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File metadata and controls

59 lines (37 loc) · 1.46 KB

Shader Based Motion

Adding _Speed parameter to shader to replace script based motion and simplify the asset.

New Method

_Speed("Speed", Range(-2,2)) = 1.0 
float  _Speed;

half4 frag (vertexOutput i) : SV_Target
    fixed timescroll = _Speed * _Time;
    half4 bump = tex2D(_MainTex, i.uvmain + fixed2(timescroll,0));

Old Method

public class Water2DScript : MonoBehaviour
void LateUpdate()
    Vector2 scroll = Time.deltaTime * speed;
    mat.mainTextureOffset += scroll;

Original readme:

2D Water surface in Unity3D



A 2D water surface that will deform what is "underwater".

More details in my blog post.

Made with Unity 5.4.3f1 but should work on all Unity 5 versions.

Not enough tested on mobile and not tested at all on consoles


  1. Clone this repository or download the latest release package available.

  2. Add the "Water2D Surface" prefab in your scene. This is now your water.

  3. Tweak the sprite order/layer of the surface

  4. Add a WaterReflectableScript to any object you want to be reflected in the water

Enjoy! You can also simply place sprites under water using sprite layers/order.


Demo assets made by the Superpower team.