Releasing new modules using PC GA v4 sdks
- ntnx_address_groups_info_v2 - Get address groups info
- ntnx_address_groups_v2 - Create, Update, Delete address groups
- ntnx_authorization_policies_info_v2 - Fetch Authorization policies info from Nutanix PC.
- ntnx_authorization_policies_v2 - Manage Nutanix PC IAM authorization policies
- ntnx_categories_info_v2 - Nutanix PC categories info module
- ntnx_categories_v2 - Manage categories in Nutanix Prism Central
- ntnx_clusters_info_v2 - Retrieve information about Nutanix clusters from PC
- ntnx_clusters_nodes_v2 - Add or Remove nodes from cluster using Nutanix PC
- ntnx_clusters_v2 - Manage Nutanix clusters in Prism Central
- ntnx_directory_services_info_v2 - Fetch directory services info
- ntnx_directory_services_v2 - Module to create, update and delete directory services in Nutanix PC.
- ntnx_discover_unconfigured_nodes_v2 - Discover unconfigured nodes from Nutanix Prism Central
- ntnx_floating_ips_info_v2 - floating_ip info module
- ntnx_floating_ips_v2 - floating_ips module which supports floating_ip CRUD operations
- ntnx_hosts_info_v2 - Retrieve information about Nutanix hosts from PC.
- ntnx_image_placement_policies_info_v2 - Fetches information about Nutanix PC image placement policies.
- ntnx_image_placement_policies_v2 - Manage image placement policies in Nutanix Prism Central
- ntnx_images_info_v2 - Fetch information about Nutanix images
- ntnx_images_v2 - Manage Nutanix Prism Central images.
- ntnx_nodes_network_info_v2 - Get netowrk information for uncofigured cluster nodes
- ntnx_operations_info_v2 - Module to fetch IAM operations info (previously permissions)
- ntnx_pbrs_info_v2 - Routing Policies info module
- ntnx_pbrs_v2 - Module for create, update and delete of Policy based routing.
- ntnx_pc_registration_v2 - Registers a domain manager (Prism Central) instance to other entities like PE and PC
- ntnx_recovery_point_replicate_v2 - Replicate recovery points
- ntnx_recovery_point_restore_v2 - Restore recovery points, Creates a clone of the VM/VG from the selected recovery point
- ntnx_recovery_points_info_v2 - Get recovery points info
- ntnx_recovery_points_v2 - Create, Update, Delete recovery points
- ntnx_roles_info_v2 - Get roles info
- ntnx_roles_v2 - Create, update, and delete roles.
- ntnx_route_tables_info_v2 - Route tables info module
- ntnx_routes_info_v2 - Routes info module
- ntnx_routes_v2 - Module to create, update, and delete routes in route table in VPC
- ntnx_saml_identity_providers_info_v2 - Fetch SAML identity providers from Nutanix PC
- ntnx_saml_identity_providers_v2 - Manage SAML identity providers in Nutanix PC
- ntnx_security_rules_info_v2 - Fetch network security policies info from Nutanix PC.
- ntnx_security_rules_v2 - Manage network security policies in Nutanix Prism Central
- ntnx_service_groups_info_v2 - service_group info module
- ntnx_service_groups_v2 - Create, Update, Delete service groups
- ntnx_storage_containers_info_v2 - Retrieve information about Nutanix storage continer from PC
- ntnx_storage_containers_stats_v2 - Retrieve stats about Nutanix storage continer from PC
- ntnx_storage_containers_v2 - Manage storage containers in Nutanix Prism Central
- ntnx_subnets_info_v2 - subnet info module
- ntnx_subnets_v2 - subnets module which supports Create, Update, Delete subnets
- ntnx_templates_deploy_v2 - Deploy Nutanix templates
- ntnx_templates_guest_os_v2 - Manage guest OS updates for Nutanix AHV templates.
- ntnx_templates_info_v2 - template info module
- ntnx_templates_v2 - Manage Nutanix AHV template resources
- ntnx_templates_version_v2 - Manage Nutanix template versions
- ntnx_templates_versions_info_v2 - Fetches information about Nutanix template versions.
- ntnx_user_groups_info_v2 - Fetch user groups
- ntnx_user_groups_v2 - Create and Delete user groups
- ntnx_users_info_v2 - Get users info
- ntnx_users_v2 - Module to create and update users from Nutanix PC.
- ntnx_vm_recovery_point_info_v2 - Get VM recovery point info
- ntnx_vm_revert_v2 - Revert VM from recovery point
- ntnx_vms_categories_v2 - Associate or disassociate categories to a VM in AHV Nutanix.
- ntnx_vms_cd_rom_info_v2 - Fetch information about Nutanix VM's CD ROM
- ntnx_vms_cd_rom_iso_v2 - Insert or Eject ISO from CD ROM of Nutanix VMs
- ntnx_vms_cd_rom_v2 - Manage CDROM for Nutanix AHV VMs
- ntnx_vms_clone_v2 - Clone a virtual machine in Nutanix AHV.
- ntnx_vms_disks_info_v2 - Fetch information about Nutanix VM's disks
- ntnx_vms_disks_v2 - Manage disks for Nutanix AHV VMs
- ntnx_vms_info_v2 - Fetch information about Nutanix AHV based PC VMs
- ntnx_vms_ngt_info_v2 - Get Nutanix Guest Tools (NGT) current config for a virtual machine.
- ntnx_vms_ngt_insert_iso_v2 - Insert Nutanix Guest Tools (NGT) ISO into a virtual machine.
- ntnx_vms_ngt_update_v2 - Update Nutanix Guest Tools (NGT) configuration for a VM.
- ntnx_vms_ngt_upgrade_v2 - Upgrade Nutanix Guest Tools on a VM
- ntnx_vms_ngt_v2 - Install or uninstall Nutanix Guest Tools (NGT) on a VM.
- ntnx_vms_nics_info_v2 - Fetch information about Nutanix VM's NICs
- ntnx_vms_nics_ip_v2 - Assign/Release IP to/from Nutanix VM NICs.
- ntnx_vms_nics_v2 - Manage NICs of Nutanix VMs
- ntnx_vms_serial_port_info_v2 - Fetch information about Nutanix VM's serial ports
- ntnx_vms_serial_port_v2 - VM Serial Port module which supports VM serial port CRUD states
- ntnx_vms_stage_guest_customization_v2 - Stage guest customization configuration for a Nutanix VM
- ntnx_vms_v2 - Create, Update and delete VMs in Nutanix AHV based PC
- ntnx_volume_groups_disks_info_v2 - Fetch information about Nutanix PC Volume group disks.
- ntnx_volume_groups_disks_v2 - Manage Nutanix volume group disks
- ntnx_volume_groups_info_v2 - Fetch information about Nutanix PC Volume groups.
- ntnx_volume_groups_iscsi_clients_info_v2 - Fetch ISCSI clients info.
- ntnx_volume_groups_iscsi_clients_v2 - Manage Nutanix volume groups iscsi clients in Nutanix PC.
- ntnx_volume_groups_v2 - Manage Nutanix volume group in PC
- ntnx_volume_groups_vms_v2 - Attach/Detach volume group to AHV VMs in Nutanix PC
- ntnx_vpcs_info_v2 - vpc info module
- ntnx_vpcs_v2 - vpcs module which supports vpc CRUD operations
Deprecating support for ansible-core less than v2.15.0
- nutanix.ncp collection - Due to all versions of ansible-core version less than v2.15.0 are EOL, we are also deprecating support for same and minimum version to use this collection is ansible-core==2.15.0. [[#479](#479)]
This release included bug fixes and improvement.
- docs - [Imprv] add doc regarding running integration tests locally [[#435](#435)]
- info modules - [Imprv] add examples for custom_filter [[#416](#416)]
- ndb clones - [Imprv] Enable database clones and clone refresh using latest snapshot flag [[#391](#391)]
- ndb clones - [Imprv] add examples for NDB database clone under examples folder [[#386](#386)]
- ntnx_prism_vm_inventory - Add support for PC Categories [[#405](#405)]
- ntnx_prism_vm_inventory - [Imprv] add examples for dynamic inventory using ntnx_prism_vm_inventory [[#401](#401)]
- ntnx_vms - [Imprv] add possibility to specify / modify vm user ownership and project [[#378](#378)]
- ntnx_vms - owner association upon vm creation module [[#359](#359)]
- ntnx_vms_info - [Imprv] add examples with guest customization for module ntnx_vms [[#395](#395)]
- ntnx_foundation - [Bug] Error when Clusters Block is missing in module ntnx_foundation [[#397](#397)]
- ntnx_ndb_time_machines_info - [Bug] ntnx_ndb_time_machines_info not fetching all attributes when name is used for fetching [[#418](#418)]
- ntnx_security_rules - Fix Syntax Errors in Create App Security Rule Example [[#394](]
- ntnx_vms - [Bug] Error when updating size_gb using the int filter in module ntnx_vms [[#400](#400)]
- ntnx_vms - [Bug] hard_poweroff has been moved to state from operation [[#415](#415)]
- ntnx_vms_clone - [Bug] cannot change boot_config when cloning in module ntnx_vms_clone [[#360](#359)]
- website - [Bug] Github page deployment action is failing. [[#483](#483)]
- ntnx_profiles_info - [Impr] Develop ansible module for getting available IPs for given network profiles in NDB [#345](#345)
- ntnx_security_rules - [Imprv] Flow Network Security Multi-Tier support in Security Policy definition [#319](#319)
- ntnx_security_rules - The
option in target group has been removed. New option calledapptiers
has been added to support multi tier policy.
- info modules - [Bug] Multiple filters params are not considered for fetching entities in PC based info modules [[#352](#352)]
- ntnx_foundation - [Bug] clusters parameters not being passed to Foundation Server in module nutanix.ncp.ntnx_foundation [[#307](#307)]
- ntnx_karbon_clusters - [Bug] error in sample karbon/create_k8s_cluster.yml [[#349](#349)]
- ntnx_karbon_clusters - [Bug] impossible to deploy NKE cluster with etcd using disk smaller than 120GB [[#350](#350)]
- ntnx_subnets - [Bug] wrong virtual_switch selected in module ntnx_subnets [#328](#328)
- ntnx_karbon_clusters_node_pools - Create,Update and Delete a worker node pools with the provided configuration.
- ntnx_ndb_tags_info - info module for ndb tags info
- ntnx_ndb_authorize_db_server_vms - module for authorizing db server vm
- ntnx_ndb_clones_info - info module for database clones
- ntnx_ndb_clusters - Create, Update and Delete NDB clusters
- ntnx_ndb_clusters_info - info module for ndb clusters info
- ntnx_ndb_database_clone_refresh - module for database clone refresh.
- ntnx_ndb_database_clones - module for create, update and delete of ndb database clones
- ntnx_ndb_database_log_catchup - module for performing log catchups action
- ntnx_ndb_database_restore - module for restoring database instance
- ntnx_ndb_database_scale - module for scaling database instance
- ntnx_ndb_database_snapshots - module for creating, updating and deleting database snapshots
- ntnx_ndb_databases - Module for create, update and delete of single instance database. Currently, postgres type database is officially supported.
- ntnx_ndb_databases_info - info module for ndb database instances
- ntnx_ndb_db_server_vms - module for create, delete and update of database server vms
- ntnx_ndb_db_servers_info - info module for ndb db server vms info
- ntnx_ndb_linked_databases - module to manage linked databases of a database instance
- ntnx_ndb_maintenance_tasks - module to add and remove maintenance related tasks
- ntnx_ndb_maintenance_window - module to create, update and delete mainetance window
- ntnx_ndb_maintenance_windows_info - module for fetching maintenance windows info
- ntnx_ndb_profiles - module for create, update and delete of profiles
- ntnx_ndb_profiles_info - info module for ndb profiles
- ntnx_ndb_register_database - module for database instance registration
- ntnx_ndb_register_db_server_vm - module for registration of database server vm
- ntnx_ndb_replicate_database_snapshots - module for replicating database snapshots across clusters of time machine
- ntnx_ndb_slas - moudle for creating, updating and deleting slas
- ntnx_ndb_slas_info - info module for ndb slas
- ntnx_ndb_snapshots_info - info module for ndb snapshots info
- ntnx_ndb_stretched_vlans - Module for create, update and delete of stretched vlan.
- ntnx_ndb_tags - module for create, update and delete of tags
- ntnx_ndb_time_machine_clusters - Module for create, update and delete for data access management in time machines.
- ntnx_ndb_time_machines_info - info module for ndb time machines
- ntnx_ndb_vlans - Module for create, update and delete of ndb vlan.
- ntnx_ndb_vlans_info - info module for ndb vlans
- examples - [Imprv] Add version related notes to examples [#279](#279)
- examples - [Imprv] Fix IaaS example [#250](#250)
- examples - [Imprv] add examples of Images and Static Routes Module [#256](#256)
- ntnx_projects - [Feat] Add capability to configure role mappings with collaboration on/off in ntnx_projects [#252](#252)
- ntnx_projects - [Imprv] add vpcs and overlay subnets configure capability to module ntnx_projects [#289](#289)
- ntnx_vms - [Imprv] add functionality to set network mac_address to module ntnx_vms [#201](#201)
- nutanix.ncp.ntnx_prism_vm_inventory - [Imprv] add functionality constructed to module inventory [#235](#235)
- ntnx_projects - [Bug] Clusters and subnets configured in project are not visible in new projects UI [#283](#283)
- ntnx_vms - Subnet Name --> UUID Lookup should be PE Cluster Aware [#260](#260)
- nutanix.ncp.ntnx_prism_vm_inventory - [Bug] Inventory does not fetch more than 500 Entities [[#228](#228)]
- ntnx_karbon_clusters - v4 sdks based module for karbon clusters
- ntnx_karbon_clusters_info - Nutanix info module for karbon clusters with kubeconifg and ssh config
- ntnx_karbon_registries - v4 sdks based module for karbon private registry
- ntnx_karbon_registries_info - Nutanix info module for karbon private registry
- ntnx_protection_rules - v4 sdks based module for protection rules
- ntnx_protection_rules_info - Nutanix info module for protection rules
- ntnx_recovery_plan_jobs - v4 sdks based module for recovery plan jobs
- ntnx_recovery_plan_jobs_info - Nutanix info module for protection
- ntnx_recovery_plans - v4 sdks based module for recovery plan
- ntnx_recovery_plans_info - Nutanix info module for recovery plan
- Fix examples of info modules [#226](#226)
- ntnx_acps - acp module which suports acp Create, update and delete operations
- ntnx_acps_info - acp info module
- ntnx_address_groups - module which supports address groups CRUD operations
- ntnx_address_groups_info - address groups info module
- ntnx_categories - category module which supports pc category management CRUD operations
- ntnx_categories_info - categories info module
- ntnx_clusters_info - cluster info module
- ntnx_hosts_info - host info module
- ntnx_permissions_info - permissions info module
- ntnx_projects - module for create, update and delete pc projects
- ntnx_projects_info - projects info module
- ntnx_roles - module which supports role CRUD operations
- ntnx_roles_info - role info module
- ntnx_service_groups - service_groups module which suports service_groups CRUD operations
- ntnx_service_groups_info - service_group info module
- ntnx_user_groups - user_groups module which supports pc user_groups management create delete operations
- ntnx_user_groups_info - User Groups info module
- ntnx_users - users module which supports pc users management create delete operations
- ntnx_users_info - users info module
- ntnx_image_placement_policies_info - image placement policies info module
- ntnx_image_placement_policy - image placement policy module which supports Create, update and delete operations
- ntnx_images - images module which supports pc images management CRUD operations
- ntnx_images_info - images info module
- ntnx_security_rules - security_rule module which suports security_rule CRUD operations
- ntnx_security_rules_info - security_rule info module
- ntnx_static_routes - vpc static routes
- ntnx_static_routes_info - vpc static routes info module
- VM's update functionality
- ntnx_floating_ips_info - Nutanix info module for floating Ips
- ntnx_pbrs_info - Nutanix info module for policy based routing
- ntnx_subnets_info - Nutanix info module for subnets
- ntnx_vms_clone - VM module which supports VM clone operations
- ntnx_vms_info - Nutanix info module for vms
- ntnx_vms_ova - VM module which supports ova creation
- ntnx_vpcs_info - Nutanix info module for vpcs
- Added integration tests for foundation and foundation central
- ntnx_foundation - Nutanix module to image nodes and optionally create clusters
- ntnx_foundation_bmc_ipmi_config - Nutanix module which configures IPMI IP address on BMC of nodes.
- ntnx_foundation_central - Nutanix module to imaged Nodes and optionally create cluster
- ntnx_foundation_central_api_keys - Nutanix module which creates api key for foundation central
- ntnx_foundation_central_api_keys_info - Nutanix module which returns the api key
- ntnx_foundation_central_imaged_clusters_info - Nutanix module which returns the imaged clusters within the Foudation Central
- ntnx_foundation_central_imaged_nodes_info - Nutanix module which returns the imaged nodes within the Foudation Central
- ntnx_foundation_discover_nodes_info - Nutanix module which returns nodes discovered by Foundation
- ntnx_foundation_hypervisor_images_info - Nutanix module which returns the hypervisor images uploaded to Foundation
- ntnx_foundation_image_upload - Nutanix module which uploads hypervisor or AOS image to foundation vm.
- ntnx_foundation_node_network_info - Nutanix module which returns node network information discovered by Foundation
- CICD pipeline using GitHub actions
- Add meta file for collection
- Allow environment variables for nutanix connection parameters
- Codegen - Ansible code generator
- Imprv cluster uuid [#75](#75)
- Imprv/code coverage [#97](#97)
- Imprv/vpcs network prefix [#81](#81)
- Bug/cluster UUID issue68 [#72](#72)
- Client SDK with inventory [#45](#45)
- Creating a VM based on a disk_image without specifying the size_gb
- Fix error messages for get_uuid() reponse [#47](#47)
- Fix/integ [#96](#96)
- Sanity and python fix [#46](#46)
- Task/fix failing sanity [#117](#117)
- black fixes [#30](#30)
- black fixes [#32](#32)
- clean up [#113](#113)
- clear unused files and argument [#29](#29)
- code cleanup - fix github issue#59 [#60](#60)
- device index calculation fixes, updates for get by name functionality[#254](#42)
- fix project name [#107](#107)
- fixed variables names issue74 [#77](#77)
- fixes to get spec from collection [#17](#17)
- icmp "any" code value in module PBR
- solve python 2.7 issues [#41](#41)
- updates for guest customization spec [#20](#20)
- ntnx_floating_ips - v4 sdks based module for floating Ips
- ntnx_pbrs - v4 sdks based module for policy based routing
- ntnx_subnets - v4 sdks based module for subnets
- ntnx_vms - v4 sdks based module for vms
- ntnx_vpcs - v4 sdks based module for vpcs