bubbles are black on nvim startup #1339
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So i want to use lualine with catppuccin.
But when i start nvim the bubbles of the bubble theme are kind of black.
When i execute the nvim command 'colorscheme cattpuccin' everything looks normal.
My config executes this command on stardup. So it makes no sense, why it's not working
This is how the bubbles are looking when starting up nvim:
After setting colorscheme catppuccin again:
This is my part of the config, that implements lualine and catppuccin.
Without the ColorMyPencils() function, the catpuccin colors are not set.
`require('lualine').setup {
options = {
theme = "catppuccin",
component_separators = '',
section_separators = { left = '', right = '' },
sections = {
lualine_a = { { 'mode', separator = { left = '' }, right_padding = 2 } },
lualine_b = { 'filename', 'branch' },
lualine_c = {
'%=', --[[ add your center compoentnts here in place of this comment ]]
lualine_x = {},
lualine_y = { 'filetype', 'progress' },
lualine_z = {
{ 'location', separator = { right = '' }, left_padding = 2 },
inactive_sections = {
lualine_a = { 'filename' },
lualine_b = {},
lualine_c = {},
lualine_x = {},
lualine_y = {},
lualine_z = { 'location' },
tabline = {},
extensions = {},
flavour = "macchiato", -- latte, frappe, macchiato, mocha
background = { -- :h background
light = "latte",
dark = "mocha",
transparent_background = true, -- disables setting the background color.
show_end_of_buffer = false, -- shows the '~' characters after the end of buffers
term_colors = true, -- sets terminal colors (e.g.
)dim_inactive = {
enabled = false, -- dims the background color of inactive window
shade = "dark",
percentage = 0.15, -- percentage of the shade to apply to the inactive window
no_italic = false, -- Force no italic
no_bold = false, -- Force no bold
no_underline = false, -- Force no underline
styles = { -- Handles the styles of general hi groups (see
:h highlight-args
):comments = { "italic" }, -- Change the style of comments
conditionals = { "italic" },
loops = {},
functions = {},
keywords = {},
strings = {},
variables = {},
numbers = {},
booleans = {},
properties = {},
types = {},
operators = {},
-- miscs = {}, -- Uncomment to turn off hard-coded styles
color_overrides = {},
custom_highlights = {},
default_integrations = true,
integrations = {
cmp = true,
gitsigns = true,
nvimtree = true,
treesitter = true,
notify = false,
mini = {
enabled = true,
indentscope_color = "",
-- For more plugins integrations please scroll down (https://github.com/catppuccin/nvim#integrations)
-- setup must be called before loading
function ColorMyPencils()
vim.cmd("colorscheme catppuccin")
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("VimEnter", {
callback = function()
--lua Line stuff
-- Bubbles config for lualine
-- Author: lokesh-krishna
-- MIT license, see LICENSE for more details.
-- stylua: ignore
local colors = {
blue = '#80a0ff',
cyan = '#79dac8',
black = '#080808',
white = '#c6c6c6',
red = '#ff5189',
violet = '#d183e8',
grey = '#303030',
--[[local bubbles_theme = {
normal = {
a = { fg = colors.black, bg = colors.violet },
b = { fg = colors.white, bg = colors.grey },
c = { fg = colors.white },
insert = { a = { fg = colors.black, bg = colors.blue } },
visual = { a = { fg = colors.black, bg = colors.cyan } },
replace = { a = { fg = colors.black, bg = colors.red } },
inactive = {
a = { fg = colors.white, bg = colors.black },
b = { fg = colors.white, bg = colors.black },
c = { fg = colors.white },
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