This is a modified version of the sxiv-rifle script. This script opens an image as well as all the other images in that directory.
One thing to note here is that -maxdepth
is not POSIX, so it may not be
available on your version of find
if you're on a non-GNU system.
Please make the following changes if -maxdepth
is not available for you.
This may cause slight performance decrease.
- find -L "$1" -maxdepth 1 -type f -print |
+ find -L "$1" \( ! -path "$1" -prune \) -type f -print |
By default, nsxiv-rifle
will sort the files alphabetically.
Following are a couple more methods of sorting:
- Natural sort (requires GNU sort)
- is_img_extension | sort | tee "$tmp"
+ is_img_extension | sort -V | tee "$tmp"
- Sort by modification time (requires
- find -L "$1" -maxdepth 1 -type f -print |
- is_img_extension | sort | tee "$tmp"
+ find -L "$1" -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec stat -c '%Y %n' {} + |
+ sort -nr | cut -d' ' -f 2- | is_img_extension | tee "$tmp"
can also handle file://
and trash://
will be be set to nsxiv_trash
when opening trash URI.
You may wish to change your key-handler
bindings when browsing trash
images as it can be used for restoring or permanently deleting the images
via using an xdg compliant tool for trash management.
An in-lined python3 script uri2path
is used for URI decoding, if you don't
want a python dependency you may use this awk script instead.
awk uri2path
uri2path () {
printf '%s' "${1#*://}" | awk '
hextab ["0"] = 0; hextab ["8"] = 8;
hextab ["1"] = 1; hextab ["9"] = 9;
hextab ["2"] = 2; hextab ["A"] = hextab ["a"] = 10
hextab ["3"] = 3; hextab ["B"] = hextab ["b"] = 11;
hextab ["4"] = 4; hextab ["C"] = hextab ["c"] = 12;
hextab ["5"] = 5; hextab ["D"] = hextab ["d"] = 13;
hextab ["6"] = 6; hextab ["E"] = hextab ["e"] = 14;
hextab ["7"] = 7; hextab ["F"] = hextab ["f"] = 15;
decoded = ""
i = 1
len = length ($0)
while ( i <= len ) {
c = substr ($0, i, 1)
if ( c == "%" ) {
if ( i+2 <= len ) {
c1 = substr ($0, i+1, 1)
c2 = substr ($0, i+2, 1)
if ( hextab [c1] == "" || hextab [c2] == "" ) {
print "WARNING: invalid hex encoding: %" c1 c2 | "cat >&2"
} else {
code = 0 + hextab [c1] * 16 + hextab [c2] + 0
c = sprintf ("%c", code)
i = i + 2
} else {
print "WARNING: invalid % encoding: " substr ($0, i, len - i)
} else if ( c == "+" ) {
c = " "
decoded = decoded c
print decoded
- Original
authors - NRK <nrk at disroot dot org>
- eylles [email protected]
- Berke Kocaoğlu [email protected]