🌏 한국어
- 2024.09.13
- (iOS) Added isInlineMedia options in Configuration (435)
- (iOS) Improved the issue where sound continues to play after exiting WebView (453)
- (iOS) Improved autoplay functionality when videos within a page are set to autoplay (435)
- (Android) Supports for video fullscreen (462)
- (Android) Added page zoom feature (529)
- 2024.08.23
- (iOS) Improved the issue where the page could not be closed due to the absence of a close button when the page loading was slow (434)
- (Android) ShowSafeBrowsing API: Improved an issue where it would open with the default browser set on the device (520)
- (Android) Fixed an issue where error codes were passed as strings, causing JSON parsing errors in Unity (454)
- Improved internal logic.
- 2024.04.29
- (Android) Improves an issue where an error occurs when an HTML string contains # (473)
- 2024.04.03
- Fixed 'Undefined symbols for architecture arm64' error (501)
- 2024.03.29
- Response to Apple Privacy Policy (Apple Privacy Policy)
- 2023.10.17
- Fix iOS close button visible setting(Issue 450)
- 2023.10.10
- 2023.09.22
- Use the back button to pass a callback instead of closing a WebView(Android only) (Issue 422)
- GpmWebViewRequest.Configuration isBackButtonCloseCallbackUsed
- GpmWebViewCallback.CallbackType.BackButtonClose
- Add an option to set the visibility of the Close button(Issue 423)
- GpmWebViewRequest.Configuration isCloseButtonVisible
- Set the WebView to occupy only the size of the popup area(Issue 421, Issue 416, Issue 351, Issue 280)
- Remove deprecated APIs(ShowUrl, ShowHtmlFile, ShowHtmlString)
- Change ScreenOrientation.Landscape to LandscapeLeft
- 2023.08.23
- Relocate deprecated APIs in GpmWebView class
- 2023.06.20
- 2023.06.19
- Add GpmWebViewCallback.CallbackType.PageStarted callback(Issue 354)
- Add WebView background color to GpmWebViewRequest.Configuration(Issue 354)
- 2023.01.30
- Fixed NullReferenceException of GpmWebViewRequest.Configuration(Issue 348)
- 2023.01.12
- Add Custom scheme postprocessing command(Issue 328)
- Command : Close, LoadUrl, ExecuteJavascript
- 2022.12.09
- Added ExecuteJavascript result callback (Issue 296)
- Added JavaScript Injection feature (Discussion 297)
- GpmWebViewRequest.Configuration.addJavascript
- Fixed Android custom scheme to save to specified value (Issue 288)
- Fixed partial cropped issue of the full screen (Issue 313)
- 2022.11.02
- Removed "itms-services" out of the scheme list used in iOS WebView because it was rejected by App Review.
- 2022.10.13
- Improved the shouldOverrideUrlLoading logic of the Android WebViewClient class
- Modified scheme key for URL("intent://" -> "intent:")
- Proceed to ACTION_VIEW except for "intent:", "market://"
- 2022.09.20
- Added options for screen rotation support
- Device default browser call API
- File download function (Android only)
- Raise the minimum version to 2019.4 according to the 1.3.a Versions of Unity contents of the Unity Guidelines.
- Link : Unity Guidelines
- 2022.08.09
- Updated iOS redirect scheme
- 2022.08.04
- Android WebChromeClient permissions
- 2022.07.08
- Updated Common 2.0.4 to 2.1.2
- Updated Communicator 1.0.2 to 1.1.0
- 2022.05.27
Supports SafeBrowsing
- Android Chrome CustomTabsIntent
- iOS SFSafariViewController
Added WebView Show API callback
- Deprecated each callback
- WebView event processing based on CallbackType
Added auto rotation
- WebView configuration variable : isAutoRotation
- iOS only
- Specifies true only when Screen.orientation is not set manually.
- Deprecated API
[System.Obsolete("This method is deprecated.")]
public static void ShowUrl(
string url,
GpmWebViewRequest.Configuration configuration,
GpmWebViewCallback.GpmWebViewErrorDelegate openCallback,
GpmWebViewCallback.GpmWebViewErrorDelegate closeCallback,
List<string> schemeList,
GpmWebViewCallback.GpmWebViewDelegate<string> schemeEvent)
[System.Obsolete("This method is deprecated.")]
public static void ShowUrl(
string url,
GpmWebViewRequest.Configuration configuration,
GpmWebViewCallback.GpmWebViewErrorDelegate openCallback = null,
GpmWebViewCallback.GpmWebViewErrorDelegate closeCallback = null,
GpmWebViewCallback.GpmWebViewPageLoadDelegate pageLoadCallback = null,
List<string> schemeList = null,
GpmWebViewCallback.GpmWebViewDelegate<string> schemeEvent = null)
[System.Obsolete("This method is deprecated.")]
public static void ShowHtmlFile(
string filePath,
GpmWebViewRequest.Configuration configuration,
GpmWebViewCallback.GpmWebViewErrorDelegate openCallback,
GpmWebViewCallback.GpmWebViewErrorDelegate closeCallback,
List<string> schemeList,
GpmWebViewCallback.GpmWebViewDelegate<string> schemeEvent)
[System.Obsolete("This method is deprecated.")]
public static void ShowHtmlFile(
string filePath,
GpmWebViewRequest.Configuration configuration,
GpmWebViewCallback.GpmWebViewErrorDelegate openCallback = null,
GpmWebViewCallback.GpmWebViewErrorDelegate closeCallback = null,
GpmWebViewCallback.GpmWebViewPageLoadDelegate pageLoadCallback = null,
List<string> schemeList = null,
GpmWebViewCallback.GpmWebViewDelegate<string> schemeEvent = null)
[System.Obsolete("This method is deprecated.")]
public static void ShowHtmlString(
string htmlString,
GpmWebViewRequest.Configuration configuration,
GpmWebViewCallback.GpmWebViewErrorDelegate openCallback = null,
GpmWebViewCallback.GpmWebViewErrorDelegate closeCallback = null,
List<string> schemeList = null,
GpmWebViewCallback.GpmWebViewDelegate<string> schemeEvent = null,
GpmWebViewCallback.GpmWebViewPageLoadDelegate pageLoadCallback = null)
- 2022.05.16
Supports file upload
- Android API 21 or later
Added custom user agent string
- WebView configuration variable : userAgentString
Supports multiple windows (new window on the WebView)
- WebView configuration variable : supportMultipleWindows
Added WebView API
- getX
- getY
- getWidth
- getHeight
- 2022.05.11
- iOS WebView custom scheme callback
- 2022.04.20
WebView configuration
- isNavigationBarVisible
- Activate/Deactivate close button of iOS Popup WebView.
- isNavigationBarVisible
Sample.scene, SampleWebView.cs
- How to use Popup WebView as APIs and configurations.
Added WebView API
- SetPosition
- SetSize
- SetMargins
- IsActive
Added WebView configuration variables
- position
- size
- margins
- isMaskViewVisible
- Activate/Deactivate background mask view of Popup WebView (iOS only)
- 2022.03.11
- Fixed inconsistent line endings in SampleWebView.cs file.
- Fixed URL with Korean characters encoding error. (#186)
- 2022.03.04
- Added WebView API
- CanGoBack
- CanGoForward
- GoBack
- GoForward
- Added WebView Sample scene (#105)
- Modify WebView API
- Added OnPageLoadCallback parameter to ShowUrl, ShowHtmlFile, ShowHtmlString (#71)
- 2021.11.29
- Fixed a bug that caused the previous page to reload when trying to navigate to a linked page on certain webpages.
- Add warning log when calling the WebView API that does not work in Unity Editor.
- 2021.08.12
- Disable Lumin in the Exclude Platforms attribute of assembly definitions.
- Add the default value for Configuration.navigationBarColor
- 2021.07.31
- Configuration
- navigationBarColor
- supportMultipleWindows (Android only)
- Assembly definition
- 2021.03.12
- Configuration
- isNavigationBarVisible
- isClearCookie
- isClearCache
- 2021.02.23
- Configuration
- Popup Style
- Forward Button
- ShowHtmlFile
- ShowHtmlString
- ExecuteJavaScript
- Configuration
- Orientation removed
- 2020.12.24
- Android
- iOS
- ShowUrl
- Close