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Mike Blackstock edited this page Oct 19, 2017 · 9 revisions

To help co-ordinate and develop content for the Node-RED documentation, this wiki will be used to draft content we want to cover.

Note that the Cookbook is managed in a separate repository.

If you want to discuss any aspect, come join us in the #docs channel on slack.

The current documentation site is divided into 6 top level documents targeted to three different audiences: flow developers, node developers and Node RED developers. This wiki (and the linked cookbook wiki) has a top level page for each category for drafting documentation.

Contributing Documentation

To contribute documentation:

  1. First, check the existing pages on this wiki for content we want to cover.
  2. Then have a read of the style guide.
  3. If there is not a wiki page created for the documentation section you want to write, create a new page for a section and add a link.
  4. To track the status of the page, label the page with
  • work in progress - the page is still under development
  • complete - the page is mostly complete, waiting for a pull request from someone.
  • published - the page is done. No more changes will be made to the page.
  1. Work with the community to move content from work in progress to a complete stage. Once the group agrees its complete, move your content to the web site repository and make a pull request for final review. Once it's added to the web site, mark the content as published.

Documentation Pages

These contain links to the top level wiki pages for the content we would like to cover.

Flow Developers

Node Developers

Node-RED Developers

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