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Web conference notes, 2020.04.09 (Provider Services wg)

Kegan Maher edited this page Apr 9, 2020 · 10 revisions

Web conference notes, 2020.03.26 (Provider Services wg)

Meeting ID: 627 957 166

One tap mobile:

  • +16699006833,,627957166# US (San Jose)
  • +19294362866,,627957166# US (New York)

Dial by your location:

  • +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
  • +1 929 436 2866 US (New York)

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add your name at beginning or end of call




Rem Dekker from new OMF member Waymo. Welcome!

1.0.0 proposals due 10 April

Although that might be a soft deadline ;)

0.4.1 candidate approved by tech council

Heading to board next week for final approval

1.0.0 timeframe Agency/Provider reconciliation

Adam Kidder and Mark Maxham are working up a presentation deck, to be given first to the tech council and board at Jascha's request, then to WGs. Specific dates TBD, early May.

Mark Maxham will draft a PR in parallel to describe the changes.

1.0.0 candidate issues

Specific issues identified for inclusion:

Docked micromobility + stops

Put forward by Jascha and Neil Goldader

Privacy tweaks

Per ancient #61, consider options for de-identification techniques rather than always sending high-res location data. Put forward by Emily at Uber. In light of much thought on topic since #61 was opened, Jascha closed #61 with the intent of replacing it with more current thinking.

Add fees to Policy

Put forward by Ride Report, per #472.

Generic version handling

#455 Put forward by Kegan.

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