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Class 8: Hash Tables


  • Draw diagram of how a linked list data structure is stored in memory
  • Compare and contrast diagram representations with partners
  • Code review implementations of linked list class instance methods
  • Lecture and discussion following hash table slides


After completing this class session and the associated tutorial challenges, students will be able to ...

  • Describe what a hash function does to enable mapping arbitrary keys to integers
  • Describe and diagram how a hash table uses arrays and linked lists to store key-value entries
  • Explain what a hash collision is, why it happens, and at least one resolution technique
  • Compare advantages and disadvantages of using hash tables versus arrays or linked lists
  • Implement essential hash table class instance methods



These challenges are the baseline required to complete the project and course. Be sure to complete these before next class session and before starting on the stretch challenges below.

  • Page 9: Hash Table
    • Implement HashTable class using hash table starter code with these instance methods:
      • length() - return the number of entries (key-value pairs) in the hash table by traversing its buckets
      • items() - return a list of all entries (key-value pairs) in the hash table
      • keys() - return a list of all keys in the hash table
      • values() - return a list of all values in the hash table
      • contains(key) - return a boolean indicating whether key is in the hash table
      • get(key) - return the value associated with key in the hash table, or raise KeyError if not found
      • set(key, value) - insert key (or update, if already present) with associated value in the hash table
      • delete(key) - delete key and associated value from the hash table, or raise KeyError if not found
    • Run python to test HashTable class instance methods on a small example
    • Run pytest to run the hash table unit tests and fix any failures

Stretch Challenges

These challenges are more difficult and help you push your skills and understanding to the next level.

  • Page 9: Hash Table
    • Add several magic methods to allow subscripting syntax like the Python dict type
    • Want to make the HashTable class more convenient to use? Add methods so that it can be used as an iterable container, such as in a for loop
    • Consider an alternative approach to calculate the length of the hash table that doesn't require bucket traversal and implement it, then benchmark its running time against the first approach on small and large hash tables
    • Implement an alternative hash table collision resolution strategy instead of separate chaining (like linear probing) and consider what advantages and disadvantages this approach has over chaining with linked lists
    • Write additional test cases to expand the hash table unit tests to ensure your collision resolution strategy is robust