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d02fc50 · Jan 14, 2025




OCI Java SDK Gradle Native Image Executable Example

This folder contains an example of using the SDK with the Streaming service. It depends on the oci-java-sdk-streaming module as well as oci-java-sdk-common-httpclient-jersey, therefore using the OCI SDK Jersey client implementation.

The build configures the Native Gradle Plugin to allow building executables with GraalVM Native Image.

Run the example

To run the example:

  • Set the ociJavaSdk property in the build.gradle file to the required value.
  • (Optionally) Install the required dependencies by running from the root directory:
    mvn install -pl bmc-streaming,bmc-common-httpclient-choices/bmc-common-httpclient-jersey -am -DskipTests
  • (Optionally) Add the mavenLocal() as a repository in build.gradle if you performed previous step.
  • Set your compartment id and execute the example with the required arguments:
    export COMPARTMENT_OCID="..."
    ./gradlew run --args=$COMPARTMENT_OCID

It is possible to execute any other example from the bmc-examples module by replacing the dependencies, moving a different example java file and setting the javaMainClass Maven property. To use Jersey3 simply change the oci-java-sdk-common-httpclient-jersey to oci-java-sdk-common-httpclient-jersey3 dependency.

Run the example as Native Image executable

To execute the example as a GraalVM native image executable run:

  • Perform the first 3 steps as above if required.
  • Build the native executable:
    ./gradlew clean nativeBuild
  • Run the native executable with the required arguments:
    export COMPARTMENT_OCID="..."
    ./build/native/nativeCompile/native-gradle-example $COMPARTMENT_OCID

Native Image building for GraalVM Java 8 versions

Perform these steps prior to building with Java 8 distributions of GraalVM:

  • Change version of the org.graalvm.buildtools.native plugin to version 0.9.25.
  • Add the following configuration in the end of build.gralde:
    graalvmNative {
        binaries {
            main {
                richOutput = false