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Paul Leopardi penguian

ACCESS-NRI Canberra, ACT, Australia

Harrison Cook HCookie
A Data Scientist / Research Software Engineer working to enable Scientists with code. Particularly interested in Meterological applications of ML.

@ecmwf United Kingdom

Yi Yu yuyi13
Postdoc at USYD & CSIRO | Hydrology and Remote Sensing

The University of Sydney Australia

Fernando Sobral fncsobral
PhD candidate at UNSW with the main focus on the eddy driven heat transport in the EAC System.

UNSW Sydney

Jasmeen Kaur KAUR1984
Exploring ✨...

Australian National University Australia

Yuhang Zhang yohang-hydro
PostDoc@UoM. Hydrology, climate and machine learning.
Anton Steketee anton-seaice
Research Software @ACCESS-NRI Working in Sea-Ice modelling, CICE integration and development. Interested in all things Sea-Ice. Previously:


Navid C. Constantinou navidcy
oceanography — geophysical fluid dynamics — julia

University of Melbourne @unimelb Melbourne, Australia