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Performance Considerations

Nathan Jensen edited this page Jul 20, 2015 · 8 revisions

Jep is used on production systems that run significant amounts of Python in servers aiming for 99.999% uptime. In these situations there are some recommended best practices.

Memory management

You can leak Python objects (or Java objects in Python!) if you continually create new variables in a sub-interpreter's global scope. There's a few different techniques you can use to ensure this doesn't happen. In no particular order:

  • Execute most of your Python code in functions, so any variables created exist only temporarily in local scope. The Python garbage collector will take care of variables after they go out of scope. For example:
def foo():
    args = get_args()
    values = pre_process(args)

where foo() does all the work. args and values will go out of scope and be automatically cleaned up.

  • Delete any variables created by jep.setValue(String name, Object var); once you are done with them. For example:
jep.set("x", javaObj);
jep.eval("result = foo(x)");
Object result = jep.getValue("result");
jep.eval("del x");
jep.eval("del result");

You can also shortcut this with Python code like:

for g in globals():
   if some_condition(g):
      del g
  • Close the Jep interpreters when you are done with them. For example:
Jep jep = null;
try {
    jep = new Jep(false);
    // runScript, invoke, eval, and other fun things
    } finally {
        if (jep != null) {

With Java 7 it's even easier:

try(Jep jep = new Jep(false)) {
   // runScript, invoke, eval, and other fun things


Starting and stopping Python sub-interpreters, while fast, is relatively slow in comparison to using an already initialized sub-interpreter. This becomes even more noticeable as the number of modules that get imported into the sub-interpreter grows. In these cases you should strongly consider retaining your Jep instances (ie Python sub-interpreters) and reusing them.


Jep requires that the thread that initializes the sub-interpreter is the same thread for any operations on the sub-interpreter. If you want to reuse Jep instances for speed or stateful reasons, and you also want to multithread your calls to Python, a useful technique is to pool Jep instances/Python sub-interpreters. An accompanying factory class can create and initialize your Jep instances on demand for the pool, and you can limit the number of threads in the pool to ensure that the Python components do not overwhelm the rest of the system.

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