- update readme (19f0b3e9)
- remove CSS import from Phone field to avoid NextJs import error (0efea8d9)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (fdc79d0e)
- refactor and improve fix (51966240)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (7a81ce38)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (a2bf1bea)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (2feb95a8)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (d2da578a)
- upate package-lock (7fbf2e25)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (ba33b7a8)
- update dependencies (d3a86248)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (cd86bd3c)
- merge main branch (055ecabe)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (0c67f7b1)
- merge main (315ac095)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (747363e0)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (4c889f55)
- update package-lock (053f2344)
- update dependencies (94828fc2)
- simulate long submission in the example (14e684f3)
- remove commented code in example app (665d8134)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (cbd3aca3)
- improve styles (ebb0fe4d)
- update dependencies (13f9aacf)
- added ncu tool to update deps (f53761eb)
- add textarea example question in form (823bc6b7)
- add .nvmrc file (48e380d5)
- remove error logs (d0221d3d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (1ae0bcf4)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (c451685d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (518cbe27)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (00d86bc3)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (ebf5def9)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (cd48fd8f)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (ae23506b)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (e11c20b4)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (f0449363)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (a4c7d27d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (dbdebef4)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (e1fff8e5)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (5cbccfa3)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (9af30de1)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (7c0bb62c)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (2c57f2d2)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (d69840ce)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (b825b1df)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (a2b4c388)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (033fa0b7)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (79a8522e)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (758058f6)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (a310a56c)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (f1489b11)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (d1bb4273)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (b48b8222)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (c9cf2bbb)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (cc55ffd5)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (971714e0)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (a36df67d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (055059d1)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (838940c0)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (c7e66ab5)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (961b2e2d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (074a500d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (aeef551c)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (b93c43ed)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (e08927ca)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (69139c99)
- package updated (45a01e83)
- eslint issues (147a7e03)
- solve conflicts (c4f4dc45)
- solve conflicts (d8c0e8b9)
- solve conflicts (3c686f5b)
- solve conflicts (a3c4a85a)
- solve conflicts (1860b679)
- solve conflicts (ae542434)
- edited pr template (84c2a1ae)
- remove logs (85e6b7bd)
- remove test folder (1b5b93d4)
- eslint fix (c5d373c6)
- ireland updated (870cb4c1)
- delete date logs (c6f0c45b)
- adapt es6 to es5 to prevent errors with loader (5889d28c)
- delete ? into phone component (696fccb2)
- main:
- github-actions-npm:
- master:
- update CI/CD pipeline (3ce29c13)
- update CI/CD pipeline (c8e3626a)
- update CI/CD pipeline (954408e3)
- update CI/CD pipeline (75b8495f)
- update CI/CD pipeline (84b8ce4b)
- update CI/CD pipeline (72c18216)
- update CI/CD pipeline (91d2c37e)
- update CI/CD pipeline (21eda029)
- travis only running at main (dbc4a93f)
- CI/CD node version to 10 (37450548)
- CI/CD Test stage (efaf7116)
- CI/CD Publish stage (8f00cb1b)
- CI/CD docs (aefa3faf)
- public web added (fccde234)
- travis script with conditional deployment at stage (c75b2769)
- travis script with conditional deployment (d729e0ea)
- travis config with version tags (ee200327)
- changelog lib added (42a099eb)
- release script (3f2b0d68)
- adding travis config file (cb4ef886)
- initial commit (aa59600e)
- set egress-policy to audit (41722842)
- reset version to start with 1.0.0 for the new namespace (56e4817b)
- replace ci github action to trigger with new release (00b14e13)
- remove support for node14 (3478c977)
- rename namespace from guidesmiths to onebeyond (795af293)
- add scorecard workflows (592b0120)
- add ci workflow (7d99a8ea)
- add code climate gh action for test coverage (0074b22f)
- add code climate gh action for test coverage (c308040f)
- update .all-contributorsrc (94f4b1ff)
- update README.md (8b828feb)
- add international flag docs to phone (544c60bb)
- minor fix in readme file (1ef1a959)
- update .all-contributorsrc (7c877d09)
- update README.md (dc19fe9c)
- update .all-contributorsrc (296ffdfb)
- update README.md (750455a6)
- minor fix (4dae7f8b)
- improve readme file (47e8e615)
- improve readme file to get rid of obsolete guidesmiths refs (83acb0a5)
- readme badge link (4b72fbaa)
- update .all-contributorsrc (f24492fe)
- update README.md (2082f813)
- update .all-contributorsrc (204695d0)
- update README.md (25c26361)
- all contributors (81851aad)
- add @Donivanes as a contributor (d9f5c4f5)
- add @sofisdev as a contributor (a300477c)
- add @ars1096 as a contributor (ab507c9a)
- add @FranciscoValdesoiro as a contributor (f93b5eb5)
- add @ismaelocaramelo as a contributor (354b2f66)
- add @pablo-albaladejo as a contributor (b8cec107)
- remove pr template to use the org pr template (257d4db9)
- added codeclimate badges (da155c64)
- add accessibility attributes from radio button and main form (6a421c98)
- add accessibility section to readme (f293ce48)
- add international option to Phone (84aef3e2)
- add option to prepend the flag to the country name (72b4413d)
- new country question (246aa4ab)
- add dependant questions logic to radio buttons (e81e81b2)
- remove support for node < 16 (bb40b3af)
- upgrade to node v20 (7b79369c)
- add devtools when in DEV mode (23730319)
- Release patch (#143) (940e49d0)
- add array conditions to dependent question in multiple_checkboxes (#126) (ae84e7ff)
- add react markdown to radio label (#111) (d205009a)
- refactor container condiciontalQuestion (67501bc6)
- props added (5c1bfe25)
- new sorted arrays by country name (877b5ad3)
- precommit script added (b85f7ca2)
- precommit script added (91e6f2e9)
- added pre-commit job (34d43e86)
- added pr template and codeowners file (ee824138)
- github action to publish on npm (#98) (e57372b0)
- github action to publish on npm (af134b73)
- textarea question implemented (46e0f1e1)
- add commitLint and Husky (82534965)
- builder parent div updated (ba4fbdd3)
- radio test edit (521f6dce)
- edit labels by question (0c3aaa4a)
- making new and removing old tooltip component (73a1450f)
- button customise by id (0342e6b5)
- multipleCheckbox editable styles (2dbbda2b)
- aligning labels with radios (db555cd4)
- changing how styles are managed (3ffc3da4)
- svg component displayed with inputs and tooltip (9a711a66)
- svg now can be loaded with the library (fcf92aa2)
- placeholder option in select & country Questions (ce9969a8)
- adding license-checker postinstall (9748f18f)
- countryQuestions storybook (6565c1b3)
- now countryQuestion accepts custom list of countries (8c320e17)
- new modal possibility, now we can open different links and show different text in the same modal (200b4469)
- custom component with a modal, now we can open links in a modal or in another tab. (99faab93)
- custom component for check ==> custom checkbox storybook (0b885954)
- storybook related with the checkbox component (b3a383d3)
- add openToDate in date field (e1df7d97)
- add openToDate in date field (dbba3b64)
- export error message to implement into custom component (ddf001d0)
- add custom component compatibility (7d0907d7)
- add minAge to date component (4848362b)
- change value of the country from countryName to countryShortCode (96caaf7f)
- add target option into Checkbox ReactMarckdown links (37e9bb5f)
- add select status (isSelected,isDisabled, isFocused) styles (e067bd10)
- wip: new country question with countries enriched data (77293f88)
- questions: add image input question type (#161) (343c57ab)
- text-area: add word count type (#130) (5306f5b2)
- mobile: add default country value (#124) (37843c67)
- phone: add ltr attribute (#122) (95ee6994)
- regions: change gb, ie, fr and se regions data (#121) (62fec427)
- builder: add dependent question to multicheckboxes (#116) (1d4e3667)
- node: update version (c772b5de)
- multiplecheckbox: add disable others option (#112) (d0c18c88)
- avoid overriding default onChange behavior to allow showing dependentQuestions (0886ae8c)
- rollup config and countries translation (a86ace47)
- minor changes according to pr review (bddcea46)
- updgrade to node 18 as some dependencies need it (2fa29fdf)
- set recommended policy for cd gh action (18565ddd)
- get back egress-policy block for harden runner (e6230436)
- allowed-endpoints for scorecard (6e686636)
- allowed-endpoints for test reporter (b85ebe49)
- set node version 16 (794ec2fa)
- linter errors and warnings (daa0acdb)
- prevent re-submitting the form while it's being submitted (d67c0fa9)
- disable submit button when form is being submitted (8686d875)
- textarea validation for min and max word count (94332752)
- fix vulnerabilities with auit fix (dc182b54)
- textarea errorMessage (#129) (68699f95)
- country conditions uppercase (ca59af7e)
- date picker test (#113) (c1875f86)
- adding countries left asked by ... (dfc8a2cf)
- error no text to display (f826a36f)
- tests (ef6bb026)
- style access (2c01fa5c)
- new logic needs changes in the tests (17207059)
- not displaying tooltip if there is no text (6376863c)
- Date problem with hour depends on GMT and fixing texts (ed85ec7b)
- removing web error default (348dc411)
- name of svg need a format name to avoid errors in tags (888406c9)
- displaying error just if it is neccesary (4b734d51)
- adapt test were needed due to new logic (e664cca3)
- phone input not alway required and name now can be choosen (019226c3)
- phone input is not always required anymore (105740d9)
- old test now everything is ordered... (bab900db)
- add countryAndRegionsData to FB (d694fa81)
- problem rendering select when theme value was null (f2fd2590)
- Quick fix test that was forgotten (d01d6fe3)
- the bugs related with the 1.0.58 version and old bugs from other versions (ae609e37)
- travis build fixing (3a2a7123)
- travis error ? && removing consoles.log (a95ee0f2)
- reducing redundancy repeating question all the time just making the necessary modifications (6b51f4db)
- fix return multipleCheckboxes and multipleImageCheckboxes values, validations (a7ab4a8b)
- fix empty phone error (81b87e1e)
- fix date component in firefox and safari (7eada8da)
- validation birthday date (979a6463)
- wip: import the lib from a react app (3fbb86fe)
- error-handling: add error class to all Select based questions (#172) (196ccbb0)
- select: update select default value to listen to new value changes (#168) (e91d8c66)
- rollup&Fields: update rollup, use uuidV4, update packages (#144) (40e60a90)
- react-select: use id to prevent hydration errors (#140) (bfcbdf04)
- error-message: use errorStyles prop instead of overwrite sx (#142) (a69d1509)
- text-area:
- eslint: sx problem (#134) (1958e67c)
- form:
- dateQuestion: select date order (#117) (91fa555a)
- dateField: remove ? (3f3603e5)
- selectImage: type of values when undefined (59484424)
- main: travis yaml format (20ecbffe)
- onebeyond/react-form-builder into improve-country-question (cf93df1a)
- audit for cd gh action (c01c736b)
- onebeyond/react-form-builder into use-uuid (b6adcf32)
- guidesmiths/react-form-builder into main (222931d4)
- guidesmiths/react-form-builder (03291617)
- guidesmiths/react-form-builder (31dcca7f)
- //github.com/guidesmiths/react-form-builder into feat/testing (d4968f87)
- guidesmiths/react-form-builder into main (3c688403)
- //github.com/guidesmiths/react-form-builder (d01cbe71)
- //github.com/guidesmiths/react-form-builder (b5ba58af)
- D (7ddc92c6)
- D (8b43c578)
- logic behind radiobuttons (5c90b1f0)
- undefined value on delete (e8e790bc)
- countries are displayed in the language asked & added countries json (2cd475f3)
- redirection in the href, export modal and included onLinkClick for the customizeCheckbox in formbuilder (12452de6)
- add custom order and custom countryNames into country-component (60091bb0)
- add-date-and-form-types-into-form-builder#19 add date and phone types into form builder (84b8fed3)
- add-calendar-component add Date component, add isBirthDay property and create story (4f1e5626)
- main:
- master:
- use form context to avoid passing it to children (340ee7cb)
- one single rollup config file (84f6dc43)
- improve example app to support multiple forms (2ad93487)
- move builder styles to separate file (1231bcdc)
- move button styles to separate file (e9050b59)
- move example styles to separate file (18b3d5fc)
- use uuid lib instead of useId hook (e20d3225)
- updated aria-label in checkbox links (#110) (c75a7547)
- externalize components (5aee3928)
- markdown onLinkOpen (fa1ff72c)
- logo reducing loading charge (361fcd0a)
- logistic more precise (f243dd92)
- moving icons to new folder and default icon (75f5af63)
- Logo and tooltip externalisation in components (6f88a7a3)
- optimisation of priorityOrder and new language feature displaying countries (c845d30b)
- removing C&R now it will be in /country/data with the other json (98fbed31)
- removing "isMobile" from documentation and adding language (88f56f3b)
- builder: set component props (#141) (f641f20a)
- custom tooltip (8c34cab7)
- remove textarea from tests due to unexpected behaviour (1ab970c7)
- add test coverage (31b2a1b9)
- QuestionInput Test (23d2de28)
- initial test for QuestionInput (21411c7b)
- countryQuestion testing (73237ecd)
- wip: fixing tests (b4305806)
- refactor and improve fix (51966240)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (7a81ce38)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (a2bf1bea)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (2feb95a8)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (d2da578a)
- upate package-lock (7fbf2e25)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (ba33b7a8)
- update dependencies (d3a86248)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (cd86bd3c)
- merge main branch (055ecabe)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (0c67f7b1)
- merge main (315ac095)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (747363e0)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (4c889f55)
- update package-lock (053f2344)
- update dependencies (94828fc2)
- simulate long submission in the example (14e684f3)
- remove commented code in example app (665d8134)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (cbd3aca3)
- improve styles (ebb0fe4d)
- update dependencies (13f9aacf)
- added ncu tool to update deps (f53761eb)
- add textarea example question in form (823bc6b7)
- add .nvmrc file (48e380d5)
- remove error logs (d0221d3d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (1ae0bcf4)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (c451685d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (518cbe27)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (00d86bc3)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (ebf5def9)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (cd48fd8f)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (ae23506b)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (e11c20b4)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (f0449363)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (a4c7d27d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (dbdebef4)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (e1fff8e5)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (5cbccfa3)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (9af30de1)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (7c0bb62c)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (2c57f2d2)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (d69840ce)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (b825b1df)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (a2b4c388)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (033fa0b7)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (79a8522e)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (758058f6)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (a310a56c)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (f1489b11)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (d1bb4273)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (b48b8222)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (c9cf2bbb)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (cc55ffd5)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (971714e0)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (a36df67d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (055059d1)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (838940c0)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (c7e66ab5)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (961b2e2d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (074a500d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (aeef551c)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (b93c43ed)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (e08927ca)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (69139c99)
- package updated (45a01e83)
- eslint issues (147a7e03)
- solve conflicts (c4f4dc45)
- solve conflicts (d8c0e8b9)
- solve conflicts (3c686f5b)
- solve conflicts (a3c4a85a)
- solve conflicts (1860b679)
- solve conflicts (ae542434)
- edited pr template (84c2a1ae)
- remove logs (85e6b7bd)
- remove test folder (1b5b93d4)
- eslint fix (c5d373c6)
- ireland updated (870cb4c1)
- delete date logs (c6f0c45b)
- adapt es6 to es5 to prevent errors with loader (5889d28c)
- delete ? into phone component (696fccb2)
- main:
- github-actions-npm:
- master:
- update CI/CD pipeline (3ce29c13)
- update CI/CD pipeline (c8e3626a)
- update CI/CD pipeline (954408e3)
- update CI/CD pipeline (75b8495f)
- update CI/CD pipeline (84b8ce4b)
- update CI/CD pipeline (72c18216)
- update CI/CD pipeline (91d2c37e)
- update CI/CD pipeline (21eda029)
- travis only running at main (dbc4a93f)
- CI/CD node version to 10 (37450548)
- CI/CD Test stage (efaf7116)
- CI/CD Publish stage (8f00cb1b)
- CI/CD docs (aefa3faf)
- public web added (fccde234)
- travis script with conditional deployment at stage (c75b2769)
- travis script with conditional deployment (d729e0ea)
- travis config with version tags (ee200327)
- changelog lib added (42a099eb)
- release script (3f2b0d68)
- adding travis config file (cb4ef886)
- initial commit (aa59600e)
- set egress-policy to audit (41722842)
- reset version to start with 1.0.0 for the new namespace (56e4817b)
- replace ci github action to trigger with new release (00b14e13)
- remove support for node14 (3478c977)
- rename namespace from guidesmiths to onebeyond (795af293)
- add scorecard workflows (592b0120)
- add ci workflow (7d99a8ea)
- add code climate gh action for test coverage (0074b22f)
- add code climate gh action for test coverage (c308040f)
- update .all-contributorsrc (94f4b1ff)
- update README.md (8b828feb)
- add international flag docs to phone (544c60bb)
- minor fix in readme file (1ef1a959)
- update .all-contributorsrc (7c877d09)
- update README.md (dc19fe9c)
- update .all-contributorsrc (296ffdfb)
- update README.md (750455a6)
- minor fix (4dae7f8b)
- improve readme file (47e8e615)
- improve readme file to get rid of obsolete guidesmiths refs (83acb0a5)
- readme badge link (4b72fbaa)
- update .all-contributorsrc (f24492fe)
- update README.md (2082f813)
- update .all-contributorsrc (204695d0)
- update README.md (25c26361)
- all contributors (81851aad)
- add @Donivanes as a contributor (d9f5c4f5)
- add @sofisdev as a contributor (a300477c)
- add @ars1096 as a contributor (ab507c9a)
- add @FranciscoValdesoiro as a contributor (f93b5eb5)
- add @ismaelocaramelo as a contributor (354b2f66)
- add @pablo-albaladejo as a contributor (b8cec107)
- remove pr template to use the org pr template (257d4db9)
- added codeclimate badges (da155c64)
- add accessibility attributes from radio button and main form (6a421c98)
- add accessibility section to readme (f293ce48)
- add international option to Phone (84aef3e2)
- add option to prepend the flag to the country name (72b4413d)
- new country question (246aa4ab)
- add dependant questions logic to radio buttons (e81e81b2)
- remove support for node < 16 (bb40b3af)
- upgrade to node v20 (7b79369c)
- add devtools when in DEV mode (23730319)
- Release patch (#143) (940e49d0)
- add array conditions to dependent question in multiple_checkboxes (#126) (ae84e7ff)
- add react markdown to radio label (#111) (d205009a)
- refactor container condiciontalQuestion (67501bc6)
- props added (5c1bfe25)
- new sorted arrays by country name (877b5ad3)
- precommit script added (b85f7ca2)
- precommit script added (91e6f2e9)
- added pre-commit job (34d43e86)
- added pr template and codeowners file (ee824138)
- github action to publish on npm (#98) (e57372b0)
- github action to publish on npm (af134b73)
- textarea question implemented (46e0f1e1)
- add commitLint and Husky (82534965)
- builder parent div updated (ba4fbdd3)
- radio test edit (521f6dce)
- edit labels by question (0c3aaa4a)
- making new and removing old tooltip component (73a1450f)
- button customise by id (0342e6b5)
- multipleCheckbox editable styles (2dbbda2b)
- aligning labels with radios (db555cd4)
- changing how styles are managed (3ffc3da4)
- svg component displayed with inputs and tooltip (9a711a66)
- svg now can be loaded with the library (fcf92aa2)
- placeholder option in select & country Questions (ce9969a8)
- adding license-checker postinstall (9748f18f)
- countryQuestions storybook (6565c1b3)
- now countryQuestion accepts custom list of countries (8c320e17)
- new modal possibility, now we can open different links and show different text in the same modal (200b4469)
- custom component with a modal, now we can open links in a modal or in another tab. (99faab93)
- custom component for check ==> custom checkbox storybook (0b885954)
- storybook related with the checkbox component (b3a383d3)
- add openToDate in date field (e1df7d97)
- add openToDate in date field (dbba3b64)
- export error message to implement into custom component (ddf001d0)
- add custom component compatibility (7d0907d7)
- add minAge to date component (4848362b)
- change value of the country from countryName to countryShortCode (96caaf7f)
- add target option into Checkbox ReactMarckdown links (37e9bb5f)
- add select status (isSelected,isDisabled, isFocused) styles (e067bd10)
- wip: new country question with countries enriched data (77293f88)
- questions: add image input question type (#161) (343c57ab)
- text-area: add word count type (#130) (5306f5b2)
- mobile: add default country value (#124) (37843c67)
- phone: add ltr attribute (#122) (95ee6994)
- regions: change gb, ie, fr and se regions data (#121) (62fec427)
- builder: add dependent question to multicheckboxes (#116) (1d4e3667)
- node: update version (c772b5de)
- multiplecheckbox: add disable others option (#112) (d0c18c88)
- avoid overriding default onChange behavior to allow showing dependentQuestions (0886ae8c)
- rollup config and countries translation (a86ace47)
- minor changes according to pr review (bddcea46)
- updgrade to node 18 as some dependencies need it (2fa29fdf)
- set recommended policy for cd gh action (18565ddd)
- get back egress-policy block for harden runner (e6230436)
- allowed-endpoints for scorecard (6e686636)
- allowed-endpoints for test reporter (b85ebe49)
- set node version 16 (794ec2fa)
- linter errors and warnings (daa0acdb)
- prevent re-submitting the form while it's being submitted (d67c0fa9)
- disable submit button when form is being submitted (8686d875)
- textarea validation for min and max word count (94332752)
- fix vulnerabilities with auit fix (dc182b54)
- textarea errorMessage (#129) (68699f95)
- country conditions uppercase (ca59af7e)
- date picker test (#113) (c1875f86)
- adding countries left asked by ... (dfc8a2cf)
- error no text to display (f826a36f)
- tests (ef6bb026)
- style access (2c01fa5c)
- new logic needs changes in the tests (17207059)
- not displaying tooltip if there is no text (6376863c)
- Date problem with hour depends on GMT and fixing texts (ed85ec7b)
- removing web error default (348dc411)
- name of svg need a format name to avoid errors in tags (888406c9)
- displaying error just if it is neccesary (4b734d51)
- adapt test were needed due to new logic (e664cca3)
- phone input not alway required and name now can be choosen (019226c3)
- phone input is not always required anymore (105740d9)
- old test now everything is ordered... (bab900db)
- add countryAndRegionsData to FB (d694fa81)
- problem rendering select when theme value was null (f2fd2590)
- Quick fix test that was forgotten (d01d6fe3)
- the bugs related with the 1.0.58 version and old bugs from other versions (ae609e37)
- travis build fixing (3a2a7123)
- travis error ? && removing consoles.log (a95ee0f2)
- reducing redundancy repeating question all the time just making the necessary modifications (6b51f4db)
- fix return multipleCheckboxes and multipleImageCheckboxes values, validations (a7ab4a8b)
- fix empty phone error (81b87e1e)
- fix date component in firefox and safari (7eada8da)
- validation birthday date (979a6463)
- wip: import the lib from a react app (3fbb86fe)
- error-handling: add error class to all Select based questions (#172) (196ccbb0)
- select: update select default value to listen to new value changes (#168) (e91d8c66)
- rollup&Fields: update rollup, use uuidV4, update packages (#144) (40e60a90)
- react-select: use id to prevent hydration errors (#140) (bfcbdf04)
- error-message: use errorStyles prop instead of overwrite sx (#142) (a69d1509)
- text-area:
- eslint: sx problem (#134) (1958e67c)
- form:
- dateQuestion: select date order (#117) (91fa555a)
- dateField: remove ? (3f3603e5)
- selectImage: type of values when undefined (59484424)
- main: travis yaml format (20ecbffe)
- onebeyond/react-form-builder into improve-country-question (cf93df1a)
- audit for cd gh action (c01c736b)
- onebeyond/react-form-builder into use-uuid (b6adcf32)
- guidesmiths/react-form-builder into main (222931d4)
- guidesmiths/react-form-builder (03291617)
- guidesmiths/react-form-builder (31dcca7f)
- //github.com/guidesmiths/react-form-builder into feat/testing (d4968f87)
- guidesmiths/react-form-builder into main (3c688403)
- //github.com/guidesmiths/react-form-builder (d01cbe71)
- //github.com/guidesmiths/react-form-builder (b5ba58af)
- D (7ddc92c6)
- D (8b43c578)
- logic behind radiobuttons (5c90b1f0)
- undefined value on delete (e8e790bc)
- countries are displayed in the language asked & added countries json (2cd475f3)
- redirection in the href, export modal and included onLinkClick for the customizeCheckbox in formbuilder (12452de6)
- add custom order and custom countryNames into country-component (60091bb0)
- add-date-and-form-types-into-form-builder#19 add date and phone types into form builder (84b8fed3)
- add-calendar-component add Date component, add isBirthDay property and create story (4f1e5626)
- main:
- master:
- use form context to avoid passing it to children (340ee7cb)
- one single rollup config file (84f6dc43)
- improve example app to support multiple forms (2ad93487)
- move builder styles to separate file (1231bcdc)
- move button styles to separate file (e9050b59)
- move example styles to separate file (18b3d5fc)
- use uuid lib instead of useId hook (e20d3225)
- updated aria-label in checkbox links (#110) (c75a7547)
- externalize components (5aee3928)
- markdown onLinkOpen (fa1ff72c)
- logo reducing loading charge (361fcd0a)
- logistic more precise (f243dd92)
- moving icons to new folder and default icon (75f5af63)
- Logo and tooltip externalisation in components (6f88a7a3)
- optimisation of priorityOrder and new language feature displaying countries (c845d30b)
- removing C&R now it will be in /country/data with the other json (98fbed31)
- removing "isMobile" from documentation and adding language (88f56f3b)
- builder: set component props (#141) (f641f20a)
- custom tooltip (8c34cab7)
- remove textarea from tests due to unexpected behaviour (1ab970c7)
- add test coverage (31b2a1b9)
- QuestionInput Test (23d2de28)
- initial test for QuestionInput (21411c7b)
- countryQuestion testing (73237ecd)
- wip: fixing tests (b4305806)
2.3.4 (2025-01-24)
2.3.3 (2024-11-12)
2.3.2 (2024-08-22)
- handle undefined item in select noEmpty validation and remove phone input default value (#275) (39fa184)
2.3.1 (2024-04-10)
2.3.0 (2024-04-10)
- add array conditions to dependent question in multiple_checkboxes (#126) (ae84e7f)
- add commitLint and Husky (8253496)
- add country subdivision question (#232) (bca07a9)
- add dependant questions logic to radio buttons (e81e81b)
- add devtools when in DEV mode (2373031)
- add international option to Phone (84aef3e)
- add option to prepend the flag to the country name (72b4413)
- add react markdown to radio label (#111) (d205009)
- added pr template and codeowners file (ee82413)
- added pre-commit job (34d43e8)
- builder parent div updated (ba4fbdd)
- builder: add dependent question to multicheckboxes (#116) (1d4e366)
- edit labels by question (0c3aaa4)
- github action to publish on npm (af134b7)
- github action to publish on npm (#98) (e57372b)
- making new and removing old tooltip component (73a1450)
- mobile: add default country value (#124) (37843c6)
- multiplecheckbox: add disable others option (#112) (d0c18c8)
- new country question (246aa4a)
- new sorted arrays by country name (877b5ad)
- node: update version (c772b5d)
- phone: add ltr attribute (#122) (95ee699)
- precommit script added (b85f7ca)
- precommit script added (91e6f2e)
- props added (5c1bfe2)
- questions: add image input question type (#161) (343c57a)
- radio test edit (521f6dc)
- refactor container condiciontalQuestion (67501bc)
- regions: change gb, ie, fr and se regions data (#121) (62fec42)
- remove support for node < 16 (bb40b3a)
- text-area: add word count type (#130) (5306f5b)
- textarea question implemented (46e0f1e)
- upgrade to node v20 (7b79369)
- wip: new country question with countries enriched data (77293f8)
- add component name in github release tag (#223) (cb98e49)
- adding countries left asked by ... (dfc8a2c)
- allowed-endpoints for scorecard (6e68663)
- allowed-endpoints for test reporter (b85ebe4)
- avoid overriding default onChange behavior to allow showing dependentQuestions (0886ae8)
- date picker test (#113) (c1875f8)
- dateField: remove ? (3f3603e)
- dateQuestion: select date order (#117) (91fa555)
- disable submit button when form is being submitted (8686d87)
- error-handling: add error class to all Select based questions (#172) (196ccbb)
- error-message: use errorStyles prop instead of overwrite sx (#142) (a69d150)
- eslint: sx problem (#134) (1958e67)
- fix vulnerabilities with auit fix (dc182b5)
- form: new ? typo (a4ae823)
- form: remove ? typo (#125) (4d6a22f)
- get back egress-policy block for harden runner (e623043)
- linter errors and warnings (daa0acd)
- minor changes according to pr review (bddcea4)
- prevent re-submitting the form while it's being submitted (d67c0fa)
- react-select: use id to prevent hydration errors (#140) (bfcbdf0)
- revert to egress-policy: audit for cd gh action (c01c736)
- rollup config and countries translation (a86ace4)
- rollup&Fields: update rollup, use uuidV4, update packages (#144) (40e60a9)
- selectImage: type of values when undefined (5948442)
- select: update select default value to listen to new value changes (#168) (e91d8c6)
- set node version 16 (794ec2f)
- set recommended policy for cd gh action (18565dd)
- text-area: set counter type (46616e9)
- text-area: use proper sep for countlimit (#138) (97192b9)
- textarea errorMessage (#129) (68699f9)
- textarea validation for min and max word count (9433275)
- updgrade to node 18 as some dependencies need it (2fa29fd)
- wip: import the lib from a react app (3fbb86f)
- add .nvmrc file (48e380d)
- add textarea example question in form (823bc6b)
- added ncu tool to update deps (f53761e)
- deps: bump actions/checkout from 4.1.1 to 4.1.2 (#216) (da4b175)
- deps: bump actions/setup-node from 4.0.1 to 4.0.2 (#215) (71cee77)
- deps: bump step-security/harden-runner from 2.6.1 to 2.7.0 (#214) (cd3e59f)
- edited pr template (84c2a1a)
- eslint fix (c5d373c)
- eslint issues (147a7e0)
- github-actions-npm: remove travis integration (6fc4560)
- github-actions-npm: update github action on tag creation (96417e6)
- improve styles (ebb0fe4)
- ireland updated (870cb4c)
- main: add registry-url to actions (868155d)
- main: add repository url to package.json (9742e2d)
- main: add run-s dependency (85d4ea2)
- main: CICD test (ec1b3b1)
- main: github action only on tag version (ecac709)
- main: release 2.1.0 (#222) (8142761)
- main: release 2.2.0 (#224) (feb3a74)
- main: remove github action npm globals (e183eb5)
- merge main (315ac09)
- merge main branch (055ecab)
- package updated (45a01e8)
- refactor and improve fix (5196624)
- remove commented code in example app (665d813)
- remove CSS import from Phone field to avoid NextJs import error (0efea8d)
- remove error logs (d0221d3)
- remove logs (85e6b7b)
- remove test folder (1b5b93d)
- simulate long submission in the example (14e684f)
- solve conflicts (c4f4dc4)
- solve conflicts (d8c0e8b)
- solve conflicts (3c686f5)
- solve conflicts (a3c4a85)
- solve conflicts (1860b67)
- solve conflicts (ae54243)
- upate package-lock (7fbf2e2)
- update dependencies (d3a8624)
- update dependencies (94828fc)
- update dependencies (13f9aac)
- update package-lock (053f234)
- update readme (19f0b3e)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (c85a6ca)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (fdc79d0)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (7a81ce3)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (a2bf1be)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (2feb95a)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (d2da578)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (ba33b7a)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (cd86bd3)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (0c67f7b)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (747363e)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (4c889f5)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (cbd3aca)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (1ae0bcf)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (c451685)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (518cbe2)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (00d86bc)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (ebf5def)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (cd48fd8)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (ae23506)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (e11c20b)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (f044936)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (a4c7d27)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (dbdebef)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (e1fff8e)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (5cbccfa)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (9af30de)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (7c0bb62)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (2c57f2d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (d69840c)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (b825b1d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (a2b4c38)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (033fa0b)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (79a8522)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (758058f)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (a310a56)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (f1489b1)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (d1bb427)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (b48b822)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (c9cf2bb)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (cc55ffd)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (971714e)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (a36df67)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (055059d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (838940c)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (c7e66ab)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (961b2e2)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (074a500)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (aeef551)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (b93c43e)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (e08927c)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (69139c9)
- add @ars1096 as a contributor (ab507c9)
- add @ismaelocaramelo as a contributor (354b2f6)
- add @pablo-albaladejo as a contributor (b8cec10)
- add @sofisdev as a contributor (a300477)
- add @Donivanes as a contributor (d9f5c4f)
- add @FranciscoValdesoiro as a contributor (f93b5eb)
- add accessibility attributes from radio button and main form (6a421c9)
- add accessibility section to readme (f293ce4)
- add international flag docs to phone (544c60b)
- added codeclimate badges (da155c6)
- all contributors (81851aa)
- improve readme file (47e8e61)
- improve readme file to get rid of obsolete guidesmiths refs (83acb0a)
- minor fix (4dae7f8)
- minor fix in readme file (1ef1a95)
- readme badge link (4b72fba)
- remove pr template to use the org pr template (257d4db)
- update .all-contributorsrc (94f4b1f)
- update .all-contributorsrc (7c877d0)
- update .all-contributorsrc (296ffdf)
- update .all-contributorsrc (f24492f)
- update .all-contributorsrc (204695d)
- update README.md (8b828fe)
- update README.md (dc19fe9)
- update README.md (750455a)
- update README.md (2082f81)
- update README.md (25c2636)
- custom tooltip (8c34cab)
- builder: set component props (#141) (f641f20)
- externalize components (5aee392)
- improve example app to support multiple forms (2ad9348)
- move builder styles to separate file (1231bcd)
- move button styles to separate file (e9050b5)
- move example styles to separate file (18b3d5f)
- one single rollup config file (84f6dc4)
- updated aria-label in checkbox links (#110) (c75a754)
- use form context to avoid passing it to children (340ee7c)
- use uuid lib instead of useId hook (e20d322)
- add test coverage (31b2a1b)
- remove textarea from tests due to unexpected behaviour (1ab970c)
- wip: fixing tests (b430580)
- add ci workflow (7d99a8e)
- add code climate gh action for test coverage (0074b22)
- add code climate gh action for test coverage (c308040)
- add scorecard workflows (592b012)
- fix release tag creation (#234) (b59e007)
- remove support for node14 (3478c97)
- rename namespace from guidesmiths to onebeyond (795af29)
- replace ci github action to trigger with new release (00b14e1)
- reset version to start with 1.0.0 for the new namespace (56e4817)
- set egress-policy to audit (4172284)
- use release please to manage the release process (#213) (7b44380)
2.2.0 (2024-03-21)
- add array conditions to dependent question in multiple_checkboxes (#126) (ae84e7f)
- add commitLint and Husky (8253496)
- add dependant questions logic to radio buttons (e81e81b)
- add devtools when in DEV mode (2373031)
- add international option to Phone (84aef3e)
- add option to prepend the flag to the country name (72b4413)
- add react markdown to radio label (#111) (d205009)
- added pr template and codeowners file (ee82413)
- added pre-commit job (34d43e8)
- builder parent div updated (ba4fbdd)
- builder: add dependent question to multicheckboxes (#116) (1d4e366)
- edit labels by question (0c3aaa4)
- github action to publish on npm (af134b7)
- github action to publish on npm (#98) (e57372b)
- making new and removing old tooltip component (73a1450)
- mobile: add default country value (#124) (37843c6)
- multiplecheckbox: add disable others option (#112) (d0c18c8)
- new country question (246aa4a)
- new sorted arrays by country name (877b5ad)
- node: update version (c772b5d)
- phone: add ltr attribute (#122) (95ee699)
- precommit script added (b85f7ca)
- precommit script added (91e6f2e)
- props added (5c1bfe2)
- questions: add image input question type (#161) (343c57a)
- radio test edit (521f6dc)
- refactor container condiciontalQuestion (67501bc)
- regions: change gb, ie, fr and se regions data (#121) (62fec42)
- remove support for node < 16 (bb40b3a)
- text-area: add word count type (#130) (5306f5b)
- textarea question implemented (46e0f1e)
- upgrade to node v20 (7b79369)
- wip: new country question with countries enriched data (77293f8)
- add component name in github release tag (#223) (cb98e49)
- adding countries left asked by ... (dfc8a2c)
- allowed-endpoints for scorecard (6e68663)
- allowed-endpoints for test reporter (b85ebe4)
- avoid overriding default onChange behavior to allow showing dependentQuestions (0886ae8)
- date picker test (#113) (c1875f8)
- dateField: remove ? (3f3603e)
- dateQuestion: select date order (#117) (91fa555)
- disable submit button when form is being submitted (8686d87)
- error-handling: add error class to all Select based questions (#172) (196ccbb)
- error-message: use errorStyles prop instead of overwrite sx (#142) (a69d150)
- eslint: sx problem (#134) (1958e67)
- fix vulnerabilities with auit fix (dc182b5)
- form: new ? typo (a4ae823)
- form: remove ? typo (#125) (4d6a22f)
- get back egress-policy block for harden runner (e623043)
- linter errors and warnings (daa0acd)
- minor changes according to pr review (bddcea4)
- prevent re-submitting the form while it's being submitted (d67c0fa)
- react-select: use id to prevent hydration errors (#140) (bfcbdf0)
- revert to egress-policy: audit for cd gh action (c01c736)
- rollup config and countries translation (a86ace4)
- rollup&Fields: update rollup, use uuidV4, update packages (#144) (40e60a9)
- selectImage: type of values when undefined (5948442)
- select: update select default value to listen to new value changes (#168) (e91d8c6)
- set node version 16 (794ec2f)
- set recommended policy for cd gh action (18565dd)
- text-area: set counter type (46616e9)
- text-area: use proper sep for countlimit (#138) (97192b9)
- textarea errorMessage (#129) (68699f9)
- textarea validation for min and max word count (9433275)
- updgrade to node 18 as some dependencies need it (2fa29fd)
- wip: import the lib from a react app (3fbb86f)
- add .nvmrc file (48e380d)
- add textarea example question in form (823bc6b)
- added ncu tool to update deps (f53761e)
- deps: bump actions/checkout from 4.1.1 to 4.1.2 (#216) (da4b175)
- deps: bump actions/setup-node from 4.0.1 to 4.0.2 (#215) (71cee77)
- deps: bump step-security/harden-runner from 2.6.1 to 2.7.0 (#214) (cd3e59f)
- edited pr template (84c2a1a)
- eslint fix (c5d373c)
- eslint issues (147a7e0)
- github-actions-npm: remove travis integration (6fc4560)
- github-actions-npm: update github action on tag creation (96417e6)
- improve styles (ebb0fe4)
- ireland updated (870cb4c)
- main: add registry-url to actions (868155d)
- main: add repository url to package.json (9742e2d)
- main: add run-s dependency (85d4ea2)
- main: CICD test (ec1b3b1)
- main: github action only on tag version (ecac709)
- main: release 2.1.0 (#222) (8142761)
- main: remove github action npm globals (e183eb5)
- merge main (315ac09)
- merge main branch (055ecab)
- package updated (45a01e8)
- refactor and improve fix (5196624)
- remove commented code in example app (665d813)
- remove CSS import from Phone field to avoid NextJs import error (0efea8d)
- remove error logs (d0221d3)
- remove logs (85e6b7b)
- remove test folder (1b5b93d)
- simulate long submission in the example (14e684f)
- solve conflicts (c4f4dc4)
- solve conflicts (d8c0e8b)
- solve conflicts (3c686f5)
- solve conflicts (a3c4a85)
- solve conflicts (1860b67)
- solve conflicts (ae54243)
- upate package-lock (7fbf2e2)
- update dependencies (d3a8624)
- update dependencies (94828fc)
- update dependencies (13f9aac)
- update package-lock (053f234)
- update readme (19f0b3e)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (c85a6ca)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (fdc79d0)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (7a81ce3)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (a2bf1be)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (2feb95a)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (d2da578)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (ba33b7a)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (cd86bd3)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (0c67f7b)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (747363e)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (4c889f5)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (cbd3aca)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (1ae0bcf)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (c451685)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (518cbe2)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (00d86bc)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (ebf5def)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (cd48fd8)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (ae23506)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (e11c20b)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (f044936)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (a4c7d27)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (dbdebef)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (e1fff8e)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (5cbccfa)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (9af30de)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (7c0bb62)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (2c57f2d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (d69840c)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (b825b1d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (a2b4c38)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (033fa0b)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (79a8522)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (758058f)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (a310a56)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (f1489b1)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (d1bb427)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (b48b822)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (c9cf2bb)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (cc55ffd)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (971714e)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (a36df67)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (055059d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (838940c)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (c7e66ab)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (961b2e2)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (074a500)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (aeef551)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (b93c43e)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (e08927c)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (69139c9)
- add @ars1096 as a contributor (ab507c9)
- add @ismaelocaramelo as a contributor (354b2f6)
- add @pablo-albaladejo as a contributor (b8cec10)
- add @sofisdev as a contributor (a300477)
- add @Donivanes as a contributor (d9f5c4f)
- add @FranciscoValdesoiro as a contributor (f93b5eb)
- add accessibility attributes from radio button and main form (6a421c9)
- add accessibility section to readme (f293ce4)
- add international flag docs to phone (544c60b)
- added codeclimate badges (da155c6)
- all contributors (81851aa)
- improve readme file (47e8e61)
- improve readme file to get rid of obsolete guidesmiths refs (83acb0a)
- minor fix (4dae7f8)
- minor fix in readme file (1ef1a95)
- readme badge link (4b72fba)
- remove pr template to use the org pr template (257d4db)
- update .all-contributorsrc (94f4b1f)
- update .all-contributorsrc (7c877d0)
- update .all-contributorsrc (296ffdf)
- update .all-contributorsrc (f24492f)
- update .all-contributorsrc (204695d)
- update README.md (8b828fe)
- update README.md (dc19fe9)
- update README.md (750455a)
- update README.md (2082f81)
- update README.md (25c2636)
- custom tooltip (8c34cab)
- builder: set component props (#141) (f641f20)
- externalize components (5aee392)
- improve example app to support multiple forms (2ad9348)
- move builder styles to separate file (1231bcd)
- move button styles to separate file (e9050b5)
- move example styles to separate file (18b3d5f)
- one single rollup config file (84f6dc4)
- updated aria-label in checkbox links (#110) (c75a754)
- use form context to avoid passing it to children (340ee7c)
- use uuid lib instead of useId hook (e20d322)
- add test coverage (31b2a1b)
- remove textarea from tests due to unexpected behaviour (1ab970c)
- wip: fixing tests (b430580)
- add ci workflow (7d99a8e)
- add code climate gh action for test coverage (0074b22)
- add code climate gh action for test coverage (c308040)
- add scorecard workflows (592b012)
- remove support for node14 (3478c97)
- rename namespace from guidesmiths to onebeyond (795af29)
- replace ci github action to trigger with new release (00b14e1)
- reset version to start with 1.0.0 for the new namespace (56e4817)
- set egress-policy to audit (4172284)
- use release please to manage the release process (#213) (7b44380)
2.1.0 (2024-03-21)
- add array conditions to dependent question in multiple_checkboxes (#126) (ae84e7f)
- add commitLint and Husky (8253496)
- add dependant questions logic to radio buttons (e81e81b)
- add devtools when in DEV mode (2373031)
- add international option to Phone (84aef3e)
- add option to prepend the flag to the country name (72b4413)
- add react markdown to radio label (#111) (d205009)
- added pr template and codeowners file (ee82413)
- added pre-commit job (34d43e8)
- builder parent div updated (ba4fbdd)
- builder: add dependent question to multicheckboxes (#116) (1d4e366)
- edit labels by question (0c3aaa4)
- github action to publish on npm (af134b7)
- github action to publish on npm (#98) (e57372b)
- making new and removing old tooltip component (73a1450)
- mobile: add default country value (#124) (37843c6)
- multiplecheckbox: add disable others option (#112) (d0c18c8)
- new country question (246aa4a)
- new sorted arrays by country name (877b5ad)
- node: update version (c772b5d)
- phone: add ltr attribute (#122) (95ee699)
- precommit script added (b85f7ca)
- precommit script added (91e6f2e)
- props added (5c1bfe2)
- questions: add image input question type (#161) (343c57a)
- radio test edit (521f6dc)
- refactor container condiciontalQuestion (67501bc)
- regions: change gb, ie, fr and se regions data (#121) (62fec42)
- remove support for node < 16 (bb40b3a)
- text-area: add word count type (#130) (5306f5b)
- textarea question implemented (46e0f1e)
- upgrade to node v20 (7b79369)
- wip: new country question with countries enriched data (77293f8)
- add component name in github release tag (#223) (cb98e49)
- adding countries left asked by ... (dfc8a2c)
- allowed-endpoints for scorecard (6e68663)
- allowed-endpoints for test reporter (b85ebe4)
- avoid overriding default onChange behavior to allow showing dependentQuestions (0886ae8)
- date picker test (#113) (c1875f8)
- dateField: remove ? (3f3603e)
- dateQuestion: select date order (#117) (91fa555)
- disable submit button when form is being submitted (8686d87)
- error-handling: add error class to all Select based questions (#172) (196ccbb)
- error-message: use errorStyles prop instead of overwrite sx (#142) (a69d150)
- eslint: sx problem (#134) (1958e67)
- fix vulnerabilities with auit fix (dc182b5)
- form: new ? typo (a4ae823)
- form: remove ? typo (#125) (4d6a22f)
- get back egress-policy block for harden runner (e623043)
- linter errors and warnings (daa0acd)
- minor changes according to pr review (bddcea4)
- prevent re-submitting the form while it's being submitted (d67c0fa)
- react-select: use id to prevent hydration errors (#140) (bfcbdf0)
- revert to egress-policy: audit for cd gh action (c01c736)
- rollup config and countries translation (a86ace4)
- rollup&Fields: update rollup, use uuidV4, update packages (#144) (40e60a9)
- selectImage: type of values when undefined (5948442)
- select: update select default value to listen to new value changes (#168) (e91d8c6)
- set node version 16 (794ec2f)
- set recommended policy for cd gh action (18565dd)
- text-area: set counter type (46616e9)
- text-area: use proper sep for countlimit (#138) (97192b9)
- textarea errorMessage (#129) (68699f9)
- textarea validation for min and max word count (9433275)
- updgrade to node 18 as some dependencies need it (2fa29fd)
- wip: import the lib from a react app (3fbb86f)
- add .nvmrc file (48e380d)
- add textarea example question in form (823bc6b)
- added ncu tool to update deps (f53761e)
- deps: bump actions/checkout from 4.1.1 to 4.1.2 (#216) (da4b175)
- deps: bump actions/setup-node from 4.0.1 to 4.0.2 (#215) (71cee77)
- deps: bump step-security/harden-runner from 2.6.1 to 2.7.0 (#214) (cd3e59f)
- edited pr template (84c2a1a)
- eslint fix (c5d373c)
- eslint issues (147a7e0)
- github-actions-npm: remove travis integration (6fc4560)
- github-actions-npm: update github action on tag creation (96417e6)
- improve styles (ebb0fe4)
- ireland updated (870cb4c)
- main: add registry-url to actions (868155d)
- main: add repository url to package.json (9742e2d)
- main: add run-s dependency (85d4ea2)
- main: CICD test (ec1b3b1)
- main: github action only on tag version (ecac709)
- main: remove github action npm globals (e183eb5)
- merge main (315ac09)
- merge main branch (055ecab)
- package updated (45a01e8)
- refactor and improve fix (5196624)
- remove commented code in example app (665d813)
- remove CSS import from Phone field to avoid NextJs import error (0efea8d)
- remove error logs (d0221d3)
- remove logs (85e6b7b)
- remove test folder (1b5b93d)
- simulate long submission in the example (14e684f)
- solve conflicts (c4f4dc4)
- solve conflicts (d8c0e8b)
- solve conflicts (3c686f5)
- solve conflicts (a3c4a85)
- solve conflicts (1860b67)
- solve conflicts (ae54243)
- upate package-lock (7fbf2e2)
- update dependencies (d3a8624)
- update dependencies (94828fc)
- update dependencies (13f9aac)
- update package-lock (053f234)
- update readme (19f0b3e)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (c85a6ca)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (fdc79d0)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (7a81ce3)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (a2bf1be)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (2feb95a)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (d2da578)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (ba33b7a)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (cd86bd3)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (0c67f7b)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (747363e)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (4c889f5)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (cbd3aca)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (1ae0bcf)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (c451685)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (518cbe2)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (00d86bc)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (ebf5def)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (cd48fd8)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (ae23506)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (e11c20b)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (f044936)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (a4c7d27)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (dbdebef)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (e1fff8e)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (5cbccfa)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (9af30de)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (7c0bb62)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (2c57f2d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (d69840c)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (b825b1d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (a2b4c38)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (033fa0b)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (79a8522)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (758058f)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (a310a56)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (f1489b1)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (d1bb427)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (b48b822)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (c9cf2bb)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (cc55ffd)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (971714e)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (a36df67)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (055059d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (838940c)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (c7e66ab)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (961b2e2)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (074a500)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (aeef551)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (b93c43e)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (e08927c)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (69139c9)
- add @ars1096 as a contributor (ab507c9)
- add @ismaelocaramelo as a contributor (354b2f6)
- add @pablo-albaladejo as a contributor (b8cec10)
- add @sofisdev as a contributor (a300477)
- add @Donivanes as a contributor (d9f5c4f)
- add @FranciscoValdesoiro as a contributor (f93b5eb)
- add accessibility attributes from radio button and main form (6a421c9)
- add accessibility section to readme (f293ce4)
- add international flag docs to phone (544c60b)
- added codeclimate badges (da155c6)
- all contributors (81851aa)
- improve readme file (47e8e61)
- improve readme file to get rid of obsolete guidesmiths refs (83acb0a)
- minor fix (4dae7f8)
- minor fix in readme file (1ef1a95)
- readme badge link (4b72fba)
- remove pr template to use the org pr template (257d4db)
- update .all-contributorsrc (94f4b1f)
- update .all-contributorsrc (7c877d0)
- update .all-contributorsrc (296ffdf)
- update .all-contributorsrc (f24492f)
- update .all-contributorsrc (204695d)
- update README.md (8b828fe)
- update README.md (dc19fe9)
- update README.md (750455a)
- update README.md (2082f81)
- update README.md (25c2636)
- custom tooltip (8c34cab)
- builder: set component props (#141) (f641f20)
- externalize components (5aee392)
- improve example app to support multiple forms (2ad9348)
- move builder styles to separate file (1231bcd)
- move button styles to separate file (e9050b5)
- move example styles to separate file (18b3d5f)
- one single rollup config file (84f6dc4)
- updated aria-label in checkbox links (#110) (c75a754)
- use form context to avoid passing it to children (340ee7c)
- use uuid lib instead of useId hook (e20d322)
- add test coverage (31b2a1b)
- remove textarea from tests due to unexpected behaviour (1ab970c)
- wip: fixing tests (b430580)
- add ci workflow (7d99a8e)
- add code climate gh action for test coverage (0074b22)
- add code climate gh action for test coverage (c308040)
- add scorecard workflows (592b012)
- remove support for node14 (3478c97)
- rename namespace from guidesmiths to onebeyond (795af29)
- replace ci github action to trigger with new release (00b14e1)
- reset version to start with 1.0.0 for the new namespace (56e4817)
- set egress-policy to audit (4172284)
- use release please to manage the release process (#213) (7b44380)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (a2bf1bea)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (2feb95a8)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (d2da578a)
- upate package-lock (7fbf2e25)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (ba33b7a8)
- update dependencies (d3a86248)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (cd86bd3c)
- merge main branch (055ecabe)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (0c67f7b1)
- merge main (315ac095)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (747363e0)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (4c889f55)
- update package-lock (053f2344)
- update dependencies (94828fc2)
- simulate long submission in the example (14e684f3)
- remove commented code in example app (665d8134)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (cbd3aca3)
- improve styles (ebb0fe4d)
- update dependencies (13f9aacf)
- added ncu tool to update deps (f53761eb)
- add textarea example question in form (823bc6b7)
- add .nvmrc file (48e380d5)
- remove error logs (d0221d3d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (1ae0bcf4)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (c451685d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (518cbe27)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (00d86bc3)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (ebf5def9)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (cd48fd8f)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (ae23506b)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (e11c20b4)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (f0449363)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (a4c7d27d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (dbdebef4)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (e1fff8e5)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (5cbccfa3)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (9af30de1)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (7c0bb62c)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (2c57f2d2)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (d69840ce)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (b825b1df)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (a2b4c388)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (033fa0b7)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (79a8522e)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (758058f6)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (a310a56c)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (f1489b11)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (d1bb4273)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (b48b8222)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (c9cf2bbb)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (cc55ffd5)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (971714e0)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (a36df67d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (055059d1)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (838940c0)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (c7e66ab5)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (961b2e2d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (074a500d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (aeef551c)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (b93c43ed)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (e08927ca)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (69139c99)
- package updated (45a01e83)
- eslint issues (147a7e03)
- solve conflicts (c4f4dc45)
- solve conflicts (d8c0e8b9)
- solve conflicts (3c686f5b)
- solve conflicts (a3c4a85a)
- solve conflicts (1860b679)
- solve conflicts (ae542434)
- edited pr template (84c2a1ae)
- remove logs (85e6b7bd)
- remove test folder (1b5b93d4)
- eslint fix (c5d373c6)
- ireland updated (870cb4c1)
- delete date logs (c6f0c45b)
- adapt es6 to es5 to prevent errors with loader (5889d28c)
- delete ? into phone component (696fccb2)
- main:
- github-actions-npm:
- master:
- update CI/CD pipeline (3ce29c13)
- update CI/CD pipeline (c8e3626a)
- update CI/CD pipeline (954408e3)
- update CI/CD pipeline (75b8495f)
- update CI/CD pipeline (84b8ce4b)
- update CI/CD pipeline (72c18216)
- update CI/CD pipeline (91d2c37e)
- update CI/CD pipeline (21eda029)
- travis only running at main (dbc4a93f)
- CI/CD node version to 10 (37450548)
- CI/CD Test stage (efaf7116)
- CI/CD Publish stage (8f00cb1b)
- CI/CD docs (aefa3faf)
- public web added (fccde234)
- travis script with conditional deployment at stage (c75b2769)
- travis script with conditional deployment (d729e0ea)
- travis config with version tags (ee200327)
- changelog lib added (42a099eb)
- release script (3f2b0d68)
- adding travis config file (cb4ef886)
- initial commit (aa59600e)
- set egress-policy to audit (41722842)
- reset version to start with 1.0.0 for the new namespace (56e4817b)
- replace ci github action to trigger with new release (00b14e13)
- remove support for node14 (3478c977)
- rename namespace from guidesmiths to onebeyond (795af293)
- add scorecard workflows (592b0120)
- add ci workflow (7d99a8ea)
- add code climate gh action for test coverage (0074b22f)
- add code climate gh action for test coverage (c308040f)
- update .all-contributorsrc (94f4b1ff)
- update README.md (8b828feb)
- add international flag docs to phone (544c60bb)
- minor fix in readme file (1ef1a959)
- update .all-contributorsrc (7c877d09)
- update README.md (dc19fe9c)
- update .all-contributorsrc (296ffdfb)
- update README.md (750455a6)
- minor fix (4dae7f8b)
- improve readme file (47e8e615)
- improve readme file to get rid of obsolete guidesmiths refs (83acb0a5)
- readme badge link (4b72fbaa)
- update .all-contributorsrc (f24492fe)
- update README.md (2082f813)
- update .all-contributorsrc (204695d0)
- update README.md (25c26361)
- all contributors (81851aad)
- add @Donivanes as a contributor (d9f5c4f5)
- add @sofisdev as a contributor (a300477c)
- add @ars1096 as a contributor (ab507c9a)
- add @FranciscoValdesoiro as a contributor (f93b5eb5)
- add @ismaelocaramelo as a contributor (354b2f66)
- add @pablo-albaladejo as a contributor (b8cec107)
- remove pr template to use the org pr template (257d4db9)
- added codeclimate badges (da155c64)
- add accessibility attributes from radio button and main form (6a421c98)
- add accessibility section to readme (f293ce48)
- add international option to Phone (84aef3e2)
- add option to prepend the flag to the country name (72b4413d)
- new country question (246aa4ab)
- add dependant questions logic to radio buttons (e81e81b2)
- remove support for node < 16 (bb40b3af)
- upgrade to node v20 (7b79369c)
- add devtools when in DEV mode (23730319)
- Release patch (#143) (940e49d0)
- add array conditions to dependent question in multiple_checkboxes (#126) (ae84e7ff)
- add react markdown to radio label (#111) (d205009a)
- refactor container condiciontalQuestion (67501bc6)
- props added (5c1bfe25)
- new sorted arrays by country name (877b5ad3)
- precommit script added (b85f7ca2)
- precommit script added (91e6f2e9)
- added pre-commit job (34d43e86)
- added pr template and codeowners file (ee824138)
- github action to publish on npm (#98) (e57372b0)
- github action to publish on npm (af134b73)
- textarea question implemented (46e0f1e1)
- add commitLint and Husky (82534965)
- builder parent div updated (ba4fbdd3)
- radio test edit (521f6dce)
- edit labels by question (0c3aaa4a)
- making new and removing old tooltip component (73a1450f)
- button customise by id (0342e6b5)
- multipleCheckbox editable styles (2dbbda2b)
- aligning labels with radios (db555cd4)
- changing how styles are managed (3ffc3da4)
- svg component displayed with inputs and tooltip (9a711a66)
- svg now can be loaded with the library (fcf92aa2)
- placeholder option in select & country Questions (ce9969a8)
- adding license-checker postinstall (9748f18f)
- countryQuestions storybook (6565c1b3)
- now countryQuestion accepts custom list of countries (8c320e17)
- new modal possibility, now we can open different links and show different text in the same modal (200b4469)
- custom component with a modal, now we can open links in a modal or in another tab. (99faab93)
- custom component for check ==> custom checkbox storybook (0b885954)
- storybook related with the checkbox component (b3a383d3)
- add openToDate in date field (e1df7d97)
- add openToDate in date field (dbba3b64)
- export error message to implement into custom component (ddf001d0)
- add custom component compatibility (7d0907d7)
- add minAge to date component (4848362b)
- change value of the country from countryName to countryShortCode (96caaf7f)
- add target option into Checkbox ReactMarckdown links (37e9bb5f)
- add select status (isSelected,isDisabled, isFocused) styles (e067bd10)
- wip: new country question with countries enriched data (77293f88)
- questions: add image input question type (#161) (343c57ab)
- text-area: add word count type (#130) (5306f5b2)
- mobile: add default country value (#124) (37843c67)
- phone: add ltr attribute (#122) (95ee6994)
- regions: change gb, ie, fr and se regions data (#121) (62fec427)
- builder: add dependent question to multicheckboxes (#116) (1d4e3667)
- node: update version (c772b5de)
- multiplecheckbox: add disable others option (#112) (d0c18c88)
- rollup config and countries translation (a86ace47)
- minor changes according to pr review (bddcea46)
- updgrade to node 18 as some dependencies need it (2fa29fdf)
- set recommended policy for cd gh action (18565ddd)
- get back egress-policy block for harden runner (e6230436)
- allowed-endpoints for scorecard (6e686636)
- allowed-endpoints for test reporter (b85ebe49)
- set node version 16 (794ec2fa)
- linter errors and warnings (daa0acdb)
- prevent re-submitting the form while it's being submitted (d67c0fa9)
- disable submit button when form is being submitted (8686d875)
- textarea validation for min and max word count (94332752)
- fix vulnerabilities with auit fix (dc182b54)
- textarea errorMessage (#129) (68699f95)
- country conditions uppercase (ca59af7e)
- date picker test (#113) (c1875f86)
- adding countries left asked by ... (dfc8a2cf)
- error no text to display (f826a36f)
- tests (ef6bb026)
- style access (2c01fa5c)
- new logic needs changes in the tests (17207059)
- not displaying tooltip if there is no text (6376863c)
- Date problem with hour depends on GMT and fixing texts (ed85ec7b)
- removing web error default (348dc411)
- name of svg need a format name to avoid errors in tags (888406c9)
- displaying error just if it is neccesary (4b734d51)
- adapt test were needed due to new logic (e664cca3)
- phone input not alway required and name now can be choosen (019226c3)
- phone input is not always required anymore (105740d9)
- old test now everything is ordered... (bab900db)
- add countryAndRegionsData to FB (d694fa81)
- problem rendering select when theme value was null (f2fd2590)
- Quick fix test that was forgotten (d01d6fe3)
- the bugs related with the 1.0.58 version and old bugs from other versions (ae609e37)
- travis build fixing (3a2a7123)
- travis error ? && removing consoles.log (a95ee0f2)
- reducing redundancy repeating question all the time just making the necessary modifications (6b51f4db)
- fix return multipleCheckboxes and multipleImageCheckboxes values, validations (a7ab4a8b)
- fix empty phone error (81b87e1e)
- fix date component in firefox and safari (7eada8da)
- validation birthday date (979a6463)
- wip: import the lib from a react app (3fbb86fe)
- error-handling: add error class to all Select based questions (#172) (196ccbb0)
- select: update select default value to listen to new value changes (#168) (e91d8c66)
- rollup&Fields: update rollup, use uuidV4, update packages (#144) (40e60a90)
- react-select: use id to prevent hydration errors (#140) (bfcbdf04)
- error-message: use errorStyles prop instead of overwrite sx (#142) (a69d1509)
- text-area:
- eslint: sx problem (#134) (1958e67c)
- form:
- dateQuestion: select date order (#117) (91fa555a)
- dateField: remove ? (3f3603e5)
- selectImage: type of values when undefined (59484424)
- main: travis yaml format (20ecbffe)
- onebeyond/react-form-builder into improve-country-question (cf93df1a)
- audit for cd gh action (c01c736b)
- onebeyond/react-form-builder into use-uuid (b6adcf32)
- guidesmiths/react-form-builder into main (222931d4)
- guidesmiths/react-form-builder (03291617)
- guidesmiths/react-form-builder (31dcca7f)
- //github.com/guidesmiths/react-form-builder into feat/testing (d4968f87)
- guidesmiths/react-form-builder into main (3c688403)
- //github.com/guidesmiths/react-form-builder (d01cbe71)
- //github.com/guidesmiths/react-form-builder (b5ba58af)
- D (7ddc92c6)
- D (8b43c578)
- logic behind radiobuttons (5c90b1f0)
- undefined value on delete (e8e790bc)
- countries are displayed in the language asked & added countries json (2cd475f3)
- redirection in the href, export modal and included onLinkClick for the customizeCheckbox in formbuilder (12452de6)
- add custom order and custom countryNames into country-component (60091bb0)
- add-date-and-form-types-into-form-builder#19 add date and phone types into form builder (84b8fed3)
- add-calendar-component add Date component, add isBirthDay property and create story (4f1e5626)
- main:
- master:
- use form context to avoid passing it to children (340ee7cb)
- one single rollup config file (84f6dc43)
- improve example app to support multiple forms (2ad93487)
- move builder styles to separate file (1231bcdc)
- move button styles to separate file (e9050b59)
- move example styles to separate file (18b3d5fc)
- use uuid lib instead of useId hook (e20d3225)
- updated aria-label in checkbox links (#110) (c75a7547)
- externalize components (5aee3928)
- markdown onLinkOpen (fa1ff72c)
- logo reducing loading charge (361fcd0a)
- logistic more precise (f243dd92)
- moving icons to new folder and default icon (75f5af63)
- Logo and tooltip externalisation in components (6f88a7a3)
- optimisation of priorityOrder and new language feature displaying countries (c845d30b)
- removing C&R now it will be in /country/data with the other json (98fbed31)
- removing "isMobile" from documentation and adding language (88f56f3b)
- builder: set component props (#141) (f641f20a)
- custom tooltip (8c34cab7)
- remove textarea from tests due to unexpected behaviour (1ab970c7)
- add test coverage (31b2a1b9)
- QuestionInput Test (23d2de28)
- initial test for QuestionInput (21411c7b)
- countryQuestion testing (73237ecd)
- wip: fixing tests (b4305806)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (2feb95a8)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (d2da578a)
- upate package-lock (7fbf2e25)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (ba33b7a8)
- update dependencies (d3a86248)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (cd86bd3c)
- merge main branch (055ecabe)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (0c67f7b1)
- merge main (315ac095)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (747363e0)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (4c889f55)
- update package-lock (053f2344)
- update dependencies (94828fc2)
- simulate long submission in the example (14e684f3)
- remove commented code in example app (665d8134)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (cbd3aca3)
- improve styles (ebb0fe4d)
- update dependencies (13f9aacf)
- added ncu tool to update deps (f53761eb)
- add textarea example question in form (823bc6b7)
- add .nvmrc file (48e380d5)
- remove error logs (d0221d3d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (1ae0bcf4)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (c451685d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (518cbe27)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (00d86bc3)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (ebf5def9)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (cd48fd8f)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (ae23506b)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (e11c20b4)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (f0449363)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (a4c7d27d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (dbdebef4)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (e1fff8e5)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (5cbccfa3)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (9af30de1)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (7c0bb62c)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (2c57f2d2)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (d69840ce)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (b825b1df)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (a2b4c388)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (033fa0b7)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (79a8522e)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (758058f6)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (a310a56c)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (f1489b11)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (d1bb4273)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (b48b8222)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (c9cf2bbb)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (cc55ffd5)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (971714e0)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (a36df67d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (055059d1)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (838940c0)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (c7e66ab5)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (961b2e2d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (074a500d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (aeef551c)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (b93c43ed)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (e08927ca)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (69139c99)
- package updated (45a01e83)
- eslint issues (147a7e03)
- solve conflicts (c4f4dc45)
- solve conflicts (d8c0e8b9)
- solve conflicts (3c686f5b)
- solve conflicts (a3c4a85a)
- solve conflicts (1860b679)
- solve conflicts (ae542434)
- edited pr template (84c2a1ae)
- remove logs (85e6b7bd)
- remove test folder (1b5b93d4)
- eslint fix (c5d373c6)
- ireland updated (870cb4c1)
- delete date logs (c6f0c45b)
- adapt es6 to es5 to prevent errors with loader (5889d28c)
- delete ? into phone component (696fccb2)
- main:
- github-actions-npm:
- master:
- update CI/CD pipeline (3ce29c13)
- update CI/CD pipeline (c8e3626a)
- update CI/CD pipeline (954408e3)
- update CI/CD pipeline (75b8495f)
- update CI/CD pipeline (84b8ce4b)
- update CI/CD pipeline (72c18216)
- update CI/CD pipeline (91d2c37e)
- update CI/CD pipeline (21eda029)
- travis only running at main (dbc4a93f)
- CI/CD node version to 10 (37450548)
- CI/CD Test stage (efaf7116)
- CI/CD Publish stage (8f00cb1b)
- CI/CD docs (aefa3faf)
- public web added (fccde234)
- travis script with conditional deployment at stage (c75b2769)
- travis script with conditional deployment (d729e0ea)
- travis config with version tags (ee200327)
- changelog lib added (42a099eb)
- release script (3f2b0d68)
- adding travis config file (cb4ef886)
- initial commit (aa59600e)
- set egress-policy to audit (41722842)
- reset version to start with 1.0.0 for the new namespace (56e4817b)
- replace ci github action to trigger with new release (00b14e13)
- remove support for node14 (3478c977)
- rename namespace from guidesmiths to onebeyond (795af293)
- add scorecard workflows (592b0120)
- add ci workflow (7d99a8ea)
- add code climate gh action for test coverage (0074b22f)
- add code climate gh action for test coverage (c308040f)
- add international flag docs to phone (544c60bb)
- minor fix in readme file (1ef1a959)
- update .all-contributorsrc (7c877d09)
- update README.md (dc19fe9c)
- update .all-contributorsrc (296ffdfb)
- update README.md (750455a6)
- minor fix (4dae7f8b)
- improve readme file (47e8e615)
- improve readme file to get rid of obsolete guidesmiths refs (83acb0a5)
- readme badge link (4b72fbaa)
- update .all-contributorsrc (f24492fe)
- update README.md (2082f813)
- update .all-contributorsrc (204695d0)
- update README.md (25c26361)
- all contributors (81851aad)
- add @Donivanes as a contributor (d9f5c4f5)
- add @sofisdev as a contributor (a300477c)
- add @ars1096 as a contributor (ab507c9a)
- add @FranciscoValdesoiro as a contributor (f93b5eb5)
- add @ismaelocaramelo as a contributor (354b2f66)
- add @pablo-albaladejo as a contributor (b8cec107)
- remove pr template to use the org pr template (257d4db9)
- added codeclimate badges (da155c64)
- add accessibility attributes from radio button and main form (6a421c98)
- add accessibility section to readme (f293ce48)
- add international option to Phone (84aef3e2)
- add option to prepend the flag to the country name (72b4413d)
- new country question (246aa4ab)
- add dependant questions logic to radio buttons (e81e81b2)
- remove support for node < 16 (bb40b3af)
- upgrade to node v20 (7b79369c)
- add devtools when in DEV mode (23730319)
- Release patch (#143) (940e49d0)
- add array conditions to dependent question in multiple_checkboxes (#126) (ae84e7ff)
- add react markdown to radio label (#111) (d205009a)
- refactor container condiciontalQuestion (67501bc6)
- props added (5c1bfe25)
- new sorted arrays by country name (877b5ad3)
- precommit script added (b85f7ca2)
- precommit script added (91e6f2e9)
- added pre-commit job (34d43e86)
- added pr template and codeowners file (ee824138)
- github action to publish on npm (#98) (e57372b0)
- github action to publish on npm (af134b73)
- textarea question implemented (46e0f1e1)
- add commitLint and Husky (82534965)
- builder parent div updated (ba4fbdd3)
- radio test edit (521f6dce)
- edit labels by question (0c3aaa4a)
- making new and removing old tooltip component (73a1450f)
- button customise by id (0342e6b5)
- multipleCheckbox editable styles (2dbbda2b)
- aligning labels with radios (db555cd4)
- changing how styles are managed (3ffc3da4)
- svg component displayed with inputs and tooltip (9a711a66)
- svg now can be loaded with the library (fcf92aa2)
- placeholder option in select & country Questions (ce9969a8)
- adding license-checker postinstall (9748f18f)
- countryQuestions storybook (6565c1b3)
- now countryQuestion accepts custom list of countries (8c320e17)
- new modal possibility, now we can open different links and show different text in the same modal (200b4469)
- custom component with a modal, now we can open links in a modal or in another tab. (99faab93)
- custom component for check ==> custom checkbox storybook (0b885954)
- storybook related with the checkbox component (b3a383d3)
- add openToDate in date field (e1df7d97)
- add openToDate in date field (dbba3b64)
- export error message to implement into custom component (ddf001d0)
- add custom component compatibility (7d0907d7)
- add minAge to date component (4848362b)
- change value of the country from countryName to countryShortCode (96caaf7f)
- add target option into Checkbox ReactMarckdown links (37e9bb5f)
- add select status (isSelected,isDisabled, isFocused) styles (e067bd10)
- wip: new country question with countries enriched data (77293f88)
- questions: add image input question type (#161) (343c57ab)
- text-area: add word count type (#130) (5306f5b2)
- mobile: add default country value (#124) (37843c67)
- phone: add ltr attribute (#122) (95ee6994)
- regions: change gb, ie, fr and se regions data (#121) (62fec427)
- builder: add dependent question to multicheckboxes (#116) (1d4e3667)
- node: update version (c772b5de)
- multiplecheckbox: add disable others option (#112) (d0c18c88)
- minor changes according to pr review (bddcea46)
- updgrade to node 18 as some dependencies need it (2fa29fdf)
- set recommended policy for cd gh action (18565ddd)
- get back egress-policy block for harden runner (e6230436)
- allowed-endpoints for scorecard (6e686636)
- allowed-endpoints for test reporter (b85ebe49)
- set node version 16 (794ec2fa)
- linter errors and warnings (daa0acdb)
- prevent re-submitting the form while it's being submitted (d67c0fa9)
- disable submit button when form is being submitted (8686d875)
- textarea validation for min and max word count (94332752)
- fix vulnerabilities with auit fix (dc182b54)
- textarea errorMessage (#129) (68699f95)
- country conditions uppercase (ca59af7e)
- date picker test (#113) (c1875f86)
- adding countries left asked by ... (dfc8a2cf)
- error no text to display (f826a36f)
- tests (ef6bb026)
- style access (2c01fa5c)
- new logic needs changes in the tests (17207059)
- not displaying tooltip if there is no text (6376863c)
- Date problem with hour depends on GMT and fixing texts (ed85ec7b)
- removing web error default (348dc411)
- name of svg need a format name to avoid errors in tags (888406c9)
- displaying error just if it is neccesary (4b734d51)
- adapt test were needed due to new logic (e664cca3)
- phone input not alway required and name now can be choosen (019226c3)
- phone input is not always required anymore (105740d9)
- old test now everything is ordered... (bab900db)
- add countryAndRegionsData to FB (d694fa81)
- problem rendering select when theme value was null (f2fd2590)
- Quick fix test that was forgotten (d01d6fe3)
- the bugs related with the 1.0.58 version and old bugs from other versions (ae609e37)
- travis build fixing (3a2a7123)
- travis error ? && removing consoles.log (a95ee0f2)
- reducing redundancy repeating question all the time just making the necessary modifications (6b51f4db)
- fix return multipleCheckboxes and multipleImageCheckboxes values, validations (a7ab4a8b)
- fix empty phone error (81b87e1e)
- fix date component in firefox and safari (7eada8da)
- validation birthday date (979a6463)
- error-handling: add error class to all Select based questions (#172) (196ccbb0)
- select: update select default value to listen to new value changes (#168) (e91d8c66)
- rollup&Fields: update rollup, use uuidV4, update packages (#144) (40e60a90)
- react-select: use id to prevent hydration errors (#140) (bfcbdf04)
- error-message: use errorStyles prop instead of overwrite sx (#142) (a69d1509)
- text-area:
- eslint: sx problem (#134) (1958e67c)
- form:
- dateQuestion: select date order (#117) (91fa555a)
- dateField: remove ? (3f3603e5)
- selectImage: type of values when undefined (59484424)
- main: travis yaml format (20ecbffe)
- onebeyond/react-form-builder into improve-country-question (cf93df1a)
- audit for cd gh action (c01c736b)
- onebeyond/react-form-builder into use-uuid (b6adcf32)
- guidesmiths/react-form-builder into main (222931d4)
- guidesmiths/react-form-builder (03291617)
- guidesmiths/react-form-builder (31dcca7f)
- //github.com/guidesmiths/react-form-builder into feat/testing (d4968f87)
- guidesmiths/react-form-builder into main (3c688403)
- //github.com/guidesmiths/react-form-builder (d01cbe71)
- //github.com/guidesmiths/react-form-builder (b5ba58af)
- D (7ddc92c6)
- D (8b43c578)
- logic behind radiobuttons (5c90b1f0)
- undefined value on delete (e8e790bc)
- countries are displayed in the language asked & added countries json (2cd475f3)
- redirection in the href, export modal and included onLinkClick for the customizeCheckbox in formbuilder (12452de6)
- add custom order and custom countryNames into country-component (60091bb0)
- add-date-and-form-types-into-form-builder#19 add date and phone types into form builder (84b8fed3)
- add-calendar-component add Date component, add isBirthDay property and create story (4f1e5626)
- main:
- master:
- use form context to avoid passing it to children (340ee7cb)
- one single rollup config file (84f6dc43)
- improve example app to support multiple forms (2ad93487)
- move builder styles to separate file (1231bcdc)
- move button styles to separate file (e9050b59)
- move example styles to separate file (18b3d5fc)
- use uuid lib instead of useId hook (e20d3225)
- updated aria-label in checkbox links (#110) (c75a7547)
- externalize components (5aee3928)
- markdown onLinkOpen (fa1ff72c)
- logo reducing loading charge (361fcd0a)
- logistic more precise (f243dd92)
- moving icons to new folder and default icon (75f5af63)
- Logo and tooltip externalisation in components (6f88a7a3)
- optimisation of priorityOrder and new language feature displaying countries (c845d30b)
- removing C&R now it will be in /country/data with the other json (98fbed31)
- removing "isMobile" from documentation and adding language (88f56f3b)
- builder: set component props (#141) (f641f20a)
- custom tooltip (8c34cab7)
- remove textarea from tests due to unexpected behaviour (1ab970c7)
- add test coverage (31b2a1b9)
- QuestionInput Test (23d2de28)
- initial test for QuestionInput (21411c7b)
- countryQuestion testing (73237ecd)
- wip: fixing tests (b4305806)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (ba33b7a8)
- upate package-lock (7fbf2e25)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (ba33b7a8)
- update dependencies (d3a86248)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (cd86bd3c)
- merge main branch (055ecabe)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (0c67f7b1)
- merge main (315ac095)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (747363e0)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (4c889f55)
- update package-lock (053f2344)
- update dependencies (94828fc2)
- simulate long submission in the example (14e684f3)
- remove commented code in example app (665d8134)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (cbd3aca3)
- improve styles (ebb0fe4d)
- update dependencies (13f9aacf)
- added ncu tool to update deps (f53761eb)
- add textarea example question in form (823bc6b7)
- add .nvmrc file (48e380d5)
- remove error logs (d0221d3d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (1ae0bcf4)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (c451685d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (518cbe27)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (00d86bc3)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (ebf5def9)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (cd48fd8f)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (ae23506b)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (e11c20b4)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (f0449363)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (a4c7d27d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (dbdebef4)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (e1fff8e5)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (5cbccfa3)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (9af30de1)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (7c0bb62c)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (2c57f2d2)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (d69840ce)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (b825b1df)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (a2b4c388)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (033fa0b7)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (79a8522e)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (758058f6)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (a310a56c)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (f1489b11)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (d1bb4273)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (b48b8222)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (c9cf2bbb)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (cc55ffd5)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (971714e0)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (a36df67d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (055059d1)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (838940c0)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (c7e66ab5)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (961b2e2d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (074a500d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (aeef551c)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (b93c43ed)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (e08927ca)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (69139c99)
- package updated (45a01e83)
- eslint issues (147a7e03)
- solve conflicts (c4f4dc45)
- solve conflicts (d8c0e8b9)
- solve conflicts (3c686f5b)
- solve conflicts (a3c4a85a)
- solve conflicts (1860b679)
- solve conflicts (ae542434)
- edited pr template (84c2a1ae)
- remove logs (85e6b7bd)
- remove test folder (1b5b93d4)
- eslint fix (c5d373c6)
- ireland updated (870cb4c1)
- delete date logs (c6f0c45b)
- adapt es6 to es5 to prevent errors with loader (5889d28c)
- delete ? into phone component (696fccb2)
- main:
- github-actions-npm:
- master:
- update CI/CD pipeline (3ce29c13)
- update CI/CD pipeline (c8e3626a)
- update CI/CD pipeline (954408e3)
- update CI/CD pipeline (75b8495f)
- update CI/CD pipeline (84b8ce4b)
- update CI/CD pipeline (72c18216)
- update CI/CD pipeline (91d2c37e)
- update CI/CD pipeline (21eda029)
- travis only running at main (dbc4a93f)
- CI/CD node version to 10 (37450548)
- CI/CD Test stage (efaf7116)
- CI/CD Publish stage (8f00cb1b)
- CI/CD docs (aefa3faf)
- public web added (fccde234)
- travis script with conditional deployment at stage (c75b2769)
- travis script with conditional deployment (d729e0ea)
- travis config with version tags (ee200327)
- changelog lib added (42a099eb)
- release script (3f2b0d68)
- adding travis config file (cb4ef886)
- initial commit (aa59600e)
- set egress-policy to audit (41722842)
- reset version to start with 1.0.0 for the new namespace (56e4817b)
- replace ci github action to trigger with new release (00b14e13)
- remove support for node14 (3478c977)
- rename namespace from guidesmiths to onebeyond (795af293)
- add scorecard workflows (592b0120)
- add ci workflow (7d99a8ea)
- add code climate gh action for test coverage (0074b22f)
- add code climate gh action for test coverage (c308040f)
- add international flag docs to phone (544c60bb)
- minor fix in readme file (1ef1a959)
- update .all-contributorsrc (7c877d09)
- update README.md (dc19fe9c)
- update .all-contributorsrc (296ffdfb)
- update README.md (750455a6)
- minor fix (4dae7f8b)
- improve readme file (47e8e615)
- improve readme file to get rid of obsolete guidesmiths refs (83acb0a5)
- readme badge link (4b72fbaa)
- update .all-contributorsrc (f24492fe)
- update README.md (2082f813)
- update .all-contributorsrc (204695d0)
- update README.md (25c26361)
- all contributors (81851aad)
- add @Donivanes as a contributor (d9f5c4f5)
- add @sofisdev as a contributor (a300477c)
- add @ars1096 as a contributor (ab507c9a)
- add @FranciscoValdesoiro as a contributor (f93b5eb5)
- add @ismaelocaramelo as a contributor (354b2f66)
- add @pablo-albaladejo as a contributor (b8cec107)
- remove pr template to use the org pr template (257d4db9)
- added codeclimate badges (da155c64)
- add accessibility attributes from radio button and main form (6a421c98)
- add accessibility section to readme (f293ce48)
- add international option to Phone (84aef3e2)
- add option to prepend the flag to the country name (72b4413d)
- new country question (246aa4ab)
- add dependant questions logic to radio buttons (e81e81b2)
- remove support for node < 16 (bb40b3af)
- upgrade to node v20 (7b79369c)
- add devtools when in DEV mode (23730319)
- Release patch (#143) (940e49d0)
- add array conditions to dependent question in multiple_checkboxes (#126) (ae84e7ff)
- add react markdown to radio label (#111) (d205009a)
- refactor container condiciontalQuestion (67501bc6)
- props added (5c1bfe25)
- new sorted arrays by country name (877b5ad3)
- precommit script added (b85f7ca2)
- precommit script added (91e6f2e9)
- added pre-commit job (34d43e86)
- added pr template and codeowners file (ee824138)
- github action to publish on npm (#98) (e57372b0)
- github action to publish on npm (af134b73)
- textarea question implemented (46e0f1e1)
- add commitLint and Husky (82534965)
- builder parent div updated (ba4fbdd3)
- radio test edit (521f6dce)
- edit labels by question (0c3aaa4a)
- making new and removing old tooltip component (73a1450f)
- button customise by id (0342e6b5)
- multipleCheckbox editable styles (2dbbda2b)
- aligning labels with radios (db555cd4)
- changing how styles are managed (3ffc3da4)
- svg component displayed with inputs and tooltip (9a711a66)
- svg now can be loaded with the library (fcf92aa2)
- placeholder option in select & country Questions (ce9969a8)
- adding license-checker postinstall (9748f18f)
- countryQuestions storybook (6565c1b3)
- now countryQuestion accepts custom list of countries (8c320e17)
- new modal possibility, now we can open different links and show different text in the same modal (200b4469)
- custom component with a modal, now we can open links in a modal or in another tab. (99faab93)
- custom component for check ==> custom checkbox storybook (0b885954)
- storybook related with the checkbox component (b3a383d3)
- add openToDate in date field (e1df7d97)
- add openToDate in date field (dbba3b64)
- export error message to implement into custom component (ddf001d0)
- add custom component compatibility (7d0907d7)
- add minAge to date component (4848362b)
- change value of the country from countryName to countryShortCode (96caaf7f)
- add target option into Checkbox ReactMarckdown links (37e9bb5f)
- add select status (isSelected,isDisabled, isFocused) styles (e067bd10
- wip: new country question with countries enriched data (77293f88)
- questions: add image input question type (#161) (343c57ab)
- text-area: add word count type (#130) (5306f5b2)
- mobile: add default country value (#124) (37843c67)
- phone: add ltr attribute (#122) (95ee6994)
- regions: change gb, ie, fr and se regions data (#121) (62fec427)
- builder: add dependent question to multicheckboxes (#116) (1d4e3667)
- node: update version (c772b5de)
- multiplecheckbox: add disable others option (#112) (d0c18c88)
- minor changes according to pr review (bddcea46)
- updgrade to node 18 as some dependencies need it (2fa29fdf)
- set recommended policy for cd gh action (18565ddd)
- get back egress-policy block for harden runner (e6230436)
- allowed-endpoints for scorecard (6e686636)
- allowed-endpoints for test reporter (b85ebe49)
- set node version 16 (794ec2fa)
- linter errors and warnings (daa0acdb)
- prevent re-submitting the form while it's being submitted (d67c0fa9)
- disable submit button when form is being submitted (8686d875)
- textarea validation for min and max word count (94332752)
- fix vulnerabilities with auit fix (dc182b54)
- textarea errorMessage (#129) (68699f95)
- country conditions uppercase (ca59af7e)
- date picker test (#113) (c1875f86)
- adding countries left asked by ... (dfc8a2cf)
- error no text to display (f826a36f)
- tests (ef6bb026)
- style access (2c01fa5c)
- new logic needs changes in the tests (17207059)
- not displaying tooltip if there is no text (6376863c)
- Date problem with hour depends on GMT and fixing texts (ed85ec7b)
- removing web error default (348dc411)
- name of svg need a format name to avoid errors in tags (888406c9)
- displaying error just if it is neccesary (4b734d51)
- adapt test were needed due to new logic (e664cca3)
- phone input not alway required and name now can be choosen (019226c3)
- phone input is not always required anymore (105740d9)
- old test now everything is ordered... (bab900db)
- add countryAndRegionsData to FB (d694fa81)
- problem rendering select when theme value was null (f2fd2590)
- Quick fix test that was forgotten (d01d6fe3)
- the bugs related with the 1.0.58 version and old bugs from other versions (ae609e37)
- travis build fixing (3a2a7123)
- travis error ? && removing consoles.log (a95ee0f2)
- reducing redundancy repeating question all the time just making the necessary modifications (6b51f4db)
- fix return multipleCheckboxes and multipleImageCheckboxes values, validations (a7ab4a8b)
- fix empty phone error (81b87e1e)
- fix date component in firefox and safari (7eada8da)
- validation birthday date (979a6463)
- error-handling: add error class to all Select based questions (#172) (196ccbb0)
- select: update select default value to listen to new value changes (#168) (e91d8c66)
- rollup&Fields: update rollup, use uuidV4, update packages (#144) (40e60a90)
- react-select: use id to prevent hydration errors (#140) (bfcbdf04)
- error-message: use errorStyles prop instead of overwrite sx (#142) (a69d1509)
- text-area:
- eslint: sx problem (#134) (1958e67c)
- form:
- dateQuestion: select date order (#117) (91fa555a)
- dateField: remove ? (3f3603e5)
- selectImage: type of values when undefined (59484424)
- main: travis yaml format (20ecbffe)
- onebeyond/react-form-builder into improve-country-question (cf93df1a)
- audit for cd gh action (c01c736b)
- onebeyond/react-form-builder into use-uuid (b6adcf32)
- guidesmiths/react-form-builder into main (222931d4)
- guidesmiths/react-form-builder (03291617)
- guidesmiths/react-form-builder (31dcca7f)
- //github.com/guidesmiths/react-form-builder into feat/testing (d4968f87)
- guidesmiths/react-form-builder into main (3c688403)
- //github.com/guidesmiths/react-form-builder (d01cbe71)
- //github.com/guidesmiths/react-form-builder (b5ba58af)
- D (7ddc92c6)
- D (8b43c578)
- logic behind radiobuttons (5c90b1f0)
- undefined value on delete (e8e790bc)
- countries are displayed in the language asked & added countries json (2cd475f3)
- redirection in the href, export modal and included onLinkClick for the customizeCheckbox in formbuilder (12452de6)
- add custom order and custom countryNames into country-component (60091bb0)
- add-date-and-form-types-into-form-builder#19 add date and phone types into form builder (84b8fed3)
- add-calendar-component add Date component, add isBirthDay property and create story (4f1e5626)
- main:
- master:
- use form context to avoid passing it to children (340ee7cb)
- one single rollup config file (84f6dc43)
- improve example app to support multiple forms (2ad93487)
- move builder styles to separate file (1231bcdc)
- move button styles to separate file (e9050b59)
- move example styles to separate file (18b3d5fc)
- use uuid lib instead of useId hook (e20d3225)
- updated aria-label in checkbox links (#110) (c75a7547)
- externalize components (5aee3928)
- markdown onLinkOpen (fa1ff72c)
- logo reducing loading charge (361fcd0a)
- logistic more precise (f243dd92)
- moving icons to new folder and default icon (75f5af63)
- Logo and tooltip externalisation in components (6f88a7a3)
- optimisation of priorityOrder and new language feature displaying countries (c845d30b)
- removing C&R now it will be in /country/data with the other json (98fbed31)
- removing "isMobile" from documentation and adding language (88f56f3b)
- builder: set component props (#141) (f641f20a)
- custom tooltip (8c34cab7)
- remove textarea from tests due to unexpected behaviour (1ab970c7)
- add test coverage (31b2a1b9)
- QuestionInput Test (23d2de28)
- initial test for QuestionInput (21411c7b)
- countryQuestion testing (73237ecd)
- wip: fixing tests (b4305806)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (cd86bd3c)
- merge main branch (055ecabe)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (0c67f7b1)
- merge main (315ac095)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (747363e0)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (4c889f55)
- update package-lock (053f2344)
- update dependencies (94828fc2)
- simulate long submission in the example (14e684f3)
- remove commented code in example app (665d8134)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (cbd3aca3)
- improve styles (ebb0fe4d)
- update dependencies (13f9aacf)
- added ncu tool to update deps (f53761eb)
- add textarea example question in form (823bc6b7)
- add .nvmrc file (48e380d5)
- remove error logs (d0221d3d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (1ae0bcf4)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (c451685d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (518cbe27)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (00d86bc3)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (ebf5def9)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (cd48fd8f)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (ae23506b)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (e11c20b4)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (f0449363)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (a4c7d27d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (dbdebef4)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (e1fff8e5)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (5cbccfa3)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (9af30de1)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (7c0bb62c)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (2c57f2d2)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (d69840ce)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (b825b1df)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (a2b4c388)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (033fa0b7)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (79a8522e)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (758058f6)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (a310a56c)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (f1489b11)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (d1bb4273)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (b48b8222)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (c9cf2bbb)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (cc55ffd5)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (971714e0)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (a36df67d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (055059d1)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (838940c0)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (c7e66ab5)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (961b2e2d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (074a500d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (aeef551c)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (b93c43ed)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (e08927ca)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (69139c99)
- package updated (45a01e83)
- eslint issues (147a7e03)
- solve conflicts (c4f4dc45)
- solve conflicts (d8c0e8b9)
- solve conflicts (3c686f5b)
- solve conflicts (a3c4a85a)
- solve conflicts (1860b679)
- solve conflicts (ae542434)
- edited pr template (84c2a1ae)
- remove logs (85e6b7bd)
- remove test folder (1b5b93d4)
- eslint fix (c5d373c6)
- ireland updated (870cb4c1)
- delete date logs (c6f0c45b)
- adapt es6 to es5 to prevent errors with loader (5889d28c)
- delete ? into phone component (696fccb2)
- main:
- github-actions-npm:
- master:
- update CI/CD pipeline (3ce29c13)
- update CI/CD pipeline (c8e3626a)
- update CI/CD pipeline (954408e3)
- update CI/CD pipeline (75b8495f)
- update CI/CD pipeline (84b8ce4b)
- update CI/CD pipeline (72c18216)
- update CI/CD pipeline (91d2c37e)
- update CI/CD pipeline (21eda029)
- travis only running at main (dbc4a93f)
- CI/CD node version to 10 (37450548)
- CI/CD Test stage (efaf7116)
- CI/CD Publish stage (8f00cb1b)
- CI/CD docs (aefa3faf)
- public web added (fccde234)
- travis script with conditional deployment at stage (c75b2769)
- travis script with conditional deployment (d729e0ea)
- travis config with version tags (ee200327)
- changelog lib added (42a099eb)
- release script (3f2b0d68)
- adding travis config file (cb4ef886)
- initial commit (aa59600e)
- set egress-policy to audit (41722842)
- reset version to start with 1.0.0 for the new namespace (56e4817b)
- replace ci github action to trigger with new release (00b14e13)
- remove support for node14 (3478c977)
- rename namespace from guidesmiths to onebeyond (795af293)
- add scorecard workflows (592b0120)
- add ci workflow (7d99a8ea)
- add code climate gh action for test coverage (0074b22f)
- add code climate gh action for test coverage (c308040f)
- improve readme file to get rid of obsolete guidesmiths refs (83acb0a5)
- readme badge link (4b72fbaa)
- update .all-contributorsrc (f24492fe)
- update README.md (2082f813)
- update .all-contributorsrc (204695d0)
- update README.md (25c26361)
- all contributors (81851aad)
- add @Donivanes as a contributor (d9f5c4f5)
- add @sofisdev as a contributor (a300477c)
- add @ars1096 as a contributor (ab507c9a)
- add @FranciscoValdesoiro as a contributor (f93b5eb5)
- add @ismaelocaramelo as a contributor (354b2f66)
- add @pablo-albaladejo as a contributor (b8cec107)
- remove pr template to use the org pr template (257d4db9)
- added codeclimate badges (da155c64)
- add accessibility attributes from radio button and main form (6a421c98)
- add accessibility section to readme (f293ce48)
- add dependant questions logic to radio buttons (e81e81b2)
- remove support for node < 16 (bb40b3af)
- upgrade to node v20 (7b79369c)
- add devtools when in DEV mode (23730319)
- Release patch (#143) (940e49d0)
- add array conditions to dependent question in multiple_checkboxes (#126) (ae84e7ff)
- add react markdown to radio label (#111) (d205009a)
- refactor container condiciontalQuestion (67501bc6)
- props added (5c1bfe25)
- new sorted arrays by country name (877b5ad3)
- precommit script added (b85f7ca2)
- precommit script added (91e6f2e9)
- added pre-commit job (34d43e86)
- added pr template and codeowners file (ee824138)
- github action to publish on npm (#98) (e57372b0)
- github action to publish on npm (af134b73)
- textarea question implemented (46e0f1e1)
- add commitLint and Husky (82534965)
- builder parent div updated (ba4fbdd3)
- radio test edit (521f6dce)
- edit labels by question (0c3aaa4a)
- making new and removing old tooltip component (73a1450f)
- button customise by id (0342e6b5)
- multipleCheckbox editable styles (2dbbda2b)
- aligning labels with radios (db555cd4)
- changing how styles are managed (3ffc3da4)
- svg component displayed with inputs and tooltip (9a711a66)
- svg now can be loaded with the library (fcf92aa2)
- placeholder option in select & country Questions (ce9969a8)
- adding license-checker postinstall (9748f18f)
- countryQuestions storybook (6565c1b3)
- now countryQuestion accepts custom list of countries (8c320e17)
- new modal possibility, now we can open different links and show different text in the same modal (200b4469)
- custom component with a modal, now we can open links in a modal or in another tab. (99faab93)
- custom component for check ==> custom checkbox storybook (0b885954)
- storybook related with the checkbox component (b3a383d3)
- add openToDate in date field (e1df7d97)
- add openToDate in date field (dbba3b64)
- export error message to implement into custom component (ddf001d0)
- add custom component compatibility (7d0907d7)
- add minAge to date component (4848362b)
- change value of the country from countryName to countryShortCode (96caaf7f)
- add target option into Checkbox ReactMarckdown links (37e9bb5f)
- add select status (isSelected,isDisabled, isFocused) styles (e067bd10)
- questions: add image input question type (#161) (343c57ab)
- text-area: add word count type (#130) (5306f5b2)
- mobile: add default country value (#124) (37843c67)
- phone: add ltr attribute (#122) (95ee6994)
- regions: change gb, ie, fr and se regions data (#121) (62fec427)
- builder: add dependent question to multicheckboxes (#116) (1d4e3667)
- node: update version (c772b5de)
- multiplecheckbox: add disable others option (#112) (d0c18c88)
- updgrade to node 18 as some dependencies need it (2fa29fdf)
- set recommended policy for cd gh action (18565ddd)
- get back egress-policy block for harden runner (e6230436)
- allowed-endpoints for scorecard (6e686636)
- allowed-endpoints for test reporter (b85ebe49)
- set node version 16 (794ec2fa)
- linter errors and warnings (daa0acdb)
- prevent re-submitting the form while it's being submitted (d67c0fa9)
- disable submit button when form is being submitted (8686d875)
- textarea validation for min and max word count (94332752)
- fix vulnerabilities with auit fix (dc182b54)
- textarea errorMessage (#129) (68699f95)
- country conditions uppercase (ca59af7e)
- date picker test (#113) (c1875f86)
- adding countries left asked by ... (dfc8a2cf)
- error no text to display (f826a36f)
- tests (ef6bb026)
- style access (2c01fa5c)
- new logic needs changes in the tests (17207059)
- not displaying tooltip if there is no text (6376863c)
- Date problem with hour depends on GMT and fixing texts (ed85ec7b)
- removing web error default (348dc411)
- name of svg need a format name to avoid errors in tags (888406c9)
- displaying error just if it is neccesary (4b734d51)
- adapt test were needed due to new logic (e664cca3)
- phone input not alway required and name now can be choosen (019226c3)
- phone input is not always required anymore (105740d9)
- old test now everything is ordered... (bab900db)
- add countryAndRegionsData to FB (d694fa81)
- problem rendering select when theme value was null (f2fd2590)
- Quick fix test that was forgotten (d01d6fe3)
- the bugs related with the 1.0.58 version and old bugs from other versions (ae609e37)
- travis build fixing (3a2a7123)
- travis error ? && removing consoles.log (a95ee0f2)
- reducing redundancy repeating question all the time just making the necessary modifications (6b51f4db)
- fix return multipleCheckboxes and multipleImageCheckboxes values, validations (a7ab4a8b)
- fix empty phone error (81b87e1e)
- fix date component in firefox and safari (7eada8da)
- validation birthday date (979a6463)
- error-handling: add error class to all Select based questions (#172) (196ccbb0)
- select: update select default value to listen to new value changes (#168) (e91d8c66)
- rollup&Fields: update rollup, use uuidV4, update packages (#144) (40e60a90)
- react-select: use id to prevent hydration errors (#140) (bfcbdf04)
- error-message: use errorStyles prop instead of overwrite sx (#142) (a69d1509)
- text-area:
- eslint: sx problem (#134) (1958e67c)
- form:
- dateQuestion: select date order (#117) (91fa555a)
- dateField: remove ? (3f3603e5)
- selectImage: type of values when undefined (59484424)
- main: travis yaml format (20ecbffe)
- audit for cd gh action (c01c736b)
- onebeyond/react-form-builder into use-uuid (b6adcf32)
- guidesmiths/react-form-builder into main (222931d4)
- guidesmiths/react-form-builder (03291617)
- guidesmiths/react-form-builder (31dcca7f)
- //github.com/guidesmiths/react-form-builder into feat/testing (d4968f87)
- guidesmiths/react-form-builder into main (3c688403)
- //github.com/guidesmiths/react-form-builder (d01cbe71)
- //github.com/guidesmiths/react-form-builder (b5ba58af)
- D (7ddc92c6)
- D (8b43c578)
- logic behind radiobuttons (5c90b1f0)
- undefined value on delete (e8e790bc)
- countries are displayed in the language asked & added countries json (2cd475f3)
- redirection in the href, export modal and included onLinkClick for the customizeCheckbox in formbuilder (12452de6)
- add custom order and custom countryNames into country-component (60091bb0)
- add-date-and-form-types-into-form-builder#19 add date and phone types into form builder (84b8fed3)
- add-calendar-component add Date component, add isBirthDay property and create story (4f1e5626)
- main:
- master:
- move builder styles to separate file (1231bcdc)
- move button styles to separate file (e9050b59)
- move example styles to separate file (18b3d5fc)
- use uuid lib instead of useId hook (e20d3225)
- updated aria-label in checkbox links (#110) (c75a7547)
- externalize components (5aee3928)
- markdown onLinkOpen (fa1ff72c)
- logo reducing loading charge (361fcd0a)
- logistic more precise (f243dd92)
- moving icons to new folder and default icon (75f5af63)
- Logo and tooltip externalisation in components (6f88a7a3)
- optimisation of priorityOrder and new language feature displaying countries (c845d30b)
- removing C&R now it will be in /country/data with the other json (98fbed31)
- removing "isMobile" from documentation and adding language (88f56f3b)
- builder: set component props (#141) (f641f20a)
- custom tooltip (8c34cab7)
- remove textarea from tests due to unexpected behaviour (1ab970c7)
- add test coverage (31b2a1b9)
- QuestionInput Test (23d2de28)
- initial test for QuestionInput (21411c7b)
- countryQuestion testing (73237ecd)
- wip: fixing tests (b4305806)
- merge main branch (055ecabe)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (0c67f7b1)
- merge main (315ac095)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (747363e0)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (4c889f55)
- update package-lock (053f2344)
- update dependencies (94828fc2)
- simulate long submission in the example (14e684f3)
- remove commented code in example app (665d8134)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (cbd3aca3)
- improve styles (ebb0fe4d)
- update dependencies (13f9aacf)
- added ncu tool to update deps (f53761eb)
- add textarea example question in form (823bc6b7)
- add .nvmrc file (48e380d5)
- remove error logs (d0221d3d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (1ae0bcf4)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (c451685d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (518cbe27)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (00d86bc3)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (ebf5def9)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (cd48fd8f)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (ae23506b)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (e11c20b4)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (f0449363)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (a4c7d27d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (dbdebef4)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (e1fff8e5)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (5cbccfa3)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (9af30de1)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (7c0bb62c)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (2c57f2d2)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (d69840ce)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (b825b1df)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (a2b4c388)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (033fa0b7)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (79a8522e)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (758058f6)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (a310a56c)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (f1489b11)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (d1bb4273)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (b48b8222)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (c9cf2bbb)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (cc55ffd5)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (971714e0)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (a36df67d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (055059d1)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (838940c0)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (c7e66ab5)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (961b2e2d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (074a500d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (aeef551c)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (b93c43ed)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (e08927ca)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (69139c99)
- package updated (45a01e83)
- eslint issues (147a7e03)
- solve conflicts (c4f4dc45)
- solve conflicts (d8c0e8b9)
- solve conflicts (3c686f5b)
- solve conflicts (a3c4a85a)
- solve conflicts (1860b679)
- solve conflicts (ae542434)
- edited pr template (84c2a1ae)
- remove logs (85e6b7bd)
- remove test folder (1b5b93d4)
- eslint fix (c5d373c6)
- ireland updated (870cb4c1)
- delete date logs (c6f0c45b)
- adapt es6 to es5 to prevent errors with loader (5889d28c)
- delete ? into phone component (696fccb2)
- main:
- github-actions-npm:
- master:
- update CI/CD pipeline (3ce29c13)
- update CI/CD pipeline (c8e3626a)
- update CI/CD pipeline (954408e3)
- update CI/CD pipeline (75b8495f)
- update CI/CD pipeline (84b8ce4b)
- update CI/CD pipeline (72c18216)
- update CI/CD pipeline (91d2c37e)
- update CI/CD pipeline (21eda029)
- travis only running at main (dbc4a93f)
- CI/CD node version to 10 (37450548)
- CI/CD Test stage (efaf7116)
- CI/CD Publish stage (8f00cb1b)
- CI/CD docs (aefa3faf)
- public web added (fccde234)
- travis script with conditional deployment at stage (c75b2769)
- travis script with conditional deployment (d729e0ea)
- travis config with version tags (ee200327)
- changelog lib added (42a099eb)
- release script (3f2b0d68)
- adding travis config file (cb4ef886)
- initial commit (aa59600e)
- set egress-policy to audit (41722842)
- reset version to start with 1.0.0 for the new namespace (56e4817b)
- replace ci github action to trigger with new release (00b14e13)
- remove support for node14 (3478c977)
- rename namespace from guidesmiths to onebeyond (795af293)
- add scorecard workflows (592b0120)
- add ci workflow (7d99a8ea)
- add code climate gh action for test coverage (0074b22f)
- add code climate gh action for test coverage (c308040f)
- improve readme file to get rid of obsolete guidesmiths refs (83acb0a5)
- readme badge link (4b72fbaa)
- update .all-contributorsrc (f24492fe)
- update README.md (2082f813)
- update .all-contributorsrc (204695d0)
- update README.md (25c26361)
- all contributors (81851aad)
- add @Donivanes as a contributor (d9f5c4f5)
- add @sofisdev as a contributor (a300477c)
- add @ars1096 as a contributor (ab507c9a)
- add @FranciscoValdesoiro as a contributor (f93b5eb5)
- add @ismaelocaramelo as a contributor (354b2f66)
- add @pablo-albaladejo as a contributor (b8cec107)
- remove pr template to use the org pr template (257d4db9)
- added codeclimate badges (da155c64)
- add accessibility attributes from radio button and main form (6a421c98)
- add accessibility section to readme (f293ce48)
- add dependant questions logic to radio buttons (e81e81b2)
- remove support for node < 16 (bb40b3af)
- upgrade to node v20 (7b79369c)
- add devtools when in DEV mode (23730319)
- Release patch (#143) (940e49d0)
- add array conditions to dependent question in multiple_checkboxes (#126) (ae84e7ff)
- add react markdown to radio label (#111) (d205009a)
- refactor container condiciontalQuestion (67501bc6)
- props added (5c1bfe25)
- new sorted arrays by country name (877b5ad3)
- precommit script added (b85f7ca2)
- precommit script added (91e6f2e9)
- added pre-commit job (34d43e86)
- added pr template and codeowners file (ee824138)
- github action to publish on npm (#98) (e57372b0)
- github action to publish on npm (af134b73)
- textarea question implemented (46e0f1e1)
- add commitLint and Husky (82534965)
- builder parent div updated (ba4fbdd3)
- radio test edit (521f6dce)
- edit labels by question (0c3aaa4a)
- making new and removing old tooltip component (73a1450f)
- button customise by id (0342e6b5)
- multipleCheckbox editable styles (2dbbda2b)
- aligning labels with radios (db555cd4)
- changing how styles are managed (3ffc3da4)
- svg component displayed with inputs and tooltip (9a711a66)
- svg now can be loaded with the library (fcf92aa2)
- placeholder option in select & country Questions (ce9969a8)
- adding license-checker postinstall (9748f18f)
- countryQuestions storybook (6565c1b3)
- now countryQuestion accepts custom list of countries (8c320e17)
- new modal possibility, now we can open different links and show different text in the same modal (200b4469)
- custom component with a modal, now we can open links in a modal or in another tab. (99faab93)
- custom component for check ==> custom checkbox storybook (0b885954)
- storybook related with the checkbox component (b3a383d3)
- add openToDate in date field (e1df7d97)
- add openToDate in date field (dbba3b64)
- export error message to implement into custom component (ddf001d0)
- add custom component compatibility (7d0907d7)
- add minAge to date component (4848362b)
- change value of the country from countryName to countryShortCode (96caaf7f)
- add target option into Checkbox ReactMarckdown links (37e9bb5f)
- add select status (isSelected,isDisabled, isFocused) styles (e067bd10)
- questions: add image input question type (#161) (343c57ab)
- text-area: add word count type (#130) (5306f5b2)
- mobile: add default country value (#124) (37843c67)
- phone: add ltr attribute (#122) (95ee6994)
- regions: change gb, ie, fr and se regions data (#121) (62fec427)
- builder: add dependent question to multicheckboxes (#116) (1d4e3667)
- node: update version (c772b5de)
- multiplecheckbox: add disable others option (#112) (d0c18c88)
- updgrade to node 18 as some dependencies need it (2fa29fdf)
- set recommended policy for cd gh action (18565ddd)
- get back egress-policy block for harden runner (e6230436)
- allowed-endpoints for scorecard (6e686636)
- allowed-endpoints for test reporter (b85ebe49)
- set node version 16 (794ec2fa)
- linter errors and warnings (daa0acdb)
- prevent re-submitting the form while it's being submitted (d67c0fa9)
- disable submit button when form is being submitted (8686d875)
- textarea validation for min and max word count (94332752)
- fix vulnerabilities with auit fix (dc182b54)
- textarea errorMessage (#129) (68699f95)
- country conditions uppercase (ca59af7e)
- date picker test (#113) (c1875f86)
- adding countries left asked by ... (dfc8a2cf)
- error no text to display (f826a36f)
- tests (ef6bb026)
- style access (2c01fa5c)
- new logic needs changes in the tests (17207059)
- not displaying tooltip if there is no text (6376863c)
- Date problem with hour depends on GMT and fixing texts (ed85ec7b)
- removing web error default (348dc411)
- name of svg need a format name to avoid errors in tags (888406c9)
- displaying error just if it is neccesary (4b734d51)
- adapt test were needed due to new logic (e664cca3)
- phone input not alway required and name now can be choosen (019226c3)
- phone input is not always required anymore (105740d9)
- old test now everything is ordered... (bab900db)
- add countryAndRegionsData to FB (d694fa81)
- problem rendering select when theme value was null (f2fd2590)
- Quick fix test that was forgotten (d01d6fe3)
- the bugs related with the 1.0.58 version and old bugs from other versions (ae609e37)
- travis build fixing (3a2a7123)
- travis error ? && removing consoles.log (a95ee0f2)
- reducing redundancy repeating question all the time just making the necessary modifications (6b51f4db)
- fix return multipleCheckboxes and multipleImageCheckboxes values, validations (a7ab4a8b)
- fix empty phone error (81b87e1e)
- fix date component in firefox and safari (7eada8da)
- validation birthday date (979a6463)
- error-handling: add error class to all Select based questions (#172) (196ccbb0)
- select: update select default value to listen to new value changes (#168) (e91d8c66)
- rollup&Fields: update rollup, use uuidV4, update packages (#144) (40e60a90)
- react-select: use id to prevent hydration errors (#140) (bfcbdf04)
- error-message: use errorStyles prop instead of overwrite sx (#142) (a69d1509)
- text-area:
- eslint: sx problem (#134) (1958e67c)
- form:
- dateQuestion: select date order (#117) (91fa555a)
- dateField: remove ? (3f3603e5)
- selectImage: type of values when undefined (59484424)
- main: travis yaml format (20ecbffe)
- audit for cd gh action (c01c736b)
- onebeyond/react-form-builder into use-uuid (b6adcf32)
- guidesmiths/react-form-builder into main (222931d4)
- guidesmiths/react-form-builder (03291617)
- guidesmiths/react-form-builder (31dcca7f)
- //github.com/guidesmiths/react-form-builder into feat/testing (d4968f87)
- guidesmiths/react-form-builder into main (3c688403)
- //github.com/guidesmiths/react-form-builder (d01cbe71)
- //github.com/guidesmiths/react-form-builder (b5ba58af)
- D (7ddc92c6)
- D (8b43c578)
- logic behind radiobuttons (5c90b1f0)
- undefined value on delete (e8e790bc)
- countries are displayed in the language asked & added countries json (2cd475f3)
- redirection in the href, export modal and included onLinkClick for the customizeCheckbox in formbuilder (12452de6)
- add custom order and custom countryNames into country-component (60091bb0)
- add-date-and-form-types-into-form-builder#19 add date and phone types into form builder (84b8fed3)
- add-calendar-component add Date component, add isBirthDay property and create story (4f1e5626)
- main:
- master:
- move builder styles to separate file (1231bcdc)
- move button styles to separate file (e9050b59)
- move example styles to separate file (18b3d5fc)
- use uuid lib instead of useId hook (e20d3225)
- updated aria-label in checkbox links (#110) (c75a7547)
- externalize components (5aee3928)
- markdown onLinkOpen (fa1ff72c)
- logo reducing loading charge (361fcd0a)
- logistic more precise (f243dd92)
- moving icons to new folder and default icon (75f5af63)
- Logo and tooltip externalisation in components (6f88a7a3)
- optimisation of priorityOrder and new language feature displaying countries (c845d30b)
- removing C&R now it will be in /country/data with the other json (98fbed31)
- removing "isMobile" from documentation and adding language (88f56f3b)
- builder: set component props (#141) (f641f20a)
- custom tooltip (8c34cab7)
- remove textarea from tests due to unexpected behaviour (1ab970c7)
- add test coverage (31b2a1b9)
- QuestionInput Test (23d2de28)
- initial test for QuestionInput (21411c7b)
- countryQuestion testing (73237ecd)
- wip: fixing tests (b4305806)
- merge main (315ac095)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (747363e0)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (4c889f55)
- update package-lock (053f2344)
- update dependencies (94828fc2)
- simulate long submission in the example (14e684f3)
- remove commented code in example app (665d8134)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (cbd3aca3)
- improve styles (ebb0fe4d)
- update dependencies (13f9aacf)
- added ncu tool to update deps (f53761eb)
- add textarea example question in form (823bc6b7)
- add .nvmrc file (48e380d5)
- remove error logs (d0221d3d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (1ae0bcf4)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (c451685d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (518cbe27)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (00d86bc3)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (ebf5def9)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (cd48fd8f)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (ae23506b)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (e11c20b4)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (f0449363)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (a4c7d27d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (dbdebef4)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (e1fff8e5)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (5cbccfa3)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (9af30de1)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (7c0bb62c)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (2c57f2d2)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (d69840ce)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (b825b1df)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (a2b4c388)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (033fa0b7)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (79a8522e)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (758058f6)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (a310a56c)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (f1489b11)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (d1bb4273)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (b48b8222)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (c9cf2bbb)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (cc55ffd5)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (971714e0)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (a36df67d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (055059d1)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (838940c0)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (c7e66ab5)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (961b2e2d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (074a500d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (aeef551c)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (b93c43ed)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (e08927ca)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (69139c99)
- package updated (45a01e83)
- eslint issues (147a7e03)
- solve conflicts (c4f4dc45)
- solve conflicts (d8c0e8b9)
- solve conflicts (3c686f5b)
- solve conflicts (a3c4a85a)
- solve conflicts (1860b679)
- solve conflicts (ae542434)
- edited pr template (84c2a1ae)
- remove logs (85e6b7bd)
- remove test folder (1b5b93d4)
- eslint fix (c5d373c6)
- ireland updated (870cb4c1)
- delete date logs (c6f0c45b)
- adapt es6 to es5 to prevent errors with loader (5889d28c)
- delete ? into phone component (696fccb2)
- main:
- github-actions-npm:
- master:
- update CI/CD pipeline (3ce29c13)
- update CI/CD pipeline (c8e3626a)
- update CI/CD pipeline (954408e3)
- update CI/CD pipeline (75b8495f)
- update CI/CD pipeline (84b8ce4b)
- update CI/CD pipeline (72c18216)
- update CI/CD pipeline (91d2c37e)
- update CI/CD pipeline (21eda029)
- travis only running at main (dbc4a93f)
- CI/CD node version to 10 (37450548)
- CI/CD Test stage (efaf7116)
- CI/CD Publish stage (8f00cb1b)
- CI/CD docs (aefa3faf)
- public web added (fccde234)
- travis script with conditional deployment at stage (c75b2769)
- travis script with conditional deployment (d729e0ea)
- travis config with version tags (ee200327)
- changelog lib added (42a099eb)
- release script (3f2b0d68)
- adding travis config file (cb4ef886)
- initial commit (aa59600e)
- set egress-policy to audit (41722842)
- reset version to start with 1.0.0 for the new namespace (56e4817b)
- replace ci github action to trigger with new release (00b14e13)
- remove support for node14 (3478c977)
- rename namespace from guidesmiths to onebeyond (795af293)
- add scorecard workflows (592b0120)
- add ci workflow (7d99a8ea)
- add code climate gh action for test coverage (0074b22f)
- add code climate gh action for test coverage (c308040f)
- readme badge link (4b72fbaa)
- update .all-contributorsrc (f24492fe)
- update README.md (2082f813)
- update .all-contributorsrc (204695d0)
- update README.md (25c26361)
- all contributors (81851aad)
- add @Donivanes as a contributor (d9f5c4f5)
- add @sofisdev as a contributor (a300477c)
- add @ars1096 as a contributor (ab507c9a)
- add @FranciscoValdesoiro as a contributor (f93b5eb5)
- add @ismaelocaramelo as a contributor (354b2f66)
- add @pablo-albaladejo as a contributor (b8cec107)
- remove pr template to use the org pr template (257d4db9)
- added codeclimate badges (da155c64)
- add accessibility attributes from radio button and main form (6a421c98)
- add accessibility section to readme (f293ce48)
- add dependant questions logic to radio buttons (e81e81b2)
- remove support for node < 16 (bb40b3af)
- upgrade to node v20 (7b79369c)
- add devtools when in DEV mode (23730319)
- Release patch (#143) (940e49d0)
- add array conditions to dependent question in multiple_checkboxes (#126) (ae84e7ff)
- add react markdown to radio label (#111) (d205009a)
- refactor container condiciontalQuestion (67501bc6)
- props added (5c1bfe25)
- new sorted arrays by country name (877b5ad3)
- precommit script added (b85f7ca2)
- precommit script added (91e6f2e9)
- added pre-commit job (34d43e86)
- added pr template and codeowners file (ee824138)
- github action to publish on npm (#98) (e57372b0)
- github action to publish on npm (af134b73)
- textarea question implemented (46e0f1e1)
- add commitLint and Husky (82534965)
- builder parent div updated (ba4fbdd3)
- radio test edit (521f6dce)
- edit labels by question (0c3aaa4a)
- making new and removing old tooltip component (73a1450f)
- button customise by id (0342e6b5)
- multipleCheckbox editable styles (2dbbda2b)
- aligning labels with radios (db555cd4)
- changing how styles are managed (3ffc3da4)
- svg component displayed with inputs and tooltip (9a711a66)
- svg now can be loaded with the library (fcf92aa2)
- placeholder option in select & country Questions (ce9969a8)
- adding license-checker postinstall (9748f18f)
- countryQuestions storybook (6565c1b3)
- now countryQuestion accepts custom list of countries (8c320e17)
- new modal possibility, now we can open different links and show different text in the same modal (200b4469)
- custom component with a modal, now we can open links in a modal or in another tab. (99faab93)
- custom component for check ==> custom checkbox storybook (0b885954)
- storybook related with the checkbox component (b3a383d3)
- add openToDate in date field (e1df7d97)
- add openToDate in date field (dbba3b64)
- export error message to implement into custom component (ddf001d0)
- add custom component compatibility (7d0907d7)
- add minAge to date component (4848362b)
- change value of the country from countryName to countryShortCode (96caaf7f)
- add target option into Checkbox ReactMarckdown links (37e9bb5f)
- add select status (isSelected,isDisabled, isFocused) styles (e067bd10)
- questions: add image input question type (#161) (343c57ab)
- text-area: add word count type (#130) (5306f5b2)
- mobile: add default country value (#124) (37843c67)
- phone: add ltr attribute (#122) (95ee6994)
- regions: change gb, ie, fr and se regions data (#121) (62fec427)
- builder: add dependent question to multicheckboxes (#116) (1d4e3667)
- node: update version (c772b5de)
- multiplecheckbox: add disable others option (#112) (d0c18c88)
- get back egress-policy block for harden runner (e6230436)
- allowed-endpoints for scorecard (6e686636)
- allowed-endpoints for test reporter (b85ebe49)
- set node version 16 (794ec2fa)
- linter errors and warnings (daa0acdb)
- prevent re-submitting the form while it's being submitted (d67c0fa9)
- disable submit button when form is being submitted (8686d875)
- textarea validation for min and max word count (94332752)
- fix vulnerabilities with auit fix (dc182b54)
- textarea errorMessage (#129) (68699f95)
- country conditions uppercase (ca59af7e)
- date picker test (#113) (c1875f86)
- adding countries left asked by ... (dfc8a2cf)
- error no text to display (f826a36f)
- tests (ef6bb026)
- style access (2c01fa5c)
- new logic needs changes in the tests (17207059)
- not displaying tooltip if there is no text (6376863c)
- Date problem with hour depends on GMT and fixing texts (ed85ec7b)
- removing web error default (348dc411)
- name of svg need a format name to avoid errors in tags (888406c9)
- displaying error just if it is neccesary (4b734d51)
- adapt test were needed due to new logic (e664cca3)
- phone input not alway required and name now can be choosen (019226c3)
- phone input is not always required anymore (105740d9)
- old test now everything is ordered... (bab900db)
- add countryAndRegionsData to FB (d694fa81)
- problem rendering select when theme value was null (f2fd2590)
- Quick fix test that was forgotten (d01d6fe3)
- the bugs related with the 1.0.58 version and old bugs from other versions (ae609e37)
- travis build fixing (3a2a7123)
- travis error ? && removing consoles.log (a95ee0f2)
- reducing redundancy repeating question all the time just making the necessary modifications (6b51f4db)
- fix return multipleCheckboxes and multipleImageCheckboxes values, validations (a7ab4a8b)
- fix empty phone error (81b87e1e)
- fix date component in firefox and safari (7eada8da)
- validation birthday date (979a6463)
- error-handling: add error class to all Select based questions (#172) (196ccbb0)
- select: update select default value to listen to new value changes (#168) (e91d8c66)
- rollup&Fields: update rollup, use uuidV4, update packages (#144) (40e60a90)
- react-select: use id to prevent hydration errors (#140) (bfcbdf04)
- error-message: use errorStyles prop instead of overwrite sx (#142) (a69d1509)
- text-area:
- eslint: sx problem (#134) (1958e67c)
- form:
- dateQuestion: select date order (#117) (91fa555a)
- dateField: remove ? (3f3603e5)
- selectImage: type of values when undefined (59484424)
- main: travis yaml format (20ecbffe)
- audit for cd gh action (c01c736b)
- onebeyond/react-form-builder into use-uuid (b6adcf32)
- guidesmiths/react-form-builder into main (222931d4)
- guidesmiths/react-form-builder (03291617)
- guidesmiths/react-form-builder (31dcca7f)
- //github.com/guidesmiths/react-form-builder into feat/testing (d4968f87)
- guidesmiths/react-form-builder into main (3c688403)
- //github.com/guidesmiths/react-form-builder (d01cbe71)
- //github.com/guidesmiths/react-form-builder (b5ba58af)
- D (7ddc92c6)
- D (8b43c578)
- logic behind radiobuttons (5c90b1f0)
- undefined value on delete (e8e790bc)
- countries are displayed in the language asked & added countries json (2cd475f3)
- redirection in the href, export modal and included onLinkClick for the customizeCheckbox in formbuilder (12452de6)
- add custom order and custom countryNames into country-component (60091bb0)
- add-date-and-form-types-into-form-builder#19 add date and phone types into form builder (84b8fed3)
- add-calendar-component add Date component, add isBirthDay property and create story (4f1e5626)
- main:
- master:
- move builder styles to separate file (1231bcdc)
- move button styles to separate file (e9050b59)
- move example styles to separate file (18b3d5fc)
- use uuid lib instead of useId hook (e20d3225)
- updated aria-label in checkbox links (#110) (c75a7547)
- externalize components (5aee3928)
- markdown onLinkOpen (fa1ff72c)
- logo reducing loading charge (361fcd0a)
- logistic more precise (f243dd92)
- moving icons to new folder and default icon (75f5af63)
- Logo and tooltip externalisation in components (6f88a7a3)
- optimisation of priorityOrder and new language feature displaying countries (c845d30b)
- removing C&R now it will be in /country/data with the other json (98fbed31)
- removing "isMobile" from documentation and adding language (88f56f3b)
- builder: set component props (#141) (f641f20a)
- custom tooltip (8c34cab7)
- remove textarea from tests due to unexpected behaviour (1ab970c7)
- add test coverage (31b2a1b9)
- QuestionInput Test (23d2de28)
- initial test for QuestionInput (21411c7b)
- countryQuestion testing (73237ecd)
- wip: fixing tests (b4305806)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (4c889f55)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (c451685d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (518cbe27)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (00d86bc3)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (ebf5def9)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (cd48fd8f)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (ae23506b)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (e11c20b4)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (f0449363)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (a4c7d27d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (dbdebef4)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (e1fff8e5)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (5cbccfa3)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (9af30de1)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (7c0bb62c)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (2c57f2d2)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (d69840ce)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (b825b1df)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (a2b4c388)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (033fa0b7)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (79a8522e)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (758058f6)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (a310a56c)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (f1489b11)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (d1bb4273)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (b48b8222)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (c9cf2bbb)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (cc55ffd5)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (971714e0)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (a36df67d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (055059d1)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (838940c0)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (c7e66ab5)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (961b2e2d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (074a500d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (aeef551c)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (b93c43ed)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (e08927ca)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (69139c99)
- package updated (45a01e83)
- eslint issues (147a7e03)
- solve conflicts (c4f4dc45)
- solve conflicts (d8c0e8b9)
- solve conflicts (3c686f5b)
- solve conflicts (a3c4a85a)
- solve conflicts (1860b679)
- solve conflicts (ae542434)
- edited pr template (84c2a1ae)
- remove logs (85e6b7bd)
- remove test folder (1b5b93d4)
- eslint fix (c5d373c6)
- ireland updated (870cb4c1)
- delete date logs (c6f0c45b)
- adapt es6 to es5 to prevent errors with loader (5889d28c)
- delete ? into phone component (696fccb2)
- main:
- github-actions-npm:
- master:
- update CI/CD pipeline (3ce29c13)
- update CI/CD pipeline (c8e3626a)
- update CI/CD pipeline (954408e3)
- update CI/CD pipeline (75b8495f)
- update CI/CD pipeline (84b8ce4b)
- update CI/CD pipeline (72c18216)
- update CI/CD pipeline (91d2c37e)
- update CI/CD pipeline (21eda029)
- travis only running at main (dbc4a93f)
- CI/CD node version to 10 (37450548)
- CI/CD Test stage (efaf7116)
- CI/CD Publish stage (8f00cb1b)
- CI/CD docs (aefa3faf)
- public web added (fccde234)
- travis script with conditional deployment at stage (c75b2769)
- travis script with conditional deployment (d729e0ea)
- travis config with version tags (ee200327)
- changelog lib added (42a099eb)
- release script (3f2b0d68)
- adding travis config file (cb4ef886)
- initial commit (aa59600e)
- added codeclimate badges (da155c64)
- add accessibility attributes from radio button and main form (6a421c98)
- add accessibility section to readme (f293ce48)
- add dependant questions logic to radio buttons (e81e81b2)
- Release patch (#143) (940e49d0)
- add array conditions to dependent question in multiple_checkboxes (#126) (ae84e7ff)
- add react markdown to radio label (#111) (d205009a)
- refactor container condiciontalQuestion (67501bc6)
- props added (5c1bfe25)
- new sorted arrays by country name (877b5ad3)
- precommit script added (b85f7ca2)
- precommit script added (91e6f2e9)
- added pre-commit job (34d43e86)
- added pr template and codeowners file (ee824138)
- github action to publish on npm (#98) (e57372b0)
- github action to publish on npm (af134b73)
- textarea question implemented (46e0f1e1)
- add commitLint and Husky (82534965)
- builder parent div updated (ba4fbdd3)
- radio test edit (521f6dce)
- edit labels by question (0c3aaa4a)
- making new and removing old tooltip component (73a1450f)
- button customise by id (0342e6b5)
- multipleCheckbox editable styles (2dbbda2b)
- aligning labels with radios (db555cd4)
- changing how styles are managed (3ffc3da4)
- svg component displayed with inputs and tooltip (9a711a66)
- svg now can be loaded with the library (fcf92aa2)
- placeholder option in select & country Questions (ce9969a8)
- adding license-checker postinstall (9748f18f)
- countryQuestions storybook (6565c1b3)
- now countryQuestion accepts custom list of countries (8c320e17)
- new modal possibility, now we can open different links and show different text in the same modal (200b4469)
- custom component with a modal, now we can open links in a modal or in another tab. (99faab93)
- custom component for check ==> custom checkbox storybook (0b885954)
- storybook related with the checkbox component (b3a383d3)
- add openToDate in date field (e1df7d97)
- add openToDate in date field (dbba3b64)
- export error message to implement into custom component (ddf001d0)
- add custom component compatibility (7d0907d7)
- add minAge to date component (4848362b)
- change value of the country from countryName to countryShortCode (96caaf7f)
- add target option into Checkbox ReactMarckdown links (37e9bb5f)
- add select status (isSelected,isDisabled, isFocused) styles (e067bd10)
- questions: add image input question type (#161) (343c57ab)
- text-area: add word count type (#130) (5306f5b2)
- mobile: add default country value (#124) (37843c67)
- phone: add ltr attribute (#122) (95ee6994)
- regions: change gb, ie, fr and se regions data (#121) (62fec427)
- builder: add dependent question to multicheckboxes (#116) (1d4e3667)
- node: update version (c772b5de)
- multiplecheckbox: add disable others option (#112) (d0c18c88)
- select: update select default value to listen to new value changes (#168) (e91d8c66)
- rollup&Fields: update rollup, use uuidV4, update packages (#144) (40e60a90)
- react-select: use id to prevent hydration errors (#140) (bfcbdf04)
- error-message: use errorStyles prop instead of overwrite sx (#142) (a69d1509)
- text-area:
- eslint: sx problem (#134) (1958e67c)
- textarea errorMessage (#129) (68699f95)
- country conditions uppercase (ca59af7e)
- date picker test (#113) (c1875f86)
- adding countries left asked by ... (dfc8a2cf)
- error no text to display (f826a36f)
- tests (ef6bb026)
- style access (2c01fa5c)
- new logic needs changes in the tests (17207059)
- not displaying tooltip if there is no text (6376863c)
- Date problem with hour depends on GMT and fixing texts (ed85ec7b)
- removing web error default (348dc411)
- name of svg need a format name to avoid errors in tags (888406c9)
- displaying error just if it is neccesary (4b734d51)
- adapt test were needed due to new logic (e664cca3)
- phone input not alway required and name now can be choosen (019226c3)
- phone input is not always required anymore (105740d9)
- old test now everything is ordered... (bab900db)
- add countryAndRegionsData to FB (d694fa81)
- problem rendering select when theme value was null (f2fd2590)
- Quick fix test that was forgotten (d01d6fe3)
- the bugs related with the 1.0.58 version and old bugs from other versions (ae609e37)
- travis build fixing (3a2a7123)
- travis error ? && removing consoles.log (a95ee0f2)
- reducing redundancy repeating question all the time just making the necessary modifications (6b51f4db)
- fix return multipleCheckboxes and multipleImageCheckboxes values, validations (a7ab4a8b)
- fix empty phone error (81b87e1e)
- fix date component in firefox and safari (7eada8da)
- validation birthday date (979a6463)
- form:
- dateQuestion: select date order (#117) (91fa555a)
- dateField: remove ? (3f3603e5)
- selectImage: type of values when undefined (59484424)
- main: travis yaml format (20ecbffe)
- guidesmiths/react-form-builder into main (222931d4)
- guidesmiths/react-form-builder (03291617)
- guidesmiths/react-form-builder (31dcca7f)
- //github.com/guidesmiths/react-form-builder into feat/testing (d4968f87)
- guidesmiths/react-form-builder into main (3c688403)
- //github.com/guidesmiths/react-form-builder (d01cbe71)
- //github.com/guidesmiths/react-form-builder (b5ba58af)
- D (7ddc92c6)
- D (8b43c578)
- logic behind radiobuttons (5c90b1f0)
- undefined value on delete (e8e790bc)
- countries are displayed in the language asked & added countries json (2cd475f3)
- redirection in the href, export modal and included onLinkClick for the customizeCheckbox in formbuilder (12452de6)
- add custom order and custom countryNames into country-component (60091bb0)
- add-date-and-form-types-into-form-builder#19 add date and phone types into form builder (84b8fed3)
- add-calendar-component add Date component, add isBirthDay property and create story (4f1e5626)
- main:
- master:
- builder: set component props (#141) (f641f20a)
- updated aria-label in checkbox links (#110) (c75a7547)
- externalize components (5aee3928)
- markdown onLinkOpen (fa1ff72c)
- logo reducing loading charge (361fcd0a)
- logistic more precise (f243dd92)
- moving icons to new folder and default icon (75f5af63)
- Logo and tooltip externalisation in components (6f88a7a3)
- optimisation of priorityOrder and new language feature displaying countries (c845d30b)
- removing C&R now it will be in /country/data with the other json (98fbed31)
- removing "isMobile" from documentation and adding language (88f56f3b)
- custom tooltip (8c34cab7)
- QuestionInput Test (23d2de28)
- initial test for QuestionInput (21411c7b)
- countryQuestion testing (73237ecd)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (4c889f55)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (c451685d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (518cbe27)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (00d86bc3)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (ebf5def9)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (cd48fd8f)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (ae23506b)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (e11c20b4)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (f0449363)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (a4c7d27d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (dbdebef4)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (e1fff8e5)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (5cbccfa3)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (9af30de1)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (7c0bb62c)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (2c57f2d2)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (d69840ce)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (b825b1df)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (a2b4c388)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (033fa0b7)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (79a8522e)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (758058f6)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (a310a56c)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (f1489b11)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (d1bb4273)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (b48b8222)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (c9cf2bbb)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (cc55ffd5)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (971714e0)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (a36df67d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (055059d1)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (838940c0)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (c7e66ab5)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (961b2e2d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (074a500d)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (aeef551c)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (b93c43ed)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (e08927ca)
- updated CHANGELOG.md (69139c99)
- package updated (45a01e83)
- eslint issues (147a7e03)
- solve conflicts (c4f4dc45)
- solve conflicts (d8c0e8b9)
- solve conflicts (3c686f5b)
- solve conflicts (a3c4a85a)
- solve conflicts (1860b679)
- solve conflicts (ae542434)
- edited pr template (84c2a1ae)
- remove logs (85e6b7bd)
- remove test folder (1b5b93d4)
- eslint fix (c5d373c6)
- ireland updated (870cb4c1)
- delete date logs (c6f0c45b)
- adapt es6 to es5 to prevent errors with loader (5889d28c)
- delete ? into phone component (696fccb2)
- main:
- github-actions-npm:
- master:
- update CI/CD pipeline (3ce29c13)
- update CI/CD pipeline (c8e3626a)
- update CI/CD pipeline (954408e3)
- update CI/CD pipeline (75b8495f)
- update CI/CD pipeline (84b8ce4b)
- update CI/CD pipeline (72c18216)
- update CI/CD pipeline (91d2c37e)
- update CI/CD pipeline (21eda029)
- travis only running at main (dbc4a93f)
- CI/CD node version to 10 (37450548)
- CI/CD Test stage (efaf7116)
- CI/CD Publish stage (8f00cb1b)
- CI/CD docs (aefa3faf)
- public web added (fccde234)
- travis script with conditional deployment at stage (c75b2769)
- travis script with conditional deployment (d729e0ea)
- travis config with version tags (ee200327)
- changelog lib added (42a099eb)
- release script (3f2b0d68)
- adding travis config file (cb4ef886)
- initial commit (aa59600e)
- added codeclimate badges (da155c64)
- add accessibility attributes from radio button and main form (6a421c98)
- add accessibility section to readme (f293ce48)
- add dependant questions logic to radio buttons (e81e81b2)
- Release patch (#143) (940e49d0)
- add array conditions to dependent question in multiple_checkboxes (#126) (ae84e7ff)
- add react markdown to radio label (#111) (d205009a)
- refactor container condiciontalQuestion (67501bc6)
- props added (5c1bfe25)
- new sorted arrays by country name (877b5ad3)
- precommit script added (b85f7ca2)
- precommit script added (91e6f2e9)
- added pre-commit job (34d43e86)
- added pr template and codeowners file (ee824138)
- github action to publish on npm (#98) (e57372b0)
- github action to publish on npm (af134b73)
- textarea question implemented (46e0f1e1)
- add commitLint and Husky (82534965)
- builder parent div updated (ba4fbdd3)
- radio test edit (521f6dce)
- edit labels by question (0c3aaa4a)
- making new and removing old tooltip component (73a1450f)
- button customise by id (0342e6b5)
- multipleCheckbox editable styles (2dbbda2b)
- aligning labels with radios (db555cd4)
- changing how styles are managed (3ffc3da4)
- svg component displayed with inputs and tooltip (9a711a66)
- svg now can be loaded with the library (fcf92aa2)
- placeholder option in select & country Questions (ce9969a8)
- adding license-checker postinstall (9748f18f)
- countryQuestions storybook (6565c1b3)
- now countryQuestion accepts custom list of countries (8c320e17)
- new modal possibility, now we can open different links and show different text in the same modal (200b4469)
- custom component with a modal, now we can open links in a modal or in another tab. (99faab93)
- custom component for check ==> custom checkbox storybook (0b885954)
- storybook related with the checkbox component (b3a383d3)
- add openToDate in date field (e1df7d97)
- add openToDate in date field (dbba3b64)
- export error message to implement into custom component (ddf001d0)
- add custom component compatibility (7d0907d7)
- add minAge to date component (4848362b)
- change value of the country from countryName to countryShortCode (96caaf7f)
- add target option into Checkbox ReactMarckdown links (37e9bb5f)
- add select status (isSelected,isDisabled, isFocused) styles (e067bd10)
- questions: add image input question type (#161) (343c57ab)
- text-area: add word count type (#130) (5306f5b2)
- mobile: add default country value (#124) (37843c67)
- phone: add ltr attribute (#122) (95ee6994)
- regions: change gb, ie, fr and se regions data (#121) (62fec427)
- builder: add dependent question to multicheckboxes (#116) (1d4e3667)
- node: update version (c772b5de)
- multiplecheckbox: add disable others option (#112) (d0c18c88)
- select: update select default value to listen to new value changes (#168) (e91d8c66)
- rollup&Fields: update rollup, use uuidV4, update packages (#144) (40e60a90)
- react-select: use id to prevent hydration errors (#140) (bfcbdf04)
- error-message: use errorStyles prop instead of overwrite sx (#142) (a69d1509)
- text-area:
- eslint: sx problem (#134) (1958e67c)
- textarea errorMessage (#129) (68699f95)
- country conditions uppercase (ca59af7e)
- date picker test (#113) (c1875f86)
- adding countries left asked by ... (dfc8a2cf)
- error no text to display (f826a36f)
- tests (ef6bb026)
- style access (2c01fa5c)
- new logic needs changes in the tests (17207059)
- not displaying tooltip if there is no text (6376863c)
- Date problem with hour depends on GMT and fixing texts (ed85ec7b)
- removing web error default (348dc411)
- name of svg need a format name to avoid errors in tags (888406c9)
- displaying error just if it is neccesary (4b734d51)
- adapt test were needed due to new logic (e664cca3)
- phone input not alway required and name now can be choosen (019226c3)
- phone input is not always required anymore (105740d9)
- old test now everything is ordered... (bab900db)
- add countryAndRegionsData to FB (d694fa81)
- problem rendering select when theme value was null (f2fd2590)
- Quick fix test that was forgotten (d01d6fe3)
- the bugs related with the 1.0.58 version and old bugs from other versions (ae609e37)
- travis build fixing (3a2a7123)
- travis error ? && removing consoles.log (a95ee0f2)
- reducing redundancy repeating question all the time just making the necessary modifications (6b51f4db)
- fix return multipleCheckboxes and multipleImageCheckboxes values, validations (a7ab4a8b)
- fix empty phone error (81b87e1e)
- fix date component in firefox and safari (7eada8da)
- validation birthday date (979a6463)
- form:
- dateQuestion: select date order (#117) (91fa555a)
- dateField: remove ? (3f3603e5)
- selectImage: type of values when undefined (59484424)
- main: travis yaml format (20ecbffe)
- guidesmiths/react-form-builder into main (222931d4)
- guidesmiths/react-form-builder (03291617)
- guidesmiths/react-form-builder (31dcca7f)
- //github.com/guidesmiths/react-form-builder into feat/testing (d4968f87)
- guidesmiths/react-form-builder into main (3c688403)
- //github.com/guidesmiths/react-form-builder (d01cbe71)
- //github.com/guidesmiths/react-form-builder (b5ba58af)
- D (7ddc92c6)
- D (8b43c578)
- logic behind radiobuttons (5c90b1f0)
- undefined value on delete (e8e790bc)
- countries are displayed in the language asked & added countries json (2cd475f3)
- redirection in the href, export modal and included onLinkClick for the customizeCheckbox in formbuilder (12452de6)
- add custom order and custom countryNames into country-component (60091bb0)
- add-date-and-form-types-into-form-builder#19 add date and phone types into form builder (84b8fed3)
- add-calendar-component add Date component, add isBirthDay property and create story (4f1e5626)
- main:
- master:
- builder: set component props (#141) (f641f20a)
- updated aria-label in checkbox links (#110) (c75a7547)
- externalize components (5aee3928)
- markdown onLinkOpen (fa1ff72c)
- logo reducing loading charge (361fcd0a)
- logistic more precise (f243dd92)
- moving icons to new folder and default icon (75f5af63)
- Logo and tooltip externalisation in components (6f88a7a3)
- optimisation of priorityOrder and new language feature displaying countries (c845d30b)
- removing C&R now it will be in /country/data with the other json (98fbed31)
- removing "isMobile" from documentation and adding language (88f56f3b)
- custom tooltip (8c34cab7)