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Lucian Istrati lucianistrati
BSc. in Computer Science, On-going MSc. in Data Science, ML & NLP enthusiast, Write me on my email or connect on LinkedIn at lucian-istrati

Head of AI and Data Science Vienna, Austria

ζ(s) = ∑ₙ₌₁^∞ 1/nˢ. AdepojuJeremy
building hyperstitions:

Aetherix.AI USA

Andrew Allen Bruce andrewallenbruce
Healthcare Data Analyst


Oli Wilkins okwilkins
Senior machine learning engineer.

Likezero London, UK

Buğra Balkaç bugrabalkac

Trendyol İstanbul,Turkey

Caleb Terrel Orellana caleb1985
Data Science Consultant & Trainer | Leader | Business Problem Identification & Solving | CRISP-DM | EDA + Statistics + ML | R + Python + Scala + SPSS


alecrsf alecrsf
Currently working on a lot of data 🧑🏻‍💻
