Add and run the following fabric command to update your system:
def apt_upgrade():
sudo("apt-get update", pty=False)
sudo("apt-get upgrade -y", pty=False)
and run:
fab apt_upgrade
Let's install many great packages:
# generic system related packages
'unattended-upgrades', # for auto updating your system
'ntp', # To keep time synchromized
'fail2ban', # to secure against SSH/other attacks
'mailutils', # postfix mail server and goodies
'opendkim', # SSL for mail
# useful tools
'virtualenvwrapper', # for easily managing virtualenvs
# required libraries for building some python packages
# postgres database
# nginx - a fast web server
# uwsgi: runs python (django) apps via WSGI
'rabbitmq-server', # for offline tasks via celery
def apt_install():
host = env.hosts[0]
sudo(f'''debconf-set-selections <<< "postfix postfix/mailname string {host}"''')
sudo(f'''debconf-set-selections <<< "postfix postfix/main_mailer_type string 'Internet Site'"''')
pkgs = " ".join(APT_PACKAGES)
sudo(f"DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y -q {pkgs}", pty=False)
and run:
fab apt_install
Since we have installed nginx, a default web page should appear when accesing your server in your web browser: .