From 756d7a750af9b450e2e89cb4fe299c08d03242ed Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: anjiahao Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2024 16:05:47 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] arm-m armv7a riscv32 :use cfi in irq asm function, make a debug frame test code hello_main int main(int argc, FAR char *argv[]) { uint32_t *p = 0xdeedbeff; *p = 0xffffff; printf("%p\n %x\n", p, *p); return 0; } qemu mps3-an547 hello_main : Triggering an exception, and gdb backtrace is: before: (gdb) bt /#0 0x0001168a in systick_getstatus (lower_=0x100010c , status=0x1000a30 ) at /home/ajh/work/vela_system/nuttx/arch/arm/src/armv8-m/arm_systick.c:142 /#1 0x000122f4 in current_usec () at /home/ajh/work/vela_system/nuttx/drivers/timers/arch_timer.c:105 /#2 0x0001234c in udelay_accurate (microseconds=250000) at /home/ajh/work/vela_system/nuttx/drivers/timers/arch_timer.c:115 /#3 0x000124bc in up_udelay (microseconds=250000) at /home/ajh/work/vela_system/nuttx/drivers/timers/arch_timer.c:463 /#4 0x0001249e in up_mdelay (milliseconds=250) at /home/ajh/work/vela_system/nuttx/drivers/timers/arch_timer.c:446 /#5 0x0000920c in reset_board () at /home/ajh/work/vela_system/nuttx/sched/misc/assert.c:830 /#6 0x0000937c in _assert (filename=0x393f8 "/arch/arm/src/armv8-m/arm_busfault.c", linenum=113, msg=0x393f0 "panic", regs=0x1008500) at /home/ajh/work/vela_system/nuttx/sched/misc/assert.c:940 /#7 0x00000e2c in arm_busfault (irq=3, context=0x1008500, arg=0x0 ) at /home/ajh/work/vela_system/nuttx/arch/arm/src/armv8-m/arm_busfault.c:113 /#8 0x000012d2 in arm_hardfault (irq=3, context=0x1008500, arg=0x0 ) at /home/ajh/work/vela_system/nuttx/arch/arm/src/armv8-m/arm_hardfault.c:142 /#9 0x00008b20 in irq_dispatch (irq=3, context=0x1008500) at /home/ajh/work/vela_system/nuttx/sched/irq/irq_dispatch.c:145 /#10 0x0000041a in arm_doirq (irq=3, regs=0x1008500) at /home/ajh/work/vela_system/nuttx/arch/arm/src/armv8-m/arm_doirq.c:103 /#11 0x0000034e in exception_common () at /home/ajh/work/vela_system/nuttx/arch/arm/src/armv8-m/arm_exception.S:224 after: (gdb) bt /#0 systick_is_running () at /home/ajh/work/vela_system/nuttx/arch/arm/src/armv8-m/arm_systick.c:106 /#1 0x000125c0 in systick_getstatus (lower_=0x1000114 , status=0x1007a20) at /home/ajh/work/vela_system/nuttx/arch/arm/src/armv8-m/arm_systick.c:141 /#2 0x0001323c in current_usec () at /home/ajh/work/vela_system/nuttx/drivers/timers/arch_timer.c:105 /#3 0x00013294 in udelay_accurate (microseconds=250000) at /home/ajh/work/vela_system/nuttx/drivers/timers/arch_timer.c:115 /#4 0x00013404 in up_udelay (microseconds=250000) at /home/ajh/work/vela_system/nuttx/drivers/timers/arch_timer.c:463 /#5 0x000133e6 in up_mdelay (milliseconds=250) at /home/ajh/work/vela_system/nuttx/drivers/timers/arch_timer.c:446 /#6 0x00008c5c in reset_board () at /home/ajh/work/vela_system/nuttx/sched/misc/assert.c:816 /#7 0x00008e88 in _assert (filename=0x39408 "/arch/arm/src/armv8-m/arm_busfault.c", linenum=113, msg=0x39400 "panic", regs=0x1007cf0) at /home/ajh/work/vela_system/nuttx/sched/misc/assert.c:915 /#8 0x00000ce4 in arm_busfault (irq=3, context=0x1007cf0, arg=0x0 ) at /home/ajh/work/vela_system/nuttx/arch/arm/src/armv8-m/arm_busfault.c:113 /#9 0x0000118a in arm_hardfault (irq=3, context=0x1007cf0, arg=0x0 ) at /home/ajh/work/vela_system/nuttx/arch/arm/src/armv8-m/arm_hardfault.c:142 /#10 0x000086cc in irq_dispatch (irq=3, context=0x1007cf0) at /home/ajh/work/vela_system/nuttx/sched/irq/irq_dispatch.c:145 /#11 0x0000041e in arm_doirq (irq=3, regs=0x1007cf0) at /home/ajh/work/vela_system/nuttx/arch/arm/src/armv8-m/arm_doirq.c:99 /#12 0x00000360 in exception_common () at /home/ajh/work/vela_system/nuttx/arch/arm/src/armv8-m/arm_exception.S:230 /#13 0x00027a8c in hello_main (argc=1, argv=0x1006e20) at /home/ajh/work/vela_system/apps/examples/hello/hello_main.c:39 /#14 0x00014968 in nxtask_startup (entrypt=0x27a7d , argc=1, argv=0x1006e20) at /home/ajh/work/vela_system/nuttx/libs/libc/sched/task_startup.c:72 /#15 0x0000f450 in nxtask_start () at /home/ajh/work/vela_system/nuttx/sched/task/task_start.c:116 /#16 0x00000000 in ?? () (gdb) qemu armv7a nsh, hello_main: before: (gdb) bt /#0 udelay_coarse (microseconds=156000) at /home/ajh/work/vela_system/nuttx/drivers/timers/arch_alarm.c:67 /#1 up_ndelay (nanoseconds=nanoseconds@entry=250000000) at /home/ajh/work/vela_system/nuttx/drivers/timers/arch_alarm.c:431 /#2 0x0060c630 in up_udelay (microseconds=microseconds@entry=250000) at /home/ajh/work/vela_system/nuttx/drivers/timers/arch_alarm.c:416 /#3 0x0060c644 in up_mdelay (milliseconds=milliseconds@entry=250) at /home/ajh/work/vela_system/nuttx/drivers/timers/arch_alarm.c:401 /#4 0x006056bc in reset_board () at /home/ajh/work/vela_system/nuttx/sched/misc/assert.c:816 /#5 _assert (filename=filename@entry=0x63047f "/arch/arm/src/armv7-a/arm_dataabort.c", linenum=linenum@entry=157, msg=msg@entry=0x62f56d "panic", regs=, regs@entry=0x4020af10) at /home/ajh/work/vela_system/nuttx/sched/misc/assert.c:915 /#6 0x0060bd74 in arm_dataabort (regs=0x4020af10, dfar=, dfsr=) at /home/ajh/work/vela_system/nuttx/arch/arm/src/armv7-a/arm_dataabort.c:157 /#7 0x0060bc04 in arm_vectordata () at /home/ajh/work/vela_system/nuttx/arch/arm/src/armv7-a/arm_vectors.S:438 Backtrace stopped: previous frame identical to this frame (corrupt stack?) (gdb) after: (gdb) bt /#0 udelay_coarse (microseconds=192000) at /home/ajh/work/vela_system/nuttx/drivers/timers/arch_alarm.c:67 /#1 up_ndelay (nanoseconds=nanoseconds@entry=250000000) at /home/ajh/work/vela_system/nuttx/drivers/timers/arch_alarm.c:431 /#2 0x0060c650 in up_udelay (microseconds=microseconds@entry=250000) at /home/ajh/work/vela_system/nuttx/drivers/timers/arch_alarm.c:416 /#3 0x0060c664 in up_mdelay (milliseconds=milliseconds@entry=250) at /home/ajh/work/vela_system/nuttx/drivers/timers/arch_alarm.c:401 /#4 0x006056bc in reset_board () at /home/ajh/work/vela_system/nuttx/sched/misc/assert.c:816 /#5 _assert (filename=filename@entry=0x63047f "/arch/arm/src/armv7-a/arm_dataabort.c", linenum=linenum@entry=157, msg=msg@entry=0x62f56d "panic", regs=, regs@entry=0x4020af10) at /home/ajh/work/vela_system/nuttx/sched/misc/assert.c:915 /#6 0x0060bd94 in arm_dataabort (regs=0x4020af10, dfar=, dfsr=) at /home/ajh/work/vela_system/nuttx/arch/arm/src/armv7-a/arm_dataabort.c:157 /#7 0x0060bc08 in arm_vectordata () at /home/ajh/work/vela_system/nuttx/arch/arm/src/armv7-a/arm_vectors.S:453 /#8 0x00620cd4 in hello_main (argc=4999, argv=0x0) at /home/ajh/work/vela_system/apps/examples/hello/hello_main.c:41 /#9 0x0060d320 in nxtask_startup (entrypt=0x620cc4 , argc=1, argv=0x4020a088) at /home/ajh/work/vela_system/nuttx/libs/libc/sched/task_startup.c:72 /#10 0x00609b50 in nxtask_start () at /home/ajh/work/vela_system/nuttx/sched/task/task_start.c:116 /#11 0x00000000 in ?? () qemu risc-v nsh before: (gdb) bt /#0 udelay_coarse (microseconds=228000, microseconds@entry=891896832) at timers/arch_alarm.c:67 /#1 up_ndelay (nanoseconds=nanoseconds@entry=250000000) at timers/arch_alarm.c:431 /#2 0x8000397e in up_udelay (microseconds=microseconds@entry=250000) at timers/arch_alarm.c:416 /#3 0x80003988 in up_mdelay (milliseconds=milliseconds@entry=250) at timers/arch_alarm.c:401 /#4 0x80011f1c in reset_board () at misc/assert.c:813 /#5 0x80011f7a in _assert (filename=filename@entry=0x0, linenum=linenum@entry=0, msg=msg@entry=0x8002114c "panic", regs=, regs@entry=0x80030704) at misc/assert.c:915 /#6 0x80006ad6 in riscv_exception (mcause=, regs=0x80030704, args=) at common/riscv_exception.c:129 /#7 0x80000d9e in riscv_doirq (irq=7, regs=) at common/riscv_doirq.c:99 /#8 0x80000164 in exception_common () at common/riscv_exception_common.S:210 Backtrace stopped: frame did not save the PC (gdb) after (gdb) bt /#0 0x80003922 in udelay_coarse (microseconds=90000, microseconds@entry=891896832) at timers/arch_alarm.c:67 /#1 up_ndelay (nanoseconds=nanoseconds@entry=250000000) at timers/arch_alarm.c:431 /#2 0x8000397e in up_udelay (microseconds=microseconds@entry=250000) at timers/arch_alarm.c:416 /#3 0x80003988 in up_mdelay (milliseconds=milliseconds@entry=250) at timers/arch_alarm.c:401 /#4 0x80011f2a in reset_board () at misc/assert.c:816 /#5 0x80011f7a in _assert (filename=filename@entry=0x0, linenum=linenum@entry=0, msg=msg@entry=0x8002114c "panic", regs=, regs@entry=0x80030704) at misc/assert.c:915 /#6 0x80006ad6 in riscv_exception (mcause=, regs=0x80030704, args=) at common/riscv_exception.c:129 /#7 0x80000d9e in riscv_doirq (irq=7, regs=) at common/riscv_doirq.c:99 /#8 0x80000166 in exception_common () at common/riscv_exception_common.S:215 /#9 0x8001792a in hello_main (argc=, argv=) at hello_main.c:41 /#10 0x80004b52 in nxtask_startup (entrypt=0x80030704, argc=1, argv=0x800300e8) at sched/task_startup.c:72 /#11 0x80001e72 in nxtask_start () at task/task_start.c:116 /#12 0x00000000 in ?? () Backtrace stopped: frame did not save the PC (gdb) Signed-off-by: anjiahao --- arch/arm/src/armv6-m/arm_exception.S | 11 +++-- arch/arm/src/armv7-a/arm_vectors.S | 41 ++++++++++++++++++- arch/arm/src/armv7-m/arm_exception.S | 10 ++++- arch/arm/src/armv8-m/arm_exception.S | 11 +++-- .../src/common/riscv_exception_common.S | 7 ++++ 5 files changed, 71 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-) diff --git a/arch/arm/src/armv6-m/arm_exception.S b/arch/arm/src/armv6-m/arm_exception.S index 22dea51a5a2..c9eb9999ef2 100644 --- a/arch/arm/src/armv6-m/arm_exception.S +++ b/arch/arm/src/armv6-m/arm_exception.S @@ -87,7 +87,8 @@ .syntax unified .type exception_common, function exception_common: - + .cfi_sections .debug_frame + .cfi_startproc /* Complete the context save */ /* Get the current stack pointer. The EXC_RETURN value tells us whether @@ -164,7 +165,11 @@ exception_common: isb sy 3: #endif - + mov fp, r1 + .cfi_def_cfa fp, 0 /* Register in fp, so we just set fp as frame */ + .cfi_offset pc, REG_PC * 4 + .cfi_offset sp, REG_SP * 4 + .cfi_offset lr, REG_LR * 4 bl arm_doirq /* R0=IRQ, R1=register save area on stack */ /* On return from arm_doirq, R0 will hold a pointer to register context @@ -217,7 +222,7 @@ exception_common: */ bx r14 /* And return */ - + .cfi_endproc .size exception_common, .-exception_common /**************************************************************************** diff --git a/arch/arm/src/armv7-a/arm_vectors.S b/arch/arm/src/armv7-a/arm_vectors.S index ec70f827dff..e642eed2891 100644 --- a/arch/arm/src/armv7-a/arm_vectors.S +++ b/arch/arm/src/armv7-a/arm_vectors.S @@ -171,6 +171,8 @@ .type arm_vectorirq, %function arm_vectorirq: + .cfi_sections .debug_frame + .cfi_startproc /* Save the LR and SPSR onto the SYS mode stack before switch. */ @@ -232,6 +234,11 @@ arm_vectorirq: #endif bic sp, sp, #7 /* Force 8-byte alignment */ + mov fp, r0 + .cfi_def_cfa fp, 0 /* Register in fp, so we just set fp as frame */ + .cfi_offset pc, REG_PC * 4 + .cfi_offset sp, REG_SP * 4 + .cfi_offset lr, REG_LR * 4 bl arm_decodeirq /* Call the handler */ mov sp, r4 /* Restore the possibly unaligned stack pointer */ @@ -265,6 +272,7 @@ arm_vectorirq: .Lirqstacktop: .word g_intstacktop #endif + .cfi_endproc .size arm_vectorirq, . - arm_vectorirq .align 5 @@ -392,6 +400,8 @@ arm_vectorsvc: .type arm_vectordata, %function arm_vectordata: + .cfi_sections .debug_frame + .cfi_startproc /* Save the LR and SPSR onto the SYS mode stack before switch. */ @@ -435,6 +445,11 @@ arm_vectordata: mrc CP15_DFSR(r2) /* Get r2=DFSR */ mov r4, sp /* Save the SP in a preserved register */ bic sp, sp, #7 /* Force 8-byte alignment */ + mov fp, r0 + .cfi_def_cfa fp, 0 /* Register in fp, so we just set fp as frame */ + .cfi_offset pc, REG_PC * 4 + .cfi_offset sp, REG_SP * 4 + .cfi_offset lr, REG_LR * 4 bl arm_dataabort /* Call the handler */ mov sp, r4 /* Restore the possibly unaligned stack pointer */ @@ -463,6 +478,7 @@ arm_vectordata: /* Restore the CPSR, SYS mode registers and return. */ rfeia r14 + .cfi_endproc .size arm_vectordata, . - arm_vectordata .align 5 @@ -483,6 +499,8 @@ arm_vectordata: .type arm_vectorprefetch, %function arm_vectorprefetch: + .cfi_sections .debug_frame + .cfi_startproc /* Save the LR and SPSR onto the SYS mode stack before switch. */ @@ -520,6 +538,11 @@ arm_vectorprefetch: mrc CP15_IFSR(r2) /* Get r2=IFSR */ mov r4, sp /* Save the SP in a preserved register */ bic sp, sp, #7 /* Force 8-byte alignment */ + mov fp, r0 + .cfi_def_cfa fp, 0 /* Register in fp, so we just set fp as frame */ + .cfi_offset pc, REG_PC * 4 + .cfi_offset sp, REG_SP * 4 + .cfi_offset lr, REG_LR * 4 bl arm_prefetchabort /* Call the handler */ mov sp, r4 /* Restore the possibly unaligned stack pointer */ @@ -548,6 +571,7 @@ arm_vectorprefetch: /* Restore the CPSR, SYS mode registers and return. */ rfeia r14 + .cfi_endproc .size arm_vectorprefetch, . - arm_vectorprefetch .align 5 @@ -566,7 +590,8 @@ arm_vectorprefetch: .type arm_vectorundefinsn, %function arm_vectorundefinsn: - + .cfi_sections .debug_frame + .cfi_startproc /* Save the LR and SPSR onto the SYS mode stack before switch. */ srsdb sp!, #PSR_MODE_SYS @@ -600,6 +625,11 @@ arm_vectorundefinsn: mov r0, sp /* Get r0=xcp */ mov r4, sp /* Save the SP in a preserved register */ bic sp, sp, #7 /* Force 8-byte alignment */ + mov fp, r0 + .cfi_def_cfa fp, 0 /* Register in fp, so we just set fp as frame */ + .cfi_offset pc, REG_PC * 4 + .cfi_offset sp, REG_SP * 4 + .cfi_offset lr, REG_LR * 4 bl arm_undefinedinsn /* Call the handler */ mov sp, r4 /* Restore the possibly unaligned stack pointer */ @@ -628,6 +658,7 @@ arm_vectorundefinsn: /* Restore the CPSR, SYS mode registers and return. */ rfeia r14 + .cfi_endproc .size arm_vectorundefinsn, . - arm_vectorundefinsn .align 5 @@ -648,6 +679,8 @@ arm_vectorundefinsn: .type arm_vectorfiq, %function arm_vectorfiq: + .cfi_sections .debug_frame + .cfi_startproc #if defined(CONFIG_ARCH_TRUSTZONE_SECURE) || defined(CONFIG_ARCH_HIPRI_INTERRUPT) /* Save the LR and SPSR onto the SYS mode stack before switch. */ @@ -690,6 +723,11 @@ arm_vectorfiq: #endif bic sp, sp, #7 /* Force 8-byte alignment */ + mov fp, r0 + .cfi_def_cfa fp, 0 /* Register in fp, so we just set fp as frame */ + .cfi_offset pc, REG_PC * 4 + .cfi_offset sp, REG_SP * 4 + .cfi_offset lr, REG_LR * 4 bl arm_decodefiq /* Call the handler */ mov sp, r4 /* Restore the possibly unaligned stack pointer */ @@ -729,6 +767,7 @@ arm_vectorfiq: #else subs pc, lr, #4 #endif + .cfi_endproc .size arm_vectorfiq, . - arm_vectorfiq /**************************************************************************** diff --git a/arch/arm/src/armv7-m/arm_exception.S b/arch/arm/src/armv7-m/arm_exception.S index 4f057ae113a..641935d9f29 100644 --- a/arch/arm/src/armv7-m/arm_exception.S +++ b/arch/arm/src/armv7-m/arm_exception.S @@ -129,7 +129,8 @@ .type exception_common, function #endif exception_common: - + .cfi_sections .debug_frame + .cfi_startproc mrs r0, ipsr /* R0=exception number */ mrs r12, control /* R12=control */ @@ -210,7 +211,11 @@ exception_common: mov sp, r2 /* Instantiate the aligned stack */ 3: #endif - + mov fp, r1 + .cfi_def_cfa r4, 0 /* Register in fp, so we just set fp as frame */ + .cfi_offset pc, REG_PC * 4 + .cfi_offset sp, REG_SP * 4 + .cfi_offset lr, REG_LR * 4 bl arm_doirq /* R0=IRQ, R1=register save (msp) */ /* On return from arm_doirq, R0 will hold a pointer to register context @@ -250,6 +255,7 @@ exception_common: */ bx r14 /* And return */ + .cfi_endproc .size exception_common, .-exception_common diff --git a/arch/arm/src/armv8-m/arm_exception.S b/arch/arm/src/armv8-m/arm_exception.S index cd9cc92bc73..c0975911d96 100644 --- a/arch/arm/src/armv8-m/arm_exception.S +++ b/arch/arm/src/armv8-m/arm_exception.S @@ -122,7 +122,8 @@ .thumb_func .type exception_common, function exception_common: - + .cfi_sections .debug_frame + .cfi_startproc mrs r12, control /* R12=control */ /* Complete the context save */ @@ -221,7 +222,11 @@ exception_common: mov sp, r2 /* Instantiate the aligned stack */ 3: #endif - + mov fp, r1 + .cfi_def_cfa fp, 0 /* Register in fp, so we just set fp as frame */ + .cfi_offset pc, REG_PC * 4 + .cfi_offset sp, REG_SP * 4 + .cfi_offset lr, REG_LR * 4 bl arm_doirq /* R0=IRQ, R1=register save (msp) */ /* On return from arm_doirq, R0 will hold a pointer to register context @@ -271,7 +276,7 @@ exception_common: */ bx r14 /* And return */ - + .cfi_endproc .size exception_common, .-exception_common /**************************************************************************** diff --git a/arch/risc-v/src/common/riscv_exception_common.S b/arch/risc-v/src/common/riscv_exception_common.S index 24223067f8b..78fd2ed328a 100644 --- a/arch/risc-v/src/common/riscv_exception_common.S +++ b/arch/risc-v/src/common/riscv_exception_common.S @@ -104,6 +104,8 @@ .align 8 exception_common: + .cfi_sections .debug_frame + .cfi_startproc #ifdef CONFIG_ARCH_KERNEL_STACK /* Take the kernel stack into use */ @@ -198,6 +200,10 @@ handle_irq: mv a0, s2 /* exception cause */ mv a1, sp /* context = sp */ + mv fp, a1 /* Use fp to debug frame */ + .cfi_def_cfa fp, 0 /* Register in fp, so we just set fp as frame */ + .cfi_offset x2, 8 /* Toolchain not support macro, is REG_X2 * 4 */ + .cfi_offset ra, 0 /* Toolchain not support macro, is REG_EPC * 4 */ #if CONFIG_ARCH_INTERRUPTSTACK > 15 @@ -272,6 +278,7 @@ return_from_exception: /* Return from exception */ ERET + .cfi_endproc /**************************************************************************** * Function: riscv_jump_to_user