diff --git a/.stats.yml b/.stats.yml
index 6ecfe8d..6a8c142 100644
--- a/.stats.yml
+++ b/.stats.yml
@@ -1 +1 @@
-configured_endpoints: 12
+configured_endpoints: 13
diff --git a/openlayer-java-core/src/main/kotlin/com/openlayer/api/models/InferencePipelineUpdateParams.kt b/openlayer-java-core/src/main/kotlin/com/openlayer/api/models/InferencePipelineUpdateParams.kt
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index 0000000..66bece6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openlayer-java-core/src/main/kotlin/com/openlayer/api/models/InferencePipelineUpdateParams.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+// File generated from our OpenAPI spec by Stainless.
+package com.openlayer.api.models
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAnyGetter
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAnySetter
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonDeserialize
+import com.openlayer.api.core.ExcludeMissing
+import com.openlayer.api.core.JsonValue
+import com.openlayer.api.core.NoAutoDetect
+import com.openlayer.api.core.toUnmodifiable
+import com.openlayer.api.models.*
+import java.util.Objects
+import java.util.Optional
+class InferencePipelineUpdateParams
+    private val inferencePipelineId: String,
+    private val description: String?,
+    private val name: String?,
+    private val referenceDatasetUri: String?,
+    private val additionalQueryParams: Map<String, List<String>>,
+    private val additionalHeaders: Map<String, List<String>>,
+    private val additionalBodyProperties: Map<String, JsonValue>,
+) {
+    fun inferencePipelineId(): String = inferencePipelineId
+    fun description(): Optional<String> = Optional.ofNullable(description)
+    fun name(): Optional<String> = Optional.ofNullable(name)
+    fun referenceDatasetUri(): Optional<String> = Optional.ofNullable(referenceDatasetUri)
+    @JvmSynthetic
+    internal fun getBody(): InferencePipelineUpdateBody {
+        return InferencePipelineUpdateBody(
+            description,
+            name,
+            referenceDatasetUri,
+            additionalBodyProperties,
+        )
+    }
+    @JvmSynthetic internal fun getQueryParams(): Map<String, List<String>> = additionalQueryParams
+    @JvmSynthetic internal fun getHeaders(): Map<String, List<String>> = additionalHeaders
+    fun getPathParam(index: Int): String {
+        return when (index) {
+            0 -> inferencePipelineId
+            else -> ""
+        }
+    }
+    @JsonDeserialize(builder = InferencePipelineUpdateBody.Builder::class)
+    @NoAutoDetect
+    class InferencePipelineUpdateBody
+    internal constructor(
+        private val description: String?,
+        private val name: String?,
+        private val referenceDatasetUri: String?,
+        private val additionalProperties: Map<String, JsonValue>,
+    ) {
+        private var hashCode: Int = 0
+        /** The inference pipeline description. */
+        @JsonProperty("description") fun description(): String? = description
+        /** The inference pipeline name. */
+        @JsonProperty("name") fun name(): String? = name
+        /**
+         * The storage uri of your reference dataset. We recommend using the Python SDK or the UI to
+         * handle your reference dataset updates.
+         */
+        @JsonProperty("referenceDatasetUri")
+        fun referenceDatasetUri(): String? = referenceDatasetUri
+        @JsonAnyGetter
+        @ExcludeMissing
+        fun _additionalProperties(): Map<String, JsonValue> = additionalProperties
+        fun toBuilder() = Builder().from(this)
+        override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
+            if (this === other) {
+                return true
+            }
+            return other is InferencePipelineUpdateBody &&
+                this.description == other.description &&
+                this.name == other.name &&
+                this.referenceDatasetUri == other.referenceDatasetUri &&
+                this.additionalProperties == other.additionalProperties
+        }
+        override fun hashCode(): Int {
+            if (hashCode == 0) {
+                hashCode =
+                    Objects.hash(
+                        description,
+                        name,
+                        referenceDatasetUri,
+                        additionalProperties,
+                    )
+            }
+            return hashCode
+        }
+        override fun toString() =
+            "InferencePipelineUpdateBody{description=$description, name=$name, referenceDatasetUri=$referenceDatasetUri, additionalProperties=$additionalProperties}"
+        companion object {
+            @JvmStatic fun builder() = Builder()
+        }
+        class Builder {
+            private var description: String? = null
+            private var name: String? = null
+            private var referenceDatasetUri: String? = null
+            private var additionalProperties: MutableMap<String, JsonValue> = mutableMapOf()
+            @JvmSynthetic
+            internal fun from(inferencePipelineUpdateBody: InferencePipelineUpdateBody) = apply {
+                this.description = inferencePipelineUpdateBody.description
+                this.name = inferencePipelineUpdateBody.name
+                this.referenceDatasetUri = inferencePipelineUpdateBody.referenceDatasetUri
+                additionalProperties(inferencePipelineUpdateBody.additionalProperties)
+            }
+            /** The inference pipeline description. */
+            @JsonProperty("description")
+            fun description(description: String) = apply { this.description = description }
+            /** The inference pipeline name. */
+            @JsonProperty("name") fun name(name: String) = apply { this.name = name }
+            /**
+             * The storage uri of your reference dataset. We recommend using the Python SDK or the
+             * UI to handle your reference dataset updates.
+             */
+            @JsonProperty("referenceDatasetUri")
+            fun referenceDatasetUri(referenceDatasetUri: String) = apply {
+                this.referenceDatasetUri = referenceDatasetUri
+            }
+            fun additionalProperties(additionalProperties: Map<String, JsonValue>) = apply {
+                this.additionalProperties.clear()
+                this.additionalProperties.putAll(additionalProperties)
+            }
+            @JsonAnySetter
+            fun putAdditionalProperty(key: String, value: JsonValue) = apply {
+                this.additionalProperties.put(key, value)
+            }
+            fun putAllAdditionalProperties(additionalProperties: Map<String, JsonValue>) = apply {
+                this.additionalProperties.putAll(additionalProperties)
+            }
+            fun build(): InferencePipelineUpdateBody =
+                InferencePipelineUpdateBody(
+                    description,
+                    name,
+                    referenceDatasetUri,
+                    additionalProperties.toUnmodifiable(),
+                )
+        }
+    }
+    fun _additionalQueryParams(): Map<String, List<String>> = additionalQueryParams
+    fun _additionalHeaders(): Map<String, List<String>> = additionalHeaders
+    fun _additionalBodyProperties(): Map<String, JsonValue> = additionalBodyProperties
+    override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
+        if (this === other) {
+            return true
+        }
+        return other is InferencePipelineUpdateParams &&
+            this.inferencePipelineId == other.inferencePipelineId &&
+            this.description == other.description &&
+            this.name == other.name &&
+            this.referenceDatasetUri == other.referenceDatasetUri &&
+            this.additionalQueryParams == other.additionalQueryParams &&
+            this.additionalHeaders == other.additionalHeaders &&
+            this.additionalBodyProperties == other.additionalBodyProperties
+    }
+    override fun hashCode(): Int {
+        return Objects.hash(
+            inferencePipelineId,
+            description,
+            name,
+            referenceDatasetUri,
+            additionalQueryParams,
+            additionalHeaders,
+            additionalBodyProperties,
+        )
+    }
+    override fun toString() =
+        "InferencePipelineUpdateParams{inferencePipelineId=$inferencePipelineId, description=$description, name=$name, referenceDatasetUri=$referenceDatasetUri, additionalQueryParams=$additionalQueryParams, additionalHeaders=$additionalHeaders, additionalBodyProperties=$additionalBodyProperties}"
+    fun toBuilder() = Builder().from(this)
+    companion object {
+        @JvmStatic fun builder() = Builder()
+    }
+    @NoAutoDetect
+    class Builder {
+        private var inferencePipelineId: String? = null
+        private var description: String? = null
+        private var name: String? = null
+        private var referenceDatasetUri: String? = null
+        private var additionalQueryParams: MutableMap<String, MutableList<String>> = mutableMapOf()
+        private var additionalHeaders: MutableMap<String, MutableList<String>> = mutableMapOf()
+        private var additionalBodyProperties: MutableMap<String, JsonValue> = mutableMapOf()
+        @JvmSynthetic
+        internal fun from(inferencePipelineUpdateParams: InferencePipelineUpdateParams) = apply {
+            this.inferencePipelineId = inferencePipelineUpdateParams.inferencePipelineId
+            this.description = inferencePipelineUpdateParams.description
+            this.name = inferencePipelineUpdateParams.name
+            this.referenceDatasetUri = inferencePipelineUpdateParams.referenceDatasetUri
+            additionalQueryParams(inferencePipelineUpdateParams.additionalQueryParams)
+            additionalHeaders(inferencePipelineUpdateParams.additionalHeaders)
+            additionalBodyProperties(inferencePipelineUpdateParams.additionalBodyProperties)
+        }
+        fun inferencePipelineId(inferencePipelineId: String) = apply {
+            this.inferencePipelineId = inferencePipelineId
+        }
+        /** The inference pipeline description. */
+        fun description(description: String) = apply { this.description = description }
+        /** The inference pipeline name. */
+        fun name(name: String) = apply { this.name = name }
+        /**
+         * The storage uri of your reference dataset. We recommend using the Python SDK or the UI to
+         * handle your reference dataset updates.
+         */
+        fun referenceDatasetUri(referenceDatasetUri: String) = apply {
+            this.referenceDatasetUri = referenceDatasetUri
+        }
+        fun additionalQueryParams(additionalQueryParams: Map<String, List<String>>) = apply {
+            this.additionalQueryParams.clear()
+            putAllQueryParams(additionalQueryParams)
+        }
+        fun putQueryParam(name: String, value: String) = apply {
+            this.additionalQueryParams.getOrPut(name) { mutableListOf() }.add(value)
+        }
+        fun putQueryParams(name: String, values: Iterable<String>) = apply {
+            this.additionalQueryParams.getOrPut(name) { mutableListOf() }.addAll(values)
+        }
+        fun putAllQueryParams(additionalQueryParams: Map<String, Iterable<String>>) = apply {
+            additionalQueryParams.forEach(this::putQueryParams)
+        }
+        fun removeQueryParam(name: String) = apply {
+            this.additionalQueryParams.put(name, mutableListOf())
+        }
+        fun additionalHeaders(additionalHeaders: Map<String, Iterable<String>>) = apply {
+            this.additionalHeaders.clear()
+            putAllHeaders(additionalHeaders)
+        }
+        fun putHeader(name: String, value: String) = apply {
+            this.additionalHeaders.getOrPut(name) { mutableListOf() }.add(value)
+        }
+        fun putHeaders(name: String, values: Iterable<String>) = apply {
+            this.additionalHeaders.getOrPut(name) { mutableListOf() }.addAll(values)
+        }
+        fun putAllHeaders(additionalHeaders: Map<String, Iterable<String>>) = apply {
+            additionalHeaders.forEach(this::putHeaders)
+        }
+        fun removeHeader(name: String) = apply { this.additionalHeaders.put(name, mutableListOf()) }
+        fun additionalBodyProperties(additionalBodyProperties: Map<String, JsonValue>) = apply {
+            this.additionalBodyProperties.clear()
+            this.additionalBodyProperties.putAll(additionalBodyProperties)
+        }
+        fun putAdditionalBodyProperty(key: String, value: JsonValue) = apply {
+            this.additionalBodyProperties.put(key, value)
+        }
+        fun putAllAdditionalBodyProperties(additionalBodyProperties: Map<String, JsonValue>) =
+            apply {
+                this.additionalBodyProperties.putAll(additionalBodyProperties)
+            }
+        fun build(): InferencePipelineUpdateParams =
+            InferencePipelineUpdateParams(
+                checkNotNull(inferencePipelineId) {
+                    "`inferencePipelineId` is required but was not set"
+                },
+                description,
+                name,
+                referenceDatasetUri,
+                additionalQueryParams.mapValues { it.value.toUnmodifiable() }.toUnmodifiable(),
+                additionalHeaders.mapValues { it.value.toUnmodifiable() }.toUnmodifiable(),
+                additionalBodyProperties.toUnmodifiable(),
+            )
+    }
diff --git a/openlayer-java-core/src/main/kotlin/com/openlayer/api/models/InferencePipelineUpdateResponse.kt b/openlayer-java-core/src/main/kotlin/com/openlayer/api/models/InferencePipelineUpdateResponse.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e7d741
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openlayer-java-core/src/main/kotlin/com/openlayer/api/models/InferencePipelineUpdateResponse.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,611 @@
+// File generated from our OpenAPI spec by Stainless.
+package com.openlayer.api.models
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAnyGetter
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAnySetter
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonDeserialize
+import com.openlayer.api.core.Enum
+import com.openlayer.api.core.ExcludeMissing
+import com.openlayer.api.core.JsonField
+import com.openlayer.api.core.JsonMissing
+import com.openlayer.api.core.JsonValue
+import com.openlayer.api.core.NoAutoDetect
+import com.openlayer.api.core.toUnmodifiable
+import com.openlayer.api.errors.OpenlayerInvalidDataException
+import java.time.OffsetDateTime
+import java.util.Objects
+import java.util.Optional
+@JsonDeserialize(builder = InferencePipelineUpdateResponse.Builder::class)
+class InferencePipelineUpdateResponse
+private constructor(
+    private val id: JsonField<String>,
+    private val projectId: JsonField<String>,
+    private val name: JsonField<String>,
+    private val dateCreated: JsonField<OffsetDateTime>,
+    private val dateUpdated: JsonField<OffsetDateTime>,
+    private val dateLastSampleReceived: JsonField<OffsetDateTime>,
+    private val description: JsonField<String>,
+    private val dateLastEvaluated: JsonField<OffsetDateTime>,
+    private val dateOfNextEvaluation: JsonField<OffsetDateTime>,
+    private val passingGoalCount: JsonField<Long>,
+    private val failingGoalCount: JsonField<Long>,
+    private val totalGoalCount: JsonField<Long>,
+    private val status: JsonField<Status>,
+    private val statusMessage: JsonField<String>,
+    private val links: JsonField<Links>,
+    private val additionalProperties: Map<String, JsonValue>,
+) {
+    private var validated: Boolean = false
+    private var hashCode: Int = 0
+    /** The inference pipeline id. */
+    fun id(): String = id.getRequired("id")
+    /** The project id. */
+    fun projectId(): String = projectId.getRequired("projectId")
+    /** The inference pipeline name. */
+    fun name(): String = name.getRequired("name")
+    /** The creation date. */
+    fun dateCreated(): OffsetDateTime = dateCreated.getRequired("dateCreated")
+    /** The last updated date. */
+    fun dateUpdated(): OffsetDateTime = dateUpdated.getRequired("dateUpdated")
+    /** The last data sample received date. */
+    fun dateLastSampleReceived(): Optional<OffsetDateTime> =
+        Optional.ofNullable(dateLastSampleReceived.getNullable("dateLastSampleReceived"))
+    /** The inference pipeline description. */
+    fun description(): Optional<String> =
+        Optional.ofNullable(description.getNullable("description"))
+    /** The last test evaluation date. */
+    fun dateLastEvaluated(): Optional<OffsetDateTime> =
+        Optional.ofNullable(dateLastEvaluated.getNullable("dateLastEvaluated"))
+    /** The next test evaluation date. */
+    fun dateOfNextEvaluation(): Optional<OffsetDateTime> =
+        Optional.ofNullable(dateOfNextEvaluation.getNullable("dateOfNextEvaluation"))
+    /** The number of tests passing. */
+    fun passingGoalCount(): Long = passingGoalCount.getRequired("passingGoalCount")
+    /** The number of tests failing. */
+    fun failingGoalCount(): Long = failingGoalCount.getRequired("failingGoalCount")
+    /** The total number of tests. */
+    fun totalGoalCount(): Long = totalGoalCount.getRequired("totalGoalCount")
+    /** The status of test evaluation for the inference pipeline. */
+    fun status(): Status = status.getRequired("status")
+    /** The status message of test evaluation for the inference pipeline. */
+    fun statusMessage(): Optional<String> =
+        Optional.ofNullable(statusMessage.getNullable("statusMessage"))
+    fun links(): Links = links.getRequired("links")
+    /** The inference pipeline id. */
+    @JsonProperty("id") @ExcludeMissing fun _id() = id
+    /** The project id. */
+    @JsonProperty("projectId") @ExcludeMissing fun _projectId() = projectId
+    /** The inference pipeline name. */
+    @JsonProperty("name") @ExcludeMissing fun _name() = name
+    /** The creation date. */
+    @JsonProperty("dateCreated") @ExcludeMissing fun _dateCreated() = dateCreated
+    /** The last updated date. */
+    @JsonProperty("dateUpdated") @ExcludeMissing fun _dateUpdated() = dateUpdated
+    /** The last data sample received date. */
+    @JsonProperty("dateLastSampleReceived")
+    @ExcludeMissing
+    fun _dateLastSampleReceived() = dateLastSampleReceived
+    /** The inference pipeline description. */
+    @JsonProperty("description") @ExcludeMissing fun _description() = description
+    /** The last test evaluation date. */
+    @JsonProperty("dateLastEvaluated") @ExcludeMissing fun _dateLastEvaluated() = dateLastEvaluated
+    /** The next test evaluation date. */
+    @JsonProperty("dateOfNextEvaluation")
+    @ExcludeMissing
+    fun _dateOfNextEvaluation() = dateOfNextEvaluation
+    /** The number of tests passing. */
+    @JsonProperty("passingGoalCount") @ExcludeMissing fun _passingGoalCount() = passingGoalCount
+    /** The number of tests failing. */
+    @JsonProperty("failingGoalCount") @ExcludeMissing fun _failingGoalCount() = failingGoalCount
+    /** The total number of tests. */
+    @JsonProperty("totalGoalCount") @ExcludeMissing fun _totalGoalCount() = totalGoalCount
+    /** The status of test evaluation for the inference pipeline. */
+    @JsonProperty("status") @ExcludeMissing fun _status() = status
+    /** The status message of test evaluation for the inference pipeline. */
+    @JsonProperty("statusMessage") @ExcludeMissing fun _statusMessage() = statusMessage
+    @JsonProperty("links") @ExcludeMissing fun _links() = links
+    @JsonAnyGetter
+    @ExcludeMissing
+    fun _additionalProperties(): Map<String, JsonValue> = additionalProperties
+    fun validate(): InferencePipelineUpdateResponse = apply {
+        if (!validated) {
+            id()
+            projectId()
+            name()
+            dateCreated()
+            dateUpdated()
+            dateLastSampleReceived()
+            description()
+            dateLastEvaluated()
+            dateOfNextEvaluation()
+            passingGoalCount()
+            failingGoalCount()
+            totalGoalCount()
+            status()
+            statusMessage()
+            links().validate()
+            validated = true
+        }
+    }
+    fun toBuilder() = Builder().from(this)
+    override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
+        if (this === other) {
+            return true
+        }
+        return other is InferencePipelineUpdateResponse &&
+            this.id == other.id &&
+            this.projectId == other.projectId &&
+            this.name == other.name &&
+            this.dateCreated == other.dateCreated &&
+            this.dateUpdated == other.dateUpdated &&
+            this.dateLastSampleReceived == other.dateLastSampleReceived &&
+            this.description == other.description &&
+            this.dateLastEvaluated == other.dateLastEvaluated &&
+            this.dateOfNextEvaluation == other.dateOfNextEvaluation &&
+            this.passingGoalCount == other.passingGoalCount &&
+            this.failingGoalCount == other.failingGoalCount &&
+            this.totalGoalCount == other.totalGoalCount &&
+            this.status == other.status &&
+            this.statusMessage == other.statusMessage &&
+            this.links == other.links &&
+            this.additionalProperties == other.additionalProperties
+    }
+    override fun hashCode(): Int {
+        if (hashCode == 0) {
+            hashCode =
+                Objects.hash(
+                    id,
+                    projectId,
+                    name,
+                    dateCreated,
+                    dateUpdated,
+                    dateLastSampleReceived,
+                    description,
+                    dateLastEvaluated,
+                    dateOfNextEvaluation,
+                    passingGoalCount,
+                    failingGoalCount,
+                    totalGoalCount,
+                    status,
+                    statusMessage,
+                    links,
+                    additionalProperties,
+                )
+        }
+        return hashCode
+    }
+    override fun toString() =
+        "InferencePipelineUpdateResponse{id=$id, projectId=$projectId, name=$name, dateCreated=$dateCreated, dateUpdated=$dateUpdated, dateLastSampleReceived=$dateLastSampleReceived, description=$description, dateLastEvaluated=$dateLastEvaluated, dateOfNextEvaluation=$dateOfNextEvaluation, passingGoalCount=$passingGoalCount, failingGoalCount=$failingGoalCount, totalGoalCount=$totalGoalCount, status=$status, statusMessage=$statusMessage, links=$links, additionalProperties=$additionalProperties}"
+    companion object {
+        @JvmStatic fun builder() = Builder()
+    }
+    class Builder {
+        private var id: JsonField<String> = JsonMissing.of()
+        private var projectId: JsonField<String> = JsonMissing.of()
+        private var name: JsonField<String> = JsonMissing.of()
+        private var dateCreated: JsonField<OffsetDateTime> = JsonMissing.of()
+        private var dateUpdated: JsonField<OffsetDateTime> = JsonMissing.of()
+        private var dateLastSampleReceived: JsonField<OffsetDateTime> = JsonMissing.of()
+        private var description: JsonField<String> = JsonMissing.of()
+        private var dateLastEvaluated: JsonField<OffsetDateTime> = JsonMissing.of()
+        private var dateOfNextEvaluation: JsonField<OffsetDateTime> = JsonMissing.of()
+        private var passingGoalCount: JsonField<Long> = JsonMissing.of()
+        private var failingGoalCount: JsonField<Long> = JsonMissing.of()
+        private var totalGoalCount: JsonField<Long> = JsonMissing.of()
+        private var status: JsonField<Status> = JsonMissing.of()
+        private var statusMessage: JsonField<String> = JsonMissing.of()
+        private var links: JsonField<Links> = JsonMissing.of()
+        private var additionalProperties: MutableMap<String, JsonValue> = mutableMapOf()
+        @JvmSynthetic
+        internal fun from(inferencePipelineUpdateResponse: InferencePipelineUpdateResponse) =
+            apply {
+                this.id = inferencePipelineUpdateResponse.id
+                this.projectId = inferencePipelineUpdateResponse.projectId
+                this.name = inferencePipelineUpdateResponse.name
+                this.dateCreated = inferencePipelineUpdateResponse.dateCreated
+                this.dateUpdated = inferencePipelineUpdateResponse.dateUpdated
+                this.dateLastSampleReceived = inferencePipelineUpdateResponse.dateLastSampleReceived
+                this.description = inferencePipelineUpdateResponse.description
+                this.dateLastEvaluated = inferencePipelineUpdateResponse.dateLastEvaluated
+                this.dateOfNextEvaluation = inferencePipelineUpdateResponse.dateOfNextEvaluation
+                this.passingGoalCount = inferencePipelineUpdateResponse.passingGoalCount
+                this.failingGoalCount = inferencePipelineUpdateResponse.failingGoalCount
+                this.totalGoalCount = inferencePipelineUpdateResponse.totalGoalCount
+                this.status = inferencePipelineUpdateResponse.status
+                this.statusMessage = inferencePipelineUpdateResponse.statusMessage
+                this.links = inferencePipelineUpdateResponse.links
+                additionalProperties(inferencePipelineUpdateResponse.additionalProperties)
+            }
+        /** The inference pipeline id. */
+        fun id(id: String) = id(JsonField.of(id))
+        /** The inference pipeline id. */
+        @JsonProperty("id") @ExcludeMissing fun id(id: JsonField<String>) = apply { this.id = id }
+        /** The project id. */
+        fun projectId(projectId: String) = projectId(JsonField.of(projectId))
+        /** The project id. */
+        @JsonProperty("projectId")
+        @ExcludeMissing
+        fun projectId(projectId: JsonField<String>) = apply { this.projectId = projectId }
+        /** The inference pipeline name. */
+        fun name(name: String) = name(JsonField.of(name))
+        /** The inference pipeline name. */
+        @JsonProperty("name")
+        @ExcludeMissing
+        fun name(name: JsonField<String>) = apply { this.name = name }
+        /** The creation date. */
+        fun dateCreated(dateCreated: OffsetDateTime) = dateCreated(JsonField.of(dateCreated))
+        /** The creation date. */
+        @JsonProperty("dateCreated")
+        @ExcludeMissing
+        fun dateCreated(dateCreated: JsonField<OffsetDateTime>) = apply {
+            this.dateCreated = dateCreated
+        }
+        /** The last updated date. */
+        fun dateUpdated(dateUpdated: OffsetDateTime) = dateUpdated(JsonField.of(dateUpdated))
+        /** The last updated date. */
+        @JsonProperty("dateUpdated")
+        @ExcludeMissing
+        fun dateUpdated(dateUpdated: JsonField<OffsetDateTime>) = apply {
+            this.dateUpdated = dateUpdated
+        }
+        /** The last data sample received date. */
+        fun dateLastSampleReceived(dateLastSampleReceived: OffsetDateTime) =
+            dateLastSampleReceived(JsonField.of(dateLastSampleReceived))
+        /** The last data sample received date. */
+        @JsonProperty("dateLastSampleReceived")
+        @ExcludeMissing
+        fun dateLastSampleReceived(dateLastSampleReceived: JsonField<OffsetDateTime>) = apply {
+            this.dateLastSampleReceived = dateLastSampleReceived
+        }
+        /** The inference pipeline description. */
+        fun description(description: String) = description(JsonField.of(description))
+        /** The inference pipeline description. */
+        @JsonProperty("description")
+        @ExcludeMissing
+        fun description(description: JsonField<String>) = apply { this.description = description }
+        /** The last test evaluation date. */
+        fun dateLastEvaluated(dateLastEvaluated: OffsetDateTime) =
+            dateLastEvaluated(JsonField.of(dateLastEvaluated))
+        /** The last test evaluation date. */
+        @JsonProperty("dateLastEvaluated")
+        @ExcludeMissing
+        fun dateLastEvaluated(dateLastEvaluated: JsonField<OffsetDateTime>) = apply {
+            this.dateLastEvaluated = dateLastEvaluated
+        }
+        /** The next test evaluation date. */
+        fun dateOfNextEvaluation(dateOfNextEvaluation: OffsetDateTime) =
+            dateOfNextEvaluation(JsonField.of(dateOfNextEvaluation))
+        /** The next test evaluation date. */
+        @JsonProperty("dateOfNextEvaluation")
+        @ExcludeMissing
+        fun dateOfNextEvaluation(dateOfNextEvaluation: JsonField<OffsetDateTime>) = apply {
+            this.dateOfNextEvaluation = dateOfNextEvaluation
+        }
+        /** The number of tests passing. */
+        fun passingGoalCount(passingGoalCount: Long) =
+            passingGoalCount(JsonField.of(passingGoalCount))
+        /** The number of tests passing. */
+        @JsonProperty("passingGoalCount")
+        @ExcludeMissing
+        fun passingGoalCount(passingGoalCount: JsonField<Long>) = apply {
+            this.passingGoalCount = passingGoalCount
+        }
+        /** The number of tests failing. */
+        fun failingGoalCount(failingGoalCount: Long) =
+            failingGoalCount(JsonField.of(failingGoalCount))
+        /** The number of tests failing. */
+        @JsonProperty("failingGoalCount")
+        @ExcludeMissing
+        fun failingGoalCount(failingGoalCount: JsonField<Long>) = apply {
+            this.failingGoalCount = failingGoalCount
+        }
+        /** The total number of tests. */
+        fun totalGoalCount(totalGoalCount: Long) = totalGoalCount(JsonField.of(totalGoalCount))
+        /** The total number of tests. */
+        @JsonProperty("totalGoalCount")
+        @ExcludeMissing
+        fun totalGoalCount(totalGoalCount: JsonField<Long>) = apply {
+            this.totalGoalCount = totalGoalCount
+        }
+        /** The status of test evaluation for the inference pipeline. */
+        fun status(status: Status) = status(JsonField.of(status))
+        /** The status of test evaluation for the inference pipeline. */
+        @JsonProperty("status")
+        @ExcludeMissing
+        fun status(status: JsonField<Status>) = apply { this.status = status }
+        /** The status message of test evaluation for the inference pipeline. */
+        fun statusMessage(statusMessage: String) = statusMessage(JsonField.of(statusMessage))
+        /** The status message of test evaluation for the inference pipeline. */
+        @JsonProperty("statusMessage")
+        @ExcludeMissing
+        fun statusMessage(statusMessage: JsonField<String>) = apply {
+            this.statusMessage = statusMessage
+        }
+        fun links(links: Links) = links(JsonField.of(links))
+        @JsonProperty("links")
+        @ExcludeMissing
+        fun links(links: JsonField<Links>) = apply { this.links = links }
+        fun additionalProperties(additionalProperties: Map<String, JsonValue>) = apply {
+            this.additionalProperties.clear()
+            this.additionalProperties.putAll(additionalProperties)
+        }
+        @JsonAnySetter
+        fun putAdditionalProperty(key: String, value: JsonValue) = apply {
+            this.additionalProperties.put(key, value)
+        }
+        fun putAllAdditionalProperties(additionalProperties: Map<String, JsonValue>) = apply {
+            this.additionalProperties.putAll(additionalProperties)
+        }
+        fun build(): InferencePipelineUpdateResponse =
+            InferencePipelineUpdateResponse(
+                id,
+                projectId,
+                name,
+                dateCreated,
+                dateUpdated,
+                dateLastSampleReceived,
+                description,
+                dateLastEvaluated,
+                dateOfNextEvaluation,
+                passingGoalCount,
+                failingGoalCount,
+                totalGoalCount,
+                status,
+                statusMessage,
+                links,
+                additionalProperties.toUnmodifiable(),
+            )
+    }
+    @JsonDeserialize(builder = Links.Builder::class)
+    @NoAutoDetect
+    class Links
+    private constructor(
+        private val app: JsonField<String>,
+        private val additionalProperties: Map<String, JsonValue>,
+    ) {
+        private var validated: Boolean = false
+        private var hashCode: Int = 0
+        fun app(): String = app.getRequired("app")
+        @JsonProperty("app") @ExcludeMissing fun _app() = app
+        @JsonAnyGetter
+        @ExcludeMissing
+        fun _additionalProperties(): Map<String, JsonValue> = additionalProperties
+        fun validate(): Links = apply {
+            if (!validated) {
+                app()
+                validated = true
+            }
+        }
+        fun toBuilder() = Builder().from(this)
+        override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
+            if (this === other) {
+                return true
+            }
+            return other is Links &&
+                this.app == other.app &&
+                this.additionalProperties == other.additionalProperties
+        }
+        override fun hashCode(): Int {
+            if (hashCode == 0) {
+                hashCode = Objects.hash(app, additionalProperties)
+            }
+            return hashCode
+        }
+        override fun toString() = "Links{app=$app, additionalProperties=$additionalProperties}"
+        companion object {
+            @JvmStatic fun builder() = Builder()
+        }
+        class Builder {
+            private var app: JsonField<String> = JsonMissing.of()
+            private var additionalProperties: MutableMap<String, JsonValue> = mutableMapOf()
+            @JvmSynthetic
+            internal fun from(links: Links) = apply {
+                this.app = links.app
+                additionalProperties(links.additionalProperties)
+            }
+            fun app(app: String) = app(JsonField.of(app))
+            @JsonProperty("app")
+            @ExcludeMissing
+            fun app(app: JsonField<String>) = apply { this.app = app }
+            fun additionalProperties(additionalProperties: Map<String, JsonValue>) = apply {
+                this.additionalProperties.clear()
+                this.additionalProperties.putAll(additionalProperties)
+            }
+            @JsonAnySetter
+            fun putAdditionalProperty(key: String, value: JsonValue) = apply {
+                this.additionalProperties.put(key, value)
+            }
+            fun putAllAdditionalProperties(additionalProperties: Map<String, JsonValue>) = apply {
+                this.additionalProperties.putAll(additionalProperties)
+            }
+            fun build(): Links = Links(app, additionalProperties.toUnmodifiable())
+        }
+    }
+    class Status
+    @JsonCreator
+    private constructor(
+        private val value: JsonField<String>,
+    ) : Enum {
+        @com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonValue fun _value(): JsonField<String> = value
+        override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
+            if (this === other) {
+                return true
+            }
+            return other is Status && this.value == other.value
+        }
+        override fun hashCode() = value.hashCode()
+        override fun toString() = value.toString()
+        companion object {
+            @JvmField val QUEUED = Status(JsonField.of("queued"))
+            @JvmField val RUNNING = Status(JsonField.of("running"))
+            @JvmField val PAUSED = Status(JsonField.of("paused"))
+            @JvmField val FAILED = Status(JsonField.of("failed"))
+            @JvmField val COMPLETED = Status(JsonField.of("completed"))
+            @JvmField val UNKNOWN = Status(JsonField.of("unknown"))
+            @JvmStatic fun of(value: String) = Status(JsonField.of(value))
+        }
+        enum class Known {
+            QUEUED,
+            RUNNING,
+            PAUSED,
+            FAILED,
+            COMPLETED,
+            UNKNOWN,
+        }
+        enum class Value {
+            QUEUED,
+            RUNNING,
+            PAUSED,
+            FAILED,
+            COMPLETED,
+            UNKNOWN,
+            _UNKNOWN,
+        }
+        fun value(): Value =
+            when (this) {
+                QUEUED -> Value.QUEUED
+                RUNNING -> Value.RUNNING
+                PAUSED -> Value.PAUSED
+                FAILED -> Value.FAILED
+                COMPLETED -> Value.COMPLETED
+                UNKNOWN -> Value.UNKNOWN
+                else -> Value._UNKNOWN
+            }
+        fun known(): Known =
+            when (this) {
+                QUEUED -> Known.QUEUED
+                RUNNING -> Known.RUNNING
+                PAUSED -> Known.PAUSED
+                FAILED -> Known.FAILED
+                COMPLETED -> Known.COMPLETED
+                UNKNOWN -> Known.UNKNOWN
+                else -> throw OpenlayerInvalidDataException("Unknown Status: $value")
+            }
+        fun asString(): String = _value().asStringOrThrow()
+    }
diff --git a/openlayer-java-core/src/main/kotlin/com/openlayer/api/services/async/InferencePipelineServiceAsync.kt b/openlayer-java-core/src/main/kotlin/com/openlayer/api/services/async/InferencePipelineServiceAsync.kt
index 59d093a..84e6d9a 100644
--- a/openlayer-java-core/src/main/kotlin/com/openlayer/api/services/async/InferencePipelineServiceAsync.kt
+++ b/openlayer-java-core/src/main/kotlin/com/openlayer/api/services/async/InferencePipelineServiceAsync.kt
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ import com.openlayer.api.core.RequestOptions
 import com.openlayer.api.models.InferencePipelineDeleteParams
 import com.openlayer.api.models.InferencePipelineRetrieveParams
 import com.openlayer.api.models.InferencePipelineRetrieveResponse
+import com.openlayer.api.models.InferencePipelineUpdateParams
+import com.openlayer.api.models.InferencePipelineUpdateResponse
 import com.openlayer.api.services.async.inferencePipelines.DataServiceAsync
 import com.openlayer.api.services.async.inferencePipelines.RowServiceAsync
 import com.openlayer.api.services.async.inferencePipelines.TestResultServiceAsync
@@ -28,6 +30,13 @@ interface InferencePipelineServiceAsync {
         requestOptions: RequestOptions = RequestOptions.none()
     ): CompletableFuture<InferencePipelineRetrieveResponse>
+    /** Update inference pipeline. */
+    @JvmOverloads
+    fun update(
+        params: InferencePipelineUpdateParams,
+        requestOptions: RequestOptions = RequestOptions.none()
+    ): CompletableFuture<InferencePipelineUpdateResponse>
     /** Delete inference pipeline. */
     fun delete(
diff --git a/openlayer-java-core/src/main/kotlin/com/openlayer/api/services/async/InferencePipelineServiceAsyncImpl.kt b/openlayer-java-core/src/main/kotlin/com/openlayer/api/services/async/InferencePipelineServiceAsyncImpl.kt
index 04568a9..c5fd091 100644
--- a/openlayer-java-core/src/main/kotlin/com/openlayer/api/services/async/InferencePipelineServiceAsyncImpl.kt
+++ b/openlayer-java-core/src/main/kotlin/com/openlayer/api/services/async/InferencePipelineServiceAsyncImpl.kt
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ import com.openlayer.api.errors.OpenlayerError
 import com.openlayer.api.models.InferencePipelineDeleteParams
 import com.openlayer.api.models.InferencePipelineRetrieveParams
 import com.openlayer.api.models.InferencePipelineRetrieveResponse
+import com.openlayer.api.models.InferencePipelineUpdateParams
+import com.openlayer.api.models.InferencePipelineUpdateResponse
 import com.openlayer.api.services.async.inferencePipelines.DataServiceAsync
 import com.openlayer.api.services.async.inferencePipelines.DataServiceAsyncImpl
 import com.openlayer.api.services.async.inferencePipelines.RowServiceAsync
@@ -75,6 +77,37 @@ constructor(
+    private val updateHandler: Handler<InferencePipelineUpdateResponse> =
+        jsonHandler<InferencePipelineUpdateResponse>(clientOptions.jsonMapper)
+            .withErrorHandler(errorHandler)
+    /** Update inference pipeline. */
+    override fun update(
+        params: InferencePipelineUpdateParams,
+        requestOptions: RequestOptions
+    ): CompletableFuture<InferencePipelineUpdateResponse> {
+        val request =
+            HttpRequest.builder()
+                .method(HttpMethod.PUT)
+                .addPathSegments("inference-pipelines", params.getPathParam(0))
+                .putAllQueryParams(clientOptions.queryParams)
+                .putAllQueryParams(params.getQueryParams())
+                .putAllHeaders(clientOptions.headers)
+                .putAllHeaders(params.getHeaders())
+                .body(json(clientOptions.jsonMapper, params.getBody()))
+                .build()
+        return clientOptions.httpClient.executeAsync(request, requestOptions).thenApply { response
+            ->
+            response
+                .use { updateHandler.handle(it) }
+                .apply {
+                    if (requestOptions.responseValidation ?: clientOptions.responseValidation) {
+                        validate()
+                    }
+                }
+        }
+    }
     private val deleteHandler: Handler<Void?> = emptyHandler().withErrorHandler(errorHandler)
     /** Delete inference pipeline. */
diff --git a/openlayer-java-core/src/main/kotlin/com/openlayer/api/services/blocking/InferencePipelineService.kt b/openlayer-java-core/src/main/kotlin/com/openlayer/api/services/blocking/InferencePipelineService.kt
index 259e545..8b22b53 100644
--- a/openlayer-java-core/src/main/kotlin/com/openlayer/api/services/blocking/InferencePipelineService.kt
+++ b/openlayer-java-core/src/main/kotlin/com/openlayer/api/services/blocking/InferencePipelineService.kt
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ import com.openlayer.api.core.RequestOptions
 import com.openlayer.api.models.InferencePipelineDeleteParams
 import com.openlayer.api.models.InferencePipelineRetrieveParams
 import com.openlayer.api.models.InferencePipelineRetrieveResponse
+import com.openlayer.api.models.InferencePipelineUpdateParams
+import com.openlayer.api.models.InferencePipelineUpdateResponse
 import com.openlayer.api.services.blocking.inferencePipelines.DataService
 import com.openlayer.api.services.blocking.inferencePipelines.RowService
 import com.openlayer.api.services.blocking.inferencePipelines.TestResultService
@@ -27,6 +29,13 @@ interface InferencePipelineService {
         requestOptions: RequestOptions = RequestOptions.none()
     ): InferencePipelineRetrieveResponse
+    /** Update inference pipeline. */
+    @JvmOverloads
+    fun update(
+        params: InferencePipelineUpdateParams,
+        requestOptions: RequestOptions = RequestOptions.none()
+    ): InferencePipelineUpdateResponse
     /** Delete inference pipeline. */
     fun delete(
diff --git a/openlayer-java-core/src/main/kotlin/com/openlayer/api/services/blocking/InferencePipelineServiceImpl.kt b/openlayer-java-core/src/main/kotlin/com/openlayer/api/services/blocking/InferencePipelineServiceImpl.kt
index 2771de7..efc4fb6 100644
--- a/openlayer-java-core/src/main/kotlin/com/openlayer/api/services/blocking/InferencePipelineServiceImpl.kt
+++ b/openlayer-java-core/src/main/kotlin/com/openlayer/api/services/blocking/InferencePipelineServiceImpl.kt
@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ import com.openlayer.api.errors.OpenlayerError
 import com.openlayer.api.models.InferencePipelineDeleteParams
 import com.openlayer.api.models.InferencePipelineRetrieveParams
 import com.openlayer.api.models.InferencePipelineRetrieveResponse
+import com.openlayer.api.models.InferencePipelineUpdateParams
+import com.openlayer.api.models.InferencePipelineUpdateResponse
 import com.openlayer.api.services.blocking.inferencePipelines.DataService
 import com.openlayer.api.services.blocking.inferencePipelines.DataServiceImpl
 import com.openlayer.api.services.blocking.inferencePipelines.RowService
@@ -71,6 +73,36 @@ constructor(
+    private val updateHandler: Handler<InferencePipelineUpdateResponse> =
+        jsonHandler<InferencePipelineUpdateResponse>(clientOptions.jsonMapper)
+            .withErrorHandler(errorHandler)
+    /** Update inference pipeline. */
+    override fun update(
+        params: InferencePipelineUpdateParams,
+        requestOptions: RequestOptions
+    ): InferencePipelineUpdateResponse {
+        val request =
+            HttpRequest.builder()
+                .method(HttpMethod.PUT)
+                .addPathSegments("inference-pipelines", params.getPathParam(0))
+                .putAllQueryParams(clientOptions.queryParams)
+                .putAllQueryParams(params.getQueryParams())
+                .putAllHeaders(clientOptions.headers)
+                .putAllHeaders(params.getHeaders())
+                .body(json(clientOptions.jsonMapper, params.getBody()))
+                .build()
+        return clientOptions.httpClient.execute(request, requestOptions).let { response ->
+            response
+                .use { updateHandler.handle(it) }
+                .apply {
+                    if (requestOptions.responseValidation ?: clientOptions.responseValidation) {
+                        validate()
+                    }
+                }
+        }
+    }
     private val deleteHandler: Handler<Void?> = emptyHandler().withErrorHandler(errorHandler)
     /** Delete inference pipeline. */
diff --git a/openlayer-java-core/src/test/kotlin/com/openlayer/api/models/InferencePipelineUpdateParamsTest.kt b/openlayer-java-core/src/test/kotlin/com/openlayer/api/models/InferencePipelineUpdateParamsTest.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ffecf85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openlayer-java-core/src/test/kotlin/com/openlayer/api/models/InferencePipelineUpdateParamsTest.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+// File generated from our OpenAPI spec by Stainless.
+package com.openlayer.api.models
+import com.openlayer.api.models.*
+import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat
+import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
+class InferencePipelineUpdateParamsTest {
+    @Test
+    fun createInferencePipelineUpdateParams() {
+        InferencePipelineUpdateParams.builder()
+            .inferencePipelineId("182bd5e5-6e1a-4fe4-a799-aa6d9a6ab26e")
+            .description("This pipeline is used for production.")
+            .name("production")
+            .referenceDatasetUri("referenceDatasetUri")
+            .build()
+    }
+    @Test
+    fun getBody() {
+        val params =
+            InferencePipelineUpdateParams.builder()
+                .inferencePipelineId("182bd5e5-6e1a-4fe4-a799-aa6d9a6ab26e")
+                .description("This pipeline is used for production.")
+                .name("production")
+                .referenceDatasetUri("referenceDatasetUri")
+                .build()
+        val body = params.getBody()
+        assertThat(body).isNotNull
+        assertThat(body.description()).isEqualTo("This pipeline is used for production.")
+        assertThat(body.name()).isEqualTo("production")
+        assertThat(body.referenceDatasetUri()).isEqualTo("referenceDatasetUri")
+    }
+    @Test
+    fun getBodyWithoutOptionalFields() {
+        val params =
+            InferencePipelineUpdateParams.builder()
+                .inferencePipelineId("182bd5e5-6e1a-4fe4-a799-aa6d9a6ab26e")
+                .build()
+        val body = params.getBody()
+        assertThat(body).isNotNull
+    }
+    @Test
+    fun getPathParam() {
+        val params =
+            InferencePipelineUpdateParams.builder()
+                .inferencePipelineId("182bd5e5-6e1a-4fe4-a799-aa6d9a6ab26e")
+                .build()
+        assertThat(params).isNotNull
+        // path param "inferencePipelineId"
+        assertThat(params.getPathParam(0)).isEqualTo("182bd5e5-6e1a-4fe4-a799-aa6d9a6ab26e")
+        // out-of-bound path param
+        assertThat(params.getPathParam(1)).isEqualTo("")
+    }
diff --git a/openlayer-java-core/src/test/kotlin/com/openlayer/api/models/InferencePipelineUpdateResponseTest.kt b/openlayer-java-core/src/test/kotlin/com/openlayer/api/models/InferencePipelineUpdateResponseTest.kt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..35af791
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openlayer-java-core/src/test/kotlin/com/openlayer/api/models/InferencePipelineUpdateResponseTest.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+// File generated from our OpenAPI spec by Stainless.
+package com.openlayer.api.models
+import java.time.OffsetDateTime
+import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat
+import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
+class InferencePipelineUpdateResponseTest {
+    @Test
+    fun createInferencePipelineUpdateResponse() {
+        val inferencePipelineUpdateResponse =
+            InferencePipelineUpdateResponse.builder()
+                .id("3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6")
+                .dateCreated(OffsetDateTime.parse("2024-03-22T11:31:01.185Z"))
+                .dateLastEvaluated(OffsetDateTime.parse("2024-03-22T11:31:01.185Z"))
+                .dateLastSampleReceived(OffsetDateTime.parse("2024-03-22T11:31:01.185Z"))
+                .dateOfNextEvaluation(OffsetDateTime.parse("2024-03-22T11:31:01.185Z"))
+                .dateUpdated(OffsetDateTime.parse("2024-03-22T11:31:01.185Z"))
+                .description("This pipeline is used for production.")
+                .failingGoalCount(123L)
+                .links(
+                    InferencePipelineUpdateResponse.Links.builder()
+                        .app(
+                            "https://app.openlayer.com/myWorkspace/3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6/inference-pipeline/3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6"
+                        )
+                        .build()
+                )
+                .name("production")
+                .passingGoalCount(123L)
+                .projectId("3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6")
+                .status(InferencePipelineUpdateResponse.Status.QUEUED)
+                .statusMessage("Tests successfully evaluated")
+                .totalGoalCount(123L)
+                .build()
+        assertThat(inferencePipelineUpdateResponse).isNotNull
+        assertThat(inferencePipelineUpdateResponse.id())
+            .isEqualTo("3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6")
+        assertThat(inferencePipelineUpdateResponse.dateCreated())
+            .isEqualTo(OffsetDateTime.parse("2024-03-22T11:31:01.185Z"))
+        assertThat(inferencePipelineUpdateResponse.dateLastEvaluated())
+            .contains(OffsetDateTime.parse("2024-03-22T11:31:01.185Z"))
+        assertThat(inferencePipelineUpdateResponse.dateLastSampleReceived())
+            .contains(OffsetDateTime.parse("2024-03-22T11:31:01.185Z"))
+        assertThat(inferencePipelineUpdateResponse.dateOfNextEvaluation())
+            .contains(OffsetDateTime.parse("2024-03-22T11:31:01.185Z"))
+        assertThat(inferencePipelineUpdateResponse.dateUpdated())
+            .isEqualTo(OffsetDateTime.parse("2024-03-22T11:31:01.185Z"))
+        assertThat(inferencePipelineUpdateResponse.description())
+            .contains("This pipeline is used for production.")
+        assertThat(inferencePipelineUpdateResponse.failingGoalCount()).isEqualTo(123L)
+        assertThat(inferencePipelineUpdateResponse.links())
+            .isEqualTo(
+                InferencePipelineUpdateResponse.Links.builder()
+                    .app(
+                        "https://app.openlayer.com/myWorkspace/3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6/inference-pipeline/3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6"
+                    )
+                    .build()
+            )
+        assertThat(inferencePipelineUpdateResponse.name()).isEqualTo("production")
+        assertThat(inferencePipelineUpdateResponse.passingGoalCount()).isEqualTo(123L)
+        assertThat(inferencePipelineUpdateResponse.projectId())
+            .isEqualTo("3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6")
+        assertThat(inferencePipelineUpdateResponse.status())
+            .isEqualTo(InferencePipelineUpdateResponse.Status.QUEUED)
+        assertThat(inferencePipelineUpdateResponse.statusMessage())
+            .contains("Tests successfully evaluated")
+        assertThat(inferencePipelineUpdateResponse.totalGoalCount()).isEqualTo(123L)
+    }
diff --git a/openlayer-java-core/src/test/kotlin/com/openlayer/api/services/blocking/InferencePipelineServiceTest.kt b/openlayer-java-core/src/test/kotlin/com/openlayer/api/services/blocking/InferencePipelineServiceTest.kt
index 679b32c..d4ca7e1 100644
--- a/openlayer-java-core/src/test/kotlin/com/openlayer/api/services/blocking/InferencePipelineServiceTest.kt
+++ b/openlayer-java-core/src/test/kotlin/com/openlayer/api/services/blocking/InferencePipelineServiceTest.kt
@@ -29,6 +29,27 @@ class InferencePipelineServiceTest {
+    @Test
+    fun callUpdate() {
+        val client =
+            OpenlayerOkHttpClient.builder()
+                .baseUrl(TestServerExtension.BASE_URL)
+                .apiKey("My API Key")
+                .build()
+        val inferencePipelineService = client.inferencePipelines()
+        val inferencePipelineUpdateResponse =
+            inferencePipelineService.update(
+                InferencePipelineUpdateParams.builder()
+                    .inferencePipelineId("182bd5e5-6e1a-4fe4-a799-aa6d9a6ab26e")
+                    .description("This pipeline is used for production.")
+                    .name("production")
+                    .referenceDatasetUri("referenceDatasetUri")
+                    .build()
+            )
+        println(inferencePipelineUpdateResponse)
+        inferencePipelineUpdateResponse.validate()
+    }
     fun callDelete() {
         val client =