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< cr-eative-dev /> cr-eative-dev
Software Developer • 3D Technical Artist • Designer • Blockchain
Dika dikako

Stockbit Jakarta

wEb3 pArrOt ava-world
web3 enthusiast, researcher , supporting early Blockchains
Argenestel argenestel
CTO @ Playsphere Labs Developing games and VR Experiences worth Playing

@Playspherelabs Blockchain


@none Web3

OdharmieKLV odharmiecrypto
This is me and I'm ready to move on.
Esther Esther111111
Crypto Enthusiast
Alexander vvuwei

@dipdup-io, @celenium

sukrucildirr sukrucildirr
discord : sukrucildirr
Jamra jamra13
Me, just me alone.


icetweak.near IceTweak

NULL Hubble Satellite

Carissa Farry Hilmi Az Zahra carissafarry
Lifetime Learner

Apple Developer Academy @ UC 2023 Jakarta, Indonesia

Ben benleb
science lover, hacker, (bio)tech enthusiast, security/network/infrastructure, ... ‽

Stuttgart, Germany

Check out my address in Watchers: 0x00
Maurice Le Cordier mauriceLC92

Yellow Card Financial Cape Town, South Africa

w0z Jnr-Woz
Perpetually curious, I'm only human
Nevena nevizaf
Part of the @LimeChain team | Passionate about Blockchain & Web3 Innovation


Ramiro ramidecodes
Founder & Chief Technologist at Rami Labs | Passionate about Web3, AI, Pixel Art and everything in between.

Rami Labs Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Jiro Matsumoto codeninja819
Web3 or Nothing

@hashninjas Tokyo, Japan

safesuk b5710546232
An engineer - Build stuff with a leap of faith 🕸️ 🕷️

@safesuk-dev Thailand

Yijia Chen Yijia-Chen
chief meditator @curio-research
