Your task is to automate the following tests for the CouponFollow portal. All tasks below should be done in C# language and end-to-end, unit testing framework of your own choice. What you should know is that we are using Playwright. Most of our users (about 70% of users) use mobile devices and their browser of choice is Safari or Chrome. All tasks are meant to run against our main page -
- Validate that 3 out of 3 or 6 or 9 total Top Deal coupons are displayed.
- Validate that at least 30 Today’s Trending Coupons are displayed on the main page.
- Validate that Staff Picks contain unique stores with proper discounts for monetary, percentage or text values.
- Search for an existing CouponFollow store, click on it in order to open a store page. Then validate that the page is properly displayed.
- replace Console.WriteLine with some proper logger
- I could handle better browser session, currently is through appsettings.json
- I didn't go with that path of playwright.devices just concentrated on desktop browsers
scenario: MainPage - Staff Picks contain unique stores with proper discounts for monetary
from MainPage.feature is brittle those stores change a lot, so there should be done refactor to assert that displayed stores are unique for each other and some regex to validate promotion/discount messages- I didn't added ExtentReports or Allure for reporting but would be nice to have it
dotnet build
dotnet test