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Release and deploy procedure

Simon Gaeremynck edited this page Jan 21, 2014 · 12 revisions

This document attempts to outline the steps that are needed to cut a release and then get it deployed on the production environment. It is accurate as of the 21st of January 2014.


Packaging the Hilary and 3akai-ux codebases should happen on a similar machine as where they will be hosted from. We have a unit0 machine available for this specific case.


On unit0 do:

  • cd /opt
  • rm -rf oae
  • puppet agent -t
  • stop hilary service
  • run the tests in /opt/oae with grunt test (ensure that there are no failures. If they are you should be able to explain thoroughly why that is the case)
  • clear out the /opt/oae directory (things like log files, target, previous releases, ..)
  • run the release script (bin/release -spv 4.0.0)
    • This will run npm-shrinkwrap, package everything up, create a tarball, hash the tarball and put the results in a dist directory
    • Read the output of the script to know what it does next
    • It will add a commit that bumps the version in package.json and add a commit that removes the npm shrinkwrap, ensure that these are present and push them to github
    • The tar.gz file will contain the node version that it has been compiled with. This is thus the version of node you should go with on production

You can now update your puppet scripts with your new package information. The hash (see the generated txt file) should be set into puppet-hilary/environments/production/hiera/common.json and the package name can be changed as well.

You should upload the hash file and tarball into the oae-release bucket on amazon S3. This can be done with: s3cmd put dist/hilary-4.0.0-....tar.gz s3://oae-release/oae-4.0.0./hilary-4.0.0...tar.gz s3cmd put dist/hilary-4.0.0-....txt s3://oae-release/oae-4.0.0./hilary-4.0.0-...txt

The puppet scripts will pull it down from S3 and verify the source is intact by doing a checksum and verifying it with the hash.


The release process for 3akai-ux is very similar, on unit0:

  • ensure there is no build file, run npm install
  • run bin/release -spv 4.0.0
    • This will package, minimize and optimize the UI assets
    • This will produce a tar.gz for the UI which can be dealt with in the same way as Hilary
  • You will have to manually create the 4.0.0 tag and push it to Github


Update your puppetmaster's puppet-hilary to the latest version

It's usually a good idea to tail the logs on the syslog node (in another terminal) and tail the logs to see what is going on cd /var/log/rsyslog tail -f pp0-....local0.log | ./filter-bunyan

SSH into the bastion node as the deploy user You'll see the oae-fabric repository in ~, cd into it Run fab list to see what it does

Start with the preview processor nodes: fab -H pp0 upgrade

When you get the error /tmp/hilary_backup exists from a previous upgrade, purge it first` you will need to run: fab -H pp0 hilary.purge_clean_backup fab -H pp0 ui.purge_clean_backup Re-run with fab -H pp0 upgrade:force_hilary_clean,force_ui_clea

Check that it came back up OK and the logs don't indicate anything to troublesome. If so, do it for pp1 and pp2 fab -H pp1,pp2 upgrade