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Release Process

Once the code has been merged into the develop branch on this repo, there are two processes that need to be completed to ensure a release is complete.

  • You should create a GitHub tag, with the appropriate version number. Typically, from v21.06 onwards all tags are created following the Linux Ubuntu versioning convention which is the YY.MM format where Y is the year and M is the month of that year when that release was created.
  • You should push the package to PyPI. Schematic is on PyPI as schematicpy. You can go through the following two sections for that.


  • Step 1: Open a pull request to merge the main branch to the develop branch:

    • Click on the "Pull Request" tab on Github
    • Click on the green button "New pull request"
    • Select main as "base" and develop as "compare"
    • Resolve conflicts
    • Link all PRs and/or issues that are included in the release (example here)
  • Step 2: Create a tag git tag <tag version> -m '<message>'

  • Step 3: Push the tag to main branch (this step assumes that you have checked out the main branch locally) git push origin <tag version>

This should trigger the PYPI release workflow and release a new version of schematic to PYPI. You could check by cliking on the GitHub action log and login to your PYPI account (and select project schematicpy. Please note that you have to obtain access to schematicpy to be able to see it.)

Note: if you make some mistakes and would like to delete a tag, try the following commands: git push --delete origin <version number> for deleting a tag remotely and git tag -d <version number> for deleting a tag locally.

Release to Test PyPI (optional)

The purpose of this section is to verify that the package looks and works as intended, by viewing it on Test PyPI and installing the test version in a separate virtual environment.

poetry build   # build the package
poetry config repositories.testpypi   # add Test PyPI as an alternate package repository
poetry publish -r testpypi   # publish the package to Test PyPI


pip install --index-url

Release to PyPI (mandatory)

If the package looks great on Test PyPI and works well, the next step is to publish the package to PyPI:

poetry publish  # publish the package to PyPI

You'll need to register for a PyPI account before uploading packages to the package index. Similarly for Test PyPI as well.