.. currentmodule:: torch.distributed.tensor
is currently in alpha state and under
development, we are committing backward compatibility for the most APIs listed
in the doc, but there might be API changes if necessary.
PyTorch DTensor offers simple and flexible tensor sharding primitives that transparently handles distributed
logic, including sharded storage, operator computation and collective communications across devices/hosts.
could be used to build different paralleism solutions and support sharded state_dict representation
when working with multi-dimensional sharding.
Please see examples from the PyTorch native parallelism solutions that are built on top of DTensor
.. automodule:: torch.distributed.tensor
:class:`DTensor` follows the SPMD (single program, multiple data) programming model to empower users to write distributed program as if it's a single-device program with the same convergence property. It provides a uniform tensor sharding layout (DTensor Layout) through specifying the :class:`DeviceMesh` and :class:`Placement`:
- :class:`DeviceMesh` represents the device topology and the communicators of the cluster using an n-dimensional array.
- :class:`Placement` describes the sharding layout of the logical tensor on the :class:`DeviceMesh`. DTensor supports three types of placements: :class:`Shard`, :class:`Replicate` and :class:`Partial`.
.. currentmodule:: torch.distributed.tensor
:class:`DTensor` is a torch.Tensor
subclass. This means once a :class:`DTensor` is created, it could be
used in very similar way to torch.Tensor
, including running different types of PyTorch operators as if
running them in a single device, allowing proper distributed computation for PyTorch operators.
In addition to existing torch.Tensor
methods, it also offers a set of additional methods to interact with
, redistribute
the DTensor Layout to a new DTensor, get the full tensor content
on all devices, etc.
.. autoclass:: DTensor :members: :member-order: bysource
.. currentmodule:: torch.distributed.device_mesh
:class:`DeviceMesh` was built from DTensor as the abstraction to describe cluster's device topology and represent
multi-dimensional communicators (on top of ProcessGroup
). To see the details of how to create/use a DeviceMesh,
please refer to the DeviceMesh recipe.
.. automodule:: torch.distributed.tensor.placement_types
.. currentmodule:: torch.distributed.tensor.placement_types
DTensor supports the following types of :class:`Placement` on each :class:`DeviceMesh` dimension:
.. autoclass:: Shard :members: :undoc-members:
.. autoclass:: Replicate :members: :undoc-members:
.. autoclass:: Partial :members: :undoc-members:
.. autoclass:: Placement :members: :undoc-members:
.. currentmodule:: torch.distributed.tensor
- There're three ways to construct a :class:`DTensor`:
- :meth:`distribute_tensor` creates a :class:`DTensor` from a logical or "global"
on each rank. This could be used to shard the leaftorch.Tensor
s (i.e. model parameters/buffers and inputs). - :meth:`DTensor.from_local` creates a :class:`DTensor` from a local
on each rank, which can be used to create :class:`DTensor` from a non-leaftorch.Tensor
s (i.e. intermediate activation tensors during forward/backward). - DTensor provides dedicated tensor factory functions (e.g. :meth:`empty`, :meth:`ones`, :meth:`randn`, etc.) to allow different :class:`DTensor` creations by directly specifying the :class:`DeviceMesh` and :class:`Placement`. Compare to :meth:`distribute_tensor`, this could directly materializing the sharded memory on device, instead of performing sharding after initializing the logical Tensor memory.
- :meth:`distribute_tensor` creates a :class:`DTensor` from a logical or "global"
The SPMD (single program, multiple data) programming model in torch.distributed
launches multiple processes
(i.e. via torchrun
) to execute the same program, this means that the model inside the program would be
initialized on different processes first (i.e. the model might be initialized on CPU, or meta device, or directly
on GPU if enough memory).
offers a :meth:`distribute_tensor` API that could shard the model weights or Tensors to DTensor
where it would create a DTensor from the "logical" Tensor on each process. This would empower the created
s to comply with the single device semantic, which is critical for numerical correctness.
.. autofunction:: distribute_tensor
Along with :meth:`distribute_tensor`, DTensor also offers a :meth:`distribute_module` API to allow easier sharding on the :class:`nn.Module` level
.. autofunction:: distribute_module
DTensor also provides dedicated tensor factory functions to allow creating :class:`DTensor` directly using torch.Tensor like factory function APIs (i.e. torch.ones, torch.empty, etc), by additionally specifying the :class:`DeviceMesh` and :class:`Placement` for the :class:`DTensor` created:
.. autofunction:: zeros
.. autofunction:: ones
.. autofunction:: empty
.. autofunction:: full
.. autofunction:: rand
.. autofunction:: randn
.. automodule:: torch.distributed.tensor.debug
.. currentmodule:: torch.distributed.tensor.debug
When launching the program, you can turn on additional logging using the TORCH_LOGS environment variable from torch._logging :
- TORCH_LOGS=+dtensor will display logging.DEBUG messages and all levels above it.
- TORCH_LOGS=dtensor will display logging.INFO messages and above.
- TORCH_LOGS=-dtensor will display logging.WARNING messages and above.
To debug the program that applied DTensor, and understand more details about what collectives happened under the hood, DTensor provides a :class:`CommDebugMode`:
.. autoclass:: CommDebugMode :members: :undoc-members:
To visualize the sharding of a DTensor that have less than 3 dimensions, DTensor provides :meth:`visualize_sharding`:
.. autofunction:: visualize_sharding
also provides a set of experimental features. These features are either in prototyping stage, or the basic
functionality is done and but looking for user feedbacks. Please submit a issue to PyTorch if you have feedbacks to
these features.
.. automodule:: torch.distributed.tensor.experimental
.. currentmodule:: torch.distributed.tensor.experimental
.. autofunction:: local_map
.. autofunction:: register_sharding
.. py:module:: torch.distributed.tensor.device_mesh