- Plug in stepper motors for X, Y, Z, and E in positions Xm, Ym, ZAm, and Em
- Plug Hot End thermistor to thermistor TH0
- Plug Hot End heater in to E0
- Plug Hot End Fan in to FAN0
- Plug Part Cooling Fan in to HB
- Plug Bed Thermistor in to THB
- Connect SSR pins to PT-DET connector
- Crydom SSR: SSR Input + => PC12, SSR Input => GND
- MagicStudios / Knacro 1-Channel SSR: CH1 => PC12, DC- => GND, DC+ => NC
- Connect X end stop to X-STOP connector
- Connect Y end stop to Y-STOP connector
- Connect Z end stop to Z-STOP connector
- Wire 24V and -V from DC power supply to VIN and GND
- Connect USB Cable to your SKR mini E3, but do not connect it yet to your Raspberry Pi
The MagicStudios / Knacro SSR requires 3 wires instead of the 2 referenced above.
For reference, here is the pinout of the SKR mini E3 V2.0