Wake up from running an overnight print of ABS and find this?
Do not panic! It is recoverable.
- Remove all parts that can be easily removed - back half of mount, zip ties, screws, etc. (A pair of heavy diagonal pliers may help)
- Find / purchase an acetone-proof container. Local hardware stores frequently carry metal paint cans which work well for this purpose.
- While at the hardware store, purchase some acetone. Typically found in most paint / stain sections.
- With some solid steel or copper wire, suspend what is left of the toolhead by the hot end itself from the lid of the container.
- Pour some actone into the bottom of the container.
- Lower everyting into the container so that the toolhead is suspended at least an inch or two above the acetone, and close the lid.
- The acetone vapors will begin to melt the ABS.
- Check on it every few days, the softened ABS may need to be scraped away to allow the acetone vapors to reach the still-hard ABS.
- Eventually all of the ABS can be removed, some final cleanup will be required.