Cloud monitoring agent.
Grideye_agent is part of grideye cloud monitoring software. Grideye consists of a controller, a dashboard, and agents. This is the agent part.
Some documentation about grideye architecture can be found at
The grideye agent can be run in a process, in a VM or in a container. It communicates with a grideye controller.
When started, a grideye_agent typically makes a 'callhome' to an existing grideye controller.
This is an example of how to start grideye_agent:
./grideye_agent -F -u <url> -I <id> -N <name>
- 'url' is the URL of the grideye server / controller
- 'id' is the UUID of the user as gievn in the controller.
- 'name' is the name of the agent as it will appear in grideye plots.
As an alternative grideye_agent can be run as a docker container.
A typical installation is as follows:
> configure # Configure grideye_agent
> make # Compile
> sudo make install # Install agent and plugins
The source builds one main program: grideye_agent. An example startup-script is available in util/grideye_agent.
Grideye_agent requires CLIgen and CLIXON for building. To build and install CLIgen and CLIXON:
git clone
cd cligen; configure; make; sudo make install
git clone
cd clixon;
configure --without-restconf --without-keyvalue;
sudo make install;
sudo make install-include
Grideye_agent contains an open plugin interface. Several plugins are included in this release. Other authors have (and can) contribute to the plugins.
The following steps illustrate how to add the Nagios (check_http)[] test plugin and how to incorporate it to produce input to grideye. There are lots of Nagios plugins making it an easy way to extend Grideye.
A grideye plugin is a dynamically loaded plugin written in C. You write a file with a couple of functions, compile it, place it in a directory, and restart grideye_agent.
A grideye plugin has a pre-defined function grideye_plugin_init_v2() which returns a table containing API functions.
The API table is as follows:
Symbol | Type | Mandatory | Description |
gp_version | Variable | Yes | Must be 2 |
gp_magic | Variable | Yes | Must be 0x3f687f03 |
gp_name | Variable | Yes | Name of plugin |
gp_input_formar | Variable | No | Test input parameter format |
gp_output_formar | Variable | No | Test output parameter format |
gp_setopt_fn | Function | No | File and device settings |
gp_test_fn | Function | Yes | The actual test function with input and output parameters. |
gp_exit_fn | Function | No | An exit function |
gp_output | Variable | Yes | Format of output. Only "xml" supported
check_http has lots of parameters. You can hardcode most, or leave as defaults.
check_http -H -S
HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 495051 bytes in 1.751 second response time |
time=1.751042s;;;0.000000 size=495051B;;;0
In this example, the host parameter is chosen as dynamically configurable, which means it can dynamically change in a Grideye testcase.
This means 'gp_input=host' is defined in the plugin and gp_test_fn is called with 'host' as input parameter, example:
check_http has several outputs, such as the status (200 OK), size and latency. The test function is written so that it outputs an XML string such as:
<htime>1751</htime><hsize>495051</hsize><hstatus>200 OK</hstatus>
The three metrics: htime, hsize, hstatus need to be defined in the Grideye YANG model, so that the Grideye controller can interpret them. These entries are added to the grideye YANG model as follows:
module grideye-result {
grouping metrics{
leaf hstatus{
description "HTTP status code";
type string;
leaf htime{
description "HTTP request time";
type int32;
units ms;
leaf hsize{
description "HTTP response size";
type int32;
units bytes;
Note that hstatus is string, and therefore cannot be plotted, but can be used as event (if changed). Note also that htime has been defined in milliseconds to avoid floating point numbers. Floats can be used but are more complex to handle.
If the YANG model is changed, the grideye controller is restarted.
Note that there already exists a large number of metrics and you can most likely use already existing metrics.
The test function is straightforward: Spawn the Nagios plugin and parse the data. In C, this is a little painful, but with help of a help function, this is (a simplified way) to write it. The full code can be found in (plugins/grideye_http.c):
http_test(int host,
char **outstr)
if (http_fork(_PROGRAM, "-H", host, "-S", buf, buflen) < 0)
goto done;
sscanf(buf, "%*s %*s %*s %s %s %*s %d %*s %*s %lf\n",
code0, code1, &size, &time);
if ((slen = snprintf(*outstr, slen,
"<hstatus>\"%s %s\"</hstatus>"
code0, code1,
size)) <= 0)
goto done;
return 0;
Once the plugin code has been written, you can run the test as stand-alone. This is useful for verifying, validating and debugging:
gcc -o grideye_http grideye_http.c
<hstatus>"200 OK"</hstatus><htime>1430</htime><hsize>491172</hsize>
The grideye plugin is compiled into a loadable module: '', and installed under /usr/local/lib/grideye and the grideye_agent is restarted:
sudo systemctl restart grideye_agent.service
The new metrics appears in the grideye controller, for plotting, alarming and analysis.
The next step is to invoke the new plugin from the central grideye controller. This is done by creating a new test (or extend an existing test) with the new plugin.
The following example shows a new test that is added to an agent template to invoke the new test:
Grideye_agent is covered by GPLv3, except the plugins that are covered by copyright and licenses in their source code header (if any).
I can be found at [email protected].