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The SYK Green's function has particle-hole symmetry when μ=0. You may enforce such symmetry by setting `symmetry = :ph` when initialize the DLR grids. - A symmetrized solver tends to be more robust than the unsymmetrized counterpart. + A symmetrized solver tends to be more robust than a unsymmetrized one. """ using Lehmann @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ function dyson(d, sigma_q, mu) end end -function solve_syk_with_fixpoint_iter(d, mu, tol = d.rtol * 10; mix = 0.1, maxiter = 1000, G_x = zeros(ComplexF64, length(d))) +function solve_syk_with_fixpoint_iter(d, mu, tol = d.rtol * 10; mix = 0.1, maxiter = 5000, G_x = zeros(ComplexF64, length(d)), verbose = true) for iter in 1:maxiter @@ -61,8 +61,10 @@ function solve_syk_with_fixpoint_iter(d, mu, tol = d.rtol * 10; mix = 0.1, maxit G_x_new = matfreq2tau(d, G_q_new) - if iter % (maxiter / 10) == 0 - println("round $iter: change $(diff(G_x_new, G_x))") + if verbose + if iter % (maxiter / 10) == 0 + println("round $iter: change $(diff(G_x_new, G_x))") + end end if maximum(abs.(G_x_new .- G_x)) < tol && iter > 10 break @@ -83,26 +85,51 @@ function printG(d, G_x) println() end -printstyled("===== Symmetrized DLR solver for SYK model =======\n", color = :yellow) -mix = 0.1 -dsym = DLRGrid(Euv = 5.0, β = 1000.0, isFermi = true, rtol = 1e-8, symmetry = :ph) # Initialize DLR object -G_x_ph = solve_syk_with_fixpoint_iter(dsym, 0.00, mix = mix) -printG(dsym, G_x_ph) - -printstyled("===== Unsymmetrized DLR solver for SYK model =======\n", color = :yellow) -mix = 0.02 -dnone = DLRGrid(Euv = 5.0, β = 1000.0, isFermi = true, rtol = 1e-8, symmetry = :none) # Initialize DLR object -G_x_none = solve_syk_with_fixpoint_iter(dnone, 0.00, mix = mix) -printG(dnone, G_x_none) - -printstyled("===== Unsymmetrized versus Symmetrized DLR solver =======\n", color = :yellow) -@printf("%15s%40s%40s%40s\n", "τ", "sym DLR (interpolated)", "unsym DLR", "difference") -G_x_interp = tau2tau(dsym, G_x_ph, dnone.τ) -for i in 1:dnone.size - if dnone.τ[i] <= dnone.β / 2 - @printf("%15.8f%40.15f%40.15f%40.15f\n", dnone.τ[i], real(G_x_interp[i]), real(G_x_none[i]), abs(real(G_x_interp[i] - G_x_none[i]))) - end +verbose = false + +printstyled("===== Prepare the expected Green's function of the SYK model =======\n", color = :yellow) +dsym_correct = DLRGrid(Euv = 5.0, β = 10000.0, isFermi = true, rtol = 1e-14, symmetry = :ph) # Initialize DLR object +G_x_correct = solve_syk_with_fixpoint_iter(dsym_correct, 0.00, mix = 0.1, verbose = false) +printG(dsym_correct, G_x_correct) + +printstyled("===== Test Symmetrized and Unsymmetrized DLR solver for SYK model =======\n", color = :yellow) + +@printf("%30s%30s%30s%15s\n", "Euv", "symmetrized solver error", "unsymmetrized solver error", "good or bad") +for Euv in LinRange(5.0, 10.0, 50) + + rtol = 1e-10 + β = 10000.0 + # printstyled("===== Symmetrized DLR solver for SYK model =======\n", color = :yellow) + mix = 0.01 + dsym = DLRGrid(Euv = Euv, β = β, isFermi = true, rtol = rtol, symmetry = :ph, rebuild = true, verbose = false) # Initialize DLR object + G_x_ph = solve_syk_with_fixpoint_iter(dsym, 0.00, mix = mix, verbose = verbose) + # printG(dsym, G_x_ph) + + # printstyled("===== Unsymmetrized DLR solver for SYK model =======\n", color = :yellow) + mix = 0.01 + dnone = DLRGrid(Euv = Euv, β = β, isFermi = true, rtol = rtol, symmetry = :none, rebuild = true, verbose = false) # Initialize DLR object + G_x_none = solve_syk_with_fixpoint_iter(dnone, 0.00, mix = mix, verbose = verbose) + # printG(dnone, G_x_none) + + # printstyled("===== Unsymmetrized versus Symmetrized DLR solver =======\n", color = :yellow) + # @printf("%15s%40s%40s%40s\n", "τ", "sym DLR (interpolated)", "unsym DLR", "difference") + # G_x_interp = tau2tau(dsym_correct, G_x_correct, dnone.τ) + # for i in 1:dnone.size + # if dnone.τ[i] <= dnone.β / 2 + # @printf("%15.8f%40.15f%40.15f%40.15f\n", dnone.τ[i], real(G_x_interp[i]), real(G_x_none[i]), abs(real(G_x_interp[i] - G_x_none[i]))) + # end + # end + + G_x_interp_ph = tau2tau(dsym_correct, G_x_correct, dsym.τ) + G_x_interp_none = tau2tau(dsym_correct, G_x_correct, dnone.τ) + d_ph = diff(G_x_interp_ph, G_x_ph) + d_none = diff(G_x_interp_none, G_x_none) + flag = (d_ph < 100rtol) && (d_none < 100rtol) ? "good" : "bad" + + @printf("%30.15f%30.15e%30.15e%20s\n", Euv, d_ph, d_none, flag) + # println("symmetric Euv = $Euv maximumal difference: ", diff(G_x_interp, G_x_ph)) + # println("non symmetric Euv = $Euv maximumal difference: ", diff(G_x_interp, G_x_none)) + end -println("maximumal difference: ", diff(G_x_interp, G_x_none)) diff --git a/src/dlr.jl b/src/dlr.jl index 9464aa3..2bdd8ff 100644 --- a/src/dlr.jl +++ b/src/dlr.jl @@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ struct DLRGrid τ::Vector{Float64} """ - function DLRGrid(Euv, β, rtol, isFermi::Bool; symmetry::Symbol = :none, rebuild = false, folder = nothing, algorithm = :functional, verbose = 0) - function DLRGrid(; Euv, β, isFermi::Bool, symmetry::Symbol = :none, rtol = 1e-8, rebuild = false, folder = nothing, algorithm = :functional, verbose = 0) + function DLRGrid(Euv, β, rtol, isFermi::Bool; symmetry::Symbol = :none, rebuild = false, folder = nothing, algorithm = :functional, verbose = false) + function DLRGrid(; Euv, β, isFermi::Bool, symmetry::Symbol = :none, rtol = 1e-8, rebuild = false, folder = nothing, algorithm = :functional, verbose = false) Create DLR grids @@ -54,9 +54,10 @@ struct DLRGrid - `symmetry` : particle-hole symmetric :ph, or particle-hole asymmetric :pha, or :none - `rtol` : tolerance absolute error - `rebuild` : set false to load DLR basis from the file, set true to recalculate the DLR basis on the fly - - `folder` : the folder to load the DLR file if rebuild = false, or the folder to save the DLR file if rebuild = true + - `folder` : if rebuild is true and folder is set, then dlrGrid will be rebuilt and saved to the specified folder + if rebuild is false and folder is set, then dlrGrid will be loaded from the specified folder - `algorithm` : if rebuild = true, then set :functional to use the functional algorithm to generate the DLR basis, or set :discrete to use the matrix algorithm. - - `verbose` : 0 not to print DLRGrid to terminal, >0 to print + - `verbose` : false not to print DLRGrid to terminal, or true to print """ function DLRGrid(Euv, β, rtol, isFermi::Bool, symmetry::Symbol = :none; rebuild = false, folder = nothing, algorithm = :functional, verbose = false) Λ = Euv * β # dlr only depends on this dimensionless scale @@ -73,39 +74,80 @@ struct DLRGrid @warn("Current implementation may cause ~ 3-4 digits loss for rtol ≥ 1e-6!") end - if Λ < 100 - Λ = Int(100) - else - Λ = 10^(Int(ceil(log10(Λ)))) # get smallest n so that Λ<10^n - end - rtolpower = Int(floor(log10(rtol))) # get the biggest n so that rtol>1e-n if abs(rtolpower) < 4 rtolpower = -4 end + rtol = 10.0^float(rtolpower) + + function finddlr(folder, filename) + searchdir(path, key) = filter(x -> occursin(key, x), readdir(path)) + for dir in folder + if length(searchdir(dir, filename)) > 0 + #dlr file found + return joinpath(dir, filename) + end + end + @warn("Cann't find the DLR file $filename in the folders $folder. Regenerating DLR...") + return nothing + end - if symmetry == :none - # if isFermi - filename = "universal_$(Λ)_1e$(rtolpower).dlr" - # else - # error("Generic bosonic dlr has not yet been implemented!") - # end - elseif symmetry == :ph - filename = "ph_$(Λ)_1e$(rtolpower).dlr" - elseif symmetry == :pha - filename = "pha_$(Λ)_1e$(rtolpower).dlr" - else - error("$symmetry is not implemented!") + function filename(lambda, errpower) + lambda = Int(floor(lambda)) + errstr = "1e$errpower" + + if symmetry == :none + return "universal_$(lambda)_$(errstr).dlr" + elseif symmetry == :ph + return "ph_$(lambda)_$(errstr).dlr" + elseif symmetry == :pha + return "pha_$(lambda)_$(errstr).dlr" + else + error("$symmetry is not implemented!") + end end - dlr = new(isFermi, symmetry, Euv, β, Λ, rtol, [], [], [], []) - if rebuild - _build!(dlr, folder, filename, algorithm, verbose) - else - _load!(dlr, folder, filename, algorithm, verbose) + + if rebuild == false + if isnothing(folder) + Λfloor = Λ < 100 ? Int(100) : 10^(Int(ceil(log10(Λ)))) # get smallest n so that Λ<10^n + + folderList = [string(@__DIR__, "/../basis/"),] + file = filename(Λfloor, rtolpower) + + dlrfile = finddlr(folderList, file) + + if isnothing(dlrfile) == false + dlr = new(isFermi, symmetry, Euv, β, Λfloor, 10.0^(float(rtolpower)), [], [], [], []) + _load!(dlr, dlrfile, verbose) + return dlr + else + @warn("No DLR is found in the folder $folder, try to rebuild instead.") + end + else + file = filename(Euv * β, rtolpower) + folderList = [folder,] + + dlrfile = finddlr(folderList, file) + + if isnothing(dlrfile) == false + dlr = new(isFermi, symmetry, Euv, β, Euv * β, rtol, [], [], [], []) + _load!(dlr, dlrfile, verbose) + return dlr + else + @warn("No DLR is found in the folder $folder, try to rebuild instead.") + end + end + end + + # try to rebuild the dlrGrid + dlr = new(isFermi, symmetry, Euv, β, Euv * β, rtol, [], [], [], []) + file2save = filename(Euv * β, rtolpower) + _build!(dlr, folder, file2save, algorithm, verbose) return dlr end + function DLRGrid(; Euv, β, isFermi::Bool, symmetry::Symbol = :none, rtol = 1e-14, rebuild = false, folder = nothing, algorithm = :functional, verbose = false) return DLRGrid(Euv, β, rtol, isFermi, symmetry; rebuild = rebuild, folder = folder, algorithm = algorithm, verbose = verbose) end @@ -133,29 +175,7 @@ Base.size(dlrGrid::DLRGrid) = length(dlrGrid.ω) Base.length(dlrGrid::DLRGrid) = length(dlrGrid.ω) rank(dlrGrid::DLRGrid) = length(dlrGrid.ω) -function _load!(dlrGrid::DLRGrid, folder, filename, algorithm = :functional, verbose = false) - searchdir(path, key) = filter(x -> occursin(key, x), readdir(path)) - - function finddlr(folder, filename) - for dir in folder - if length(searchdir(dir, filename)) > 0 - #dlr file found - return joinpath(dir, filename) - end - end - @warn("Cann't find the DLR file $filename in the folders $folder. Regenerating DLR...") - return nothing - end - - folder = isnothing(folder) ? [] : collect(folder) - push!(folder, string(@__DIR__, "/../basis/")) - - dlrfile = finddlr(folder, filename) - - if isnothing(dlrfile) - _build!(dlrGrid, nothing, nothing, algorithm) - return - end +function _load!(dlrGrid::DLRGrid, dlrfile, verbose = false) grid = readdlm(dlrfile, comments = true, comment_char = '#') # println("reading $filename") @@ -205,6 +225,7 @@ function _build!(dlrGrid::DLRGrid, folder, filename, algorithm, verbose = false) push!(dlrGrid.n, n) push!(dlrGrid.ωn, isFermi ? (2n + 1.0) * π / β : 2n * π / β) end + # println(rank) end diff --git a/src/functional/builder.jl b/src/functional/builder.jl index 9e66a6f..f387cfd 100644 --- a/src/functional/builder.jl +++ b/src/functional/builder.jl @@ -107,13 +107,13 @@ function printCandidate(basis, idx) @printf("%3i : ω=%24.8f ∈ (%24.8f, %24.8f) -> error=%24.16g\n", basis.N, basis.grid[idx], lower, upper, basis.residual[idx]) end -function QR(Λ, rtol, proj, g0; N = nothing) +function QR(Λ, rtol, proj, g0; N = nothing, verbose = false) basis = Basis(Λ, rtol) # println(g0) for g in g0 idx = addBasis!(basis, proj, Float(g)) # @printf("%3i : ω=%24.8f ∈ (%24.8f, %24.8f) -> error=%24.16g\n", 1, g, 0, Λ, basis.residual[idx]) - printCandidate(basis, idx) + verbose && printCandidate(basis, idx) end # @code_warntype Residual(basis, proj, Float(1.0)) @@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ function QR(Λ, rtol, proj, g0; N = nothing) newω = basis.candidate[ωi] idx = addBasis!(basis, proj, newω) - printCandidate(basis, idx) + verbose && printCandidate(basis, idx) # println(length(basis.grid)) # println(idx) # lower = (idx == 1) ? 0 : basis.grid[idx - 1] @@ -136,9 +136,9 @@ function QR(Λ, rtol, proj, g0; N = nothing) # plotResidual(basis, proj, Float(0), Float(100), candidate, residual) maxResidual, ωi = findmax(basis.candidateResidual) end - testOrthgonal(basis) + testOrthgonal(basis, verbose) # @printf("residual = %.10e, Fnorm/F0 = %.10e\n", residual, residualF(freq, Q, Λ)) - @printf("residual = %.10e\n", maximum(basis.candidateResidual)) + verbose && @printf("residual = %.10e\n", maximum(basis.candidateResidual)) # plotResidual(basis, proj, Float(0), Float(100), basis.candidate, basis.candidateResidual) return basis end @@ -215,11 +215,11 @@ function Residual(basis, proj, g::Float) end -function testOrthgonal(basis) - println("testing orthognalization...") +function testOrthgonal(basis, verbose) + # println("testing orthognalization...") II = basis.Q * basis.proj * basis.Q' maxerr = maximum(abs.(II - I)) - println("Max Orthognalization Error: ", maxerr) + verbose && println("Max Orthognalization Error: ", maxerr) end """