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Jiwoo Lee lee1043
PhD in Atmospheric Science

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Livermore, California, USA

Yucheng Wang wangyc2320
Grad student [email protected] Geophysics, Geodynamics

Stony Brook University Stony Brook, New York State, U.S.

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Micael Oliveira micaeljtoliveira
Swimming in the Southern ocean while having a break from cephalopods.

Canberra, Australia

Erdong edx903
X Supports Life.

E.D. X

Martin Jucker mjucker
Andrew Brown andrewbrown31
Research fellow at the University of Melbourne


Harrison Cook HCookie
A Data Scientist / Research Software Engineer working to enable Scientists with code. Particularly interested in Meterological applications of ML.

@ecmwf United Kingdom

Rob Johnson bomRob
Senior Research Scientist at the Bureau of Meteorology

Bureau of Meteorology

Fernando Sobral fncsobral
PhD candidate at UNSW with the main focus on the eddy driven heat transport in the EAC System.

UNSW Sydney

Pearse J Buchanan pearseb

CSIRO Hobart, Australia

Lindsey Oberhelman leoberhelman
I use Python, Java, and R

Australian National University

Christopher Bull chrisb13
Aspiring oceanographer. Ocean Modeller at @ACCESS-NRI. Big data Pythonista.

Canberra, Australia

Oceanography PhD student

Australian National University

Aidan Heerdegen aidanheerdegen
Model Release Team Lead for the Australian Earth-System Simulator National Research Infrastructure (ACCESS-NRI)

Australian Earth-System Simulator National Research Infrastructure (ACCESS-NRI) ACCESS-NRI, Australian National University

Charlene Leong charleneleong-ai
Greetings human! I'm an AI/machine learning engineer/data scientist who likes to tinker, design and build interesting things.


Luna Morrow lunamorrow
BAdvSci student at the University of Queensland. Actively working towards a career in Research Software Engineering.


Antonio Rodriguez Farias AntoniHub
QA Engineer | SDET | Software Tester


Davide Marchegiani atteggiani

ACCESS-NRI Melbourne, Australia

Matteo Nurisso mnurisso
PhD in Physics @ SISSA. Post-doc @ CNR-ISAC, Torino Based in Trieste
Lidefi87 lidefi87
PhD candidate at The University of Tasmania's Institute of Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS)

IMAS-UTAS Hobart, Australia

Massimiliano Culpo alalazo
HPC software developer - @spack core developer

np-complete Italy

@minghangli-uni minghangli-uni
Software engineer @ACCESS-NRI Australian National University
Benoît Pasquier briochemc
Scientist / Adjunct Fellow at UNSW

Sydney, Australia

Tammas Loughran tammasloughran
I'm a research scientist. I run climate models.

CSIRO Melbourne, Australia

Abhaas Goyal abhaasgoyal
Emacs enthusiast


Anton Steketee anton-seaice
Research Software @ACCESS-NRI Working in Sea-Ice modelling, CICE integration and development. Interested in all things Sea-Ice. Previously:


Marshall Ward marshallward
Still pretending to be an oceanographer.

@noaa-gfdl Princeton, NJ, USA

Navid C. Constantinou navidcy
oceanography — geophysical fluid dynamics — julia

University of Melbourne @unimelb Melbourne, Australia

Paul Leopardi penguian

ACCESS-NRI Canberra, ACT, Australia

Tommy Gatti CodeGat


Ben Knight bknight1

Curtin University Perth

Owen Kaluza OKaluza
I'm a Research Software Engineer at ACCESS-NRI / ANU. I work on visualisation and viz tools for research, and python based tools for interactive viz in Jupyter.

@ACCESS-NRI Melbourne, Australia

Mike Tetley headmetal
Ice Sheet Modelling

ACCESS-NRI, ANU Canberra, Australia

Pedro Ribeiro de Almeida Zapiano
Physicist / Data Analyst / Software Developer ; Julia \ Python \ Ruby ; Musician <3;

@open-AIMS ACT, Australia


ACCESS-NRI 5 Liversidge St, Acton ACT 2601

James Wilmot JamesWilmot

@opendatafit Australia

Ambrose Andrews znalo
random nobody


Sean Bryan SeanBryan51
Research software engineer @ACCESS-NRI (Land Surface Modelling Team)
Angus Gibson angus-g

The Australian National University

Dougie Squire dougiesquire
Fluid dynamicist turned climate scientist turned software engineer

@ACCESS-NRI Hobart, Tasmania