Releases: nicklaw5/twitch-api-php
v3.0.5 More New Twitch API Endpoints
New APIs:
- NewTwitchApi->getAnalyticsApi
- NewTwitchApi->getTagsApi
New endpoints
- BitsApi->getExtensionTransactions
- AnalyticsApi->getExtensionAnalytics
- AnalyticsApi->getGameAnalytics
- EntitlementsApi->getStatusCode
- EntitlementsApi->redeemCode
- TagsApi->getAllStreamTags
- TagsApi->getStreamTags
- UsersApi->createUserFollow
A big thanks to @brandinarsenault for all his work!
- Fix issue with searching categories (#71 - @thecodeassassin)
- Added support for entitlements/upload (#70 - @MaxHayman)
- Switched to GitHub Actions for running tests (#69 - @oldskool)
v3.0.2 Fixed VideosApi
v3.0.1 Added ability to start commercials and create clips
This version adds two new features:
- Ability to start commercials
- Ability to create clips
Thanks to @brandinarsenault for adding these features!
v3.0.0 New endpoints, required authorization tokens, CI improvements, and code cleanup
This is the first release of major version 3 of the PHP Twitch API library! This release is not backwards compatible with previous versions. Please read the changelog for information.
- Breaking Change All endpoints have been updated to require a bearer token, as Twitch has made this a requirement for the API. Endpoint methods now require the bearer token as the first argument.
- Possible Breaking Change The composer dependencies have been updated to for PHP 7.4, including updated testing libraries.
- Many new endpoints have been added for bits, clips, hype trains, search, and streams.
- Travis CI updated to run
to along withphpunit
HUGE thanks to @brandinarsenault for all the work he put in to add new endpoints! A list of endpoints that still need to be added can be found here: #24 (comment)
If you require any of these of endpoints, please add them to the library and submit a PR!
v2.1.3: Added Bearer for getStreamForUserId and getStreamForUsername (#56)
This release includes @brandinarsenault's fix for authenticated calls to a couple of endpoints.
More New Twitch API Endpoints
This release includes a number of new New Twitch API endpoints as well as other improvements and fixes.
Thanks to the following folks for helping create this version and improved this project for us all!
- @B3none
- @Justas-S
- @brandinarsenault
- @juan-tellez
- @AlmostInteractive
v2.1.1: Merge pull request #39 from Justas-S/master
Add two missing webhook endpoints: "User Changed" and "User Follows"
Version 2.1.0 changes:
Breaking Changes
- IDs are handled as integers instead of strings.
Other Changes
- CLI client removed from this project. Now at
added to top clips.- @echosa added as an author in