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Adding External Libraries to the Advanced C++ Project

Important: Make sure that you have read and understood the previous example Advanced C++ Project first!

This example demonstrates how to import and build external libraries for using them in the advanced C++ project.

Key takeaways from this example:

  1. Externals can be imported via the multi-repository configuration
  2. Externals can be built as native targets
  3. Externals can be built as foreign targets, using foreign build tools

Repository structure

The repository structure remains almost identical to the previous advanced C++ project, with one exception: a new target root etc/extern was added, which contains the targets for building external libraries.

Multi-repository configuration

Looking at the multi-repository configuration etc/repos.json, you can see that the additional root (root/extern) was used to create the repositories

  1. fmtlib: the modern formatter library
  2. gtest: the Google testing and mocking framework

The main repository example imports both of them via the open names fmtlib and gtest, which themselves import rules/toolchain (rules that include the toolchain definition) via the open name rules.

┌─────────────────┐ rules    ┌─────────────────┐
│     example     |<─────────┤   rules/flags   |<──── root/flags
└─────────────────┘          └─────────────────┘
         ▲ {fmtlib,gtest}             ▲ toolchain
         |                            |
┌────────┴────────┐ rules    ┌────────┴────────┐
│ {fmtlib,gtest}  |<─────────┤ rules/toolchain |<──── root/toolchain
└─────────────────┘          └─────────────────┘

External library targets

The build descriptions for external libraries are located in the targets root etc/extern. This targets root is an overlay to the source directory of the repository. Therefore, the containing *.TARGETS files can reference source files as if they are located in the same directory, mimicking the same directory structure.

Native target fmt

A native target uses Mustbuild for building. Although the repository fmtlib comes with its own build system, the library is small enough to provide a native build description for it by using the native rule ["CC","library"]. The native target fmt is described in etc/extern/fmtlib.TARGETS.

// Native target "fmt"
fmt: {
  // Use rule ["CC", "library"] from binding "rules"
  type: ref_ext('rules', 'CC', 'library'),
  // We want to read variable 'DEBUG'.
  arguments_config: 'DEBUG',
  // Library name: libfmt.a
  name: 'fmt',
  // Library type: static
  shared: false,
  // Public headers
  hdrs: [ref('include', 'public_headers')],
  // Source files
  srcs: ['src/', 'src/'],
  // Private compile flags (depends on 'DEBUG')
  'private-cflags': select(var('DEBUG'),
                           ['-O0', '-g'],
                           ['-O2', '-DNDEBUG']),

The target directly references the external source files src/ and src/ Additional local compile flags are set depending on the variable DEBUG.

To build the target, you have to set the main repository to fmtlib, because this target is technically not part of the example repository.

$ must --main fmtlib build fmt
INFO: Found 5 repositories to set up
INFO: Requested target is [["@","fmtlib","","fmt"],{}]
INFO: Discovered 3 actions, 1 trees, 0 blobs
INFO: Processed 3 actions, 0 cache hits.
INFO: Artifacts built, logical paths are:
        libfmt.a [123b5f9d93f7deaa9cb444009b6ef98325cb4bc7:266088:f]
      (1 runfiles omitted.)

In this example project, the target greet (defined in libs/greet/TARGETS) uses the external library fmt if variable USE_FMTLIB is true. This becomes evident when building the top-level target LIBS, which installs libgreet including its dependency libfmt.a.

$ must build LIBS -D'{"USE_FMTLIB":true}'
INFO: Found 9 repositories to set up
INFO: Requested target is [["@","example","","LIBS"],{"USE_FMTLIB":true}]
INFO: Discovered 5 actions, 2 trees, 1 blobs
INFO: Processed 5 actions, 3 cache hits.
INFO: Artifacts built, logical paths are:
        include/greet/greet.hpp [cff6acf4df51e55e9283e956840a772616ce05d8:133:f]
        lib/greet/libgreet.a [abf39695fcab74ba19b3684d5a52716277055033:2104:f]
        lib/libfmt.a [123b5f9d93f7deaa9cb444009b6ef98325cb4bc7:266088:f]
        share/pkgconfig/greet.pc [a431bb34beebef273bac537c2e18a3377488842a:234:f]

Note that when building with {"BUILD_SHARED":true}, the library libfmt.a disappears, because all of libgreet's private dependencies are eaten up by the shared object.

Foreign target gtest_main

Foreign targets are not built directly by Mustbuild. Instead, Mustbuild calls a foreign build tool and collects the produced artifacts. Currently supported foreign build rules are:

The complexity of the gtest repository justifies using CMake. The foreign target gtest_main is described in etc/extern/gtest.TARGETS.

// Foreign target "gtest_main"
gtest_main: {
  // Use rule ["CC/foreign/cmake", "library"] from binding "rules"
  type: ref_ext('rules', 'CC/foreign/cmake', 'library'),
  // We want to read variable 'DEBUG'.
  arguments_config: 'DEBUG',
  // Library name
  name: 'gtest_main',
  // Project directory (includes CMakeLists.txt)
  project: [tree('.')],
  // CMake defines (-Dxxx)
  defines: _gtest_defines('DEBUG'),
  // Produced library files
  out_libs: 'libgtest_main.a',
  // Dependencies
  deps: ['gtest'],

The target directly references the entire source tree tree('.'), including all CMakeLists.txt files. Depending on variable DEBUG, the build option CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE is set to either Debug or Release.

To build the target, you have to set the main repository to gtest, because this target is technically not part of the example repository.

Note that for building this target, cmake must be available in PATH. The settings can be adjusted in etc/toolchain/CC/foreign/TARGETS.

$ must --main gtest build gtest_main
INFO: Found 5 repositories to set up
INFO: Requested target is [["@","gtest","","gtest_main"],{}]
INFO: Discovered 5 actions, 0 trees, 1 blobs
INFO: Processed 2 actions, 0 cache hits, 3 omitted.
INFO: Artifacts built, logical paths are:
        libgtest_main.a [3ab2c3a25eb17f3fab2ad0960357a0ac4fe41dc7:3086:f]

In this example project, the target test_libgreet (defined in test/TARGETS) uses the external library gtest_main. This is clearly visible when looking at the produced test report.

$ must build TESTS -P test_libgreet/stdout
INFO: Found 9 repositories to set up
INFO: Requested target is [["@","example","","TESTS"],{}]
INFO: Target tainted ["test"].
INFO: Discovered 13 actions, 6 trees, 3 blobs
INFO: Processed 13 actions, 11 cache hits.
INFO: Artifacts built, logical paths are:
        test_helloworld [4f0b6c7d0f4069834f98ad6522432921fa15c80e:177:t]
        test_libgreet [1021990d001bb43b3db8c032df4943160b8d2a7a:177:t]
Running main() from /home/user/.cache/just/protocol-dependent/generation-0/exec_root/a5484da2d0ea457cdfc01ea0b45ee4464cdc20fe.6404-127520892503616/build_root/source/googletest/src/
[==========] Running 1 test from 1 test suite.
[----------] Global test environment set-up.
[----------] 1 test from GreetTest
[ RUN      ] GreetTest.output
[       OK ] GreetTest.output (0 ms)
[----------] 1 test from GreetTest (0 ms total)

[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 1 test from 1 test suite ran. (0 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 1 test.

Intellisense support for externals

For code analysis (intellisense, linters, etc.), all external headers that are included by the main project must be accessible. As those are only visible to the build (within build actions), a target needs to be defined that installs those headers for you.

In the top-level TARGETS file, the target DEV uses rule ["CC","install-with-deps"] to install the public headers (hdrs-only) of all externals.

// Installed headers of external libraries (for development/intellisense)
DEV: {
  type: ref_ext('rules', 'CC', 'install-with-deps'),
  'hdrs-only': true,
  targets: [
    ref_ext('fmtlib', '', 'fmt'),
    ref_ext('gtest', '', 'gtest_main'),

This target builds all externals and installs their public headers to a location of your choice. This location must be added to the search paths of your IDE or linter.

$ must install DEV -o .ext/include
INFO: Found 9 repositories to set up
INFO: Requested target is [["@","example","","DEV"],{}]
INFO: Discovered 8 actions, 1 trees, 1 blobs
INFO: Processed 2 actions, 2 cache hits, 6 omitted.
INFO: Artifacts can be found in:
        .ext/include/fmt [a9d20ba6a8bbb01b278b596fe5e8157b03082a97:461:t]
        .ext/include/gtest [5225df8651dadc1506b58cdda5df06be7375b986:560:t]
# add .ext/include to your IDE's search paths

Debugging your code

External libraries are fully supported for installing debug binaries. The rule ["CC","install-with-deps"] will also collect all related source and header files from external libraries when installing with {"DEBUG":true}. For debugging your code, just step into the install directory and run your binary with gdb.

$ must install APPS -D'{"USE_FMTLIB":true,"DEBUG":true}' -o out
$ cd out; gdb ./bin/helloworld