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CS Script on Linux

Matthias Klaey edited this page Oct 25, 2021 · 21 revisions
Since porting CS-Script on .NET 5 the documentation is still in the process of being refined and cleared from the legacy content.
Thus, it may contain some minor inaccuracies until both statuses below are set to full and complete or this disclaimer is removed.
.NET 5 accuracy status: full
Review/update status: complete

Deploying CS-Script

CS-Script requires .NET 5 or higher.
Note that since .NET 5 is hosted on the custom package repository it's not included into cs-script package as a dependency and you will be required to install it separately. See for details.

Package installation (Ubuntu)

  • The GitHub repository hosts the universal package compatible with any Ubuntu distro. It can be installed with the shell command like this one (e.g. v4.1.0.0).

    repo=; file=cs-script_4.1-0.deb; rm $file; wget $repo$file; sudo dpkg -i $file

    Each release page contains the release description with the corresponding command text that you can simply copy and execute in terminal.

  • Alternatively, you can download the latest package (cs-script<max-ver>.deb) from releases page.
    Install the package either by double-clicking the .deb file or with
    'sodo dpkg -i cs-script_*.deb'.

Manual installation

  • Just download and unpack cs-script.linux.v4. file from the version release page. That's it. Though with this type of simplified deployment you will have use the script engine via .NET launcher:
dotnet ./cscs.exe --version

But of course you cn create a symbolic link so you can launch the script engine from anywhere and with less typing.