NGIntroView is a Swift- 3 Demo by using EAIntroView cocoapods Following is a steps are how to making IntroView in Swift-3 by using EAIntroView
- Open terminal and CD to your project directory
- Run Command pod Init
- add pod 'EAIntroView', '~> 2.10.0' in to your podfile and save it
- Run command pod install
- Create XIB files that you want to add pages
- import EAIntroView in to your viewcontroller.swift
- Do following code
- Add EAIntroDelegate
let ingropage1 = EAIntroPage.init(customViewFromNibNamed: "page1")
let ingropage2 = EAIntroPage.init(customViewFromNibNamed: "page2")
let ingropage3 = EAIntroPage.init(customViewFromNibNamed: "page3")
let ingropage4 = EAIntroPage.init(customViewFromNibNamed: "page4")
let ingropage5 = EAIntroPage.init(customViewFromNibNamed: "page5")
let introView = EAIntroView.init(frame: self.view.bounds, andPages: [ingropage1!,ingropage2!,ingropage3!,ingropage4!,ingropage5!])
introView?.delegate = self
introView?.show(in: self.view)
func introDidFinish(_ introView: EAIntroView!, wasSkipped: Bool) {
if(wasSkipped) {
print("Intro skipped")
} else {
print("Intro skipped")