Database schema specification for PV Site data.
read: # Sub package containing modules for reading from the database
write: # Sub package containing modules for writing to the database
- # Class for connecting to the database
- # SQLAlchemy definitions of table schemas
tests: # External tests package
Classes specifying table schemas:
- APIRequestSQL
- GenerationSQL
- ForecastSQL
- ForecastValueSQL
- MLModelSQL
- UserSQL
- SiteSQL
- SiteGroupSQL
- StatusSQL
- ClientSQL
Database connection objects:
- DatabaseConnection
- Read function currently accessible via
from import <func>
. - Write function Currently accessible via
from pvsite_datamodels.write import <func>
Read Package Functions | Write Package Functions |
get_user_by_email |
insert_forecast_values |
get_pv_generation_by_sites |
insert_generation_values |
get_site_by_uuid |
create_site |
get_site_by_client_site_id |
create_site_group |
get_site_by_client_site_name |
create_user |
get_sites_by_client_name |
create_client |
get_all_sites |
make_fake_site |
get_sites_by_country |
add_site_to_site_group |
get_site_group_by_name |
change_user_site_group |
get_latest_status |
update_user_site_group |
get_latest_forecast_values_by_site |
edit_site |
get_client_by_name |
edit_client |
assign_site_to_client |
delete_site |
delete_user |
delete_site_group |
This guide walks you through setting up the repository locally, installing dependencies. Follow the steps carefully to get your development environment up and running.
Install Poetry for dependency management
Install Pgadmin4 for database management
Follow these steps to set up the database locally:
Install PostgreSQL: Download and install PostgreSQL on your system : Download PostgreSQL for Linux
Start PostgreSQL Service:
sudo service postgresql start
- Check PostgreSQL Status: Ensure the service is running properly:
sudo service postgresql status
- Get Your Local IP Address: Copy the IP address to configure your connection:
hostname -I
Create the Database: Use pgAdmin 4 or the command line to create your database.
Run Migrations with Alembic: Export the database URL and apply migrations:
export DB_URL="postgresql://<username>:<password>@<your_ip>:5432/<your_database>"
- Note: Replace the placeholders with your actual database credentials.
- Run the migrations:
poetry run alembic upgrade head
- Fork & Clone the Repository:
git clone
- Navigate to the Repository:
cd pv-site-datamodel
- Install Dependencies:
poetry install
- Activate Virtual Environment:
source .venv/bin/activate
- Set Database URL:
Replace the placeholder with your actual database connection string.
export DB_URL="postgresql://<username>:<password>@<your_ip>:5432/<your_database>"
- Make Code Changes:
Modify the necessary code files as needed.
- Format the Code:
make format
- Lint the Code:
make lint
Run the following command to execute the test suite:
make test
title: SQLAlchemy relationships
class UserSQL{
+ user_uuid : UUID ≪ PK ≫
+ email : String(255) ≪ U ≫
+ site_group_uuid : UUID ≪ FK ≫
class SiteGroupSQL{
+ site_group_uuid : UUID ≪ PK ≫
+ site_group_name : String(255) ≪ U ≫
+ service_level : Integer ≪ U ≫
class SiteGroupSiteSQL{
+ site_group_site_uuid : UUID ≪ PK ≫
+ site_group_uuid : UUID ≪ FK ≫
+ site_uuid : UUID ≪ FK ≫
class SiteSQL{
+ site_uuid : UUID ≪ PK ≫
+ client_site_id : Integer
+ client_site_name : String(255)
+ country : String(255) ≪ D ≫
+ region : String(255)
+ dno : String(255)
+ gsp : String(255)
+ asset_type : Enum ≪ D ≫
+ orientation : Float
+ tilt : Float
+ latitude : Float
+ longitude : Float
+ capacity_kw : Float
+ inverter_capacity_kw : Float
+ module_capacity_kw : Float
+ ml_id : Integer ≪ U ≫
+ client_uuid : UUID ≪ FK ≫
+ ml_model_uuid : UUID ≪ FK ≫
class ClientSQL{
+ client_uuid : UUID ≪ PK ≫
+ client_name : String(255)
class GenerationSQL{
+ generation_uuid : UUID ≪ PK ≫
+ site_uuid : UUID ≪ FK ≫
+ generation_power_kw : Float
+ start_utc : DateTime
+ end_utc : DateTime
class ForecastSQL{
+ forecast_uuid : UUID ≪ PK ≫
+ site_uuid : UUID ≪ FK ≫
+ timestamp_utc : DateTime
+ forecast_version : String(32)
class ForecastValueSQL{
+ forecast_value_uuid : UUID ≪ PK ≫
+ start_utc : DateTime
+ end_utc : DateTime
+ forecast_power_kw : Float
+ horizon_minutes : Integer
+ forecast_uuid : UUID ≪ FK ≫
class StatusSQL{
+ status_uuid : UUID ≪ PK ≫
+ status : String(255)
+ message : String(255)
class InverterSQL{
+ inverter_uuid : UUID ≪ PK ≫
+ site_uuid : UUID ≪ FK ≫
class APIRequestSQL{
+ uuid : UUID ≪ PK ≫
+ url : String
+ user_uuid : UUID ≪ FK ≫
class MLModelSQL{
+ uuid : UUID ≪ PK ≫
+ mode_name : String
+ model_version : UUID ≪ FK ≫
UserSQL "1" -- "N" SiteGroupSQL : belongs_to
SiteGroupSQL "N" -- "N" SiteSQL : contains
SiteGroupSQL "1" -- "N" SiteGroupSiteSQL : contains
SiteSQL "1" -- "N" GenerationSQL : generates
SiteSQL "1" -- "N" ForecastSQL : forecasts
SiteSQL "N" -- "0" MLModelSQL : ml_model
ForecastSQL "1" -- "N" ForecastValueSQL : contains
MLModelSQL "1" -- "N" ForecastValueSQL : forecasts
SiteSQL "1" -- "N" InverterSQL : contains
UserSQL "1" -- "N" APIRequestSQL : performs_request
ClientSQL "1" -- "N" SiteSQL : owns
class Legend{
UUID: Universally Unique Identifier
PK: Primary Key
FK: Foreign Key
U: Unique Constraint
D: Default Value
We have the ability to have these different scenarios
- one user - can add or view one site
- one user, can add or view multiple sites
- Two users (for example from the sample company), want to look at one site
- Two users, wanting to look at multiple sites (could be added by another user). Any user from site group can add a site.
- OCF user want to see everything (admin)
graph TD;
User-- N:1 -->SiteGroup;
SiteGroup-- N:N -->Site;
- One
is in onesitegroup
. Each site group can have multiple users. - Each
contains multiplesites
. Onesite
can be in multiplesitegroups
graph TD;
B --> C(Site);
graph TD;
B --> C1(Site1);
B --> C2(Site2);
graph TD;
B --> C1(Site1);
graph TD;
B --> C1(Site1);
B --> C2(Site2);
graph TD;
B --> C1(Site1);
B --> C2(Site2);
B2 --> C1(Site1);
B2 --> C2(Site2);
B2 --> C3(Site3);
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!