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oneAPI Community Forum Combined Meeting Notes



Introduction Geoff Lowney
Unified Runtime Paul Petersen, Z. Waters, A. Kukanov, T. Smith
Distributed Programming David Ozog, Maria Gazaran, Robert Cohn
Domain Specific Libraries Ilya Burylov


Tian, Xinmin, Intel Lowney, Geoff, Intel
Slavova, Gergana S, Intel Richards, Alison, Intel
Smith, Timmie, Intel Podogova, Svetlana, Intel
Brodman, James, Intel Ashbaugh, Ben, Intel
Lueck, Gregory M, Intel Garland, Craig, Intel
SBaik, Samsung (게스트) Burylov, Ilya, Intel
Garzaran, Maria, Intel Sohrab Amirghodsi, Adobe
Ozog, David M, Intel Kawakami, Kentaro/川上 健太, Fujitsu Labs
Cohn, Robert, Intel Pat Quillen, Math Works
Edward Smyth, NAG Ike, Atsushi/池 敦, Fujitsu
Luo, Ye, ANL Mehdi Goli, Codeplay
Tom Deakin, Univ of Bristol Bharat Agrawal, Ansys
Khanna, Rahul, Intel Rabotnikov, Mark, Philips Medical System
Knepper, Sarah, Intel Waters, Zack S, Intel
Story, Shane, Intel Kharkov, Egor, Intel
Kukanov, Alexey, Intel Kubarev, Valentin, Intel
Pascuzzi, Vincent, BNL Petersen, Paul, Intel
Luszczek, Piotr Rafal, UTK Stefan Yurkevitch, ArrayFire
Schneider, Robert, Seimens HC Ruyman Reyes, Codeplay
Pennycook, John, Intel Andrew Lumsdaine, University of Washington
Arunachalam, Meena, Intel John Melonakos, ArrayFire
Patty, Spencer, Intel Reinders, James, Intel
Dolbeau, Romain, SiPearl Li, Jian Hui, Intel
Rahman, Md, Intel Sheng Zha, AWS MXNET
Nevin Liber, Argonne Alastair Murray, Codeplay
Paul, Sriraj, Intel Andrew Richards, Codeplay
Anzt, Hartwig, KIT Ronan Keryell, Xilinx
Shabunin, Maksim, Intel Erik Lindahl, Stockholm University


  • Adobe only uses native runtime on each platform: Metal or Direct X
  • Need Vulcan back end support – requires more image processing, which is missing from oneAPI – prefers to write in oneAPI in C++ vs GLSL/etc. Needs texture support, image basic support, access to how a texture is stored (linearly or swizzled, 3D texture or a view on that with two images, etc)
    • Working on imaging support for oneAPI.
    • AR: Zack to connect with Ilya on image support
  • Does Level Zero support OpenCL?
    • Level Zero provides low level access to GPU and devices, and is intended to be lower-level than OpenCL. OpenCL is a true citizen.
  • We are doing a lot of work in SYCL and NVIDIA Backend. Very interested in level zero – looked at level zero but it was so low level compared to CUDA and Hip; Need something higher level to implement the sycl support and support other platforms above CUDA and HIP – need other ways to do that; if you think in terms of SYCL. How would they do that with multiple streams in cuda and or multiple queues. A lot of conversations to have a unified RT for other platforms.
    • This is a .1 spec, would like to get additional engagement for others; in terms of a timeline, is there something we could share? We need to put the draft on the github – we have the AR to put that up. We do intend to have an easy migration path – for other hw. Clean up and standardize in the PI layer – we welcome your feedback as we define. On the right track w/ the unified RT; one of the nice things through the adaptors is the ability to expose the extensions and expose the native platform experiences – if you need access for CUDA and low-level interfaces or APIs, you could be able to choose
    • SYCL for CUDA or for HIP – is the backend to call cublas directly, very important feature that they need – they are happy to collaborate on this (Codeplay).
  • Issues with level zero
    • Unified runtime expected to abstract all the backends but they are more familiar with other APIs.
    • Thread Safety – SPEC says level zero is not thread safe. (ZACK – AR to look at that). Spec says you can call for multiple threads. 2)
    • No primary context to allow libraries to interact w/o knowing each other; user exports (unfriendly for developers). Need to have a Level Zero adaptor to unify the behavior w/ other runtimes. That is more of his expectation.
    • Adaptors – where you need divergence, you can access the lower level platform… Need to access multiple lower level architectures – directly allocated from cublas or cuda low level (goes through the primary context and recognizes each other – independent but not convenient like that w/ CUDA). Unified RT is the opportunity for supporting those explicit constructs.
    • You can call from multiple threads but you need to be careful. Can't operate on the same object from multiple threads. Small clarification: You can't operate on the same object from multiple threads without synchronization.
    • Having this TLS magical CUDA state is a limitation for performance; And it is actually very non-thread safe, just in a more dangerous and subtle way. It also creates wrong expectation to users, e.g. CUDA libraries magically working without initialization! so when you need to interop with native libraries, you need to explain to users all the magic that CUDA runtime does and how to replicate it in a portable way
  • TLS will create more issues than the benefits we will get. It is a legacy issue in OpenMP now.
  • But this does not prevent to provide an optional TLS layer for porting simple use-cases coming from a single-thread world ? Just that it should not be the default and uninterested folks should not be performance-impacted from this.
  • Do people want to program CPU with SYCL?
    • Yes
  • Would resource manager help TBB and NUMA issues on Intel CPUs?
    • That is exactly why we are pursuing this.
  • We need to support both 32 bit (WASM) and 64 bit system. From high end workstation to iOS/Android devices. So portability and ability to scale down gracefully is critical for us. Apple platform support only their own solutions and we have had lots of issues with OpenCL on random hardware with OpenCL drivers. For cloud computing we have more flexibility.
  • MPI could surely benefit from modern C++ bindings....
  • Do you still rely on free functions in shmem? We are back into our previous TLS discussion. Perhaps using kernel handler would be more C++ & SYCL compliant? Of course the syntax would be different, which is a problem for portability, with kh.shmem.putmem_nbi() for example instead of ::shmem_putmem_nbi(() –
  • Do we need to be looking at different extensions? Do we need this natively in SYCL? Ie. Universal Parallel C++ (Paul). How do we think about this (not in a library point of view but have this more integrated w/ SYCL)
  • For combining MPI and SYCL, have you looked at the Celerity project? Celerity · High-level C++ for Accelerator Clusters High-level C++ for Accelerator Clusters
  • [Off-topic; Potential Collab] I have yet to see 'XPU' with 'X' == 'Q'. Something I'm interested in is having a qpu_selector, where this would use a QC simulator (akin to, e.g., an FPGA simulator) for Qiskit, cirq, DM-SIM, etc., perhaps via PI interface? Feel free to reach out.