This branch is for Jasmine 2.x. Switch to the 1.x branch.
Jasmine Reporters is a collection of javascript jasmine.Reporter classes that can be used with the JasmineBDD testing framework.
Included reporters:
- JUnitXmlReporter - Report test results to a file in JUnit XML Report format.
- NUnitXmlReporter - Report test results to a file in NUnit XML Report format.
- TapReporter - Test Anything Protocol, report tests results to console.
- TeamCityReporter - Basic reporter that outputs spec results to for the Teamcity build system.
- TerminalReporter - Logs to a terminal (including colors) with variable verbosity.
Should work with all modern versions of Phantom JS, and has been tested with PhantomJS 1.4.6 through 1.9.6 on Mac OS X. If you find issues with a particular version, please consider creating a pull request.
The reporters also work in Node.js, and most can be used in combination with jasmine-node. Make sure to use the correct combination of jasmine-reporters and jasmine-node, as both projects have different versions / branches for Jasmine1.x vs Jasmine2.x support.
When used for in-browser tests, the reporters are registered on a jasmineReporters
object in the
global scope (i.e. window.jasmineReporters
var junitReporter = new jasmineReporters.JUnitXmlReporter({
savePath: '..',
consolidateAll: false
In order to write files to the local filesystem for in-browser tests, the reporters will attempt
to use PhantomJS to create the files. A special method __phantom_writeFile
is injected by the
It is strongly recommended to use the provided script to run your test suite using PhantomJS. If
you want to use your own PhantomJS runner, you will need to inject a __phantom_writeFile
method, and also take care to correctly determine when all results have been reported.
You can use the included PhantomJS test runner to run any of the included examples.
bin/ test/tap_reporter.html
bin/ test/junit_xml_reporter.html
In Node.js, jasmine-reporters exports an object with all the reporters which you can use however you like.
var reporters = require('jasmine-reporters');
var junitReporter = new reporters.JUnitXmlReporter({
savePath: __dirname,
consolidateAll: false
An example for each reporter is available in the test
Changes in [email protected]
jasmine-reporters is built for Jasmine 2.x. If you are still using Jasmine 1.x, please use the correct tag / branch / npm version:
- bower:
bower install jasmine-reporters#^1.0.0
- Node.js:
npm install jasmine-reporters@^1.0.0
- git submodule:
git submodule add -b jasmine1.x [email protected]:larrymyers/jasmine-reporters.git jasmine-reporters
- or use any of the
Migrating from [email protected]
- reporters are no longer registered on the global
object- 1.x:
new jasmine.JUnitXmlReporter( /* ... */ );
- 2.x:
new jasmineReporters.JUnitXmlReporter( /* ... */ );
- 1.x:
- configurable reporters no longer use positional arguments
- 1.x:
new jasmine.JUnitXmlReporter('testresults', true, true, 'junit-', true);
- 2.x:
new jasmineReporters.JUnitXmlReporter({savePath:'testresults', filePrefix: 'junit-', consolidateAll:true});
- 1.x:
As of Protractor 1.6.0, protractor supports Jasmine 2 by specifying
framework: "jasmine2"
in your protractor.conf file.
First, install a Jasmine 2.x-compatible of jasmine-reporters:
npm install --save-dev jasmine-reporters@^2.0.0
Then set everything up inside your protractor.conf:
framework: "jasmine2",
onPrepare: function() {
var jasmineReporters = require('jasmine-reporters');
jasmine.getEnv().addReporter(new jasmineReporters.JUnitXmlReporter({
consolidateAll: true,
filePrefix: 'xmloutput',
savePath: 'testresults'