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DCellar-web-ui is a decentralized application (dapp) built with Next.js

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running, please follow these simple steps.


Here is what you need to be able to run dcellar-web-ui



  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone [email protected]:node-real/dcellar.git
  2. Go to the project folder

    cd dcellar/apps/dcellar-web-ui
  3. Install dependency and build symbolic links for apps:

    rush install
  4. Set up your .env file

    cp .env.example .env.local
  5. You can run rushx command to run scripts in package.json.

    # rushx is just like npm run
    rushx dev  # It will run 'dev' script in package.json

Open http://localhost:3200 with your browser to see the result.

Environment Variable Management

We utilize Next.js environment variables, particularly the NEXT_PUBLIC_ENV variable, to distinguish between different environments. This method is suitable for variables that remain relatively static. For more dynamic environment data and alert notifications, we leverage Apollo.

If Apollo is not preferred, reliance solely on Next.js environment variables for management is feasible.

Should you choose to forego Apollo, you can remove all Apollo configuration code. Additionally, any references to Apollo variables within the code should be updated to use Next.js environment variables instead.

Accessing BNB Greenfield Billing and Enhance API

To integrate the BNB Greenfield Billing API for accessing user monthly bills, billing history, and total costs, as well as the Enhanced API for retrieving folder policies and Daily Bucket Storage List, follow these steps:

  1. Register with nodereal: Sign up for an account on the nodereal to access the APIs.
  2. Create New Key: Create a new API key to authenticate your requests.
  3. Obtain API Endpoints: Visit the web3 API Marketplace to find the Billing API and Enhanced API.
  4. Configure DCellar-web-ui: Replace NEXT_PRIVATE_BILLING_API_URL and NEXT_PRIVATE_EXPLORER_API_URL in your DCellar-web-ui environment variables with the obtained API endpoints.

With these steps, you can seamlessly integrate the BNB Greenfield Billing and Enhanced APIs into your DCellar-web-ui application, unlocking access to the complete dashboard and account modules.


Please follow our DCellar Contribution Guide.


See LICENSE for more information.