change licence to AGPL
url parameters to pre-select fields
- need to match these fields to the slugified field names
- field names are no longer slugified from the labels but tied to field order in csv
- need to ensure field names can be specified explicitly in case the column string ever changes
- don't want urls in message boards with broken parameters
- field names are no longer slugified from the labels but tied to field order in csv
- field name drift is now less likely to happen
- don't want urls in message boards with broken parameters
- done
- added a permalink widget that will always get you back to your selection
- need to match these fields to the slugified field names
'reset' link
- removes all selections
basic styling
- if column headers are centred, centre values
- alternate row colours
- done
add some kind of process for updating comrades.csv
- manage in this repository
- on merge to master
- compile javascript
- copy compiled files to website
- commit
- split comrades.csv into two, maintained and not
- create a branch on strongbox
- update README
- open a PR
- done
- add link back to strongbox 'other addon managers'
- add description, declare bias
- add link for submitting an update
- link should go to strongbox-comrades repo, not strongbox
- options available in dropdowns should become more limited as filters narrow
- CI
- maybe investigate Github actions?
- update address bar with selected field changes so user can use 'back' button to undo selections
- add simplified no-javascript rendering
- is this even possible in a SLA?
- just a static will do
- replace booleans with ticks and crosses
- preserve text label in dropdown
- tick with caveat?
- " ✓* "
- looks kinda shit
- group results
- recursive grouping is fun, but lets limit this to one group at a time
- 'platform' I think
- recursive grouping is fun, but lets limit this to one group at a time
- determine user's platform based on user agent (if windows, select windows, etc)
- perhaps a standard platform profile?
- a 'windows' profile gets unambiguous windows 'yes', 'gui'
- a 'linux' profile gets ambiguous linux 'yes*', 'f/oss' yes, etc
- perhaps a standard platform profile?