)
+ {
+ var iPrevYearNum = cso.setting.selectedDate.getFullYear();
+ $(cso.elem).find("#cylvYear"+iPrevYearNum).removeClass("cylvYearCurrent cylvYearOtherHover").addClass("cylvYearOther");
+ cso.tv.sLoadType = "Load";
+ cso.setting.selectedDate.setFullYear(iCurYear);
+ cso.tv.dLoadDt = cso.setDateInFormat({"date": cso.setting.selectedDate}, "START");
+ cso.modifyCalenStyleObject(cso);
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ if($.cf.compareStrings(cso.setting.visibleView, "AgendaView"))
+ {
+ cso.updateAgendaView(true);
+ cso.adjustAgendaView();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ cso.updateMonthTableAndContents(true);
+ cso.adjustMonthTable();
+ }
+ $(cso.elem).find("#cylvYear"+iCurYear).removeClass("cylvYearOther cylvYearOtherHover").addClass("cylvYearCurrent");
+ removeYearListInYearPicker();
+ }, cso.setting.transitionSpeed);
+ }
+ function goToPrevYearListInYearPicker()
+ {
+ $(cso.elem).find(".cylvPrevYears").addClass("cylvTableColumnsHover");
+ var $oElemCYLVYearListTable = $(cso.elem).find(".cylvYearListTableMain"),
+ iCYLVTableTop = $oElemCYLVYearListTable.position().top,
+ iCYLVTableLeft = $oElemCYLVYearListTable.position().left,
+ iCYLVTableWidth = $oElemCYLVYearListTable.width(),
+ iCYLVTableHeight = $oElemCYLVYearListTable.height();
+ var newElem = $oElemCYLVYearListTable.clone();
+ $(newElem).removeClass("cylvYearListTableMain").addClass("cylvYearListTableTemp");
+ $(newElem).css({"position": "absolute", "top": iCYLVTableTop, "left": iCYLVTableLeft, "height": iCYLVTableHeight});
+ $oElemCYLVYearListTable.parent().append(newElem);
+ iCYLVTableLeft = iCYLVTableLeft + iCYLVTableWidth;
+ $(newElem).animate({"left": iCYLVTableLeft}, cso.setting.transitionSpeed);
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ $(cso.elem).find(".cylvYearListTableTemp").remove();
+ }, cso.setting.transitionSpeed);
+ $(cso.elem).find(".cylvPrevYears").removeClass("cylvTableColumnsHover");
+ iCYLVStartYear = iCYLVStartYear - 12;
+ iCYLVEndYear = iCYLVStartYear + 12;
+ updateYearListInYearPicker();
+ }
+ function goToNextYearListInYearPicker()
+ {
+ $(cso.elem).find(".cylvNextYears").addClass("cylvTableColumnsHover");
+ var $oElemCYLVYearListTable = $(cso.elem).find(".cylvYearListTableMain"),
+ iCYLVTableTop = $oElemCYLVYearListTable.position().top,
+ iCYLVTableLeft = $oElemCYLVYearListTable.position().left,
+ iCYLVTableWidth = $oElemCYLVYearListTable.width(),
+ iCYLVTableHeight = $oElemCYLVYearListTable.height();
+ var newElem = $oElemCYLVYearListTable.clone();
+ $(newElem).removeClass("cylvYearListTableMain").addClass("cylvYearListTableTemp");
+ $(newElem).css({"position": "absolute", "top": iCYLVTableTop, "left": iCYLVTableLeft, "height": iCYLVTableHeight});
+ $oElemCYLVYearListTable.parent().append(newElem);
+ iCYLVTableLeft = iCYLVTableLeft - iCYLVTableWidth;
+ $(newElem).animate({"left": iCYLVTableLeft}, cso.setting.transitionSpeed);
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ $(cso.elem).find(".cylvYearListTableTemp").remove();
+ }, cso.setting.transitionSpeed);
+ $(cso.elem).find(".cylvNextYears").removeClass("cylvTableColumnsHover");
+ iCYLVStartYear = iCYLVStartYear + 12;
+ iCYLVEndYear = iCYLVStartYear + 12;
+ updateYearListInYearPicker();
+ }
+ function showCurrentYearInYearPicker()
+ {
+ var iCYLVPrevStartYear = iCYLVStartYear;
+ var iCurrentDateYear = cso.setting.selectedDate.getFullYear();
+ iCYLVStartYear = iCurrentDateYear - 5;
+ iCYLVEndYear = iCYLVStartYear + 12;
+ if(iCYLVPrevStartYear !== iCYLVStartYear)
+ {
+ $(cso.elem).find(".cylvSelectedYear").addClass("cylvTableColumnsClick");
+ var $oElemCYLVYearListTable = $(cso.elem).find(".cylvYearListTableMain"),
+ iCYLVTableTop = $oElemCYLVYearListTable.position().top,
+ iCYLVTableLeft = $oElemCYLVYearListTable.position().left,
+ iCYLVTableWidth = $oElemCYLVYearListTable.width(),
+ iCYLVTableHeight = $oElemCYLVYearListTable.height();
+ var newElem = $oElemCYLVYearListTable.clone();
+ $(newElem).removeClass("cylvYearListTableMain").addClass("cylvYearListTableTemp");
+ $(newElem).css({"position": "absolute", "top": iCYLVTableTop, "left": iCYLVTableLeft, "height": iCYLVTableHeight});
+ $oElemCYLVYearListTable.parent().append(newElem);
+ if(iCYLVPrevStartYear < iCYLVStartYear)
+ iCYLVTableLeft = iCYLVTableLeft - iCYLVTableWidth;
+ else
+ iCYLVTableLeft = iCYLVTableLeft + iCYLVTableWidth;
+ $(newElem).animate({"left": iCYLVTableLeft}, cso.setting.transitionSpeed);
+ setTimeout(function()
+ {
+ $(cso.elem).find(".cylvYearListTableTemp").remove();
+ }, cso.setting.transitionSpeed);
+ $(cso.elem).find(".cylvSelectedYear").removeClass("cylvTableColumnsClick");
+ updateYearListInYearPicker();
+ }
+ }
+/*! ---------------------------------- CalenStyle Year Picker End --------------------------------- */
diff --git a/src/fonts/calenstyle-iconfont.eot b/src/fonts/calenstyle-iconfont.eot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ece5d65
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/fonts/calenstyle-iconfont.eot differ
diff --git a/src/fonts/calenstyle-iconfont.svg b/src/fonts/calenstyle-iconfont.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c355e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fonts/calenstyle-iconfont.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/fonts/calenstyle-iconfont.ttf b/src/fonts/calenstyle-iconfont.ttf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1cf2578
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/fonts/calenstyle-iconfont.ttf differ
diff --git a/src/fonts/calenstyle-iconfont.woff b/src/fonts/calenstyle-iconfont.woff
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6925dcf
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/fonts/calenstyle-iconfont.woff differ
diff --git a/src/i18n/calenstyle-i18n-de-at.js b/src/i18n/calenstyle-i18n-de-at.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d544f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/i18n/calenstyle-i18n-de-at.js
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CalenStyle - Responsive Event Calendar
+ Version 2.0.0
+ Copyright (c)2016 Curious Solutions LLP
+ https://curioussolutions.in/libraries/calenstyle/content/license.htm
+ See License Information in LICENSE file.
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ language: Austrian German ("de-at")
+ file: CalenStyle-i18n-de-at
+(function ($) {
+ $.CalenStyle.i18n["de-at"] = $.extend($.CalenStyle.i18n["de-at"], {
+ veryShortDayNames: 'So_Mo_Di_Mi_Do_Fr_Sa'.split('_'),
+ shortDayNames: 'So._Mo._Di._Mi._Do._Fr._Sa.'.split('_'),
+ fullDayNames: 'Sonntag_Montag_Dienstag_Mittwoch_Donnerstag_Freitag_Samstag'.split('_'),
+ shortMonthNames: 'Jän._Febr._Mrz._Apr._Mai_Jun._Jul._Aug._Sept._Okt._Nov._Dez.'.split('_'),
+ fullMonthNames: 'Jänner_Februar_März_April_Mai_Juni_Juli_August_September_Oktober_November_Dezember'.split('_'),
+ numbers: '0_1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9'.split('_'),
+ eventTooltipContent: "Default",
+ formatDates: {},
+ miscStrings: {
+ today: "Heute",
+ week: "Woche",
+ allDay: "ganztägige",
+ ends: "Ende"
+ },
+ duration: "Default",
+ durationStrings: {
+ y: ["Jahre ", "Jahren "],
+ M: ["Monate ", "Monaten "],
+ w: ["w ", "w "],
+ d: ["Tage ", "Tagen "],
+ h: ["Stunde ", "Stunde "],
+ m: ["Minute ", "Minute "],
+ s: ["s ", "s "]
+ },
+ viewDisplayNames: {
+ DetailedMonthView: "Monat",
+ MonthView: "Monat",
+ WeekView: "Woche",
+ DayView: "Tag",
+ AgendaView: "Tagesordnung"
+ }
+ });
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/i18n/calenstyle-i18n-de.js b/src/i18n/calenstyle-i18n-de.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f14227e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/i18n/calenstyle-i18n-de.js
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CalenStyle - Responsive Event Calendar
+ Version 2.0.0
+ Copyright (c)2016 Curious Solutions LLP
+ https://curioussolutions.in/libraries/calenstyle/content/license.htm
+ See License Information in LICENSE file.
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+(function ($) {
+ $.CalenStyle.i18n["de"] = $.extend($.CalenStyle.i18n["de"], {
+ veryShortDayNames: 'So_Mo_Di_Mi_Do_Fr_Sa'.split('_'),
+ shortDayNames: 'So._Mo._Di._Mi._Do._Fr._Sa.'.split('_'),
+ fullDayNames: 'Sonntag_Montag_Dienstag_Mittwoch_Donnerstag_Freitag_Samstag'.split('_'),
+ shortMonthNames: 'Jan._Febr._Mrz._Apr._Mai_Jun._Jul._Aug._Sept._Okt._Nov._Dez.'.split('_'),
+ fullMonthNames: 'Januar_Februar_März_April_Mai_Juni_Juli_August_September_Oktober_November_Dezember'.split('_'),
+ numbers: '0_1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9'.split('_'),
+ eventTooltipContent: "Default",
+ formatDates: {},
+ miscStrings: {
+ today: "Heute",
+ week: "Woche",
+ allDay: "ganztägige",
+ ends: "Ende"
+ },
+ duration: "Default",
+ durationStrings: {
+ y: ["Jahre ", "Jahren "],
+ M: ["Monate ", "Monaten "],
+ w: ["w ", "w "],
+ d: ["Tage ", "Tagen "],
+ h: ["Stunde ", "Stunde "],
+ m: ["Minute ", "Minute "],
+ s: ["s ", "s "]
+ },
+ viewDisplayNames: {
+ DetailedMonthView: "Monat",
+ MonthView: "Monat",
+ WeekView: "Woche",
+ DayView: "Tag",
+ AgendaView: "Tagesordnung"
+ }
+ });
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/i18n/calenstyle-i18n-en.js b/src/i18n/calenstyle-i18n-en.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f3f528
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/i18n/calenstyle-i18n-en.js
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CalenStyle - Responsive Event Calendar
+ Version 2.0.0
+ Copyright (c)2016 Curious Solutions LLP
+ https://curioussolutions.in/libraries/calenstyle/content/license.htm
+ See License Information in LICENSE file.
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ language: English
+ file: CalenStyle-i18n-en
+(function ($) {
+ $.CalenStyle.i18n["en"] = $.extend($.CalenStyle.i18n["en"], {
+ veryShortDayNames: "Su_Mo_Tu_We_Th_Fr_Sa".split("_"),
+ shortDayNames: "Sun_Mon_Tue_Wed_Thu_Fri_Sat".split("_"),
+ fullDayNames: "Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday".split("_"),
+ shortMonthNames: "Jan_Feb_Mar_Apr_May_Jun_Jul_Aug_Sep_Oct_Nov_Dec".split("_"),
+ fullMonthNames: "January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December".split("_"),
+ numbers: "0_1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9".split("_"),
+ eventTooltipContent: "Default",
+ formatDates: {},
+ miscStrings: {
+ today: "Today",
+ week: "Week",
+ allDay: "All Day",
+ ends: "Ends"
+ },
+ duration: "Default",
+ durationStrings: {
+ y: ["year ", "years "],
+ M: ["month ", "months "],
+ w: ["w ", "w "],
+ d: ["d ", "d "],
+ h: ["h ", "h "],
+ m: ["m ", "m "],
+ s: ["s ", "s "]
+ },
+ viewDisplayNames: {
+ DetailedMonthView: "Month",
+ MonthView: "Month",
+ WeekView: "Week",
+ DayView: "Day",
+ AgendaView: "Agenda"
+ }
+ });
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/i18n/calenstyle-i18n-fr.js b/src/i18n/calenstyle-i18n-fr.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a236ec1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/i18n/calenstyle-i18n-fr.js
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CalenStyle - Responsive Event Calendar
+ Version 2.0.0
+ Copyright (c)2016 Curious Solutions LLP
+ https://curioussolutions.in/libraries/calenstyle/content/license.htm
+ See License Information in LICENSE file.
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ language: French
+ file: CalenStyle-i18n-fr
+(function ($) {
+ $.CalenStyle.i18n["fr"] = $.extend($.CalenStyle.i18n["fr"], {
+ veryShortDayNames: 'Di_Lu_Ma_Me_Je_Ve_Sa'.split('_'),
+ shortDayNames: 'dim._lun._mar._mer._jeu._ven._sam.'.split('_'),
+ fullDayNames: 'dimanche_lundi_mardi_mercredi_jeudi_vendredi_samedi'.split('_'),
+ shortMonthNames: 'janv._févr._mars_avr._mai_juin_juil._août_sept._oct._nov._déc.'.split('_'),
+ fullMonthNames: 'janvier_février_mars_avril_mai_juin_juillet_août_septembre_octobre_novembre_décembre'.split('_'),
+ numbers: "0_1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9".split("_"),
+ eventTooltipContent: "Default",
+ formatDates: {},
+ miscStrings: {
+ today: "Aujourd\'hui",
+ week: "semaine",
+ allDay: "toute la journée",
+ ends: "finir"
+ },
+ duration: "Default",
+ durationStrings: {
+ y: ["an ", "ans "],
+ M: ["mois ", "mois "],
+ w: ["semaine ", "semaine "],
+ d: ["jour ", "jours "],
+ h: ["heure ", "heures "],
+ m: ["minute ", "minutes "],
+ s: ["s ", "s "]
+ },
+ viewDisplayNames: {
+ DetailedMonthView: "mois",
+ MonthView: "mois",
+ WeekView: "semaine",
+ DayView: "jour",
+ AgendaView: "ordre du jour"
+ }
+ });
diff --git a/src/i18n/calenstyle-i18n-ru.js b/src/i18n/calenstyle-i18n-ru.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6087bdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/i18n/calenstyle-i18n-ru.js
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CalenStyle - Responsive Event Calendar
+ Version 2.0.0
+ Copyright (c)2016 Curious Solutions LLP
+ https://curioussolutions.in/libraries/calenstyle/content/license.htm
+ See License Information in LICENSE file.
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ language: Russian
+ file: CalenStyle-i18n-ru
+(function ($) {
+ $.CalenStyle.i18n["ru"] = $.extend($.CalenStyle.i18n["ru"], {
+ veryShortDayNames: 'вс_пн_вт_ср_чт_пт_сб'.split('_'),
+ shortDayNames: 'вс_пн_вт_ср_чт_пт_сб'.split('_'),
+ fullDayNames: 'воскресенье_понедельник_вторник_среда_четверг_пятница_суббота'.split('_'),
+ shortMonthNames: 'янв_фев_март_апр_май_июнь_июль_авг_сен_окт_ноя_дек'.split('_'),
+ fullMonthNames: 'январь_февраль_март_апрель_май_июнь_июль_август_сентябрь_октябрь_ноябрь_декабрь'.split('_'),
+ numbers: "0_1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9".split("_"),
+ eventTooltipContent: "Default",
+ formatDates: {},
+ miscStrings: {
+ today: "Сегодня",
+ week: "Неделя",
+ allDay: "весь день",
+ ends: "кончать"
+ },
+ duration: "Default",
+ durationStrings: {
+ y: ["Год ", "Год "],
+ M: ["Месяц ", "Месяц "],
+ w: ["w ", "w "],
+ d: ["d ", "d "],
+ h: ["h ", "h "],
+ m: ["m ", "m "],
+ s: ["s ", "s "]
+ },
+ viewDisplayNames: {
+ DetailedMonthView: "Месяц",
+ MonthView: "Месяц",
+ WeekView: "Неделя",
+ DayView: "День",
+ AgendaView: "повестка дня"
+ }
+ });
diff --git a/src/i18n/calenstyle-i18n-zh-cn.js b/src/i18n/calenstyle-i18n-zh-cn.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f8fa34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/i18n/calenstyle-i18n-zh-cn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CalenStyle - Responsive Event Calendar
+ Version 2.0.0
+ Copyright (c)2016 Curious Solutions LLP
+ https://curioussolutions.in/libraries/calenstyle/content/license.htm
+ See License Information in LICENSE file.
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ language: Chinese
+ file: CalenStyle-i18n-zh-cn
+(function ($) {
+ $.CalenStyle.i18n["zh-cn"] = $.extend($.CalenStyle.i18n["zh-cn"],
+ {
+ veryShortDayNames: '日_一_二_三_四_五_六'.split('_'),
+ shortDayNames: '周日_周一_周二_周三_周四_周五_周六'.split('_'),
+ fullDayNames: '星期日_星期一_星期二_星期三_星期四_星期五_星期六'.split('_'),
+ shortMonthNames: '1月_2月_3月_4月_5月_6月_7月_8月_9月_10月_11月_12月'.split('_'),
+ fullMonthNames: '一月_二月_三月_四月_五月_六月_七月_八月_九月_十月_十一月_十二月'.split('_'),
+ numbers: "0_1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9".split("_"),
+ eventTooltipContent: "Default",
+ formatDates: {
+ "hh:mm": function(iDate)
+ {
+ var iHm = iDate.H * 100 + iDate.m,
+ sFormat = "";
+ if (iHm < 600)
+ sFormat = '凌晨';
+ else if (iHm < 900)
+ sFormat = '早上';
+ else if (iHm < 1130)
+ sFormat = '上午';
+ else if (iHm < 1230)
+ sFormat = '中午';
+ else if (iHm < 1800)
+ sFormat = '下午';
+ else
+ sFormat = '晚上';
+ sFormat += iDate.h + "点" + this.getDateInFormat({"iDate": iDate}, "mm", false, true);
+ return sFormat;
+ },
+ "HH:mm": function(iDate)
+ {
+ var iHm = iDate.H * 100 + iDate.m,
+ sFormat = "";
+ if (iHm < 600)
+ sFormat = '凌晨';
+ else if (iHm < 900)
+ sFormat = '早上';
+ else if (iHm < 1130)
+ sFormat = '上午';
+ else if (iHm < 1230)
+ sFormat = '中午';
+ else if (iHm < 1800)
+ sFormat = '下午';
+ else
+ sFormat = '晚上';
+ sFormat += iDate.h + "点" + this.getDateInFormat({"iDate": iDate}, "mm", false, true);
+ return sFormat;
+ }
+ },
+ miscStrings: {
+ today: "今天",
+ week: "星期",
+ allDay: "整天",
+ ends: "结束"
+ },
+ duration: "Default",
+ durationStrings: {
+ y: ["岁 ", "岁 "],
+ M: ["月 ", "月 "],
+ w: ["周 ", "周 "],
+ d: ["日 ", "日 "],
+ h: ["钟头 ", "钟头 "],
+ m: ["分钟 ", "分钟 "],
+ s: ["秒 ", "秒 "]
+ },
+ viewDisplayNames: {
+ DetailedMonthView: "月份",
+ MonthView: "月份",
+ WeekView: "星期",
+ DayView: "白天",
+ AgendaView: "应办事项"
+ }
+ });
diff --git a/src/i18n/calenstyle-i18n.js b/src/i18n/calenstyle-i18n.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90d7150
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/i18n/calenstyle-i18n.js
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CalenStyle - Responsive Event Calendar
+ Version 2.0.0
+ Copyright (c)2016 Curious Solutions LLP
+ https://curioussolutions.in/libraries/calenstyle/content/license.htm
+ See License Information in LICENSE file.
+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+ language: Austrian German ("de-at")
+ file: CalenStyle-i18n-de-at
+(function ($) {
+ $.CalenStyle.i18n["de-at"] = $.extend($.CalenStyle.i18n["de-at"], {
+ veryShortDayNames: 'So_Mo_Di_Mi_Do_Fr_Sa'.split('_'),
+ shortDayNames: 'So._Mo._Di._Mi._Do._Fr._Sa.'.split('_'),
+ fullDayNames: 'Sonntag_Montag_Dienstag_Mittwoch_Donnerstag_Freitag_Samstag'.split('_'),
+ shortMonthNames: 'Jän._Febr._Mrz._Apr._Mai_Jun._Jul._Aug._Sept._Okt._Nov._Dez.'.split('_'),
+ fullMonthNames: 'Jänner_Februar_März_April_Mai_Juni_Juli_August_September_Oktober_November_Dezember'.split('_'),
+ numbers: '0_1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9'.split('_'),
+ eventTooltipContent: "Default",
+ formatDates: {},
+ miscStrings: {
+ today: "Heute",
+ week: "Woche",
+ allDay: "ganztägige",
+ ends: "Ende"
+ },
+ duration: "Default",
+ durationStrings: {
+ y: ["Jahre ", "Jahren "],
+ M: ["Monate ", "Monaten "],
+ w: ["w ", "w "],
+ d: ["Tage ", "Tagen "],
+ h: ["Stunde ", "Stunde "],
+ m: ["Minute ", "Minute "],
+ s: ["s ", "s "]
+ },
+ viewDisplayNames: {
+ DetailedMonthView: "Monat",
+ MonthView: "Monat",
+ WeekView: "Woche",
+ DayView: "Tag",
+ AgendaView: "Tagesordnung"
+ }
+ });
+(function ($) {
+ $.CalenStyle.i18n["de"] = $.extend($.CalenStyle.i18n["de"], {
+ veryShortDayNames: 'So_Mo_Di_Mi_Do_Fr_Sa'.split('_'),
+ shortDayNames: 'So._Mo._Di._Mi._Do._Fr._Sa.'.split('_'),
+ fullDayNames: 'Sonntag_Montag_Dienstag_Mittwoch_Donnerstag_Freitag_Samstag'.split('_'),
+ shortMonthNames: 'Jan._Febr._Mrz._Apr._Mai_Jun._Jul._Aug._Sept._Okt._Nov._Dez.'.split('_'),
+ fullMonthNames: 'Januar_Februar_März_April_Mai_Juni_Juli_August_September_Oktober_November_Dezember'.split('_'),
+ numbers: '0_1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9'.split('_'),
+ eventTooltipContent: "Default",
+ formatDates: {},
+ miscStrings: {
+ today: "Heute",
+ week: "Woche",
+ allDay: "ganztägige",
+ ends: "Ende"
+ },
+ duration: "Default",
+ durationStrings: {
+ y: ["Jahre ", "Jahren "],
+ M: ["Monate ", "Monaten "],
+ w: ["w ", "w "],
+ d: ["Tage ", "Tagen "],
+ h: ["Stunde ", "Stunde "],
+ m: ["Minute ", "Minute "],
+ s: ["s ", "s "]
+ },
+ viewDisplayNames: {
+ DetailedMonthView: "Monat",
+ MonthView: "Monat",
+ WeekView: "Woche",
+ DayView: "Tag",
+ AgendaView: "Tagesordnung"
+ }
+ });
+ language: English
+ file: CalenStyle-i18n-en
+(function ($) {
+ $.CalenStyle.i18n["en"] = $.extend($.CalenStyle.i18n["en"], {
+ veryShortDayNames: "Su_Mo_Tu_We_Th_Fr_Sa".split("_"),
+ shortDayNames: "Sun_Mon_Tue_Wed_Thu_Fri_Sat".split("_"),
+ fullDayNames: "Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday".split("_"),
+ shortMonthNames: "Jan_Feb_Mar_Apr_May_Jun_Jul_Aug_Sep_Oct_Nov_Dec".split("_"),
+ fullMonthNames: "January_February_March_April_May_June_July_August_September_October_November_December".split("_"),
+ numbers: "0_1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9".split("_"),
+ eventTooltipContent: "Default",
+ formatDates: {},
+ miscStrings: {
+ today: "Today",
+ week: "Week",
+ allDay: "All Day",
+ ends: "Ends"
+ },
+ duration: "Default",
+ durationStrings: {
+ y: ["year ", "years "],
+ M: ["month ", "months "],
+ w: ["w ", "w "],
+ d: ["d ", "d "],
+ h: ["h ", "h "],
+ m: ["m ", "m "],
+ s: ["s ", "s "]
+ },
+ viewDisplayNames: {
+ DetailedMonthView: "Month",
+ MonthView: "Month",
+ WeekView: "Week",
+ DayView: "Day",
+ AgendaView: "Agenda"
+ }
+ });
+ language: French
+ file: CalenStyle-i18n-fr
+(function ($) {
+ $.CalenStyle.i18n["fr"] = $.extend($.CalenStyle.i18n["fr"], {
+ veryShortDayNames: 'Di_Lu_Ma_Me_Je_Ve_Sa'.split('_'),
+ shortDayNames: 'dim._lun._mar._mer._jeu._ven._sam.'.split('_'),
+ fullDayNames: 'dimanche_lundi_mardi_mercredi_jeudi_vendredi_samedi'.split('_'),
+ shortMonthNames: 'janv._févr._mars_avr._mai_juin_juil._août_sept._oct._nov._déc.'.split('_'),
+ fullMonthNames: 'janvier_février_mars_avril_mai_juin_juillet_août_septembre_octobre_novembre_décembre'.split('_'),
+ numbers: "0_1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9".split("_"),
+ eventTooltipContent: "Default",
+ formatDates: {},
+ miscStrings: {
+ today: "Aujourd\'hui",
+ week: "semaine",
+ allDay: "toute la journée",
+ ends: "finir"
+ },
+ duration: "Default",
+ durationStrings: {
+ y: ["an ", "ans "],
+ M: ["mois ", "mois "],
+ w: ["semaine ", "semaine "],
+ d: ["jour ", "jours "],
+ h: ["heure ", "heures "],
+ m: ["minute ", "minutes "],
+ s: ["s ", "s "]
+ },
+ viewDisplayNames: {
+ DetailedMonthView: "mois",
+ MonthView: "mois",
+ WeekView: "semaine",
+ DayView: "jour",
+ AgendaView: "ordre du jour"
+ }
+ });
+ language: Russian
+ file: CalenStyle-i18n-ru
+(function ($) {
+ $.CalenStyle.i18n["ru"] = $.extend($.CalenStyle.i18n["ru"], {
+ veryShortDayNames: 'вс_пн_вт_ср_чт_пт_сб'.split('_'),
+ shortDayNames: 'вс_пн_вт_ср_чт_пт_сб'.split('_'),
+ fullDayNames: 'воскресенье_понедельник_вторник_среда_четверг_пятница_суббота'.split('_'),
+ shortMonthNames: 'янв_фев_март_апр_май_июнь_июль_авг_сен_окт_ноя_дек'.split('_'),
+ fullMonthNames: 'январь_февраль_март_апрель_май_июнь_июль_август_сентябрь_октябрь_ноябрь_декабрь'.split('_'),
+ numbers: "0_1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9".split("_"),
+ eventTooltipContent: "Default",
+ formatDates: {},
+ miscStrings: {
+ today: "Сегодня",
+ week: "Неделя",
+ allDay: "весь день",
+ ends: "кончать"
+ },
+ duration: "Default",
+ durationStrings: {
+ y: ["Год ", "Год "],
+ M: ["Месяц ", "Месяц "],
+ w: ["w ", "w "],
+ d: ["d ", "d "],
+ h: ["h ", "h "],
+ m: ["m ", "m "],
+ s: ["s ", "s "]
+ },
+ viewDisplayNames: {
+ DetailedMonthView: "Месяц",
+ MonthView: "Месяц",
+ WeekView: "Неделя",
+ DayView: "День",
+ AgendaView: "повестка дня"
+ }
+ });
+ language: Chinese
+ file: CalenStyle-i18n-zh-cn
+(function ($) {
+ $.CalenStyle.i18n["zh-cn"] = $.extend($.CalenStyle.i18n["zh-cn"],
+ {
+ veryShortDayNames: '日_一_二_三_四_五_六'.split('_'),
+ shortDayNames: '周日_周一_周二_周三_周四_周五_周六'.split('_'),
+ fullDayNames: '星期日_星期一_星期二_星期三_星期四_星期五_星期六'.split('_'),
+ shortMonthNames: '1月_2月_3月_4月_5月_6月_7月_8月_9月_10月_11月_12月'.split('_'),
+ fullMonthNames: '一月_二月_三月_四月_五月_六月_七月_八月_九月_十月_十一月_十二月'.split('_'),
+ numbers: "0_1_2_3_4_5_6_7_8_9".split("_"),
+ eventTooltipContent: "Default",
+ formatDates: {
+ "hh:mm": function(iDate)
+ {
+ var iHm = iDate.H * 100 + iDate.m,
+ sFormat = "";
+ if (iHm < 600)
+ sFormat = '凌晨';
+ else if (iHm < 900)
+ sFormat = '早上';
+ else if (iHm < 1130)
+ sFormat = '上午';
+ else if (iHm < 1230)
+ sFormat = '中午';
+ else if (iHm < 1800)
+ sFormat = '下午';
+ else
+ sFormat = '晚上';
+ sFormat += iDate.h + "点" + this.getDateInFormat({"iDate": iDate}, "mm", false, true);
+ return sFormat;
+ },
+ "HH:mm": function(iDate)
+ {
+ var iHm = iDate.H * 100 + iDate.m,
+ sFormat = "";
+ if (iHm < 600)
+ sFormat = '凌晨';
+ else if (iHm < 900)
+ sFormat = '早上';
+ else if (iHm < 1130)
+ sFormat = '上午';
+ else if (iHm < 1230)
+ sFormat = '中午';
+ else if (iHm < 1800)
+ sFormat = '下午';
+ else
+ sFormat = '晚上';
+ sFormat += iDate.h + "点" + this.getDateInFormat({"iDate": iDate}, "mm", false, true);
+ return sFormat;
+ }
+ },
+ miscStrings: {
+ today: "今天",
+ week: "星期",
+ allDay: "整天",
+ ends: "结束"
+ },
+ duration: "Default",
+ durationStrings: {
+ y: ["岁 ", "岁 "],
+ M: ["月 ", "月 "],
+ w: ["周 ", "周 "],
+ d: ["日 ", "日 "],
+ h: ["钟头 ", "钟头 "],
+ m: ["分钟 ", "分钟 "],
+ s: ["秒 ", "秒 "]
+ },
+ viewDisplayNames: {
+ DetailedMonthView: "月份",
+ MonthView: "月份",
+ WeekView: "星期",
+ DayView: "白天",
+ AgendaView: "应办事项"
+ }
+ });
diff --git a/src/images/resize-handle.png b/src/images/resize-handle.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..236764f
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/images/resize-handle.png differ