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Jul 6, 2023
Jul 6, 2023

oneAPI Community Forum AI SIG

The AI SIG hosts discussions and presentations focused on AI operations and interfaces. The oneAPI specification defines the oneDNN interface with building blocks for deep learning applications and frameworks.

The AI SIG is led by Penporn Koanantakool (Google) and Jian Hui Lim (Intel).

To find out how to join the AI SIG get in touch.

Meeting Notes


Meeting notes

Accelerate JAX on Intel GPUs via PJRT


Meeting notes

Hugging face

Joint Matrix



oneDNN v2.0 Mourad Gouciem, Intel
oneDNN Graph API Jian Hui Li, Intel


Robert Cohn, Intel Ramtin Davanlou, Accenture
Mourad Gouciem, Intel Rajeev Nalawadi, Intel
Guolian Li, Tamir Guy, Intel
Rahul Khanna, Intel Andrew Chen, Vastai Tech
Cheol Kim, Intel Jason Wang
Jian Hui Li Intel Mehdi Goli, Codeplay
Penporn Koanantakool, Google Tong Gu, Intel
Stephano, RISC-V Henry Gabb, Intel



oneDNN v2.0

  • Intro
    • Improved support for int8 quantization
    • Better runtime dimension support
  • Quantization
    • Per tensor quantization to allow asymmetric, dynamic quantization
  • Relaxed math mode
    • allow low precision without changing code
    • user sets minimal datatype, control
  • API stability for developers
    • descriptors are transparent
    • exposes implementation n API
    • extensions break compatibility
  • Making runtime dimensions support more practical
    • current spec has runtime dimensions
    • scratchpad allocated at creation time before dimensions are known
    • user provides allocator. Allocated at runtime
  • Misc

Q: How does allocator know which device, numa node to use? A: Allocator called by thread executing on numa node, pass in device

oneDNN Graph API

  • oneDNN Graph API
    • Currently oneDNN supports primitives API, will add graph API for future.
    • Graph API allows HW backend to max performance.
    • Same integration for multiple AI HW: CPU, GPU, and accelerators.
    • More flexible/productive way to add fusions compared to strict library API
    • In pytorch 1.2 release
    • In upcoming oneDNN 3.0 product release, oneDNN 2.0 spec release
  • Relationship between primitive and Graph APIs
    • 6 graph api classes: tensor, logical tensor, op, graph, partition, compiled partition.
    • share stream/engine with rest of onednn
  • Framework integration
    • before graph api
      • Framework integration needs to pattern match for oneDNN primitives
      • Each fused op needs to register to framework runtime and extend pattern matcher
    • with graph api
      • There is no need for differentiate which op etc. and no need to modify framework for new fusion.
  • Has larger scope for better efficiency
    • Fusion avoid loading from memory
    • Can change representation/types inside fused ops

Q: Can graph be executed on multiple stream/engine

Graph bound to a single stream

Q: What happens when oneDNN graph cannot support compilation A: Framework integration responsible for executing

Q: How does this interact with framework graph rewrites?

Expect that target independent rewrites are performed before oneDNN graph. Difficult when framework performance fusions.
Q: What happens when using CPU + nvidia GPU together? Can't use oneDNN

for graph that will be executed on GPU. Need cost model to decide what to send to oneDNN graph

Do per-device partition

Future topics

Suggestions for future from TAB members:

Plans for Habana synapse API?

Comparison of GPU vs CPU. Facilitating migration between CPU & GPU. What is well suited.

Accenture open source reference kits for AI, using oneAPI components.



Interfacing oneAPI and Python Diptorup Deb, Intel
Metagraph Project Stan Seibert, Anaconda


Radionov, Alexander, Intel Khanna, Rahul, Intel
Pavlyk, Oleksandr, Intel Voss, Michael J, Intel
Richards, Alison L, Intel Arunachalam, Meena, Intel
Deb, Diptorup, Intel Andrew Chen, Vastai Tech
Ruyman Reyes, Codeplay Li, Jian Hui, Intel
Brodman, James, Intel Nalawadi, Rajeev K, Intel
Cave, Vincent, Intel Cheng H. Lee, Anaconda
Mehdi Goli, Codeplay Andrew Richards, Codeplay
Romain Dolbeau, SiPearl Penporn Koanantakool, Google
Tamir, Guy, Intel Davanlou, Ramtin, Accenture
Gabb, Henry A, Intel Stan Seibert, Anaconda



Interfacing oneAPI and Python


Interfacing oneAPI and Python

Q: Why did you not use Buffers?

While it is technically possible, different Python classes would need to be created for every supported buffer data type as the buffer and accessor type definitions require the type of the underlying elements. We can get around the issue by using “untyped” buffers, but that brings its own challenges as partitioning of buffers can lead to loss of precision and incorrect results.
Q: Using SPIR V – and using SYCL as the API, is that easier for

interoperability. Why not use Open Cl? Or go straight down to Level Zero of oneAPI?

We envision a DPC++ program manager like layer in Numba that will allow us to go from the same high-level Python code to possibly different types of IRs (SPIR V, NVPTX) and then build interoperability kernels that can be launched using a SYCL runtime. Targeting OpenCL or Level Zero restricts us to devices that support Level Zero. The design may change later as the system evolves.

Q: Using MLIR as well – but you have SPIR V at the bottom? Using MLIR and SPIR V at the bottom? Code level?

The MLIR GPU and SPIR V dialects offer greater flexibility to us than Numba’s current pipeline. We want to move away from using the llvm-spirv translator and hope that the GPU dialect grows into support other types of devices not just GPUs.

Q: Codeplay has done work on MLIR. Would like to connect SYCL dialect and want to focus on top half of the box (SPIR V – GPU- Slide12)

For the Python work we want to primarily focus on the Python to Optimized loops pipeline. If the community takes over the SPIR-V and GPU (and possibly a SYCL dialect), our work for the Python compiler will be greatly benefit.

Q: What does it mean to make python code look more like SYCL?

Do as a community effort – Anaconda may have responses – will need to involve the NVIDIA engineers who work on Numba?

Q: SYCL Dialect in the future? Do we have a timeline for that?

SYCL dialect doesn’t exist right now. I am not aware of any timeline, or if anyone is working on it.

Q: Runtime – how much overhead is there from the Python layer?

Library call – oneMKL interface layer – there is not much overhead – did not observe – better than 90%; for the compiler, also we have been evaluating the code we generate through NUMBA DPEX – 75-80% of the execution time as compared to DPC++


Q: Graph Neural Net – is it flexible enough for a graph?

Q: Big fan of Graph BLAS - what is happening with that? With MLIR?

Reimplement a bunch of things that will need to throw away. When added sparse output, that unblocked it. Assuming regular math rules – have an internal design that they are translating and upstreaming into MLIR. Will be possible to do this. Sparse compiler making with a simi ring -

Can make graph sparse possible – can specify which element can be an identity – won’t take

Q: Which plugins – should they be written in python only or C++?

Need a thin layer of Python object or wrapper to hand around – then python function wrapper. Whatever is happening lower (layers) can be – C or C++ - just need enough python code to manipulate from the python interpreter
Q: Part of an internal structure of a “type” – capability but hasn’t

pushed on the type system.

Type system must be granular enough so they know what the backend can handle for any layout.

Q: Is that an oneAPI backend for all devices? Graph BLAS on other


No catchall solution for graphics (for all devices). Have a solution for people to plug in backends – but people have to implement



Overview of oneAPI and SYCL: how all the pieces fit together Andrew Richards, Codeplay 5 min
Mapping AI software to SYCL and oneAPI: ONNX, Eigen, TensorFlow Mehdi Goli, Codeplay 20 min
Mapping SYCL to accelerator hardware, using RISC-V as an example Alastair Murray, Codeplay 20 min
Experience of using SYCL and oneAPI with National Labs Gordon Brown, Codeplay 15 min
Opens / Topics All 30 min


Richards, Alison, Intel Guoliang, Vastaitech (来)
Alastair Murray, Codeplay Ashbaugh, Ben, Intel
Hanchinmani, Milind, Intel Dolbeau, Romain, SiPearl
Andrew Chen (来宾), vastaitech Ike, Atsushi/池 敦, Fujitsu
Li, Wei, Intel Mehdi Goli, Codeplay
Brodman, James, Intel ICT Lixian Ma (来宾), ICT CAS
Li, Jian Hui, Intel Ruyman Reyes, Codeply
Rayanki, Sreenivasulu, Intel Brown, Gordon, Codeplay
Tamir, Guy, Intel Andrew Richards, Codeplay
Petrov, Nikolay A, Intel Penporn Koanantakool, Google
Nalawadi, Rajeev K, Intel Curley, Joseph C, Intel
En Shao (来宾), ICT CAS Sheng Zha, AWS, Apache MX Net


Questions and Answer

  • Is Codeplay upstreaming the ONNX stuff? It is all open source and it will be up-streamed very soon.

  • Does the SYCL EP claim the entire graph or is it claiming in the form of multiple subgraphs? It actually supports the entire graph and distributes it to the entire backend. SYCL execution goes on SYCL DNN and all of the implementation of those nodes are available.

  • Will the SYCL backend replace all the other backends inside ONNX RT? If Codeplay were the owner of it, it should replace all other backends…

    No, each existing backend has its own pros and cons. Vendor optimized backend are useful when speed/performance on a particular device is the key. Pure SYCL-backend would be useful when portability on various devices is the key. Especially for devices that are new or do not have rich library ecosystem, by enabling SYCL they can benefit from the SYCL library ecosystem, supported by multiple vendors. You can also have cross-platform performance portability via SYCL interoperability with other backends. This approach integrates the existing vendor optimised backend in SYCL to provide a unique SYCL-interface for memory management and runtime control from the user’s point of view while reusing the highly optimised vendor backend. oneAPI initiative approach has already enabled cross-platform performance portability support on oneDNN via SYCL-interoperability for both CUDA and OpenCL-based backend.

  • Do you always beat oneDNN or are you as good as oneDNN? You get both portability and performance.

  • Can you get both portability and performance? There is always a trade-off between performance and level of abstraction that leads to portability. An assembly code can beat application written in high-level language in terms of performance, but will struggle in terms of portability.

  • The question is how close you are? Are you achieving 80% of customized library? 75% of performance we can achieve – range between 75%-100%. It is important to clarify that if you have an interface like oneDNN, you have a common API for all the vendors as well as SYCL. It is difficult to replace HW vendor libraries when not all HW vendors provide enough performance counters and detailed hardware information

  • Do you support training? At the moment no; inference mode at the moment. We do support training through the TF backend and oneDNN backend.

  • How to build the DPC tool chain with support for HIP and AMD. Is there some open source for the DPC and SYCL support. YES – all of this is upstreamed into Intel LLVM depository… The tool chain has been open sourced in there – YES.

  • On the collectives, what is the scale out support? This refers to the SYCL support with the CUDA backend targeting NVIDIA HW Support. There hasn’t been anything done for oneCCL or any other API.

  • Do we have some implementations for the group collectives? Memory copy to do some support for the communication node between different nodes? These collectives are for within the kernel functions so they are only for a single kernel, they don’t extend into multiple nodes. There is no communication between different nodes – only within oneGPU. Group collectives following the SYCL naming.



Why oneAPI, DPC++ Kick-off James Brodman, Intel 30 min
oneAPI Threading Building Blocks Mike Voss, Intel 25 min
oneAPI Data Analytics Library (oneDAL) Nikolay Petrov, Intel 25 min
Opens / Topics All 10 min


Andrew Richards, Codeplay Andrey Nikolaev, Intel
Mehdi Goli, Codeplay Sujoy Saraswati, Habana
Atsushi Ike, Fujitsu Tong Gu, Intel
Kentaro Kawakami, Fujitsu Meena Arunachalam, Intel
Penporn Koanatakool, Google Alison Richards, Intel
Sheng Zha, Apache MxNet James Brodman, Intel
Judy Fox, University of Virginia Michael Voss, Intel
Jun Qian, Vast AI Tech Ligang Tian, Intel
Andrew Chen, Vast AI Tech Guy Tamir, Intel
Nikolay A Petrov, Intel Jian Hui Li, Intel
Rahul Khanna, Intel  






Question: Is TBB a good fit for heterogeneous compute or only for CPU?

Answer: Our strategy has been to keep TBB on the host but to work well alongside of offloading to an accelerator. Thought about how to integrate executors into TBB. We may have our generic algos accept executors. There are ways we might expand TBB to accept executors that offload to accelerators. In general, though, TBB is the way we do efficient threading on the host.

Question: Are there things SYCL could learn from TBB?

Answer: Could be additional hints given for optimizing performance with subgroups that could happen. TBB does have these controls that could be tuned for performance (or you can use the default and you may be fine with that). Setting partitioners. None of that is exposed yet in SYCL.

There is not a good interface for expressing graphs yet in SYCL so there may be a way to gain some learnings there. In SYCL you have implicit graphs…but not explicit graphs so this could be an area of learning from TBB. Benefit would be to do some optimization and reuse offload of kernels. Host offload - give it the chunk it once and then que up the kernels in a more optimal fashion. Need to have repeatable graphs in SYCL.

Question: Is this result on CPU or GPU– Slide Scikit Learn for training and inference

Answer: CPU

Comment: Judy Fox mentioned she is teaching a python course and this will give a lot of exposrue to Python. Scikit learn bench – you can easily download this and try out different sizes and algos and play with that; Check out blog for data analytic software for additional information.


Discuss upcoming topics from the team – happy to have members present or share topics. A few ideas:

Andrew Richards, Codeplay: doing simple code and showing how it goes through SYCL and oneAPI Stack. They are showing how it ends up on the HW. Showing the flow.

Medhi Goli, Codeplay: SYCL integrated w/ Tensorflow – Eigen support the SYCL standard / oneAPI and how it supports CUDA as well

Codeplay: Support oneAPI on Nvidia GPUs

Intel Extension for scikit-learn on youTube



Alison Richards, Intel Mourad Gouicem, Intel
Sanjiv Shah, Intel Daniel M Lavery, Intel
Dmitry Durnov, Intel Shlomo Raikin, Intel Habana
JF Massol, SiPearl Rodolfo G Esteves, Intel
Atsushi Ike, Fujitsu Mehdi Goli, Codeplay
Rajeev K Nalawadi, Intel Rahul Khanna, Intel
Wei Cui, Microsoft Andrew Richards, Codeplay
Jian Hui Li, Intel Sreenivasulu Rayanki, Intel
Kentaro Kawakami, Fujitsu Krishna Bhuyan, Intel
Tim Harris, Microsoft Romain Dolbeau, SiPearl
Ruyman Reyes, Codeplay Guoliang, VastAI Tech
Guy Tamir, Intel Jayaram Bobba, Intel Habana
Igor Lopatin, Intel Andrew Chen, VastAI Tech
Penporn Koanantakool, Google AG Ramesh, Intel
Emad Barsoum, Cerebras Andrey Nikolaev, Intel
Zack S Waters, Intel Guangming Tan, ICT CAS
En Shao, ICT CAS  

Welcome, Vision, oneAPI spec update - Sanjiv Shah, Intel

  • Slides

  • Question: How does oneAPI differ from ROCM?

    oneAPI is across multiple HW platforms and CPU, GPU, FPGA and Accelerators, where ROCM is for AMD HW. One could port Level Zero to run on ROCm

Antares for SYCL - Wei Cui, Microsoft

TensorFlow and oneDNN in Partnership - Penporn Koanantakool, Google

  • Slides

  • Question: Will XLA and Jit be supported?

    Jit is already used inside oneDNN. Currently XLA is not using oneDNN.

Intel Extension for TensorFlow Demo - Jian Hui Li, Intel

  • Intel extension for TensorFlow (TEX) uses modular TensorFlow interface to bring intel XPU to TensorFlow for AI workload acceleration. oneAPI complements modular TensorFlow to provide modular software architecture and unifies the programming interface for AI hardware.

  • Questions:

    • Is the code private or can people access it?

      It is private for now but will be public. Right now it is pre-release trial and early exploration.

    • If the new HW support oneDNN, will the integration to Framework just work?

      ITEX uses oneAPI components includes oneDNN, oneCCL, and DPC++. If the HW only supports oneDNN only, then only the most performance critical subgraph is offloaded to hardware. Supporting DPC++ and oneCCL can offload the whole deep learning graph to the physical device.

    • What is the preferred way of adding new devices to TF?

      Pluggable devices is the preferred way to plug in new devices to TF.

Enable Deep Learning Frameworks at Scale - Dmitry Durnov, Intel

  • Slides
  • Feedback: this is a theoretical concept; can we take the concepts and model the exercises in a real world example with x number of training exercises.



Ben Ashbaugh, Intel Jeff McVeigh, Intel
Krishna Bhuyan, Intel Rajeev Nalawadi, Intel
Jayaram Bobba, Habana Nikolay Petrov, Intel
Andrew Chen, Vastai Tech Jun Qian, Vastai Tech
Robert Cohn, Intel Shlomo Raikin, Habana
Neel Dhamdhere, Intel AG Ramesh, Intel
Mehdi Goli, Codeplay Sreenivasulu Rayanki, Intel
Tim Harris, Microsoft Leif Reinert, AWS
Atsushi Ike, Fujitsu Ruyman Reyes, Codeplay
Kentaro Kawakami, Fujitsu Alison Richards, Intel
Rahul Khanna, Intel Andrew Richards, Codeplay
Kazui Kimihiko, Fujitsu Tatiana Shpeisman, Google
Penporn Koanantakool, Google Shivani Sud, Intel
Guoling Li, Vastai Tech Guy Tamir, Intel
Hui Li, Intel Zack Waters, Intel
Jian Hui Li, Intel Louis Zhang, Vastai Tech
Wei Li, Intel  
oneAPI Welcome & Introduction – Jeff McVeigh
AI Machine Learning Accelerators – Wei Li : Slides

oneDNN on ARM – Kentaro Kawakami : Slides

  • How can we use Mesh TF widely to larger user base?

    Fujistu team is working on Pull request with Google Mesh TF.

oneDNN Graph API – Jian Hui Li : Slides

  • How easy is it to add Graph Optimizations to new HW Backends?

    Backends can develop their own graph optimizations to generate the best optimized code. The implementation of oneDNN Graph API contains an API layer and targets specific backends. API layer focuses on standardizing the operation and graph structure, which is then pass to backends for optimization. oneDNN Graph tensor supports opaque tensors which allow backends to use private layout across the partitions. We are aware that there is extra integration complexity for framework to adopt opaque layouts, so the opaque tensor design considered ease of use. For backends which target large partition, it can use the opaque tensor internally and use the public tensor as partition input and output.

  • Can one use SYCL for custom operations in a graph?

    oneDNN Graph defines a set of operations. Intel extensions for Frameworks have DPC++/SYCL implementation of framework operations outside of oneDNN Graph. If the device implements oneDNN Graph and is DPC++/SYCL compatible, it gets the maximum benefit of reusing oneDNN Graph based framework integration and Intel extensions. Registering a custom op to oneDNN Graph is in the future plan but not defined yet.

  • Any integration plans to integrate with MLIR? Is this orthogonal to MLIR or a higher level integration?

    Yes. MLIR is multi-level IR, and oneDNN Graph op is at the same level as high level MLIR dialect. We intercept at high level MLIR dialect. We plan to have the integration when TF moves to MLIR as the main graph representation.

Level Zero – Ben Ashbaugh : Slides

  • How do you adapt to different processors? VPU, GPU or larger constructs than kernels? Can all processors can be abstracted?

    Some examples of device flexibility are the different device property queries:

    The specific case described on the call were command lists, which are groups of commands that can represent a larger task graph:

    If we need specific features for some other processor type we can either add it in a future version of the spec, or it can be added as an extension:

  • Can we capture the capability of L0 (Create software with ability to query)?

    Please see the link above to the different device property queries.

  • Do we need a plug-in for OpenVINO? Do we need to develop Level-0 API?

    OpenVINO is powered by oneAPI and is part of oneAPI ecosystem. Implementing oneAPI including Level-0 certainly help integrating to OpenVINO in a modular way.

  • Can oneDNN co-exist with Level Zero? Or can CPU code generator co-exist with Level0?

    Yes, oneDNN can co-exist with Level Zero, and oneDNN is one of the layers that can be built on top of Level Zero. A CPU code generator would use a different mechanism currently though, because Level Zero is not currently implemented for CPU devices. See note below:

    oneDNN works on top of L0. Though L0 does not support CPU (so there is no sycl::device that uses L0 as a backend). Here is what oneDNN does for each type of device/backend.

DPC++ device ----- CPU device -------------------- CPU jitted code is executed through sycl host_task
              \--- GPU device ---- L0 backend  --- binary is wrapped in L0 module, then in sycl program, and run through SYCL RT
                               \-- OCL backend --- binary is wrapped in OCL kernel, then in sycl program, and run through SYCL RT

Brainstorm Discussion: Intros, Requirements, Use Cases, Q& A - All